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Post by Koumei »

Okay, so in future they'll be wanting to actually go kick the door down on a number of Overlords. So, let's get some lists up here. For the record the party is level 14, and at 13 they were curb-stomping CR 15 challenges that weren't specially tailored to fight them.

Also of note: due to their contacts on the Dark Assembly, they can just get "Let me go to ___" auto-passed now.

Alexander, Overlord of Storms/Destruction
His realm will be large, and with constant windstorms. Fuck, there will be actual whirlwinds from time to time that they will need to avoid. Lightning will be a happening thing as a background effect, and it's all very stormy. The main enemies they are likely to encounter will be:
[*]Storm Elementals
[*]Air Elementals
[*]Cyclonic Ravagers
[*]Slug Monsters

So, plenty of things. It will probably also involve a lot of towers with haphazard stairways and bridges, which looks really impressive but acts as a "You guys are cool enough for this challenge" bar, given they have flight/dimension door/massive jumps to make it not a problem.

At some point they will need to fight Raiden, a Storm Demon (Makai Kingdom monster). Who will be a Thundery Ogre of some kind.

Ogre True Fiend 4 Fiendish Brute 6 (CR 13)
33 (38) 11 27 (32) 11 18 15 (20)
Init +0
HP: 237
Speed: 40'

AC: 37 (-1 Size, +14 Natural +2 Shield +12 Armour)
flat 35
touch 9
Fort +24 Ref +7 Will +14
DR 10/Adamantine and 4/Good or Iron (14 if target lacks any)

BAB/Grab: +10/+28
Bullrush: +20
2 claws +25/+25/+23/+23 (1d6+16, Stun DC 31)
-Poison: DC 28 (2d6 Con/2d6 Con)
-Failing Save against Poison also delivers a Shocking Ray (12d6 Electricity)

Great Fortitude
Combat School: Thunder Drummer
Poison Sacs
Extra Spell-Like Ability Usage
Two Weapon Fighting
Virulent Venom
Electric Aura 4d6

Fiendish Traits: Demon
Electricity Sphere: Immune to Electricity
-Lightning Bolt (3/day)
-Shocking Ray (3/day)
-Orb of Electricity (3/day)
-Chain Lightning
-Electric Shield
-Thunder Field
-Power Word: Stun

Magic Adamantine Breastplate - charging doesn't provoke, +2 to Bullrush

Asshat himself has the following profile:
Human Green Mage 15
Str 18
Dex 19 (24)
Con 19 (24)
Int 15
Wis 13
Cha 21 (26)

Init +10
BAB +11/Grab +15
HP: 187/172
F +15 R +19 (+20 Hasted) W +17 EVASION!
-Sonic Resist 30
-Electricity Resist 15
-DR 5/-

Attack options:
Wind Blast +23/+21/+21 (15d4+5 Sonic) [Hasted: +24/+24/+22/+22]
or Shocking Grasp +25/+23/+23 (15d8+7 Electricity) [H: +26/+26/+24/+24]
or Staff +25/+25/+23/+23/+23/+23 (1d6+14 and Fort DC 21 vs Stun 1) [H: +26/+26/+26/+24/+24/+24/+24]
-can take 10 to hit with Shocking Grasp and Staff

AC: 28 (+7 Armour, +2 Deflection, +7 Dexterity, +2 Special Shield) [H: 29]
-Flat 19
-Touch 19 [H: 20]

Blitz (Intimidate +26)
Sticks and Stones Style (Staff, Mace and Fist)
Two-Weapon Fighting (which, because I say so, applies to the quarterstaff when using it as a double-weapon)
Great Fortitude
Lightning Reflexes
Weapon Finesse

Special features:
Wind Blast
Wind Resistance
Ghost Sound
Air Magic
Gust of Wind
Shocking Grasp
Wall of Air
Whispering Winds
More Resistance
Air Walk
Thunder Clap (30' radius burst, 9d8+5 Sonic, Fort half DC 25, fail: fall and Deaf 15)
Scary Noises (Fear 1/min, DC 25)
Pin Drops
Slow (Swift)
Secrets on the Wind
Chain Lightning
Wind Tunnel
Gaseous Form
Speed of the Wind (Swift Haste 1/hour)
Weather Control
Animate Air
Control Winds
Breath of Life (Raise Dead 8/day)
Calming Voice (Charm Monster 1/hour DC 25)
Storm of Vengeance (1/hour DC 25)
Whirlwind (and Greater Whirlwind, at will, DC 25)

Magic Magic Clothes of all-around vision
Sandals of the Wind: Dex Booster, can turn corners and such when charging
Magic Stick: it's a stick (quarterstaff), it's magic! Also it emits constant electric light
Nice Bling: Charisma Booster, create cash at will
Thunder Abs: Con Booster, once per day he can flex to negate the damage of a single hit

He'll try to get a Greater Whirlwind going to disrupt them (indeed, if he becomes aware of them and thus has time to prepare, it will just be there to start with), and from there is going to focus on keeping his distance and wind blasting. While Hasted. He might close in to try to Stun the cat, or could even make use of Fear or ready an action to make a Thunder Clap (hopefully disrupting all actions as they fall over).
I might cover a few other options later, say, Orcus, Juiblex or someone. Yes, I'll make them myself rather than using the Fiendish Codices.

Given the convention is this up-and-coming weekend, I should finish writing that, in the meantime. I will post stuff here to run it past you guys for general worthiness.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

So, the convention game, which is like... this weekend:
character 1
character 2
character 3
character 4

As for the game, it starts with them all confused about the situation, but as you can see there are a bunch of options they can pursue. They could:
[*]interrogate the prinnies at the soul factory/go beat up corporate rivals
[*]go to where the kingdom used to be and look for clues/question the residents of the two "neighbouring" kingdoms
[*]investigate Archimedes' home town

Or something. Then... there's a big blank patch that I need to fill. But I figure it will turn out that it was the doing of their Time Travel Guide (masked hero). Who I should probably actually mention in the sheets. Maybe even print out a list of "People you guys know!" He was horrified by their evil acts, so warped time to mess with them, to allow THEM to be the boss fight, while he gathers a team of fellow HEROES!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

So, next weekend is next session, where they face the last of the "specifically to get a Title" Overlords. The decision has been made: Zetta (because his title is particularly awesome). And after that, I will have something happen as we vaguely approach the final arc. I had a plan, but can't remember it at the moment. Possibly because my brain is clogged with bacteria/viruses, as opposed to being clogged with alcohol and opiates.

I think "let them go beat Axel up because one player really wants to", then actually let Priere become the final boss if she eludes them long enough to survive doing so - her release (the broken seal) means she's completely back in business kicking ass and taking names, and she was in fact Vurasel's enemy of choice. Maybe they'll discover how she just wanted to have minionsfriends again, and find a way to redeem her. Or maybe they will just stab her in the face. Who am I kidding? They'll stab her in the face.

So, as I promised before, Prestige Classes.

(for all your main character needs!)

Base Attack Bonus +7
Skills: Survival 10 ranks
Feats: Combat School (any)
Special: something tragic must have happened to at least one of your parents

Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
1Signature Style-
2Signature MoveAdvancement
3Most Useful-
4Special MoveAdvancement
5Seize the Day by the Throat-

Signature Style (Ex): the Hero! has his own way of fighting - that's just his style, and it's how he rolls. He can't help being cool, he was born that way. As such, he may increase the Threat Range of all weapons used in his Combat School by an amount equal to his Charisma Bonus. Additionally, any turn in which he attacks with a weapon listed in his Combat School, he gains a +3 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class until his next turn. Finally, whenever fighting opponents with a higher CR than his level, he always has the Edge against them.

Signature Move (Su): the second level Hero! develops a move that people remember him by - usually when explaining their injuries to the hospital staff and police. Using it makes him Fatigued, and it cannot be used if he is Fatigued (yes, if he is immune to Fatigue he may use it at will), but it is powerful enough to be worth the trade-off: with a Standard action he makes two attacks with any weapon selected from his Combat School, both at his highest Attack Bonus, and each deals an extra number of d6 in damage equal to his class level. If both hit the same target, the target becomes Staggered with no saving throw.

Advancement: at levels two and four, the Hero! gains one of the following:
[*]A Monk Fighting Style (level 4: a Master Fighting Style, providing he already has at least one Fighting Style) and +1 to his Armour Bonus from "Armoured in Life"
[*]A bonus [Combat] feat and, if applicable, an additional Kiai! use per day.
[*]An additional Stance and Manoeuvre, treating the class level as additional Soldier levels

Most Useful (Ex): the Hero! tends to be the most generically useful. At third level, all of his ability scores suddenly get the full +5 Inherent/Aardvark Bonus - keeping in mind that this will not stack with Wishes, Books and so on. Furthermore, his base move speed is doubled, and his carry capacity is tripled. With a Standard action, he may lift an adjacent ally who he could carry (even if it would be a Heavy load) and hurl them up to 50' away, letting them land safely.

Special Move (Su): at level four, the Hero! gains an even better special move. It functions like the Signature Move, except for the following changes:
[*]It can be used when Fatigued, making him Exhausted, and he disregards the penalties for Fatigue when executing it. He cannot use it when Exhausted.
[*]Both attacks gain a +5 Kestrel bonus to the attack and damage rolls
[*]A successful hit causes a 15' radius explosion, centred on the target, that only affects enemies. The explosion deals 10d6 damage (select one when gaining this ability: Sonic, Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Magic Bludgeoning, Magic Piercing, Magic Slashing), with a Reflex Save for half (Strength-based). If two separate targets are hit, there are two explosions. If both attacks hit the one target, there is only one explosion.

Seize the Day by the Throat (Ex): the fifth-level Hero! is just plain awesome, and by gritting his teeth he can throw off just about any negative effect. With a Standard action, he may rid himself of any or all of the following:
[*]Ability Damage
[*]Temporary Negative Levels
[*]Any [Fear] effect
He can even do so if the nature of the effect would prevent him from doing so (such as preventing Standard actions, dictating his actions for him or making him unable to take physical/any actions). Additionally, doing so grants him a Divine Power effect for one minute.

(specifically for a trio in Disgaea 3)

Alignment: any Chaotic or Good
Skills: two Knowledge skills at 8 ranks
Special: must be considered a delinquent, trouble-maker or rule-breaker by the generic establishment

Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Will
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8+Int
1Don't Litter, Peaceful Hobby-
3Help Your Peers, Punctuality-

Don't Litter (Su): Delinquents are good students who don't litter. Therefore, any time they kill an enemy, the corpse is Disintegrated.

Peaceful Hobby (Su): the Delinquent has some form of hobby that is supposed to be non-violent. It doesn't actually work out that way though. Select one Knowledge, Perform or Craft skill, or any other skill you can talk the MC into selecting (it will never be Use Magic Device or Diplomacy). The Delinquent may, as an Attack action, make a skill check with that skill, against a DC equal to the AC of an adjacent foe. If the skill check succeeds, the enemy takes damage equal to the skill check result and must make a Saving Throw (based on the ability score the chosen skill uses). The save required and effect on a failed save are selected when the ability is first gained:
[*]Will vs Confusion (3 rounds)
[*]Ref vs Entangle (1 round)
[*]Fort vs Prone

Morality (Su): the second-level Delinquent has good morals, if you would believe that. She can always treat her Alignment as Good for the purpose of activating items, and against any effect that would have her act against these strong morals, any saves allowed gain a +5 bonus.

Advancement: at levels two and four, the Delinquent gains one of the following, presumably as an advancement to her existing abilities:
[*]A bonus [Skill] feat and +1d6 Sneak Attack
[*]+3d6 Death Attack
[*]A bonus [Combat] feat and, if applicable, +1 daily Kiai! use
[*]+1 Jutsu Point and, if you already possess Mystic Powers, 1 additional Mystic Power (treat your Delinquent Levels as Ninja levels for requirements)
[*]A bonus [Metamagic] feat

Help Your Peers (Su): at third level, the Delinquent becomes skilled at helping her friends succeed. She may make Aid Other attempts out to 50' away, and when doing so she grants a +5 bonus instead of +2. Furthermore, allies may use her to flank even for ranged attacks, if she is still adjacent to the target and opposite them. She also gains the ability to cast Heroism on all of her allies (except herself) at will, with a one minute duration.

Punctuality (Ex): the level three Delinquent is always on time. As such, she may re-roll her Initiative if she wishes to, all Sleep effects wear off in half the time they usually would (if they have a duration) and she is immune to being Slowed.

Volunteer (Su): a fourth-level Delinquent does volunteer work - in addition to all the regular adventuring and stuff. The only way she can manage this schedule is by moving extra fast. As such, she is permanently Hasted.

Eco-Friend (Su): the fifth-level Delinquent is good to the environment, and it is good to her in return. She is never hurt, slowed, tripped or entangled by plant life, and Animals, Magical Beasts, Vermin and Plants will not attack her unless compelled to do so via a [Compulsion]. She may also cast Summon Nature's Ally three times per day, the specific number of the spell being no more than half her character level (round up).

Aristocratic Demon
(Hi Rozalin! Hi VyersMidboss!)

Skills: Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 10 ranks, Knowledge (the Planes) 10 ranks
Base Saving Throws: Ref +5
Special: must be considered a member of the royalty, nobility or aristocracy, even by relation.

Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6+Int
1Noble BloodAdvancement
2Armour of Contempt-
3Kneel Before MeAdvancement
4Great Leader, Important Name-
5Make It SoAdvancement

Noble Blood (Ex): the blood of the Aristocratic Demon is particularly noble and special. Any time she suffers Piercing or Slashing damage that manages to get past DR and Temporary HP, all foes within 15' must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Fascinated for 1 round. Her blood is considered particularly expensive in necromantic circles, which is probably not a good thing.

Advancement: at levels one, three and five, the Aristocratic Demon may select any one of the following, presumably as an advancement to an existing ability:
[*]+1 Caster Level (including spells known and spells per day)
[*]+1 to "Armoured in Life" and an additional Monk Fighting Style (of the most powerful type the character currently knows)
[*]+1d6 Sneak Attack
[*]+2d6 Death Attack
[*]+1 daily Kiai! use

Armour of Contempt (Ex): the second-level Aristocratic Demon is too good for puny mortal attacks to sully her. She may add her Charisma bonus to her Armour Class and Reflex Saves.

Kneel Before Me (Su): with a Standard action, the third-level Aristocratic Demon can reveal her symbol of power, letting all enemies in line of sight realise just how serious things are. All enemies who see this symbol must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) against a [Fear] effect (that is not [Mind Affecting]) or Cower for 1d4 rounds. Whether they pass or fail the save, they are then unaffected by further uses of it from that person for the next 24 hours. Also she gets a +3 Competence bonus to Intimidate checks.

Great Leader (Sp): at level four, the Aristocratic Demon is good at leading people and having them do as she says. She may cast Braveheart at will (see the Disgaeagame Supplement). She also gets a +3 Competence bonus to Perform (Oratory) checks. Finally, adjacent allies have a +2 Sacred bonus to all ability scores. Granting this bonus is not an action - they just have the bonus when next to her.

Important Name (Ex): by level four, everyone knows who the Aristocratic Demon is. She can get invited to any party or event she wants, making it very easy to get into places. Also, her name is too good to be sullied by incorrect usage, so she becomes immune to Power Words.

Make it So (Sp): the fifth-level Aristocratic Demon is so used to "the help" doing everything that she lives a life of luxury. She can in fact generate a Wish effect at will, but only to create items worth 15,000 GP or less, not for any other effects. She may also cast Prestidigitation at will, and can summon 1d4 Invisible Servants at a time, again, at will. These Servants may in fact be visible, appearing as maids, prinnies, or prinny maids.

(I'm looking at you, Flonne. And Priere.)

Alignment: any Chaotic or Evil
Skills: Knowledge (the Planes) 8 ranks
Special: must have previously been devoted to a Good cause

Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Will
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4+Int
1Demonic Change+1
2Bonus Feat+1
4Virtuous Sins+1
5Sphere Access+1

Demonic Change (Ex): the Fallen becomes a Demon, more or less, which has benefits but no drawbacks, because being a Demon is awesome. She gains Telepathy (Su), Immunity to Electricity and Non-magical Poison, Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold and Fire, and may take [Fiend] and [Monstrous] feats as well as levels in True Fiend and Conduit of the Lower Planes.

Spellcasting: every level, the Fallen's spellcasting ability (if any) improves as though she had taken another level in one spellcasting class. This includes caster level, spells per day, spells known and so on, but not other class features.

Bonus Feat: the second-level Fallen gains a Bonus Feat. This may be any [Fiend] or [Monstrous] feat that she meets the requirements for.

Evilty (Ex): at third level, the Fallen gains a special evil ability, just as a present for having fallen in the first place. She gains the special ability of a Fiendish Sphere, without gaining access to the spell-like abilities. It is recommended she select a Sphere she doesn't intend on actually taking later on, likewise selecting Dominion wouldn't be that bright.

Virtuous Sins (Ex): how evil the Fallen is is actually up for debate. At level four, she's considered "kind of evil, kind of not" and as such is immune to any Alignment-based spells and effects, from Smite Evil to Dictum to Morality Undone to Chaos Hammer.

Sphere Access (Ex): at level five, the Fallen gains Basic access to a Fiendish Sphere. Alternatively, she may improve her access to a Sphere she already has (Basic to Advanced or Advanced to Expert).
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Signature Style (Ex): the Hero! has his own way of fighting - that's just his style, and it's how he rolls. He can't help being cool, he was born that way. As such, he may increase the Threat Range of all weapons used in his Combat School by an amount equal to his Charisma Bonus
Well, that certainly clarifies Crystal's advancement plans.

Shame what we'll have to do to her parents, though ;)

Peaceful Hobby (Su): the Delinquent has some form of hobby that is supposed to be non-violent. It doesn't actually work out that way though. Select one Knowledge, Perform or Craft skill, or any other skill you can talk the MC into selecting (it will never be Use Magic Device or Diplomacy). The Delinquent may, as an Attack action, make a skill check with that skill, opposed by the Armour Class of an adjacent foe. If the skill check succeeds, the enemy takes damage equal to the skill check result and must make a Saving Throw (Intelligence- or Charisma-based, depending on the skill).
Flavor-wise this is great.

Mechanics wise, two minor issues.

1. I think "opposed by the Armour Class" means that the delinquent makes a check "against a DC equal to the AC of an adjacent foe", but it's also possible that you meant for the delinquent to make a skill check and the opponent to use their AC as if it was a skill in an opposed skill check.

2. The parentheticals about BSing the MC don't line up with the saving throw notation. Note that the save should be based on the key ability of the skill selected, for delinquents who attack with Profession: Florist or Concentration or some other non-standard choice.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Fixed those two points up.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

For the record, I find it hilarious that she might actually go kill one or both of her parents just so she can BECOME A HERO AND AVENGE THEM!

If she kills her father, then her mother will be seeking revenge, with levels in Your Mum.

Anyway, for the game this weekend, they will be chasing down one Badass Freakin' Overlord! And that means setting things up appropriately.

Now, he's in "human" form (using Efreeti because A. Fiery hair, B. They're big and impressive like he is, and C. Too Many Humans), rather than book form, because I'm not sure what a sentient book would be in D&D. His netherworld will be all re-built, vaguely, though the dog-house will still be there, and some areas will be book-themed, kind of. Indeed, the actual "battlemap" will be a bunch of books all set up haphazardly.

In theory, Salome should be there, but I haven't actually unlocked her so I don't know how she plays out. Apparently she's a dagger user? Also they have a daughter, Peta* who is possibly a fire user but I don't know, seeing as the PSP version is not yet released (out here, anyway). So maybe it will just be Lord Zetta... AND HIS MINIONS.

Which should include three vague stages:
1. Navigating the bookish hellscape while fighting a whole bunch of minions in groups, some jumping out of places here and there so it's not just one "3,000' move action + Whirlwind".

So there can be 8x Human Warrior (see below, in pairs)

4x Harpy Archer (spread out)

1x Cornugon with 2x Bearded Devil minions nearby

1x Mummy Lord with 8x trash zombie minions nearby

1x Vampire Fire Mage 7 Reaper of Souls 5 (18 (22) 14 12 10 8 21 (25))
-HP: 78/78 Init +2 AC 24 (flat 18 touch 16)
-BAB/Grab +8/+18
-F +11 R +7 W +8
-TWF, Combat School, Elusive Target, Juggernaut, Great Fortitude
-Hug Me Headless, Frosty Touch, Hand of Fire
-Shadow World (DC 23), Nightmare World (DC 23), Soul Eater
-Fire Immunity, Fire Balls (12d6+7, DC 23, 20' radius), Mind Fire (DC 23)
-Fire Bolts +10/+5 Touch (12d6+7)
-Scythes: +20/+20/+15/+15 (2d4+12 plus 1d6+7 Fire and 1d6 Cold, 20/x4, specials, Daze DC 22)
-Scythe Trail: 24 squares, 1 attack per scythe +18 (2d4+12)
-Spooky Dark Breath: 45' cone, Fort DC 23 (pass: 12d4 Negative damage & Shaken, fail: 6 Neg levels & Panic 3)
-2 magic scythes (Wounding & Lifestealing, DC 23), magic magic clothes, Str and Cha boosters
-12 Blood Points: 2 to Swift Attack, 4 to Widen Sp/Su

1x Vampire Samurai 12 (18 (22) 20 (24) 14 (18) 11 12 8)
-HP: 102/102 Init +7 AC 27 (flat 18 touch 21)
-BAB/Grab +12/+18
-F +8 R +11 W +9
-Dire Syringe +26/+24/+24 (8 plus 1d6 Acid once, 2-20/x3)
-Combat School, Mage Slayer, Elusive Target, Blitz, Insightful Strike
-Whirlwind, Horde Breaker, Blind Fighting, Subtle Cut
-ancestral dire syringe, plenty of acid, magic magic clothes, Str, Dex, Con boosters
-Kiai! 8/day
-Terrible Blows (no hardness/DR), Parry Magic, Blade of Devastation
-Iaijutsu Focus (Immediate: make 10 AoO), Cut Magic
-12 Blood Points: 2 to Swift Attack

And finally, the boss of the area, who for the sake of space will be covered next post.

2. Finding themselves at the top of a book pyramid, which is traditionally where the boss sits (Disgaea: Item General/King/God. Phantom Brave: "beat the god!" special levels). It conveniently has enough space to make some music, so they should probably do that - on other towers, there will be other bands trying to make better music. Loud enough music can actually topple their stacks and destroy the others. Meanwhile, fans are trying to climb the pyramid to mob them. The fans mean well, but are naturally violent.
Fans: yetis, fire elementals, efreeti, gargoyles, orcs, manticores
Other bands: THE PRISM RANGERS Mk II!, Love Dynamite<3 (Axel wannabes), Rolling Thunder (lightning demons)

3. The actual fight against Lord Zetta. Which will include some minions of his:
2x Sabrekitty* Monk 5 Angry Cat 6 (14 (18) 14 (18) 8 12 16 (20) 8)
*Small Nekomata with -2 Con
-HP: 38/38 Init +7 AC 31 (flat -- touch 29)
-BAB/Grab +11/+15
-F +5 R +14 W +11
-Elusive Target, Danger Sense, Combat School, TWF
-Armoured in Life, Cat Dodge, Fatal Strike, Willow Step
-Rain of Flowers, Abundant Leap, Diamond Soul
-Style: +4 Dodge, Concealment
-Style: +30' Movement, Ignore Hardness and DR
-Style: Slashing + Speed Loss 10', Move Freely
-Style: Stun DC 20, Works with all weapons
-Master Style: Immune to Sonic and Slam +5d6 Sonic, Total Concealment
-Cat Kick, Cat Claws, Cat Fight, King of Beasts (Gatling Attack)
-Cat Blast (60' long 5d8 Force Ref 1/2 DC 19), Real King of Beasts
-Slam +17/+12/+12 (1d6+4) and Kicks +21/+21/+21 (1d8+4 and 2 Con, 19-20/x2)
-Str, Dex and Wis Boosters, Deflector

2x Human Preacher Minion 5 (8 12 10 14 16 13)
-HP: 17/17 Init +1 AC 15 (flat 14 touch 11)
-BAB/Grab +2/+1
-F +1 R +2 W +7
-Cure Serious Wounds once (3d8+8), Espoir once
-CLW at will (1d8+8)
-Braveheart once (+4 Enhancement to attack and damage, +2 Enhancement to DCs)

2x Human Warrior 5 (10 16 14 13 12 8)
-HP: 32/32 Init +3 AC 19 (flat 16 touch 13)
-BAB/Grab +5/+5
-F +3 R +4 W +5
-Assault Rifle +11 (2d10, 20/x2)

2x Human Samurai 5/Stormblade 5 (14 (18) 16 (20) 8 12 10 16)
-HP: 35/35 Init +8 AC 26 (flat -- touch 17) (28/--/19 when adjacent!)
-BAB/Grab +10/+12
-F +1 R +10 W +8
-Danger Sense, Combat School, Elusive Target, Subtle Cut, Phalanx Fighter
-Pledge, Horde Breaker, Whirlwind, Guidance, Kiai! 4/day
-Silver Flash (Swift Attack +20 (1d10+16)), Poetry, Cut Weather
-The Shadow (Charge: +22 Touch Attack (1d10+16)), Tea Ceremony
-Storm Cutter, Wind Slicer, Dance
-Ancestral Katana, Magic Breastplate, Dex Booster, Strength Booster
-Ancestral Katana +20/+20/+15/+15 (1d10+16 plus 1d6 Zap, 19-20/x2)

A boosted Zetta will be in the next post. Yes, he seriously has this many minions just wandering about.

1x Elder Black Pudding (to be represented by an actual jelly or pudding of some kind that I shall make)

*Yes, very cute. Mega < Giga < Terra < Peta < Exa < Zeta < Yota. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
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Post by Koumei »

The boss minion of the first segment:
Human Jester 5/Plasma Professor 10
13 (19) 19 (24) 15 (21) 21 (26) 19 (24) 20 (25)

Init +8
BAB +8/Grab +28
HP: 127/127
F +24 R +34 W +30
Fast Healing 10
DR 20/-

AC: 40 (+7 Dex +5 Deflection +5 Natural +1 Haste +10 Armour +2 Dodge)
-flat 31
-touch 25
-sad 16

Elusive Target
Phalanx Fighter (adjacent allies gain +3 Dodge to AC)
Iron Will
Great Fortitude
Lightning Reflexes

Harlequin's Mask
Poison Use
Laugh It Off
Ignore Components
Jester's Feint (Swift, Sleight of Hand +25)
Sneak Attack +1d6
Power Slide
Cruel Comment (Swift, Bluff +25 vs Level+Cha; -4 to d20 rolls 3 rounds)
Plasma Overload! (30' radius 15d10 Fire, Ref 1/2 DC 25)
Minionbot 3,000 (boosts Int)
Vacuum Box (boosts Dex)
-30' ranged attack to 10' radius spread +20 (6d6+5, 17-20/x2)
-Shadow Well (DC 25, 2d6 Crushing per round)
Flamethrower (boosts Cha)
-2x 30' Cone (6d6+5 Fire Ref 1/2 DC 25, fail? catch fire 2d6)
Emperor Drill (boosts Str)
-attack +17 (1d12+9, 20/x4 no hardness/DR)
-tunnel 15'
Constructed Assistant
Nano-Repair (1 Ability Damage/round)
Gatling Gun (boosts Saves) - mounted on Helldam
-60' line, 1 ranged attack +20
-1 hit per point over AC, 1d6+5 and 1 Con each hit
Remote Device (Fire Resistance 30)
-Parboil at will DC 25
-5d6+5 Fire and Confusion 1/min DC 25
-Dominate Monster 3 rounds DC 25
Assassin Doll (Sonic Resistance 30)
Makai Cannon (Deflection) - mounted on Helldam
-Grapple Bonus
-Melee Touch Attack +17 (5d6+5 Electricity and Grapple)
-Kill? Trap them, summon as a Spectre
Cyber Insides (50% Crit-Proof)
Plasma Boost (always hasted, Plasma Bolt +16 RTA 10d6 Fire)
Too Many Assistants!
Dark Sun Portable (boosts Wis)
-Deeper and Damning Darkness at will
-Enemies in 30' if damaged suffer 2 Con/round
-Scorching Ray at will +20/+20/+20 (4d6+5 Spooky Evil Fire Damage)
-Fire Resistance 45
Helldam RX (Natural Armour)
-Fly 30' (Poor)
Plasma Fusion Burst! (Cold and Electricity Immune)

Spellcasting: Caster Level 5
Cantrips: 3/day DC 17
1st Level: 5/day DC 18
Sleet Storm, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
2nd Level: 3/day DC 19
Rage, Rope Trick, Unluck

The Assistants...
3 Prinnies @ 13 HD each
18 12 - 4 7 12
Speed: 20'
Init +1
HP: 81/81
AC 13(+1 Dex +1 Size +1 Natural)
-flat 12
-touch 12
-sad 11
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +2 (-1 vs Confusion/Insanity/Suggestion)
Daggers: +24/+20/+19/+15 (1d3+9 and 1d3+14)
Death Throes: 30' 13d6 Fire Ref 1/2 DC 20
Each has 1 MW dagger and 1 Magic Dagger (counts against owner's limit)

Rifle Demon
15 (19) 18 (22) 16 (20) 3 10 3
HP: 125
Init +8
Speed 30'
Reach 10'
AC 23 Flat 19 Touch 13
BAB/Grab: +10/+18
F +15 R +13 W +7
Point-Blank: +13 Melee (5d6+6, 19-20/x2) Force Damage
Energy Blast: 90' RTA +15 (5d6 Force)
Extinction Beam: 1/min 60' line (10d6 Force, Ref 1/2 DC 21)
-Dex Booster (counts against owner's limit)
-Con Booster (counts against owner's limit)
-Str Booster (counts against owner's limit)

Minionbot 3,000
30 12 - - 11 1
HP: 63
DR 3/adamantine, Fast Repair 5
Init +1
Speed 50' Burrow 20'
AC: 27 (+13 Natural +1 Dex -1 Size +4 Deflection)
-flat 26
-touch 14
-sad 9
BAB/Grab: +3/+17
F +2 R +3 W +2
Bite +13 (2d6+15)
-Improved Grab
-Acid Sting +13, 1d6+5 and 1d6 Acid
Insanity Aura: 10' radius, Confusion 1 round, DC 13

Assassin Doll (Marionette Jester 8/Killer Puppet 5)
12 21 (26) 10 14 8 20
HP: 45/45
DR 13/Slashing
Init +8
Speed 30'
AC: 25 (+2 Shield +8 Dex +2 Dodge +3 Armour)
-flat 13
-touch 20
-sad 10
BAB/Grab: +9/+10
F +8 R +23 W +10
-Poison Immune
-Made of Wood
Slam +15/+15/+10/+10 (1d4+6) or Flasks +25/+25/+20/+20 Touch (1d6+14)
-Mask, Laugh It Off, Power Slide, Spellcasting, Ignore Components
-Cruel Comment (+21), Feint (+24), Sneak Attack +4d6
-Sight Gag (Full Round: Silent + Still)
-Low Comedy (Attack action: ranged touch attack +17 to double ACP)
-Slapstick (Sneak Attack: -2 Dex penalty for 1 round)
1/hour: Mirror Image, Silent Image, Major Image, Minor Image, Scare, Eyebite (DC 18)
Grand Juggler: threaten to 15' and make AoO with thrown
Puppeteering Puppet: in Grapple, Standard to Dominate 1 hour (DC 18)
Deadly Illusion: Mirror Images can each make 1 attack, disappear upon hitting
Poison Poison: 30' radius 13d8 Light (Fort 1/2 DC 18). Failed Save = Poison 2d6 Con/2d6 Con
-Dex Booster (counts against owner's limit)
-Flasks, hahaha
-Bog Standard Light Armour
-Tumble Booster (counts against owner's limit)
TWF, PBS, WRD, Elusive Target, Acrobatic (Tumble +40)
Spellcasting: CL 8
Cantrips: 3/day DC 15
1st Level: 5/day DC 16
Sleet Storm, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
2nd Level: 4/day DC 17
Rage, Rope Trick, Unluck
3rd Level: 2/day DC 18
Lord Zetta: [Badass Freakin' Overlord]
Disgaea-Efreet 6 True Fiend 4/Overlord 8
26 (32) 18 (24) 22 (28) 15 15 20 (26)

Init +10
BAB +18/Grab +33
HP: 260/260
F +33 R +31 W +23 EVASION!
-Fast Healing 10
-Acid, Sonic, Electricity and Cold Resist 10

Greatsword +34/+31/+31/+31 (2d8+28 Vile, Fort DC 27 vs Stagger, 19-20/x2)
Bite +28 (1d8+16)
Gore +28 (2d6+16)
-Crit someone? They Cower until they lose sight of you
-Threaten to 10', Reach to 60'

AC: 43 (+6 Natural +7 Dex +5 Deflection -1 Size +8 Shield +8 Armour)
-Flat 30
-Touch 21
-Sad Time 14
DR 15/- & 9/Good or Iron
Total Defence: +18 to AC

Blitz (can get +1d6/+18 by becoming flat/provoking, damage -> free Intimidate attempt, Standard Full Attack)
Army of Demons
Elemental Aura (10' radius, 4d6+6 Fire)
Heighten Spell-like Ability
Dreadful Demeanour (Demoralise as Move, +50)
Great Fortitude (dead at -20)
Lightning Reflexes

Fiery Wrath (DC 28)
Breath Weapon 1/4 rounds, 30' Cone 36d6+6 Fire, Ref half (DC 28), fail = Catch Fire
Fire Sphere (Basic)
Carnage Sphere (Basic)
Fiendish Traits (Abyss)
Netherworld (Castle and Grounds)
First Title!
Overlord's Wings
Hellish Blade
Mana Strike
Second Title
Eternal Glory

Spell-Likes: DC 27
At Will:
Swift Dimension Door
Planeshift to/from Netherworld
Teleport Without Error
Wings of Cover
Fireball (10d6+6 CATCH FIRE Ref 1/3)
Seething Eyebane (Fort vs Blind & 1d6+6 acid, adjacent 1d6+6 Acid Ref 1/2)
Scorching Ray (3 rays +24 to hit 4d6+6 each CATCH FIRE)
Blade of Fear and Pain
Firetrap (1d4+24 CATCH FIRE)
Lahm's Finger Darts
Wall of Fire (20' 1d4+6, 10' 2d4+6, touch 2d6+24, CATCH FIRE)
Blade Barrier (15d6+6 Ref 1/2, Cover +4 AC and +2 Ref)
Fireshield (1d6+21 CATCH FIRE)
Incendiary Cloud (4d6+6 CATCH FIRE, Ref half)
Disintegrate (+24 touch, 36d6+6, Fort half)
Fire Seeds (+24 touch, 18d6+6 CATCH FIRE, splash: 24 CATCH FIRE)
Horrid Wilting (18d6+6 Fort 1/2)
Meteor Storm (4x +24 touch, 2d6+6 and 40' spread 6d6+6 CATCH FIRE)
Mass Harm (156 damage each, Fort 1/2)

Strength Booster
Dexterity Booster
Constitution Booster
Wounding Greatsword
Charisma Booster
Intimidate Booster
Magic Magic Clothes
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Koumei wrote: In theory, Salome should be there, but I haven't actually unlocked her so I don't know how she plays out. Apparently she's a dagger user? Also they have a daughter, Peta* who is possibly a fire user but I don't know, seeing as the PSP version
No idea here, but there is an easy pun available by making her a Druid or Pokemaster who summons dire animals and cries when the PCs fight back.

1. Navigating the bookish hellscape while fighting a whole bunch of minions in groups, some jumping out of places here and there so it's not just one
Include some coloring books, notebooks or ideally some national geos or old atlases (or maybe kiddie popup books) that you don't mind defacing. Lay these open on the table and let the PCs place and move theire minis around. Have the pages, which are serving as the terrain the minis are standing on turn on occasion (or enemy command) Thereby changing what the PCs are standing on and revealing new enemies who were hiding in those environments.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Koumei »

Awesome ideas, both.

They will also be able to traverse across a Deathnote (yes, there is an easy way they can kill enemies off if they think about it and also figure the names out somehow) and the Mormon Bible.
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Post by Quantumboost »

Koumei wrote:For the record, I find it hilarious that she might actually go kill one or both of her parents just so she can BECOME A HERO AND AVENGE THEM!

If she kills her father, then her mother will be seeking revenge, with levels in Your Mum.
Why do I get the feeling that Sparkles is going to go Fallen fairly soon, just from being around the rest of the party and not stabbing them...
*Yes, very cute. Mega < Giga < Terra < Peta < Exa < Zeta < Yota. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
You forgot Hella.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by Koumei »

Quantumboost wrote:You forgot Hella.
I don't think "forgot" is the right word.
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Post by Koumei »

So, after all that planning, and buying cakes (my sister's Birthday, and I couldn't be arsed baking), and also buying acceptable coffee because the two players who aren't my sister are coffee drinkers and they don't consider what my housemate drinks to be potable?

Cleric (the Ghost Knight Ghostknight) called this fucking morning, to say he won't be making it. Because he has an auction to attend. I assume this is part of the whole "being married" thing, so really, people should stay the fuck away from marriage. And also a Halloween party.

So, keeping in mind that venereal diseases, being diseases at all, are Fort based and cause ability damage (which he can just negate at will), I am taking suggestions on what to inflict on his character next session.
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Post by Quantumboost »

A curse that causes him to contingently transform into, say, an adorable kitten, which is triggered and suppressible by some sort of mundane event.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

A friend of mine ran a game where we all ended up being cursed by an evil deity.

I was told that my thri-kreen ghoul samurai "want[ed] to bauff [another player's] character [who was not undead, or a giant bug]," and that I had to roleplay it (although not actually play out the sexual encounters, just hit on her and ask for sexual favors).

Another character (High Int, Wis, and Cha Lich) ended up with Tourette's.

Both were otherwise serious (and in the lich's case) dignified characters.

Really fun game, actually.

Something like that could work.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:
Quantumboost wrote:You forgot Hella.
I don't think "forgot" is the right word.
If the Wind Mage ran all the way to 20, it would totally get "Hella Wind".

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Post by Koumei »

Frank: fair enough. I'll let you overrule me on that one, I just don't like South Park, and as far as I can tell, that's what made "Hella" a word.
Quantumboost wrote:A curse that causes him to contingently transform into, say, an adorable kitten, which is triggered and suppressible by some sort of mundane event.
That could work. The Dark Sun can in fact turn people into weird crap for no apparent reason, and Makai Kingdom has weird stuff happen just because people unlocked new parts of the map.

So, the N1 equivalent of an adorable kitten: a SabreKitty. On odd turns.
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Post by Username17 »

Hella is something people in Northern California say. The farther north you go, including off into Oregon, the more people say "Hella". I can't recall it being used in South Park, but if it is then that is people like me infecting people like them with the word and not the other way around.

Urban Dictionary backs me up on this one.

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Post by Koumei »

IIRC it was Cartman who said it a lot. It's been a while since I was 14since I watched South Park.

But in that case, it is completely acceptable. That said, in D&D AND in Disgaea, what would Zeta/Exa/Hella (spell) do? They already summon godlike beings, would Hella Fire actually teleport the target/area into the middle of the Sun?

...I see some specialist "Now she's just upping her postcount for Title-gaining purposes" PrCls in the near future.
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Post by Username17 »

Terra Fire gates your opponent to an asteroid that then gets destroyed by a space dragon. That is difficult to one-up.

For Hella Fire, you could drop someone into the Earth's core and then vulcanically erupt them back to the surface. Special bonus points if there is like a giant salamander dance number going on down there while this happens.

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

I personally encountered Bay Area speakers using "Hella" back in 1991, which predates South Park by several years.

FrankTrollman wrote:
If the Wind Mage ran all the way to 20, it would totally get "Hella Wind".

Would Not

"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Prak »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:A friend of mine ran a game where we all ended up being cursed by an evil deity.

I was told that my thri-kreen ghoul samurai "want[ed] to bauff [another player's] character [who was not undead, or a giant bug]," and that I had to roleplay it (although not actually play out the sexual encounters, just hit on her and ask for sexual favors).

Another character (High Int, Wis, and Cha Lich) ended up with Tourette's.

Both were otherwise serious (and in the lich's case) dignified characters.

Really fun game, actually.

Something like that could work.
My Saturday Night game character was just turned Jewish. That counts, right?

Also, I think Nast. is probably going to go Aristocratic Demon when she gets a chance.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Prak_Anima wrote:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:A friend of mine ran a game where we all ended up being cursed by an evil deity.

I was told that my thri-kreen ghoul samurai "want[ed] to bauff [another player's] character [who was not undead, or a giant bug]," and that I had to roleplay it (although not actually play out the sexual encounters, just hit on her and ask for sexual favors).

Another character (High Int, Wis, and Cha Lich) ended up with Tourette's.

Both were otherwise serious (and in the lich's case) dignified characters.

Really fun game, actually.

Something like that could work.
My Saturday Night game character was just turned Jewish. That counts, right?
Only if your character was a male and circumcised in the "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" manner.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Koumei »

So, toying with some high-end Prestige Classes basically designed for people who mostly went pure ___ Mage. There's some wiggle room allowed, but they pretty much need you to take ~10 levels of the base class, and can only be entered at 16th, taking you to 20.

Because it's the last five levels, I assume most people don't even give a shit what happens and what the numbers are, but I'd like to at least pretend to care. It probably wouldn't do (or even make any sense) to have things literally deal a thousand points of damage (Ref half! Because that 20th level Barbarian with 30 Con and Great Fortitude totally cares that he's only taking 500 HP off his total of 350!), but just flat-out saying it deals a few hundred is probably reasonable.

And yes, some of these effects are completely over the top, or have descriptions that are very long. This is because it's OVERKILL TIME.

The Eternal Flame
"Some people just like to watch the universe burn"

The Eternal Flame is the Red Mage who was Reincarnated a few times for maximum Int+, the Red Mage who is literally level 9999, the Red Mage who has a Rank 40 Staff and three pairs of Rank 40 Glasses, all with maximum Tutors and Mage Lovers.

I know, it's pretty hardcore - and who wears that many pairs of glasses anyway? But it turns out there are fires bigger than "as far as I can see." It turns out some things can be burned beyond ashes. And this is the caster who can do such things.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcane) 18 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude
Special: Fire Bolts class feature, Conflagration class feature
Special: must be very enthusiastic about burning things/lighting fires, and have had peaceful contact with (or summoned, for battle) a [Fire] creature.

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4
Saves: Good Reflex
Skill Points: 4+Int
1Searing Embers, Terra Fire
2Peta Fire, Boundless Burning
3Curse of Flames, Zeta Fire
4Exa Fire
5God(dess) of the Flickering Flame, Hella Fire

Searing Embers (Su): the Eternal Flame sets people on fire so hard that future burns hurt even more than normal. Whenever she uses her Flame Burst ability, anyone who takes damage from it becomes Vulnerable to Fire (taking double damage, unless there is a save for half and they pass the save, where they just take half as normal) for a number of turns equal to her Charisma modifier.

Terra Fire (Sp): the Eternal Flame happens to know people in fiery places, which can be pretty handy. Each day she may summon a number of Holocaust Disciples equal to her class level, whether that be all at once or one at a time. When summoned, they remain for one hour or until killed, then disappear back to wherever they came from. This is the equivalent of an eighth level spell.

Peta Fire (Sp): the fiery doom unleashed by the second-level Eternal Flame gets more and more ridiculous. Once per minute she may designate a 30' radius Burst within Medium range to be hit by a giant flaming meteor that drops from the sky or a portal or whatever. All in the area must make a Reflex Save. Those who pass are immediately moved to just outside the edge of the area and must make a Fortitude Save or fall Prone. Those who fail are hit by it, taking 20d6 damage (half Bludgeoning, half Fire) and be Pinned. On the next round, the meteor explodes in a 60' radius explosion, dealing 150 Fire damage to all in the area with a Reflex Save for half. Those who were Pinned under the meteor are not allowed a saving throw against this effect. Anyone who passes their Reflex Save but cannot actually be moved to outside the area due to being in an enclosed space is very much fucked, and treated as though they failed the save. This is the equivalent of a ninth level spell.

Boundless Burning (Su): once per day, the second-level Eternal Flame can call flames to rain from the sky across the entire world, burning everything. Everything on the planet that is exposed to the sky suffers 1d6 Fire damage per 2 hit dice she possesses, with a Reflex Save for half. She may designate individual squares or areas ("The Kingdom of Chard", "The Archipelago of BEEEEEEEES", "my house" etc.) to be exempt. If she has the Rain of Fire class feature, then instead, Rain of Fire extends out to "the entire world" if she wants it to, though in this case targets not exposed to the sky are unaffected.

Curse of Flames (Su): with a Standard action, the third-level Eternal Flame may level a curse at a foe within Close Range. The target is hit by malevolent invisible flames, and must make a Fortitude Save, even if an object or Undead, or be immediately incinerated and reduced to absolutely nothing. Adjacent creatures must then also save or be affected, and this can create a chain of immolations. A target who passes the save still suffers a -6 penalty to all Ability Scores for one minute.

Zeta Fire (Sp): starting at third level, whenever the Eternal Flame uses her Rain of Fire or Boundless Burning ability, the flames actually spread to other planes as a dragon-shaped cloud of fire flies through space, catching the planet inside it - she may designate a number of additional planes equal to her Class Level to be affected, though any given affected plane must be linked to another affected plane. Furthermore, anyone slain by this ability melts into a loyal Bloodfire Ooze, and the Empower ability of said oozes actually does affect her Supernatural and Spell-like Abilities, as long as they do Fire damage. The first thing the oozes do is cheer and exalt their glorious leader, which tends to be very loud. This is the equivalent of a ninth level spell.

Exa Fire (Sp): by concentrating for a full 24 hours, the fourth-level Eternal Flame may create her own plane, as though casting Genesis. The plane has a radius of 5 miles per hit die possessed by the Eternal Flame, and is filled with smoke, ash and fire - it's basically one massive furnace. Every round someone spends there, they suffer 150 points of Fire damage with a Fortitude Save for half, and failing the save results in becoming Exhausted. With a Full Round action, the Eternal Flame can designate a number of targets equal to her character level, all within Long Range, and force them to attempt a Will Save. Those who fail are transported to her Inferno Plane.

Furthermore, the Eternal Flame may declare people immune to all negative effects of the plane, finding it peaceful and pleasantly warm wherever they go, if she wishes. She may likewise travel to and from there at will, and can revoke the immunity on a whim. She can only go to the plane, or send others there, if she has already created it.

Attune Form can be used to treat the individual as though declared immune, and as this immunity is not granted by the Eternal Flame, she cannot revoke it. This is the equivalent of a ninth level spell.

God(dess) of the Flickering Flame (Ex): at level five, the Eternal Flame is a full-blown deity. She has Divine Rank 1 and all that entails, with the Portfolio of "Fire" and the Domains of Fire and Purification. Her Salient Divine Ability is as follows: she may give anyone or anything the Spark of Life with a Swift action, allowing for any of the following effects:
[*]True Resurrection
[*]Awaken (Permanent)
[*]Awaken Construct (Permanent)
[*]Animate Fire (Permanent)
[*]Animate Objects (Permanent)
[*]Greater Heroism
Furthermore, although she is subject to any usual restrictions on deities, often involving being forced out of the Prime and into her own Plane, she gains a most loyal and devout worshipper, who has a Challenge Rating of 18 and should be a Fire Mage, Cleric or someone with the [Fire] subtype. This worshipper is able to summon her to their current plane once per day for a minute at a time, letting her interfere with the mortal world.

Hella Fire (Sp): at level five, when the Eternal Flame wants someone to die in a fire, they just do it. With a Standard action, she can designate any target who she knows the existence of, and force them to make a Will Save. If they fail, they are transported to the bottom of a Volcano, where they suffer 250 Fire damage every round until they can succeed on a Fortitude Save or are slain. Until this happens, 5d6 Efreeti and Salamanders show up and perform a dance routine - make a single Perform check on behalf of them (+2 Perform bonus) for the extra money each round as though it matters. Once they do die or pass the save, they are fired out of the volcano, which forms right under where they were when they failed the Will Save. This creates a 30' radius crater, leading to a pool of lava, and the explosion is a 60' radius, 500' tall Column, dealing 250 Fire damage to all in the area, with a Reflex Save for half. The target then lands Prone, if there is anything left of him, adjacent to the blast zone. This is the equivalent of a ninth level spell.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Maxus »

Hella Fire's opening three words should be 'at level five'.

How high is that mountain, by the way?

Other than that, dooooood.
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Derp. Fixed that to say level five.

As for the height, well according to Wikipedia, 3,281' is the minimum height to be a mountain. I'm not sure that's a great idea though, so it might be best to make it "just" a few hundred feet.
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