The Quest for Character

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The Quest for Character

Post by virgil »

After having completed the AP with PF-lovers, one of the other players who I've never seen as a Gyojin before opted to run the next AP, Kingmaker.

There are some notable house rules in place. The biggest one is that multiple attacks with the same weapon are turned into one attack with the base weapon damage multiplied by the number of attacks; so a 6th level hasted fighter w/14 Str and a longsword (no other bonuses) has a full attack that's +9 (3d8+2), while standard action attacks are +9 (1d8+2). If he was a shortsword TWF, it would be something like +7/+7 (3d6+2/2d6+2).

Another major house-rule is bardic music. There are two versions of inspire courage, offensive and defensive. The offensive gives a +1 attack, AC, weapon damage, and +5' to base speed. The defensive one gives +1 AC, saves, fast heal 1, and 5 temporary hit points (once per encounter for the last part). When the performance effect improves, all of the bonuses above are increased appropriately, and inspirational boost roughly exists.

Another house-rule is that Charisma is used for Will saves instead of Wisdom.

The other players of the party include
  • Alden: A bard with a 20 Charisma and RPs similar to a cheesy politician running for office
  • Malachai: human APG archery fighter who's vaguely gruff
  • Ivaneve: A female human APG free hand fighter with her sword grafted to her arm in place of a hand. The player *loves* playing monstrous characters (metal masks welded to face, overly-scarred bruisers, people-eating gnolls, etc), and frequently they're personality mirrors the looks
  • Jespelcaba: gnomish APG mobility fighter who acts like a hyperactive kid without Ritalin, making a point to tear to shreds every monster we kill and will take nearly half an hour to convince to not kill a kobold on sight (even one that we found in a prison, surrendered itself to us, & offered peace with its non-aggressive tribe)
  • Earl: A paladin with ranks in Knowledge (tactics) and is still trying to come to terms with just how omnipresent ACP has been
I myself am:
Middle-aged elven diviner 3
Init +9 (act in surprise round); HP 19; AC 12 (+2 Dex), CMB/CMD -1/11; Saves +2/+3/+5 (+2 enchant), sleep immune
Stats 6, 14, 12, 20, 14, 14
Feats Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative, Craft Wondrous
Traits Focused Mind (+2 concentrate), Warrior of Old (+2 initiative)
Skills Knowledge (arcana, architecture and engineering, history, planes) +11, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +11 (+13 identify)
Languages Aboleth, Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Elven, Hallit, Sylvan
Notable Equipment 867g4s, bonded item (ring), scrolls (mage armor, 162.5 scroll materials)
Spells 4/4+1/2+1, DC 15+SL, +9 concentration, +2 vs SR
Backstory Each of your race has a thousand goals and only one lifetime; Each member of our race but one goal and a thousand lifetimes. You shall become one with our purpose and your life will be put to better use then your limited perspective could even comprehend. If it might console you, know that the tales of your deeds shall outlive the rest of your species.
So thinks the aboleth race, many a resident of the Mordent Spire will make a brush with such a mind in order to understand what they fight. Amongst his people, future hunters are brought to a submerged speaking chamber, where the Azlanti people would commune with their cultural benefactors. Here the elf is tasked seek out a fragment within the ruins, abandoned before even the Starfall, while the memory stones and glyphs imprint themselves as they did on the Azlanti, attempting to put them in their place.
Marduk, strong of breath and stroke, seemed an ideal candidate to eventually become a hunter. However, he was too curious, and uncovered something best left forgotten. It was a master glyph of mental communion, and its magic was strong. Marduk’s brush with the mind of an aboleth became a cold dive into the abyss of their living consciousness and juggernaut of memories.
He screamed.
It was decades before he could form thoughts & memories again, a babbling idiot in Mordent Spire. His body atrophied with neglect as his mind slowly relearned how to be singular. Most of the Mordent Spire remember echoes of their experience, giving them a far-off look that unnerves those who don’t understand. For Marduk, his return to sanity brought terrible memories and understanding, as well as terror at the sea.
His mind retained the shape necessary for magic, some say it bordered on sorcery or psionics, and his studies of wizardry were like a fish relearning how to swim. Knowledge came easiest, as magic would almost coax him into tapping into the memories he nearly drowned in. While this helped him adapt and recover, he retained his fear of the sea and the aboleths beneath. So, he left where he thought he could escape their tentacled reach. Rarely, other elves meet with their brethren of the Mordent Spire, and Marduk sought them out to go to one of their cities. Once there, he took the gate to Kyonin to be as far from the sea as possible.
From there, he walked.
Marduk was uncertain of his thoughts in the beginning, so he shunned civilization. Eventually, he came upon a pair of gnomes seeking to rediscover the fabled Honey Horse, with a mane of honeycomb and a beehive tail. Their illusions and nonsense mythology dazzled Marduk, breaking him of his morose reverie with his first laugh in nearly a century. With that, his abject horror of the aboleths lessened, and purpose grew to fill the void left behind. He returned to civilization, finding himself in a land called Brevoy.
He knows the danger aboleths pose to the world, and Marduk fears them so. A single lifetime cannot face thousands. Perhaps a nation could fight them, a thousand lifetimes united in one goal. It will take time, but the aboleths see farther than even a single elf’s lifetime, but a nation can rise in that gap.
He has patience.
I'm not sure what kind of personality to give him, at least as far behavior in-game or with the other characters. Any help there would be appreciated.

We've already got a few sessions under our belt, since I'm level 3 and all. Of course, I've got some gripes under my belt already too. I got the hairy eyeball for this one combat that started while we were on non-warhorses; instead of trying to control the horse (DC 15 Ride, failure = full-round action), I chose to accept landing prone with my move-action dismount so I could still cast a spell while the enemies were 60'+ through difficult terrain (undergrowth). The reason why I was looked down on was the whole 'playing by the rules instead of my character' BS.

Last session I got chastised for assuming an invisible creature was in a certain square by using rules-knowledge; specifically the knowledge of seeing the creature move 5' (out of reach of the fighter) then cast a spell to make itself disappear. I cast grease over the area where it likely was, and the gnome tipped over the cauldron "in frustration", which helped the others justify knowing which square it was in. The next round, we saw it reappear on the other side of the room in the motions of casting a spell (one of those one round cast time ones, like summon monster); and I probably would've been chastised at assuming it was an illusion and blasting the area near where it should be (party had normal movement blocked), had one of the other PCs not decide to charge it and discover it to be an illusion (giving us all a save at a +2, which only I made besides the charger who auto-made it). Everybody who failed the save treated it as real, despite two of our character's protests to ignore the illusion, so they all made their own attacks on it (thus revealing automatically for just themselves).
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Post by Username17 »

You've tried to explain their shitty attack combination house rule before, and it still makes no fucking sense to me. The entire point appears to be to nerf the fuck out of high level warriors, which makes no sense at all to me as a life goal, even for PAthfailure players.

But that being said, what do you want? I honestly can't tell what the purpose of this thread is.

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Post by Jilocasin »

I'd assume nothing. It just looks like relating the events that happened.
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Post by virgil »

His point is to reduce the RL resolution of each round for high-level warriors. That it reduces damage-per-round is a side-benefit, because it makes combat take longer (more tactical, as he put it). It's been his perception that high-level warriors individually one-round everything but the BBEG by themselves and take noticeable time to resolve because of all of the math and dice from rolling five or six attacks each turn. My old archer and the TWF anti-giant ranger are two notable examples, but that monk is especially poignant in his mind. That's the best explanation I've got, because it's the only one I'm given.

At this exact moment, I'm wanting advice on what personality to give my character, because while I've got background and all that; I'm not sure how to have him RP in the game itself, especially in relation to the events and other characters. Maybe some advice on build design as I level; my limits being the APG and the core PF book.

I will likely also use this thread as a dumping ground for my griping, because actually writing it out to where someone can 'hear' is cathartic; and once I do it here, I should be less inclined to have it bleed over into other threads. If you want, I can spoiler that part.
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Post by the_taken »

virgil wrote:At this exact moment, I'm wanting advice on what personality to give my character, because while I've got background and all that; I'm not sure how to have him RP in the game itself, especially in relation to the events and other characters. Maybe some advice on build design as I level; my limits being the APG and the core PF book.
Bunny Ears Lawyer, with a splash of Cloudcuckoolander and Trickster Mentor thrown in. Take this as an opportunity to challenge yourself in making Very Deep Koans on the fly.
I had a signature here once but I've since lost it.

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Post by Datawolf »

the_taken wrote:Bunny Ears Lawyer, with a splash of Cloudcuckoolander and Trickster Mentor thrown in. Take this as an opportunity to challenge yourself in making Very Deep Koans on the fly.
Wow... that's almost as bad as one of my posts. Seriously, though, I like these threads. Since I haven't been able to really game in like... four years I enjoy gaming vicariously through others.
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Post by virgil »

I'll shoot for something close to that, Taken, thanks.

Well, we've just now entered the Sim City phase of Kingmaker, where we do stuff like make edicts and plan building placements and all that. The DM's decided to only give us the basic information (point cost to buy, size, etc) and none of the specifics (how big the benefits are, any synergy benefits, and the like) so that we would make our decisions naturally, without making them based on the numbers.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I don't like the attack changes, for reasons discussed in the Extra Attacks thread I started recently.

Go with full BAB on every attack and a free Pounce for everyone (full attack after a move)
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Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Post by virgil »

Oh, forgot to mention. My current position in the royal hierarchy for the kingdom is Spymaster, though I want to change the title to something cooler.

It's not my decision to make for the attack change, and to a very large extent few of that group will listen to my opinion about the rules anyway. We just hit level 4, and I now have 4.3k and Craft Wondrous; so I need to figure out what to make. While the +2 Int headband is assumed, I still need to choose what skill it should give me. I certainly don't have much in the way of gear otherwise (about half a dozen extra spells of the first two levels in my book).

My character is also going to see some haggling IC with another member of the party with regards to how much I should charge for my Crafting services. I want to charge more than the basic crafting mats, but I also don't want to piss off the rest of the party.
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Post by virgil »

Blech, while this DM isn't forbidding mithral like the last one, he is banning bucklers.

I do wonder whether create pit is a spell that I should bother learning, and the divination spell I have to learn is a toss-up between detect thoughts and create treasure map; and I still don't know what skill I should gain ranks in for my headband of intellect.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Learn the spells and swap them out later (retraining rules)
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Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Post by virgil »

Seeing as how this DM wants to stick to PF core (especially for me), I highly doubt that I can pull those rules out.

EDIT: Paizo, really? What did alter self do to your dog to deserve its duration being nerfed to 1 minute per level (from 3.5's 10 per)? It already had the polymorph ability aspect 'balanced'. But of course, you're obsessed with having unspoken rules always followed; all polymorph spells are 1 min/lvl, ACP applies to all Str/Dex skills, all fighters must svck, etc.
Last edited by virgil on Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Archmage »

What the hell? Who bans bucklers? Is this a bizarre "fix" to prevent wizards from using shields?
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Post by JonSetanta »

virgil wrote:Seeing as how this DM wants to stick to PF core (especially for me), I highly doubt that I can pull those rules out.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Post by virgil »

The prior DM hated bucklers because it allowed wizards to wield shields, which he didn't approve of (didn't fit his mental image). This DM, however, is actually banning bucklers on the argument of realism; as no historical account of bucklers (or any shield, if I recall) ever showed them working like they do in D&D.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I'd stick bucklers on my spellcaster's shoulders and call them pauldrons just to spite him.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Post by Jilocasin »

virgil wrote:This DM, however, is actually banning bucklers on the argument of realism; as no historical account of bucklers (or any shield, if I recall) ever showed them working like they do in D&D.
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Post by Juton »

virgil wrote:The prior DM hated bucklers because it allowed wizards to wield shields, which he didn't approve of (didn't fit his mental image). This DM, however, is actually banning bucklers on the argument of realism; as no historical account of bucklers (or any shield, if I recall) ever showed them working like they do in D&D.
How does he think shields should work in D&D? I remember a rather vindictive DM who deprived shield AC to characters who where flat footed. Shields in D&D suck, I've tried for a long time to find some combo that makes for an awesome character, but nerfing shields is like nerfing the Monk, it's just a sign of a DM being an asshole.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Juton wrote:How does he think shields should work in D&D? I remember a rather vindictive DM who deprived shield AC to characters who where flat footed. Shields in D&D suck, I've tried for a long time to find some combo that makes for an awesome character, but nerfing shields is like nerfing the Monk, it's just a sign of a DM being an asshole.
Holy fuck that's a grognard move.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Post by Username17 »

virgil wrote:The prior DM hated bucklers because it allowed wizards to wield shields, which he didn't approve of (didn't fit his mental image). This DM, however, is actually banning bucklers on the argument of realism; as no historical account of bucklers (or any shield, if I recall) ever showed them working like they do in D&D.
Wait, what? How did the armies of the Maharajah work then?

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Post by virgil »

FrankTrollman wrote:Wait, what? How did the armies of the Maharajah work then?
Not a clue, because I have essentially zero knowledge about what you're referring to, and my Google-fu is apparently weak tonight (which is a first).
Last edited by virgil on Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

virgil wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Wait, what? How did the armies of the Maharajah work then?
Not a clue, because I have essentially zero knowledge about what you're referring to, and my Google-fu is apparently weak tonight (which is a first).
Many armies have used bucklers as part of their standard equipment. Off the top of my head, there were many such armies in India and Central Asia.

But yes, there have historically been people who fought with a weapon in the hand that the buckler was on:

And yes, real people manage to really do that in modern days.
Last edited by Username17 on Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Roy »

As much as people are saying bail out, honestly that message was screamed loud and clear the moment the Mister Cavern said "I want to play a Pathfailure game".
Draco_Argentum wrote:
Mister_Sinister wrote:Clearly, your cock is part of the big barrel the server's busy sucking on.
Can someone tell it to stop using its teeth please?
Juton wrote:Damn, I thought [Pathfailure] accidentally created a feat worth taking, my mistake.
Koumei wrote:Shad, please just punch yourself in the face until you are too dizzy to type. I would greatly appreciate that.
Kaelik wrote:No, bad liar. Stop lying.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type I - doing exactly the opposite of what they said they would do.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type II - change for the sake of change.
Standard Paizil Fare/Fail (SPF) Type III - the illusion of change.
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Post by virgil »

Fun, they decided that the climb DC for create pit is overpowered, so it's now a DC = save DC instead of a flat 25.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Why are you still playing with that bunch? It's bad for your gaming health.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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