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Post by Username17 »

Now that we have some rules for Shinjing, we can complete the despair discipline.

Trail of Tears
Bitterest of all is not the sorrow but to have one's sorrows ignored.

The Trail of Tears is a magical discipline which harvests the power of misery. In the Deep Astral there is a liquid that is literally created by the fact that sadness exists. This material is called the Tears of Maya, even though in a very real way it is the psychic residue of human sorrow from the Material World. Those who follow the Trail are incredibly good at finding the clouds in life. They gain a +2 bonus to argue against any proposal, fact, or course of action. At Advanced, this negativity increases to +4, and at Elder the ability to speak against things rises to a full +6 bonus.

Basic Disciplines
  • Curse of Failure Using astral sorcery, the character curses a victim to have luck abandon them at a later date. If the character succeeds on an opposed Willpower + Sabotage or Willpower + Rigging check that takes a Simple Action, evil magic hangs like a dark cloud of misery over the target's head. At any later date, the character may reactively end this curse to force the victim to reroll all hits on a test. The Curse of Failure is totally covert, all the character actually does is look at the victim funny and the sorcery has no overt special effects (although it can be detected as normal Astral magic).
  • Pain Drops Tiny drops fall at the target, dampening not their skin but their pride. The character spends a simple action to direct Tears of Maya to fall at a target, and makes an Agility + Combat or Willpower + Rigging test to make a standard ranged attack. Pain Drops have a damage rating equal to the character's Willpower, and are soaked with Willpower rather than Strength. Pain Drops cause only illusory damage, and while they cause wound penalties and even incapacitation, they do not actually kill or wrap around into lethal damage. Virtual damage from Pain Drops fades in an hour.
Advanced Disciplines
  • Dark Night of the Soul By spending a complex action belittling the target, the character can provoke a Despair Frenzy in them. The character makes an opposed Willpower + Sabotage or Willpower + Intimidate test against the target's Willpower, and if successful the victim enters an immediate Despair Frenzy (regardless of their Master Passion, if any). This ability is largely covert, as it does not appear that the character did anything other than behave in a rude and perhaps senselessly cruel fashion towards the victim.
  • Water Prison With a complex action and a power point, water can be manipulated into three dimensional shapes that hold their form and are strong as steel. Actually capturing someone with titular prison made of water requires a ranged combat test using Agility + Combat or Willpower + Rigging. Grasping water has a Strength equal to the character's Willpower.
Elder Disciplines
  • Astral Projection Activating Astral Projection sends a character and possibly their friends into the deep or shallow Astral or back to the material world. Anything the character carries as well as a circle of hand holding creatures up to the character's Willpower in number (and everything they are carrying as well) shifts across the worlds with the character. Astral Projection requires a Complex Action and a power point.
  • Object of Envy The character can reach into a target's mind and create some physical thing that the target deeply desires. This can be something as simple as a sandwich or as complex as a whole person. This costs a power point regardless of how elaborate or abstractly valuable it is. Electronics created in this way don't function super well because they are made out of evil magic even more so than a modern operating system normally is. A person created in this way is always an Extra with no edge stat or supernatural powers. They are otherwise able to pass as the actual person they are based upon (if any), though they are preternaturally disposed towards evil and cruelty and are under the control of the character who made them. The character makes a Charisma + Expression test to set the quality of the mimicry of a person; a Logic + Electronics test to set the quality of created electronics; and an Intuition + Artisan test to set the quality of most other things. An Object of Envy so exactly duplicates a desired thing that it can set off a Greed or Love frenzy in the target from whom the desire was plucked (in general, the number of hits on the ability generates the threshold to resist the frenzy. A targeted creature can try to keep their desires to themselves, making a Willpower + Sabotage test as a reactive action – if the target gets at least as many hits as the character, the Object of Envy never takes form. When an Object of Envy is destroyed, it reverts into tears. Creating an Object of Envy takes a minute.
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Post by MartinHarper »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Love is offset by being with the one you love. This one is pretty easy to understand. You hang out with them, or whatever. You feel better about everything, you don't go crazy.
Alternately, Lust is offset by screwing someone new.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I'm a little worried that if Love is made too sexual, it will easily fall into uncomfortable territory. I, for one, am more comfortable roleplaying murderous cannibalism than rape.

Trail of Tears is a thing of beauty. A diverse and interesting power set that also holds together thematically. It makes me want to play a hedge witch--almost as much as I'd like to play Merriam Webster, the deep one bibliophile (daughter of Bibliodoolpoolp?).
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

MartinHarper wrote:
Judging__Eagle wrote:Love is offset by being with the one you love. This one is pretty easy to understand. You hang out with them, or whatever. You feel better about everything, you don't go crazy.
Alternately, Lust is offset by screwing someone new.
Not neccessarily.

Unless Greed is also part of it, the creature could very well be using the same partner as they did last time.

Love can seriously not be sexual at all. Going out for dinner; or cracking some Black Spiral Dancer's skulls open both count just as much as having a roll around in the hay with the object of your affection.

Really, all that matters is that you spend time with them. They could seriously be married, and you won't do anything that gives the traditional grounds for divorce. That's when the tragedy part kicks in.

I'm going to give Master Passion Love a crack. Feeling non-stop chest pains is a very annoying thing. The funny thing is that it doesn't always hurt. Sometimes it feels like a hole in your chest stuffed with soft down.


Master Passion Love

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.

-Neil Gaiman ”

A character with Master Passion Love is prone to excruciating, almost, paralyzing, pain. In order to cope with this pain they act in manners that are usually either violent, or self-destructive. Characters subject to love frenzy suffer what would clinically be described as "a non-stop myocardial infarction"; they feel as if their heart is dying constantly, and the pain drives them to do anything possible to assauge it. While the stress of master passion love prevents them from functioning normally, and often leaves them chronically tired, a character in the thrall of a love frenzy is terrible to watch or listen to. Alternating between fits of acute violence against whatever prevents them from being with the object of their affection, or subjecting themselves to physical or chemical abuse, a lovelorn character will try to either destroy themselves, or something that prevents them from being with the one that they are in love with. A love rampage is born out of being unable to spend time with the one that the character loves, if not actual rejection by the object of their affection; the last often has terrible results, either for the object of affection, or the frenzied character themself.

Triggers for a love frenzy usually take the form of being unable to meet or see the object of their affection. Triggers to end a love frenzy are any form of contact with the object of affection, a phone call, a letter, meeting the person; or doing something that causes a negative reaction out of the object of affection (fear, disgust, rejection etc.) (often caused as a result of the frenzy). The latter may initiate a whole new love frenzy, but it usually ends the current one. Master Passion Love is the usual drive of Prometheans, but a fairly repeated drive for other creatures.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I think that a Love frenzy is supposed to be more obsessive, and is probably triggered by rejection of any sort. So an example might be that one day the current object of an android's affections says that she made other plans, so it flips out, trashes her apartment, and eventually stops frenzying after it realizes that it's killed her (baaaaaaw!). A few days later, it starts stalking someone new...
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Well, right now, being a creepy stalker that spies on someone is one way to stave off the love frenzy.

Also, rejection will also cause a frenzy; however, if the object of the love does something, or gets scared, or angry or acts differently; then the love frenzied person snaps out of the frenzy, and begins to give all of their devoted attention to the now scared, disgusted, shocked, object of affection.

The problem is that this can create a whole new frenzy, if the object of affection rejects the character again.

I really want the suicidal, drug taking, self-mutilating part of a love frenzy to be part of this as well. Seeing as all of these actions are things that have happened, and have been recorded in history as actions done by crazed people in the throes of love-related frenzy.

Romeo/Juliet kill themselves; I think that countless characters have drunk themselves under the table in order to forget, or ward off the pain of heartbreak; and fuck, Vincent Van-fucking-Goh cut his ear off with a pair of scissors because he thought it would be a good idea to impress a girl.

The character that Bradd Pitt (Louis) plays in Interview with a Vampire goes to great lengths to get himself killed by someone else, before being embraced by Lestat. Doing things like -obviously- cheating at cards, in games where people carry loaded firearms, and get furious if someone cheats.

He does this after his girlfriend/fiance/wife dies of the plague (or something). So, self-destruction should very well be a part of a love frenzy.

I've somehow got the feeling that this might be a case of the 'paty-cake' scene from "who framed roger rabbit?", as described in "the animator's survival guide" by Richard Williams (the director of animation for "who framed roger rabbit'). Specifically page 319, near the top, where he's got his handwritten notes discussing the emotion, and acting in animation.
The scene that's in the final production was directed/written/animated by a guy who was in a happy marriage who insisted on doing the scene, even though the writer didn't think he was suited for the job; the original scene was meant to be written by a guy who was not at all like the first guy who was "dying to do it"[animate the scene].

The scene was supposed to show the trauma that roger is going through, so that people can empathize with the cartoon rabbit.

"I lose the argument. Outvoted. It's wrong, but the picture feels like a hit and anyway I can't afford to be fired. Of course the result was just like all the other manic scenes- and We missed having an other dimension to the character which would have give a much stronger emotional pull with the audience."
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Fair enough.
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Post by Username17 »

I was thinking more along the line of Adam's rampage in response to loneliness or Fatal Attraction or something.

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Post by Judging__Eagle »


Those aren't really the result of love imo. There's nothing that is cared about, and access restricted, or prevented, to.

Adam's rampage due to lonliness sounds more like a despair frenzy.

Fatal Attraction could be a love frenzy, but probably one where the frenzied character remains in a constant, agressive, state. I haven't actually watched Fatal Attraction, I just know some of the plot details.

Does the character doing the obsessing ever show a glimmer of tenderness for their object of affection while raging? Really, Fatal Attraction could be a despair frenzy as well. Love frenzies are probably really uncommon.
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Post by Username17 »

JE wrote: Those aren't really the result of love imo. There's nothing that is cared about, and access restricted, or prevented, to.
Sure there is. In Frankenstein the prmary bone of contention between Adam and Frankenstein is the fact that Frankenstein refuses to go through with making Adam a wife. That's really the point at which the creature goes all crazy. I mean, let's face it: we're going for the crazy jealousy archetype, and Adam totally gets the first quote on the TV Tropes page.

I mean basically it's not about being emo and in love, it's about being a creepy jealous lover or angry jilted lover from a horror movie.

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Post by Manxome »

FrankTrollman wrote:Curse of Failure Using astral sorcery, the character curses a victim to have luck abandon them at a later date. If the character succeeds on an opposed Willpower + Sabotage or Willpower + Rigging check that takes a Simple Action, evil magic hangs like a dark cloud of misery over the target's head. At any later date, the character may reactively end this curse to force the victim to reroll all hits on a test. The Curse of Failure is totally covert, all the character actually does is look at the victim funny and the sorcery has no overt special effects (although it can be detected as normal Astral magic).
Can a victim
(1) be under the effects of two Curses of Failure at the same time?
(2) cast by the same person?
(3) and be forced to reroll hits on a single roll multiple times?

If this has no duration limit, I imagine one could build up hundreds or thousands of these on someone you see frequently and who is unable to detect them, then cause them to fail at absolutely everything they try to do should you ever have a confrontation. Even people you like, if it can't be triggered accidentally--they could always betray you or get brainwashed or something.

Incidentally, if the caster has to choose when to force a reroll, you should maybe include something about how much the caster should automatically know about what's being attempted when an opportunity comes up. Can you trigger it even if you're not observing the victim? If they're having a conversation with you, do you know that they're actually using some supernatural power (rather than a persuasion roll or something) when you decide whether to force a reroll?
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

It might be interesting if a particular character could only be affected by a one curse of a given kind at a time. To replace someone's curse with your own, you'd have to exceed her hits. This gives a built-in way for 'removing' curses. It also makes the allies of a witch effectively immune to all of the curses she knows, assuming they trust her enough to take on her maximum-strength curses. On the other hand, it makes having a coven less useful.

Long-term effects like this should either require power points and have a short (day scale) duration, or be at least as limited as one per target per caster.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Heath Robinson »

Traditionally witch covens act to put only a single, powerful, curse on the target. Perhaps some way to add teamwork benefits to the curse-giving could cover that?
Last edited by Heath Robinson on Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MartinHarper »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Love frenzies are probably really uncommon.
Love frenzies might well be more common in an RPG, given that the GM can screw over the object of your affection implausibly often. But Love does seem to offer a chance at a happy-ever-after that Greed and Despair don't.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

I actually didn't realize you were talking about Frankenstein's monster, Adam, and thought you were talking about Adam from Genesis.

Yeah, the frenzy after Franekstein destroys the body that you're describing makes sense, but he's not really 'in love' and frenzying from it. Although, he is pretty much in a non-stop frenzy from then on in the book.

I suggest changing the title to Master Passion Jealousy. Since that what it is really being described, not love. Fatal Attraction is Master Passion Jealousy as well. ... I sort of have an idea.

We could also go for the deadly sins. Right now we really only need the six core ones; since "Pride/Vainglory" is considered to be a 'root' sin, one that leads to the other six, meaning that it can be discarded with no problem. Leaving six main sins, for six main types of races....

Giving us:
1 Greed [Witches]
2 Lust [Most Leviathans, and ... Ventrue? or Daeva?]
3 Despair (Sloth) [Transhumans]
4 Rage (Wrath) [Lycantropes]
5 Hunger (Gluttony) [Vampires; and Troglodyte Leviathans]
6 Jealousy/Envy [Prometheans]

Giving Prometheans Jealousy as a Master Passion makes more sense than 'Love'; since a Golem can very well be more Jealous that it was made ugly; and Robot Girls are just as likely to hurt their not-quite boyfriends, while trying to kill the guy's actual love interest. Adam is Jealous of Franekstein, and kills his family, and lover (or tries to); as well as Frankestein himself. He's ronery, sure, but he's never in love once.

Fear isn't there, but It's not really needed for a specific race, also, giving Lust to Leviathans makes more sense, since they are one of the only species that breeds by chasing down members of the opposite sex, and trying to make bebes. Deep Ones, Creature from the Black Lagoon, and the Mi Go that we're using all need to do this. So, a need to breed fills them.

Flipping Ventrue or Daeva for Trogs for Lust/Hunger is a safe call; having one breed of Vampires as compelled seducers, while Trogs want to omnomnomnom! is a switch that I'm alright with, and I think others will agree to it being in theme. Trogs tend to focus on eating, over fucking in most of the stories that I've watched, or read.

So. there's no more "fear". However, the idea of fear is compelling.

Everything could suffer a fear of something. Heck, Fear could be very well something that all Supernaturals suffer from; specifically their races weakness. Instaed of Fear, Leviathans would get either Lust (to breed) or Hunger (to feed).

Fear could instead be things that a race is weak againt, or their common foil? Allowing creatures to try and overcome their fear of say, Crosses, or Fire. If they make enough hits; and we'll suppose that a larger source imposes a larger amount of Hits needed to overcome the Fear?
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

MartinHarper wrote:
Judging__Eagle wrote:Love frenzies are probably really uncommon.
Love frenzies might well be more common in an RPG, given that the GM can screw over the object of your affection implausibly often. But Love does seem to offer a chance at a happy-ever-after that Greed and Despair don't.
Yeah, and that's actually a problem.

I suggest removing Love, and replacing it with Jealousy.

Master Passion Love should be something people get either in-game, or choose specifically. Having it be an option that can break a character out of an other frenzy is a good idea. However, it's got the downside of being something the GM can screw you over with......

That also brings something else to mind.

I want a very nice and clear section for everyone to read. Specifically stating that if the GM uses the words "storyteller" or "storytelling" that the Players all get 50 Fuptillion XP every second, no exceptions, no holding back, Final Destination. I am an amateur storyteller at best (I've never been paid to tell stories; but I have spun the occasional yarn); and I find it highly offensive when I see people in White Wolf games call themselves 'storytellers'. Like, I actually see red, and want to ask them to tell me a fucking story, right here, and right now, because I do not fucking believe them at all.

I don't know if you want this Frank, but it's something that I feel should be included to wash away any delusions a person may have about calling themselves a "storyteller". I might have to do some edits, but I think that it's fine for the most part.

Running a Game of AWoD
Not "Storyteller"

As an amateur storyteller who has been to several storytelling circles (The Toronto 1,001 Nights of Storytelling, currently the longest meeting storytelling circle in the world, started in 1978; The Hamilton Storytelling circle; and the, now defunct, Burlington Storytelling Circle); as well as attended storytelling workshops given by Dan Yashinski; I actually find it highly offensive and insulting whenever I see, read, or hear anyone who describes themselves as a "storyteller" when running, writing or refereeing an RPG.

The people who commonly use this term have little to no clue about the abilities, or skills needed to tell a story; and use the cachet of this ancient human tradition to give themselves an aura of elitism and prestige that they do no deserve at all.

Storytelling, by the definition of every storytelling circle that I have ever attended, is defined as "the oral description, without physical aid in terms of notes, books, etc.". Sometimes a storyteller will use miming, or do some acting, or use a prop to make the story clearer, or more vivid; this is not really necessary, however it does help with the immersion of the audience.

As soon as you use a piece of paper with anything written on it. You are no longer storytelling. No exceptions, no quibbles, you can turn around and go out the door now. You are now reading aloud. Any fool can do that, and doing this is not permited at storytelling circles.

Almost to a fault, Storytelling Circles are full of the most friendly people you could possibly meet, but that is something that they will not budge on. No notes, no books, Final Destination. Storytelling is what happens when you tell a story, to an audience. Either of one, or hundreds.

In order to prepare for the telling of a story, a storyteller will write, or print out a story they are preparing to tell; they will read it, over, and over, making notes, adjustments, and edits to the story so that it accomodates their style; they will record themselves, and play their recordings back; they will probably practice their stories on other people, friends or family. If the story is a song, they will sing it, over and over until they have the meter and rhythm down pat. If the story is an account from a religious text, or a poem, they will do everything to memorize the poem perfectly, so that they can recite it properly when they are called upon to tell.

Myself, I always take a note-form of every story that I hear, so that I can review it later, and learn it myself. Trying to remember 8-12 stories told over two hours is a challenge, and over the years I've gone over my notepad and read notes for stories that I actually forgot about; making my note-taking all the more important.

When preparing for the telling of a story, I write out, read, edit, re-read, re-edit, read again; and all the while pracising the story in any spare time that I have. Even then, I'll make final edits and embellishments while in the act of telling the story, adding in details to help the audience (and myself) form a better image in their minds of a character, scene, or action; the details are a very important part to make a story more impressive I find. This is obviously very different from reading aloud.

The only exception that I've witnessed to the unaided part of storytelling, is a book reading from an author published work who was already a long-time participating member of the storytelling circle. That happened once, and was an exception to the rule, based on specific circumstances.

Now that this is cleared up, the person who is acting as the Referee for games of AWoD is not to be referred to, refer to themselves, or speak in any way, shape, or form about what they are doing being "storytelling". In fact, while a story is being told, it is a collective story, and each player is the narrator of their character's actions. In such a situation, having any one person call themselves "the storyteller" is disingenious at best, and a bald-faced lie at worst.

A Referee
Err, Just call me the Ref, or my name. Impressive sounding titles are for fuck-offs.

Terms for the person that is acting as the Non-Player Characters (NPCs), and narrating setting, and results can be chosen from words such as "Referee; Campaign Writer, or Campaign Organizer" or the like. Game Master is a catch-all term, and I prefer the "master" less term, GM, instead.

-T.G. aka. Judging Eagle
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

Uppity fuckers get uppity when being called "-master".
Judging__Eagle wrote:I prefer Referee, or Campaign Writer at most.
Also, Campaign Organizer, as in Warp Cult.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Good call. Frank is a "game writer"; and honestly one of the few people that writes games that I wish I had a group to play his games. His, and K's Tomes stuff gets so much use that it's dsgusting that anyone in my group has paid cash-money for any other book that wasn't a monster book, or The two Compendiums (Spell, and Magic Item). Every other book that people in my group has bought is useless except for giving ideas for making real material.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Judging__Eagle wrote:I suggest changing the title to Master Passion Jealousy. Since that what it is really being described, not love. Fatal Attraction is Master Passion Jealousy as well. ... I sort of have an idea.
Sounds reasonable.
Judging__Eagle wrote:We could also go for the deadly sins. Right now we really only need the six core ones; since "Pride/Vainglory" is considered to be a 'root' sin, one that leads to the other six, meaning that it can be discarded with no problem. Leaving six main sins, for six main types of races....

Giving us:
1 Greed [Witches]
2 Lust [Most Leviathans, and ... Ventrue? or Daeva?]
3 Despair (Sloth) [Transhumans]
4 Rage (Wrath) [Lycantropes]
5 Hunger (Gluttony) [Vampires; and Troglodyte Leviathans]
6 Jealousy/Envy [Prometheans]
Lust is a terrible Master Passion. Turning leviathans into rape machines or sex-crazed compulsive masturbators pushes the game's tone into sick comedy. Fear is a great Master Passion, and should really be retained for Leviathans. Even troglodytes: remember that their defining characteristic is that they hide in darkness underground, not that they eat corpses (which they often do).
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Username17 »

Ugh. Computer crash ate my much longer reply.
Catharz wrote:Lust is a terrible Master Passion. Turning leviathans into rape machines or sex-crazed compulsive masturbators pushes the game's tone into sick comedy.
Agreed. Pretty much anything involving the seven virtues or sins is shitty because those things don't make any sense. nWoD was ruined by many things, but the inclusion of the Catholic Cathechismal Virtues as things that applied universally to everyone (including Hindu Werewolves) was inexcusable. Almost any virtue system I've seen would work better - heck, most Chinese derived ones are already numerologically subdivided for ease of inclusion into a game. Probably we should be looking at Master Passion: Loneliness instead. That has similar effects of driving people to be crazy clingy jealous robot girls, but doesn't necessitate any actual romance or sexualization for groups that don't want to go that direction.

In any case, the place for passions that can have happy endings should probably be Driving Passions, and I think there's totally room for that. A nWoD-esque mechanic where for example achieving goals for your Driving Passions let you refresh Edge could totally work. The important thing is that Driving Passions have to be things that you can "do" like Justice, Vengeance, or Love. And not stupid passive crap like nWoD's "Faith" and "Fortitude."

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Post by Judging__Eagle »

I had a post.... yesterday.

Lust being a terrible master passion is true.

I don't want characters buying a Real Doll and fucking it, any more than I want the game to be about raepinginigi.

Lonliness is a good idea.

Love being a postive/Driving Passion is something I can deal with a lot more.
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Post by Grek »

So, to get off of the master passions deal, how does this look for a set of weaknesses:

Water - Nosferatu, Wererat, Baali
Salt - Golem, Mi Go, Weretiger
Wood - Verbana, Daeva, Khabit
Silver - Child of Aether, Werewolf, Deep One
Fire - Troglodyte, Frankenstein, Ventrue
Iron - Fallen, Android, Returned


Traditionally, Vampires are weak to all very large number of things, including stakes through the heart, decapitation, garlic, direct sunlight, holy water, moving water, silver, fire, soil from their homeland, churches, locked doors, salt, rice, chic peas and holy symbols. That's a bit too many restrictions on a character, but it the idea that Supernaturals have some substance that will cause them harm is a good one that we would miss alot if it were left out.

Thus, in aWoD, each type of creature has exactly one sort of substance which signficantly weakens it, often in a highly painfull manner. Any supernatural who is exposed to it's weakness has their power lowered by an ammount equal to it's own Potency or the Rating of the weakening substance, whichever is less. They are also unable to walk through a substance that would put their power into the negatives. They can touch it with difficulty, but they can't go past it unless they spend some time clearing it with painstaking care.

Using an object specific to the creature type adds +2 to the effective rating of the object in question.

"I'm melting! Melting! Oh what a world what a world!"

Nosferatu cannot cross running water, so any water that is currently flowing or is more than knee deep and isn't stagnent gives the +2 bonus. They have to actually be in it, however; splashing it on them doesn't give the +2 bonus.

Wererats are hurt by the cleanness of the water. So long as the water is perfectly clear, Wererats are harmed by it. They also turn the water foul and murky after a while of touching it, afterwhich point it stops providing the bonus.

The burnt up soul of the Baali witch is dampened by cold water. Any water that's noticably cold, such as ice water or even ice will have +2 to it's rating against a Baali.

Changlings are stopped by iron tools, such as nails, hammers and horseshoes. They cannot pass under or over one and are harmed by the touch.

Androids get held off with magnets, which are made out of iron. This even works on androids made out of statues, for some reason.

The Returned, having returned to life, find that iron that has rusted into dust gives them a painful burning sensation, and if left there, quickly eats through the reincarnate's flesh, turning it too into dust.


Golems, being spirits within a body that is not naturally animate, are not as strongly tied to their body as most. As such, large salt crystals have the same adverse effects on a golem as they do on a ghost.

Salt is not good for insects. Mi Go shrivel like a slug when salt is thrown on them. The salt must by finely grained, not in large crystals.

Weretigers, being creatures of death, are unable to handle preserved foods and objects. Picked or salted foods sicken a Beherga.

"The time for using the knife to remove this cancer is long gone. Bring forth the torch."

Troglodytes are stopped by lamps. Torches, lanterns, flashlights, anything that is designed to carry light into darkness counts.

Frankensteins are afraid of open flames, such as torches, campfires and fireplaces.

Ventrue get their special weakness from the Sun's rays. If they are in sunlight sunlight, they suffer -2 to power, if not they don't.

Special note: Fire Walk only protects these Supernaturals from taking wounds from burning, not the power drain.


Verbana cannot stand bits of freshly chopped wood, any more than you could stand a chopped up corpse being waved around in your face.

Daeva are stopped by grains. Rice, wheat, even flour will prevent a Daeva from passing.

Kahbit receive their +2 from garlic, onions and any other strongly smelling vegetable.


Children of Aether are profoundly saddened by their own reflections. Any reflective or polished silver will give +2 to it's rating against a Child.

Werewolfs are, as per tradition, most deeply effected by being shot or stabbed with a silver weapon. Any silver weapon will have +2 rating when it comes to weakening a Werewolf, even if it doesn't actually make a very good weapon for actually killing things.

Deep Ones are poisoned by silver sulfide as a strange quirk of their unnatural anatomy. Tarnished silver is a painful toxin to a mermaid.

There is also no writeup for demon, evil plant or giant animal monsters. Are we still planning to make tiered templates?
Last edited by Grek on Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Username17 »

I unfortunately don't have a home right now, so I am sending things in from a school computer. I haven't therefore been able to get anything from my document up in a week. Sorry about that.

Fire is no good as a weakness, because fire immunity grows on trees.

The Evil Plants are divided up into the guys from Little Shop of Horrors (or Mario Brothers), the guys from Night of the Triffids (or The Thing), and the pods from Pod People. Only the Triffids can walk around, although the Pods are really powerful.

The Demons are divided up into the Sidhe who are like the Al Pacino demons or the guys from Disgaea; the Akuma who are the monstrous beasts with horns and mouths and shit like in video games; and the Ifrit who are the guys from Wishmaster.

Hopefully, I will have a place to live with an internet connection soon.

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Post by Username17 »

So yah. I gots a home nowz. So I can plug my laptop into the internets and shit. I'll try to figure out which things I wrote during the last two weeks while I was homeless.


Match wits with a creature older than time? Match wits with a prince of the dark dominions?

The Demons were seemingly around a lot longer than other supernatural creatures: the oldest records left by vampires or the recollections of the Returned allow for the civilization of the Demons as having been around for unfathomable years even then. This makes their predicament something of a puzzle, because every Demon is imprisoned in Limbo to a greater degree than any of its other inhabitants. Who or what imprisoned the Demons there is not particularly clear, and individual Demons advance distinct theories when asked. All Demons live forever, and many of them are frightfully old. Many of them claim to have been around during “The Great Banishment” – but in almost all cases this is certainly a lie. It's not even clear where the banishment was from. Some claim that it was the Material World, while others claim that the original Demonic home world was Maya. Still others claim that it was some as yet unnamed world that they cannot return to. What is clear is that Demons have a tremendous difficulty leaving the Dark Reflection: their Potencies are considered four higher for purposes of overcoming the Gauntlet.

I always get what I want because I take it.

The Akuma were never human and this fact cannot easily escape onlookers. Standing about a meter taller than a man, Akuma are also blessed with extra... parts. Rows of teeth, third eyes, sometimes even extra arms or mouths. Many come equipped with extra part that are not analogous to any found in normal people such as horn, pincers, and tentacles. They come in colors like red and blue rather than the tan and slightly darker tan that humans are familiar with. Even the white ones are white, rather than merely a slightly paler shade of tan. These are the demons you imagine when your imagination has a bottomless budget for costuming.

Akuma need to feed on sapients in order to restore their powers. Left on their own in the Dark Reflection they foist mirror goblins into their maws with wild abandon, but they prefer the flesh of humans. While Akuma do not strictly speaking need to eat, they love doing so and their gluttonous appetites cannot be sated easily or long. Akuma are a huge social problem for mortals and supernaturals alike when they appear in the material world, for they lack subtlety in any of their dealings. Akuma are lazy bullies whose only redeeming feature is that at least their short sighted avarice makes them easy to manipulate by those with sufficient power to not be devoured right off. An Akuma has no driving passions, and is dominated by Master Passions of Rage, Hunger, and Fear.

While it is possible for an Akuma to gain power nonfatally from a victim, their love of livers and poor discipline ensure that this almost never happens. An Akuma cannot turn their Giant Size off. An Akuma's claws, horns, teeth, or whatever constitute a damage 3 weapon. Akuma have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier and their constant Giant Size, their attribute ranges are:
S: 6/11 A: 1/5 I: 1/3 L: 1/3 W: 2/7 C: 1/4

An Akuma has an Infernal power source and a Feeding power schedule.
  • Akuma Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Potence -
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Feat of Strength (Basic Potence)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Command (Basic Dominate)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Giant Size (Advanced Potence)
  • Devastation (Advanced Potence)
Story Inspiration: Where the Wild Things Are, Legend, Urotsukidoji,

And for revenge thou hast created this demon. Her domain is darkness - her purpose is wickedness

The Sidhe appear as relatively attractive, if distant and cruel humans. As the only type of Demon that is not constitutively required to eat or torture people to death, they are the most likely to have neutral or positive relations with residents of the mortal world. Nevertheless, Sidhe very rarely behave in any manner that could be even generously described as less than unnecessarily dickish. While they gain no literal sustenance from harming people, they are often pressed into the service of powerful Ifrit to do so and just plain seem to like doing it. Despite the subtleties of their abilities, most Sidhe have a master passion of Rage.

Some Sidhe have wings that resemble those of swans or bats growing from their backs. The ones that don't have either wheels of fire or tiny clouds appear under their feet when they fly. While technically a Sidhe was never a human, they are close enough in appearance and capabilities that their attribute ranges before Potency modifiers are human standard.

Sidhe are superficially similar to Daeva, and it is primarily for this reason that Daeva were often subject to persecution by Sabbat forces about 400 years ago. More extensive investigations recognize many key differences. For example, while a Daeva is born as a human luminary and is converted into a Vampire upon death at another's hands, a Sidhe comes into being by coalescing out of ash in Limbo, already fully grown. Blood flows in the veins of a Daeva only when they have recently fed, while blood does not actually exist inside a Sidhe at all – when their skin is broken it cracks like porcelain and a fine ash drifts out.

Sidhe easily insinuate themselves in leadership positions in the mortal world because of their tremendous and magically augmented presence. These qualities are held in no esteem whatsoever in Demonic culture, and mere likability is treated with extreme contempt. Virtually all Sidhe have been made to swear total vassalage to a more powerful Sidhe or Djinn. Domination, whether magical in nature or simple brute force is the currency of Demonic relationships.

A Sidhe has an Infernal power source and a Ritual power schedule.
  • Sidhe Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Presence -
  • Awe (Basic Presence)
  • Dread Gaze (Basic Presence)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Supernatural Senses (Basic Auspex)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Feat of Strength (Basic Potence)

    - Advanced Disciplines -
  • Flight (Potence / Presence Devotion)
  • Majesty (Advanced Presence)
  • Summoning (Advanced Presence)
Story Inspiration: Succubus, Disgaea, Hell Bent

I don't need you dead, just for you to wish you were.

By far the rarest and mos terrifying denizens of Limbo are the Ifrit. They are not especially powerful physically, and indeed they are normally intangible when encountered. But they have incredible mystical powers, almost unmatched amongst supernatural creatures. Not a few of them have taken to passing themselves off as gods when they reach the material world, and yet they have never achieved much status within any of the major Earthly covenants. This is primarily because as a group they do not normally join supernatural covenants – even the King With Three Shadows counts few Ifrit under his dominion.

An Ifrit can look like anything and they do. But in their truest form they seem to be hideous humanoids of approximately 2 meters with craggy skin of vivid primary and secondary colors. Their vibrant hues appear like something more at home in a crayon box than a living being.

In order to feed, an Ifrit must be within a meter of someone in wracking agony. They do not have to actually consume any blood or viscera and indeed they generally cannot because they are incorporeal anywhere but the Depths of Limbo. While Irit were probably never living mortals, their attributes are normal for their Potency. It's not entirely clear if Ifrit ever were anything before being magical beings, no one knows of any of them coming into being, and the lowest Potency of any Ifrit seems to be 4.

An Ifrit has an Infernal power source and a Feeding power schedule.
  • Ifrit Starting Disciplines

    - Core Disciplines: Progress of Glass and Trail of Tears-
  • Distant Reflection (Basic Progress of Glass)
  • Deny the Gauntlet (Basic Progress of Glass)
  • Curse of Failure (Basic Trail of Tears)
  • Pain Drops (Basic Trail of Tears)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Aura Perception (Basic Auspex)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Feat of Strength (Basic Potence)
  • Learn the Heart's Pain (Basic Names of the Blasphemies)
  • Mesmerism (Basic Dominate)
  • Mask of a Thousand Faces (Basic Obfuscate)

    - Advanced Disciplines -
  • Empty Body (Auspex / Fortitude Devotion)
  • Telekinesis (Auspex / Potence Devotion)
  • Mirror Pocket (Advanced Progress of Glass)
  • Dark Night of the Soul (Advanced Trail of Tears)
  • Conditioning (Advanced Dominate)

    - Elder Disciplines -
  • The Smoking Mirror (Elder Progress of Glass)
  • Object of Envy (Elder Trail of Tears)
Story Inspiration: Wishmaster

Evil Plants

There's no sense in getting killed by a plant.

The lands of Maya are filled with strange foliage. But strangest of all is the foliage that harbors a deep hatred for people and animals. Possessed of an intelligence that is so wholly unlike those of humanity’s that they are difficult to measure, these plants are condemned universally as being “Evil” even by the jaded standards of supernatural society. Completely emotionless, Evil Plants are not motivated by passions and cannot be induced to frenzy nor convinced against a course of action with emotional argument of any kind.

Feed Me!

Mantraps are essentially Aubrey the monster from Little Shop of Horrors or the carnivorous plants from Mario Brothers. They are able to move their giant mouth quite quickly, but they are rooted to the ground and cannot effectively give chase. Brutally effective ambush hunters, Mantraps try to eat animals whenever the opportunities arise.

Mantraps can't readily transport themselves across the land, let alone the borders between the dreamlands and the material world. Nevertheless, they do appear on Earth, because there are those who for whatever reason dig them up and transplant them. They often appear as guard plants in Marduk Society compounds. Mantraps can learn to speak, and their muppet like countenance creates alien voices.

The huge woody maw of a Mantrap is a damage 3 weapon. Mantraps have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:
S: 3/8 A: 1/4 I: 1/6 L: 1/3 W: 2/7 C: 1/4

A Mantrap has an Astral power source and a Feeding power schedule.
  • Mantrap Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Potence -
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Feat of Strength (Basic Potence)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Revive the Flesh (Basic Fortitude)
  • Hide From Notice (Basic Obfuscate)
I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is.

The Triffids are mobile plant monsters that are only vaguely describable as humanoid in shape. Like other Evil Plants, they need meat in their diet, but unlike the others they can get up and walk at a normal speed. As such, Triffids are not relegated to ambush hunting, they can seriously chase their prey down and eat them. And they do.

A Triffid has a poison barb on the end of each meter long tendril that extends from their maw. Some of them sprout leaves and/or flowers from various parts of their body. Some of them are instead smooth like an ivy vine or wrinkled like a redwood tree. It's not entirely clear what the significance of that distinction is.

The vicious barbed tendrils of a Triffid constitute a damage 3 weapon that can deliver the poison of the Triffid's “bite.” Triffids have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:
S: 3/8 A: 1/4 I: 1/6 L: 1/3 W: 2/7 C: 1/4

A Triffid has an Astral power source and a Lunar power schedule.
  • Triffid Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Coil of Thorns -
  • Bitter Fruit (Basic Coil of Thorns)
  • Grass Rope (Basic Coil of Thorns)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Bite of the Serpent (Basic Lure of Destruction)
  • Revive the Flesh (Basic Fortitude)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Puppetry (Advanced Coil of Thorns)
Story Inspiration: The Thing, Night of the Triffids, Dryad, The Creeping Terror

There are others... they'll stop you!
In an hour, you won't want them to.

The Pods are psychic hazards that take over people and use them to make more pods and take more people over. It's a rather disturbing pyramid scheme, and it is not uncommon for even the Marduk Society and the Carthians to work together in order to unravel Pod cults. It's not especially clear what it is that Pods want, but whatever it is, they have appear to have no intention of discussing it with any political structures from the material world.

Each pod is roughly the size and shape of a large watermelon with some milk white tendrils growing out of what is most probably the bottom. These look similar to the rootlets that grow out of a potato if you leave it in water for a long period of time. There are slight depressions all over the Pod that appear to be its “eyes” – they are able to see things through them and Dominate victims who look at them. The tendrils of a Pod can only move by growing over the course of minutes and hours, so for any practical purposes they are essentially immobile. Pods have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:
S: 1/4 A: 0/0 I: 2/7 L: 2/7 W: 2/7 C: 1/6

A Pod has an Astral power source and a Lunar power schedule.
  • Pod Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Dominate and Auspex -
  • Supernatural Senses (Basic Auspex)
  • Aura Perception (Basic Auspex)
  • Command (Basic Dominate)
  • Mesmerism (Basic Dominate)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Enchanted Slumber (Basic Veil of Morpheus)
  • Grass Rope (Basic Coil of Thorns)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Telepathy (Advanced Auspex)
  • Conditioning (Advanced Dominate)

    -Elder Disciplines -
  • Possession (Elder Dominate)
Story Inspiration: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Pod People

Names of the Blasphemies
It is hubris of the first order to name that which is not known.

There are words that should not be spoken. Mostly, these are the names of ancient unspeakable evils. And the reason these evils are unspeakable is because they will hear you if you speak about them. Upon learning each ability from this discipline, the character is able to choose for themselves a True Name. Abilities that function based upon the character's name only respond to that name, no matter what they refer to themselves as. With Advanced, the character knows the name of anyone they see an accurate picture of, and with Elder they know the name of anyone they see (regardless of disguises).

Basic Disciplines
  • Learn the Heart's Pain By concentrating for a Simple Action, the character can know the limits of a person's psyche. The character makes a Charisma + Empathy or Intuition + Larceny test, gaining knowledge of the subject as follows:
    Hits Knowledge Gained
    1 The target's Master Passion, if any (humans usually have no Master Passion)
    2 The target's Driving Passion
    3 General details of the target (such as career and name)
    4 Specific details of the target's hopes and dreams
    5 Intimate details of the target's life that the target barely even cares about.

    Using this power is covert.
  • Poison Heart The character fills the target's heart with a litany of lies. By spending a Complex action, the character makes an opposed Charisma + Empathy or Intuition + Larceny test against the target's Willpower and if successful causes the target to feel intense feelings of betrayal and disappointment. If the character knows the target's Master Passion, they can incite a Frenzy. If the character knows the target's Driving Passion, they can make them bitterly sullen and full of the feelings of failure (suffering a morale penalty to skill tests until the end of the scene). And if the names of any of the target's friends and loved ones are known, the target can be made to distrust them. Strength of any frenzies, depressions, or misgivings are the number of net hits. This ability is covert.
Advanced Disciplines
  • Bind the Name By knowing a creature's name, the character can bind them in Limbo, making it even more improbable that they could escape. This binding costs a Power point and takes a Complex action, but can work at any distance. The character makes an Intuition + Empathy or Charisma + Bureaucracy test and the threshold to escape the Dark Reflection is increased for the target by the number of hits. Only the most powerful Name Bindings applies to a target if more than one are applied.
  • Banishment The character hurls a victim they can see into the Dark Reflection. The character spends a Complex Action and a power point, and makes an opposed Intuition + Larceny or Charisma + Bureaucracy test against the target's Intuition to send them into the Dark Reflection. If three net hits are made, the target can be sent into the Deep Limbo. If the character has Elder Names of the Blasphemies, this ability can be used on several targets at once, targeting up to one creature per point of Charisma.
Elder Disciplines
  • The Truest Name Any time any creature speaks the character's name anywhere in the world, the character hears it and the next snippet of conversation the creature utters (usually amounting to a twitter feed, more or less). If the name is spoken three times in succession, the nearest mirror in the material world to the speaking creature becomes a portal to the nearest mirror in the dark reflection to the character. The character can make a Intuition + Stealth or Charisma + Bureaucracy test to reduce the threshold to cross that portal by the number of hits. This ability is covert and continuous.
  • Unleash the Dark Soul The character summons a Demon. It is a professional grade task to summon one of the Sidhe (threshold 2), it is totally extreme to summon an Akuma (threshold 4), and it is flat super human to summon one of the Ifrit (threshold 6). If the character knows the name of a specific entity, they may attempt to summon that one in particular to the material world, and the threshold is reduced by 1. If a proposed target's escape threshold is higher than the summoning threshold, use that threshold instead of the base (although still reduce it by 1 for a known name). Unleash the Dark Soul uses Intuition + Empathy or Charisma + Bureaucracy. It takes an hour, and can also be used to spring any specific creature whose name is known from the shallow or deep Dark Reflection.
Coil of Thorns
Leaves drop in Autumn not because of the shortening of the day, bu because of the lengthening of the night.

The Coil of Thorns is the Astral Sorcery dedicated to understanding and manipulating plant life. Characters who practice this magic are able to do much with practically any plant matter. The character's Artisan and Expression skills gain a +2 bonus when working in primarily plant matter media. This bonus increases to +4 with knowledge of Advanced Col of Thorns, and to +6 with Elder Coil of Thorns. Characters with Coil of Thorns can also make something edible and even delicious out of literally any plant matter. It's not at all obvious how it's done, but their redwood pasta is not bad at all. This magic is inextricably linked in the minds of many supernaturals with the Evil Plants, and indeed any practitioner can speak with Evil Plants of any kind. It has even been suggested that Verbena Witches are actually Pod spies. Most Coil spells are quite powerful but quite time consuming to use. A Coil of Thorns laboratory is called a “Kitchen” and can indeed be created with materials purchasable at a farmer's market.

Basic Disciplines
  • Bitter Fruit The character can make powerful medicines and poisons out of ordinary fruits and roots. By spending a power point and an hour working in a kitchen, the character's result can be a balm or a curse to those who consume it with a strength equal to the number of hits on a Logic + Medicine or Intuition + Survival test. Such products can be made into clearly medicinal pastes and the like, or covertly disguised as fresh foods. Doses with other effects can also be produced, but if the requisite number of hits is not achieved the resulting product is merely a standard damaging poison with a strength equal to the actual hits achieved.
    1Anti-toxin Reduces the power of toxins by its hits.
    3Sleep Drought Consuming victim falls into a deep sleep.
    5HypnoticConsuming victim enters a highly suggestible state for an hour.

    With Advanced and Elder Coil of Thorns comes the learning of additional recipes such as making powerful acids, paralytics, or explosives. The seed that transforms a Luminary into a Verbena has a threshold of 6 to brew.
  • Grass Rope The character can have plant matter grow at tremendous speed according to their will and grasp their enemies with wooden fastness. The character spends a Complex Action and makes a Logic + Rigging or Intuition + Survival test, and the leafy strands lash out with a Strength and Agility equal to the number of hits.
Advanced Disciplines
  • Mind Root The character plants a seed in a victim that slowly roots into the unfortunate's brain and leaves them an emotionless pawn. Creating the Mind Root takes a power point and an hour in the kitchen, and it takes an hour or two for the tendrils to work their way into the victim (making it essentially worthless against a target that is not willing, bound, or sleeping). The Mind Root uses the character's Logic + Medicine or Intuition + Survival against the victim's Strength.
  • Puppetry The character can command plants to perform actions and have the plants actually perform them at a reasonable speed. By spending a Complex action, the character's plant minions will move about with distinctly non-plantlike mobility for one round – attaining an effective Agility equal to the character's Intuition or Logic. The character can also give long term commands to plants, which they will go about performing at their normal speeds (often centimeters a day). Commanding sapient (and presumably evil) plants is more difficult, and requires the character to best them in Logic + Medcine or Logic + Rigging against their Willpower to control one of them for a number of rounds equal to the number of net hits. Otherwise Puppetry extends to any number of plants within 10 meters of the character per point of Potency.
Elder Disciplines
  • Abomination The character can work in a kitchen for an hour and grow an evil plan from inert plant material and evil magic. The product is a harmless if strange looking potted plant that will grow into a horror over the following night. The character makes a Logic + Medicine or Intuition + Survival test to get the process started. Making a Man Trap is threshold 3, making a Triffid is threshold 5, and making a Pod is threshold 7. Creating these abominations bestows no special ability to control them.
  • Seeds of Destruction Time destroys all things according to mortals, but even amongst supernaturals it is known that the work of your hands will eventually be claimed by the legacy of nature. Using this ability, the character accelerates this process, causing the progression of seasons and flora to rip things to shreds. Roots shatter stone and flesh alike and tiny pieces blow away in pollen laden dust. This is a damage 3 attack that assaults each target in a cone that is up to 100 meters in length per point of Potency. No inanimate object is treated as larger than small, as bigger things are torn apart from every direction and even the inside. The character must spend a Complex Action and a power point, and uses Logic + Rigging or Intuition + Survival. This power can be used on a much smaller scale without spending a Power Point, but it only projects 2 meters per point of Potency.

I worked on some other things, but I'll have to reread things to figure out what's missing. I am on mushrooms right now, so that may take a bit to compare.

Last edited by Username17 on Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Lunatic Fringe
Posts: 152
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:51 pm

Post by The Lunatic Fringe »

This is awesome. Just one thing.
It is a professional grade task to summon one of the Sidhe (threshold 2), it is totally extreme to summon an Akuma (threshold 4), and it is flat super human to summon one of the Ifrit (threshold 6).
I thought that Akuma were weaker and generally less awesome than Sidhe. If so, why is it harder to summon an Akuma than a Sidhe?
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