Eclipse Phase Review.

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Heath Robinson
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Post by Heath Robinson »

Taleran wrote:So people used Guns in the real world, NO FUCKING SHIT

I'm sorry if the first thought going through my head is that this may JUST MAY not be the real world...
And yet... Time, Velocity, Distance all exist in Eclipse phase. The range advantage is dependant on these things: I'm too far away for you to hit me with that knife, but by the time you are over here and slitting my throat I will have fired at least once. Most likely multple times. If you are not dead by the time you get over here, I can still pull out my melee weapon. However, you're quibbling over a sidenote since I was attempting to communicate a need for proof for the statement (that garottes are better than guns or knives).

I notice you failed to address the rest of the post. Did you wish to admit that you have no response?

The note of hysteria entering your posts is rather vexxing. Please remove your emotions.
Last edited by Heath Robinson on Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Face it. Today will be as bad a day as any other.
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Post by Grek »

Taleran wrote:again because of the rapid ease of saving yourself and being resleeved after combat being suicidal isn't nessisarily a bad thing just a temporary setback
Unless people can bring the resleeving equipment with them to the fight and easily use it in combat, it's a pretty poor choice for actual wars. The armies would use the guns, because resleeving people during the battle isn't really a good option and the power of meele attacks is not great enough to justify the logistical constraints using them in combat would require.It is stylish and cool, so I could see it being used for gladitorial fights designed for entertainment and in ceremonial situations, but no serious military operation would involve swords, except as a decorative part of an officer's uniform.

Space-Gladiator is a perfectly good setting for a game, where you have teams of combatants dueling in arenas for the pleasure of the masses. I would totally play a game where you are a psi-fi gladiator in the far future with a character option to use a katana because the crowd enjoys seeing you flip out and kill people using a katana. It would be a good game, but Eclipse Phase isn't that game.

The aesthetic that the Eclipse Phase setting seems to be going for is that katanas are used by people outside of a staged fight, which means that katanas should be just as reasonable of a choice as guns because that's what the setting says should happen. Because the current rules are set up in such a way that the reasonable and setting appropriate results don't happen, the meele rules are not adequate.

If "sword fighting skill" were just a background trait and is priced accordingly or there was some part of the book that said that swordfighting is just for people who like to show off and isn't considered a practical military tactic, I could see this arguement and would agree with it, but that doesn't seem the be the case.
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Post by Taleran »

Grek wrote:
Taleran wrote:again because of the rapid ease of saving yourself and being resleeved after combat being suicidal isn't nessisarily a bad thing just a temporary setback
Unless people can bring the resleeving equipment with them to the fight and easily use it in combat, it's a pretty poor choice for actual wars. The armies would use the guns, because resleeving people during the battle isn't really a good option and the power of meele attacks is not great enough to justify the logistical constraints using them in combat would require.It is stylish and cool, so I could see it being used for gladitorial fights designed for entertainment and in ceremonial situations, but no serious military operation would involve swords, except as a decorative part of an officer's uniform.

Space-Gladiator is a perfectly good setting for a game, where you have teams of combatants dueling in arenas for the pleasure of the masses. I would totally play a game where you are a psi-fi gladiator in the far future with a character option to use a katana because the crowd enjoys seeing you flip out and kill people using a katana. It would be a good game, but Eclipse Phase isn't that game.

The aesthetic that the Eclipse Phase setting seems to be going for is that katanas are used by people outside of a staged fight, which means that katanas should be just as reasonable of a choice as guns because that's what the setting says should happen. Because the current rules are set up in such a way that the reasonable and setting appropriate results don't happen, the meele rules are not adequate.

If "sword fighting skill" were just a background trait and is priced accordingly or there was some part of the book that said that swordfighting is just for people who like to show off and isn't considered a practical military tactic, I could see this arguement and would agree with it, but that doesn't seem the be the case.

the book does say that melee weapons are still around because of crazies and eccentrics

and yeah obviously it wouldn't work with big armies good thing the book isn't designed around those at all
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Grek wrote:
Taleran wrote:again because of the rapid ease of saving yourself and being resleeved after combat being suicidal isn't nessisarily a bad thing just a temporary setback
Unless people can bring the resleeving equipment with them to the fight and easily use it in combat, it's a pretty poor choice for actual wars. The armies would use the guns, because resleeving people during the battle isn't really a good option and the power of meele attacks is not great enough to justify the logistical constraints using them in combat would require.It is stylish and cool, so I could see it being used for gladitorial fights designed for entertainment and in ceremonial situations, but no serious military operation would involve swords, except as a decorative part of an officer's uniform.
Heh. Wars. With armies with guns. A little bit outdated, don't you think?
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by violence in the media »

Taleran wrote: you've never played a roleplaying game have you? You just play Video Games on Paper

I feel sorry for you

but that isn't what this thread is about
Apparently I don't. Which is just as well, as I find that I tend to avoid most self-absorbed ROLEplaying twits that way.

Also, you shouldn't feel sorry for me; I am your superior in every relevant context--and a few irrelevant ones as well.

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Post by Grek »

Well, maybe not actual armies, but any sort of action which involves individuals going somewhere and fighting people with weapons to achive some other goal than looking impressive would mean that swords aren't a good option.
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Post by schpeelah »

Taleran wrote:the book does say that melee weapons are still around because of crazies and eccentrics
Swords are not viable from mechanical standpoint - using one means you are crazy. They are also not viable from setting standpoint - everybody knows that using one means you are crazy. The swordfighting skill exists solely so the player has the option to cripple their character by taking the skill.

Creating options that do nothing except cripple your character is bad game design.
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Post by Username17 »

Lago PARANOIA wrote:Frank, I still want to know why if people can create electronic consciousness there is still bullshit like nanites and personal robot bodies.
That's an interesting but frankly really weird question. There are a lot of assumptions that seem to go into it that are frankly bullshit, and it really goes to the heart of the entire nonsense that Geek Rapture represents. But first, let's get some universal truths out of the way: Energy. It cannot be created or destroyed and yet it progresses inexorably from higher order to more entropic states – energy in the big picture only goes one direction and it is by catching a ride on that wind that we are able to do anything at all.

So you can “harvest” energy from various processes, and despite claims to the contrary, all of them are “one way.” There are no sustainable energy sources in the big picture, every one of them will sooner or later become unavailable. When you use tidal power you are literally pulling energy out of the Earth-Moon system, if you did enough of it you'd actually crash Luna into the Earth and there would be no more tidal power to harvest. Now, that's not actually going to happen, because in addition to there being a finite bottom to tidal power there is also a temporal limit after which the sun is going to explode and it won't matter how far the Moon and the Earth are apart. And at current technology levels, it is physically impossible for us to extract enough energy out of the Earth-Moon system to collapse it before time runs out and solar fire wipes it all clean. Many other pieces of potential energy are “use it or lose it” - the Sun is a mass of incandescent gas that burns night and day whether a single therm is harvested or not. Every ray of light you don't bend into another energy form will likely simply fly off into the vastness of space and never matter to anyone.

So from a practical standpoint, there are essentially energy sources that can be used as if they had no bottom. Limitations other than the maximum possible yield of the power source will eventually make you weep like Oskar Schindler for every joule you failed to extract before the window closed.

But regardless, there are limits to how much energy you have to play with at a moment, there are limits to how much energy you can store, and there are limits to how much energy you will ever have. And everything you do costs energy. And if you want to live, if you want to think, that costs energy. And you'll eventually run out. And then you'll die. And everything else will die too. That's the limit, and that's the end. Of everything and everyone.

Physical objects cost energy to make, they cost energy to change, and they cost energy to use. But they also cost energy to destroy. Physical objects don't cost anything at all to persist. You can carve a message in stone and it can be read a million times without any expenditures of energy on its part. And that's just not true for digital objects. Digital objects don't exist at all, they have to be “used” by each potential observer at a real cost in energy. Electronic information costs energy just to exist.

Your brain uses up most of the energy in your body one way or another. Thinking is expensive. Physically persisting is not. When you look at those animals that don't think, they also don't even eat every day. Replacing physicality with more information is not a way to conserve energy. It may conserve resources, it may conserve space, but in the big scale of things those things don't really matter. Physical resources are recyclable and Space is unfathomably vast. Energy is the limiting factor, the only limiting factor that really matters. Geek Rapture will never happen, because transformation into energy beings is incredibly, unconscionably wasteful.

And that's even before we get to the fact that no matter what you put in your masturbatory electronic world, you can't actually get any energy out of it. It's at best a parasitic society that steals its needed energy resources from the real world and gives back... what?

But to bring this back to Eclipse Phase, the setting posits incredible wastefulness of energy by pretty much everyone. There are places that run nano forges (called cornucopia machines) night and day instead of actually making anything out of whole materials. There are places where energy is so unmonitored that people seriously have nanoforges that the authorities don't even know about somehow. And honestly, this is even vaguely possible given the constraints of the world. See, the universe recently had 8 billion people, and now it has 500 million. So it's entirely possible that there are areas where use-it-or-lose-it energy production minus every possible piece of consumption they have is still maxing out their capacity for energy storage. And thus yeah, those areas will essentially pay you in “unlimited energy” just to live there. Like Alaska, only more so – no one wants to live on Mercury because it's a dangerous shit hole, but the energy production there is fanfuckingtastic and so they can give you anything energy can buy as long as you're there.

The setting has some severe plot holes involving the fact that 99% of the people are recent immigrants, so there should actually be severe energy shortages everywhere because the population shortage took the form of highly populated areas (with presumably its own energy supplies) being destroyed outright. But yeah, that's a consistent problem throughout the setting.

The takehome message is that the question is not "why don't we all become infolifes and live entirely in the Matrix?" it's "what incentive do the people living in the real world who actually get the energy have to keep the infolifes in the matrix plugged in?

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Frank, harvesting energy from (water) tides doesn't take energy out of the earth-moon system, it takes energy out of the earth-water system. The moon exerts a continuous gravitational pull, and whether we utilize the energy in the movement of water or just let it slosh around is irrelevant. Furthermore, that energy loss has caused the moon to move away from the earth.

Secondly, the energy cost of data storage is in reading it. The energy cost of visually discerning a letter graven in stone is stupidly higher than reading an 8-bit byte, or even an 16 byte digital representation of a character. The fact that 'persistent' electronic data storage slowly degrades over time and with every read is a problem, but honestly that's not a terrible problem because it's cheap to move electronic data, and it sticks around pretty long if you don't read it (like a book).

Even malleability isn't a huge problem, because you can make read only memory. Then your only problem is that physical memory getting destroyed--but that can happen to graven stone too, especially in a world with self-replicating solar powered nanites.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Kaelik »

Yeah. The part where every single person is a Cyber Brain inside of a robot already means that it actually be a net decrease in energy expenditure if they just matrixed around instead of moving that robot all the time.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Psychic Robot
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Post by Psychic Robot »

I see nothing wrong with having swords and a swordfighting skill. Yes, real weapons like guns are going to best swords in almost every way, but so what? Everyone knows that scene in Indiana Jones. People still learn to fence today despite the fact that a gun is far superior to a foil.
Count Arioch wrote:I'm not sure how discussions on whether PR is a terrible person or not is on-topic.
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Chamomile wrote:Ant, what do we do about Psychic Robot?
You do not seem to do anything.
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Post by ckafrica »

Psychic Robot wrote:I see nothing wrong with having swords and a swordfighting skill. Yes, real weapons like guns are going to best swords in almost every way, but so what? Everyone knows that scene in Indiana Jones. People still learn to fence today despite the fact that a gun is far superior to a foil.
Dude, no one studies fencing as a method of self defense, it's a fucking sport now. Heck it was basically a sport when it was used to kill people.

Yes modern soldiers do learn melee combat training, because it sometimes comes up so it's good to know how to do it. But they spend a lot more time learning how to shoot people. There are no warriors (as in people who fight organized conflicts against other armies) who focus on melee combat anymore. Sure some units are still famous for melee weapons (the Gurkha for one) but they still shoot people first and melee them second.

Being a melee first warrior in a world where accurate and powerful guns that have no effective defense are the plentiful is a stupid thing to be. I might still sound cool but it is dumb.
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Post by Morzas »

Yeah, melee weapons would only work in a futuristic setting if they could defend you from projectiles like lightsabers or that bullshit High-Frequency Blade from Metal Gear Solid. Are there any rules for that in Eclipse Phase?
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Post by Taleran »

schpeelah wrote:
Taleran wrote:the book does say that melee weapons are still around because of crazies and eccentrics
Swords are not viable from mechanical standpoint - using one means you are crazy. They are also not viable from setting standpoint - everybody knows that using one means you are crazy. The swordfighting skill exists solely so the player has the option to cripple their character by taking the skill.

Creating options that do nothing except cripple your character is bad game design.
I would entirly disagree with you, and would easily be able to within the rules in the book come up with the a character that is not crippled for taking melee weapons
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Post by ludomastro »

The other option would be to have a Dune-like universe where personal force fields are so prevalent that most projectile weapons are ineffective. In that situation melee weapons make a certain amount of sense. However, that renders guns - as stated - ineffective. So it really is a binary choice until you have a projectile weapon drawback that allows melee to be effective.

Perhaps the fire rate for guns is horribly slow?


I used to get all hung up on the ROLE vs. ROLL argument too but it just doesn't really work that way. I have chosen to gimp my character for the dictates of the story and the GM rolled with it - for the story - but we both KNEW I was gimping the character. I have also roll-played min/max characters with a great deal of depth. Your group preferences aren't really part of this discussion.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

ludomastro wrote:The other option would be to have a Dune-like universe where personal force fields are so prevalent that most projectile weapons are ineffective. In that situation melee weapons make a certain amount of sense.
It couldn't be exactly the Dune setup, because then everyone would be shooting lasers into miniature forcefield bullets like the Unreal ASMD laser-guided lasers.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Psychic Robot
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Post by Psychic Robot »

Being a melee first warrior in a world where accurate and powerful guns that have no effective defense are the plentiful is a stupid thing to be. I might still sound cool but it is dumb.
That's the point. You can still do it if you want, but it's not a good idea. Because guns are better than knives.
Count Arioch wrote:I'm not sure how discussions on whether PR is a terrible person or not is on-topic.
Ant wrote:
Chamomile wrote:Ant, what do we do about Psychic Robot?
You do not seem to do anything.
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Post by cthulhu »

Heath Robinson wrote:Proof. All the militaries in the world use ranged weapons - and my country (the British Empire it was called back then) regularly destroyed numerically superior opponents because our troops had significantly more ranged weapons than their opponents
Ironically, the Zulu's at Rouke's drift actually had a lot more guns than the british.. by a factor of like 100. Just didn't know what to do with them really.

It's amazing how much you pick up just by being in a more advanced society.
Last edited by cthulhu on Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Taleran wrote:I would entirly disagree with you, and would easily be able to within the rules in the book come up with the a character that is not crippled for taking melee weapons
Well Taleran, if you actually explained this character and the choices you can make to have a melee character be competent against gun weilding opponents then people would be able to actually talk to you about relevant points instead of this "Swords are cool and if you want to make a terrible character the game shouldn't stop you!" that you have been trotting out.

So what options exist to make a melee character viable, and would that character be made better or worse if you replaced the melee weapon with a machine gun?
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Post by ckafrica »

Psychic Robot wrote:
Being a melee first warrior in a world where accurate and powerful guns that have no effective defense are the plentiful is a stupid thing to be. I might still sound cool but it is dumb.
That's the point. You can still do it if you want, but it's not a good idea. Because guns are better than knives.
What's the point? That a clearly inferior design choice should be made available and even encouraged (by giving detailed rules and cool interior art shots of swordsmen against riflemen) just so anyone with enough of a brain to notice it's a fools choice can point and laugh at th poor sods that don't? I thought that was the kind of shit we hunted down and destroyed so never again would we have fighters being outfought by a single spell of a wizard.
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Post by Leress »

PR, fencing is just a background highlight (well at least in the case of the modern world)
Koumei wrote:I'm just glad that Jill Stein stayed true to her homeopathic principles by trying to win with .2% of the vote. She just hasn't diluted it enough!
Koumei wrote:I am disappointed in Santorum: he should carry his dead election campaign to term!
Just a heads up... Your post is pregnant... When you miss that many periods it's just a given.
I want him to tongue-punch my box.
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Post by Roy »

Taleran wrote:1. i choose not to use the shift key. Its not broken or anything besides with everyone and their mother jumping right on that little aspect of my posts I had to keep it up. Kinda funny actually such a knee-jerk reaction from everyone
I'm the first to say anything, so no. Nice try though. Also, you're saying you're too lazy to hit one extra button on your keyboard, which logically means we should be too lazy to read anything you say. But let's ignore that for a moment.
2. I don't recall using this alot
At the time you posted that, I don't think you've made a single post that did not invoke it.
3. This is outright BULLSHIT and not even a fallacy because a fallacy implies that that is ALWAYS THE CASE, and there a multitude of reasons and situtation when melee combat can be used just as effectivly if not more so than range combat

-as stated previously inside pressurized craft firing large weaponry would be a bad idea
-when wanting to be silent
-with the multitude of ways you can stealth yourself or interupt other people's vision getting in close is not a problem
-might be a problem of availability
-lack of ammo
-could be locked up
-or you miss with your ranged weapon and someone gets in close, then what?
Ok, let's see...

Not being able to fire large weaponry doesn't mean you can't shoot things in the face. Even times set in the past relative to modern day earth have these neat things called 'handguns', and I'd imagine anything set in the future would have guns that can hurt a person, but are unlikely at best to cause any damage to equipment. These are lasers after all.

Silencer. Also, since when are laser guns loud?

Having someone in close doesn't impose any real penalty according to earlier posts, so no one cares.

The rest of that is automatically invalid.
Last edited by Roy on Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Draco_Argentum wrote:
Mister_Sinister wrote:Clearly, your cock is part of the big barrel the server's busy sucking on.
Can someone tell it to stop using its teeth please?
Juton wrote:Damn, I thought [Pathfailure] accidentally created a feat worth taking, my mistake.
Koumei wrote:Shad, please just punch yourself in the face until you are too dizzy to type. I would greatly appreciate that.
Kaelik wrote:No, bad liar. Stop lying.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type I - doing exactly the opposite of what they said they would do.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type II - change for the sake of change.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type III - the illusion of change.
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Post by Bazleebub »

Quite impressed that such a good review (even if I personally disagree with several points) should result in multi page ranting focused only on the Ranged versus Melee aspect.

This isn't the first system to make it hard to dodge bullets so it's not really an innovation, nWoD comes to mind.

As to why Eclipse Phase characters would ever use melee weapons I guess it depends on the game you play but the Old and Transitional economies are described as having significant limitations on what can be legally acquired.
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Post by NineInchNall »

Bazleebub wrote:This isn't the first system to make it hard to dodge bullets so it's not really an innovation, nWoD comes to mind.
I believe the point is that it's fine to make ranged weapons hard to dodge, but there needs then to be some balancing factor. Otherwise it's definitionally unbalanced.
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Post by Lago PARANOIA »

but the Old and Transitional economies are described as having significant limitations on what can be legally acquired.
You really need to go into more detail than this before you make a case of 'melee has its place'. For example:

1) If 90% of all mechanical projectile weapons magically disappeared in Shadowrun overnight, it wouldn't suddenly mean that people would just switch over to knives and bats and shit for shadowruns. It would just mean that there would be fewer shadowruns. Guns give the attacker an ginormous advantage for crime, especially for complicated endeavors like terrorism or burglary. Bank robberies just didn't happen before there were guns. There's a reason why those things are a staple of Wild West fiction but before that the only mass robberies you heard of were of conquering armies, rioters, or Robin Hood-like endeavors of robbing money in transport.

So what does that mean for melee vs. guns? It still makes specializing in melee a suckers bet if you have violent aims akin to terrorism or robbery. Sure, you'll do better than the poor dopes with no fencing or wrestling training, but you're still not going to succeed most of the time. You could have invested those character points in something like demagoguery, accounting or seduction, skills that would be much more helpful in striking a blow against society.

2) The world crossed a technological threshold a long while ago. Bombs are more helpful for taking down city hall than guns. And bombs are also easier to make. If you have a goal of 'take down the Prime Minister before she's sworn in' and you live in a setting where contraband like guns and bombs are hard to get, you don't start suddenly training your knife-fighting; you read up on how to make a damn bomb. Even if you can never actually get the materials to make a bomb you'd still come much closer to offing the Prime Minister than you would with a damn sword. A gun could work, too, but if you had to do more than walk into a store to get a gun then why wouldn't you just get a bomb?

And just because something is contraband doesn't mean that it's easier to use in places where it is. Norway and the UK, for instance, have virtually banned handguns but it's still just as difficult to shoot the fuck out of their monarchs as it is in the United States.

So what are your goals for learning to use melee combat? Melee combat is helpful in D&D because you just want to take down one person and you also get superpowers to make your melee combat awesome. People in Shadowrun use melee combat as a backup but that's just because they have some associated superpower with it or because they're forced into a situation for using it. In Shadowrun, melee combat is not your first choice of strategy if you have any goals more complicated than 'break someone's neck while they're drinking at a public restaurant'.
Josh Kablack wrote:Your freedom to make rulings up on the fly is in direct conflict with my freedom to interact with an internally consistent narrative. Your freedom to run/play a game without needing to understand a complex rule system is in direct conflict with my freedom to play a character whose abilities and flaws function as I intended within that ruleset. Your freedom to add and change rules in the middle of the game is in direct conflict with my ability to understand that rules system before I decided whether or not to join your game.

In short, your entire post is dismissive of not merely my intelligence, but my agency. And I don't mean agency as a player within one of your games, I mean my agency as a person. You do not want me to be informed when I make the fundamental decisions of deciding whether to join your game or buying your rules system.
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