[Tome] Prestige Classes

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[Tome] Prestige Classes

Post by Koumei »

Two of these I wrote up while waiting for sleep meds to kick in (but was planning on writing them up for a while). The other one was during a break in a jobseeking class.

Yes, I know the Enlightened Disciple is missing a few things. I'm still working on it, but feeling a bit brain-dead at the moment.

Enlightened Disciple of Wel Hung Temple, Long Wang Province [Tome of Virtue]

I am Enlightened. You are not.

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (the Planes) 8 ranks
Special: any Enlightenment ability
Feats: Insightful Strike and/or Zen Archery

HP: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort, Ref and Will
Hey, it's an Outsider!
1Wings of Flight, Hair of Vines
2Daylight, Halo of Flames
3Enlightenment: Eschew Worldly Possessions, Dig a Hole
4Wings of Deflection, Koan of the One-Eyed Monk
5Koan of the Inquisitive Student, Quantum Stance
6Enlightenment: We Are All Connected, Fill it Up
7Tibetan Butterfly Technique, Wings of Searing Light
8Beating of Enlightenment, Quantum Cat Mantra
9Enlightenment: Transcendence, Zen Fist
10The Barrier That Wasn't, Kill Buddha

Wings of Flight: the Enlightened Disciple gains a pair of ethereal wings that grant Good Flight at a speed of 40' per round. For every additional set of wings gained, add +20' of speed.

Hair of Vines: the hair of the Enlightened Disciple becomes vines and flowers. Animals and Plants will never attack her.

Daylight: the Disciple constantly emits Daylight as per the spell, as a Supernatural Ability. She may choose to suppress this ability at will.

Halo of Flames: a halo of fire forms over the head of the Enlightened Disciple. Anyone who grapples with her or strikes her with a melee weapon takes fire damage equal to 1d6 plus her character level, plus her Wisdom modifier.

Enlightenment: Eschew Worldly Possessions: at this stage, the Disciple can create items worth up to 15,000 GP as per a Wish, at will, requiring only a minute of meditation. They also need not eat or drink. To use this ability, the Disciple must not own any currency or precious metals. Personal equipment is exempted from the restriction. This is a flavour thing, so use common sense.

Dig a Hole: by touching an unattended object, the Disciple may cause a Disintegrate effect as a Supernatural ability at will. This only affects objects and terrain, not creatures. Doing this removes all mental ability damage and ability drain, as the act of digging a hole for no purpose other than to dig a hole helps them reach a state of peace.

Wings of Deflection: the Enlightened Disciple grows a second pair of ethereal wings. She gains a +4 Deflection bonus to Armour Class, +2 for having another pair of wings already, and this improves by another +2 for every other pair of wings she gains.

Koan of the One-Eyed Monk: by threatening people with violence, the Disciple is able to cause others to reach their own Enlightenment. If she can beat the foe's modified level check with an Intimidate check, then even if the foe is immune to Fear or Intimidation, she still bestows a Suggestion upon them, however they are entitled to a save.

Any time she is able to make a Demoralise check (such as demoralising foes who see her slaughter an enemy, if she has the relevant feat), she may use this ability, rolling once and applying the result to the check of every foe who could be affected.

Koan of the Inquisitive Student: upon successfully striking a foe in melee combat, the Disciple may merely rap them on the head. This causes zero damage, but causes them to lose their Dexterity bonus to AC for one round. Within the same encounter, the Disciple may, upon successfully hitting that foe a second time, automatically turn the hit into a confirmed critical hit. They must perform the harmless rap on the head again in order to automatically critical again.

Quantum Stance: observe the Enlightened Disciple. She is not really there, merely more likely to be there than not there. Nothing is truly where we perceive it to be. The Disciple takes this to the logical conclusion: any attack against the Disciple suffers a 50% miss chance. True Seeing and such abilities to not get around this; the only way to prevent it is to have a higher Wisdom score than the Disciple.

Enlightenment: We Are All Connected: the Disciple gains an even greater understanding of life, and how hatred is a weapon we forge for others that only hurts ourselves, that the air they exhale is inhaled by their enemies, and that everything is linked together.

Any beneficial spell or effect granted to the Disciple or any of her allies she can see is instead, at the Disciple's option, granted to the Disciple and any number of her allies she can see. Additionally, any foe who subjects the Disciple (or any ally in a square the Disciple threatens) to an ongoing condition such as Poison, Disease, Fear, Blindness or Nausea must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the Disciple's Hit Dice + her Wisdom modifier) or also receive the same affliction, for the same duration. If the original target is immune to the effect, then the attacker takes the effect but the target does not. The target may then, as a Free Action, tell the attacker to fellate them.

Fill It Up: as a Supernatural Ability at will, the Disciple may conjure earth and minerals to fill holes, repair damaged buildings or alter the terrain. This functions as a Creation that only makes wood, earth, mud, sand, clay, non-precious stone and non-precious metal, and Fabricate that applies only to the above materials. Once per day, if the Disciple uses this ability to fill a hole created by "Dig a Hole", she gains the benefits of a Moment of Prescience.

Tibetan Butterfly Technique: once per 5 minutes of meditation (or digging holes and filling them up), the Disciple may create a Wings of Flurry (Dragon Cock? I Walk) effect in the shape of a hurricane. This may either function as normal, or be placed anywhere within 250 feet, as though the Disciple were standing at that point.

The save DC is 10 + half the Disciple's hit dice + her Wisdom modifier.

Wings of Searing Light: the Disciple grows a third pair of wings. As a Supernatural Ability at will, she may use a Standard Action to fire one ray of light per wing possessed, out to 250' each, as ranged touch attacks. Upon hitting, they each deal Fire damage equal to 1d6 + her class level + her Wisdom modifier. Undead take double damage.

Beating of Enlightenment: upon automatically scoring a critical hit with Koan of the Inquisitive Student, the Disciple can teach the foe a valuable lesson. They must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the Disciple's HD + her Wis mod) or be Stunned with realisation for 1 round, and then Cowering until someone makes an attack against them or the combat ends.

If the combat ends before they are attacked, the Disciple may elect to set the target on the path of Enlightenment, forcing another Will save (same DC) against a Suggestion to leave immediately, searching for Enlightenment. They will undertake this vague task for 1 hour per class level.

Quantum Cat Mantra: no-one can really be sure if the Disciple is dead or alive. It's not that she necessarily looks unhealthy, or is in a box, it's just that no-one can actually know for certain. The Disciple may treat herself as dead or alive or undead or any combination thereof when being subject to abilities. So she is immune to Physical Ability Damage/Drain, Energy Drain/Negative Levels, Fatigue, Poison, Disease, Death Effects and Critical Hits and so on, and is healed by Inflict spells, yet is also healed by Cure spells, and cannot be Turned/Rebuked.

Enlightenment: Transcendence: the Disciple is no longer a normal mortal creature. She becomes Ageless, and can only die by being killed. However, she is so hardcore she wouldn't die even if you killed her: she rises again 24 hours later unless the body is hacked apart and burned, the ashes then scattered into an Unhallowed land.

Zen Fist: the actions of the Disciple cannot be interrupted by Immediate Actions, readied actions or attacks of opportunity. Instead, the Disciple declares her intent (such as "to make three attacks against the Hobgoblin Warlord and three against its Dragon mount"), the dice are rolled, and no attacks are actually made. However, at the end of the Disciple's turn, the targets have been attacked, actions performed and so on, just without there being a moment in time in which the actions were made. If you are confused by this, you're not Zen enough.

Additionally, she may elect to move as by teleporting - the journey has been made without a single footstep having fallen. Doing this, however, does not allow for Poetry in Motion (if she gains that class feature from another source).

The Barrier That Wasn't: the Disciple may ignore all Entanglement, Difficult Ground, Walls of Force and physical barriers. Indeed, she cannot be impeded by the terrain (yet is able to stand on solid ground, and swim in water) or Wall spells (although they can still deal damage). She can still be grappled, but gains a +8 bonus to escape the grapple.

Kill Buddha: it is said that if you should see Buddha, you must kill him. People do not become Enlightened by repeating what was done before them, they only attain Enlightenment in their own manner. The Disciple at this point becomes the Enlightened Master of Wel Hung Temple, Long Wang Province (replace all references of "Disciple" to "Master"), and gains the Half Celestial template without the Level Adjustment. The wings from the template are added to those already possessed, increasing the bonuses.

Maelstrom of Fiery Ki [Tome of Virtue]

It was a mistake to make me unhappy.... SHI SHI HOUKUDAN!

BAB: +7
Special: must possess a Super Gauge

HP: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort, Ref and Will
1Trouble Brewing, Rageblade
2Ki Burst, Taste Your Own Blood
3Tempest in a Tea Cup, Shadowrun
4Flow of Violence, Overflowing Cup of Ki
5Deadly Finishing Move, Ki Eruption

Trouble Brewing: the Maelstrom of Fiery Ki builds up a lot of Tension, the kind that can only be eased off by applying violence to other people. In the face. Whenever struck, or striking an enemy, they gain 2 Tension instead of 1.

Rageblade: when striking the subject of their Tension, the Maelstrom adds their current Tension to melee damage rolls. This is multiplied by critical hits, Leap Attack and so on.

Ki Burst: as a Standard Action, the Maelstrom may unleash a wave of burning Ki energy at her foes. This has a radius of 5' per 2 points of Tension spent, and everyone in the area takes 1d6 Fire damage per Tension spent, up to a maximum of the Maelstrom's hit dice. Only half of this may be resisted/negated. Everyone in the area is subject to a Ref save for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 the Maelstrom's HD + her Wis mod). Spending an additional 10 Tension transforms this into a Swift action.

Taste Your Own Blood: the Maelstrom practically enjoys getting smacked around now. When suffering a critical hit, a sneak attack, any [Pain] effect, or any hit that reduces her to 25% or less (including multiple little hits when already in the danger zone), she gains another 5 Tension.

Tempest in a Tea Cup: the Maelstrom of Fiery Ki may now ignore attacks from others, focusing exclusively on the one building her Super Gauge. By doing so, she gains no Tension against anyone other than the designated foe, but as a result does not lose her Tension just because someone else slaps her up. If she turns and attacks them, the Tension is lost as normal. She can opt not to use this ability at any time.

One side effect of this ability is she no longer loses her Tension after attacking a different target - the Tension is lost when the decision is made, thus preventing her from possibly being able to charge up against one person and release against another.

Shadowrun: the Maelstrom can step onto the Ethereal Plane, and thus may walk on water or, for that matter, thin air as long as she ends her turn standing on something solid. It can be a flimsy tree branch or a bamboo pole, mind you, as long as it is a solid object. Furthermore, she may step through Walls of Force, treating them merely as 10' movement per wall, and can add her Intelligence modifier to her Initiative.

If she already possesses this ability or later on gets it from continuing their life as a Sohei, she instead gains Poetry in Motion. If she manages to get that as well, then she gets a round of applause.

Flow of Violence: pain is a great teacher: it teaches us not to get hurt, usually. With a Swift Action, the Maelstrom may spend 10 Tension to gain the benefits of a single [Combat] feat for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. Only one feat may be gained at a time in this manner.

Overflowing Cup of Ki: the Maelstrom is such a tornado of fury that she gains twice as much Tension from all sources (10 from critical hits, sneak attacks, [Pain] effects and dangerously low health, 4 from hitting or getting hit).

Deadly Finishing Move: by spending 20 Tension as a Standard Action, the Maelstrom may unleash a killer Destroyer move. This attack deals an additional 2d6 damage per Hit Die of the Maelstrom, and bypasses all Damage Reduction (‌including /-) and Regeneration.

It also deals Strength Damage equal to the Maelstrom's Wisdom modifier, and the target must make either a Fortitude save or a Will save (Maelstrom's choice) or be slain instantly and completely destroyed. Not even ashes remain, and the soul is transported to the centre of the planet, on another plane (probably Hell).

It should be mandated that the player name this move and either shout it out before unleashing it, or quietly state the name after the effects take place. And adopts a cool pose, with the name written in Kanji on pieces of paper and held up next to their head by another player.

The target, if slain, does gain enough time to compose and recite a poem, however they cannot use this time for anything else. It's a poem and death, or death without sauce.

Ki Eruption: at the cost of 20 additional Tension, Ki Burst may be used as an Immediate Action, interrupting enemy actions. If an interrupted enemy takes damage from this, their action automatically fails.

Arcane Strategist [Tome of Tiamat]

Did they think they could fool a strategist like me? I have specialised in the use of fire all my life!

SKills: Knowledge (Engineering) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks and Knowledge (Tactics) 8 ranks
Spellcasting: must be able to cast 3rd level Arcane spells
Special: must have followers or an army or a [Leadership] feat.

HP: 1d6
Skills: 6+Int
BAB: Poor
Saves: Good Will to all mankind
1Move Earth, Expert Tactician+1 Level of previous class
2Delay Spell, Mass Spell 1/Day+1 Level of previous class
3Signal Spell+1 Level of previous class
4Spell Trap, Mass Spell 2/Day+1 Level of previous class
5Retributive Spell+1 Level of previous class
6Spell Beacon, Mass Spell 3/Day+1 Level of previous class
7Eight Trigrams Formation+1 Level of previous class
8Artillery, Mass Spell 4/Day+1 Level of previous class
9Conjure Battlefield+1 Level of previous class
10TACTICAL GENIUS!, Mass Spell 5/Day+1 Level of previous class

Spellcasting: Every level, the Arcane Strategist gains spellcasting abilities (caster level, spells known, spells per day) as though they had gained a level of a single previous Arcane Spellcaster class. No other abilities are gained.

Move Earth: the Arcane Strategist may cast Move Earth as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to her Int modifier.

Expert Tactician: this feat is gained as a bonus feat.

Delay Spell: the Arcane Strategist may Delay any spell they cast, except for the spells of their highest level available. A spell may be delayed by up to 3 rounds, chosen at the time of casting. After this delay, the spell goes off, just as if it had been cast only then.

Mass Spell: once per day, the Arcane Strategist may cast a Mass version of a spell, using the same spell slot as the original. This takes a full round action if it would normally take less time, or an extra full round action if it would take one round or more. The spell must be one that affects one or more targets, not an area of effect. It now affects one target per caster level. Every 2 levels, another daily use of this is granted.

Signal Spell: with a full round action, the Arcane Strategist may declare a special strategy. All allies within hearing distance can be blessed with a Contingency for when the Arcane Strategist casts a specific spell, causing them to perform a Standard, Move or Full Round Action (stated at time of preparation) as an Immediate Action.

This lasts until activated, the upcoming Dawn/Dusk/Noon/Midnight or the ability is used again (it overwrites current contingencies).

An example could be "When I cast a Mass Haste, everyone make a Full Attack Action against an enemy you can reach." or "When I Fireball the enemies, everyone Charge them".

Spell Trap: the Arcane Strategist may cast a spell as a Trap, as long as the spell usually affects an area of effect. The Trap is placed onto a 5' square and lasts until the upcoming Dawn/Dusk/Noon/Midnight, or until triggered, or until the maximum allowed is exceeded, where the oldest are removed first. The maximum allowed is the Arcane Strategist's Intelligence modifier.

Enemies can detect the trap with a Search check equal to the save DC of the spell (if it doesn't have one normally, it is 10 + spell level + Int modifier). If someone steps into the square without Disabling it first, the spell goes off, only affecting the one square. All other effects are the same.

The square being trapped has to be adjacent to the Arcane Strategist.

Retributive Spell: the Arcane Strategist may cast any Single Target spell as a Retributive spell, but may only have one up at a time. She becomes wreathed in magic for 1 minute or until struck in melee combat. If the latter occurs, the spell activates, affecting the attacker as though they were the original target of the spell.

Spell Beacon: the Arcane Strategist may cast a spell as a Spell Beacon at a range of up to 20' per class level. The square targeted glows with a pillar of light, helping to direct allies to it. Whenever one of her allies touches the square, the spell is activated. This may be any multiple target, single target or area of effect spell, and is usually used to place buffs at vital objectives to help allies hold the positions. Some strategists are not above making the spells harmful, however, effectively setting orbital bombardments on their allies.

Eight Trigrams Formation: with a Full Round Action, the Arcane Strategist can create a defensive barrier for her allies. Draw an imaginary line between every pair of allies, including the Arcane Strategist. These form Walls of Force for one round, and are filled with Acid Fog that does not affect her or her allies.

Additionally, the Arcane Strategist and her allies gain the benefits (but not the drawbacks) of a Stoneskin effect for one round. Any foe who attacks the Arcane Strategist or any of her allies during this time but fails to deal any damage automatically becomes Exhausted for one minute.

Allies in this case are only those within 50' of the Arcane Strategist, not those back home in Kansas.

Artillery: damaging spells cast by the Arcane Strategist begin to have tell-tale signs of their destructive capacity. When the Arcane Strategist casts Area of Effect spells that allow a save and primarily deal damage, her enemies may elect to dive for cover, becoming Prone and Cowering for 1 round, but automatically passing all saving throws. They can do this after rolling and failing, but doing so extends the Cowering to 2 rounds. While they remain Prone and Cowering, they continue to automatically pass saving throws against such spells cast by her.

Conjure Battlefield: once per day, the Arcane Strategist may transform the landscape into a favourable battlefield. One square mile gains the effects of Nightmare Terrain (the Arcane Strategist and her allies ignore this effect), and a trench network covers a third of the battlefield - the third closest the Strategist, providing Full Cover. Additionally, a full fortress set (as per the Warmage "Instant Fortress" ability) is conjured on her side, and spits out one Fireball per round. Finally, the middle third of the area is filled with a Stone Spikes effect.

Should a major victory be scored, this ability may be used once more on that day.

TACTICAL GENIUS! once per day, the Arcane Strategist may perform a great tactical move, selecting one of two effects:
1) She and her allies are instantly Teleported Without Error or Gated to the precise point they wish to be, with a Timestop effect taking place upon arrival.

2) A powerful magical ally is summoned, appearing anywhere the Arcane Strategist can see. Typical creatures include:
-a Remorhaz with additional HD
-a Purple Worm (no sniggering there!) with additional HD
-a Colossal Adamantine Animated Siege Tower with a Catapult on top and is clearly not a Baneblade
-a Colossal Monstrous Vermin with additional HD

The CR may be any amount up to your character level -2. The creature hangs around until one minute has passed, and usually just goes on a rampage, trying to deal as much damage to the enemy forces as possible.

This ability may be used once more in the day if a great victory is achieved.
Great Victories:
A decisive martial victory on the scale of annexing a decently-sized kingdom, or in lieu of conquest, a terror that was plaguing aforementioned decently-sized kingdom and threatened it with destruction/enslavement/more than just the heebiejeebies.

Optionally anything that involves great tactical coordination and represents the culmination of months if not years of planning and maneuvering might also qualify (for instance, courting, seducing and having sex with eight princesses at once, or convincing the entire planet to play a game of The Floor Is Lava (this can of course be really simple by actually turning the floor into lava)).
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

Wings of Flurry could work for Tibetan Butterfly Technique. Uncapped force damage and you could slap a pushback effect on it.

Maelstrom of Firey Ki and Arcane Strategist are awesome as usual. What constitutes a great victory though, for the Arcane Strategist's later abilities?
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Koumei »

It's the usual "Argue with your DM" thing. Basically, defeating an army or capturing a kingdom/territory would count, as would slaying your arch-nemesis the BBEG. Winning a regular fight would not, nor would banging the princess.

Eight princesses all at once, on the other hand, might be getting close.
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Post by TavishArtair »

You should note what a "major victory" means in scale, though. "A decisive martial victory on the scale of annexing a decently-sized kingdom, or in lieu of conquest, a terror that was plaguing aforementioned decently-sized kingdom and threatened it with destruction/enslavement/more than just the heebiejeebies. Optionally anything that involves great tactical coordination and represents the culmination of months if not years of planning and maneuvering might also qualify (for instance, courting and seducing eight princesses at once)."
Last edited by TavishArtair on Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »


Also finished:
-Tibetan Butterfly Technique (as suggested)
-Koan of the Inquisitive Student
-Beating of Enlightenment
-Kill Buddha

"If you have ice cream, I will give you ice cream,
If you have none, I will take it away from you."

-an ice cream koan
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Post by JonSetanta »

And what exactly are the Sohei abilities? Are they in Tome.
A rewrite in your own words is far better than referencing a 3.0 Oriental Adventures setting book.
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Post by Meikle641 »

She's remade the class. It's like, still on page one. Was posted just days ago.
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Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

It is not fair to reference another created ability, however. Those of us that check weekly, and read in reverse order, haven't seen it yet.
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Post by Koumei »

I fixed it, describing those abilities. I don't see it as such an issue when it's a Prestige Class for a specific Base Class (in order to qualify for Enlightened Disciple you'd need to take levels in Sohei, and they'd be in the same book) but for ease of reading here, it's done.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Perhaps the Enlightened Disciple of Wel Hung Temple, Long Wang Province should be enterable by monks; you could change the special requirement to monk [master] fighting style or enlightenment ability.

[Edit] I realize that the "round of applause" is a joke, but how about this: whenever the character scores a critical hit, she gets a 1 round time stop effect. Too overpowered? [/Edit]
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Is fill it up really needed when the EDoWHTLWP already has Enlightenment: Eschew Worldly Possessions? And is there a reason that Halo of Fire doesn't apply to the EDoWHTLWP's natural attacks (honest question, I can see why it wouldn't)?

[Edit] You might want to note that all of the wings gained by the class (including half-celestial) are invisible/ethereal. At least, I think they're cooler that way.

Also, a 15th level EDoWHTLWP (starting Wisdom 15, no stat boosters) with point blank shot, sniper, and zen archery can throw down wings of searing light at +24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+24/+24 for 1d6+31 fire each. If those all hit (they will), you're looking at an average of 276 damage. A lot of things have fire resistance at that level. For example, a CR 16 Planetar will only take an average of 196 damage (every attack hits automatically), which overkills it by a good 60 HP. The Marut is similarly instagibbed. The nightwing and nightwalker don't even stand a chance. Only the cornugon and brass dragon really stand a chance (guess why).

To put that in perspective, a 15th level halfling hurler is making 6 flask attacks for 9d6+11 each (average 255/turn); even with a wand of divine power the halfling edges ahead to 279/turn, but that's with a full attack at 15' range (rather than standard action at 250').
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Koumei wrote:I fixed it, describing those abilities. I don't see it as such an issue when it's a Prestige Class for a specific Base Class (in order to qualify for Enlightened Disciple you'd need to take levels in Sohei, and they'd be in the same book) but for ease of reading here, it's done.
Thank you very much. It would be a frequent question if a player saw this class first and didn't know of the Tome Sohei, instead seeking other adaptations of it.

Arcane Strategist reminds me of Ishida from Samurai Warriors, a character decent in AoEs but even better when you have a few seconds (or rounds, in this case) to prepare, laying down mines for your target.
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Post by Koumei »

Arcane Strategist is meant to be like Zhuge Liang Kongming/Shoukatsuryo Koumei. Crossed with CREEEEEEEED! But Ishida works too, yeah.


Fill it up: I can't think of any better ability that could still feasibly have that name, and including an ability with that name is not negotiable. If you can think of something better that fits, go for it.

Wings are not invisible, but they can be ethereal, sure. They are totally visible, like the wings of Biblical Angels (pre-smock-and-sandals, when their jobs involved laying the smack down). Speaking of Angels, whoever writes up the True Celestial thing should make sure they can look like this:


Or this:


Or even this:


Or how about this?


You added two extra attacks to the Wings of Searing Light: you spend a Standard Action, you launch one per wing. This isn't a full attack, nothing will grant you extra wings. Sure, if you play something that already has wings, you get two extra, fine.

But maybe I should specify that it works like a spell being cast, in that it's not a weapon and can't be affected by the 50 odd archery feats people take. What the fuck is up with that, anyway? There are millions of archery feats out there, even RoW offers 3 (compared to the "one" for just about any other style).

Yeah, I might allow Monks to take it too. And a Time Stop is a bit too much. I'm fine with saying "Well done. You get nothing special though." It's a *small* slap on the wrist for not planning effectively.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Koumei wrote:Fill it up: I can't think of any better ability that could still feasibly have that name, and including an ability with that name is not negotiable. If you can think of something better that fits, go for it.
My point was that once you eschew worldly possessions, you can already 'fill a hole'.

Koumei wrote:Wings are not invisible, but they can be ethereal, sure. They are totally visible, like the wings of Biblical Angels (pre-smock-and-sandals, when their jobs involved laying the smack down).
Ah, oops. I was misled by the first set of wings (ethereal), and thought that is was more of a mystic priest class than a transformative angel class.

Koumei wrote:You added two extra attacks to the Wings of Searing Light: you spend a Standard Action, you launch one per wing. This isn't a full attack, nothing will grant you extra wings. Sure, if you play something that already has wings, you get two extra, fine.
2 attacks for wings of flight, two for wings of deflection, two from wings of searing light, two from half-celestial.
Koumei wrote:But maybe I should specify that it works like a spell being cast, in that it's not a weapon and can't be affected by the 50 odd archery feats people take. What the fuck is up with that, anyway? There are millions of archery feats out there, even RoW offers 3 (compared to the "one" for just about any other style).
Archery feats apply to all ranged attacks, including spells. Yeah, you can't use rapidshot on it (you don't have the extra attack to make), but zen archery, PBS, and sniper should work fine. You could choose to create a weird exception, but it's a class for archers so you might as well try to balance it including the feats. One attack per pair of wings would tone it down a lot, while still being badass (though not quite as cool).
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Post by Koumei »

Actually I wasn't thinking of it as "a class for archers". I don't even like archers, so the chances of me intentionally making something for them are between infinitesimal and zero.

I guess I'll change it to one per pair, later on, and if people do take archer feats, I guess that's their right.

And yeah, it's one part mystic priest, one part transformative angel. Given that becoming enlightened basically is the Zen equivalent of going to heaven/becoming an angel/a god, that seems to be a good idea. And multiple pairs of wings make everything more awesome.


As I said, it's not negotiable - there is going to be an ability called "Fill it up". Sure, they're already gaining Wishes, but that's besides the point. They get an ability called "Fill it up". Dig a hole, fill it up. Dig a hole, fill it up.

If you don't get the reference, you do not watch the right TV shows and should be ashamed.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I... can't believe you've just posted EVAgirls.
My moe-gland is breaking.

You should do the archer. It's a common archetype so there is always an audience.
Make sure to include an Ina-style musou.

"You know nothing of war"
... or at least the fact that in almost all instances of open field combat, ranged attacks are superior...
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Post by Aktariel »

Enlightened Disciple Requirements wrote:Feats: Insightful Strike and/or Zen Archery
How does this work? Either they are both prerequisites, or either will suffice. I can understand conditional requirements, but there don't seem to be any in play.

Also, putting it into the Tomes, I added this flavor text:

"You came from Wel Hung Temple, in the province that was named after its residents most significant feature. You're special, for this reason. Plus, you're enlightened."
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Post by Koumei »

Haha, excellent.

As for the prerequisites, that should just read as "Feats: Insightful Strike or Zen Archery". People can take both, but don't have to. But let's face it, they will, because why not consolidate your stats?
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Post by Aktariel »

Glad you liked it. Care to provide flavor text for the other two, or should I just make it the hell up and you can be surprised? (Or keep the Lorem Ipsum I have in there now.)

That's what I assumed about the feats. Thanks for clarifying.
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Post by Koumei »

You can just make stuff up for the descriptions.
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Post by Aktariel »

Did so. More cute almost-flavor text one liners.

PS - do you not add Ex or Su or Sp tags to your abilities on purpose? Or is everything just assumed to be Ex unless you specify, "This is a supernatural ability"?
Last edited by Aktariel on Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I usually forget because I don't think about crap like that. So assume that it's (Ex) unless it seems (Su) or I remember to state otherwise.
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Post by Koumei »

So let's add some more-desu! I bet you all can't wait until they're finished.

"Oops, I multi-classed!" ones:

Ninja Pirate

"sneak sneak sneak sneak YARR!"

BAB: +5
Skills: Balance 8 ranks, Jump 8 ranks
Special: Combat-Climbing, Speed of Thought

Hit Dice: d6
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 6+Int
Good Saves: Reflex and Will
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Any), Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope

Proficiencies: none gained
1Seductive Gaze, Stealth in Audacity
2Close Quarters Fighting
3Summon Mist, Flair
5Sexy no Jutsu, Red is the New Black
6Control Ropes and Rigging
7Secret Bedroom Technique
8Blended Style
9Honour is Babbies, Rapier Wit
10Plain Cheating, Double Sexy

Seductive Gaze (Su):
At level one the Ninja Pirate gains a Charm Monster gaze attack at will, with an Int-based save DC.

Stealth in Audacity (Ex):
At level one, the Ninja Pirate discovers how to hide a rhinoceros in the room, so to speak. By performing an action that would provide a -10 penalty or worse to Disguise, Hide or Move Silently checks, or make them impossible, she instead gains a +6 Circumstance bonus. Whenever acting flat-out unstealthy, she becomes immune to True Seeing effects.

Close Quarters Fighting (Ex):
At level two the Ninja Pirate can fight normally when grappled or pinned, and does not lose her Dex bonus to AC. Effectively it's like not being grappled, except she can still be chokeslammed. Additionally, she can fight without penalty in cramped conditions. These abilities do not work when wearing medium or heavy armour.

Summon Mist (Su):
Mist is a Ninja's best friend. At level three the Ninja Pirate can call upon it, as per the spell Obscuring Mist, at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time, and the area is multiplied by four.

Flair (Su):
At level four, the Ninja Pirate learns how to be especially acrobatic in a way that helps her fight. She may do any of the following at will:
[*]Make a DC 20 Balance check when charging to slide under a foe and strike them from behind, ending the charge on the other side and treating the foe as flanked.
[*]Beat an opponent's Attack roll on an Attack of Opportunity with a Tumble check to make the attack miss and the opponent fall prone.
[*]Make a DC 20 Jump check to move over a foe who is prone or at least one size category shorter than her, gaining a single melee attack against that foe as a Free action.
[*]Walk on walls with a Balance check equal to half the distance in feet (round up), as long as she ends the movement back on horizontal ground.
[*]Make a DC 20 Tumble check to add +10' to the reach of a melee attack, optionally treating it as a ranged attack.
[*]Make a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check on a successful non-reach melee attack or any form of grapple action, to give a quick squeeze and provide a -4 Morale penalty on the opponent's attacks and grapple checks for one round.

Distraction (Ex):
At level four the Ninja Pirate learns how to distract people. If someone is in a square the Ninja Pirate threatens, then she is considered to be flanking them, no matter what direction an attack comes from. Additionally, whenever she strikes a foe, she gains the Edge against them until they strike her.

Sexy no Jutsu (Su):
Starting at level five, by spending a Full Round Action making indecent gestures, the Ninja Pirate may cause a Suggestion or Hold Person effect on a target who can see her and fails a Will save (Int-based). Additionally, if the target passes the save, they still take a -3 penalty on Will saves for one round and suffer 5d6 Non-lethal damage.

Red is the New Black (Ex):
At level six, the Ninja Pirate seems completely acceptable in her adventuring garb. She is considered unarmed (socially, not in combat terms), suitably dressed, stylish and fashionable for all occasions - whether at a ball hosted by the king, at an executive business meeting, or in the bedroom.

Control Ropes and Rigging (Su):
Starting at level six, the Ninja Pirate can control ropes exactly like an Erinyes.

Secret Bedroom Technique (Su):
At level seven, the Ninja Pirate learns secret Ninja skills that would be forbidden if Ninjas didn't find them so funny. Firstly she may, with a Standard action, create a magic dust that if inhaled or consumed (it dissolves in liquid) creates an Emotion: Love (or Lust or Trust) effect*. The save DC is Int-based, and the powder becomes useless after one hour if not used. Secondly, no sexual encounter with her ever needs to be played out, as the partner(s) automatically have "a very good time" and their attitude changes to Fanatical.

Love/Trust: The enchanted creatures react more positively toward others. Their attitude shifts to the next more favorable reaction (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or friendly to helpful). Emotion (love/trust) dispels emotion (hate).

Lust: The enchanted creatures react Fanatical for the caster in regards to sexual offers. They take a -3 penalty on all other actual actions, however.

Blended Style (Su):
At level eight, the Ninja Pirate learns to focus on moving about while preventing foes from doing so. Indeed, she learns how to steal their movement. As a Swift action, she may make a Sleight of Hand check with a DC equal to the opponent's Armour Class. If she succeeds, she gains an additional Move action that round, while the opponent is Staggered for the round.

Honour is Babbies (Ex):
At level nine, the Ninja Pirate learns to break the rules. If a foe has fallen Prone, her attacks automatically hit them. If she focuses all attacks against this fallen foe, they must make a Fort save (Dex-based DC) or become Helpless from pain for 1 round.

Rapier Wit (Ex):
At ninth level, the Ninja Pirate learns to say hurtful, witty things in combat. When attacking a foe she has the Edge against, the Ninja Pirate may make Bluff checks instead of Attack rolls, and enjoys a doubled threat range (which does not stack with Improved Critical or similar feats, but DOES stack with Keen).

Plain Cheating (Ex):
At level ten, the Ninja Pirate shows how to fight completely dirty. As a Swift action she may make an attack against any creature not immune to Critical Hits. If she hits, it is resolved as a Critical Hit and the target must make a Fort save (Int-based) or be Nauseated for 1d6 rounds.

For the record, it could just as easily be a punch to the windpipe or poke in the eyes, it doesn't have to be a kick to the bollocks.

Double Sexy (Su):
At level 10, the Ninja Pirate is as sexy as a Ninja AND a Pirate, added together. Anyone who looks at her for the first time in a day must make a Will save (Int-based) or be Stunned for one round, and have a 50% miss chance when attacking her (which lasts for the rest of the day). They will get the impression there were twins, afterwards.

Pirate Ninja
See: Ninja Pirate (should be included for the sake of completeness)

"Like X, but different/specialised" ones:

Chaos Sorcerer

"Hahaha, surprised you couldn't steal my soul? I sold mine to Chaos centuries ago."

Skills: Know (Planes) 8 ranks
Special: Whispers, one Psionic Discipline
Alignment: any Chaotic

Hit Dice: d6
BAB: Medium
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saves: Reflex and Will
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Intimidate, Know (Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device

Proficiencies: the Chaos Sorcerer gains proficiency with Heavy Armour
1Mark of Chaos, Runescribed Armour
2Fleshbound Familiar, Mental Fuel
3Timeless Body, Word of Change
5Additional Psychic Discipline
6Personal Icon of Chaos
7Gift of Chaos, Summon Daemons
8Too Useful to Die
9Daemonic Possession
10You Are the Demons

Mark of Chaos: (Ex)
At level one, the Chaos Sorcerer is actually marked by the forces of Chaos and Evil, a symbol appearing somewhere on his body. This allows him to take [Fiend] feats that he otherwise meets the requirements of, and grants a +6 Enhancement bonus to Intimidate/Diplomacy when dealing with Chaotic Evil Outsiders. Additionally, select one ability, based on the ruinous power that claimed him:
[*]Baphomet: Bellow (as per Baphomet)
[*]Dagon: Doomsong (as per Dagon)
[*]Demogorgon: Insanity Gaze (as per Demogorgon)
[*]Fraz-Urb'Luu: Programmed Image (Sp) once per day
[*]Graz'zt: Symbol of Persuasion (Sp) once per day
[*]Juiblex: Create Slime (as per Juiblex)
[*]Kostchtchie: Stunning Blow (as per Kostchtchie)
[*]Malcanthet: Profane Beauty (as per Malcanthet)
[*]Obox-Ob: Discordant Drone (as per Obox-Ob)
[*]Orcus: Summon Undead (as Orcus, automatically roll minimum)
[*]Pale Night: Embrace (as per Pale Night)
[*]Pazuzu: Locust Breath (as Pazuzu)
[*]Yeenoghu: Power Word: Stun (Sp) once per day
[*]Zuggtmoy: Summon Fungi (as Zuggtmoy)

Runescribed Armour (Ex):
At level one, the Chaos Sorcerer starts to be eternally clad in strange armour. Any armour he wears becomes covered in glowing runes, granting Heavy Fortification, and dealing 2d6 Force damage to anyone who strikes him with a melee attack. Anyone reduced below zero HP in this manner is slain, their soul sucked into the armour and used to heal 20 HP of damage dealt to the Chaos Sorcerer.

Fleshbound Familiar (Ex):
At level two, a special familiar grows on the Chaos Sorcerer's body, whether he consents to it or otherwise. This is treated as a Fiendish Familiar (Fiendish Codex), though the Psychic doesn't suffer from the drawbacks: he enjoys them. The familiar has Basic access to one sphere of the Psychic's choice, but generally only uses the spell-like abilities to serve its own interests. the Psychic should always remind it "If I die, you die" to help it co-operate.

Mental Fuel: (Su)
At level two, the Chaos Sorcerer also gains the ability to overcharge his powers by fuelling them with his own mental power, however this is risky. Every option requires a number of risk dice to be rolled - 1d6 per risk die. Each 1 rolled causes the Untamed Psychic to be Dazed for one round, even if he is immune to being Dazed.
[*]Concussion: all affected targets in an area of effect power must make a Reflex save or be hurled to the edge of the effect in the most logical direction, and once at the edge, travel that distance again, before landing prone. If anything prevents them from moving, they take 1d6 damage for every 10' they failed to move. 1 risk die
[*]Irresistible: Evasion, Improved Evasion, Mettle and Improved Mettle do not apply against the power, and it ignores any cover less than full. 1 risk die
[*]Widen: the area of effect is doubled in size. 2 risk dice
[*]Empower: all damage is multiplied by 1.5. 2 risk dice
[*]Weakening: anyone affected must make a Fortitude save or take a -6 Morale penalty to Strength for 1 minute. 2 risk dice
[*]Sickening: anyone affected must make a Fortitude save or become Sickened for 1 minute. If already Sickened, a failed save makes them Nauseated for 3 rounds. 3 risk dice
[*]Scary: anyone affected must make a Will save or become Shaken for 1 minute. If already Shaken, a failed save makes them Frightened for 1 minute. If already Frightened or Cowering, a failed save makes them Panic for 3 rounds. 3 risk dice

Timeless Body (Su):
At level three, the Chaos Sorcerer stops ageing. He gains no bonuses or penalties for age, and has an infinite lifespan, though he can still be killed.

Word of Change (Sp):
At level three, the Chaos Sorcerer gains the ability to speak a word infused with Chaos that causes a listener to devolve into entropy. This requires a Standard action, and affects one target out to 30 feet. They must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half hit dice + Cha) or be transformed as per the touch of a Chaos Beast, with all the risks (such as permanent formlessness). This is a Transmutation effect.

Vortex (Sp):
At level four, the Chaos Sorcerer learns how to tear open rifts into Hell. He may cast Abyssal Maw as a spell-like ability once per hour (DC 10 + half hit dice + Cha).

Additional Psychic Discipline (Su):
At level five, the Chaos Sorcerer gains access to another Psychic Discipline.

Personal Icon of Chaos (Ex):
At level six, the Ruinous Power bestows a personal symbol of power upon the Chaos Sorcerer, granting one of the following (based on the individual power):
[*]Baphomet: Breath Weapon (as per Baphomet, 1 die of damage per hit die), cast Maze 3/day and Awaken 1/day as spell-like abilities
[*]Dagon: Freedom of Movement and Form of Madness (as per Dagon), Horrid Wilting and Symbol of Insanity 3/day as spell-like abilities
[*]Demogorgon: second head with Beguiling Gaze and Hypnosis Gaze (as per Demogorgon), Feeblemind 3/day as spell-like ability
[*]Fraz-Urb'Luu: Inscrutable (as per Fraz-Urb'Luu), Summon Monster (Class Level, maximum IX) 1/day as spell-like ability
[*]Graz'zt: Dominate Person, Empowered Unholy Blight and Trap the Soul 1/day as spell-like abilities
[*]Juiblex: Ooze Traits, Amorphous, Engulf and Dissolve (as per Juiblex), Despoil 1/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Kostchtchie: Rage, Rock Throwing and Rock Catching (as per Kostchtchie), Harm 1/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Malcanthet: Seductive Gaze and Reflect Enchantment (as Malcanthet), Mind Fog 3/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Obox-Ob: Form of Madness (as per Obox-Ob), Creeping Doom and Quickened Giant Vermin 3/day as spell-like abilities
[*]Orcus: gains a Wand of Orcus (and is treated as a 15 HD Outsider when touching it), Quickened Enervation 3/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Pale Night: Truth Beyond the Veil (as per Pale Night), Imprisonment 1/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Pazuzu: Acid Breath (1d6 per HD), Aura of Servile Avians and Summon Avians (as per Pazuzu), Plane Shift 3/day as a spell-like ability
[*]Yeenoghu: gains a Triple Flail (as per Yeenoghu), Summon Ghouls and Summon Gnolls (as per Yeenoghu)
[*]Zuggtmoy: Plant Traits, Constrict and Engulf (as per Zuggtmoy), Quickened Contagion 3/day as a spell-like ability

Gift of Chaos: (Ex):
At level seven, the Chaos Sorcerer is gifted with some mighty items of power, tainted by the ruinous powers:
[*]Daemon Armour: any kind of armour, with an enhancement bonus of +1 per 3 levels (round up). The Psychic is automatically proficient with this armour. It also treats the wearer as though he possessed every single Fiendish Heritor feat, and once per day it may cast Trap the Soul independently of the Chaos Sorcerer, as a Supernatural ability (DC 10 + half his HD + his Cha), using itself as the receptacle.
[*]Possessed Blade: this may be any kind of melee weapon, and the Psychic is automatically proficient with it. it has an enhancement bonus of +1 per 3 levels (round up), and deals a temporary negative level with every successful hit. It may also store and "cast" At-Will Psionic Powers as though it were a Spellstoring Weapon. Any time the Psychic Strike is delivered through the Possessed Blade, the target must pass a Will save or be instantly slain. This is a [Death] effect. It is also a Chaotic Evil intelligent item, as though 00% was rolled on the table (thus making it the best of its kind).

Summon Daemons (Su):
At level seven, the Chaos Sorcerer gains the ability to summon Demons to help him even if he doesn't actually like them. Possibly the voices in his head summon them to protect the host. Once per day, he may summon any Tanar'ri that has a CR at least 2 less than his level. it lasts for one hour, and may not use any summoning ability of its own. On any day that he uses the Vortex ability to successfully send a living creature (with at least 8 hit dice) to Hell, he may use this ability twice that day.

Too Useful to Die (Ex):
At level eight, the Chaos Sorcerer is considered too useful to the Ruinous Powers to be sacrificed in trivial matters. Once per week, if killed by anything with a CR equal to or less than his own, he is instead not killed, his body unharmed and in fact restored to full hit points with all negative conditions removed. At the discretion of the Ruinous Power (the player), he may also be Gated away from the situation, arriving in the private domain of the Ruinous Power.

Daemonic Possession (Su):
At level nine, the Chaos Sorcerer is prone to being possessed by daemons, but it tends to actually work out in his favour, because they value keeping him alive. This ability may intentionally be used once per day, however it also automatically happens any time he is forced to sleep (so, not regular sleep periods), knocked out, rendered comatose or stunned. In the first case it lasts for one hour, in the latter case it lasts for the duration of the condition. For this duration, the following changes occur:
[*]Type becomes Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Tanar'ri]
[*]Gains a Natural Armour bonus of +6
[*]Gains a +4 Enhancement bonus to all ability scores
[*]Has a Gaze attack (Charisma-based) out to 60' that causes Panic for 1d4+1 rounds in all who fail the save.
[*]Gains two Claw attacks and a Bite attack (unless he already has them)
[*]Gains Damage Reduction 15/Good
[*]Gains Fast Healing 5
[*]Can breathe a 30' cone of poison once per minute, requiring a Fort save (Con-based) against 2d6 Con/2d6 Con
[*]Gains Winged Flight speed of 60' (Poor)

You Are the Demons (Ex):
At tenth level, the Chaos Sorcerer undergoes a transformation that alters his body substantially. His type changes to Outsider with the [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Tanar'ri] subtypes, but do not change hit points, BAB etc. Once per day, as a Swift action, he may transform into a Balor or Marilith (completely replace his character sheet with the monster write-up) for 3 rounds, before automatically changing back.

Mecha Pilot

"Come on, move it you Urgo-Gnomic Sovjet-made piece of junk!"

BAB: +3
Skills: Ride 4 ranks
Special: Blueprints for the Gatling Gun or Simple Ammo Gat

Hit Dice: d8
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saves: Fort and Ref
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Abuse Magic Device

Proficiencies: the Mecha Pilot gains proficiency with all weapons and armour gained as class features of this class.
Level:Abilities:Daily Blueprints:Charged Blueprints]
1Golem Body, Gadgets00
2Firearm Expertise10
3Illusory Display System11
4Iron Giant12
5Greater Gadgets23
6Hellfire Warheads33
7OSX, Laser Bullets33
9Greensteel Vrock-Class Titan, All Power to the Main Guns!44
10Adamantine Titan, Giga Gadgets55

Golem Body (Ex):
At first level, the Mecha Pilot develops the blueprints for the Golem Body device. It takes eight hours to build, and has 200 HP and Hardness 15, and weighs about one tonne.

When worn, this is treated as a suit of armour with the following attributes:
[*]+8 Armour Bonus to AC
[*]Counts as Magical (for things that treat magic items differently)
[*]Heavy Armour
[*]+10' Enhancement bonus to movement speed
[*]+3 Enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves
[*]Light Fortification
[*]Powerful Build is applied to the wearer, as well as Stability
[*]User gains a Trample Attack (2d6+Str for a Medium creature)
[*]Has a built-in Gatling Gun or Simple-Ammo Gat (depending on which blueprint the character has) replacing one arm
[*]Max Dex +1, ACP -6, ASF 95%

Gadgets (Ex):
The Mecha Pilot continues to learn Gadget Blueprints, although at a slower rate.

Firearm Expertise (Ex):
At second level, the Mecha Pilot becomes especially enthusiastic about giving other people his ammunition. Whenever using a Gatling Gun, Shotgun, Pump-Action, Simple-Ammo Gat, Turbine Laser, Solstice Cannon or Angry Bison Vulcan Cannon, he may fire the weapon twice per action - firing two shots from a Shotgun with one attack action, for instance, or doubling the payload of a Gatling Gun for the full three rounds. Doing so still requires the weapon to be available (Charged/unused for the day), but does not use twice as much ammunition for reasons unknown.

Illusory Display System (Su):
At third level, the Mecha Pilot develops an HUD system that utilises Scrying/Illusion magi-technology. This only applies when he pilots them, as it's an ability inherent to him, and grants the following when he pilots a Mecha:
[*]Blindsense 30'
[*]Never Flanked
[*]360 degree vision and the ability to see around corners and over hills out to 200'
[*]Darkvision 200' and Low Light Vision

Iron Giant (Ex):
At level four, the Mecha Pilot learns how to make an even larger device than before. It takes sixteen hours to build, and has 300 HP and Hardness 15, and weighs about two tonnes.

When worn, this is treated as a suit of armour with the following attributes:
[*]+13 Armour Bonus to AC
[*]Counts as Magical (for things that treat magic items differently)
[*]Heavy Armour
[*]+15' Enhancement bonus to movement speed
[*]+5 Enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves
[*]Medium Fortification
[*]Wearer becomes one size category larger for all purposes
[*]+4 Size bonus to Strength
[*]User gains a Trample Attack (3d6+Str for a Large creature)
[*]Has a built-in Gatling Gun or Simple-Ammo Gat (depending on which blueprint the character has) in addition to both arms
[*]Can Bellow (Ex) at will, forcing all in 50' to make a Fortitude save or be knocked Prone and Dazed for one round
[*]Arms are electrified claws, each dealing 1d8+Str Magical Slashing damage plus 2d6 Electric damage, with a critical value of 18-20/x2
[*]Max Dex +1, ACP -10, ASF 120%

Greater Gadgets (Ex):
At level five, the Mecha Pilot gains access to Greater Gadgets if he didn't already.

Hellfire Warheads (Su):
At level six, the Mecha Pilot develops another Daily Blueprint, that of the Hellfire Warhead. These must be loaded onto a Mecha (usually shoulder-mounts) and fired from there. Firing one requires a Standard action, and it has a maximum range of 1,000 feet. Upon impact it explodes in a 50' radius blast, dealing 1d8 damage per level (Ref half) to all in the area, and setting the entire terrain (and all who fail the save) on fire. The damage is half Fire, half Profane. Additionally, the 5' square serving as the point of impact briefly opens up a Gateway to the Lower Planes: anyone who was there must pass a Fort save or be sent to the Lower Planes.

OSX (Su):
At level seven, the Mecha Pilot develops magical technology that improves the performance of the Mecha. The following benefits are applied:
[*]Incompatible: the Mecha cannot be affected by other people's Abuse Magic Device/Disable Device checks.
[*]Optimised Performance: Max Dex increases by 2, ACP is reduced by 4, and ASF is reduced by 50%
[*]High-Res Graphics: the Blindsense now becomes Blindsight, and can once per day activate True Seeing for one minute.

Laser Bullets (Su):
At level seven, the Mecha Pilot improves most of his firearms. The Shotgun, Pump Action, Gatling Gun, Simple-Ammo Gat, Solstice Cannon and Angry Bison Vulcan Cannon all may benefit. Damage dealt is treated as Force damage, and can break Walls of Force, as well as being Super Effective against Ghosts.

Dragonmech (Ex):
At level eight, the Mecha Pilot learns a bonus blueprint: the Dragonmech.

Greensteel Vrock-Class Titan (Ex):
At level nine, the Mecha Pilot learns how to make an even larger device than before, one resembling a giant demonic penguin, dood. It takes two days to build, and has 500 HP and Hardness 15, and weighs about sixteen tonnes.

When worn, this is treated as a suit of armour with the following attributes:
[*]+20 Armour Bonus to AC
[*]Counts as Magical (for things that treat magic items differently)
[*]Heavy Armour
[*]+10' Enhancement bonus to movement speed
[*]+8 Enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves
[*]Heavy Fortification
[*]Fly Speed of 50' (Clumsy)
[*]Wearer becomes two size categories larger for all purposes
[*]+8 Size bonus to Strength
[*]User gains a Trample Attack (4d6+Str for a Huge creature)
[*]Has two built-in Gatling Guns or Simple-Ammo Gats (depending on which blueprint the character has) in addition to both arms
[*]Has a Solstice Cannon (see below)
[*]Arms are electrified blades, each dealing 2d6+Str Magical Slashing damage plus 4d6 Electric damage, with a critical value of 19-20/x3
[*]Max Dex +0, ACP -15, ASF 200%
[*]Self Destruct (Ex): as a Full Round action it can be set to Self-Destruct. Three rounds later, if it has not been destroyed, the Mecha explodes violently, dealing 3d6 Fire/Sonic damage per level to all in a 500' radius (Ref half) and leaving a charred crater.

Solstice Cannon (Daily): requires a Standard action to fire, with a range of up to 1,000 feet. It is treated as a Ranged Touch Attack that, upon hitting, forces the target to make a Fortitude save or die. If they succeed, they still take 1d6 Force damage per level and are Stunned for 1 round. Alternately, if fired at a point on the ground, it blasts through towards the core of the planet, causing a minor volcanic eruption: the square and all adjacent ones are filled with lava, and hot, toxic ash and smoke fills a 50' spread, causing 1d6 Fire damage per level to all in the area (Fort half), and those who fail the save are Nauseated for 1 round. It obscures vision, and hangs around for three rounds.

All Power to the Main Guns! (Ex):
At level nine, the Mecha Pilot becomes better at diverting energy to the weapons on Mecha. If he takes no action other than firing weapons, he gains an additional Standard action which can only be used to fire weapons.

Adamantine Titan (Ex):
At level ten, the Mecha Pilot learns how to make the pinnacle of Mecha technology. It takes one week to build, and has 1,000 HP and Hardness 20, and weighs about one thousand tonnes.

When worn, this is treated as a suit of armour with the following attributes:
  • +30 Armour Bonus to AC and DR 20/Adamantine
  • Counts as Magical (for things that treat magic items differently)
  • Heavy Armour
  • +10' Enhancement bonus to movement speed
  • +10 Enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves
  • Heavy Fortification
  • Stability
  • Wearer becomes Colossal for all purposes
  • +16 Size bonus to Strength
  • User gains a Trample Attack (8d6+Str)
  • Has two Solstice Cannons and an Angry Bison Vulcan Cannon (see below), the Vulcan replacing one arm, each fired using their normal actions and not concurrently
  • Remaining arm is a giant claw, dealing 4d6+Str Magical Slashing damage plus 8d6 Electric damage, with a critical value of 19-20/x3
  • Max Dex +0, ACP -20, ASF 9001%
  • Self Destruct (Ex): as a Full Round action it can be set to Self-Destruct. Three rounds later, if it has not been destroyed, the Mecha explodes violently, dealing 4d6 Fire/Sonic damage per level to all in a one mile radius (Ref half) and leaving a 100' radius charred crater filled with lava. It also has a 50% chance of causing an Earthquake (as per the spell).
  • Has a 50MT Bomb that can, as a Full Round action, be launched up to 20 miles away, doubled when OSX is being used (this should be always), and tripled when the High-Res Graphics are powering True Seeing. This is a single-use weapon that takes planar currency to replace.
  • Has mounts to set up to 2 additional firearms built and maintained by the Mecha Pilot, which can both be activated with the one Swift action. They cannot fire upon the same Areas/Targets as each other, but they can fire at the same targets as other weapons if the other weapons are splitting their fire.
  • Has a furnace that may expel flames over the entire battlefield once per 4 rounds as a Standard action. This affects a cone of 10' per hit die, dealing 20d6 Fire damage (Ref half) to all in the area, and causing all who suffer damage to make a Fort save or be Nauseated with pain for 1 round. As a bonus, the ground beneath them is melted into Lava for one round.
Angry Bison Vulcan Cannon (Daily):
This Gadget can only be fired from an Adamantine Titan, and even then requires a Full Round action to fire. Firstly, everyone within 200' must pass a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute, and all fragile/brittle objects in the area must save or be shattered by the noise.

Next, the actual bullets have an impact: one 100' radius spread within 1 mile (but at least 200' away) is hit, with everything in the area being torn to shreds and killed instantly on a failed Reflex save. Even on a passed save, they still take 2d6 damage per level, 4 Con damage, and are Stunned for 1d4 rounds.

50MT Bomb (Special Daily):
This Gadget must target a point, and then you roll to hit that point with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it misses, roll 1d12 to see which direction it veers off course (using positions on the clock), then roll 1d100 and multiply that by 10 feet. This is the new place where it explodes - or as soon as it makes contact with something directly in the way. Upon exploding, it creates a 15,000 foot radius, 140,000' tall pillar of flame. Everything within this suffers 10 Fire damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half, and anything that is not immune to this damage must then make a Fort Save or be vaporised, effectively Disintegrated. This digs a crater 1,000 feet deep, and turns the ground at the bottom into lava for 1d6 hours. Between 15,005 and 30,000 feet from the centre, the damage is merely 5 per level, and there is no need to save against Disintegration. Out to 195,000 feet, it is a paltry 1d6 Fire damage per level, decreasing to a flat 20 Fire damage for those out to 328,000 feet away. For one round per level, everything out to 60,000 feet on the ground level is hit by an Earthquake (as the spell), and everything out to 30,000 feet is hit by tornado force winds, decreasing to hurricane strength out to 60,000 and windstorm out to 130,000 feet. For an hour following the explosion, the central Column is full of thick smoke and radioactive fallout, reaching a mushroom dome at the top of the column, 33,000 feet tall and 500,000 feet in diameter. The usage of this constitutes an expenditure of potentially limited planar resources, and also can draw the ire of various planar forces, albeit ones not Immune to Fire are unlikely to voice much of an opinion.

Giga Gadgets (Ex):
At level ten, the Mecha Pilot gains access to Giga Gadgets if he didn't already.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

"stealth in audacity" = "With Cat-like Tread".
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Post by Koumei »

Okay, so the Pirate Ninja and Ninja Pirate are complete.

Chaos Sorcerer is totally Thousand Sons/C&D from GW in 5... 4...

Also complete.

Mecha Pilot: expect the various designs to be:
Golem Body: power armour deal, smaller than a Gundam or Arm Slave
Iron Giant: Gundam, Mazinger or Gekiganger III
Vrock-Class Titan: it's Prinny, dood!
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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