I ran at a convention...

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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I ran at a convention...

Post by Koumei »

Okay, so the reason you haven't been assailed by me lately is I've been in Melbourne - I return tomorrow. I caught up with most of my friends (and met some new ones) and it was wonderful. I also ran a game at Arcanacon.

The game I ran was Heresy 101: Humane Science Cult. I've mentioned it here before, but now it's actually over, all run. One couple actually said it was the best game they played all convention, and a lot of fun.

I auctioned off a bunch of my nids, too, and having failed to sell my marines, I gave a bunch away as prizes... and randomly to friends.

Anyway, it was a success. No two games actually went down the same way. Some cases of what happened in this "Play it loose and fun, light-hearted mode, fuck the canon" game:
-one group used a 40km long Space Hulk to telefrag Terra (using a modified Warp Drive/Teleport Cannon). Terra was destroyed, along with the Emperor.
-another destroyed Mars so that the Imperium would need them for actually discovering new shit.
-one group summoned the forces of Nurgle onto the hive world, while using genetic/protein engineering to turn the members of House Goliath into... well, basically Space Marines, just without the armour. So they had a world of Plague Marines.
-some decided to replace the Imperium with their own Empire based on socialism and learning... but basically tried to rule it just like the Imperium
-one group rode a hive spider (house-sized, controlled via sprayguns of scents and pheromones) to the space port and successfully stole an Aquila Lander, going from world to world to infect them with Heresy and Immunise them against daemons (creating portals to weaken the barrier, so any daemons thinking of showing up would have an easy point to go to... and surrounding it with inverted gellar fields so it's trapped in a 5' square).
-one party decided to replace the Imperial faith with their own science-based "religion" (using the term religion to put them at ease, like the opposite of cults that pretend to be science). They called it Sciencetology.

All in all, I had a total ball and it was a lot of fun.

I started writing a game for next year (modified Ue Ebi Akuma - see the other thread) when told the con theme would be "Arcanaconnichiwa: Japan". But it was then decided to be "Arcanaconvent: Bad Habits". I might ignore the theme (basically a suggestion to give people ideas) and go with it anyway, because if I went nuns I'd go Nuns -> Battle Sisters -> Bondage and Lesbians. I can't help it.

As it is, the game will be Shokushu Janai ("No Need For Tentacles" - a play on words of "No Need For Tenchi"). A light-hearted Azumanga-style Call of Cthulhu: Secrets of Japan game where the players are expected to all survive and it's basically... not representative of the Lovecraftian genre.

I'll also rate it R18+, not for innate content on my part, but for content brought to the table by players, because I know what they'll be like. I mean, tentacles and schoolgirls *sigh*
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Sounds like you had a good time; will you post more detailed logs of those games "in the trenches"
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Post by Koumei »

Well, I can't remember that much of it, it was a blur of games, poor diet and sleep deprivation. Followed by alcohol. While suffering from some minor local bug.

So, there are five characters:
Midgery Marjory: Economist, is rich, has bolter (with special ammo), power armour and armoured limo, can bribe people and cause riots, has some psychology. Few people played her, because Australia doesn't believe Economics is a science. Seriously, there was very little respect for it and that was great.

Geliant Gutright: Warp Physicist, has a teleport-rifle, personal void shield, vortex grenade and a demon inside his head. In more games than not, either he betrayed the party or the other way round. In one of the better ones, he'd start talking babble and the self-appointed Arch-chancellor of Chemistry would ask "Is that science? That doesn't sound like science." and fire him from his position of "Dean of Warp Physics".

Julian Galliarde: Chemist, has poisons, explosives, a webber, poisoned blades and a sniper rifle. As well as a bunch of other random things. Often played as one of the more serious ones, frequently takes a leadership role or keeps Gutright in check.

Deborah Munnings: Physicist, has a refraction shield, a hell pistol, plasma grenades, a rad-cleanser and general explosives. Was fairly popular, and in at least one case was made a Saint in the new religion - "Saint Debbie".

Geoffrey Cavendish: Biologist with a side of Medicine, he has bacteria canisters, a DNA kit, a spare kidney in a box, many many blood samples, pheromone sprays... and is S4 T5 - as strong and tough as a Plague Marine, due to his genetic engineering. So his scalpels are effective in close combat.

Generally, every party looked at every situation as "How can I make this fall under our specialties?" and "Let's plan this so that we can already declare what the next step is afterwards."
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Post by Prak »

Koumei wrote:Well, I can't remember that much of it, it was a blur of games, poor diet and sleep deprivation. Followed by alcohol. While suffering from some minor local bug.
so basically all that changed for you was scenery and ambient human levels?
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Post by Rejakor »

I'd normally suggest looking up 'Panty Explosion', the dice pool based schoolgirls'n'tentacles rpg that I really like, but previous experience suggests that you have more than enough experience to simply do it yourself with as good or better results. So, i'll refrain.
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