[Disgaeagame] Canon Characters

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[Disgaeagame] Canon Characters

Post by Koumei »

So, normally I don't like doing cross-overs in games, nor introducing canon characters in "game in X setting", as usually it turns into an MC wankfest (the latter), or MC-and-players-who-were-in-the-crossed-over-game wankfest (the former).

But it's Disgaea, people kind of expect it - and it's just so the PCs can pulverise the NPCs, so it's all good. So while I try to figure out the next random thing I should work on, I thought I might post up the stats for a bunch of the existing characters.

Feel free to argue, correct me, or post your alternatives. Several characters I didn't use much, or am not too familiar with, and so on. Also, I haven't played D4 yet.

So let's start with the main three from Disgaea (the first), shall we?

Laharl [Overlord Prince]
Human Samurai 5 Carnage Princess 7 Hero! 3
23 (28) 18 (23) 19 (24) 15 13 17

Init +9
Speed: 60'
BAB +15/Grab +24
HP: 197/197
F +25 R +20 W +17 Evasion!
DR 5/-

Overlord Sword +22/+20/+20 (2d6+21 Vile, 14-20/x3)
-Can Provoke for +15 damage, can be Flat for +1d6 damage on a charge
-Free Intimidate when damaging (+21)
-Tremorsense 120' Blindsense 60'
-May Take 10 on attacks
-CdG: Standard (Stunned, even), +2 to attack and damage 1 minute
-Drop foe: 5' step and Cleave, Aura of Fear DC 10 + HD of target
-1/round: AoO a flat opponent
-9 AoOs per round
-Hit someone:
Fort DC 26 vs Stun 1
Fort DC 20 vs Stagger 1
Fort DC 20 vs Lose a Limb
-Standard: attack, 5' slow per 5 damage
-Standard: attack, 2d4 Dex damage

AC: 30 (+6 Dex +9 Armour +5 Deflect)
Flat 24
Touch 21
(+3 Dodge when using a Sword)

Product of Infernal Dalliance (Demon)
Combat School (Overlord's Wrath)
Murderous Intent
Subtle Cut
Lightning Reflexes
Great Fortitude
Horde Breaker
Whirlwind Attack
Insightful Strike

Ancestral Weapon
Pledge (Kensai, +4 vs Mind Affecting)
Kiai! (5/day)
Ancestral Guidance (Commune & Speak With Dead)
Thousand Swords (Swift Attack)
Blood Walker (No Slipping)
Blade Rush (Whirlwind Charge)
Hurricane Slice (Standard: 2 attacks, self-flank, +2d8 Sonic each)
Gore Shower (kill: 20' radius Concealment then Grease, + Fort vs Nausea)
Euthanasia (CdG vs Cowering/Exhausted/Nauseated)
Stabbing Frenzy (Gatling Attack)
Dis-Arm (25% or more to lop limb off)
Winged Slayer (Standard: Charge a 60' cone then move to it)
Signature Style (Edge against higher-level)
Signature Move (+22/+22 5d6+21 Vile, 14-20/x3)
Most Useful

Overlord Sword (+5 Ghost Touch Greatsword of Sharpness)
Midnight Orb (+5 to Saving Throws)
Devil Ring (+5 Deflection, all Dark Assembly are one stage friendlier)
Belt of Monster Strength (+5, treated as rolling 20 to Break inanimate objects)
Grafted Muscles of Constitution (+5, immune to ingested poison/disease)
Magic Splintmail (+5)
Shoes of Dexterity (+5, Run Along Walls/Ceilings)

Flonne [Fallen Angel]
Angel White Mage 9 Pretty Princess 3 Fallen 3
13 18 17 (22) 16 23 (28) 20 (25)

Init +7
BAB +10/Grab +11
HP: 151/151
F +21 R +22 W +29 Evasion! Mettle!
-Acid, Fire, Cold Resist 10
-Immune to Electricity
-Immune to Mundane Poisons

Attacks: what?
melee touch +11
range touch +14
Lucent Lances +14/+9 RTA (Blind 1 and Dazzle 20, 31d6 Light)

AC: 32 (+4 Dexterity, +5 Deflection, +4 Mage Armour, +7 Charisma +2 Dodge)
Flat 28 ~NEVER~

Danger Sense
Elusive Target
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Attune Sphere: Splendour
Attune Domain: Summoner
Harmless Form

Armoured Casting
Magic Hands +11 touch 1d6+9
Turn Undead
-Chained +9
-Chained +9
Planar Immunity: Disease, Poison, Sleep, Hunger, Thirst
Instant Ward
Inner Fire
-Even KOed can self-heal
Advanced Learning 2 3 4
Status Check
Friggin' Lasers +2 CL
False Divinity
Flashes of Light
In Brightest Day
Pew Pew
-Attack Action Heal/Light
In Darkest Night
Ribbon Twirl (Standard: attack all in 30' rad, 1d6+7, Ref DC 29 Entangle)
Armour of Contempt (1/round Will DC = Damage to halve it)
Prettiness +1 (CL and DC of [Charm] effects)
Magic Tea Party (Heroes' Feast and Empower all elemental damage)
Demonic Change (Telepathy)
Evilty (Violation: Detect Thoughts at will)

Spellcasting: Casting as 13th, CL 18 (20 Light)
Orisons: 6/day, DC 24 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Cure Minor, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare
Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance, Virtue
1st Level: 8/day, DC 25 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Avoid Planar Effects, Bless Water, Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1d4+19)
Deathwatch, Delay Disease, Endure Elements, Faerie Fire
Greater Dispel, Lesser Vigour, Produce Flame, Protection From X
Remove Fear, Shield of Faith, Mage Armour
Charm Person, Summon Monster I
2nd Level: 8/day, DC 26 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Aid, Calm Emotions, Close Wounds (1d4+1d2+19), Continual Flame
Cure Moderate (3d8+19), Delay Poison, Gentle Repose
Lesser Restoration, Make Whole, Protection From Negative Energy,
*Rainbow Beam (9d12 Dazz 1), Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, Shield Other
Eagle's Splendour, Summon Monster II
3rd Level: 8/day, DC 27 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Attune Form, Create F&W, Cure Serious (4d8+1d4+19), Daylight
Tiny Hut, Magic Circle Against X, Neutralise Poison
Protection From Energy, Remove Blind/Deafness, Remove Disease
*Searing Light, Spark of Life, Vigour
Flame Strike, Summon Monster III
4th Level: 7/day, DC 28 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Astral Hospice, *Blistering Radiance, Cure Critical (6d8+19)
Death Ward, Delay Death, Freedom of Movement, Good Hope
Planar Tolerance, Mass Shield of Faith, Resilient Sphere
Restoration, Revenance, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin
Glorious Form!, Lesser Planar Ally
5th Level: 7/day, DC 29 (30 Healing/Abjuring)
Break Enchantment, Greater Vigour, Life's Grace, *Lucent Lance (31d6 Blind 1)
Mass Cure Light, Plane Shift Willing, Raise Dead, Revivify
Spell Resistance, Undeath to Death, Wall of Force
Sympathy, Summon Monster V
6th Level: 6/day, DC 30
Animate Objects, Bolt of Glory, Contingency, Energy Immunity
Globe of Invulnerability, Heal (180), Heroes' Feast, Mass Cure Moderate
*Ray of Light (Bl. 1d4+1d2), Revive Outsider, Stone to Flesh, Word of Recall
Greater Heroism, Planar Ally
7th Level: 4/day, DC 31
Fortunate Fate, Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Serious Wounds
Mass Restoration, Mass Spell Resistance, Spell Turning, Radiant Assault
Regeneration, Resurrection, Sunbeam

Chaos Orb (+5 Wisdom, can treat herself as a Demon any time she wants)
Charisma Ribbon (+5)
Shiny Feathers of Constitution (+5)
A Strange Device (+5 to Saving Throws)
Deflector (+5 Deflection)
Necromancer's Brain (+5 to Caster Levels)
Magic Glasses (+5 to DCs)

Etna [Beauty Queen]
Empusa True Fiend 5/Beauty Queen 5/Valkyrie 5
20 (25) 17 (22) 20 (25) 15 13 22 (27)

Init +12
BAB +15/Grab +22
HP: 172/172
F +21 R +28 W +18 Evasion!
DR 10/Good

Spear +29/+24/+24 (2d6+17 x3 1d6ColdFireZap) and 5' step, 40' reach
-Charge +31 (2d6+3d6+24 x3 1d6ColdFireZap) and 5'step
+1d6 Zap per square moved (max 15)
-Charged (4d6+34)
-Fort DC 24 vs Daze 1

AC: 31 (+6 Dex +5 Deflect +8 Cha +2 Dodge)
Flat 26 ~LOLNOPE~
Touch 31

Lightning Reflexes
Heighten SLA
Combat School: Face Stabber
Prinny Queen
Danger Sense
Elusive Target
Phalanx Fighter

Greater Traits (Cold/Fire/Acid Resist 10, Poison Immune)
Spheres: Carnage (B) Seduction (B) Violation (B)
Lightning Charge
Grand Skewer
Valkyrie Wings
Meteor Impact
Turbulence (15 Sonic and shunt 5')
Title: Swift Charm 3 DC 25
Magic Tea Party
Aura of Beauty: Gaze (Death) DC 25
Sexy-Sexy (-2)

SLA: (DC 25)
Speak With Dead 3/day
Charm Person 1/day
Hypnotism 1/day
Entice Gift 1/day
Seething Eyebane 1/day
Suggestion 2/day
Blade of Fear and Pain 1/day
Modify Memory 1/day
Glibness 1/day
Dominate Person 1/day
Lahm's Finger Darts 1/day
Charm Monster 1/day
Lesser Planar Binding 1/day
Blade Barrier 1/day
Sympathy 1/day
Geas 1/day
Fleshshiver 1/day
Mass Suggestion 1/day
Greater Planar Binding 1/day
Disintegrate 1/day
Mass Charm 1/day
Dominate Monster 1/day
Flensing 1/day
Simulacrum 1/day
Horrid Wilting 1/day

Titan Toothpick (Magic Greatspear, Shocking and Frost and Flaming (DMG style))
Ring of Deflection +5
Collar of Resistance +5 (Immune to Altitude Sickness)
Sexy Black Thong +5 (Charisma, Madness DC 25)
Olympic Belt +5 (Str, Ignore Light Encumberance)
Fast Boots +5 (Dex, Shadow Step)
Feather Token +5 (Con, automatically gain one Love <3 in Dark Assembly)
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Now let's have a bunch from Makai Kingdom and Phantom Brave...

Lord Zetta [Badass Freakin' Overlord]
Disgaea-Efreet 6 True Fiend 4/Overlord 5
26 (31) 17 (22) 22 (27) 15 15 20

Init +6
BAB +15/Grab +29
HP: 202/202
F +29 R +24 W +20

Greatsword +29/+27/+27 (2d8+20 Vile, Fort DC 22 vs Stagger, 19-20/x2)
Bite +24 (1d8+10)
Gore +24 (2d6+10)

AC: 28 (+6 Natural +6 Dex +5 Deflection -1 Size +2 Shield)
-Flat 22
-Touch 20
DR 5/- or 9/Good or Iron

Blitz (can get +1d6/+15 by becoming flat/provoking, damage -> free Intimidate attempt)
Army of Demons
Elemental Aura (10' radius, 4d6 Fire)
Heighten Spell-like Ability
Dreadful Demeanour (Demoralise as Move, +41)
Great Fortitude (dead at -20)

Fiery Wrath (DC 25)
Breath Weapon 1/4 rounds, 30' Cone 30d6 Fire, Ref half (DC 25), fail = Catch Fire
Fire Sphere (Basic)
Carnage Sphere (Basic)
Fiendish Traits (Abyss)
Netherworld (Castle and Grounds)
First Title!
Overlord's Wings
Hellish Blade
Mana Strike

Spell-Likes: DC 22
At Will:
Swift Dimension Door
Planeshift to/from Netherworld
Wings of Cover
Fireball (10d6 CATCH FIRE)
Seething Eyebane
Scorching Ray (3 rays +20 to hit 4d6 each CATCH FIRE)
Blade of Fear and Pain
Firetrap (1d4+15 CATCH FIRE)
Lahm's Finger Darts
Wall of Fire
Blade Barrier
Incendiary Cloud
Fire Seeds
Horrid Wilting

Strength Booster
Dexterity Booster
Constitution Booster
Wounding Greatsword
Intimidate Booster

Marona [Chroma]
Halfling (Child Human) Pokemaster 13
11 21 (26) 17 (22) 18 19 23 (28)

Init +11
BAB +9/Grab +5
HP: 123/123
F +15 R +24 W +13 EVASION

Staff +15/+10 and Book +10/+5 (1d4+5, 1d2)

AC: 32 (+1 Size +8 Dex +2 Deflection +7 Armour +2 Dodge +2 Shield)
Flat 20 LOL NOPE
Touch 23

Elusive Target
Danger Sense
Whispers of the Underworld
Lightning Reflexes
Monster Rancher

Control Monster
Caster Level
Train Monster
Dread Lore
Craft Soul Prison
Heal Monster
Subtype Specialization: Ethereal, Water
Increased Awareness
Double Team
Speak With Monsters
Craft Greater Soul Prison
Type Specialization: Undead
Transfer Control
Advanced Monster Healing
Craft Leaden Seal
Store Monster
Recall Monster

Magic Clothes!
Save Booster!
Magic Staff and Nonmagic Fighting Book

16 HD Huge Nethersight Mastiff (MMII)
Ethereal Slayer (MMII)
Water Weird (MMII)
Dragon Eel

Ghost Knight 10/Iron Knight 3
23 (28) 13 19 (24) 17 18 15

Init +1
BAB +13/Grab +26
HP: 229/229
F +21 R +10 W +17
+4 to all Saves vs Spells
DR 23/- and 10/Iron (Both 33!)

Longsword +27/+25/+25 (1d8+14)

AC: 47 (+21 Armour, +10 Shield, +4 Deflection +2 Dodge)
Flat 45
Touch 16

Phalanx Fighter
Mounted Combat
Great Fortitude
Elusive Target

Designate Opponent +11d6
Code of Conduct
Variable Energy Resistance (20)
Speak to Animals
Immunity to Fear
Knightly Spirit
Defend Others
Quick Recovery
Bastion of Defense
Draw Fire
Spell Shield (SR 28)
Knightly Order (Fey Knight)
Heavy Armour Focus
Engine of Resistance

Magic Longsword
Magic Ice Shield (Cold Immune, Fire Resist 10)
Magic Giga Armour

Pram [Prodigy Overlord]
Human Blue Mage 13/Archmage 2
13 19 (24) 15 18 17 (22) 23 (28)

Init +10
BAB +10/Grab +11
HP: 93/97
F +13 R +15 W +20 SLIPPERY MIND

Ice Beam! +20 to hit, 15d6+9 Cold and 1d8+4 Electricity
+10 damage in 30'

AC: 34 (+2 Deflection, +7 Armour, +7 Dex, +6 Wis, +2 Dodge)
Flat 19 LOL NOPE
Touch 27

Danger Sense
Point-Blank Shot
Elusive Target
Iron Will
Expert Tactician
Aura of Frost (10' 4d6+9 Cold)

Cold Immunity
Cold Magic
Coldfire (+17/+20, 15d6+9 Cold and 1d8+4 Electricity)
Pall of Frost
Frozen Heart
Brittling (1d6+9 Cold and 1d8+4 Electricity, no Dex to AC for 1 round)
Create Ice Object
Frost's Bite
Ice Skating
Ground Freeze
Icebeam (+17/+20, 15d6+9 Cold, 1d8+4 Electricity)
Let It Snow
Freeze (Ref DC 26 negates)
Never-melt Ice
Skate In Air
Create More Ice
Wall of Ice
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Through the Looking Glass
Animate Snow
Create Tons of Ice
The Great Blizzard of '52 (Medium Cone, 24d6+9 Cold and 14 Slashing/Piercing and 1d8+4 Electricity)
Caster Level 15
Book Shock (1d8+4 Electricity)

Charisma Booster
Wisdom Boosting Book
Dexterity Booster
Magic Clothes
Prophecy Orb (add Wis to AC)

Babylon (Human Form) [Star Dragon Overlord]
Blue Half Dragon Human Totemist 13
29 (34) 18 21 (26) 15 18 17 (22)

Init +4
BAB +9/Grab +29 (Trip +20)
HP: 175/175
F +15 R +8 W +12

Claws +28/+28/+23/+23 (1d4+19, Daze DC 33)

AC: 43 (+9 Natural +4 Dex +11 Armour +5 Deflection +2 Dodge +2 Shield)
Flat 35
Touch 21

Elusive Target
Great Fortitude
Two Weapon Fighting
Combat School: Face Breaker

Chakra: 6
-Deflection + Rapture Locusts (All Short Range Will DC 27), fail: Daze 1d6, 2d6 Force/round
-Natural Booster + Roper (6 Short RTAs cause 1d8 Strength each)
-Strength Boost + Peryton (Touch Attack causes 130 damage)
-Constitution Boost + Purple Worm (Touch shrink+swallow, 4d8/round)
-Charisma Boost + Umber-Hulk (Swift Will DC 27 vs Confusion)
-Fire Resistance 39 + Remorhaz (touch 13d6 Fire)
Blood of Soulfire
Fast Access! (only wait 2 turns)

Magic Dragonscale Shirt
DC Booster
Magic Adamantine Claws
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
Posts: 13892
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Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

Now for a little Disgaea 2:

Adell [Prism Black, Badass Overlord]
Human Monk 5/Sinner 8/Hero! 2
20 (25) 15 20 (25) 13 20 (25) 17

Init +8
BAB +15/Grab +22 Trip +11
HP: 189/189 Fast Healing 5
F +23 R +19 W +17 EVASION!
Immune: Poison, Electricity, [Fear], [Death], Neg Levels
Resist: Acid 10, Cold 10, Fire 10
DR 5/-

PUNCH! +29/+27/+27 (3d6+17 and Curse (no save) and Neg. Level and Fort DC 27 vs Daze 1; 16-20/x3)
-Can take 10 to attack
-Sun: Ref DC 25 vs Blind 1

AC: 28 (+11 "Armour", +7 Wisdom)
Flat 21 LOL NO
Touch 28
+3 Dodge when punching

Blitz (+15 damage if Provoking)
Combat School: Just My Style!
Danger Sense
Great Fortitude (die at -20)
Insightful Strike
Lightning Reflexes

-Naked Turtle Fu: +4 Dodge to AC and Saves!
-Running Ox Fist: +30' Move, Fort DC 27 vs Stun 1
-Swift Manticore Dance: Concealment and Free Movement
-Lazy Crane Touch: Piercing and 2 Con damage, AoO Trip/Disarm against attacks
-Enlightened Serpent Tech: Fire to Medium (Standard), RTA +17 and 15d6 Fire, Air Walk and +20' speed
-Fortunate Dragon Style: TK Thrust Trips, AoO Trip/Disarm attacks, +4 Dodge to AC
-Hungry Tiger Attack: Greater Dispelling, Banishment (DC 24)
Diamond Soul (SR 20)
Armoured in Life (+11)
Rain of Flowers
Abundant Leap
Willow Step
Fatal Strike
Illegal Punch
Twice-Sold Soul (Immune to [Fear][Death]Negative Levels)
Immoral Punch (foes always flat)
Embezzled Soul (Tanar'ri)
Blasphemous Punch
-Overkilling: no DR or Regen, can't be Raised
-Too Many Murders: Kill -> Divine Power
Heretical Punch
King of Beasts (Gatling Punch)
Signature Style (Edge vs higher CR opponents)
Signature Move (+29/+29, 5d6+17 etc. and Stagger if both hit same guy)

Champion Belt (+5 Strength)
World Muscle (+5 Con)
Cosmo Orb (+5 Wis)
Gank (+5 Enhancement on Fists, Sun)
Senate Medallion (+5 to DCs)

Rozalin [Overlord's Daughter God of All Overlords]
Empusa Gun Mage 10/Officer 4/Aristocratic Demon 3
13 24 (30) 18 17 (23) 15 21 (27)

Init +16
BAB +16/Grab +17
HP: 127/127
F +15 R +33 W +18 EVASION!

BANG BANG! +34/+29/+29 (2d6+17 plus 1d4+11 Fire, 19-20/x3)
-or 1 shot and channel spell

AC: 36 (+10 Dex +8 Cha +6 Deflection +2 Dodge)
Flat 24 ~HAHAHA NO~
Touch 36

Danger Sense
Elusive Target (no Flanking or Power Attack, Immediate Divert)
Lightning Reflexes
Point-Blank Shot (no provoke, make AoO to within 30')
Sniper (no cover)

Charm Person 1/day DC 27
Spell Shooting III
Quick Draw (Free Action)
Shooting Range +25'
+3d6 Bullet Hell
Rebound Shot
Rapid Reload (Free Action)
Crack Shot
Homing Bullet
Noble Blood (15' radius Fascinate 1 DC 26)
Kneel Before Me! (Cower 1d4, DC 26)
Armour of Contempt
Mass Braveheart
Quick Command (Swift):
-Move Action
-Single Attack
-Consume Item
Discipline Bonus +2d6
Reactive Command (Immediate, doesn't expend next Swift)
Commanding Hit (Standard attack hits: ally Good Hope, enemy Will DC 26 vs Cower 1)
Contingent Command 6/day
Ludicrous Order: Standard
-Any Move, Standard or Charge
-Fly 50' Perfect or Burrow 50' or Breath 60' Cone/120' Line levelD10 Fire damage, Con-based
or Size+ or Teleport Without Error

1st level: 7/day [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] DC 17
Burning Rage, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person
Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Touch of Fatigue, True Strike
2nd level: 7/day [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] DC 18
Blindness/Deafness, Glitterdust, Knock, Protection From Arrows
Web, Scare, Touch of Idiocy, Vertigo
3rd level: 6/day [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] DC 19
Assay Resistance, Burning Blood, Confusion, Curse of Arrow Attraction
Deep Slumber, Fireball, Hesitate, Ray of Exhaustion, Slashing Dispel, Shadow Spray
4th level: 5/day [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] DC 20
Disintegrate, Eyebite, Feeblemind, Friend to Foe, Greater Dispel
Prismatic Ray, Telekinesis, True Seeing, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice

Death Whisper - Magic Duelling Pistol (+6)
-Range Increments: 40'->60' 4 Shots
-Death Whisper Bullets: 2d6 plus 1d4+11 Fire, 19-20/x3
Royal Ring - Charisma Booster
Testament - Deflection
Cute Little Glasses - Int Booster
Pretty Shoes - Dex Booster
Midnight Orb - Resistance

Dark Hero Axel [Dark Hero]
Human Monk 6/Rockstar 4
14 12 16 (20) 10 16 (20) 18 (22)

Init +1
BAB +9/Grab +11
HP: 95/95
F +14 R +14 W +11

Guitar +20/+15 (1d8+9, 19-20)
and Slam +16 (1d8+3, 19-20)

AC: 24 (+5 Wisdom +7 "Armour" +2 Shield)
Flat 19
Touch 22

Two-Weapon Fighting
Blind Fighting
Combat School: LOVE DYNAMITE! (Fort vs Daze 1 DC 18)
Expert Tactician
Insightful Strike
Perform +24

-Hungry Demon Spinning Kick!: Use Any Weapon, Fort vs Stun 1 DC 20
-Fortunate Dragon Fist: +4 Dodge to AC and Concealment
-Enlightened Crane Dance: +30' Speed and Move Anywhere
Armoured In Life (+7)
Fatal Strike
Diamond Soul (SR 15)
I'm Louder (Immediate counter [Sonic] by level check)
Bad Cover (Standard strumming, 65' radius Will DC 22 vs Sicken, sustain+2)
It Goes to 11! (Standard, 30' Cone, 10d6 Sonic, Fort 1/2 DC 21)
Instrumental Solo (Fascinate)
Battlesong (Move->Swift, +6 to hit and +2d6 damage)
Lovely Song (Torrent of Tears DC 21)
Natural Frequency (Immediate RTA to 50' +10, 2d6+16 Sonic)

Cantrips: Infinite DC 21
-Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Summon Instrument, Lulluby
1st Level: 3/day DC 21 [ ][ ][ ]
-Disguise Self, Silent Image, Ventriloquism, Magic Mouth, Hideous Laughter (Cheering)
2nd Level: 3/day DC 21 [ ][ ][ ]
-Charm Person, Mirror Image, Calm Emotions, Shatter, Pyrotechnics

-Guitar of Hard Rock +5
-Charisma Booster
-Wisdom Booster
-Con Booster
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Posts: 491
Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:28 pm

Post by Dominicius »

Where are you getting all these classes and PrCs from?
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Everything comes from either:
-The 2 Disgaeagame documents
-Stuff I posted up on the Den at some point, either PrCls in the Disgaeagame thread (Rock Star) or classes I posted up at some point in time (Gun Mage)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Posts: 491
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Post by Dominicius »

Where can I find these Disgaeagame documents?
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Dominicius »

The second link isn't working for me...
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

You might want to provide stats each overlords at a couple different levels. Not only does this let you ( or people stealing your stuff :looksinnocent: ) use them in games where characters haven't levelled up into crazytown like in your main game (or have levelled up well past crazytown), but it also models the Stronger / Weaker Enemies bills that can be passed via the Dark Assembly.

This does involve a bit more work than the "15th level average" stats you've been working with, but not too much, since you could just post level progressions along the way to final / max / highest difficulty form stats.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Koumei »

Odd. It works just fine for me.

Disgaea 3 is next. Best I can tell, Chairman Mao would be a plain old Star Mage. Because his EQ is 100,000,000 or something (see, he's very smart), and he can blast people with lasers, and can summon that crazy beast thing for his final attack. Seems a bit odd, given he's meant to be a sword user, but seriously, Adell is like the only main character who isn't a sword user (Zetta, Mao, Laharl, Ash). I'd rather not just make him another slice-and-dicer.

Not really sure about Raspberyl, I didn't use her much. She uses fire spells though, so maybe Red Mage? Sapphire is obviously Blue Mage/Pretty Princess, and Almaz is something sword-related. Asuka and Kyoko would be Ninja (or Assassin/Supreme Ninja) and Samurai. I don't care enough about the chef - didn't really use him, and kind of like "I STAB PEOPLE" characters, there are plenty of "I PUNCH PEOPLE" ones - him, Master Big StarBigster, Adell, The Dark Adonis, Vyers Midboss, Dark Hero Axel... seriously, other weapons are seriously underrepresented.

On a similar note, it's a bit disappointing to see that of the named characters, basically we have the following breakdown:
Male: Humans (Vyers is a Vampire, sure), most of these being Product of Infernal Dalliance
Female: Empusa, occasionally Humans too, one Angel
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Post by Dominicius »

Well link opens just fine but when I try to download the document itself mediafire gives me a weird error.
Last edited by Dominicius on Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

This should work, though it's not as great as you need to upload something in order to download it, though you can still view it without uploading

Mao [Overlord]
Human Star Mage 10 Hero! 5
19 (24) 13 17 (22) 21 (26) 19 (24) 16

Init +1
BAB +10/Grab +17
HP: 167/167
F +21 R +14 W +21

Baleful Glare 1d8+28 damage, Fort half DC 25
-Fail: Slow 1, 4 Strength damage
-Negate SR and ER for 10 rounds
Searing Light +13/+8
Runesword +24/+19 (1d8+18 and Fort vs Daze 1 DC 24, 14-20/x3)

AC: 23 (+7 Armour +1 Dex +5 Deflection)
-Flat 22
-Touch 16
+3 Dodge when using his sword

Product of Infernal Dalliance
Body Assemblage
Combat Looting
Combat School (Nothing But Swords)
Mage Slayer
Extra Summons
Subtle Cut
Insightful Strike
Great Fortitude

Baleful Glare (15 targets)
Light: Dancing Lights and Glowing Orb at will (7 at a time)
Star Mage
Ray of Light at will (SC)
Attune Form at will
Armour Break: 1 round Faerie Fire & attacks are Touch Attacks
Day Break: Swift awaken all
Searing Light at will (Attack)
Dimension Hop
Silent Image at will
Wrath of the Heavens
Cryptic Demands
End of Sight (20' radius Light burst, Fort DC 25 vs Blind 2d8)
Contact Other Plane 7/day
Tenuous Sanity (no mental damage/drain, no Daze/Confuse)
Draining Light
Dimension Door at will
Flashburst at will (SC)
Delaying Light
End of Life (Fort DC 25 vs Death, even on a save: 7d8+6 damage)
Aid From Beyond (1/day summon CR 14 Outsider for 1 hour)
Resist Break
Signature Style (higher CR enemies grant The Edge)
Signature Move (+24/+24, 1d8+5d6+18 etc, Stagger if both hit 1 guy)
Special Move (+29/+29, 1d8+5d6+23 etc, as above, each target hit causes 15' radius 10d6 Cold, Ref half DC 24)
Most Useful
Seize the Day by the Throat

Runesword (Longsword, currently +5, Sun)
Int Booster (+5)
Wis Booster (+5)
Str Booster (+5)
Con Booster (+5)
Magic Magic Clothes (+5)
Resistance Bonus (+5)

Raspberyl [Delinquent]
Empusa Red Mage 5 Archmage 2 Delinquent 5
12 20 (24) 14 19 (23) 16 20 (24)

Init +10 (re-roll!)
BAB +9/Grab +10
HP: 63/63
F +10 R +13 W +14

Fire Bolts +17/+17/+11 RTA (12d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)

AC: 29 (+7 Armour +2 Deflection +7 Dexterity +3 Dodge)
-Flat 19 NOPE
-Touch 22

More Meta-Magic
Elusive Target
Diplomancy Special~
Danger Sense
Investigator (+21)
Cryptographer (+24)

Fire Immunity/Resist 14
Fire Burst 10' Ref half DC 23 (1d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)
Fire Bolts +17/+17/+11 RTA (12d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)
Impress Flames
Fire Magic
Ignite (1d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)
Piercing Flames
Hand of Fire (1d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)
Smokeless Flame
Fireballs 20' Ref half DC 23 (12d6+7 Fire and 1d6+6 Zap)
Book Shock
Don't Litter
Peaceful Hobby (Knowledge: History +33, Will DC 22 vs Confusion 3)
Help Your Peers
Eco-Friend (SNA VI)
+2d6 Sneak Attack

Book of Cha
Glasses of Int
Shoes of Dex
Magic Magic Clothes
Helpful Pamphlets (Knowledge: History Boost)

Princess Sapphire [Newlywed Princess]
Human Blue Mage 10/Pretty Princess 5
13 21 (26) 17 (22) 18 15 (20) 21 (26)

Init +8
BAB +9/Grab +10
HP: 152/152
F +17 R +19 W +16

Coldfire +17 RTA (15d6+8 Cold)
-30': +20 to hit
BANG BANG! +22 ranged (3d6+5 Piercing and Ref DC 25 vs Blind, 19-20/x3)
-30': +25 to hit
-100': 3d6+14 damage

AC: 40 (+8 Dex +8 Cha +5 Def +7 Armour +2 Dodge)
-Flat 30
-Touch 33

Elusive Target
Combat Looting
Master Tactician
Command (Boss Almaz around the place)
Murderous Intent
Point-Blank Shot

Cold Immunity
Cold Magic
Coldfire/Ice Beam
Pall of Frost (1d6+8)
Brittling (1d6+8 Cold and flat-footed 1 round, halve Hardness 1d4 rounds)
Create Ice Object
Ice Skating
Frost's Bite (penetrate Immunity/Resistance/Hardness)
Ground Freeze (60 squares)
Encumber (Ref Half DC 25)
Let It Snow
Freeze (Ref DC 25)
Never Melt Ice
Skate in Air
Create More Ice (1500lbs/45 objects)
Wall of Ice
Blizzard (Short Cone, 15d6+8 Cold and 5d6 Slashing/Piercing, Fort Half DC 25)
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Through the Looking Glass
Animate Snow
Create Tons of Ice (on ground, 15,000lbs)
Ribbon Twirl (30' +10 to hit, 1d6+8 plus 1d6+8 Cold (Pall), Ref DC 25 vs Entangle 1)
Armour of Contempt
Prettiness +2
Magic Tea Party
Heart Breaker (Will DC 27 vs Charm then Will DC 25 vs Crushing Despair)
Love-Shot (Ref DC 25 vs Daze 1 and 15d8 nonlethal)

Magic Pistol (Sun!)
Charisma Boost
Con Boost
Dex Boost
Wis Boost
Magic Magic Clothes
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Josh_Kablack wrote:You might want to provide stats each overlords at a couple different levels. Not only does this let you ( or people stealing your stuff :looksinnocent: ) use them in games where characters haven't levelled up into crazytown like in your main game (or have levelled up well past crazytown), but it also models the Stronger / Weaker Enemies bills that can be passed via the Dark Assembly.
That's a thought. A lot of these I already have statted up, but I might post some up for other levels later.
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Post by Dominicius »

You should try getting dropbox. So far it has been working pretty well for me when I want to share files.
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Post by Koumei »

More Disgaea 3:

Asuka Cranekick [Delinquent]
Human Samurai 5/Storm Blade 4/Delinquent 1
18 (22) 14 (18) 12 10 16 16

Init +7
BAB +10/Grab +16
HP: 64/64
F +6 R +9 W +13
-DR 5/critical hits
-Ignore first 5 non-lethal from any attack
-Reduce Crit by x1, and -2 dice from Sneak Attacks etc.

Glaivicide +22/+22/+17/+17 (1d10+19, 20/x3)
+1d6 Electricity per hit in the Full Attack

AC: 29 (+4 Dex +9 Armour +4 Deflect +2 Dodge)
-Flat 23 HAHAHA NO
-Touch 20

Danger Sense
Combat School: STAB! (DC 21)
Subtle Cut
Phalanx Fighter (AoO when Flat, grant Dodge to adjacent allies, charging provokes)
Great Fortitude
Horde Breaker (6 AoO/round)
Whirlwind Attack

Ancestral Weaponry
Pledge of Loyalty
Kiai! (4/day)
Ancestral Guidance
Silver Flash
Cut the Weather
The Shadow (Standard Charge - Touch Attack)
Tea Ceremony
Storm Cutter
Peaceful Hobby (Craft: Origami +23, Fort vs Prone DC 15)
Don't Litter

Ancestral Glaive
Bravery Belt
Magic Breastplate of Counter Attacks
Magic Shoes of Dex and Mirror Images (3)
Magic Ring
Origami Paper (Craft Boost)

Kyoko Needleworker [Delinquent]
Human Ninja 8 Delinquent 2
12 18 (22) 14 16 (20) 10 16

Init +14 Move 45'
BAB +10/Grab +11 (+16 vs Flat foes)
HP: 55/55
F +9 R +7 W +14

Pointy Stab +23/+18 (1d4+10 and Giant Wasp Poison (DC 18, 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex), 20/x4)
-Killed someone in the last minute? +2 to hit and damage

AC: 34 (+6 Dexterity +2 Dodge +8 "Armour" +3 Expertise +5 Jutsu)
-Flat 23 NOPE!
-Touch 34

Danger Sense
Elusive Target
Weapon Finesse
Murderous Intent
Acrobatic (Tumble +22 - always Expertise for 2)

Armoured in Life
Surprise! (Flat foe: have the Edge, make 1 AoO/round "just cause" - 2/round thanks to MI)
Jutsu Use (5 points)
-Attack Rolls
-Damage Rolls
-Saving Throws
-Armour Class
-Dex Skills
Too Fast By Half
Wall Jump
Speed of Thought
Dark Stalker
Seductive Gaze (30' Gaze, Fascinate, spend Jutsu to Suggest, DC 24)
Master of Disguise
Mystic Art
-Min Min (Standard Attack, causes Confusion 1 min (DC 24) if it hits)
-Devil Ghost Body
Anti-Noise Aura
Log Trick
Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!
Master of Escape
Flying Kick
Close Combat
Don't Litter
Peaceful Hobby (Use Rope +36, Ref vs Entangle 1, DC 21)

Magic Needle (plain old Magic Weapon)
Ninja Clothes (DC Booster) of Eternal Greater Blur
Ninja Tabi (Dexterity Booster) that doesn't penalise Move Silently for Running
Chaos Emblem (Intelligence Booster) of Spiderclimb
String (Use Rope Booster)

Almaz [Hero]
Human Samurai 11
16 (20) 19 (23) 18 13 15 11

Init +6
BAB +11/Grab +16
HP: 104/104
F +10 R +9 W +9
-DR 5/- & 10/Bludgeoning and Piercing
-Ignore first 5 extra SA/Crit damage

Swordification +23/+18/+18 (1d12+16 Vile and Staggers (DC 15) and Fort DC 20 vs Daze 1, 15-20/x3)
-Ignore DR!
-Can take 10 on attacks

AC: 25 (+9 Armour +6 Dex)
-Flat 19
-Touch 16

Insightful Strike
Thousand Sword Style
Giant Slayer (+4 AC and Ref vs Sam, Sam's Grab Provokes, Edge against Sam)
Great Fortitude (die at -20)
Weapon Finesse
Horde Breaker (Cleave and Fear Aura and 5' step on every kill)
Subtle Cut (Standard: damage plus Slow or Dex damage)
Blind Fighting (Tremorsense 120')

Pledge of Loyalty
Ancestral Weapon
Ancestral Guidance
Terrible Blows
Iaijutsu (have Edge: Immediate AoO any time)
Kiai! (7/day)
Parry Magic (AoO against Sp/Su, beat DC to negate)
Iaijutsu Focus (1/day Immediate 9 AoO)

Bravery Belt
Ancestral Super Sword
Angel Slippers
Mithril Shirt
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

The Dark Adonis, Vyers Midboss [Midboss]
Vampire Monk 9/Aristocratic Demon 1
16 (20) 16 (20) 14 10 18 (22) 12 (16)

Init: +8
Speed: 30'
HP: 64/64

AC: 30 (+6 Wis +3 Def +2 Dodge +9 "Armour")
-flat 22 NO
-touch 30
F +8 R +17 W +14 EVASION!

BAB/Grab: +10/+15
-Slam +17/+12 (1d8+7)

Elusive Target
Danger Sense
Combat School
Lightning Reflexes

Blood Pool (14)
Armoured in Life
Rain of Flowers
Willow Step
Fatal Strike
Abundant Leap
Immaculate Diamond Soul (SR 20)
Walk of a Thousand Steps 1/day
-Immaculate Shadow Step: +4 Dodge to AC and Saves
-Beautiful Vampire Stance: Concealment and 60' Movement
-Floating Bat Style: Slam ignores Hardness/DR, is piercing, 2 Con
-Graceful Spirit Strike: Stunning Slam (DC 21), Free Movement
-Masterful Stride of the Perfect Demon: 50' Speed, Slam: Ref DC 21 vs Helpless 1
Noble Blood: 15' Fascinate DC 18

-Str, Dex, Wis and Cha Boosters
-Deflection Item
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Highly tempted to make a few more Prestige Classes for some variety amongst the canon characters (and to specifically cater to their abilities - I mean, given 3/3 of my tabletop players all took custom PrCls it's basically a given that you get your own in Disgaeagame).

Overlord Priere [Overlord]
Human Sacred Fist 10/Overlord 3/Fallen 2
26 (31) 14 22 (+6) 13 21 (26) 19 (24)

Init +5
BAB +15/Grab +29
HP: 155/155
F +12 R +18 W +21
-Immunity to Electricity and Natural Poison
-Fire, Cold, Acid Resist 10

Slam +32/+30/+30 (3d6+22, Ref DC 24 vs Blind 1, Fort DC 27 vs Daze 1)

AC: 39 (+9 "Armour" +8 Wisdom +5 Deflection +5 Natural +2 Dodge -1 Size)
-Flat 29 LOL NO
-Touch 34

Danger Sense
Elusive Target
Blitz (provoke for +15 damage)
Weapon of Righteous Destruction
Large Size
Combat School: PUNT (DC 27)

Charm Person DC 24
Strength of Conviction (expend Spell: +level to hit, +leveld6 damage)
Armour of Contempt (+9)
Floating Foosteps
Whisper in the Wind +20'
Sacred Flame (Burn Knuckle: Swift, 1 round: +10 Divine, burn 2d6 and 1 Strength for 8 rounds)
Blazing Aura (Move; 1 minute or triggered: 2d6+15 Divine, burn 1d6+8 for 3 rounds)
Netherworld (Prison-Mansion)
First Title! (Swift D-Door)
Overlord's Wings (Wings of Cover 1/day)
Demonic Change (Telepathy)

Spellcasting: CL 18
Orisons: 4 DC 18
Create Water, Guidance, Virtue, Virtue
1st level: 6 DC 19
Command, Doom, Entropic Shield, Blood Wind, Divine Favour, Faith Healing
2nd level: 6 DC 20
Aid, Hold Person, Resist Energy, Desecrate, Infernal Wound, Wave of Grief
3rd level: 6 DC 21
Bestow Curse, Blind/Deafness, Invisibility Purge, Hamatula Barbs, Prayer, Protection From Energy
4th level: 5 DC 22
Divine Power, Delay Death, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Moon Bolt
5th level: 4 DC 23
Righteous Might, Vulnerability, Slay Living, Slay Living
6th level: 3 DC 24
Harm, Blade Barrier, Heal
7th level: 2 DC 25
Blasphemy, Destruction

Strength Booster
Wisdom Booster
Sexy Underwear (1 each/day, DC 24)
-Entice Gift
-Torrent of Tears
-Greater Rebuke
-Endless Slumber
-Dominate Monster
Deflection Bonus
Natural Armour Booster
Caster Level Booster
Asagi [Hidden Character]
Human Assassin 7/Rogue 1/Masked Hero 4
13 20 (24) 20 (24) 18 16 18

Init +15
Fly 200' (Perfect)
BAB +8/Grab +9
HP: 126/126
F +14 R +25 W +10 EVASION

BANG! +19/+17 (4d6+4, 19-20/x3)
-200' increments, 1st increment: +8 damage
-Provoke to add +8 damage
+3 to hit in 30'

AC: 22 (+7 Dex, +3 Def +2 Dodge)
-Flat 13 NOPE
-Touch 22

Danger Sense
Elusive Target
Lightning Reflexes
Point-Blank Shot

Poison Use
Death Attack +9d6
Full Death Attack
Poison Immunities:
-Wyvern Poison
-Viper Venom
-Imp Poison
-Spider Venom
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Hide in Plain Sight
Cloak of Discretion
Palm Weapon
Sneak Attack +1d6
Super Flight
Scouting (120')
Proximal Shot (10-30', +4d6)
Mystery Mask!
As Fast As Speed (Standard: Blink and Mirror Image)
Totemkreuz (20' radius 150' tall column in Close, 12d10 Fire, Ref Half DC 23)
Stylish Cape!

Spellcasting: Caster Level 7
Cantrips: 6 known, 3/day, DC 14
1st Level: 4 known, 4/day, DC 15
2nd Level: 4 known, 3/day, DC 16
3rd Level: 2 known, 1/day, DC 17

Magic Rifle
-Super Killer Ammo
Deflector (Deflection)
Ninja Jumpsuit (Dex, 20% Concealment)
Prinny Mask (Con, Explodes When Thrown)
Hero Cape (Save Booster, Edge Against Evildoers)
Tyrant Overlord Baal [Tyrant Overlord]
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

I can't figger the Stranger with the Burning-Eyes build that's metaplot appropriate for Tyrant Overlord Baal, so here's a stab at just the main form / D1 appearance first fight using your level 15 benchmark:

Tyrant Overlord Baal Human [(Demon) LORD OF TERROR] Fiendish Brute 2/Barbarian 5//True Fiend 1/Knight 1 / Iron Knight 6
HP: 6d12+1d8+2d10+6*20 + 180 +15 = 374 HP
Initiative: +0
Move 15' ( 20 if raging )
AC 56 ( +24 Armor, +4 Deflection, +5 natural + 9 Shield + 4 cover +2 dodge, -2 size )
Touch AC: 18
Flatfooted AC: 54
BAB: +15
Grapple +34?
Nemesis +33 melee for 8d6+23 crit 19-20, ignores DR, hardness and crit-negation.
or Claw +28 melee for 1d8+8
Full Attack
Nemesis +33/+31/+29 melee
or 2 claws at +23/+23 melee
Space/ Reach: 15 ft / 15 ft ( 30 ft with Nemesis)
Special Attacks: 2 claws, designate +4d6, retaliator, weapon cogs,

Special Qualities: DR 20/-; SR 26; Fast Healing 5; Immune to Electricity; Immortality; Rage loses fast heal but gains +10' movement +2d6 rage dice and ability to sub in Fort save for Will or Ref save, Code of conduct ( which he totally violates, but I think the Iron Knight designate still stacks, if not then he loses 1d6 on designate. ), Heavy Fortification, and stays alive another 11 rounds after dying.

Saves F +30 R +12(+14 with cover) W +13 (add another +4 vs spells to each)

Ability Scores: Str 32 Dex 10 Con 28 (33) Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 12
Skills: I am totally not figuring this. Give him max ranks in survival for the Giga Armor and max out Intimidate for Blitz and that whole [Lord of Terror] title thing. He's also rocking an armor check penalty of something like -25.

  • Human: Product of Infernal Dalliance (Demon (or Tanari in moron speak) )
  • 1st: Phalanx fighter (can take AoOs while flatfooted, charging provokes, grants allies dodge bonuses, can attack inside weapon reach)
  • 3rd: Great Fortitude (increased save (already figgered); dies at -20; additional HP (already figgered) DR 5/- (then increased by BAB to 20/- due to Iron Knight class ability)
  • Knight: Mounted Combat (which he doesn't care about)
  • 6th: Combat School: Rain of Swords (applies to Swords, Nemesis and Claws, victims make Fort save dc 29 vs daze, can take 10 on attack rolls, +4 vs disarm)
  • True fiend1 (Demon): Large Size [Fiend] - bonuses already figgered
  • 9th: Whirlwind ( +3 to balance, make single move and attack vs' everyone within 30', get AoO against anyone entering threatened area after that )
  • Fiendish Brute 2: Huge Size [Fiend] - bonuses already figgered (natural armor from Fiendish Brute and Huge Size would be +10, but is halved due to Tome rules of stacking armor + natty )
  • 12th: Blitz (lose dodge to AC for +1d6 on charge; take AoO for +15 to damages (win/win!) better iteratives (already figgered, free intimidates )
  • 15th: Elusive Target (+2 Dodge to AC, opponents do not get bonuses from flanking nor higher ground, no extra damage from power attack, can divert attack to another target within 30' as immediate reaction)
Notable Loot Drops:

Super Robo Suit: This Magic Giga Armor (+13 Armor bonus +1/3 level enhancement to Armor bonus ) also provides a Deflection bonus (+1/4 level) to AC and a resistance bonus (+1/3 level) to all saves.

Nemesis: counts as both a magic tower shield (+4 shield +1/3 level enhancement to shield bonus) and as a magic (+1/3 level enhancement) fullblade that resizes to the wielder (3d6 damage for medium wielders 8d6 damage for Baal, crit 19-20) of Ruin (ignores DR, hardness and crit immunity) that's somehow a reach weapon all at once.

There, he's slow and susceptible to kiting, touch attacks and casters who can get save-or-lose through SR 26, Will Save +17 (or more) but on top of nigh invulnerability he has a decent 30' radius murderize option ( Hit everybody of AC 43 or less within move+30 reach' for 8d6+23 + potential blitz or designate or rage adds and DC 29 fort save vs daze ) and fun counter-counter attacks by taking the AoO from Blitz in order to get his own retaliator AoO off. Most importantly, he becomes less than half as difficult to beat if you have that level 2564 thief manage to swipe his phat loots.

for leveling him up further, he wants the top level Giga Armor abilitiy so he doesn't have to give up the minimal fast healing to use his Fort for Will, he wants inherent or enhancement bonuses to Dex so he can get Horde Breaker and go AoO crazy, and he probably wants more status immunities somehow.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Koumei »

Thanks, I like it. I'll work on doing a set of statlines for them relative to a level 5 and 10 Laharl & co (so those who are weaker will be weaker, those who are stronger will be stronger), and will extrapolate a level 20 Baal.

Though before that I'll change some of them with custom prestige classes. Look forward to Delinquent, Hero! and Fallen
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Post by Sunwitch »

I actually really like stuff like this because it explores the potential of the options available in a system and tests its versatility. Nice work :3
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Post by Koumei »

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that. Next step will indeed be the lower level characters, for people who want to run Disgaeagame at lower levels (anyone who does? Please do - the more Disgaeagames that are run, the more the popularity of Disgaeagame surges ahead of 4E*).

Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

A reminder for me to do this in future:

Valvatorez [Overlord/Prinny Instructor]
Vampire Samurai 7/Carnage Princess 4/Hell Warden 1/Hero 3
15 (20) 17 (22) 18 (23) 13 21 (26) 21 (26)

Init +9
BAB +15/Grab +20
HP: 166/166
F +20 R +19 W +25

Swordification +30/+28/+28 (1d10+16 +1d6, 9-20/x3)
-and Bite +28 (1d4+8 +1d6, 17-20/x5)
-and Swift Sword +30 (1d10+16 +1d6, 9-20/x3)

AC: 27 (+6 Dex +7 Armour +4 Deflection), 30 after attacking w/ sword
-Touch 20, 23 after attacking with sword

Combat School: Swordinator (DC 22)
Murderous Intent
Insightful Strike
Subtle Cut
Danger Sense
Mage Hunter
Horde Breaker (B)
Whirlwind Attack (B)
Blindfighting (B)
Blitz! (B)

Low-Light Vision
Darkvision 120'
Light Sensitivity
Blood Drinking
Vampiric Weakness
Blood Power (Pool: 0/15)
Pledge of Loyalty
Ancestral Weapon (Katana)
Kiai! 6/day
Ancestral Guidance
Terrible Blows
Thousand Swords
Blood Walker
Blade Rush (+32 against all in charge, 1d10+16 +1d6, 9-20/x3)
Hurricane Slice (+32/+32, 1d10+16 +1d6 and 2d6 Sonic, 9-20/x3, one crits? Both do!)
Gore Shower
Punishment +1d6
Shadow Well 1/day DC 25
Howling Chain 1/day DC 25
Signature Move: Gnasher (+30/+30, 1d10+16 +4d6 9-20/x3, if both hit, auto-Stagger (1))
Signature Style
Most Useful

Magic Clothing (constant Darkness effect that he can see through)
Ancestral Katana
Heart Muscle (Constitution booster, no need to consume blood for food)
Awesome Teeth (Charisma booster, grant secondary magic Bite attack)
Lunar Orb (Wisdom booster, Blindsense 60')
Spooky Vampire Cloak (Save booster, transform into Bat Swarm w/ Energy Drain (1) and Constitution Drain (1d4) in Swarm Attack)
Ninja Shoes (Dexterity booster, Blur any turn he takes a Move or Charge action)
Power Belt (Strength booster, natural weapons have augmented critical)
Fenrir [Loyal Vassal]
Wolf (Dog) Hengeyokai Monk 6/Angry CatWolf 6
18 (22) 16 (20) 20 (24) 14 20 (24) 12

Init +8
BAB +12/Grab +18
HP: 138/138
F +14 R +17 W +14
-Immune: Fire and Poison
-Resistances: Electricity, Cold and Acid 10, SR 17

Slam +23/+21/+21 (1d8+6 plus 1d6 and 2 Con, 17-20/x3)
-and Bite +18 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 and 2 Con, 17-20/x3)
-and Kick +18/+18 (2d6+3 plus 1d6 and 2 Con, 17-20/x3)

AC: 33 (+7 Wisdom +2 Deflection +14 Special Armour)
-Flat NOPE
-Touch 33

Product of Infernal Dalliance (Baatezu)
Insightful Strike
Danger Sense

Doggy Form
Armoured in Life
Willow Step
Fatal Strike
Abundant Leap
Rain of Flowers
Walk of a Thousand Steps 1/day (6 rounds)
Diamond Soul
Enlightened Turtle Fu: +4 Dodge to AC and Concealment
Powerful Ox Stance: +4 Dodge to Saves and 60' Speed
Hungry Dragon Touch: all attacks ignore Hardness and DR
Naked Tiger Spinning Attack: Stun DC 23 and Slashing Speed Reduction
Swift Demon Attack: 50' Speed, Air Walk, Force Effect Strike
Dog Dodge
Dog Kick
Razor Claws
Dog Blast: 5x60' Line (6d8 Force, Ref 1/2 DC 17)
King of Beasts +23
Real King of Beasts
Dog Fight

Cosmo Belt (Strength booster)
Amulet of Da Vane (Constitution booster, turn into a Dire Tiger Wolf at will)
Ninja Sandals (Dexterity booster, gain an actual Ninja Ki Point)
The Biggest BallsOrbs of All (Wisdom booster, immunity to [Fear] effects)
Basic Magic Magic Clothing
Ass-Kicking Gloves (natural attacks are basic magic weapons)
"Vulcanus" [Angel of Avarice]
Angel Jester 3/Thief-Acrobat 5/Trickster-Yoink! 2/Masked Hero 2
12 20 (24) 16 14 20 18 (22)

Init +7
BAB +9/Grab +10
HP: 78/78
F +15 R +30 W +20
Climb 15' Fly 100' (Perfect)
-Immunities: [Compulsion] effects

Raygun +23/+18 RTA (3d6+13 Force, 19-20/x3)

AC: 29 (+7 Dex +6 Armour +4 Deflection +2 Dodge)
-Flat 20
-Touch 23

Deft Hands (Sleight of Hand +31)
Combat Looting
Point-Blank Shot
Elusive Target
Phalanx Fighter

Protective Aura
Smite 1/day (+6 to hit, +12 damage)
Harlequin's Mask
Ignore Components
Poison Use
Laugh it Off
Sneak Attack +3d6
Power Slide
Acrobatic Flair
Pole Jump
Sure Climb
Detect Magic
Grapple Line
Rapid Stealth
Super Flight
Proximal Shot +2d6
Mystery Mask
Me Too!
Thief of Speed
Gotcha' Pants

Cantrips, DC 16: 3/day
-Alarm, Detect Magic, Detect Poison
-Grease, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism
1st Level, DC 17: 2/day
-Fire Trap, Glitterdust, Magic Mouth, Misdirection, Pyrotechnics
-Reduce Person, Sleet Storm, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
-Teleport Trap, Touch of Idiocy

Super Raygun (Magic Duelling Pistol, resolved as Touch Attacks that deal Force damage)
Magic Magic Clothes!
-Dexterity booster
-Charisma booster
-Resistance booster
-UFO Yoink! (Sleight of Hand Booster, Make SoH checks out to 30')
Rascal (Human Red Mage/I forget what special stuff he does, never actually using him)

Fuka [Prinny!?]
Human Barbarian 7/Genocidaire 5
20 (24) 18 18 (22) 14 12 16 (20)

Init +4
BAB +12/Grab +19
HP: 156/156
F +18 R +7 W +7 (in Rage: +20 +20 +20)

Axing +25/+23/+23 (1d12+16, 18-20/x5)
-Rage PA for 5 +22/+20/+20 (1d12+28 plus 3d6, 18-20/x5)
-Charging Raging Full PA +22/+20/+20 (1d12+32 plus 3d6, 18-20/x5)
-Vile Damage, Fort DC 21 vs Stagger (1)

AC: 25 (+12 Armour +3 Dex), Rage 23
-Flat 22, Rage 20
-Touch 22, Rage 20

Combat School: Bases Loaded (DC 23)
Murderous Intent
Great Fortitude
Insightful Strike
Iron Will

Rage (+2 hit, damage, saves, -2 AC, DR 5/-)
-Combat Movement +15'
-Rage Dice +3d6
-Battle Hardened
-Sidestep Hazards
-Great Blows DC 22
Fast Healing 5 (out of Rage only)
Multiple Homicide Slice DC 23
Boomerang Axe: 35' line +25/+25 (1d12+16, 18-20/x5)
Razor's Edge
Killing Spree

Home Run Hitter (Wounding "Great Axe")
School Uniform (Magic Brigandine (DR 5/bludgipierce), use Knowledge skills untrained)
Prinny Hat (Charisma booster, immune to Confusion)
Prinny Muscle (Constitution booster, Explodes When Thrown, 12d6 DC 22)
Megaton Belt (Strength booster, gain Awesome Blow ability)
Desco [Final Boss]
Yuan ti Halfblood Totemist 4 Final Boss 6
24 (30) 20 20 (26) 21 23 28 (34)

Init +5 (reroll)
BAB +16/Grab +30
HP: 249/249
F +19 R +13 W +20
Swim 15' Climb 15'
Regeneration 17/Bullshit
Extra Swift per turn

-2 Bites +34 (1d6+18 and Poison, 19-20/x3)
-Constrict (1d6+23)
-2 Tentacles +34 (1d8+18, 19-20/x3)

AC: 25 (+10 natural +5 Dex)
-Flat 20
-Touch 15

-Alertness and Blind-Fight (B)
INA: Bites
Insightful Strike
Great Fortitude
Combat School: Murderface (DC 28)

Poison DC 26 1d4 Con/1d4 Con
"Psionics" At will:
Detect Hostile Intent
Exhalation of the Black Dragon (DC 28)
Aversion (DC 28)
Psionic Charm (all targets, DC 28)
Concealing Amorpha
Psionic Daze (9 HD, DC 28)
Deeper Darkness
Entangling Ectoplasm (Huge creatures)
Mind Thrust (ML 4th, 4d10+4, DC 28*)
Body Purification (3 points)
Psionic Suggestion (two targets, DC 28)
3 Chakra:
-Devastating Turquoise Vampire Sleeves:
--Strength, Steal 17d6 HP with Touch
-Gorgeous Midnight Unicorn Braids:
--Constitution, Heal 17d6 and remove Poison
-Awesome Navy Displacer Beast Boots:
--Charisma, Swift, 4 rounds Discplacement 50%
7 Basic Soulmelds
4 Better Soulmelds
1 Advanced Soulmeld
Wild Empathy +29
Woodland Stride
Arcane Sight
Like a Bauss
Special Domain
Recurring Boss
Quest Weakness
Unskippable Speech DC 28
Boss Music DC 28
Super Boss Move 1/4 rounds: 5x250' Line 170 Force F 1/2 DC 28

Last edited by Koumei on Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:46 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by infected slut princess »

where is the FINAL BOSS PrC. I cannot find it and I want my character to be a final boss.
Oh, then you are an idiot. Because infected slut princess has never posted anything worth reading at any time.
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Post by Koumei »

The final "Roleplaying in the Disgaeaverse" file will have it. In the meantime, I'll do you a favour:

“Desco will make sure to become the best final boss ever!”

Every game needs a final boss. And a final boss can’t be too ordinary, they have a duty to be bizarre and scary. Therefore, it is required that there be a class that lets them do just that. They can become giant monsters with extra limbs, multiple heads and special moves and transformations.

Feats: any [Fiend], [Monstrous] or [Undead]
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Special: must operate alone, not with a team – minions are okay if they are not actually attendant (Note: when Desco actually works with the others, she ceases being able to gain levels in this class)

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 2 + Intelligence Bonus
Weapon and Armour Proficiency:
The Final Boss gains no additional proficiencies.
Level:Base Attack BonusFortRefWillSpecial:Other:
1+1+2+0+2Like a Bauss, Special Domain-
2+2+3+0+3Recurring BossAdvancement
3+3+3+1+3Quest Weakness-
4+4+4+1+4Unskippable Speech, Boss MusicAdvancement
5+5+4+1+4Monstrous Form-
6+6+5+2+5Super Boss MoveAdvancement
7+7+5+2+5Extra Monstrous Form-
8+8+6+2+6Artificial Difficulty IncreaseAdvancement
9+9+6+3+6Special Boss Move-
10+10+7+3+7Final Transformation!Advancement

Like a Bauss (Ex): the Final Boss is sufficiently powerful to rarely get screwed by the RNG. Contrarywise, when the RNG favours the Final Boss, everybody knows about it. The Final Boss rolls twice and picks the higher result for his Initiative and for all Saving Throws against effects that would deny him any actions on the following turn. Additionally, any time he delivers a Critical Hit, there is an explosion of awesome might, causing all foes within 10 feet of the victim to be Staggered for one round.

Special Domain: the Final Boss gains his own special domain he can retreat to, one that grants him the home advantage. He has a Demiplane that is sufficiently awesome and appropriate for a final battle, and he may relocate to or from there with a Standard action at will. Relocating is a Supernatural ability. Possessing the plane at all is just a fact of life. The area is equal to that of a Magnificent Mansion effect, and can sustain the Final Boss indefinitely. It may have whatever terrain features and harmful traits he deems appropriate. The Final Boss is actually required to spend at least half his time there. If he ventures outside for 12 hours, he loses access to all class features that require actions to activate until he returns for a full day.

Recurring Boss (Su): at second level, the Final Boss becomes properly recurring – he wouldn’t die even if you killed him. Once per day, when killed, his body and equipment discorporate and relocate to his Special Domain, reforming. At that point he is completely resurrected. If slain in his Special Domain, or in an area where Dimensional travel is blocked, or in a day where he has already Recurred, this ability will not function.

Advancement: at every even level, the Final Boss may advance an existing ability:
  • Sneak Attack: +1d6 Sneak Attack die
  • Death Attack: +2d6 Sneak Attack dice
  • Rage: +1d6 Rage die and +5’ Combat Speed
  • Spell Casting: +1 Caster Level, along with spells known, per day, etc.
  • Soulmelds: gain one Soulmeld of any type available, and Final Boss levels count as Totemist levels for the purpose of gaining access to new Soulmeld types
  • Fighting Styles: gain one Fighting Style of any type available, and Final Boss levels count as Monk levels for the purpose of gaining access to new Fighting Style types
  • Bonus Feat: a Bonus [Monster], [Fiend] or [Undead] feat
Quest Weakness (Ex): at third level, the Final Boss develops an annoying form of Regeneration that basically ensures he can’t be killed by regular trash. The amount of Regeneration is equal to his hit dice, and it is overcome only by weapons created specifically for his destruction (a free rider on any Moderate or Major Magic weapon that is actually forged with his destruction in mind), or by effects created by someone blessed with the narrative ability to kill him (the result of an important quest).

Unskippable Speech (Su): at level four, the Final Boss creates a Sanctuary effect (Charisma-based) just by speaking, although if he takes any offensive action it still ends the effect, and cannot affect the same audience for the next 24 hours.

Boss Music (Su): whenever the fourth-level Final Boss is in combat in his Domain, eerie Final Boss music plays. This music suppresses all [Sonic] effects and Songs/Musical effects, halving any numeric bonuses, penalties or damage caused by them. Additionally, it is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Fear] effect, and all who can hear it must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) each round. Failure results in being Shaken for that round and the next, allowing it to stack to being Frightened for two rounds, and from there to causing Panic for 2 rounds, and finally to causing a Coma, which lasts for 1 minute.

Monstrous Form (Ex): at fifth level, the Final Boss has a special, monstrous form. Changing to or from this form requires a Full Round action, and can be done at will. This alternate form has the following features in addition to the basic profile:
  • -$TEXAS to all Diplomacy and Perform checks
  • +5 Circumstance bonus to all Intimidate checks
  • One extra set of limbs, which may be arms, tentacles (Primary Slam 1d8) or Crab Claws
  • An Enhancement bonus to Natural Armour (+1 per 3 hit dice)
  • An additional Swift action each turn
The Monstrous Form can only be accessed when in his Special Domain, and when not directly supported by any minions or allies.

Super Boss Move (Su): at level six, the Final Boss gains a special beam attack that can be used once every 4 rounds. It requires a Standard action, and is unleashed as a 5’ wide, 250’ long Line. This deals 10 Force damage per hit die, with a Fort Save (Charisma-based or Constitution-based) for half.

Extra Monstrous Form (Ex): at seventh level, the Monstrous Form of the Final Boss becomes particularly scary. He gains a size category (including all ability score changes), 100 Temporary Hit Points and an additional set of limbs. The Temporary Hit Points do not reset with each transformation, instead, they only reset every midnight.

Artificial Difficulty Increase (Ex): at level eight, the difficulty of the Final Boss is artificially increased, in a way that is seen as cheating or a cop-out on the part of the AI/designers. He gains a +4 Profane bonus to every ability score, as well as to his attack rolls, damage rolls, Armour Class and Saving Throws.

Special Boss Move (Su): the ninth-level Final Boss gains an even better special move, though it can only be used once per hour. Every creature, friend or foe, within Short Range must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma or Constitution-based, whichever is higher) or die. This is not a [Death] effect, it just outright kills them through billions of points of damage. On a successful save, they only suffer 5 Force damage per hit die and are Dazed for 1 round.

Final Transformation! (Su): at tenth level, the Final Boss gains a final transformation, one that can only be accessed when he would normally be slain or sent to his Special Domain for rejuvenation. Once this transformation occurs, he does not return to normal until he spends one full day resting in his Domain, and cannot transform back into this form until he reverts. In other words, he gets beaten, transforms, and then has one more chance to kill the pesky heroes before being sent to his Domain for rejuvenation (and probably getting beaten there), he can’t just shift back and have this happen again.

The final transformation changes the Profane bonus to +8, and heals him to full Hit Points, as well as removing all Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Negative Levels and afflictions. He gains Spell Resistance equal to his hit dice + 10, and resolves all attacks as touch attacks. Furthermore, the timer for his Special Boss Move is reset so that he can use it again, and it reaches out to affect all creatures in Long Range.

Ex-Final Bosses: A Final Boss who starts working with others (such as by joining an adventuring party) ceases being able to gain levels in Final Boss and loses access to Special Domain, Recurring Boss, Quest Weakness, Boss Music and Final Transformation. Atonement requires actually not hanging out with people any more and murdering all minions in a fit of rage.
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Re: [Disgaeagame] Canon Characters

Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Now that the forum search is broken, I'm not sure where I should look for the latest version of Disgaeagame. Looks like the Scribd link on this page still works. Is that the most recent? My group asked to have a session where they petition the Dark Assembly, and I remember Koumei's rules were a really fun starting point.
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