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by Morat
Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:23 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Design of Co-Op Board Games and Card Games
Replies: 68
Views: 11349

I've heard good things about Mage Knight, but I've never played it. I've only played it a few times, but it really didn't wow me. One of the major mechanics is WoF. I have no problem with that, but the randomness isn't "Which attack can I make this round?" It's "Do I get to attack or...
by Morat
Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:02 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Design of Co-Op Board Games and Card Games
Replies: 68
Views: 11349

See, you missed Arkham's biggest problem. Yes, it's bloated and fiddly and takes forever, but the really annoying bit is that it's a co-op game without cooperation. Everyone has the same goal, but you fight alone, you encounter strange happenings alone, and you take portals to other worlds alone. Ev...
by Morat
Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:53 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Japanese vs Western "weirdness" in games
Replies: 109
Views: 17955

You got gay romance games like Blue Rose, but that's only even questionable content if you're homophobic or you think the idea of role playing "romance" with your gaming buddies is unappealing. It's kind of amazing what a fucking beacon for flames that game turned into, and for all the wr...
by Morat
Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:32 am
Topic: [Politics]The Right to Arm Bears in a Crowded Theater
Replies: 657
Views: 59888

I guess because not very long ago the NRA was totally fine with background checks?
by Morat
Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:28 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Mechanics that just don't work
Replies: 40
Views: 11340

But more officially, as I understand it, the Rokugan's Roll & keep system, is apparently rather unsalvageable, though I never really found a detailed answer as to why however. Okay, so it's a stat + skill, keep stat system. So when you roll, say, a sword attack, you take your agility 3 and swor...
by Morat
Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:14 am
Topic: [Non-political] News that makes you Laugh/Cry/Both...
Replies: 3480
Views: 458430

What is the whole deal with this mentality??? There has never been a point in time when America existed as a monolithic faith or some whole of morality - there have always been groups with differing beliefs. Do you know what united them? The belief that there was room for everyone in spite of their...
by Morat
Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:37 pm
Topic: Can someone explain to me what's going on in Greece?
Replies: 385
Views: 53538

Part of me thinks that the ECB needs to backstop Cyprus' deposit insurance by just guaranteeing all accounts up to 100k eurozone-wide. The rest of me thinks that since the ECB is apparently run by idiots, their guarantee would be worth precisely dick. Maybe the US government should just unilaterally...
by Morat
Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:11 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Storygaming: So, how do you define it?
Replies: 8
Views: 3467

"Story Games" is a term from the Forge. As such, it doesn't actually mean anything. The Forge specialized in coining words that sounded like they meant something but then "defining" them with rambling twenty thousand word essays that were not internally consistent. That should b...
by Morat
Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:50 am
Topic: Can someone explain to me what's going on in Greece?
Replies: 385
Views: 53538

This seems remarkably relevant. And will probably remain that way for a long time to come. But that does raise the point: why can't the money that has "disappeared" (given it is not real) just be whipped back up into existence by typing it in? I'm not convinced that just crediting banks w...
by Morat
Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:18 am
Topic: Can someone explain to me what's going on in Greece?
Replies: 385
Views: 53538

Agreed, but I don't see an obvious stopping point. Of course, it'll peter out at some point, but since imposing idiotic economic policies and sustaining them in spite of all evidence that they're not working seems to be the hip thing in Europe these days, there's no rational reason for either Cyprio...
by Morat
Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:44 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: TTRPGs should punish people who play DMFs.
Replies: 271
Views: 29094

You make effectively a spot vs. stealth check, and the book's suggestion for failure is a twist that a snake has eaten the merchant and will shortly thereafter attack the patrol. That doesn't make any sense. I presume that the snake is very large, because it's big enough to eat the merchant, but ev...
by Morat
Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:41 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: TTRPGs should punish people who play DMFs.
Replies: 271
Views: 29094

But that's not the same as letting you fail, is it? There are already enough games where almost everyone wins. We call them "all the RPGs on the market." See, I'd read MG as saying that you are permitted to fail and that it doesn't need to end the story. Like most RPGs, there's the one-ro...
by Morat
Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:15 am
Topic: Will Fox News ever stop fellating Paul Ryan?
Replies: 15
Views: 3627

Well, they won't forget he existed, they'll forget he had a political career and hire him as a commentator.
by Morat
Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:49 am
Topic: Cold Fusion, a possibility maybe even in the near Future?
Replies: 4
Views: 1223

There are tabletop fusion reactors, like the Farnsworth Fusor, that genuinely and reliably produce fusion reactions. They just don't come remotely close to generating net power, so they're primarily used as a neutron source or an expensive hobby rather than, like, changing the world. And there are r...
by Morat
Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:52 am
Topic: It's Personal...
Replies: 4839
Views: 641585

Major lightning storm in Oakland, CA (USA) right now. I'm posting from a covered enclosure outside while the elements pound around me. Pretty cool. Every half-minute or so the whole area gets lit up by lightning. You can hear the thunder 3-4 seconds after, usually. I went for a walk earlier and my ...
by Morat
Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:11 pm
Topic: Why the Commerce Department?
Replies: 80
Views: 11447

If you live with your parents, you don't get to boast about how you went out and bought a brand new luxury car in cash. It may be true, but you wouldn't have been able to do it if someone else weren't paying for rent. I guess that the difference: I'm okay with people bragging about not having a car...
by Morat
Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:16 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Segregated Xp, Yay or Nay?
Replies: 22
Views: 3018

Isn't that essentially what Burning Wheel does for advancement? Or at least very similar? BW is something like "make a number of skill checks of varying difficulties, when you've accumulated enough, skill goes up." Mouse Guard, a simplified variant, is just "accumulate successes and ...
by Morat
Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:58 am
Topic: Cryptocurrency: is it worth it?
Replies: 184
Views: 35185

As far as I can be bothered to understand, it involves calculating shit until all the bitcoins are "found", at progressively decreasing rates. There's a fixed amount of it. So it's a commodity currency, like gold. Only not, because instead of being "not worth as much as a commodity as...
by Morat
Mon May 30, 2011 7:46 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - 3rd Edition
Replies: 14
Views: 5044

Re: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - 3rd Edition

4) The dice are a mixed bag. I think it's faster to pick up the dice than to calculate and re-calculate various bonuses, but actually figuring out the result takes more time. Figuring out the results take longer, and having so many dice often results in them flying all over the place. The weird dic...
by Morat
Sat May 21, 2011 5:19 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Character advancement currencies
Replies: 16
Views: 2666

Mouse Guard uses a (better) variant of skill successes. It ditches the rolls and just has the skill improve when the player accumulates successes equal to the new skill level and failures equal to the current level. I don't necessarily think it is the bee's knees as far as advancement goes, but mark...