Elemental Siphon

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Elemental Siphon

Post by Kaelik »

Elemental Siphon
"Let our powers combine. Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart? No, we don't need you Ma-Ti."

HD: d8
BAB: 3/4ths
Skill points: 4+Int
Balance, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge Planes/Arcana, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble.
Saves: Good Fort and Ref. Bad Will.

1: Elemental Affinity. Elemental Pool. Minor Channeling. Tap the Elements
2: Minor Warding
3: Powered Channeling
4: Fast Channel
5: Stronger Channel, Commune with Elements
6: Moderate Warding
7: Combined Channeling
8: Elemental Movement
9: Elemental Minion
10: Greater Warding
11: Channel the Storm
13: Tri Element Channeling
14: Merge with Element
15: Apothesis of Planes

An Elemental Siphon is proficient with Light Armor and anything plausibly having to do with elements. Also, simple weapons.

Elemental Affinity(Ex): An Elemental Siphon varies based on his plane, he may choose any mental stat. That stat governs his abilities, and is used in any location his class text says "Stat".

Elemental Pool (Ex): An Elemental Siphon has a pool of elemental tokens. He has a Maximum of 4 divided as he chooses between the four elements, Water, Air, Earth, Fire. This increases by 1 Every even level.

He may expend a token as a standard action to emulate any of the following spells at Caster level equal to Character level with a duration of Concentration, depending on the token expended.

Earth: Shape Earth (As Stone Shape, but applies mud or dirt as well.)
Water: Control Water
Air: Gust of Wind
Fire: Animate Fire

He may also expend a token as a free action or immediate action to receive an insight bonus to something for one round:

Earth: DR/- equal to Character Level.
Water: +Character Level to saving throws.
Fire: +5ft per Character Level bonus to speed.
Air: +Character Level to AC.

Some Elemental Siphon abilities require expending points from the pool to activate.

He may fill his pool to the maximum with any combination of elements by spending 3 consecutive full round actions meditating on the elements.

Minor Channeling (Su): As a standard action, an Elemental Siphon may use a minor channel of one element. Using a minor channel adds one token of the opposite type to the Elemental pool if the pool is not full. Earth opposes Air. Fire Opposes Water. In addition to adding a pool token, the channel creates an attack for the Siphon:

Fire: 5ft radius Fire burst with a range of close does 1d6 damage per Character Level, ref for half.
Air: 2d6+Stat+level slashing damage on a ranged attack with a range of close. Bullrushes flying creatures (Using Stat instead in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB). At Character Level 6 becomes a ranged touch attack.
Earth: Entangles for two rounds or trips or bullrushes target touching ground within close range (Using Stat in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB, as a creature of size medium + 1 size for every four Character Levels above 6). At Character Level 6, does all three at once.
Water: Sickens target within medium range for the combat. At Character Level 6, Nauseates for two rounds on failed fort save.

Tap the Elements (Su): Any spell with an elemental descriptor, such as Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Electricity, or Cold, is treated as being on the spell list of the Elemental Siphon for the purpose of using items.

Minor Warding (Su): An Elemental Siphon may have one Minor Warding up at a time, to switch warding requires a swift action.

Water: Cold and Acid Resistance equal to Character Level.
Fire: Fire Resist equal to double Character Level.
Earth: 3+1/3rd Character Level natural armor.
Air: Electricity Resistance equal to Character Level, +1/3rd Character Level Deflection bonus to AC.

Powered Channelling (Su): An Elemental Siphon may expend a token from their pool to power up an attack. As a free action concurrent with using a channel ability, the Siphon spends a token of the element being channeled and the channel is treated as being channeled by a Siphon three Character Levels higher than the Siphon's current level. This affects save DCs, scaling damage, and aspects of the channel that are granted at higher Character Levels, such as minor channeling water's ability to Nauseate.

Fast Channel (Su): By expending 3 tokens of an element concurrent with that activation of a channel of that element the activating action is reduced to swift. Channels of multiple elements require 3 tokens total of any combination of the elements in use.

Stronger Channel (Su): At level 5, the Siphon gains the ability to channel elements in stronger amounts. Activating a Stronger Channel is a standard action that expends 1 token of it's element to use. It will also add one token of it's opposing element to your pool as well. Saving throw DCs are always 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat.

Fire: 20ft radius Fireball shoots out to long range doing 1d6 damage per Character Level, Ref for half. If they fail their reflex save, they are also pushed to the nearest edge of the fireball.
Water: Water attempts to erupt from a target within close range, if they fail a fort save, they are stunned for one round as it shoots forth. Pass or Fail, afterwords they are Fatigued as well (Stacks to Exhaustion if stacked). Plants are not immune to stunning for the purpose of this stun.
Earth: The Siphon may duplicate a Move Earth, Wall of Stone, or Stoneshape effect with an effective Caster level equal to Character level.
Air: A 60ft Cone of rushing Air pushes away from the Siphon. Those within the Cone are pushed backwards until they leave the Cone. If they hit a wall or other impediment, they are subject to 2d6 damage for every 10ft they did not travel. A Fort Save negates this effect. Airbourne creatures suffer a -5 penalty to the save. This affects objects.

Commune with Elements (Su): This is an always active ability that works like the spell Stone Tell, but applies to any element. For the purposes of Water, it only knows about the body it is currently in (River/Lake/Ocean) and is more vague the larger the area covered. For the purposes of Air, it knows the general area, and about things from the direction it was blown from, IE divining information about the nearby mountains that the wind is blowing out of is fine, but not "Where is the nearest City?"

Moderate Warding (Su): In addition to one Minor Warding, the Siphon may now have a Moderate Warding active as well of the same or different element. It is a swift action to change which warding is up.

Water: Treat as the spell Repulsion, once they have made the save, they are immune to this warding for 24 hours, even if you refresh the effect. Additionally, ten rounds after failing a save, they are treated as if they have never attempted a save, and will be given a new chance if they attempt to close.
Fire: Does 1d6 per two Character Levels of Fire damage to anyone who attacks you with a natural weapon or a non reach melee weapon.
Air: A Windwall surrounds you, occupying each adjacent square.
Earth: You gain immunity to tripping, bullrushing, grappling, overrunning and wind effects that would move you or prevent you from moving as long as you continue to touch the ground.

Combined Channel (Su): You may combine two elements into one Channel to produce a new array of effects. This expends one token of each element being channelled, and adds one token of your choice to one of the two elements not being channelled. DCs are 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat as usual.

Ice (Air + Water): You summon forth a Spear of Ice that you then throw, making a ranged touch attack out to close range doing 1d6 cold damage per Character Level and slowing your opponent for one round.

Magma (Earth + Fire): You transform the floor/walls/cielings into Magma as long as they are stone, dirt, metal or otherwise of the earth, one 5ft cube per Character Level within medium range. This magma is treated as mud as per the Rock to mud spell for the purposes of movement, but does 7d6 Fire damage to anyone touching it. If you transform the ground beneath someone's feat, they may make a reflex save, which if they pass allows them to make a free jump check to any non Magma location they can reach or to begin flying. If they can't jump far enough to reach solid ground, they sink into the magma at their origional location.

You may also transform Magma to stone or dirt instead.

Lightning (Air + Fire): You shoot a Ray that strikes a target within close range, They are Dazed for 1d4 rounds on a failed Will Save. On a successful save, they are Blinded for one round.

Mud (Earth + Water): You summon forth a Wall of Mud like a wall of stone at Caster level equal to Character Level. This Mud has rudimentary intelligence, and allows you to pass through it as if it were Air. But it breaks line of sight and line of effect for all creatures, and acts as a Wall of Stone to anyone else, unless you command it to allow passage.

In addition, it makes Disarm Check with an AB = Character Level+Stat+5 every time someone attacks the wall with a weapon, as it tries to suck the weapon in. If disarmed, the weapon is trapped in the wall, and will not be removed until the section of the wall is destroyed.

After 24 hours, the walls intelligence leaks out, and it becomes a regular stone wall.

Elemental Movement (Su): You may activate a movement type of an element for 5 rounds by expending a token of that element:

Earth: Earthglide
Water: Swim Speed equal to Twice Land Speed and FoM when in water.
Fire: Short range teleports of 30ft as a move action.
Air: Fly speed equal to land speed. Good Manuverability.

Elemental Minion (Ex): By calling into the elements, you can form a portion of an element into a small elemental of that type. You may only have one active at a time. However, that one small elemental has all the abilities of a small elemental of that type, and obeys you completely, no matter how far away he travels or what you do. If at any point you attempt to create another elemental, the current one melts back into inanimate element.

To the DMs discretion this can be expanded beyond the Core four elementals, into things like Storm or Magma or even Wood elementals.

Greater Warding (Su): You may now have one Greater Warding active at a time. Swift action to change which one is up:

Water: Acid and Cold Immunity
Fire: Fire Immunity and Cold Immunity
Earth: DR/Adamantium equal to Character Level and Natural Armor equal to half Character Level.
Air: Electricity Immunity and creates an area of clear breathable air extending 10ft from you. This area cannot be penetrated by any cloud effect, and moves with you, magically refreshing itself. This also allows you to breath freely in water or any other situation and immune to any airbourne poisons or diseases.

Channel the Storm (Su): By expending two tokens of the used element(s) you may make a channel attack that targets only a single target affect all enemies within 20ft of that target. If it required a RTA, make separate attacks for each enemy.

Tri Element Channeling (Su): By expending one token of three elements you may invoke a three element attack. Each such attack is a standard action, and results in the addition of one token of the element not used into your pool. DCs are always 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat.

Lightning Bubbles (Air + Fire + Earth): The Siphon molds earth and fire into large bubbles with lightning currents shooting through it. This is treated as a Force Effect. He can create either one Large bubble as an Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere that does 1d6 Electricity damage to anyone that touches it, or he may make a number of smaller bubbles, one per three Character Levels, but must be immediately fired at a target as a ranged touch attack (one per bubble, can target different subjects) doing 1d6 Electriciy damage per two Character Levels, and then immediately dissipating.

Earth Cloud (Air + Water + Earth): The earth surges into the air in a foutain of mud, a 40ft radius area within medium range has all the effects of a solid fog. In addition, all creatures that breath air in the area must make constitution checks as per suffocation, as if they had already held their breath for 2x(Con mod) rounds as the mud seeps into their lungs.

Lightning Lance (Fire + Air + Water): A line of water laced with Lightning shoots forth from your hand out 120ft doing 2d6 Lightning Damage per CL and stunning for one round anything in it's path. A reflex save halves the damage, but does not negate stunning unless they have evasion. (Lightning Immunity negates stunning.)

Lava Spray (Fire + Earth + Water): A spray of Lava shoots out in a 60ft Cone doing 1d6 Fire damage per CL and burning for the same amount next round. It also does 30 bludgeoning damage. A reflex save halves the fire damage, but not the bludgeoning.

Merge with Element (Su): A Siphon may at this level take the form of one of the four elements. It is a swift action to change element. While Merged, he may take the form of an elemental of HD <= his Character Level.

He gains the size and appearance of such an elemental. He also gains the ability to choose to accept or ignore any non instantaneous spell with a descriptor of his element if he is a target or in the area when it is cast. If it is an area spell, the entire spell is absorbed by him, and it affects no one.

Finally, he gains at all times the ability he would gain if he spent a token from his pool that round for an insight bonus.

Apotheosis of the Planes (Ex): The Elemental Siphon is now an Elemental, his natural form for the purposes of True Seeing is a seething mass of all four elements, and he may take that form or his former humanoid form at will as a free action from any form. He is of the elemental type, do not recalculate HD, BAB, saves, or skills, but he does gain all the other traits of that type. He may also Greater Plane Shift to any location on one of the four Inner Planes.

Finally, he may invest himself in a clump of element, and having done so, he may, after having been slain return from the dead as if someone had cast a True Resurrection spell on him when he had been alive. Such a patch may be defiled once placed, any changed that might be considered to change the structure of the patch may be considered defilement, but the Siphon gains knowledge of the defilement.

Only one such patch may exist at any given time.
Version 2: This class has has ten levels and then PrCs based on the element chosen. Ten levels seemed to fit better than the original 15.

Elemental Siphon
"It's not a Pyramid scheme, it's a high level elemental energy redistributing plan."

HD: d8
BAB: 3/4ths
Skill points: 4+Int
Balance, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge Planes/Arcana, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble.
Saves: Good Fort and Ref. Bad Will.

1: Elemental Affinity. Elemental Pool. Minor Channeling. Tap the Elements
2: Minor Warding
3: Powered Channeling
4: Fast Channel, Commune with Elements
5: Stronger Channel
6: Moderate Warding
7: Combined Channeling
8: Elemental Movement, Greater Warding
9: Elemental Minion, Channel Storm
10: Form of Plane, Elemental Apotheosis

An Elemental Siphon is proficient with Light Armor and anything plausibly having to do with elements. Also, simple weapons.

Elemental Affinity(Ex): An Elemental Siphon varies based on his plane, he may choose any mental stat. That stat governs his abilities, and is used in any location his class text says "Stat".

Elemental Pool (Ex): An Elemental Siphon has a pool of elemental tokens. He has a Maximum of 4 divided as he chooses between the four elements, Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. This increases by 1 every even level.

He may expend a token as a standard action to emulate any of the following spells at Caster level equal to Character level with a duration of Concentration, depending on the token expended.

Earth: Shape Earth (As Stone Shape, but applies mud or dirt as well.)
Water: Control Water
Air: Gust of Wind
Fire: Animate Fire

He may also expend a token as a free action or immediate action to receive an insight bonus to something for one round:

Earth: DR/- equal to Character Level.
Water: +Character Level to saving throws.
Fire: +5ft per Character Level bonus to speed.
Air: +Character Level to AC.

Some Elemental Siphon abilities require expending points from the pool to activate.

He may fill his pool to the maximum with any combination of elements by spending 3 consecutive full round actions meditating on the elements.

Minor Channeling (Su): As a standard action, an Elemental Siphon may use a minor channel of one element. Using a minor channel adds one token of the opposite type to the Elemental pool if the pool is not full. Earth opposes Air. Fire Opposes Water. In addition to adding a pool token, the channel creates an attack for the Siphon:

Fire: 5ft radius Fire burst with a range of close does 1d6 damage per Character Level, ref for half.
Air: 2d6+Stat+level slashing damage on a ranged attack with a range of close. Bullrushes flying creatures (Using Stat instead in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB). At Character Level 6 becomes a ranged touch attack out to medium range.
Earth: Entangles for two rounds or trips or bullrushes target touching ground within close range (Using Stat in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB, as a creature of size medium + 1 size for every four Character Levels above 6). At Character Level 6, does all three at once.
Water: Sickens target within medium range for 2 minutes. At Character Level 6, Nauseates for two rounds on failed fort save, still sickens on either failed of successful fort save, resolve after the save.

Tap the Elements (Su): Any spell with an elemental descriptor, such as Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Electricity, or Cold, is treated as being on the spell list of the Elemental Siphon for the purpose of using items.

Minor Warding (Su): An Elemental Siphon may have one Minor Warding up at a time, to switch warding requires a swift action.

Water: Cold and Acid Resistance equal to Character Level.
Fire: Fire Resist equal to double Character Level.
Earth: 3+1/3rd Character Level enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Air: Electricity Resistance equal to Character Level, +1/3rd Character Level Deflection bonus to AC.

Powered Channelling (Su): An Elemental Siphon may expend a token from their pool to power up an attack. As a free action concurrent with using a channel ability, the Siphon spends a token of the element being channeled and the channel is treated as being channeled by a Siphon three Character Levels higher than the Siphon's current level. This affects save DCs, scaling damage, and aspects of the channel that are granted at higher Character Levels, such as minor channeling water's ability to Nauseate.

Fast Channel (Su): By expending 3 tokens of an element concurrent with that activation of a channel of that element the activating action is reduced to swift. Channels of multiple elements require 3 tokens total of any combination of the elements in use.

Commune with Elements (Su): This is an always active ability that works like the spell Stone Tell, but applies to any element. For the purposes of Water, it only knows about the body it is currently in (River/Lake/Ocean) and is more vague the larger the area covered. For the purposes of Air, it knows the general area, and about things from the direction it was blown from, IE divining information about the nearby mountains that the wind is blowing out of is fine, but not "Where is the nearest City?"

Stronger Channel (Su): At level 5, the Siphon gains the ability to channel elements in stronger amounts. Activating a Stronger Channel is a standard action that expends 1 token of it's element to use. It will also add one token of it's opposing element to your pool as well. Saving throw DCs are always 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat.

Fire: 20ft radius Fireball shoots out to medium range doing 1d6 damage per Character Level, Ref for half. If they fail their reflex save, they are also pushed to the nearest edge of the fireball.
Water: Water attempts to erupt from a target within close range, if they fail a fort save, they are stunned for two rounds as it shoots forth. Pass or Fail, afterwords they are Fatigued as well (Stacks to Exhaustion if stacked). Plants are not immune to stunning for the purpose of this stun.
Earth: The Siphon may duplicate a Move Earth, Wall of Stone, or Stoneshape effect with an effective Caster level equal to Character level.
Air: A 60ft Cone of rushing Air pushes away from the Siphon. Those within the Cone are pushed backwards until they leave the Cone. If they hit a wall or other impediment, they are subject to 2d6 damage for every 10ft they did not travel. A Fort Save negates this effect. Airbourne creatures suffer a -5 penalty to the save. This affects objects.

Moderate Warding (Su): In addition to one Minor Warding, the Siphon may now have a Moderate Warding active as well of the same or different element. It is a swift action to change which warding is up.

Water: Treat as the spell Repulsion out to 30ft, once they have made the save, they are immune to this warding for 24 hours, even if you refresh the effect. Additionally, 3 rounds after failing a save, they are treated as if they have never attempted a save, and will be given a new chance if they attempt to close.
Fire: Does 1d6 per two Character Levels of Fire damage to anyone who attacks you with a natural weapon or a non reach melee weapon.
Air: A Windwall surrounds you, occupying each adjacent square.
Earth: You gain immunity to tripping, bullrushing, grappling, overrunning and wind effects that would move you or prevent you from moving as long as you continue to touch the ground.

Combined Channel (Su): You may combine two elements into one Channel to produce a new array of effects. This expends one token of each element being channelled, and adds one token of your choice to one of the two elements not being channelled. DCs are 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat as usual.

Ice (Air + Water): You summon forth a Spear of Ice that you then throw, making a ranged touch attack out to close range doing 1d6 cold damage per Character Level and slowing your opponent for one round.

Magma (Earth + Fire): You transform the floor/walls/cielings into Magma as long as they are stone, dirt, metal or otherwise of the earth, one 5ft cube per Character Level within medium range. This magma is treated as mud as per the Rock to mud spell for the purposes of movement, but does 7d6 Fire damage to anyone touching it. If you transform the ground beneath someone's feat, they may make a reflex save, which if they pass allows them to make a free jump check to any non Magma location they can reach or to begin flying. If they can't jump far enough to reach solid ground, they sink into the magma at their origional location.

You may also transform Magma to stone or dirt instead.

Lightning (Air + Fire): You shoot a 120ft Line outward, any creature in the area is blinded for one round and must make a Will save or be Dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Mud (Earth + Water): You summon forth a Wall of Mud like a wall of stone at Caster level equal to Character Level. This Mud has rudimentary intelligence, and allows you to pass through it as if it were Air. But it breaks line of sight and line of effect for all creatures, and acts as a Wall of Stone to anyone else, unless you command it to allow passage.

In addition, it makes Disarm Check with an AB = Character Level+Stat+5 every time someone attacks the wall with a weapon, as it tries to suck the weapon in. If disarmed, the weapon is trapped in the wall, and will not be removed until the section of the wall is destroyed.

After 24 hours, the walls intelligence leaks out, and it becomes a regular stone wall.

Elemental Movement (Su): You may activate a movement type of an element for 5 rounds by expending a token of that element as a free action:

Earth: Earthglide
Water: Swim Speed equal to Twice Land Speed and FoM when in water.
Fire: Short range teleports of 30ft as a move action.
Air: Fly speed equal to land speed. Good Maneuverability.

Greater Warding (Su): You may now have one Greater Warding active at a time. Swift action to change which one is up:

Water: Acid and Cold Immunity
Fire: Fire Immunity and Cold Immunity
Earth: DR/Adamantium equal to Character Level and and enhancement bonus to Natural Armor equal to half Character Level.
Air: Electricity Immunity and creates an area of clear breathable air extending 10ft from you. This area cannot be penetrated by any cloud effect, and moves with you, magically refreshing itself. This also allows you to breath freely in water or any other situation and immune to any airbourne poisons or diseases.

Elemental Minion (Ex): By calling into the elements, you can form a portion of an element into a small elemental of that type. You may only have one active at a time. However, that one small elemental has all the abilities of a small elemental of that type, and obeys you completely, no matter how far away he travels or what you do. If at any point you attempt to create another elemental, the current one melts back into inanimate element.

To the DMs discretion this can be expanded beyond the Core four elementals, into things like Storm or Magma elementals.

Channel the Storm (Su): By expending two tokens of the used element(s) you may make a channel attack that targets only a single target affect all enemies within 20ft of that target. If it required a RTA, make separate attacks for each enemy.

Form of Plane (Su): A Siphon may at this level take the form of one of the four elements. It is a swift action to change element. While in the form, he has the shape, size, movement modes, and appearance of an elemental of HD <= his Character Level of that element.

He also gains the ability to choose to accept or ignore any non instantaneous spell with a descriptor of his element if he is a target or in the area when it is cast. If it is an area spell, the entire spell is absorbed by him, and it affects no one.

Finally, he gains at all times the ability he would gain if he spent a token from his pool that round for an insight bonus.

Elemental Apotheosis(Ex): The Elemental Siphon is now an Elemental, his natural form for the purposes of True Seeing is a seething mass of all four elements, and he may take that form or his former humanoid form at will as a free action from any form. He is of the elemental type, do not recalculate HD, BAB, saves, or skills, but he does gain all the other traits of that type. He may also use Greater Plane Shift to any location on one of the four Inner Planes as an SLA, at will.

Finally, he may invest himself in a clump of element, and having done so, he may, after having been slain, return from the dead as if someone had cast a True Resurrection spell on him from the location of his clump. Such a patch may be defiled once placed, any changed that might be considered to change the structure of the patch may be considered defilement, but the Siphon gains knowledge of the defilement.

Only one such patch may exist at any given time.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:58 am, edited 17 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

Placeholder, last five levels + Some feats.

Astral Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon.
Effect: You gain one Astral token, which is refreshed each time you refresh your pool. This Token may be expended as a token of any element.

You are also in touch with the Astral, and can therefore see the residues of previous teleportation effects, and determine their destination (You may scry location, as the spell, the area of any teleport residue after one minute of careful uninterrupted study.)

Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Ethereal Blending [Blending]
pre req: Siphon.
Effect: You gain one Ethereal Token that refreshes each time you refresh your pool. This Token may be expended as either Air or Fire at any time. Alternatively, you can expend it to Plane Shift to any location on the Ethereal Plane. Or to move from a point on the Ethereal to the coexistent part of a Material Plane.

Additionally, your connection to the ethereal plane allows you to see that plane from the material at all times.

Also, once per week as a free action you can reach out and get lucky, conveniently grabbing a wand of whatever you needed that was lost on the Ethereal by someone else. You get a wand of whatever level 1-3 spell you want with 1d10 charges on it. After a week, you lose track of it and lose it on the Ethereal yourself.
Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Negative Blending [Blending]
pre req: Siphon.
Effect: You gain two Negative Energy Tokens that refresh each time you refresh your pool. They can be expended to turn any other tokens into their opposite as a free action, or, you can expend a token to make a touch attack that bestows one negative level on a failed fort save. This is a standard action. At CL 8, you can attach this negative level to channeling of a different element.

You also heal from negative energy as an undead.
Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Positive Blending [Blending]
pre req: Siphon
Effect: You gain one positive energy token that refreshes whenever you refresh your pool. You may expend this token to cast Heal on yourself at Caster level equal to your character level as a standard action. At Level 8, you may expend a number of water tokens at the same time to affect that number of additional targets, treat as mass Heal for the purposes of range and save DC 10+1/2 level+Stat.

Alternatively, you may expend the token to cast Restoration on yourself and all allies within 30ft.

In addition, your affinity with the Positive Energy Plane allows you to not explode on that Plane due to overwhelming love.
Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Wood Blending [Blending]
pre req: Siphon
Effect: You gain one Wood token that refreshes whenever you refresh your pool. This be expended as either a Water or Earth token, or to mimic either Woodshape or Tree Stride.

In addition, your affinity to woods allows you to create any ironwood armor or weapon over the course of a day of crafting from simple wood. These objects are always masterwork in quality.

Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Shadow Blending [Blending]
pre req: Siphon
Effect: You gain one Shadow token that refreshes whenever you refresh your pool. This may be expended to augment any channel any way you can (IE, one shadow token may reduce the use time of a channel to a swift action), but cannot be used to activate a channel itself. Alternatively, it can be expended to cast Blacklight at Caster level equal to Character level.

You also gain Darkvision 120ft that works even in magical darkness.

Special: You may only Blend with one plane that is not one of the Four Elemental Planes.

Astral Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Astral Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as any token type.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Astral plane, or to the position on the material plane coexistent with your current location on the Astral. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain Astral Sight, the ability to see all portals to and from the Astral, and their residue for up to one week. This includes teleport spell effects. You can then approach such a residue, and follow it to it's other end, effectively casting scry location on either the Astral side of the portal, or on the other end of a teleport effect with one minute of uninterrupted study.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Ethereal Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Ethereal Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a fire or air token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Ethereal Plane, or to cause yourself to blink, as the Greater Blink spell, at CL equal to Character level. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you can see onto the Ethereal Plane at all times.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Shadow Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Shadow Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used to add any modification to a channel with a single token. One shadow token equates to 3 for the purpose of fast channel, ect.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA to a destination on the Plane of Shadow, or to cast the spell Blacklight at Caster level equal to Character Level. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you See in Darkness as the Devil ability.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Positive Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Positive Energy Token that returns each time you replenish your pool.

This token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Positive Energy Plane, Cast Heal as a spell like ability at Caster level equal to Character level, or use Restoration on each ally within 30ft as a full round action. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain knowledge as the Deathwatch spell of all creatures within 30ft of you that you have line of effect to, and this allows you to pinpoint the square of any hiding or invisible creature in that area. Also, you do not die from too much positive energy.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Negative Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you two Negative Energy Tokens that returns each time you replenish your pool. These tokens may be expended as a free action to turn any token into it's opposite token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination of the Negative Energy Plane, or to apply a negative level to each creature effected by one of your Channels. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain Lifesense, and you heal from negative energy whenever you have a negative energy token not expended.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Wood Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Wood Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a water or earth token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination of the (Pseudo)Elemental Plane of Wood (if it exists in your setting), or cast Transmute Metal to Wood, Tree Stride, or Spike Wood as an SLA, or to Fort save or die any plant. (Spike Wood is Spike Stones but made of wood.) You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

Also, whenever you don't have your Wood token expended, you may use Warp Wood or Wood Shape as SLAs at will.

In addition you gain Wood Sight, the ability to see through Wood within 120ft of you. The Wood still blocks line of effect.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Shadow Siphon

Pre reqs: Elemental Apotheosis Class Feature, Shadow Blending feat.

BAB 3/4ths.
Saves: All good.

1: Shadow Tokens, Shadow Warding
2: Shadow Mirrors
3: Shadow Elemental, Shadow Form
4: Shades
5: Shadow Apotheosis

Shadow Tokens (Ex): A Shadow Siphon adds one Shadow Token to his pool that refreshes as normal at level 1, and another at each odd level in this Prestige class.

Shadow Warding (Su): A Shadow Siphon gains a cloak of Shadow, giving it 50% miss chance against all attacks. This works like Displacement, except that is negated by any effect that allows a creature to see in magical darkness.

Shadow Powers (Su): A Shadow Siphon need no longer expend a Shadow Token to invoke Blacklight, and instead, may gain one token each time he uses it.

Instead, Shadow Tokens can be expended for the following effects, DCs 10+1/2 level+Stat:

Shadow Mirror: A Mirror of Shadow appears. This Mirror can be used by the Siphon to see the view of any other Mirror of Shadow they have created, and to transport themselves and any willing creatures being touched to that location. They may only have one Mirror per Shadow Siphon level in existence at a time, the Siphon knows the location and status of all his Mirrors, and may choose which one to replace. Creation requires a standard action and expending one Shadow Token. Movement requires a full round action and expending one Shadow Token.
Shadow Clone: By expending two Shadow Tokens a Siphon may summon a Clone made of vile Shadow to attempt to kill a target within medium range. The target must make a Will save, followed by a Fort save.
If the Will save passes, the Target manages to prevent the Clone from forming, and nothing happens. If the Will save fails and the Fort succeeds, the Clone forms, but is defeated, the battle causes the target to take one negative level and be Helpless for two rounds. If Both saves fail, the Clone is the victor, kills it's opponent, and immediately sets about attempting to kill the nearest creature until it fades in 10 rounds. The Clone is identical to the original in all respects other than goals, even having the same gear for those 10 rounds. No part of this ability is a mind affecting effect.
Shadow Fog: By expending one Shadow token a Shadow Siphon may cause a roiling mist of shadow to be summoned within medium range, forming a 40ft radius cylindrical cloud that causes all within it to lose all motivation to act. Creatures within the area of the Fog must make a will save each round to act, and may only take single action (either standard, move, or full round) each round when they make the save. The Fog blocks line of sight completely for everything within it.
Shadow Tide: By expending one Shadow Token, a wave of Shadow Sweeps forward in a 30ft Cone, causing those within it to become Exhausted, Entangled, Sickened, and Deafened for 10 rounds, and must make a Fort save or take 1d4 ability damage and 1d4 ability drain to each attribute. (Roll once for ability damage and once for drain.)

Shadow Elemental (Su): A Shadow Elemental has the same stats as a small Air Elemental, except that it has a +8 racial bonus to hide and move silent, has Hide in Plain Sight (Su), and can use the following SLAs with a range of personal at will: Invisibility, Shadow Walk, Ghost Form.

Shadow Form (Su): A Shadow Siphon gains some of the qualities of the plane he is so close to. He may expend a Shadow Token to become Incorporeal for 10 rounds. His Blacklight is also treated as a 9th level spell for the purpose of interactions with light spells.

Shades (Su): By spending a Shadow Token, a Shadow Siphon may manifest the spell Shades as an SLA.

Shadow Apotheosis (Su): A Shadow Siphon gains the Shadow Creature Template from Lords of Madness, choosing their own special abilities.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:40 am, edited 19 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by the_taken »

You can totally just let the player decide which stat he wants all his class abilities to be based off of. He's only allowed to pick one, but that's gonna be his main stat for the whole class. This opens up the multi-classing potential of the whole class up.
I had a signature here once but I've since lost it.

My current project: http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=56456
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Post by Kaelik »

the_taken wrote:You can totally just let the player decide which stat he wants all his class abilities to be based off of. He's only allowed to pick one, but that's gonna be his main stat for the whole class. This opens up the multi-classing potential of the whole class up.
Frankly, the multiclassing potential is zero and it should be. People need to stop wanting their Wizard 1/Cleric 1/Druid 1/Conduit 1/Siphon 1/Fighter 1 to fight as well as a fighter and cast as well as a Wizard 5, and Cleric 5 and Druid 5 and Conduit 5 and Siphon 5, and just accept that they are either a Siphon or they are not.

But that aside, the other option I was thinking of was to tie all the abilities to the aspect feat they choose, because, fuck it.

Aspect feats are going to be something with Ethereal/Astral/Positive/Negative/other shit. They get one extra token which does different things than other tokens IE astral token can be anything you want, ethereal is air or fire or special ethereal thing, and then they also get some other random ability.

And then the last five levels are something like "Astral Siphon, insert broken overpoweredness here." And I could just have each aspect with it's own stat mandatory.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Sunwitch »

Considering X bonus to AC is basically twice as useful as DR X/-, earth should provide twice the current bonus, considering how Power Attack works, particularly under Tome rules.
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Post by ubernoob »

Mauver wrote:Considering X bonus to AC is basically twice as useful as DR X/-, earth should provide twice the current bonus, considering how Power Attack works, particularly under Tome rules.
Actually, I'd say the other ones should provide half the bonus. +Level untyped bonus to saves is pretty absurd. Shit, maybe even this:
1/4 level to saves or AC
1/2 level to DR

But probably somewhere in between is best to be noticeable without being overpowering. Possibly less scaling and a higher base value?
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Post by Kaelik »

Um... I don't see anyone using those abilities all that much. It's spending a point from your attack pool to give yourself a one round defensive buff (That isn't untyped, it's insight, but whatever).

I don't think that one round defensive buff is going to be a large source of defense for the character. I certainly don't think breaking the RNG on one aspect for one round at the cost of attacks is too powerful. I mean, Sorcerers get Wings of Cover.
Last edited by Kaelik on Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by ubernoob »

Kaelik wrote:Um... I don't see anyone using those abilities all that much. It's spending a point from your attack pool to give yourself a one round defensive buff (That isn't untyped, it's insight, but whatever).

I don't think that one round defensive buff is going to be a large source of defense for the character. I certainly don't think breaking the RNG on one aspect for one round at the cost of attacks is too powerful. I mean, Sorcerers get Wings of Cover.
I totally forgot that it's one round only. As long as the pool is small enough, that's totally fine. My bad.
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Post by Kaelik »

Version 2: This class has become a Knight style class, but unlike F&K, I think "Planes that are not the four elemental Inner Planes, or the Prime, or the Outer Planes" is a small enough subset that you could explicitly build all 6 11-20 classes to PrC into.

Elemental Siphon
"It's not a Pyramid scheme, it's a high level elemental energy redistributing plan."

HD: d8
BAB: 3/4ths
Skill points: 4+Int
Balance, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge Planes/Arcana, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble.
Saves: Good Fort and Ref. Bad Will.

1: Elemental Affinity. Elemental Pool. Minor Channeling. Tap the Elements
2: Minor Warding
3: Powered Channeling
4: Fast Channel, Commune with Elements
5: Stronger Channel
6: Moderate Warding
7: Combined Channeling
8: Elemental Movement, Greater Warding
9: Elemental Minion, Channel Storm
10: Form of Plane, Elemental Apotheosis

An Elemental Siphon is proficient with Light Armor and anything plausibly having to do with elements. Also, simple weapons.

Elemental Affinity(Ex): An Elemental Siphon varies based on his plane, he may choose any mental stat. That stat governs his abilities, and is used in any location his class text says "Stat".

Elemental Pool (Ex): An Elemental Siphon has a pool of elemental tokens. He has a Maximum of 4 divided as he chooses between the four elements, Water, Air, Earth, Fire. This increases by 1 Every even level.

He may expend a token as a standard action to emulate any of the following spells at Caster level equal to Character level with a duration of Concentration, depending on the token expended.

Earth: Shape Earth (As Stone Shape, but applies mud or dirt as well.)
Water: Control Water
Air: Gust of Wind
Fire: Animate Fire

He may also expend a token as a free action or immediate action to receive an insight bonus to something for one round:

Earth: DR/- equal to Character Level.
Water: +Character Level to saving throws.
Fire: +5ft per Character Level bonus to speed.
Air: +Character Level to AC.

Some Elemental Siphon abilities require expending points from the pool to activate.

He may fill his pool to the maximum with any combination of elements by spending 3 consecutive full round actions meditating on the elements.

Minor Channeling (Su): As a standard action, an Elemental Siphon may use a minor channel of one element. Using a minor channel adds one token of the opposite type to the Elemental pool if the pool is not full. Earth opposes Air. Fire Opposes Water. In addition to adding a pool token, the channel creates an attack for the Siphon:

Fire: 5ft radius Fire burst with a range of close does 1d6 damage per Character Level, ref for half.
Air: 2d6+Stat+level slashing damage on a ranged attack with a range of close. Bullrushes flying creatures (Using Stat instead in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB). At Character Level 6 becomes a ranged touch attack out to medium range.
Earth: Entangles for two rounds or trips or bullrushes target touching ground within close range (Using Stat in place of Str, and Character Level in place of BAB, as a creature of size medium + 1 size for every four Character Levels above 6). At Character Level 6, does all three at once.
Water: Sickens target within medium range for the two minutes. At Character Level 6, Nauseates for two rounds on failed fort save as well.

Tap the Elements (Su): Any spell with an elemental descriptor, such as Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Electricity, or Cold, is treated as being on the spell list of the Elemental Siphon for the purpose of using items.

Minor Warding (Su): An Elemental Siphon may have one Minor Warding up at a time, to switch warding requires a swift action.

Water: Cold and Acid Resistance equal to Character Level.
Fire: Fire Resist equal to double Character Level.
Earth: 3+1/3rd Character Level natural armor.
Air: Electricity Resistance equal to Character Level, +1/3rd Character Level Deflection bonus to AC.

Powered Channelling (Su): An Elemental Siphon may expend a token from their pool to power up an attack. As a free action concurrent with using a channel ability, the Siphon spends a token of the element being channeled and the channel is treated as being channeled by a Siphon three Character Levels higher than the Siphon's current level. This affects save DCs, scaling damage, and aspects of the channel that are granted at higher Character Levels, such as minor channeling water's ability to Nauseate.

Fast Channel (Su): By expending 3 tokens of an element concurrent with that activation of a channel of that element the activating action is reduced to swift. Channels of multiple elements require 3 tokens total of any combination of the elements in use.

Commune with Elements (Su): This is an always active ability that works like the spell Stone Tell, but applies to any element. For the purposes of Water, it only knows about the body it is currently in (River/Lake/Ocean) and is more vague the larger the area covered. For the purposes of Air, it knows the general area, and about things from the direction it was blown from, IE divining information about the nearby mountains that the wind is blowing out of is fine, but not "Where is the nearest City?"

Stronger Channel (Su): At level 5, the Siphon gains the ability to channel elements in stronger amounts. Activating a Stronger Channel is a standard action that expends 1 token of it's element to use. It will also add one token of it's opposing element to your pool as well. Saving throw DCs are always 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat.

Fire: 20ft radius Fireball shoots out to long range doing 1d6 damage per Character Level, Ref for half. If they fail their reflex save, they are also pushed to the nearest edge of the fireball.
Water: Water attempts to erupt from a target within close range, if they fail a fort save, they are stunned for two rounds as it shoots forth. Pass or Fail, afterwords they are Fatigued as well (Stacks to Exhaustion if stacked). Plants are not immune to stunning for the purpose of this stun.
Earth: The Siphon may duplicate a Move Earth, Wall of Stone, or Stoneshape effect with an effective Caster level equal to Character level.
Air: A 60ft Cone of rushing Air pushes away from the Siphon. Those within the Cone are pushed backwards until they leave the Cone. If they hit a wall or other impediment, they are subject to 2d6 damage for every 10ft they did not travel. A Fort Save negates this effect. Airbourne creatures suffer a -5 penalty to the save. This affects objects.

Moderate Warding (Su): In addition to one Minor Warding, the Siphon may now have a Moderate Warding active as well of the same or different element. It is a swift action to change which warding is up.

Water: Treat as the spell Repulsion, once they have made the save, they are immune to this warding for 24 hours, even if you refresh the effect. Additionally, ten rounds after failing a save, they are treated as if they have never attempted a save, and will be given a new chance if they attempt to close.
Fire: Does 1d6 per two Character Levels of Fire damage to anyone who attacks you with a natural weapon or a non reach melee weapon.
Air: A Windwall surrounds you, occupying each adjacent square.
Earth: You gain immunity to tripping, bullrushing, grappling, overrunning and wind effects that would move you or prevent you from moving as long as you continue to touch the ground.

Combined Channel (Su): You may combine two elements into one Channel to produce a new array of effects. This expends one token of each element being channelled, and adds one token of your choice to one of the two elements not being channelled. DCs are 10+1/2 Character Level+Stat as usual.

Ice (Air + Water): You summon forth a Spear of Ice that you then throw, making a ranged touch attack out to close range doing 1d6 cold damage per Character Level and slowing your opponent for one round.

Magma (Earth + Fire): You transform the floor/walls/cielings into Magma as long as they are stone, dirt, metal or otherwise of the earth, one 5ft cube per Character Level within medium range. This magma is treated as mud as per the Rock to mud spell for the purposes of movement, but does 7d6 Fire damage to anyone touching it. If you transform the ground beneath someone's feat, they may make a reflex save, which if they pass allows them to make a free jump check to any non Magma location they can reach or to begin flying. If they can't jump far enough to reach solid ground, they sink into the magma at their origional location.

You may also transform Magma to stone or dirt instead.

Lightning (Air + Fire): You shoot a 120ft Line outward, any creature in the area is blinded for one round and must make a Will save or be Dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Mud (Earth + Water): You summon forth a Wall of Mud like a wall of stone at Caster level equal to Character Level. This Mud has rudimentary intelligence, and allows you to pass through it as if it were Air. But it breaks line of sight and line of effect for all creatures, and acts as a Wall of Stone to anyone else, unless you command it to allow passage.

In addition, it makes Disarm Check with an AB = Character Level+Stat+5 every time someone attacks the wall with a weapon, as it tries to suck the weapon in. If disarmed, the weapon is trapped in the wall, and will not be removed until the section of the wall is destroyed.

After 24 hours, the walls intelligence leaks out, and it becomes a regular stone wall.

Elemental Movement (Su): You may activate a movement type of an element for 5 rounds by expending a token of that element as a free action:

Earth: Earthglide
Water: Swim Speed equal to Twice Land Speed and FoM when in water.
Fire: Short range teleports of 30ft as a move action.
Air: Fly speed equal to land speed. Good Maneuverability.

Greater Warding (Su): You may now have one Greater Warding active at a time. Swift action to change which one is up:

Water: Acid and Cold Immunity
Fire: Fire Immunity and Cold Immunity
Earth: DR/Adamantium equal to Character Level and Natural Armor equal to half Character Level.
Air: Electricity Immunity and creates an area of clear breathable air extending 10ft from you. This area cannot be penetrated by any cloud effect, and moves with you, magically refreshing itself. This also allows you to breath freely in water or any other situation and immune to any airbourne poisons or diseases.

Elemental Minion (Ex): By calling into the elements, you can form a portion of an element into a small elemental of that type. You may only have one active at a time. However, that one small elemental has all the abilities of a small elemental of that type, and obeys you completely, no matter how far away he travels or what you do. If at any point you attempt to create another elemental, the current one melts back into inanimate element.

To the DMs discretion this can be expanded beyond the Core four elementals, into things like Storm or Magma elementals.

Channel the Storm (Su): By expending two tokens of the used element(s) you may make a channel attack that targets only a single target affect all enemies within 20ft of that target. If it required a RTA, make separate attacks for each enemy.

Form of Plane (Su): A Siphon may at this level take the form of one of the four elements. It is a swift action to change element. While in the form, he has the shape, size, movement modes, and appearance of an elemental of HD <= his Character Level of that element.

He also gains the ability to choose to accept or ignore any non instantaneous spell with a descriptor of his element if he is a target or in the area when it is cast. If it is an area spell, the entire spell is absorbed by him, and it affects no one.

Finally, he gains at all times the ability he would gain if he spent a token from his pool that round for an insight bonus.

Elemental Apotheosis(Ex): The Elemental Siphon is now an Elemental, his natural form for the purposes of True Seeing is a seething mass of all four elements, and he may take that form or his former humanoid form at will as a free action from any form. He is of the elemental type, do not recalculate HD, BAB, saves, or skills, but he does gain all the other traits of that type. He may also use Greater Plane Shift to any location on one of the four Inner Planes as an SLA, at will.

Finally, he may invest himself in a clump of element, and having done so, he may, after having been slain, return from the dead as if someone had cast a True Resurrection spell on him from the location of his clump. Such a patch may be defiled once placed, any changed that might be considered to change the structure of the patch may be considered defilement, but the Siphon gains knowledge of the defilement.

Only one such patch may exist at any given time.
Last edited by Kaelik on Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:01 pm, edited 9 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »


Astral Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Astral Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as any token type.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Astral plane, or to the position on the material plane coexistent with your current location on the Astral. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain Astral Sight, the ability to see all portals to and from the Astral, and their residue for up to one week. This includes teleport spell effects. You can then approach such a residue, and follow it to it's other end, effectively casting scry location on either the Astral side of the portal, or on the other end of a teleport effect with one minute of uninterrupted study.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Ethereal Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Ethereal Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a fire or air token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Ethereal Plane, or to cause yourself to blink, as the Greater Blink spell, at CL equal to Character level. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you can see onto the Ethereal Plane at all times.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Shadow Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Shadow Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used to add any modification to a channel with a single token. One shadow token equates to 3 for the purpose of fast channel, ect.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA to a destination on the Plane of Shadow, or to cast the spell Blacklight at Caster level equal to Character Level. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you See in Darkness as the Devil ability.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Positive Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Positive Energy Token that returns each time you replenish your pool.

This token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Positive Energy Plane, Cast Heal as a spell like ability at Caster level equal to Character level, or use Restoration on each ally within 30ft as a full round action. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain knowledge as the Deathwatch spell of all creatures within 30ft of you that you have line of effect to, and this allows you to pinpoint the square of any hiding or invisible creature in that area. Also, you do not die from too much positive energy.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Negative Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you two Negative Energy Tokens that returns each time you replenish your pool. These tokens may be expended as a free action to turn any token into it's opposite token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination of the Negative Energy Plane, or to apply a negative level to each creature effected by one of your Channels. You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

In addition you gain Lifesense, and you heal from negative energy whenever you have a negative energy token not expended.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Wood Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Wood Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a water or earth token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination of the (Pseudo)Elemental Plane of Wood (if it exists in your setting), or cast Transmute Metal to Wood, Tree Stride, or Spike Wood as an SLA, or to Fort save or die any plant. (Spike Wood is Spike Stones but made of wood.) You may also use the token to Planeshift back to your last location on the Prime Material Plane from this plane.

Also, whenever you don't have your Wood token expended, you may use Warp Wood or Wood Shape as SLAs at will.

In addition you gain Wood Sight, the ability to see through Wood within 120ft of you. The Wood still blocks line of effect.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:31 pm, edited 5 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by BearsAreBrown »

Played a level 10 Siphon V2 in a one shot over the weekend. Some thoughts
Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.
Why? Isn't BendingBlending both Positive and Negative energy a common concept?
Form of Plane (Su): ...Finally, he gains at all times the ability he would gain if he spent a token from his pool that round for an insight bonus.
Is this only when in elemental form? And only the bonus from that form? Also, this ability allowed me to completely depart the RNG with my AC. I think I hit 52.
Elemental Movement (Su):
Free action?

These questions aside, I loved playing the class. The Token mechanic was fun and a nice change from both 'everything at will' and Vancian.
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Post by Kaelik »

BearsAreBrown wrote:Why? Isn't BendingBlending both Positive and Negative energy a common concept?
Because blending was origionally designed as about channelling the planes, and so for progressions to higher arcs/feat expansions, the starting idea was "pick a plane that is not outer or prime material. You channel that plane in addition to the four elemental ones."

It may deserve synthesis of positive and negative, but you will have to argue with me up hill against the fact that those are two different planes, and why does this random siphon get two extra when everyone else gets only one extra plane.

It's not that I can't be convinced, just that the default is different blendings.
BearsAreBrown wrote:Is this only when in elemental form? And only the bonus from that form? Also, this ability allowed me to completely depart the RNG with my AC. I think I hit 52.
Only when in Elemental Form, and only the form of that elemental. Yeah, you can depart the RNG for AC if you stack across, but you have to give up a lot of immunities to do that, and there are lots of non AC things.
Though not sure how you got 52. All the class stacked only gets a +18 to AC at level 10, so you had to have +14 from armor and dex. Doable, but it's not like you can't get +18 from other classes, especially since you don't get heavy armor profs outside of Tome Stone Armor, which isn't dex friendly.

Unless you were trying to stack spending a token with Elemental Apotheosis, in which case, I would point out they are both insight bonuses and thus overlap.
BearsAreBrown wrote:Free action?
Yeah, it should be.
BearsAreBrown wrote:These questions aside, I loved playing the class. The Token mechanic was fun and a nice change from both 'everything at will' and Vancian.
Yeah, that's really what I was going for. Any comments on the balance of the different feats, I would say PrCs, but I am lazy and haven't actually made them yet.

I think the balance between the different feats and PrCs is where I am least capable of judging for myself.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by BearsAreBrown »

@Multiple Blending
The Positive/Negative was simply an example. What's wrong with channeling both the Astral and Ethereal? The idea of a character blending these two works for a more "ghost-y" siphon. Being able to blend both Shadow and Negative also makes sense in a "dark is evil" sort of way. The character might even go Siphon 10/ Shadow Siphon 5/Negative Siphon 5. What would be wrong with that?

Negative and Wood definitely seem the weakest. Wood grants a 4th level spell and a 2nd level spell by expending a token. The 4th level spell hardly counts because there are few situations were you need Woodshape and can't Stoneshape. Positive grants a 6th level and a buffed 4th level spell. Deathwatch is obviously stronger then Wood Sight. Negative doesn't even grant another token, making it instantly inferior. Dealing one negative level is great when you're level 1,2,3. By the time your level 10 it's terrible. The feat could use some scaling. Compare this to Ethereal, which grants 50% miss chance and the ability to always catch someone flatfooted and the ability to ignore the material plane at will. I know pure criticism isn't very helpful. I'm headed to class right now, I'll edit in more constructive criticism later.

Shadow Siphon looks great. I really like that it gets Shades and the Shadow Clone. I'd add in clauses like "the equipment disappears with the clone" and "may not have more then X shadow tokens at one time" but I figure these are implied.

I loved the old Positive Blending feat, allowing you to drop Water tokens to Mass Heal. I also like the idea of every PrC granting it's own special elemental form.

@AC leaving RNG
I didn't read Form of Plane correctly. I was assuming ability scores too. Air Elementals get quite a bit of Dex. Giving it second thought, it's not even a bad thing if it can leave the RNG. AC is just one type of defense.
Last edited by BearsAreBrown on Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

BearsAreBrown wrote:@Multiple Blending
The Positive/Negative was simply an example. What's wrong with channeling both the Astral and Ethereal? The idea of a character blending these two works for a more "ghost-y" siphon. Being able to blend both Shadow and Negative also makes sense in a "dark is evil" sort of way. The character might even go Siphon 10/ Shadow Siphon 5/Negative Siphon 5. What would be wrong with that?
Well the biggest reason is that all the feats are so good that every level 1 Human would be two things, and every level 15 anything would be all the elements.

Not to mention allowing an Elemental 10/Negative 5/Shadow 5 means I would have to design every single PrC to be magically flexible in power such that level 10 is just as good as level 1, which is fucking impossible and I hate you for even suggesting it.

You can be Shadow is evil without negative energy, since Shadow is evil.
BearsAreBrown wrote:@Feats
Negative and Wood definitely seem the weakest. Wood grants a 4th level spell and a 2nd level spell by expending a token. The 4th level spell hardly counts because there are few situations were you need Woodshape and can't Stoneshape. Positive grants a 6th level and a buffed 4th level spell. Deathwatch is obviously stronger then Wood Sight. Negative doesn't even grant another token, making it instantly inferior. Dealing one negative level is great when you're level 1,2,3. By the time your level 10 it's terrible. The feat could use some scaling. Compare this to Ethereal, which grants 50% miss chance and the ability to always catch someone flatfooted and the ability to ignore the material plane at will. I know pure criticism isn't very helpful. I'm headed to class right now, I'll edit in more constructive criticism later.
Yeah, those are the two I kinda pinned, but wood is hard, and I have no idea what a negative token should do.
BearsAreBrown wrote:@PrCs
Shadow Siphon looks great. I really like that it gets Shades and the Shadow Clone. I'd add in clauses like "the equipment disappears with the clone" and "may not have more then X shadow tokens at one time" but I figure these are implied.
Well it is kinda not going to be the class anymore, since it will be 10 levels. But yeah, I intend to port over a lot of the abilities.
BearsAreBrown wrote:I loved the old Positive Blending feat, allowing you to drop Water tokens to Mass Heal. I also like the idea of every PrC granting it's own special elemental form.
1) Will be added as a PrC ability, pretty low level, IE character level 11-12ish.

2) It will, I'm making them pretty fucking similar in pattern.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by BearsAreBrown »

@Multiple Blending
I didn't consider the power level of the feats. I was playing at level 10 and was forgetting that you would have potential access to them at level one.

Different design philosophies. Whatever. I understand where you're coming from.

@Blending Feats
Wood Blending: Summon trees/forest? Tree Stride? Regen/Fast Healing in sunlight? This is the hardest one.
Astral: Allow teleports to be followed by spending Token. This feat is missing an ability it seems. Seems boring compared to the rest of the feats.
Ethereal: Blink requires you to not have an Ethereal token. IE you can't have Blink active unless you have 0 Ethereal tokens. This is because, well, GBlink is a 6th level spell. It grants perfect flight, perfect Earth Glide, and 50% miss chance. And always attacks flatfooted. Maybe it grants normal Blink at lower levels?
Negative: Allows token to flip any number of tokens to opposite form. Maybe throw Harm or Inflict in there? These spells would have to scale(unlike Positive) because damage is good and healing sucks.
Last edited by BearsAreBrown on Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

BearsAreBrown wrote:Astral: Allow teleports to be followed by spending Token. This feat is missing an ability it seems. Seems boring compared to the rest of the feats.
I really thought Astral was the most interesting, if not the most powerful. Meh. Following ports is sort of part of the PrC.
BearsAreBrown wrote:Ethereal: Blink requires you to not have an Ethereal token. IE you can't have Blink active unless you have 0 Ethereal tokens. This is because, well, GBlink is a 6th level spell. It grants perfect flight, perfect Earth Glide, and 50% miss chance. And always attacks flatfooted. Maybe it grants normal Blink at lower levels?
Greater Blink is only one round per character level, and it takes 3 full round actions to be able to greater blink for Character level rounds again.

At level 1, It's just a navigation tool. At higher levels, You can pre buff a tiny bit, or use a very potent defensive ability. I'm not too worried about Greater Blink.
BearsAreBrown wrote:Negative: Allows token to flip any number of tokens to opposite form. Maybe throw Harm or Inflict in there? These spells would have to scale(unlike Positive) because damage is good and healing sucks.
Flip any is good. Harm type stuff is again, PrC.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
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Post by Kaelik »

Kaelik wrote:Feats

Astral Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Astral Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as any token type.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Astral plane, or to the position on the material plane contemporaneous with your current location on the Astral.

In addition you gain Astral Sight, the ability to see all portals to and from the Astral, and their residue for up to one week. This includes teleport spell effects. You can then approach such a residue, and follow it to it's other end, effectively casting scry location on either the Astral side of the portal, or on the other end of a teleport effect with one minute of uninterrupted study.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Ethereal Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you an Ethereal Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a fire or air token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Ethereal Plane, or to cause yourself to blink, as the Greater Blink spell, at CL equal to Character level.

In addition you can see onto the Ethereal Plane at all times.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Shadow Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Shadow Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used to add any modification to a channel with a single token. One shadow token equates to 3 for the purpose of fast channel, ect.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA to a destination on the Plane of Shadow, or to cast the spell Blacklight at Caster level equal to Character Level.

In addition you See in Darkness as the Devil ability.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Positive Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Positive Energy Token that returns each time you replenish your pool.

This token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination on the Positive Energy Plane, Cast Heal as a spell like ability at Caster level equal to Character level, or use Restoration on each ally within 30ft as a full round action.

In addition you gain knowledge as the Deathwatch spell of all creatures within 30ft of you that you have line of effect to, and this allows you to pinpoint the square of any hiding or invisible creature in that area. Also, you do not die from too much positive energy.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Negative Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you two Negative Energy Tokens that returns each time you replenish your pool. These tokens may be expended as a free action to turn any token into it's opposite token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to use Planeshift as an SLA with a destination of the Negative Energy Plane, or to apply a negative level to each creature effected by one of your Channels.

In addition you gain Lifesense, and you heal from negative energy whenever you have a negative energy token not expended.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.

Wood Blending [Blending]
Prereq: Siphon
Effect: Taking this feat grants you a Wood Token that returns each time you replenish your pool. This token may be used as a water or earth token.

Alternatively the token may be expended to Planeshift you and accompanying creatures to the (Pseudo)Elemental Plane of Wood (if it exists in your setting) as the spell Planeshift, or cast Woodshape or Spike Wood as a SLA. (Wood shape is Stoneshape on Wood, Spike Wood is Spike Stones but made of wood.)

In addition you gain Wood Sight, the ability to see through Wood withing 60ft of you. The wood still blocks line of effect.

Special: You may only take one [Blending] feat.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

There aren't locations on the Material plane that are "contemporaneous" with specific locations on the Astral plane.

Also, I feel like Wood Blending should let you turn earth tokens into fire, or something. Because you can set wood on fire...
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Post by Kaelik »

Oh fucking shit, I was trying to edit that stuff not quote it. Balls. PS I fixed all of them but Wood, I'm still working on it, but I had to stop to go to a party.

EDIT: Astral fixed, also Wood now fixed.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Koumei »

Hmm. It seems pretty damn cool.

At first I was a bit worried about the buff-by-character-level stuff, but then I shrugged and stopped caring. I was thinking "What if one of my level 13 PCs then takes a level in it next, and can then 4/encounter gain +14 DR (for the DR >25 guy) or +17 natural armour or whatever?"

Then it occurred to me that doing that is kind of a waste as they could instead spend their 14th level on something that lets them murderise people even faster. Whereas going 1-15 with Syphon you have a pretty decent defence you can whip up as necessary, while continuing to get level-appropriate attack powers. So yeah, looks good.
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Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:Hmm. It seems pretty damn cool.

At first I was a bit worried about the buff-by-character-level stuff, but then I shrugged and stopped caring. I was thinking "What if one of my level 13 PCs then takes a level in it next, and can then 4/encounter gain +14 DR (for the DR >25 guy) or +17 natural armour or whatever?"
They would get +Character Level AC or DR 4 rounds per combat. 2 rounds if they do both. 1 round if they add saves. My care level at someone spending a level on that is zero.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Koumei »

Well, given combat tends to last 1-2 rounds, that's pretty ideal.

But yeah, the actual point, that just dipping isn't really worth it and nobody cares, is basically what I said after the initial "woah there can be big numbers".
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Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:Well, given combat tends to last 1-2 rounds, that's pretty ideal.
No it doesn't.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Koumei »

It does in my experience: someone does a turbo-charge-pounce-kiai-murder-assault for a squillion points of damage, or a caster says "I would like you to make a ____ save, DC __", and upon failing the save, the enemy loses the fight long enough for it to basically mean they die.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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