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by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:51 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Why alignment in D&D sucks
Replies: 42
Views: 8132

Slightly off topic, but: "Neutral" should not be a positive statement. "True Neutral" means that you have no strong feelings one way or the other, not that you "seek balance" (which is nonsensical). There should not be neutral paladins, Talismans of Pure Neutrality, or ...
by Hieronymous Rex
Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:32 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: XP
Replies: 15
Views: 2182

While playing SW:Saga, and using it's Destiny system, I realized that I much rather just use it rather than the book's XP system. The idea is, you set a major goal for yourself, approved by the GM, and when you succeed, you advance. In Saga, it was so varying benefit unrelated to your level; in my v...
by Hieronymous Rex
Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:48 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Yet another D&D resource management scheme idea.
Replies: 67
Views: 6851

For maximum lack of book keeping, you could make encounter-type abilities burn HP (a large amount, such that you can't effectively use it more than once per fight). Doing that would mean that you would have to ditch the D&D paradigm of "combat healing is cheap and plentiful". Not real...
by Hieronymous Rex
Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:27 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Yet another D&D resource management scheme idea.
Replies: 67
Views: 6851

For maximum lack of book keeping, you could make encounter-type abilities burn HP (a large amount, such that you can't effectively use it more than once per fight). This would remove the need to track the Encounter_Power_Used variable by folding it into HP. On the other hand, it would break the patt...
by Hieronymous Rex
Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:20 pm
Forum: It's My Own Invention...
Topic: Need to make new class, have no idea what to make.
Replies: 26
Views: 7014

Didn't someone already redo binders?
by Hieronymous Rex
Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:35 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

Ok, here's a new question. Should murder as sacrifice be more evil than other forms of murder? Should worshipping an evil god or demon be considered an evil act? Especially since there are actually neutral reasons to do so? (worship to appease, namely. Though worship beyond the corruption of a god ...
by Hieronymous Rex
Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:04 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

Protection from Evil, Smite Evil, dictum, PrC entry, etc. It may not have internal mechanics, but it's definitely a reserved keyword. We were talk specifically about the system tracking individual actions as WoD does; in 3.x unless you're a paladin, there are no strong rules about your actions chan...
by Hieronymous Rex
Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:12 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

why do we need a mechanical system for alignment (aside from paladins smiting things I mean) seriously if you want a system where morality matters then play wod because d&d just isn't good at it Not every game needs mechanics for alignment, true, but Prak is asking for a way to play a game like...
by Hieronymous Rex
Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:10 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

First: should alignment points be resistable? Dragon magazine did redemption/temptation points. The way they worked was that when a "conflicted" character (I guess one that did something against their alignment) did a redemptive or tempting act, like, say, hugged their little sister (yes,...
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:57 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

Is Prak is OK with the added complexity, a separate Nice/Nasty track might work. Also, you can call yourself Nasty Good.
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:27 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

Being neither nice nor an asshole most of the time. If you are nice for half the week and a complete tool the other half, you aren't neutral, you're bipolar. But "bipolar" isn't anywhere on a morality track. Unless your saying that it should be? I see no reason that such a person can't ju...
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:43 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

At the very least, I hope you avoid the case where being "neutral" consists of being nice half of the time and being an asshole half of the time.
I don't get your meaning. What else would it be?
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:10 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Fable, D&D, and Alignment Points (I'm going to regret this.)
Replies: 66
Views: 7250

I'm with Chamomile. In playing Star War D20 for a long time, I've come to dislike the Dark Side point system, since it's bean counting and leads to questions like "how many DSPs does the Emperor have?". When you perform an evil act, if it is significantly more evil than any of your previou...
by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:35 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: [D&D 3.5] The Unconventional Wisdom of the Den
Replies: 506
Views: 76330

It maybe dumb, but it was a bone thrown to the "hurr Religion is EVIL" militant atheist fuckheads to make them shut up and play the damn game. Do not want your stupid political opinion in a gaming thread. Please whine about things that are obviously false somewhere else. Spell Focus Evil....
by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:28 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Is giving DMF classes gestalting from a list a solution?
Replies: 15
Views: 2060

Yes, I understand why the fighter is bad, Heironymous. The entire point of this thread was to discuss whether gestalting was a solution to the mechanical problems of the class. We do not need to fill another thread with "Fighter class is bad, mmkay?" and "No, no, these are So and Sos...
by Hieronymous Rex
Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:08 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Is giving DMF classes gestalting from a list a solution?
Replies: 15
Views: 2060

It would be simpler to give rogues better BAB and HP. The problem with the fighter class is that it should not exist along side classes like rogue, assassin, ranger, barbarian, etc because they are all "Fighter + a theme". The "fighter" class is left as "martial character wh...
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:45 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Crafting minigames
Replies: 24
Views: 7692

Like PL, I hate and have always hated having to roll to craft, especially in the torturous "roll over and over" system given in the PHB. That being said, here are some preliminary alternate rules: As long as you have the relevant Craft skill, you may pay only half the cost (that is, the co...
by Hieronymous Rex
Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:17 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Giving VAHs/DMFs Magic Item Gift Cards is a non-solution.
Replies: 118
Views: 20927

1.) I suppose the easiest way to attack this statement would be to say that few wizard players would throw a bitch-fit if they changed the flavor-text to the spells being all in the wizard's heads or exacting gestures and just threw out the spellbook. This is not true for the DMF, whom isn't allowe...
by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:05 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Giving VAHs/DMFs Magic Item Gift Cards is a non-solution.
Replies: 118
Views: 20927

the idea of someone getting powers from equipment and then saying out of the other side of their mouth that they got this far with human effort and strength is. This statement can be applied to wizards as well. They get their powers from equipment , which is specific to their class. Did Iron Man no...
by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:37 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Giving VAHs/DMFs Magic Item Gift Cards is a non-solution.
Replies: 118
Views: 20927

Defining a fighter by his equipment is entirely viable within limitations, that is, when that equipment is limited to them ("Fighter-Only" or especially "You-Only"). If you deny this, you deny that the Green Lantern, Blue Beetle III, Iron Man, Thor, King Arthur, and the Master Ch...
by Hieronymous Rex
Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:02 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: FATAL review?
Replies: 34
Views: 20636

Prak Anima wrote:If you're an animal trainer, wander around and beat animals into submission
Isn't that the the standard method in most RPG, tabletop or otherwise?
by Hieronymous Rex
Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:15 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The RPG?
Replies: 52
Views: 17516

Ponycraft 2

While we're at it, Shaolin Showdown, Flapjack, and Adventure Time are good shows.
by Hieronymous Rex
Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:00 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The RPG?
Replies: 52
Views: 17516

Double Post
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed May 25, 2011 6:10 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: I waste it with my crossbow! Until the end of time!
Replies: 74
Views: 16346

Wait -- so "gotta catch 'em all" means "gotta catch all 6"? That's lame. That's... not what I said at all. You do catch everything you see. You keep 6 of them with you at a time, and can (and commonly do) swap them out in town. The game is driven by type interaction, so (especia...
by Hieronymous Rex
Wed May 25, 2011 2:45 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: I waste it with my crossbow! Until the end of time!
Replies: 74
Views: 16346

I've never played Pokemon, but wouldn't you tend to evolve/train/whatever a handful of your monsters to the exclusion of all others? Since you can catch new pokemon at higher levels, it isn't the same as "if you try to use a different weapon, you start with no skill". Depending on what le...