[Tome of Virtue] Soldier

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[Tome of Virtue] Soldier

Post by Username17 »

The Soldier
I got so much style, my styles got style.


The worlds of Dungeons & Dragons have dozens or even hundreds of sapient races, all of whom have distinctive methods of combat and warfare. And yet, it is demonstrably true that an individual warrior of one species is pretty much interchangeable for one of any other. The true tactical uniqueness comes from the exemplar soldiers of these empires, and those are the dudes who have the actual Soldier class. However, even that only usually applies to low level Soldiers. Those who've fought in many battles get a grasp on the special tactics of the other races and start using them in battle.

The Soldier is a vaguely Book of Weaboo Fightan Magic class, and as such has Maneuvers, Stances, and an initiator level and stuff like that. However, while they have these things, they also have a very simple system for using their abilities: they can use any of them they know whenever they want. A Soldier gets a lot of Stances (one per level) and relatively less Maneuvers (one every other level). Deal with it.

A Soldier has multiple attribute dependency of Intelligence and Constitution, also they have only a ¾ BAB progression. Nonetheless they are serviceable combatants even though Strength and Dexterity are probably like their 3rd or 4th best attributes.

Starting Age: As Fighter
Starting Equipment: 8d4x10gp
Alignment: Soldiers can and do fight for any cause, sometimes for ideology and other times for pure mercenary interest. A Soldier can be of any alignment, and the class is no marker for level's of fanaticism. The player can choose how strongly they detect their alignment.

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: ¾
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Linguistics, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim.
1:Stances, Soldier Maneuvers, Secrets of Battle1
2:Hardened Survivor1
3:Wearing Shoes, Lucky2
4:Mighty Stances2
5:Veteran's Experience3
6:Leader of Men3
7:Boots Keep Walking4
8:Fantastic Stances4
9:Boots Keep Walking5
10:Meet Interesting People5
11:Boots Keep Walking6
12:Giant Stances6
13:Boots Keep Walking7
16:Epic Stances8
20:World Conquest10

Class Feature

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Soldier is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the racial weapons of any race mentioned in one of their Combat Styles. A Soldier is proficient with Light, Medium, and Heavy Armors in addition to Shields and Tower Shields.

Soldier Maneuvers: As a Soldier gains class levels they learn how to perform amazing maneuvers of daring-do and general badassery which are collectively called "Maneuvers." A Maneuver takes a Standard Action and is an Extraordinary Ability. Many of the Soldier's Stances specifically impact the Soldier's special Soldier Maneuvers, and that refers to these and not just any attack action or full attack they happen to make. A Soldier has an Initiator level equal to their class level. A Soldier learns one maneuver each odd-numbered Soldier level, but they can also abandon any number of maneuvers they already learned whenever they gain a level of any class and learn new maneuvers that they qualify for. Most Soldier Maneuvers allow the character to make a standard attack modified in some fashion. If they are using a double weapon with which they are proficient or two finesseable weapons, they may instead make one standard attack with each weapon (adding only half their Strength bonus to the off-hand weapon), but any special maneuver effects that trigger on damage only trigger once if either or both attacks hit.

Secrets of Battle: A Soldier adds their Intelligence Modifier (if positive) to their attack rolls, up to a maximum bonus equal to their Soldier Level.

Stances: While the Soldier is not flatfooted, they may engage a Stance at the cost of one Swift Action per round. Each Stance is usually based on the unique fighting techniques of one of the world's armies that the Soldier has trained in, fought with, or researched. Each Stance is procedurally generated, allowing the character to gain the benefit of their Intelligence bonus to something they don't normally get to do and get a special additional bonus based on the racial combat styles they are emulating. Each Stance also needs a name, which can be generated on the chart at the end of this document.
  • Basic Bonuses:
  • Add Intelligence Modifier to weapon damage.
  • Add Intelligence Modifier to Armor Class.
  • Add Intelligence Modifier to Saving Throws.
  • Add Intelligence Modifier to Strength and Dexterity based Skill Checks.
  • Gain Spell Resistance of 5 + Level + Intelligence Modifier.
  • Basic Race List
  • Orc: The character is considered to be one size category larger for purposes where that would be good such as carrying capacity, using weapons one handed, and tripping.
  • Drow: If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and cause 2 points of Strength Damage.
  • Dwarf: The Soldier resists things with great facility. If presented with a Fortitude or Willpower save for Partial, the character receives the Partial effect on a failed save and no effect at all on a successful save.
  • Elf: The Soldier can take their Standard Action in the middle of their Move Action, continuing their movement after the Standard Action is resolved.
  • Goblin: The Soldier can redirect any attacks against their mount to themselves, and may choose to have their mount discounted from an area of effect if they are are still within it.
  • Hobgoblin: The Soldier does not generate the -10 penalty to Move Silently for moving quickly, nor do they suffer the -20 penalty to Move Silently for engaging in combat.
  • Halfling: The Soldier can throw any weapon they are proficient with to full effect as if they had made a melee attack with it – even for Manuvers that require a melee attack to function. A light weapon has a range increment of 30', a one-handed weapon has a range of 20', and a two handed weapon has a range increment of 10' (multiplied by the creature's base reach). A weapon thrown in this way gains a +2 to-hit for the what-the-crap factor.
  • Gnome: When the Soldier inflicts damage onto a creature, that creature cannot see the Soldier until the beginning of the Soldier's next turn. It's like they were invisible, or crawling around underneath them or something.
  • Kobold: When the soldier inflicts damage on a target they may as a free action place something that they have as a stored item in the target's square. Common choices include smoke sticks, thunderstones, caltrops, and feather tokens.
  • Human: The Soldier can use any weapon or armor no matter how obscure without problem. The character is considered proficient with any weapons or armors even if exotic or improvised. The character also ignores armor check penalties and armor stealth penalties.
Hardened Survivor (Ex): A 2nd level Soldier has resigned themselves to living in crappy conditions on both sides of a siege, and resigned themselves to eating things that a less martially oriented person would refuse out of hand. They may add their Constitution modifier to their Survival checks instead of their Wisdom Modifier. They also increase their Death Margin by their ranks in Survival.

Wearing Shoes (Ex): A 3rd level Soldier really understands how Charlie thinks. Also how K'zrtlk thinks. And they can totally emulate those dudes. The Soldier gains a bonus to Disguise equal to their ranks in Disguise, and suffers no penalty for disguising themselves as a different race.

Lucky (Ex): It's amazing how a lucky veteran keeps coming back from amazingly dangerous situations. A 3rd level Soldier gains a Luck bonus to their Saving Throws equal to their Constitution Modifier, to a maximum of their Class Level. They also never have to make saves against massive damage.

Mighty Stances: From 4th level on, a Soldier can select their racial bonuses for their stances from the Mighty Races list.
  • Mighty Races
  • Dark Creeper: The Soldier sees in any darkness, even magical darkness, like a frickin Devil.
  • Gnoll: Enemies who are flanked by the Soldier are considered to be in difficult terrain and cannot take a 5' step.
  • Skulk: The Soldier has Concealment, and people have to deal with a 20% miss chance. This provides a +4 bonus to Hide checks.
  • Kuo-Toa: Whenever the Soldier is attacked in melee with a weapon, they may make a free melee attack roll. If they score higher on their roll than the attacker did, the attacker drops their weapon. The original attack still hits or misses normally.
  • Lizardfolk: When attacking from Concealment or Cover, the target is denied their Dexterity bonus as if the Soldier was attacking from Full Concealment.
  • Myconid: If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier) or be confused for 1 round / level.
  • Bugbear: If the Soldier hits a target with a Maneuver and that opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to AC or flanked, the Soldier inflicts an extra d6 of sneak attack damage per 2 class levels.
  • Thri-Kreen: The Soldier can leap for stupidly ridiculous distances. Each round, the Soldier can make an additional jump with a bonus equal to their level as a free action. This jump is not limited by height and any movement is completed that round, does not provoke attacks of opportunities, and does not count against the character's normal movement.
  • Sahuagin: The Soldier can breathe water or air as whichever one would be preferable, and has a Land and Swim Speed equal to their highest of either.
  • Troglodyte: Opponents who are nauseated in your threatened range do not get a Move Action and all attacks against them receive a +2 bonus to-hit and damage.
Veteran's Experience (Ex): A 5th level Soldier has seen crazy crap and come out craftier for it. They gain an Enhancement bonus to their Intelligence equal to one third of their character level (round up).

Leader of Men: At 6th level, a Soldier gains Command as a bonus feat. If they already have Command, they can take another [Leadership] Feat that they qualify for instead.

Boots Keep Walking (Ex): At level 7 and again at levels 9, 11, and 13 a Soldier's experience fighting on the battlefields of the Heavy Metalish terrain that dots the D&D landscape grants them special abilities related to that terrain experience. Every time the Soldier gains one of these Terrain-based abilities they also gain a cumulative +2 bonus to all Survival tests as they are able to generalize their specific experiences into relevancies in other circumstances.
  • Terrain Powers
  • Cave Crawler: The Soldier suffers no penalty for squeezing. The Soldier's movement speed is not reduced during poor visibility.
  • Cliff Jumper: The Soldier gains a Climb Speed equal to half their land speed. The Soldier ignores difficult terrain caused by uneven stone.
  • Ice Skater: The Soldier gains Energy Resistance to Cold equal to their Character Level. They ignore the effects of any decreased temperatures.
  • Inferno Commando: The Soldier gains Energy Resistance to Fire equal to their Character Level. They ignore the effects of any increased temperatures.
  • Jungle Fighter: The Soldier can move through difficult terrain caused by vegetation as if it wasn't there, counts cover from vegetation as if it was one stage better in both directions (so 50% cover would provide them a +6 AC bonus but only a +2 AC bonus to enemies), and does not take damage or get entangled from enchanted vegetation such as entangle or briar web.
  • Planar Champion: The Soldier ignores Planar Traits that would suck for them such as "Lawfully Aligned" or "Prison Plane" - not the Gravity or Time traits.
  • Swamp Beast: The Soldier is able to ignore difficult terrain that is caused by an area being water logged. Also they are immune to the nauseated condition.
  • Waste Warrior: The Soldier takes twice as long to dehydrate and takes half damage from dessication effects. Also they take no damage from and their visibility is not impaired by dust storms, smoke clouds, ash rains, and any similar stuff.
Fantastic Stances: From 8th level on, a Soldier can select their racial bonuses for their stances from the Fantastic Races list.
  • Fantastic Races
  • Ogre: If the Soldier inflicts damage with an attack of opportunity, the action that provoked the attack of opportunity is not completed.
  • Gith: If any creature uses a [Teleport] or plane shift effect within the Soldier's line of sight, they may elect to immediately teleport to a point that is adjacent to the creature's new location. Creatures cannot use Psionic abilities defensively within the Soldier's threatened area.
  • Yakfolk: All spells are considered to be on the Soldier's list for purposes of activating Spell Trigger items.
  • Pixie: If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier) or fall asleep for 1 minute / level.
  • Kyton: The Soldier's threatened area extends for an extra 20' in all directions.
  • Yuan-Ti: All of the Soldier's maneuvers come with a poison rider if they inflict damage at all. Victim's suffer 2d4 of Constitution damage from poison, with a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Con Modifier) for half damage.
  • Doppelgänger:If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier) or give up their surface thoughts detect thoughts style. Also the character can change shape into the target as per whatever version of alter self you're using.
  • Abeil: All enemies within the Soldier's threatened area suffer a penalty to their Will saves equal to the Soldier's Intelligence Modifier.
  • Succubus: If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier), or accept a suggestion.
  • Nerra: Any time the Soldier successfully negates a spell, or supernatural or spell-like ability targeted against them with a successful Saving Throw or Spell Resistance, the spell is reflected against the caster of the spell as per spell turning.
Meet Intresting People: At 10th level, the Soldier can add their Intelligence Modifier to Charisma checks.

Giant Stances: From 12th level on, a Soldier can select their racial bonuses for their stances from the Giant Races list.
  • Giant Races
  • Ilithid: The Soldier can coup de grace a target who is stunned as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
  • Ettin: The Soldier can attack with two weapons when using a Maneuver, and they don't even have to be light or finesseable weapons. If both attacks hit, any special effects that trigger on damage may occur twice. Both weapons use the Soldier's full Strength bonus.
  • Stone Giant: The Soldier may catch or deflect a number of ranged weapons equal to their Intelligence modifier each turn.
  • Fire Giant:
  • Slaad: The Soldier can giant frog at will.
  • Eladrin:
  • Troll: The Soldier has Regeneration of 1 hit point per round per level. Acid, Fire, starvation, and suffocation do normal damage.
  • Vrock: When the Soldier performs a maneuver, all other creatures within 40' suffer 3d20 of ultima damage, Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier).
  • Osyluth: The Soldier sees through illusions and shape changing as per true seeing.
Epic Stances: From 16th level on, a Soldier can select their racial bonuses for their stances from the Epic Races list.
  • Epic Races
  • Rakshasa: The Soldier is unaffected by spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities of 6th level or less, as if they were carrying a greater orb of invulnerability around.
  • Storm Giant:
  • Ethergaunt:
  • Archon:
  • Deva:
  • Marilith: The Soldier makes a number of additional standard attacks equal to their Intelligence modifier when they perform a maneuver. Any special effect that takes place if the maneuver inflicts damage takes place if at least one of the attacks inflicts damage.
  • Gelugon:
World Conquest (Ex): At 20th level, the Soldier wins D&D.

Soldier Maneuvers:
In order to take a specific Strike you must have an Initiator Level sufficient to use it, meaning that half your Initiator Level (rounded up) must be at least the level of the proposed Maneuver.
If there is a Save offered by a Soldier Strike, the DC is 10 + ½ Character Level + Constitution Modifier.

Brutal Strike
Level: 1
The Soldier hits someone super hard with a melee attack. The attack does an extra d6 of damage. This bonus increases to 2d6 at 3rd level, 3d6 at 4th level, 4d6 at 6th level, 5d6 at 7th level, 7d6 at 8th level, 9d6 at 9th level, 11d6 at 10th level, 14d6 at 11th level, 16d6 at 12th level, 20d6 at 13th level, 100 points at 14th level, 110 points at 15th level, 125 points at 16th level, 150 points at 17th level, 175 points at 18th level, 200 points at 19th level, and 250 points of damage at 20th level.

Turtle World
Level: 1
The Soldier attacks normally but hides themselves from harm. The Solider makes a standard attack and has energy resistance to all energy types and DR/- equal to their Constitution Modifier plus their Character level until the beginning of their next turn if the attack inflicts damage.

Looting Strike
Level: 1
The Soldier stabs a fool and pockets their things. The Soldier makes a standard melee attack and if it inflicts damage they can force the target to drop a weapon or other carried item. The Soldier can grab and store that item if they wish.

Blinding Blow
Level: 2
The Soldier strikes a foe in their eyes or whatever they see with. Thy make a standard attack and if they inflict damage the target must make a Fortitude Save or be blinded.

Level: 2
The Soldier runs around and stabs someone from an unconventional direction. The Soldier moves their speed and then makes a standard melee attack at +2 to-hit. The Soldier gains a +2 bonus to AC until the beginning of their next turn.

Level: 2
The Soldier strikes someone in a manner that knocks them right down. The Soldier makes a standard attack and if it inflicts damage, the target becomes prone.

Level: 3
The Soldier flips out and stabs everyone. The soldier makes a standard melee attack against every opponent they can reach. They may gain no more bonus cleave attacks than they have Intelligence Modifier.

Level: 3
The Soldier chops a dude's head right off and spits down the hole in the stump. The Soldier makes a standard melee attack and if he does any damage the target makes a Fortitude Save or they die.

Delaying Tactics
Level: 3
The Soldier feints and draws things out, unraveling time. The Soldier makes a standard attack. Every creature adjacent to the Soldier is slowed for Level/Rounds.

Mind Thwack
Level: 4
The Soldier beats someone in the brain so hard that it creates a psychic resonance the incapacitates others. The Soldier makes a standard attack against a living, non-mindless creature and if he does any damage, all creatures except the Soldier within 10' of the target must make a Will save or be stunned for a d4 rounds.

Lingering Strike
Level: 4
The Soldier hits the target with a cruel and lingering wound that disrupts their concentration. The Soldier makes a standard attack. The attack does double damage, and is considered to be ongoing damage for purposes of Concentration checks made in the following round.

Hurl Away
Level: 4
The Soldier strikes an opponent and hurls them away from themselves. The Soldier makes a standard melee attack, and if it does any damage the target is also pushed away 5' for every point of Constition bonus the Soldier has. This works like a successful Bullrush except that the Soldier doesn't need to move to keep the victim moving.

Dimensional Strike
Level: 5
The Soldier reaches into the ether and tears the target a new one. The Soldier sees the invisible and then makes a standard attack that ignore Incorporeality and can strike Ethereal creatures. If the attack does any damage, the target is moved to the plane of existence that the Soldier is on and is no longer incorporeal for the next 2d4 rounds.

Meteor Smash
Level: 5
The Soldier strikes the ground so hard that everything just fucking explodes. All other creatures within 30' suffer d8/level of physical bludgeoning damage, Reflex Save for half.

Demoralizing Strike
Level: 5
The Soldier

Critical Strike
Level: 6
The Soldier strikes an opponent perfectly. The Soldier makes a standard attack, and if it hits it is a critical as if it had rolled a natural 20 and then confirmed.

Hydra Strike
Level: 6
The Soldier makes a flurry of attacks. The character makes a number of standard attacks equal to their Intelligence Modifier. These don't even have to be against the same target. Every time they get a critical hit, they get an additional attack.

Blade Rush
Level: 6
The Soldier runs around his opponents and jacks them up. The Soldier moves their full move without provoking attacks of opportunity and makes a standard melee attack against every opponent who is within their threatened area at any point during their move. Each attack inflicts bonus damage equal to the maximum damage inflicted by the weapon's damage die (for example: 8 damage for a longsword or falchion). The character cannot gain bonus attacks from Cleave during this maneuver.

Doom Tunnel
Level: 7
The Soldier hacks a corridor through whatever happens to be in front of him, whether that be air, rock or other people. He may move out to his full charge range and attack everyone who is in his path. If he fails to kill a target, they are shoved aside so he can keep moving. Any nonliving thing in the path is Disintegrated, as per the spell.

Heaven Piercer
Level: 7
The Soldier stabs the sky hard enough to split it open and cause death to rain down upon everyone around. This requires line of sight to the sky, and causes all within 50 feet to take 1d8 Electricity damage per level (Reflex half). Additionally, the general other-dimensional doom raining down pushes creatures over, negates ranged attacks, and impedes flight within 50' of the Soldier until his next turn as per a Hurricane-Force Wind. In some planes of existence, a wounded sky may leak damage types other than lightning, such as fire or acid.

Level: 7

Level: 8

Level: 8

Level: 8

Perfect Killer
Level: 9
The Soldier strikes an enemy and they die. The Soldier makes a standard attack against a target, if the target suffers any damage it dies. This is a [Death] effect.

Level: 9

Level: 9

Naming Your Stances:

When you name your styles, be sure to have the representative species name in there somewhere, and also generate an adjective and a noun to name the stance. The racial word can go in the first, second, or third position depending on what sounds better. So when making a Drow style, you could have the "Underhanded Grandeur of the Drow" or the "Drow Invincible Method" or the "Informal Drow Approach."
Roll or ChooseAdjectiveNoun

Last edited by Username17 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:51 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »


Possible stances:

Drow: the Soldier becomes so sneaky he may flank with himself if he moves to the opposite side of a foe before attacking.
Orc: when you hit people with an attack, if you deal X damage, you can make a free trip attempt as you smack them into the ground.
Dwarf: possibly something relating to their stability?
Human: a common meme is that humans are racist, inherently bad-ass, and utterly insane in the "Dude, they use nuclear weapons on each other, imagine what they'll do to US!" kind of way. Something related to that?
Kuo-Toa: does the attack still hit, or does this ability negate the hit?
Lizardfolk: the soldier gains a Climb speed equal to their land speed? Or perhaps they become cold-blooded and can delay status effects?
Myconid: anyone who bites the Soldier gets high on shrooms.
Gith: if anyone tries to use a spell or spell-like ability to leave the threatened area of the Soldier (Plane Shift, Teleport, D-Door, whatever), the Soldier may tag along.
Kyton: chains might be too specific, in that it says "you have to use this weapon". But they have the "Look! I'm your dead lover!" ability?
Yuan-Ti: either grant them Poison immunity or give them a poison attack or benefits against poisoned foes?
Succubus: hmm, charming or grappling, charming or grappling. Fuck.
Slaad: as a Standard action that does not provoke an Opp of Attackatunity, the Soldier may Giant Frog.
I will not suggest that Trolls get to "Aggro" their foes by insulting them.
Hardened Survivor: Death Margin: is this the "zero to -10" thing, where -10 is where you die? With the exception of various optional rules that make it -Con or -(level+10) or whatever?

Wearing Shoes: does this include hilarious things such as Hill Giants pretending to be Pixies or Humans pretending to be Dragons? Or Angels/Demons trying to hide amongst each other?
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

World Conquest (Ex): At 20th level, the Soldier wins D&D.
So does that mean you can't start an Epic Level campaign with the soldier class?
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Oh. I like this. I like it a lot.

Orc: See in the dark, or get a bonus to Str-related checks?
Drow: Get to use poison; or bonuses to bluffing?
Dwarf: Bonuses to Saves; or DR

Kobold: You can make traps; or you count all stuff that slows your movement as being 1 degree less?
Human: honestly, no clue

Gnoll: You can make really scary giggles and laughs?

Skulk: The Soldier has Concealment, and people have to deal with a 20% miss chance. This provides a +4 bonus to Hide checks.
Kuo-Toa: Whenever the Soldier is attacked in melee with a weapon, they may make a free melee attack roll. If they score higher on their roll than the attacker did, the attacker drops their weapon.

Lizardfolk: Swim speed? Natural armour?

Ogre: You can lift things; and throw them.
Gith: You can Fly, as long as you can make a Check that gets higher by +2 every round. Concentration, or Survival
Yakfolk: You can rebuke outsiders; or you can UMD staves, (and wands? or scrolls?), or just use them no problem,

Pixie: If the Soldier inflicts damage on a target, they may convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will Save (DC 10 + ½ Level + Int Modifier) or fall asleep for 1 minute / level.

Kyton: You can trip people better; not bigger numbers, maybe no AoOs, or you can't be tripped back; also, you can Trip Oozes; and nothing gets a Size or # of legs bonus against you tripping them. Flying targets count as if their movement got stopped for that round, and fall.

Yuan-Ti: Your attacks are poisonous, even weapon strikes; you get a bite attack as well

Doppelgänger: Bonus to Disguse checks; you can steal people's memories if you are in contact with them; and make yourself look like them; all Mission Impossible style


Succubus: You can use Charm Monster on enemies within reach of you?

Myconid: Silently talk with people? You get a Myconid Elder's spore powers? You need to have access to mushrooms to do this?
Bugbear: Sneak attacks?
Thri-Kreen: No penalty with swinging more than 1 weapon at a time? Or, you can add a number of attacks equal to your limbs, or 1/3 your class level; pick the lowest?

Ilithid: The Soldier can coup de grace a target who is stunned as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Ettin: no penalties when attacking with multiple weapons; you need to be affected twice by effects before you succumb
Stone Giant: DR, rock throwing, rock catching
Fire Giant: fire resistance, firey damage on all attacks; rock throwing
Slaad: Chaos Hammer, or Confusion centred on you, you need to be heard
Eladrin: you can heal people; or something
Troll: you regenerate damage; and everything that isn't the right type of attack is subdual damage
-Athatch you gain +1 attack with your main weapon; throw rocks, poison bite
-Coatl: at wills: all the Detects; Invisibility, Planeshift, 1 Poisoned natural attack (they also get 9th lvl sorcerer casting, their At-Wills are Psionic) They can also fly (60 good). Lots of things to pick from
-Formian Myrmarch:
Formian Myrmarch
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Lawful, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 28 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +15 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+20
Attack: Sting +15 melee (2d4+4 plus poison) or javelin +15 ranged (1d6+4)
Full Attack: Sting +15 melee (2d4+4 plus poison) and bite +13 melee (2d6+2); or javelin +15/+10 ranged (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Fast healing 2, hive mind, immunity to poison, petrification, and cold, resistance to electricity 10, fire 10, and sonic 10, spell resistance 25
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +11
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17
Skills: Climb +19, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +20, Hide +15, Knowledge (any one) +18, Listen +18, Move Silently +19, Search +18, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)

Appraise +28, Bluff +28, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +32, Disguise +5 (+7 acting), Intimidate +30, Knowledge (any three) +28, Listen +30, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +28 (+30 scrolls), Spot +30, Use Magic Device +28 (+30 scrolls)

Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Multiattack, Spring Attack

Environment: A lawful-aligned plane
Organization: Solitary, team (2-4), or platoon (1 plus 7-18 workers and 6-11 warriors)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 13-18 HD (Large); 19-24 HD (Huge) 2
Level Adjustment: —

Myrmarchs are the elite of formian society. Much more than those beneath them, these creatures are individuals, with goals, desires, and creative thought.

A myrmarch is about is about 7 feet long and about 5½ feet high at the front. It weighs about 1,500 pounds. Its claws are capable of fine manipulation, like human hands. Each myrmarch wears a bronze helm to signify its position (the more elaborate the helm, the more prestigious the position).

Myrmarchs speak Formian and Common.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

[note]: going to edit this post, I'm working on the Epic Races stuff next.

had this idea for a strike:

Blocking Strikes
Level: 9

The Soldier can use any [Level X] Strike or lower this round. Until their next round, they may move up to their move speed and try to prevent a single action or attack by making an attack roll with their weapon. If the attack roll is hits, and deals any damage, the action they wanted to prevent is prevented. This can be done a number of times equal to the Soldier's Intelligence Modifier.

Coming up with that name took a while. I was thinking the Eldar Banshee phrase "My blades will form an impassibale wall!" from DoW. I had to trim, and readjust the words to come up with a two word version of the ability.

We want short, easy to understand abilities, that are tactically useful to use in a game. Right?

  • Epic Races
  • Rakshasa: Phew... lots to pick from: Detect Thoughs
    DR 15/ silver and piercing
  • Storm Giant:
  • Ethergaunt:
  • Archon:
  • Deva:

Code: Select all

Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

This is le awesome.

Human Stance: May use any weapon without a nonproficiency penalty, as the Jester?
Dorf: The character is affected by Trip/Bullrush/Overrun attempts as if he were one size larger?
Kobold: If a creature is dealt damage to by a Soldier, that creature is put under the effects of a tanglefoot bag until the end of the Soldier's next turn. DC is set to class standard.
Gnoll: Opponents who are flanked by you draw Attacks of Opportunity if they move into or out of your threatened range. All attacks against them gain an extra +2 bonus to hit and to damage.
Myconid: If the Soldier successfully deals damage to a target, they my convert all the damage to Subdual and force the target to make a Will save (10 + 1/2 Class level + Int mod) or be affected by a confusion spell
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Post by Username17 »

Seems like it needs class features after 6th level.

They don't have to be super meaningful, since most of their stuff autoscales. But they need something.

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Post by Koumei »

Hmm. Maybe:

They get a bunch of new abilities as they progress, and if they don't get "Continue gaining stances/manoeuvres" prestige classes, it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, the table has a whole lot of blank space.

Maybe... small benefits/movement abilities in terrain types? To represent them being used to having to clamber through ash wastes and briarpatches to get to the people they want to stab?

So at levels (for instance) 7, 11, 15 and 19 they get "These Boots WIll Keep On Walking", where they choose one of:

Grassland Predator: when in grass that is waist-high or higher, they gain Partial Concealment. When in grass that is neck-high or higher, they are Invisible and can make 10' steps instead of 5'.

Naam Vet: when in the Jungle, the Soldier is immune to environmental effects such as heat, disease carrying flies, napalm showers and footrot. Additionally they may sub Survival checks in for Climb, Swim, Jump and Balance in the Jungle.

Cave Crawler: when it pitch blackness, the Soldier gets Blind Sense out to 15' and is never flat-footed. Also they can charge and run while still turning corners or even changing movement types such as charging along the ground then climbing up to hit their foe.

Sand Skimmer: the Soldier is unaffected by quicksand and gains Partial Concealment when running over sand. They can also see just fine in sandstorms.

Swamp Beast: something about swamps

Mountie: something about mountains/steep elevation

Ice Skater: something about ice/snow
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Post by TOZ »

God_of_Awesome wrote:
World Conquest (Ex): At 20th level, the Soldier wins D&D.
So does that mean you can't start an Epic Level campaign with the soldier class?
Of course you can. Start the campaign at 10th level. :thumb:
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Post by Koumei »

GoA: we... we don't pretend Epic exists. Seriously, BEFORE level 20 you can just chuck the books away and say "I use Infernal Cockblock and kill the gods."
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

At 10th level you could give Int to Cha skills (which is thematic and would kill any semblance of MAD). Alternatively, some rogue-style special abilities (of which that could be one) would work for 10, 14, and 18. 'Story' abilities like K was suggesting for fighter-types long ago could also work. Things like 'A cabal of wizards is indebted to you, and will perform rituals for freee'.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Just so I'm clear....

A Soldier can use any stance, so long as they're a high enough level, right?

There's no slots or anything for that, is there?

Maneuvers seem to be the only thing that uses any type of "slots".
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Post by Username17 »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Just so I'm clear....

A Soldier can use any stance, so long as they're a high enough level, right?

There's no slots or anything for that, is there?

Maneuvers seem to be the only thing that uses any type of "slots".
A Soldier learns one Stance per level and can't trade them up or around. They learn one Maneuver every other level and can resculpt them every level.

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Post by erik »

I just noticed (even though it is mentioned in the description), that the Solider gets only 3/4 BAB progression. That seems like a hefty nerf for a primarily BAB oriented character in the Tome system where that is determining the Edge and also due to the delayed scaling of combat feats by BAB.

Is the reasoning simply because they can stack attribute mods in places other classes cannot? (Int to Attack, Con to saves, maneuvers etc)

I imagine I would still happily play a Soldier character, it just struck me as odd.
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Post by Username17 »

clikml wrote:I just noticed (even though it is mentioned in the description), that the Solider gets only 3/4 BAB progression. That seems like a hefty nerf for a primarily BAB oriented character in the Tome system where that is determining the Edge and also due to the delayed scaling of combat feats by BAB.

Is the reasoning simply because they can stack attribute mods in places other classes cannot? (Int to Attack, Con to saves, maneuvers etc)

I imagine I would still happily play a Soldier character, it just struck me as odd.
The Soldier is a defense of concept class. It was my contention that a Tome of Battle style character does not make full attacks or even normal special combat maneuvers very often, so in a very real way it does not matter what their BAB is. In short: it is my supposition that the reason that Swordsages suck donkey cock is not the oft-quoted "they have 3/4 BAB" but rather because their special abilities, maneuvers, and power schedule are 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag. And since I was already in there making the claim that BAB is so meaningless under basic rules that it doesn't matter at all in the face of someone who intends to use class-based standard action attacks, I figured I would put the bits where my mouth was and actually make a class to demonstrate that fact.

That and I've received several requests to make a ToB "style" class in the last month, so I figured I would use Ettin Stance and Executioner to kill two birds with one standard action.

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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Honestly, BaB doesn't matter.

Look at the 3 best classes in D&D. They're all 3/4 or 1/2 BaB classes, and they win D&D.

Honestly, I'm liking this class, as I could see it being how I'd replace my "Fighter" characters, and use the Soldier class instead. The other RoW stuff is good, but I honestly never really feel like playing a Knight or Samurai.
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Post by erik »

I know that many awesome classes don't give two craps about BAB, but for some classes it is still pretty important, doubly so in tome games where feats scale by BAB and the iterative attacks are relevant. Put a tome Fighter or Barbarian at 1/2 BAB and they will be significantly diminished.

That said, I gotcha. The soldier name just conjures a fully martial character and I am stuck in the mindset of that being full BAB, even though that is not mandatory. With a lot of their maneuvers they are not bound by the traditional strategy of simply hitting lots of times with damaging attacks. I am slowly coming around.

I love that you could have a whole party of Soldiers and they are still likely to be distinct from one other.

I would totally dig play-testing a Soldier, but the likelihood of me playing a tome game, or even any 3.x DnD game is incredibly slim. Alas.
Last edited by erik on Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I swear, Frank, sometimes it seems you create classes and things just to spite people and say "See? You're wrong. It CAN be done. So there."

Are Soldiers the kind of people who are allowed to think of tactics, or is that frowned upon? Because TACTICAL GENIUS! would be an awesome ability name in the former case.

Doom Tunnel (level 7)
The Soldier hacks a corridor through whatever happens to be in front of him, whether that be air, rock or other people. He may move out to his full charge range and attack everyone who is in his path. If he fails to kill a target, they are shoved aside so he can keep moving. Any nonliving thing in the path is Disintegrated, as per the spell.

Heaven-Piercer (level 7)
The Soldier stabs the sky hard enough to split it open and cause death to rain down upon everyone around. This requires line of sight to the sky, and causes all within 50 feet to take 1d6 Force damage per level (Fort half). Additionally, the general other-dimensional doom raining down prevents all flight within 50' of the Soldier until his next turn. The attack roll against the sky (which automatically hits) gains a +1 bonus if wielding a drill.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

I think that perhaps Soldiers could be...

Trained for War: A Soldier may count his class level's as being Full Base Attack Bonus class levels, when qualifying for Special Abilties, Feats or Prestige Classes

Does that sound reasonable?
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Post by Koumei »

I think that defeats the purpose though - the whole idea is to say "Look, I'm 3/4 BAB and I'm still 100% Fighteriffic." They specifically don't go taking prestige classes and stacking benefits of many feats, and instead slip into Impenetrable Succubus Stance and then deliver a Russian U-Turn Meteor Smash to the enemy.

Also, I seriously forgot that electricity has a tendency to slam down from the sky, and thought of meteors and shit. My brain is so much jelly right now.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I really like the concept of the class, and the doppelganger is neat (and would work very well with the right class--like the meldshapers). However, somewhere between the two it just falls flat for me. I just don't appreciate the concept of 'intelligent, hardy warrior (soldier) who learns strange techniques from various fantasy races, mostly used as stances'.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Call it a battle wizard if that helps you more.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Call it a battle wizard if that helps you more.
It doesn't; I've tried. I realize that this might still mean that I'm suffering from the 'fighters can't have nice things' psychosis.
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