Its like Epic6, but completely different!!

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Its like Epic6, but completely different!!

Post by KevinBlaze »

Plan is that I like E6's goal, but to really do it justice one really needs to just rewrite the game.

Taking from Fantasy Heart Breaker, Frank's Really Abstract Locations, PL's Big Fat Squares, LP's 5E, separate combat and non combat skill sets, and so many other threads here has been inspiring. So I've decided to get on the trolley of making a new RPG rules set.

Main Objective: Create a game that plays similar to 3.x DnD levels 4-6 in power level, except with better math, with out the rocket launcher tag, and minimizing the number of trap options for players.

Secondary Objectives:
1) Fast NPC/Monster gen time.
2) Simpler skill system than 3.x, which helps #1
3) Level advancement system, but have it be very horizontal
4) No Christmas Tree magic item system. I think the simplest solution for this at the moment is to integrate number and power of usable items with level, so its not a separate advancement track but can keep its flavor.
5) Keep PCs with meaningful world affecting abilities. Specifically not at the expense of combat ability. I'm looking to make a game that's primarily about fightin' fools and so want to avoid having non combat coolness not cost combat power. As I think many have witnessed if you let people trade non combat power for combat power they'll do it, and vice versa. Which makes for character parties which are rather imbalanced at working together.

This basically means I'm dumping almost everything. D20 task resolution is all right. Basic combat rules seem all right, though I have the plan to change things to a smaller scale so you don't need a whole table to model combat.

Its intense that all the subsystems are interrelated so to rewrite anything you have to have a basic outline for everything else. So I have tried :).

For the moment I wrote in some basic abilities for classes to show their flavor and power level. I'll be writing out a great deal more of them in the near future. I also need to write something 5x more robust for skills to give a more precise idea about how I want them to work. Also I need to make a sample monster gen system that shows proof of concept at least on my take of the take a monster type and a CR get useful results from the system.

I believe there is enough here to warrant a look and potentially gain some feedback or draw out some questions on things I overlooked even with the obvious holes I already mentioned.

Character Generation
Character Generation
1. Character Base Attributes
2. Character Stats
3. Character Classes

Character Base Attributes
Base HPM: 60
Base Ability DCs: 10
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Base AC: 10
Base MP: 0
Base Saving Throws: +0
Base Opportunity actions: 0
Base Bonus Minor actions: 0

Characters have three stats: Vigor, Agility, and Willpower. They receive nine points to distribute between the them, with no more than four points going to any one stat. The stats have the following effects on characters.

Character Stats
+1 Melee Attack roll
+1 Melee Damage [2x for Two handed heavy weapons] [1/2x for dual wielding light weapons]
+1 Ranged Damage
+5 HPM
+1 Fort Save

+1 Ranged Attack Roll
+1 Melee Attack Roll, if higher than Vigor
+1 AC
+1 Initiative
+1 Opportunity Action per Round
+1 Reflex Save
+1 Bonus Minor Actions per Encounter [Max 1 extra per round]

+1 All Ability DCs
+1 MP
+1 Invest
+1 Will Save

Character Combat Classes
For character classes all characters are effectively multi classed by choosing two classes to draw powers from. Choose two of the following and apply their listed modifiers to your base attributes. For modifiers that do not begin with a plus they do not stack and you use the higher of the two begin the chosen classes. For modifiers beginning with a +, add them both together.

Black Mage – Support Warrior who deals out buffs and debuffs when unthreatened.
2 Armor AC
+2 All Ability DCs
+2 Will Saves
+2 MP

Class Ability
Black Curse – One Creature. Range 3, minor, invest
Creature takes -2 on saves.

Medium – Spiritual warrior who excels in and setting up 1v1 combat.
1 Armor AC
1 Insight AC
+1 All Saves
+5 HPM

Class Ability
Spirit Bond – Range 3, minor
You and a creature gain +1d6 damage vs each other for the encounter or until one of you is unconscious. You may only have 1 spirit bonded creature at a time.

Ninja – Highly mobile stealth warrior who takes advantage of enemies' surprise.
1 Armor AC
1 Dodge AC
+2 Reflex Saves
+4 Initiative

Class Ability
Poof !– MP, Minor
Become invisible until the end of your turn.

Runic Knight - Chivalrous Warrior who punishes enemies for ignoring him.
4 Armor AC
+1 All Saves
+10 HPM
+1 Invest

Class Ability
Chivalrous Challenge – Range 3, Minor
You challenge a creature to attack to you by the start of your next turn. If the target fails you gain +1d6 damage vs them for the encounter. This effect can stack.

Warmain – Metal Warrior, best when he is in thick of things.
4 Armor AC
+2 Fort Saves
+10 HPM
+1 Opportunity Action

Class Ability
Follow Through
When you miss with an attack your next attack gains +2 to the attack roll.
Once per encounter when you miss with an attack you may make an attack vs a different enemy in the same zone.

Each character also selects a non combat class from: Diviner, Face Man, Macgyver, and Survivor, as detailed later.

Character Advancement

Characters require an amount of XP to advance a level equal to their current level. They gain XP from completing adventures like so:
Short Adventure: 1 XP
Medium length Adventure: 2 XP
Long Adventure: 4 XP

Each level a character learns one new ability from either of their combat class lists and then 1 ability from their non combat class list. Every even level their BAB, AC, Saves, and Initiative increase by 1.
Combat basics and changes from 3.x
Action Economy.
During each character's turn they may take 1 standard action, 1 move action, and 1 minor action. Additionally they may take up to 1 opportunity action per round, which may be on other characters' turns, for each point in Agility + other misc bonuses. Further a number of times per encounter equal to their a agility a character may take 2 minor actions during the same turn.

Example Standard Actions
Charge > Move 1 zone and make a melee attack.
Make a ranged or melee attack, which may be a maneuver such as tripping, grabbing, or wing clipping, etc.

Take a move action

Example Move Actions
Move 1 Zone

Example Minor Actions
Draw and ready a weapon
Open a door

Example Opportunity Actions
Take an attack of opportunity

Example Full Actions [Uses Standard + Move]
Run > Move 3 zones.

Example of actions that provoke attacks of opportunity
Making a ranged attack
Using a non minor action MP ability
Moving out of a threatened zone

Combat Conditions
You gain partial concealment vs attacks against you [30% miss chance]
Blind - *
When you attack something it effectively has partial concealment against you [30% miss chance.] All of your ranges reduced to 3.

Dazed - *
Lose your move action.
Entangle - *
Can't move from current zone. -2 Attack Roll.
Grabbed - *
Can't move and are moved with the creature that grabbed you.
-4 AR vs creatures other than the one that grabbed you.
Escape a grab: move action tumble check

Paralyzed - *
Can't take actions requiring physical movement. Are helpless.
Prone - *
Move at climb speed [half regular walking speed]. -2 AR.
Can't use MP abilities.
Slow - *
All movement action costs are upgraded one step.
Stunned - *
Lose your standard action
All damage you deal is divided by 2.

Combat Advantage - +2 AR
Enemy is threatened and you are not
Enemy is blind, dazed, entangled, grabbed, paralyzed, prone, slowed, or stunned

Concealment, Full
Can't be seen or targeted.

Concealment, Half
Aren't threatened and attacks have 50% miss chance against you.

Concealment, Partial
Attacks have 30% miss chance vs you

Difficult terrain
Action cost to move into are increased by one step.

For combat the battlefield is divided into hex shaped zones, approximately 20 feet across in size. Each zone can contain up to 8 medium sized creatures.

Basically compared to 3.x dnd combat works as much the same as possible. Melee on medium creatures has a baseline reach of 0, so that they only threaten the zone they are in. Which of course is a greater threat radius than 3.x, but is intentional. Attacks of Opportunity are messy this way. Basically because you can't move out of a zone with multiple enemies with out getting significantly cudgeled. It makes me consider having a mechanic that allows for a chance to avoid or negate opportunity attacks built into the system, such as a tumble remake. At the moment the previous skill system is scratched.

2h heavy melee: 2d6 dmg
2h unarmed melee: 2d4 dmg
1h medium melee: 1d10 dmg
1h light melee: 1d6 dmg
1h unarmed melee: 1d4 dmg
2h ranged: 1d8 dmg _ range 5
1h ranged: 1d4 dmg _ range 2
Skill basics. I certainly need to write more in here before its worth commenting much on.
Skill expertise will be rated as untrained, trained, and expert. Trained characters receive a +5 bonus to using a skill, and expert characters a +10, further some uses of a skill will be for trained or expert characters only.

Former skills such as jumping , tumbling, and other combat movement skills are no longer skills under the new system as they are not well done by skill checks and are better handled by either having the ability or not.

Presently for potential trained skill lists I'm using the Non Combat divisions that Frank used some years ago in a thread about dividing combat and non combat advancement. Each character is one of the following non combat classes:

Diviner – Best information gatherer
Face Man – Best Diplomat
MacGyver – Best Fixer of things
Survivor – Best at being wilderness healer guy

Each non combat shtick gets access to its opposing powers to, so that the Diviner hides information, FaceMan can be an especially horrible people person, MacGyver breaks stuff, and the Survivor also deals with poisons and getting people lost in the woods, etc.

No matter how you do it some amount of non combat shtick abilities will be made relevant to combat time or setting up combat, thats okay as long as they are only occasionally useful in that capacity.

In addition to determining your trained skills, for each level you get ability from your non combat class's list.

Example of some technical skills that would still certainly be represented by skill checks:

Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Forgery, Improvised Tools, Sleight of Hand, Track
Class Ability Lists.
Class Ability Lists

Examples for abilities for each class. Ideally I think each class should have 15-20 abilities so as to create a variety of potential characters.

How MP works: Each combat class MP ability gets 1 per encounter no MP cost use then costs 1 MP to use. MP refreshes after 5 minutes of rest.

A character's invest score is the number of simultaneous invest abilities they may have active at the same time.

Combat Classes
Black Mage

Drain Life
Attacks you make heal you based on the damage dealt. Heal an amount equal to what you deal, up to 2 per round. You can heal up to an additional 2 from damage dealt to undamaged enemies.

Drain Mana
Once per round when you deal damage with an attack you may steal 1 MP from the damaged enemy.

Drain, Empowering – Invest, minor
Every odd level gain one of the following abilities:
Drain Resistance
As long as you are causing a creature to have a penalty to saves you gain +2 on saves.
Drain Sight
As long as you are causing a creature to be blind or have an attack roll penalty, you gain +2 AR.
Drain Speed
Once during your turn when you daze, entangle, or slow a creature you may gain a move action.
Drain Strength
As long as you are causing a creature to be weakened you gain
+1d6 damage.

Drain, Cleansing
Whenever you inflict a duration status condition on someone you may end that same condition on yourself.

Magic Wand
May use your Willpower for the damage and attack roll of your 1h light range attacks.
Very Carefully
Whenever you use an ability that effects all creatures in a zone you may choose to exclude one of those creatures from the effect.

Mastery of Air
Gain access to all Air spells that you have the cross mastery for.

Mastery of Earth
Gain access to all Earth spells that you have the cross mastery for.

Mastery of Fire
Gain access to all Fire spells that you have the cross mastery for.

Mastery of Water
Gain access to all Water spells that you have the cross mastery for.
AirCycloneWall of WindArc LightningDeep Freeze
EarthWebWall of StoneEarth SlashEarthbound
FireFlaming SphereWall of FireBomb BlastGlitterdust
WaterGreaseWall of FrostGlacial SpikeBlizzard

Arc Lightning - MP, range 2
Up to 3 enemies in a 2 range arc from you must R save or take 1d6 damage for each one that is hit.

Blizzard – MP, range 3
Creatures in zone W or are slowed, if already slow W or are weakened.

Bomb Blast– MP, range 1
3D6 Energy damage attack vs all in zone, R for no damage.
Option [Long fuse]: Goes off as a minor action..

Cyclone – MP, range 3, invest
Zone becomes cycloned causing all creatures in it when cast, that enter it, or end in their turns in to W or be pushed 1 zone.

Deep Freeze – MP, range 3
Creatures in zone that are slowed must W or become dazed, creatures in zone that are slowed and weakened must W or become stunned.

Earthbound – MP, Range 3
Creatures in zone W or fall prone, if already prone they W or become entangled.

Earth Slash – MP, range 4
You may make a 2d6 energy attack, R for no damage, against an enemy in your zone and then once in each zone in a line extending up to 4 zones from you.

Flaming Sphere – MP, range 3, invest
You summon a Flaming Sphere. Whenever you take a movement action to move, you may move the Flaming Sphere the same distance. You may direct it to move 1 zone as a minor action. You may activate its aura of flames as a minor action causing all who end their turn, for 1 round, in its zone to take 5 energy damage.

Glacial Spike – MP, range 3
All creatures in zone must R or take 2d6 damage and become slowed.

Glitterdust – MP, range 3
Creatures in zone W or are blinded, W ends.

Grease – MP, range 3, invest
Zone becomes greased causing all creatures in it when cast, that enter it, or end in their turns in to W or fall prone.

Web – MP, range 3, invest
Zone becomes webbed causing all creatures in it when cast, that enter it, or end in their turns in to W or fall become entangled.

Wall of Fire – MP, range 3, invest
5 long, 1 tall. Enemies that pass through it R or take 5 energy damage and must R or suffer 5 ongoing burning energy damage, R ends.

Wall of Frost – MP, range 3, invest
5 long, 1 tall. Enemies that pass through it become slowed. Enemies that end their turn next to it must W or become slowed.

Wall of Stone – MP, range 3, invest
5 long, 1 tall. Transparent or opaque. A segment has 15 HP and no defenses.

Wall of Wind – MP, range 3, invest
5 long, 1 tall. Enemy attacks are -4 AR through it. Enemies attempting to pass through it must W or lose their movement action.
Armor of Thorns – Invest, minor
Once per round, whenever you are dealt damage you may deal your Willpower in damage to the source.

Beckon – MP, range 2, minor
Enemy must W save or they are forced to move towards you on their next turn.
Dismiss – MP, range 2, minor
Enemy must W save or they are forced to move away from you on their next turns, if able.

Chain Strike – MP
The first time during your turn each round that you succeed at a basic combat maneuver [disarm, push, trip, etc] against an opponent you may as a free action perform another basic combat maneuver against them.

C-C-C-Combo Breaker
You have cumulative +2 AC bonus for every attack against you after the first during each turn.

Control Magic
Dispel – MP, range 2, minor
Controller of an ongoing invested effect must W or the effect ends.
Spell Steal – MP, range 2
Controller of an ongoing invested effect must Will save or you gain possession of it.

Counter Attack
+1d6 damage vs enemies who have missed you with an attack in the last round.
Once per round when an enemy misses you with an attack, you make a disarm, entangle, grab, or trip attack against them if they are within range.

Faerie's Song – Range 2, minor
Enemies you dealt damage to during your turn all become silenced for 1 round.

Flash – MP, opportunity
Once per round, you may teleport 1 zone, rewinding any action choice that was just begun.

Gale Crash – MP, minor
Once during your turn, after you make a melee attack against an enemy you may make all the creatures in their zone, other than yourself and them, Will save or be pushed 1 zone.

Phasing Assault – MP, minor
After making an attack against an enemy/enemies you may become Blurred vs everyone except the enemy/enemies you attacked.

You gain +1d4 damage vs creatures who have damaged you since the start of your last turn.

Spirit Bond Mastery
Every odd level gain one of the following Spirit Bond abilities:
Bond of Escape – Opportunity
Once per round, if your spirit bonded target willingly begins a move towards you, you may first move 1 zone away from them.
Bond of Pursuit – Opportunity
Once per round, if your spirit bonded target willingly moves away from you, you may move 1 zone towards them.
Bonded Focus
Share the Pain
You may have up to 2 damage you take each round from sources aside from your bond target be dealt to your bonded target instead.

Spook – MP, range 2, minor
Creature must W or become shaken for 3 rounds.

Dimension Door – MP, move, range 2
Teleport up to 2 zones.

You may reroll R saves, taking the better of the two rolls.
Kip Up
You may stand from prone as a minor action.
You can't be targeted by ranged attacks or abilities unless you are among the closest available targets among your allies.

Ghost – MP, minor, invest, form
You become partially intangible. This allows you to move through unattended solid objects as long as at least 50% of your body is free. You may also walk into difficult terrain with no penalty and on unstable surfaces as thought they were solid ground such as quicksand or water.
You are Blurred.
Taking damage breaks form.

Kid Icarus
Double Jump
As a movement action you may jump up 1 zone.
Feather Fall
When you begin falling you may hover for 1 round instead. The round after that you may choose to slow your fall speed to 10' for that round.
Zephyr – MP, minor
Move 1 zone in any direction.

Last Laugh - Opportunity
If you are struck down to 0 HP you may immediately take a standard action before falling unconscious.

Once per round, you may announce one of your attacks as a meddling attack. If you deal damage with the attack exhaust one of the target's abilities of your naming or one randomly.

Mirror Image – MP, minor
You create two illusory figments of yourself to confuse enemies and protect yourself, that last for 1 round. Any attack made against you has a equal chance to hit you or an illusions. An attacked illusion is dispelled.

Poison Mastery
Every odd level gain one of the following poison abilities:
Blinding Poison – Minor
The next creature you hit must F or is blinded for 1 round.
Dazing Poison – Minor
The next creature you hit must F or is dazed for 1 round.
Silencing Poison – Minor
The next creature you hit must F or is silenced for 1 round.
Weakening Poison – Minor
The next creature you hit must F or is weakened for 1 round.

+1d4 damage during your turn on attacks made after you move.
Gain +4 to tumbles.

Transposition – MP, move, range 3
Two creatures teleport switching places. Either one may make a W save to resist.

Veil of Force – MP, range 1, minor, invest
1 long, 1 tall, invisible wall. A segment has 15 HP and no defenses.
Runic Knight
+1d6 vs enemies who have dealt damage to your allies, other than yourself, within the past turn.

Bubble, The – MP, range 2, minor
An ally becomes Bubbled, immune to damage, but unable to take any actions.

Cleansing Aura – Invest, minor
Cleansing Touch – MP, Minor
Remove a negative status condition from an ally in your zone.
Cleansing Far Touch – MP, Range 3
Remove a negative status condition from an ally.

Earth Wave – MP, range 2, minor
One ally gains an additional zone of movement during the next move, charge or run they make within the next round. That ally also heals for 1d6+ your willpower.

Faerie Fire – MP, range 2, invest, minor
Enemies in zone have -2 AR and have invisibility suppressed. On cast enemies in zone W or are silenced for 1 round.

Fire Flower – MP, minor, invest, form
As a minor action, you may burn an enemy causing them to take 5 ongoing burning energy damage, R ends.
Taking damage breaks form.

Mirror Shield – Invest, minor
Requires a shield.
Whenever you pass a save vs a ranged ability you may make the source of that ability make a save vs the effect at your ability DC.

My Body as a Shield - Opportunity
When an ally in your zone is attacked you may make a tumble check against the attack's source to become the target of the attack instead.

Shield Mastery
Requires a shield.
Every odd level gain one of the following shield abilities:
Heavy Shield
Ignore attacks against you for 5 or less damage.
Mark of Blood
At the start of your turn you may put 5 damage on yourself for an ally to gain 5 temporary HP.
Mark of Deflection – Opportunity, range 2
Once per round when an ally would be struck by a ranged attack you may have the attack be rerolled.
Mark of Resistance – Opportunity, range 2
Once per round when an ally would fail a save you may have them reroll it.

Enemies you attack don't threaten your allies, other than yourself, for 1 round.

You may reroll F and W saves, taking the higher of the two rolls.
Once per encounter you may suppress the effects of all conditions on you with a duration for 1 round.

Requires 2H Heavy Melee Weapon
You gain combat advantage vs enemies with smaller weapons.
Moving into your zone provokes an attack of opportunity.

Aura of Despair – Invest, minor
All other creatures in your zone have -2 AR, Saves, and skill checks.

Aura of Flames – Invest, minor
All other creatures that end their turn in your zone take your Willpower in damage.

On your damage dealing attacks you may choose to automatically hit, dealing minimum attack damage as soft damage.

Great Cleave
During your turn, whenever you down an opponent with a melee attack you gain a free melee attack against another opponent in the same zone.

Frost Nova – MP, minor
All other creatures and objects in your zone F or become slowed for 1 round. All other creatures and objects in your zone F or become weakened for 1 round.

Mega Mushroom – MP, invest, minor, form
You get Big. Your melee reach increase by 1 zone.
You ignore attacks for 5 or less damage.
Taking damage breaks form.

Megaton Slam
Requires 2H Heavy Melee Weapon..
Once during your turn when you make a 2H melee attack against an enemy you may make all creatures in their zone, other than yourself,, F or fall prone.

Metal Mario
You gain + 1 bonus AC for each attack that hits you, and lose 1 of that bonus AC for each attack that misses you.
+4 on saves vs effects that try to move you or make you prone.

+1 Opportunity action per round.
+1d6 damage on opportunity attacks.
Solemn Judgment – Opportunity
Once per encounter you may pay half your life points to negate the action of an enemy you threaten

You gain +1 damage on your turn for each creature that damaged you since the start of your last turn.
q_q – MP
When your HP is reduced to 0 you may make a F save vs the damage source's Ability DC. If you succeed you are reduced to 1 HP instead.

Roil and Rumble – MP
All other creatures and objects in your zone F or fall prone. All other creatures and objects in your zone F or entangle.

Shockwave – MP

Stay Awhile and Listen – MP, minor
Creatures within your reach and creatures you threaten are slowed for 1 round.

Suppressive Fire
Requires ranged weapon. Choose up to 3 adjacent zones within range, you threaten people in those zones, for movement, with your ranged weapon. Cover still prevents you from threatening. Enemies threatened this way have -2 AR.

Whirlwind Attack
Once, during your turn, when you make a melee attack vs an enemy, you may deal your Willpower in damage to any number of other enemies within reach.

Universally available Abilities
Blind Warrior
Low-light vision
Invisibility, half concealment, and similar conditions don't stop you from being aware of and threatening enemies.

Dash Cancel
Whenever you take a standard action that requires an attack roll or forces saving throws, if all the attack rolls miss and the saves are passed you may take a move action.

Distract Attack
Your attacks, hit or miss, lower attacked enemy's AR by 4 vs targets other than you for 1 round.

Improved Disarm
+4 on Disarm Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you disarmed.
You may make disarm attacks with 1H light ranged weapons.

Improved Entangle
+4 on Entangle Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you entangled.
You may make entangle attacks with 1H light ranged weapons.

Improved Grab
+4 on Grab Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you grabbed.
Hook Shot
You may make grab attacks with 1H light ranged weapons.
Tremendous Throw
As an attack against a grabbed opponent, still dealing unarmed damage, you can throw them to an adjacent zone [including up].

Improved Initiative
+4 Initiative.
You gain a move action during the surprise round.
Gain combat advantage vs opponents who have not yet acted this combat.

Improved Push
+4 on Push Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you pushed.
Gust Jar
You may make push attacks with 1H light ranged weapons.

Improved Trip
+4 on Trip Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you tripped.
You may make trip attacks with 1H light ranged weapons.

Improved Wing Clip
+4 on Wing Clip Attempts
Once during your turn, as a minor action, you may make an attack vs an opponent you wing clipped.

Pegasus Boots
May move 2 in straight line then make a charge going forward.

Reaping Strike
Your physical attacks deal half your stat mod to damage on a miss.

Steady Shot
+2 extra AR on ranged attacks vs enemies you have combat advantage vs..
Shot on the Run
You can double move while making a ranged attack as long as you don't increase in distance during the move from the target.

Non Combat Class Abilities
Non combat class MP abilites cost 1 MP. Further some are limited to 1/day. The cooldown schedules on these certainly need some work, but the basic idea is fine. I mostly wrote or copied in the present abilities in a hurry to give an idea of the aimed for power level. Obviously Summoner's Trick several times per 5 minutes is, well, silly.

The activated abilities are standard actions unless otherwise listed.

Augury - MP, Daily
An augury can tell you whether a particular action will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future.
The chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70%. This roll is made secretly. A question may be so straightforward that a successful result is automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If the augury succeeds, you get one of four results:
Weal (if the action will probably bring good results).
Woe (for bad results).
Weal and woe (for both).
Nothing (for actions that don’t have especially good or bad results).
If the ritual fails the result is “nothing.”
The augury can see into the future only about an hour, so anything that might happen after that does not affect the result. Thus, the result might not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. All auguries done by the same person about the same topic use the same dice result as the first casting.

Clairaudiance – MP, Daily
Create an auditory sensor at a location known to you within 10 miles. You may hear within 100' of the sensor at the quality of your own hearing.

Clairvoyance – MP, Daily
Create a visual sensor at a location known to you within 10 miles. You may see within 100' of the sensor at the quality of your own sight.

Psychometry – MP, Daily
May ask 3 yes/no questions of an object regarding its history of the past week. You also pick up on images of any scene during that time involving intense emotion with the object.

Face Man
Ignore – MP, range 2
A creature currently unaware of you must W or become completely oblivious of you, unless you directly interact with them.

Megaphone – MP
You may or grant someone the ability to speak and be heard by all clearly within 500 feet.

MP Bind - MP
Willing creature becomes unable to use MP abilities

Sending – MP, Daily
You contact a particular creature with which you are familiar and send a short message of twenty-five words or less to the subject. The subject recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately.

Harden - MP
Cause object to become much more durable

Instant Door – MP
You create a temporary doorway instantly in solid mass, typically such as a wall of wood, stone or earth. A large thickness causes Instant Door to fail.

Illuminate - MP
You cause an area to glow as if by torchlight with no clear origin, or cause an object to shine with the light of a torch.

Shrink Item - MP
You cause an up to medium size object, weighing up to 100 pounds to become pocket sized, or you cause an object subjected to this ritual to return to its original size. You may only maintain 10 shrunken items at a time.

Transmutation, Elementary - MP
Transmute one element [Air, earth, fire, water] into another, on a small scale, 1 cubic foot.
Some examples A campfire into a puddle, ice into dirt, dirt into air, air into small burst of flame.

Breathing, Elemental - Passive
Choose an element earth, fire, water or air. You may breathe that element as though it were clean normal air. In the case of choosing air you breathe natural toxic gases as though they were plain air.

Deep Pockets - MP
You create a small extra-dimensional space within a pocket or small bag allowing it to hold up to 50 pounds or 5 cubic feet. You may only have one Deep Pockets space at any given time.

Endure Elements - Passive
Extremes of temperatures between 0 and 110 degrees F are barely felt at all. Further extremes in either direction take closer and closer the full effect they do onto a regular person.

Summoner's Trick - MP
You can pull a variety of animals from a hat or some such.
Random animals: Rabbit, small dog, garden snake, squirrel, cat, songbird, hedgehog, mouse, raccoon, frightened skunk, or a turtle.
Last edited by KevinBlaze on Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ubernoob »

I disagree with the choice to use d4 for bonus damage. D6 are more fun to roll.
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Post by RobbyPants »

It's an interesting idea. I like the idea of a simple 3E-like RPG.

One thing I noticed about your ability scores: you only have two possible arrays (3, 3, 3, or 2, 3, 4). It's not bad, but it seems sort of bland.

I'm sort of iffy on the percent-based concealment rules. In 3E, %-based miss chances tend to be much better than linear modifiers to AC, unless those modifiers get huge.

I like how you've basically dropped feats in lieu of class features. This should hopefully speed up char-gen once people get used to the list.
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Post by Bihlbo »

Some of the basics of this are very 4e-like, which is a good thing.
I concur about d6>d4. I hate handling a d4, they just slow things down.
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Post by KevinBlaze »

RobbyPants wrote:It's an interesting idea. I like the idea of a simple 3E-like RPG.

One thing I noticed about your ability scores: you only have two possible arrays (3, 3, 3, or 2, 3, 4). It's not bad, but it seems sort of bland.

I'm sort of iffy on the percent-based concealment rules. In 3E, %-based miss chances tend to be much better than linear modifiers to AC, unless those modifiers get huge.

I like how you've basically dropped feats in lieu of class features. This should hopefully speed up char-gen once people get used to the list.
There's a 3rd array of 1, 4, 4. Yeah, not a lot of choices but it feels wrong to not have some choice over combat stats XD [originally I was going to be statless, but I think this added step doesn't slow down char gen much at all]. Additionally it helps a bit for envisioning the character before you play the character.

For blinds and partial concealment I was considering using a reroll on hit to confirm to keep it all on a d20, but the effect on hit chance is dramatically different at different original TNs.

As for d4s vs d6s, I think you're probably right that its better to go with d6s even though d6 bonuses are quite a bit bigger. I chose d4s because they work better for lowering damage inflation. but almost everyone I talk to about it asks why aren't they d6s? XD
Last edited by KevinBlaze on Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RobbyPants »

Yes. Yes there is a third array.
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Post by KevinBlaze »

Updated for 10+ new abilities for each combat class.

Included a wacky spell mastery idea for Black Mages, among some other interesting ideas.
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Post by Midwoka »

Everyone gets two classes, and they get the better Base Attack Bonus, but only one class doesn't have a BAB of 5. So eeeeeveryone has a BAB of 5 as it is! Better make up a new class to fix that, huh?

(I know the class list isn't finished, but it still seems funny! =D )
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