Rewriting Some Classes

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Rewriting Some Classes

Post by Koumei »

A lot of my classes I'm happy with - Time Mage, Sohei, Witch, War Mage and your mum. But a few I think could do some work, such as:
[*]Not being quite as silly (this is not a reduction to zero)
[*]Not having too many things clogging up the Special column
[*]Being a bit more coherent
[*]Changing a few things so that, for instance, Ninjas don't carry pick-axes and scythes

So here we have The Ninja Mk III:

The Ninja


Flavour Text Goes Here

Playing a Ninja: Ninja get to add Int to a lot of things and have Save DCs based on Int, so it benefits them to make it one of their better scores, but not so majorly as for a Wizard. They also benefit from a high Dex, with other ability scores chosen as your style dictates.

Alignment: Ninja can be loyal to their clan master or masterless brigands, if you think that describes Law or Chaos (similarly they can be wet or dry, if you use that metric). They can be murderous assassins or protectors of the people. Ninja can be of any alignment.

Races: anyone can be a Ninja, though humans and elfs gravitate towards it, as do halflings. There are only a few Mountain Giant Ninja out there, no more than a dozen, tops. Kappa are weirdly keen on being Ninja.

Starting Money: 4d4*10 GP (100 GP)
Starting Age: as Rogue
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6+Int per hit die
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff* (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomancy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise* (Cha), Escape Artist* (Dex), Forgery* (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide* (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump* (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently* (Dex), Perform (Dance/Stage Theatre) (Cha), Profession (Any), Ride (Dex), Search* (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble* (Dex)
*Select one of these skills upon taking your first Ninja level. The Ninja always has maximum ranks in this skill.
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialJutsu PointsAC Bonus
1+1+0+2+2Armoured in Life, Surprise, Jutsu Use, Too Fast By Half14
2+2+0+3+3Wall Jump, Ninja'd25
3+3+1+3+3Invisible, Speed of Thought25
4+4+1+4+4Dark Stalker, Hypnotic Gaze36
5+5+1+4+4Master of Disguise, Mystic Art36
6+6/+1+2+5+5Double-Jump, Scuttler37
7+7/+2+2+5+5Anti-Noise Aura47
8+8/+3+2+6+6Log Trick, Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!48
9+9/+4+3+6+6Master of Escape, Lightning Strike48
10+10/+5+3+7+7Mystic Art, Close Combat49
11+11/+6/+6+3+7+7Shadow Arts I: Veils of Shades59
12+12/+7/+7+4+8+8Too Fast by 3/4510
13+13/+8/+8+4+8+8Spirit Blade510
14+14/+9/+9+4+9+9Perfect Disguise511
15+15/+10/+10+5+9+9Mystic Art, Perpetual Distraction511
16+16/+11/+11/+11+5+10+10Opportunistic Strike612
17+17/+12/+12/+12+5+10+10Murder Punch612
18+18/+13/+13/+13+6+11+11Hidden From Magic613
19+19/+14/+14/+14+6+11+11Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm613
20+20/+15/+15/+15+6+12+12Mystic Art, Fully Too Fast, Clan Master614

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: the Ninja is proficient with all Simple Weapons, all Martial Weapons, and two Exotic Weapons of the player's choice. The Ninja is not proficient with any armour.

Special: If the Ninja is a Kappa or some other variety of turtle-person, he is instead only proficient with the Quarterstaff, Sai, Long Sword, Nunchaku and Shuriken, but gains Two Weapon Fighting as a Bonus Feat.

A Note on Standard Attacks: various abilities require a "Standard Attack" be made. This is a regular attack made as a Standard action.

Jutsu Use (Su): as she gains levels, the Ninja gains a number of Jutsu Points. With a Free action, these Jutsu Points can be assigned to different things, but once assigned, they are stuck that way until a minute is spent meditating, which reallocates all points to "unspent". Jutsu Points can be allocated to any of the following:
  • Attack rolls use her Intelligence Bonus instead of Strength or Dexterity
  • Damage rolls use her Intelligence Bonus instead of Strength
  • Saving throws use her Intelligence Bonus instead of Constitution, Dexterity and Wisdom
  • She gains Spell Resistance equal to her hit dice + 5 (or increases existing Spell Resistance by an amount equal to her Intelligence Bonus)
  • She gains Fast Healing 3 (or adds her Intelligence Bonus to existing Fast Healing or Regeneration)
  • She may use her Intelligence Bonus instead of her Dexterity Bonus for skill checks
  • She may use her Intelligence Bonus instead of her Strength Bonus for skill checks
  • She may use her Intelligence Bonus instead of her Wisdom Bonus for skill checks
  • She may use her Intelligence Bonus instead of her Charisma Bonus for skill checks
  • She gains Energy Resistance to Fire, Cold and Electricity equal to her Intelligence Bonus (and increases any existing Energy Resistances by an equal amount)
  • She gains Damage Reduction X/- equal to her Intelligence Bonus, or increases existing Damage Reduction by an amount equal to her Intelligence Bonus
Alternately, a Jutsu Point can be "spent" (unusable until renewed through the minute of meditation) to regain a daily use of a Spell-like Ability gained from the Ninja Class, to activate certain abilities, or to re-roll Initiative. A Jutsu point spent in such a way cannot have already been allocated - it must be left in reserve and then spent.

Armoured In Life (Su): as long as she is not using armour or a shield that he is not proficient with, the Ninja gains a special Armour bonus. This Armour bonus even applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every two levels, it increases by +1. If wearing armour with which she is proficient, she may add its Enhancement bonus to this.

If the Ninja has levels of Monk, then Ninja levels count as Monk levels for the purpose of determining the size of the bonus.

Surprise (Ex): the Ninja is good at taking advantage of unprepared foes. She has the Edge against any enemy who is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, and once per turn may make an Attack of Opportunity against one such foe just because.

Too Fast By Half (Ex): the Ninja multiplies her Base Speed by 1.5 whenever she is not using armour or a shield with which she is not proficient.

Wall Jump (Ex): at second level, the Ninja can use her jumping skills to bounce off walls, and to slide down them as well. This prevents her from suffering falling damage when adjacent to a wall, and allows her to halve any Jump DC if she starts the jump adjacent to a wall. If effectively flanked by two adjacent walls, she gains a Climb speed equal to her land speed.

Ninja'd (Ex): Ninja always seize the initiative at the last moment, before others can react. At second level, if there is no Surprise Round for a given combat, the Ninja gains her own Surprise Round. If there is a Surprise Round, the Ninja automatically is able to act in it. The Ninja can only access this ability if she possesses more levels of Ninja than any other class.

Invisible (Su): the third level Ninja may become Invisible at will, as per the spell Invisibility. This still requires a Standard Action to activate and ends if she attacks.

Speed of Thought (Ex): the third level Ninja moves so fast she gets speed lines when she runs. She may add her Intelligence bonus to her Initiative, and to all Trip, Bullrush, Disarm and Grapple attempts against foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class.

Dark Stalker (Ex): at level four, the Ninja can see and hear Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures normally, as if they lacked those traits, so they must make Hide and Move Silently checks if they want to sneak up on her.

Hypnotic Gaze (Su): the level four Ninja gains a Gaze attack out to 30' that causes targets who fail a Will Save (Intelligence-based) to become Fascinated until attacked or until they lose sight of the Ninja. By spending a Jutsu Point she can add a Suggestion effect to a creature affected by the Gaze, though they are allowed a separate save against this effect (same DC). A creature who successfully saves is immune to that Ninja's Gaze for the rest of the day.

Master of Disguise (Su): with a DC 15 Disguise check, a fifth-level Ninja can replicate a Disguise Self effect. With a DC 20 Disguise check, she can replicate an Alter Self effect.

Mystic Art: at level five, and every five levels thereafter, the Ninja gains a special Mystic Art that can be selected from the following list. Some have minimum level requirements:
  • Vital Strike (Ex): once per round, when the Ninja strikes a foe who is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, the foe must make a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) or be Nauseated for 1 round
  • Fog Cloud (Sp): each use of this ability requires spending a Jutsu point
  • Hold Monster (Sp): each use of this ability requires spending a Jutsu point. Furthermore, passing the save still results in suffering 5d6 non-lethal damage and taking a -3 penalty to Will saves for 1 round. The Save DC is Intelligence-based.
  • Kagenui (Ex): with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Anchored in place for 3 rounds.
  • Mafuujin (Su): with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or be Confused for 1 minute. She may elect for this to deal non-lethal damage at no penalty.
  • Flight (Su): this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to flying - doing so grants a Fly speed of 30' (Average), +5' per level. Minimum level 10.
  • Not Visible (Su): this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to not being visible - doing so grants Improved Invisibility that cannot be beaten by True Seeing or See Invisible, only by Invisibility Purge - although attacking makes her partially visible as normal, invisibility resumes at the beginning of her next turn. Minimum level 10.
  • Magic Focus (Su): by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja regains an Hourly (or quicker) use of a Spell-like Ability from any source, even magic items. Minimum level 10.
  • Shini Kaze (Ex): with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Poisoned (2d6 Con/2d6 Con). Minimum level 10.
  • Tougenkyo (Su): with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Blinded and Cursed (ability score penalty) for 1 minute. Minimum level 10.
  • Devil Ghost Body (Su): a Jutsu point may be assigned to Armour Class, adding the Ninja's Intelligence bonus as an Insight bonus to it. Minimum level 10.
  • Spell Stowaway (Su): any time someone within 30' casts a spell on themselves or on a target within 30' of the Ninja, the Ninja, after attempting to identify the spell, may choose to also be affected by it, spending an Immediate action to do so. Minimum level 15.
  • Disregard Me (Su): this requires a Jutsu Point be assigned to it, resulting in the Ninja being impossible to detect with Divinations unless she wants to be detected by them, and she never provokes Attacks of Opportunity while benefiting from it. Enemies can't even use readied actions against her. However abilities that allow Attacks of Opportunity to be made even against people who don't provoke, or that force people to provoke, still work. Minimum level 15.
  • Min Min Min (Su): with a Standard attack, the Ninja forces a successfully hit opponent to attempt a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or fall Asleep for 10 minutes. Minimum level 15.
  • You Can't See Me (Su): this requires a Jutsu Point to be assigned to it. The Ninja may use an Immediate action to cause an attack, spell or effect directed at her to instead target the attacker/originator of the effect. They must continue to use it at full force, with the full bonus they would have used against him, and cannot attempt to redirect the effect or force it to miss or fail. Minimum level 20.
  • Forbidden Technique (Su): by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja can use a Full Round action to force a foe within 30' to attempt a Will Save (Intelligence-based). If they pass, they suffer 2d6 negative levels. If they fail, they are instantly annihilated, and can only be brought back by journeying to the plain their soul is sent to and performing a great quest. Minimum level 20.
  • Harem No Jutsu (Su): by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja bestows a Hold Monster effect on all targets within 50 feet. The save is Intelligence-based, and those who are held three rounds in a row must make a Fortitude Save (same DC) or die, but die happy. Those who pass the initial save are Stunned for 1 round and suffer 5d6 non-lethal damage. Minimum level 20.
  • Yukkikage (Ex): by spending a Jutsu Point, the Ninja may use one Full Action to get two Full Actions, though these may not further be doubled by this ability. Minimum level 20.

    Double-Jump (Ex): the sixth-level Ninja is able to jump while already in the air. The height and length of any Jump she makes may be doubled if she wishes, and she may turn corners and other such things while jumping.

    Scuttler (Ex): the level six Ninja is great at moving about in all situations. She may move at regular speed while being stealthy, and does not suffer penalties for difficult terrain.

    Anti-Noise Aura (Su): the level seven Ninja is so stealthy that she passes it on to her allies: at will she may radiate a 20' radius Aura of Silence, masking all noises made inside it as though inside a sound-proof dome.

    Log Trick (Su): just when you think you have a Ninja, you actually have a log. The Ninja is behind you. At level eight, the Ninja may Dimension Door up to 30' away with an Immediate action, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds (or until interacted with). When the image ends, a log appears in its place. By spending a Jutsu Point, she may perform this as an Immediate Action. This ability cannot be performed in armour with which she is not proficient.

    Go Ninja Go Ninja Go (Ex): the eighth-level Ninja may make a Full Round action (or a Standard action and a Move action, or two Move actions) and a Swift action in the Surprise round, as opposed to just one Partial action. This does not apply when wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

    Master of Escape (Ex): the ninth-level Ninja is hard to pin down. Any Escape Artist check may be made as a Standard action that does not provoke, and she may make Epic checks at the following DCs: Extremely Tight Space (a chimney, a glass jar, someone's anus) DC 30, Walls of Force DC 40 or Caster Level + 5, whichever is higher. She also adds her Intelligence Bonus to all attempts to escape a Grapple. None of this applies when wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

    Lightning Strike (Ex): when flying or jumping, the level nine Ninja may make a special charge attack. She moves in a straight line, up to twice her Movement Speed, and makes one attack roll, applying it against everyone in this line. She gains the charge bonus and penalty still, and anyone successfully hit must pass a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) or be Staggered for one round. This ability cannot be used while wearing armour with which she is not proficient, and performing it leaves her Staggered on her next turn.

    Close Combat (Ex): at level ten, the Ninja functions just fine when in a Grapple - she can act normally, even moving - even if Pinned - and is not denied her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Furthermore, her opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against her attacks.

    Shadow Arts I: Veils of Shades (Sp): at level eleven, the Ninja gains the following Spell-like abilities: Hallucinatory Terrain once per day, Darkness at will, and Mirror Image a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).

    Too Fast by 3/4 (Ex): at level twelve, the Ninja becomes even faster. She may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless she only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check, she can instead make 15' steps of adjustment.

    Spirit Blade (Su): the thirteenth-level Ninja can even cut ghosts. All of her attacks affect Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they lacked those abilities, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to Armour Class (but not Natural Armour), as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction.

    Perfect Disguise (Su): at level fourteen, the Ninja can use a DC 35 Disguise check and ten minutes to disguise herself almost perfectly into any creature - she can appear as a creature of any Type, Subtypes or Size, providing the creature does indeed appear at all. This simply results in her looking like the creature, not taking on any of its abilities, and taking no penalties to future Disguise or Bluff checks to blend into Storm Giant society or the Pixie court or whatever. True Seeing does not trump this, though effects that force creatures to revert to their true form will work.

    Perpetual Distraction (Ex): people are always distracted when fighting Ninjas. At level fifteen, the Ninja always counts as flanking any enemy she attacks.

    Opportunistic Strike (Ex): at level sixteen, the Ninja is really good at taking advantage of foes who are already hobbled. Falling Prone provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ninja, and Prone foes are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against her.

    Murder Punch (Ex): people die when they are killed. All attacks made by a seventeenth-level Ninja ignore Regeneration - the damage is just there until healed (naturally or by magic), and is very much real damage. Anyone slain by her can only be brought back by a Wish, Miracle, True Resurrection or great journey to the afterlife and personally defeating the setting's god of death.

    Hidden From Magic (Su): at eighteenth level, the Ninja may, after attempting to identify a spell being cast from within 30', use an Immediate action to be excluded from the Targets or Area of Effect. She may even use this to walk unimpeded through a spell that has already been cast such as a Wall of Fire. A weapon enhanced by a spell will still attack her just fine - the target is the weapon, not her - likewise, a non-magical object conjured by magic (such as a lump of rock) affects her normally after the initial conjuration, only providing potential immunity to the effects of it being summoned around her in the first place.

    Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm (Sp): at level nineteen, the Ninja may cast Nightmare Terrain three times per day. Every round, one target of his choice within the Nightmare Terrain area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect (Intelligence-based). She may also once per day transform into a Nightwalker as a Spell-Like Ability, completely replacing her character sheet with the monster entry, save for her Alignment and the ability to transform back as a Free Action, or automatically if destroyed or after one hour. No effects - damage, ongoing spells, magic items, class features, diseases, anything - carry from one form to the other, though her condition is "frozen" in place when she transforms: if she is poisoned, the transformation won't save her from saving against secondary damage, it just takes place a lot later.

    Clan Master (Ex): at level twenty, the Ninja becomes Ageless and Immortal. She needn't eat, drink or sleep, and will never die of old age, appearing to eternally be in the prime of her youth. Bonuses and penalties from age no longer apply, and never will apply.

    Fully Too Fast (Su): the twentieth-level Ninja's speed improves from one and a half times the base speed to double the base speed. Additionally, she may Teleport at will, that's how fast she moves.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:49 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Sunwitch »

This should replace the version that's in the current PDF post-haste; the main problem that I have always had with the other Koumei Ninja has been, well, that it's less a "Ninja" and more "Koumei's Ninja". Which is to say, not really what most people think of when they think of a "Ninja". This one is better in that way by a fair margin.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, the main reasons for deciding to do so were "This is a little bit of every ninja idea ever" and "Ninjas carry scythes". So a few changes, a lot of retyping, and here we are - but with options (in the form of Mystic Arts) to be a Sex Ninja or a Disgaea Ninja or a Real Ultimate Power Ninja or whatever. Hell, I might put in some feats or something later that allows for a Mortal Kombat Ninja or whatever.

Next will be the Swashbuckler - slightly less random crap based on pirate clothing and magical abilities, more of a streamlined class designed to stop enemies from moving and then hurt them more for failing to attack her.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Flavor Text Suggestion: Ancient stoic black-clad masters of stealth who deny even the existence of ninja, most ninjas are rebellious teenagers wearing neon orange and running around proclaiming what great ninjas they are.

Wording question: Is a "Standard Attack" an attack made as a standard action? or is it a single attack?
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Sunwitch »

TGD vernacular, particularly with the advent of the Soldier class, seems to have defined a "standard attack" as an attack made as a standard action; I don't think this terminology existed before.
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Post by Koumei »

Good point, I'll define it properly. I'll also fix the BAB thing, because "Dhuuuuur", >implying it goes +15/+10/+5 and not +15/+10/+10
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

What makes Devil Ghost Body so powerful that it requires minimum level 20?
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Koumei »

My awful handwriting, where I look down later and read a 10 as a 20.

You might ask "Why 10? Why not 5, or just a regular option?" to which the answer is "Add another applies-in-all-cases bonus to my Armour Class, and actually be hard to hit if you're not using pure-accuracy monsters that can auto-hit everyone else even with a lot of power attack? Yes please!" It seems a bit too obvious a choice early on, so giving it later, they can choose to spend a choice on it, or to instead spend the choice on Winning More.

But yeah. It's not a level 20 ability.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

The Swashbuckler

"Your money. Your life is not an acceptable substitute."


Playing a Swashbuckler: Swashbucklers primarily want a good Dexterity, followed by Charisma. They can then decide how much they care about the other ability scores.

Alignment: Swashbucklers tend to give society the finger and do their own thing, which is possibly Chaotic. Others are known as privateers, and do the exact same things, but FOR THE LAW! A single swashbuckler is a dashing hero so they can be good, but a mob of them will rape and pillage, so are evil.

Races: absolutely anyone can take to piracy, though it is often the downtrodden - those shunned by society and given a bad deal innately, so half-breeds in a Human society, any green things in a Humanoid society, and the Kuo-Toa. Also, those who tend to suffer from boredom and wanderlust take to swashbuckling, so really, it could be anyone.

Starting Money: 8d4*10 GP (200 GP)
Starting Age: as Rogue
Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6+Int per hit die
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local, Nobility and Royalty, History, Geography) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Any) (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecial:Witty Repartee
1+1+0+2+0Fencing, Your Opponent Is Me!, Witty ReparteeThrust
2+2+0+3+0Tie-Down, Combat Climbing-
3+3+1+3+1Acrobatic ChargeRetort
4+4+1+4+1Combat Sidle, I'm Not Left Handed-
5+5+1+4+1Power SlideBanter
6+6/+1+2+5+2Evasion, Close Quarters Fighting-
8+8/+3+2+6+2Swashbuckler's Slide, Ridiculous Attire-
9+9/+4+3+6+3Master of EscapeDeadly Insinuation
11+11/+6/+6+3+7+3Control Ropes and RiggingAu Contraire
12+12/+7/+7+4+8+4Dread Pirate Tales, Mass Tie-Down-
13+13/+8/+8+4+8+4Catch Me If You CanEn garde!
14+14/+9/+9+4+9+4Arm's Length, I'm On A Boat-
15+15/10/+10+5+9+5Booty SeekerRapier Wit
16+16/+11/+11/+11+5+10+5Razor Wind-
17+17/+12/+12/+12+5+10+5Razor's EdgeTouche!
19+19/+14/+14/+14+6+11+6One More ThingCliche!
20+20/+15/+15/+15+6+12+6The Immortal Dread Pirate Lives On!-

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Swashbucklers are proficient with all Simple weapons, all Martial weapons, one Exotic weapon of choice and all Light armour

Fencing (Ex): Swashbucklers are good at protecting themselves from injury. With an Immediate action, a Swashbuckler may make a melee attack roll when attacked. If the Swashbuckler rolls higher, the attack is parried and she is safe from harm. This does not work if she is wearing armour she is not proficient with.

Your Opponent Is Me (Ex): you have to pay attention when fighting the Swashbuckler - focusing on someone else results in a loss of kidneys. Whenever the Swashbuckler successfully attacks a foe in melee combat on her own turn, the foe must either successfully attack her or take the Full Defence before their next turn. If they fail to do this, she has the Edge against them and denies them their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class.

Wittty Repartee (Ex): as she gains levels, the Swashbuckler gains various abilities that fall under the title of "Witty Repartee". These all work only when directing all attacks against one foe that round, and prevent her from making Attacks of Opportunity against other opponents until her next turn:
[*]Thrust: all attacks gain +1 to hit and damage
[*]Retort: the damage bonus increases to equal her Charisma bonus
[*]Banter: she may add her Charisma bonus to her Armour Class against that foe
[*]Double-Entente: the damage bonus increases to equal her Bluff modifier
[*]Deadly Insinuation: she may make Bluff checks instead of attack rolls - these do not auto-fail on 1 or auto-succeed on 20, but can still threaten critical hits
[*]Au Contraire: she may make one Bluff check and, if it is higher than her Armour Class, it replaces her Armour Class against that foe
[*]En garde!: the damage bonus becomes a Bluff check. On a critical hit, the d20 is not multiplied, as normal, but the Bluff modifier is.
[*]Rapier Wit: her critical threat range and multiplier are both doubled
[*]Touche: she may replace her Saving Throws with Bluff checks, but only against effects from that foe.
[*]Cliche: all attacks deal 2 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage

Tie-Down (Ex): at second level, the Swashbuckler can keep an opponent locked up, unable to run off and attack anyone else. Anyone she strikes in melee combat during her turn must make an Escape Artist check, opposed by her Attack roll. If they fail, they are Entangled until the start of her next turn. If they fail by 10 or more, they are also Anchored for the duration.

Combat Climbing (Ex): the second-level Swashbuckler gains a Climb speed equal to her Land Speed, along with all the benefits of a Climb Speed. She needn't even hang on with her hands, and can fight just fine hanging upside-down. When she fights while climbing, enemies who lack a Climb speed take a -4 penalty to attack rolls against her, due to being unaccustomed to her strange fighting style. This ability does not work if she is wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

Acrobatic Charge (Ex): starting at third level, the Swashbuckler need not charge the shortest distance or even in a straight line - she may turn corners, zig-zag, charge foes other than the nearest and so on. Doing so requires a DC 15 Tumble check, and cannot be attempted if she is wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

I'm Not Left Handed (Ex): at level four, the Swashbuckler gains the Two Weapon Fighting feat. If she already possesses this feat, she may expend Attacks of Opportunity for additional Parries each turn. She may, at a later date, spend a feat on Two Weapon Fighting (even though she now has it) so as to gain this added benefit.

Combat Sidle (Ex): starting at level four, any time an adjacent foe makes a 5' step of adjustment, the Swashbuckler may also do so. Additionally, her own 5' steps of adjustment increase to 10', and may be improved to 15' with a DC 25 Balance check. This ability does not work when wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

Power Slide (Ex): whenever hit by a physical attack, the fifth-level Swashbuckler can elect to slide back to halve the damage. She moves back 5' for every 5 damage negated in this way, directly opposite the attacker. If she cannot complete the movement due to something being in the way, she suffers 1d6 damage for every 5' she doesn't complete. This ability cannot be performed in armour with which she is not proficient.

Evasion (Ex): at level six, as long as she is not wearing armour with which she is not proficient, the Swashbuckler has Evasion.

Close Quarters Fighting (Ex): as long as the sixth-level Swashbuckler is not wearing armour with which she is not proficient, she does not suffer penalties for fighting in cramped conditions, and is not denied her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class when in a grapple.

Distraction (Ex): starting at seventh level, the Swashbuckler is good at keeping people distracted. If anyone is in a square she threatens, she is considered to be Flanking them even if she isn't. Additionally, any time she strikes a foe, everyone else has the Edge on that foe until her next turn.

Ridiculous Attire (Ex): all pirates are required by law to dress in a ridiculous manner, with the exception of female pirates, who have to dress ridiculous and sexy. Starting at level eight, in the first round of any combat, all foes take a penalty to hit the Swashbuckler equal to her Charisma modifier.

Swashbuckler's Slide (Ex): starting at level eight, the Swashbuckler is used to sliding about on slippery surfaces of rocking ships with hazards everywhere. When using Power Slide, she needn't move directly away from the attacker and can even change directions - she simply has to end further away from the attacker than she started.

Master of Escape (Ex): the ninth-level Swashbuckler can never be Pinned down. Any Escape Artist check may be made as a Standard action that does not provoke, and she may make Epic checks at the following DCs: Extremely Tight Space (a chimney, a glass jar, someone's anus) DC 30, Walls of Force DC 40 or Caster Level + 5, whichever is higher. She also gains a +8 bonus to escape a Grapple. None of this applies when wearing armour she is not proficient with.

Whirlwind (Ex): at level ten, the Swashbuckler gains Whirlwind as a bonus feat. If she already possesses this feat, she may select any other [Combat] feat that she meets the requirements for.

Control Ropes and Rigging (Su): starting at eleventh level, the Swashbuckler can animate and control any rope as though casting the spell Animate Rope. She can also throw rope up to 50' away with no range penalty.

Dread Pirate Tales (Ex): starting at level twelve, the Swashbuckler is so infamous that if she makes it known who she is, she can immediately make an Intimidate check against everyone in the vicinity. For those who would merely be impressed, not scared, she can instead make a Diplomacy check. Any given person can only be affected by this once per day.

Mass Tie-Down (Ex): at level twelve, the Swashbuckler is masterful at using rope. As long as she has enough rope to reach out to Short Range (25' + 5' per 2 levels), she can spend a Standard action making a Use Rope check. Everyone (friend and foe) within Short Range must beat this with an Escape Artist check or be Entangled until the start of her next turn. If they fail by 10 or more, they are also Anchored for the duration. If she lacks sufficient rope, she can still do this, but the range is capped by the length of the rope.

Catch Me If You Can (Ex): starting at thirteenth level, the Swashbuckler gains a +10' bonus to her Base Speed. When Retreating or Running, this increases to a +50' bonus. Additionally, with a Move-Equivalent action, she gains the benefits of Freedom of Movement for a round.

Arm's Length (Ex): at level fourteen, the Swashbuckler is such a skilled duellist that entering a square she threatens provokes Attacks of Opportunity from her. If the attack hits, the target is forced back 5' and their movement ends.

I'm On A Boat (Ex): at fourteenth level, the Swashbuckler just flat-out has an awesome galleon with cannons and crew. Honestly, the game should lead up to this happening, rather than "I woke up and there was this ship here."

Booty Seeker (Ex): at level fifteen, the Swashbuckler just has a lot of treasure, at least a hundred thousand GP worth of coins, gems and similar. Furthermore, she can innately sense any gathering of wealth valued at more than a quarter-million GP within 1 mile and any Artefact within 10 miles. Also, if trying to pick up, such as in a bar, she automatically finds attractive partners - and gains a +10 bonus on Gather Information checks to track down targets/get information on people who are considered attractive.

Razor Wind (Ex): starting at level sixteen, the Swashbuckler moves like a very sharp wind. Any time she uses any of the abilities granted by Whirlwind (as opposed to just the bonuses), she may make a Trip attempt against every target she hits. This does not function when wearing armour she is not proficient with.

Razor's Edge (Ex): at level seventeen, those who cross the Swashbuckler are in even worse peril. Whenever her "Your Opponent Is Me!" class feature applies against a foe (she hits them and they fail to hit her or take the Full Defence), any attacks she makes against them deal an additional 4 Strength damage, and leave the foe Staggered for one round if they fail a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based).

Bladestorm (Ex): at eighteenth level, the Swashbuckler can unleash a furious flurry of strikes. With a Full Round action, she make one Full Attack against every foe she threatens. She also gains a total number of bonus attacks (at her highest attack bonus, to be distributed amongst the targets as she sees fit) equal to her Charisma bonus.

One More Thing (Ex): starting at nineteenth level, the Swashbuckler is good at putting the boot in. For all of her foes, being Tripped, Entangled, Disarmed, Bullrushed, Grappled or hit by Witty Repartee provokes an Attack of Opportunity from her.

The Immortal Dread Pirate Lives On! (Su): at level twenty, the Swashbuckler becomes Ageless - she is always in the prime of her youth, will not die of old age, and does not get bonuses or penalties for age. If slain, she still fights on for one minute, functioning just as normal, but with a Hardness rating for being a corpse. After the minute, she dies properly, but becomes a Ghost for free, with all equipment worn at time of death becoming Ghost Touch.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

What, no mincing or eyeliner powers?
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Post by Koumei »

No. None. Anyway, some feats to set your Ninja apart from everyone else's Ninja. (Scorpion and Shinobi, respectively)

Hellscarred Ninja [Jutsu]
You went to Hell and back. At least one of these trips was not by choice.
Requirement: Jutsu Points
Benefit: you regain a Jutsu Point any time you are hit by Fire or a [Fear] effect, whether or not you pass the save, are immune etc. Also, if you want your face can just be a skull filled with flames.
BAB +1 You gain Fire Resistance equal to your Base Attack Bonus, and when standing inside or walking through fire (at least the size of a bonfire), can spend a Jutsu Point to Dimension Door into another flame of similar size within one mile.
BAB +6 You are actually Invisible in Fire, and can use a Standard action at Will to create choking smoke clouds. This is equivalent to an Obscuring Mist effect, except everyone except you must make a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) each round or be Nauseated.
BAB +11 You gain a Fiery Breath Weapon that you can use once per 5 rounds: the area is a Short Cone, and all take 1d8 Fire damage per hit die you possess, with a Reflex Save for half (Intelligence-based). Those who attempt the save but fail catch fire.
BAB +16 [Death] effects merely cause you to be Stunned for one round whenever they would normally kill you. Your Breath Weapon also changes to Hellfire: half the damage is generic Unholy, and everyone who takes any damage from it must pass a Will Save (same DC) or Panic for 1d4 rounds.

Elemental Shinobi [Jutsu]
"I am a ninja. Therefore I wear white and bright red. I can mostly be seen summoning pillars of fire, trashing computer facilities and kicking aliens in the face."
Requirement: Jutsu Points
Benefit: You can assign a Jutsu Point to have all of your weapons deal +1d6 Fire, Electricity or Cold damage (select one when assigning the point, you cannot assign multiple points into this at a time)
BAB +1 You can assign a Jutsu Point to having a Lightning Aura: you emit Light (as per the spell "Light"), and gain Electricity Resistance equal to your Base Attack Bonus. You also deal 1d6+Int bonus Electricity damage to anyone who hits you with a melee or natural weapon or attempts to Trip or Grapple you.
BAB +6 You can assign a Jutsu Point to having a wind aura: you gain a Wind Walk effect. You may also cast Wind Wall a number of times per day (Sp) equal to your Intelligence bonus. Spending a Jutsu Point will replenish a daily use.
BAB +11 You can spend a Jutsu Point to create a Flamestrike effect (Sp). The Save DC is Intelligence-based.
BAB +16 You can assign a Jutsu Point to having a Stoneskin effect.

There will possibly be more, if people can think of iconic (ie "from anime/video games") ninjas that need representation. Note: Reptile is already represented. The acid spit and lizardness is gained by being a Dragonborn, and you can already turn invisible. Likewise Sub-Zero just has a few levels of Snowscaper.

Should I limit people to only one [Jutsu] feat, or let them take a whole bunch, and those are feats they're not spending on Elusive Target and stuff?
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Post by Dominicius »

I actually like the earlier version of the swashbuckler more. I think it was more focused on being pirat-y and less on being fancy while swinging your sword (even though that is important too). The earlier version also feels a bit more flexible all around.

I've noticed that Ridiculous attire is still among the ability descriptions but not among the ability list.
Last edited by Dominicius on Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Well, ultimately, there are a few things that make up a swashbuckler/pirate:
[*]Dashing, agile swordsman who forces you to duel him
[*]Duellist with insults
[*]YAR/Johnny Depp
[*]Demon ghost of the sea

I actually hate pirates. I think pirate movies are stupid, and on SLAPD I speak Somali just to remind others what real pirates are and ruin their fun. You would too if you had to wear an eyepatch in high school.

So basically, you're not having the second half from me. You're instead getting what Privateer Press tries to advertise all of its females (except the sullen/pouting/sultry necromancer girl) as being. You know, with tight pants and rapiers and curly red hair. If you want a YAAAARMEHARTY class, then I'd ask Kaelik very nicely if he could make one, or something.

As for Ridiculous Attire, not sure how that happened.
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Post by Koumei »

And here we have a re-write of Ninja Pirate to tie the two together, for everyone who wants to be both at once.

Ninja Pirate
Nin Nin Booty Nin

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Balance 8 ranks
Special: Ninja'd, Witty Repartee

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialAC Bonus
1+1+0+2+0Stealth in Audacity, Dodge of Piracy+0
2+2+0+3+0Close Quarters Fighting, Ninja's Wit+1
3+3+1+3+1Summon Mist, Flair+1
4+4+1+4+1Pirate No Jutsu+2
5+5+1+4+1Distraction, Mystic Art+2
6+6+2+5+2Control Ropes and Rigging, Red is the New Black+3
7+7+2+5+2Double Dextrous+3
8+8+2+6+2Blended Style+4
9+9+3+6+3Catch Me If You Can+4
10+10+3+7+3Plain Cheating, Double Sexy+5

Proficiency: no additional Proficiencies are gained

Stealth in Audacity (Su): the Ninja Pirate basically knows how to hide a rhinoceros in the room. By performing an action that would normally provide a -10 penalty or worse to Disguise, Hide or Move Silently checks, or flat-out make them impossible, she instead gains a a +6 Circumstance Bonus to them. Whenever acting completely un-stealthy, she becomes immune to True Seeing.

Dodge of Piracy (Su): Swashbuckler levels are treated as Ninja levels for the purpose of Armoured in Life. Additionally, the Ninja Pirate class gains a bonus equal to half the class level that is added to the Armoured in Life bonus.

Close Quarters Fighting (Ex): as long as the second-level Ninja Pirate is not wearing armour with which she is not proficient, she does not suffer penalties for fighting in cramped conditions, and is not denied her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class when in a grapple.

Ninja's Wit (Ex): at second level, the Ninja Pirate adds her class levels in both Ninja and Ninja Pirate to her effective Swashbuckler level for determining which Witty Repartee abilities she has.

Summon Mist (Su): at third level, the Ninja Pirate can summon mist, as per Obscuring Mist, at will.

Flair (Ex): the third-level Ninja Pirate is especially acrobatic, with a variety of fancy techniques she can do at will, providing she is not wearing armour with which she is not proficient:
[*]Make a DC 20 Balance check while charging to slide under a foe and strike them from behind, ending the charge on the other side and treating the foe as Flanked for the attack.
[*]Beat an opponent's Attack roll on an Attack of Opportunity with a Tumble check to make the attack miss and the opponent fall prone.
[*]Make a DC 20 Jump check to move over a foe who is Prone or at least one size category shorter than her, gaining a single Melee attack against that foe as a Free action.
[*]Walk on walls with a Balance check equal to half the distance in feet (round up), as long as she ends the movement on horizontal ground.
[*]Make a DC 20 Tumble check to add +10' to the reach of a melee attack.
[*]Make a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check on a successful non-reach melee attack or any form of Grapple action to give a quick squeeze and provide a penalty equal to her Charisma or Intelligence modifier (whichever is higher) on the opponent's attacks and grapple checks for one round.

Pirate No Jutsu (Su): starting at level four, the Ninja Pirate may add her Class level minus three, along with her class level in Swashbuckler, to her effective Ninja level to determine the number of Jutsu Points she possesses. She may also elect to use her Charisma in place of her Intelligence for any Jutsu Ability or Mystic Art.

Distraction (Ex): at level five, the Ninja Pirate learns how to distract people. If someone is in a square she threatens, then she is considered to be Flanking them, no matter what direction an attack comes from. Additionally, whenever she strikes a foe, everyone else has the Edge against them until her next turn.

Mystic Art: at level five, the Ninja Pirate gains a Mystic Art, just like a Ninja. She may add her Ninja Pirate level to her effective Ninja level to determine which Arts she may access for this Mystic Art and any future ones gained.

Control Ropes and Rigging (Su): starting at sixth level, the Ninja Pirate can animate and control any rope as though casting the spell Animate Rope. She can also throw rope up to 50' away with no range penalty.

Red is the New Black (Ex): at level six, the Ninja Pirate seems completely acceptable in her adventuring garb no matter the circumstances. She is considered unarmed (for the purpose of social niceties), suitably dressed, stylish and fashionable for all occasions - whether at a ball hosted by the king, at an executive business meeting, or in the bedroom.

Double Dextrous (Ex): at level seven, the Ninja Pirate is extra agile - as much as both a Pirate and a Ninja - and may add her class level as a bonus to all Dexterity-based skills. This does not function when she is wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

Blended Style (Su): somehow, the eighth-level Ninja Pirate is so good at moving and stopping others from moving that she can literally steal movement. With a Swift action, she may make a Sleight of Hand check with a DC equal to her opponent's Armour Class. If she succeeds, she gains an additional Move action that round, and the opponent is Staggered for the round. This does not function when she is wearing armour with which she is not proficient.

Catch Me If You Can (Ex): starting at ninth level, the Ninja Pirate gains a +10' bonus to her Base Speed. When Retreating or Running, this increases to a +50' bonus. Additionally, with a Move-Equivalent action, she gains the benefits of Freedom of Movement for a round.

Plain Cheating (Ex): the tenth-level Ninja Pirate is good at fighting in the most dishonourable of ways yet getting cheered on for it. As a Swift action, she may make an attack against any creature not immune to Critical Hits. If she hits, it is resolved as a Critical Hit and the target must make a Fortitude Save or be Nauseated for 1d6 rounds. This may be either Intelligence-based or Charisma-based, at her choice.

Double Sexy (Su): at level ten, the Ninja Pirate is as sexy as both a Ninja AND a Pirate. As such, anyone she fights must make a Will Save (Charisma-based or Intelligence-based, her choice) or suffer a 50% Miss Chance against her. The Save is attempted once per day, whether it is passed or failed. Those who fail will swear afterwards that there were in fact twins, one of them a ninja and the other a pirate.
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Post by Koumei »

Adding some more Ninja content, because A) it's actually going to be relevant in future (so may as well also post it up in case anyone else ever wants to use it), and B) to distract me from doing other stuff I don't quite feel like doing.

Ghost Fist Ninja [Jutsu]
Some ninja actually do go around kicking people in the face.
Requirement: Jutsu Points
Benefit: you gain a natural Slam attack (1d8+Strength). If you imbue a Jutsu Point into it, it is treated as a Magic Weapon (+1/3 character level to attack and damage rolls, can hit Ghosts, beats DR/magic and so on).
BAB +1 You gain a single Monk Fighting Style. This is not a Master or Grand Master Fighting Style, and you must still spend the Swift action to activate it. Any Save DC is Intelligence-based instead of Wisdom-based.
BAB +6 Select a third Fighting Style ability. Your Fighting Style gained from this feat benefits from any two of the selected abilities at a time, which can be changed simply by reactivating it on a new turn.
BAB +11 By spending a Jutsu Point, you may make a Full Attack as a Standard action, gaining a single bonus attack at your highest attack bonus.
BAB +16 You gain access to a single Monk Master Fighting Style. Again, you still must spend the Swift action to activate it, and again, use Intelligence for the Save DCs.

Ninja of the Mystic Paths [Jutsu]
By studying hard, you can be a special shadow adept or something.
Requirement: Mystic Art
Benefit: you have a constant Detect Magic effect going.
BAB +1 By assigning a Jutsu Point to mystical power, you may hold any 1st level Shugenja, Wu-Jen or Core Sorcerer/Wizard spell in your head, chosen when you assign it. You can then cast the spell once, spending the assigned Jutsu Point. Multiple Jutsu Points may be assigned this way, and they cannot be cast while wearing armour with which you are not proficient. The Caster Level equals your character level, and the Save DC is 10 + half your hit dice + your Intelligence modifier.
BAB +6 The spells you hold may now be of up to second level. You may also assign a Jutsu point to add your Intelligence modifier to Caster Level checks to beat Spell Resistance.
BAB +11 The spells you hold may now be of up to third level. You may Scribe Scrolls and Brew Potions of any spell you could use Jutsu to cast (up to the usual limit, in the case of potions).
BAB +16 You prepare the Jutsu spells as normal, allocating Points to them, however you can spend the actual Points to spontaneously cast any of the prepared spells - even spending the Point allocated to a specific spell doesn't remove it from your pool.

Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path
This name is really too long. Look, I'm a ninja who casts spells, all right?

Feats: Iron Will, Ninja of the Mystic Paths
Skills: Concentration 5 ranks

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration*, Craft (Alchemy), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana, Local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble* (Dex)
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialJutsu Points
1+1+0+2+2Spell Emulation 3+1
2+2+0+3+3Jutsu Conversion-
3+3+1+3+3Mystic Art+1
4+4+1+4+4Spell Emulation 4-
5+5+1+4+4Shadow Arts I: Veil of Shades-
6+6+2+5+5Spell Emulation 5+1
7+7+2+5+5Jutsu Absorption-
8+8+2+6+6Mystic Art-
9+9+3+6+6Spell Emulation 6-
10+10+3+7+7Spell Emulation 7, Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm+1

Spell Emulation (Sp): as the Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path gains additional levels, she can emulate more and more spells via her Ninja of the Mystic Paths feat: at first level, she may emulate third level spells. At level four, she may emulate fourth level spells. At sixth level, she may emulate fifth level spells. At level nine, she may emulate sixth level spells, and at level ten she can emulate seventh-level spells. All the usual rules of the feat still apply.

Jutsu Points (Su): as she gains levels, the Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path gains additional Jutsu Points to spend as normal.

Jutsu Conversion (Su): the second-level Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path is able to spontaneously cast her spells - sort of. She prepares them ahead of time by allocating Jutsu Points as normal, but can then cast any of her allocated spells by spending any Jutsu Points, even ones that are already allocated to other abilities. Spending an already-allocated Jutsu Point causes the effect to be lost as it is no longer allocated, but spending the Jutsu Point allocated to preparing a spell does not deny her access to the spell - she can still cast any of the prepared ones.

Mystic Art: at levels three and eight, the Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path gains a Mystic Art. Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path levels count as Ninja levels for determining what Arts may be selected.

Shadow Arts I: Veil of Shades (Sp): at level five, the Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path gains the following Spell-like abilities: Hallucinatory Terrain once per day, Darkness at will, and Mirror Image a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).

Jutsu Absorption (Su): the seventh-level Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path can absorb the energy from incoming attacks. Any time she is hit by a spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability, whether she makes the save or not, she regains a spent Jutsu Point and all dice of damage from the attack are minimised.

Shadow Arts II: Nightmare Realm (Sp): at level ten, the Mystic Ninja of the Shadow Veil Sacred Path may cast Nightmare Terrain three times per day. Every round, one target of her choice within the Nightmare Terrain area can be targeted with a Shadow Well effect (Intelligence-based).
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I like, except that spontaneously casting from three entire class spell lists is a terrible mechanic. Maybe they could prepare as many spells as they have Jutsu points using the normal wizard mechanics (without expending said points), and then use jutsu points to spontaneously cast any prepared spell?
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

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Post by Koumei »

Good idea.
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Re: Rewriting Some Classes

Post by Koumei »

So, the Gadgeteer needs some tweaking here and there - such as to tone the power down, for one.

The Gadgeteer

"When my Armageddon Clock is complete, no-one will ever again laugh at me!"

Flavour Text Goes Here

Playing a Gadgeteer: the Gadgeteer benefits from a high Int, and after that it depends on what you want them to do, but a good Dex or Str is likely in order.

Alignment: Gadgeteers can be of any alignment. Some of them build nuclear death rays to HELP people, not to hurt them.

Races: anyone with hands can be a Gadgeteer, really, though many of them seem to be Goblins, Dwarfs, Gnomes and Kobolds as all of these races spend a lot of time building things.

Starting Money: 5d4*10 GP (120 GP)
Starting Age: as Wizard
Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6+Int per hit die
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialDaily BlueprintsCharged Blueprints
1+0+2+2+0Gadgetry, Coax Device12
2+1+3+3+0Twisted Brain, The Humble Paperclip22
3+2+3+3+1Machine in the God, Evasion23
4+3+4+4+1Good Gadgets34
5+3+4+4+1Duct Tape44
6+4+5+5+2Confuse Magic Device45
7+5+5+5+2Cold Steel Logic55
8+6/+1+6+6+2Greater Gadgets66
9+6/+1+6+6+3Improved Evasion, Flame Retardant67
10+7/+2+7+7+3Crafted Companion77
11+8/+3+7+7+3Rapid Rebuild87
12+9/+4+8+8+4Giga Gadgets98
13+9/+4+8+8+4Percussive Maintenance99
14+10/+5+9+9+4Best Backpack910
15+11/+6/+6+9+9+5Command Magic Device1010
16+12/+7/+7+10+10+5Galactic Gadgets1111
17+12/+7/+7+10+10+5Throw a Spanner at it1112
18+13/+8/+8+11+11+6Stronger, Faster, More Expensive!1212
19+14/+9/+9+11+11+6Secrets of Creation1312
20+15/+10/+10+12+12+6The Grand Contraption1313

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: the Gadgeteer is proficient with Light and Medium Armour, and Simple Weapons. He is also proficient with any Gadget he creates.

Gadgetry (Ex): the Gadgeteer is able to create Gadgets. As he gains levels, he learns more blueprints (according to the table). Some are "Daily" - the preparation involved means they are set up at the beginning of the day (requiring an hour in total) and then once used, are unavailable for the rest of the day due to the power source being hard to prepare, needing significant cleaning and so on. Others are simpler, and can be used essentially at will, as long as they are charged (covered in the item description). Multiples of the same item can be made, but they take up the "time" of another item, so if you have two Dailies, you could make them both and keep them both available for the day, or make two of the one thing and thus have two uses, but not use the other.

Devices can be handed to other people to use, however they are not automatically considered proficient (anyone with "All Martial Weapons" proficiency should be considered proficient with weaponlike Gadgets, and people can become proficient with them in the normal way), and the Gadgeteer must continue to maintain the items (as part of his "pool" of Gadgets) for them to continue functioning.

Any save DC is 10 + half level + Int modifier. Anything that scales with level uses the character level.

Coax Device (Su): the Gadgeteer can always take 10 on Use Magic Device and Disable Device checks, even if threatened, rushed or on fire.

Twisted Brain (Ex): the Gadgeteer's brain doesn't work like normal people. As such, at second level, he may use his Intelligence bonus for Will Saves instead of his Wisdom bonus, if he so desires.

The Humble Paperclip (Ex): at second level, the Gadgeteer is treated as having Masterwork Tools for anything he ever does that can use tools, as long as he has some kind of object at all - fiddling with it until it becomes just what he needs.

Machine in the God (Ex): at third level, the Gadgeteer can start to add bionic enhancements to himself, though these are unlikely to be sleek Shadowrun stuff, and more likely to be giant cogs, rotors and steam engines. He gains an Enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to 1/3 of his hit dice (round up), and a chance to negate Critical Hits (and similar effects) equal to his class level times 5%.

Evasion (Ex): inventions often explode. At third level, the Gadgeteer is so used to this that he gains Evasion. If he already possesses Evasion, it becomes Improved Evasion.

Good Gadgets: starting at level four, the Gadgeteer may select Blueprints from the "Good Gadgets" list.

Duct Tape (Sp): at level five, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to perform quick repairs on things. He may cast Mending, Make Whole and Repair Light Damage at will, with a caster level equal to his character level.

Confuse Magic Device (Su): at sixth level, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to confuse magic items with an Abuse Magic Device check. If it possesses charges, adding +10 to the DC can activate the item without using a charge (this does not apply to single-use items). If it casts a spell that deals a type of damage, or grants protection against a type of damage, this can be changed for that use by adding +5 to the DC. It can be Widened or Extended by adding +5 to the DC as well. Finally, traps that use a magic form of detection are not triggered by the Gadgeteer.

Cold Steel Logic (Ex): at seventh level, the Gadgeteer starts to also work on enhancing his own brain, possibly adding a wind-up key to his head or something. He gains an Enhancement bonus to Intelligence equal to 1/3 of his hit dice (round up), and Immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects.

Greater Gadgets: starting at level eight, the Gadgeteer may select Blueprints from the "Greater Gadgets" list.

Improved Evasion (Ex): at ninth level, the Gadgeteer's reflexes improve such that he gains Improved Evasion. If he already has this, he just gets a +1 bonus to Reflex Saves.

Flame Retardant (Su): by ninth level, the Gadgeteer has become pretty good at not catching fire. He never catches fire from effects that would normally cause him to do so, and has Fire Resistance equal to 10 plus his hit dice.

Crafted Companion: at level ten, the Gadgeteer can build himself a cohort, requiring a whole heap of scrap parts and 8 hours of work. Should the cohort be destroyed, he can rebuild it or build a new one, but he can't have more than one at a time. The Cohort can be any kind of Construct or Robot Girl/Android, regardless of whether or not he actually knows how to make them normally, and can't have a CR higher than his own CR minus four.

Rapid Rebuild (Su): at level eleven, the Gadgeteer becomes supernaturally fast at making things he is familiar with. As long as he has built something once in the past, he may rebuild it in half the time it would take to build normally (including his cohort), and can use a full round action to restore 150 HP to any Gadget he is touching, which should usually be enough to completely restore it to full.

Giga Gadgets: starting at level twelve, the Gadgeteer may select Blueprints from the "Giga Gadgets" list.

Percussive Maintenance (Su): at thirteenth level, the Gadgeteer learns how to fix (and damage) objects with a solid kick. With a melee attack that must hit the AC of the target, he may duplicate a Heal or Harm effect that only works on Constructs (ignoring any usual immunities to Heal/Harm or supernatural effects in general). He may do this a total number of times per day equal to his Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).

Best Backpack (Su): the backpack of the fourteenth-level Gadgeteer is nothing short of awesome. It functions as a Handy Haversack, however can also be folded out into an Instant Fortress.

Command Magic Device (Su): at fifteenth level, the Gadgeteer knows how to command magic devices that don't even belong to him: no Construct will ever attack him, even sentient ones, unless he attacks them first. Furthermore, with a DC (15 + CR of Construct) Use Magic Device check, he may control it (as per Dominate Monster, except it affects the Construct despite immunities, and allows no save) for one minute, after which it cannot be controlled by him again that day.

Additionally, as a standard action he may activate a magic item somebody else is using or holding, from up to 50 feet away, as long as he is aware of it and targets it. This adds +10 to the activation DC. He may also make a Use Magic Device check as an immediate action (DC = base DC to activate) to prevent it from being used, wasting the attempt.

Galactic Gadgets: starting at level sixteen, the Gadgeteer may select Blueprints from the "Galactic Gadgets" list.

Throw a Spanner at it (Su): starting at seventeenth-level, Percussive Maintenance may be made with a ranged attack, but only for thrown weapons/items, not ammunition or spells.

Stronger, Faster, More Expensive! (Ex): at level eighteen, the Gadgeteer learns how to implant souls into big machines. With 48 hours of work and some amount of Planar Currency equal to that of a Major Magic Item (not necessarily paid by him), he can effectively turn someone into a golem, even himself. This does use up an Attunement slot on the subject, and grants the following:
[*]Type: changes to Construct with their former Type becoming a Subtype
[*]The basic immunities of Constructs (but not of Golems) are gained
[*]Constitution is retained, and Hit Dice are not changed. Likewise, no bonus HP from size are gained.
[*]Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine is gained
[*]The subject is 100% unable to float or swim, but can just sink to the ocean floor and walk.
[*]Gain an Enhancement bonus to Strength and Natural Armour equal to 1/3 Hit Dice (round up)
[*]Can have a single Charged Gadget from the Gadget, Good Gadget or Greater Gadget list (that the Gadgeteer knows) bolted on. This does not take up a Gadget "slot" from the Gadgeteer.
[*]Any Spell or Spell-like Ability that would be resolved as a Touch Attack (ranged or otherwise) against the subject is instead resolved as a regular Attack, needing to beat Armour, Shield, and Natural Armour bonuses.

Secrets of Creation (Ex): at level nineteen, the Gadgeteer learns how to truly invent lifeforms - he is able to Craft Golems of all kinds, as well as other craftable Constructs such as Elder Eidolons, Construct Creatures and Robot Girls/Androids. In the case of the latter, they are always made with a single hit die, and as such basically require such little expenditure as to be part of the Wish Economy (see: Free). For sentient constructs, loyalty is not actually guaranteed here.

The Grand Contraption (Ex): at level twenty, the Gadgeteer can make something so awesome and spectacular that there are no hard rules for it. An example may be a small wind-up device that casts Wish or Miracle at will, or a massive flying city/ship loaded up with cannons, or a plot device that will destroy the world in 3 days unless stopped, or a giant robot that is big enough that each foot is a Colossal+ object. Whatever. Creating it takes a full week of uninterrupted work. At this point, the Gadgeteer has basically won the game.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Gadget Descriptions

Flamethrower [Daily]
This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds.

This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area and creates as much light as you would expect the fire to.

Shotgun [Daily]
This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated twice before being used up for the day. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute. It makes a lot of noise.

Mining Drill [Daily]
This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then lasts for one minute, though requires a Standard action to utilise each round. With a Standard action it can destroy an adjacent 5' cube of anything softer than stone, or deal 1d6 piercing damage per 2 levels (round up), ignoring material DR or DR/magic, to a target.

As a steam-powered device, this is quite noisy and grants a -10 penalty to Move Silently checks when activated.

Hover Pack [Daily]
This must be worn on the back, and requires a Swift or Immediate action to activate. it then lasts for one hour, causing the wearer to fall slowly (as Featherfall), and hover up to 20' above the ground (though only able to move up to 15' per round in a given direction).

Dynamite [Daily]
This device is small enough to be carried or stored in a pocket, and requires a Swift action to activate. Three rounds later, hopefully with the user nowhere near it, it explodes in a 50' radius spread. This deals 1d10 Fire/Sonic damage per level to all in the area, Ref half, and anyone who fails the save is knocked prone. Additionally, it specifically affects all objects and structures in the area (including individual 5' cubes of terrain), dealing double damage and ignoring Hardness less than that of Steel.

Extend-O-Fist [Daily]
This device is worn like a glove, and uses rocket fuel to launch off. It allows you to, with a Swift action, make a Ranged Attack out to 50' that deals Bludgeoning Damage to foes (2d6 for a Medium character). Additionally, foes are Dazed for 1 round unless they pass a Fort save.

Helper [Charged]
This Construct resembles a snake or centipede, is Tiny sized, and crawls along after you with a Move speed of 20'. Spending a Full Round action winding it up powers the brain enough to allow it to take cover, make attacks of opportunity, and make Aid Other attempts (Str 8 Dex 12 Int 10, has no skill ranks but a BAB equal to the creator's). It reaches out 5' and its Bite/Sting/Slam attack deals 1d4-1 damage, +1 per 3 levels. It can also carry half a dozen potion-sized objects, and when charged up, can understand commands and hand them to/use them on people, or even fling them at enemies.

Shock Staff [Charged]
This device can be wielded in one hand, and has reach. It requires a Move Equivalent action to charge up by winding, then holds the charge for up to a minute or until used. A melee touch attack activates it, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 levels (round up) and requiring the target to make a Fortitude save. If they fail the save, they take a -4 penalty to Dexterity for one round.

Glider [Charged]
This device can be folded up to take little space, but must be worn in the Cloak slot to be used. It is effectively charged by any rush of air, so any time you would want to use it, it is going to be charged anyway. This causes the wearer to slowly fall instead of plummeting to their death, at the rate of 10' per round, but they may also move up to 20' per round in any other direction except for up.

Launch Boots [Charged]
These bulky boots must be worn on the feet (duh), and require the user to move 30' or more in order to charge, at which point they remain charged until used, which requires a Move action. Doing so launches them up to 50' in the air (this can be adjusted on use in 10' increments so as to only go, say, 20' up). The jumper may move as far forward as upward. The fall afterwards is treated as though 10' less for the purpose of working out falling damage, and falling damage in general is reduced by 10'.

Harpoon [Charged]
This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. it requires a Full Round action to fully wind up, and can then be activated at any time with a Swift action, firing out to 60' away. It deals 1d6 piercing damage per level, and if it deals any damage (after DR/Hardness), sticks in firmly, requiring a DC 20 Strength check to remove. A cable attached can be wound up as a Move-equivalent action, allowing the user to either pull himself towards the landing point, or drag a target towards him with an opposed Strength check.

Steam Spray [Charged]
This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. It requires one minute to charge up, but will then boil away happily for up to 8 hours or until used up. Charging it provides 3 activations, each one requiring a Standard action. Doing so creates a 20' cone of steam, dealing 1d4 Fire damage per 2 levels (Ref half) but also really cleaning the targets, though they may not appreciate it. Failing the save causes a -2 morale penalty to attacks and a -4 morale penalty to AC for 3 rounds.

This is noisy enough to provide a -3 penalty to Move Silently checks, and the Fire damage does not ignite materials or deal double damage to Mummies.

Wind-up Flare Lantern [Charged]
This device may be freely worn on the shoulder or even on top of a helmet, but takes a free hand to activate or adjust the settings. Winding it up for one minute provides a charge to keep it providing light (as per a Light) spell for one hour or a Daylight effect that even reveals Ethereal/Incorporeal creatures for 10 minutes. At any time a Standard action may be used to end this effect, suddenly using up all the remaining power in one flash. This forces all in 50' to attempt a Fortitude save or be rendered Blind for 1 round per level. Those warned may cover their eyes with a Reflex save.

Proximity Detector [Charged]
This device takes up no slot, whirling around the wearer. If it is moderately windy (enough to potentially knock a lightweight travelling hat off a head or lift a summer dress), this requires no charging at all, otherwise it requires the use of a Swift action every turn to turn a crank that helps the wheels spin.

Using sonar echoes, it grants Blindsense out to 15' and Trap Finding to the wearer.

Brand New Combine Harvester [Charged]
This haphazard series of scythes takes up both arms, and some amount of space but no other slots. Every round, with a Standard action, the wielder may cause a whirl of blades, making one Masterwork Scythe attack against every threatened enemy. Those who are hit are Entangled for one round, and whenever this is activated, the area the wielder threatens is treated as Difficult Terrain for one round.
Good Gadgets:
Pressure Jetpack [Daily]
This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This lasts for 1 hour before it runs out of water and overheats, used up for the day. It will sputter and slowly lower to the ground when this happens.

Oil Spray [Daily]
This device can be carried and fired with just one hand, and firing it takes a Standard action. A 40' cone is filled with a fine mist of oil - the ground is affected as though by Incendiary Slime, as are all people in the area, and all in the area must additionally make a Fortitude save or be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

Gatling Gun [Daily]
This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 15 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits.

Cannon [Daily]
This device can be assembled or taken apart with a Full Round action, but must otherwise be rolled or carried about. To activate, it must be set on the ground, braced and lit, requiring a Full Round action. On the following round it fires, Bullrushing the user with a bonus of +10, and deafening all in 30' on a failed Fort save. However even more damage happens at the other end, where the shot lands: one 40' radius blast is designated up to 250' away, dealing 10 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level to all in the area (Ref half). Those who fail the save are knocked prone, and Stunned for 1 round.

Defibrillator [Daily]
This device can fit inside a regular backpack (barely), but to activate, one component must be held in each hand (assuming two hands), and a Standard action used on an adjacent ally. This causes an incredible bolt of electricity, burning out the mechanisms. This duplicates a Raise Dead spell, but with no level loss, or can stabilise anyone who is Dying.

Spy Balloon [Daily]
This device can easily be stored in a pouch when not in use, then takes only one Full Round action to activate. A small balloon fills with air and starts to drift at the speed of 50' per round, assisted by small nozzles controlled via wire attached to the control box. It has a glass ball connected to a long fibre leading back to a "screen" on the control box, as well as a basic speaker system: two horns connected by string. Effectively, it can be controlled out to 1000' and requires a Spot check of DC 10 + class level + Int mod in order to spot. It allows the user to see and hear through it, and pass messages on as well. After two hours of use, however, it runs out of air and must be rewound and stored away, to be refilled and the wires repaired the next day.

Static Blade [Charged]
This is a two-handed melee weapon, usually a Great Sword. It can be charged by dragging it along the ground, and loses the charge when used or at the end of the round (basically meaning you have to move to use it as a Gadget). It can be wielded as a regular Masterwork weapon of its type, however if charged it is a Magic Weapon and also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die on a successful hit.

Cog Powered Fist [Charged]
This device must be worn on one hand, like a bulky gauntlet, and provides a -3 penalty to skill checks involving that hand. It must be wound up to be activated, requiring a Standard action to provide enough power for five rounds. When powered, it can be used to make Slam attacks that deal 2d6+Str for a Medium creature, with a critical value of 20/x3. It also adds a +6 Enhancement bonus to the wearer's Strength, and grants a Constrict attack of automatic Slam damage.

Pump-Action [Charged]
This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated eight times before being used up, needed 10 minutes to make another 8 shells out of any old junk, and one Full Round action to load them all in. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute.

Frost Blaster [Charged]
This device is worn as a back-pack, but to be used it also has an attachment that must be wielded in one hand. It has three uses per charge, with a minute required to re-fill it. With a Standard action, it unleashes a very cold spray in a 20' cone. This deals 1d4 Cold damage per level (Fort half), and all who fail the Fortitude save become Entangled for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat. Anyone already Entangled instead becomes Slowed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat, and anyone already Slowed becomes Paralysed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat.

Lightning Rod [Charged]
This device can be carried in one hand quite easily. It can be charged either by winding it up to generate power (requiring one Standard action per charge) or by being hit by a source of electricity that would do at least 15 Electricity damage (providing one charge). it can hold one charge at a time, and can be discharged with a Standard action. Doing so unleashes a Lightning Bolt (as per the spell), except the damage is uncapped. Additionally, if it is not charged, it will automatically absorb any electricity-based attacks aimed at the wielder (until it is charged).

Jetskates [Charged]
These are worn on the feet like bulky boots. To create a fuel charge requires a minute of work, and they can hold up to three charges at a time. Activating them requires only a Swift action, and allows the user to move at 100' per Move action and skim over water, but they cannot fly. Turning is possible but difficult and stopping is out of the question, as though flying [Clumsy]. Each charge lasts for one round.

Fuel-Efficient Flamethrower [Charged]
This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d4 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds.

This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area. Refilling the device with fuel takes three full rounds.

Flashbang Generator [Charged]
This device is carried as a staff, and holds one charge at a time. It takes three rounds to mix up another charge to load in, but only a Move equivalent action to activate. Activating it creates a bright flash of light (as the Flare Lantern, double the duration) and a loud "bang", causing those who pass the save to be Deafened for 2d6 rounds, and those who fail to be Stunned for 1 round and Deafened for 2d6 minutes.

Steam Hammer [Charged]
This massive hammer is treated as a Masterwork Warhammer. It takes three full rounds to fill the boiler, strapped to the back or waist, and a Standard action to switch it on, after which there is a 1 minute delay, and then it is good for five attacks.

Each charged attack causes an additional 1d6 Fire damage per 3 Hit Dice (that does not ignite material or deal double damage to Mummies) and creates a cloud of Steam granting the wielder Concealment from adjacent enemies and Full Concealment from those further away. Anyone adjacent takes a -2 Morale penalty (a [Pain] effect) to Spot checks and attack rolls from the steam irritating their eyes, but gains Concealment against anyone other than the wielder. The steam (and effects) lasts for 1 round.
Greater Gadgets:
Cog Staff [Daily]
This staff must be held in two hands to use properly. It requires a Standard action to activate by twisting, the cogs turning and grinding to produce a charge of energy similar to magic. This burns the cogs out, but creates an (Ex) effect from the following list:
  • Shadow Evocation
  • Eyebite (2 or more HD more than inventor: Sickened, within 1 HD of inventor: Panicked and Sickened, 2 or more HD less than inventor: Comatose, Panicked and Sickened)
  • One 10' radius burst in 60' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Fort half), with those who fail the save becoming Nauseated for one round
  • Maximised Lightning Leap
Teleport-Pump [Daily]
This fold-out device can be carried in one hand or stored in a pack until unfolded (a Swift action). It then takes a Full Round action to pump up until it sparks, frying the fuse and teleporting the user as per Teleport Without Error.

Fume Engine [Daily]
This device is bulky, but fits in a backpack. It also comes with a gas mask that can be worn on the face to provide immunity to inhaled Poisons and Diseases, as well as gases and smell-based effects. The main device, however, can only be used once per day, with a Swift action to activate. One round later, the engine starts, running for one minute before being empty. For the duration, it creates a 20' radius spread of Poison gas. It obscures vision, granting Concealment to all, but also poisons all who breathe it in (Fort negates). Primary and Secondary damage are both 2d6 Con.

Boiler-Powered Armour [Daily]
This armour must be worn all over the body, except the hands, feet and head. It is treated as Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the boiling process, then a one minute wait), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +6 Enhancement bonus to Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness. As long as at least one full hour remains the remainder may be used up in one burst, granting a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and treating the wearer as two size categories larger, both for only one round. It is a Swift action to do this.

Turbine Laser [Daily]
This weapon must be held in two hands, with an additional mount on a shoulder or on the head, consisting of a turbine. It requires some form of breeze to charge, providing one charge per two rounds unless in strong winds where it provides a charge every round, or hurricane force winds, where it provides three charges in one round. It may store up to three charges at a time, and requires an Attack action to fire - however it can only be fired once per day, the power destroying the laser components.

Once activated, it makes a Ranged Touch Attack with a maximum range of 200'. This deals 1d6 untyped energy damage per level and has a regular critical hit (20/x2). If two charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 2d6 damage per level. If three charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 10 damage per level.

Wand-Gatler [Daily]
This device can be wielded in one hand, though a second hand is needed to actually turn the handle. One to five wands must be slotted in before use. Turning the handle is a Standard action, and activates all wands at the same time, with the same target/targets/area of effect (or closest match). The magical overload burns the engine out.

Makai Cannon [Daily]
This bulky bazooka houses an angry ghost of some description, and every time it is fired, a new Gasket Engine Thrombulator must be configured, with a new set of Grub-Nuts to hold a spirit in. It can be fired with a Standard action, unleashing a 60' Cone of ghost energy. Everyone in the area takes 1d4 Force damage per HD (no save), and must pass a Will save or Panic for 5 rounds.

Elemental Microwave [Charged]
This is a sort of gun that houses a trapped Fire Elemental. To charge, it must be vigorously shaken for a Full Round, to make the elemental energetic (but not actually angry: they happily burn away in the container). It can then be fired with a Standard action within 3 rounds, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d6 Nonlethal Fire damage per 2 levels and 4 Int damage, with a Fort save for half (both). On a failed save, they also burst into flames, catching fire, and must make a Will save or become Confused for 3 rounds as their brain is fried.

Aero-Amplifier [Charged]
This device can be held in both hands or worn around the shoulders. It resembles a giant brass instrument, with one handle. As long as there is even a light breeze or source of sound, a Standard action can be used to squeeze the handle, opening the valves and amplifying the noise and airflow. This creates a 30' cone that deals 1d6 Sonic damage per level (Fort half). All who fail the save are knocked prone and hurled 50' backward, +/- 10' for every size category smaller/larger than Medium. Those who pass the save are merely shoved back 10'.

Simple-Ammo Gat [Charged]
This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 10 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits.

Once it runs out of ammunition, it takes only 10 minutes to make a new chain of ammunition, and a Standard action to load in.

Turbo Boost [Charged]
This device is worn like a vest, clamped onto the torso. It has a key which must be wound to power it up. One Full Round action of winding supplies one minute of power, treating the wearer as though under a Haste effect.

Clockwork Chainsaw [Charged]
This bulky melee weapon must be wielded with two hands, and requires one Full Round action to provide power for three rounds. Up to 9 rounds of power can be charged up at a time. Using it is as simple as making a melee attack, where it has the following profile (treated as a magic weapon):
[*]+1 Adamantine Chainsaw, 3d6+1 (+ Str*1.5) Magical Slashing, 18-20/x3
[*]Flesh Tearing: anyone hit by the Chainsaw takes 1 point of Ability Damage to each of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. This is tripled on a critical hit.
[*]Romero Effect: this weapon can score critical hits against corporeal Undead, and automatically confirms.

Buggy [Charged]
This device cannot be carried (save by a very strong character) but can instead carry four Medium creatures (or any mix that equals the same amount of space). It requires one minute to power up via turning the handle and pouring more basic fuel in, in order to keep it moving for one straight hour. This device has 100 HP and Hardness 15, and provides Full Cover to everyone inside. It trundles along at 100' per round (and cannot run, make double-move actions etc.)

Spells such as Heat Metal have an especially intense effect on those inside, causing double damage. Being rammed (requiring a "ranged" attack by the driver that does not benefit from Rapid Shot or whatever) deals 2d8+10 bludgeoning damage and a Bullrush at +13 (+8 size, +5 Strength)

Perpetual Pressure Jetpack [Charged]
This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This device somehow recharges itself, using steam power at first, which also turns turbines to store up power, letting it be used at will.

Mighty Limb [Charged]
This is attached to the neck, shoulder or back, and is a giant robotic arm. It is useless unless powered, requiring a Full Round action to provide 1 minute of use. At that point, it can be controlled like a third arm, and can make a Slam attack as an Adamantine Magic Weapon (1d8 for a Medium creature, 20/x3 critical). It benefits from Improved Grab and has a Constrict attack, dealing automatic critical Slam damage every round. Furthermore, it can use the wearer's Strength or its own Strength of 20.
Giga Gadgets:

Hurricane Device [Daily]
This device requires ten minutes of assembly (if the user doesn't wish to carry around a 20' long pole with a rotor on top), and must be placed on the ground before use. Activating it simply requires turning the handle for one minute, at which point the storm begins. It creates a hurricane with a 2 mile radius, lasting for 6 hours, with a safety zone in the eye of the storm - a 50' radius spread originating from the device itself. If the device moves, the storm moves, and if the device is disassembled or destroyed, the storm will simply remain in place for the duration.

Disintegration Torch [Daily]
This device can be carried in one hand, and requires only a Standard action to activate. The fuel ignites, sending out a blast of plasma that is hot enough to effectively annihilate whatever it torches. One creature, object or 15' cube of material must be hit with a melee touch attack and, if hit, must succeed on a Fortitude save that affects objects. If they fail the save, they are reduced to a carbon shadow (this is not a [Death] effect). If they succeed, they still take 5 Fire damage per level. Should this be enough to kill them, they are also completely destroyed. The heat is even sufficient to destroy [Force] effects.

Mechanical Suit [Daily]
This suit is very similar to the Steam-Powered Armour (above), but is powered by a fuel engine and cogs, and more powerful. It is treated as +3 Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the engine), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness.

The wearer is also treated as two size categories larger, gains a 4d8+2*Str Trample, and pumps out smoke. All creatures adjacent to the wearer must pass a Fort save each round or be rendered Nauseated for the round. Additionally, the furnace can blast excess fire out from large shoulder-mounted pipes, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level in a 30' cone (Ref half, those who fail the save catch fire) as a Standard action.

Mind Control Helmet [Daily]
Although it isn't subtle, the device is still effective: it consists of a bulky remote that must be held in two hands, and a bulky helmet with an antenna and a key. The helmet, if placed on the head of a creature not immune to [Mind Affecting] effects, must then be activated with a Standard action by turning the key. The wearer is then under the control of whoever has the remote, for up to 4 hours or until the helmet is removed or destroyed, whichever happens first.

There is no saving throw against this effect initially, but any time the controller attempts to make them do anything particularly against their personal beliefs/ethics/morality/code, they are entitled to a Will save to resist that command. It requires a Standard action to input a command, and commands cannot be received from further than 100' away.

Shadowcrank [Daily]
This device could fit into a small backpack, and has a large crank attached to a pipe, in turn attached to the device by a cable. Turning the crank for three rounds activates it, sucking darkness in through the plane of shadow and squeezing it out to replicate any of the following effects as an (Ex) ability:
[*]Mass Invisibility
[*]Shadow Conjuration, Greater
[*]Shadow Evocation, Greater

Aero-Barrier [Charged]
This device can be worn as a backpack, and has a mouth-piece for activation. Activating it requires a Move-Equivalent action each round, and prevents speaking. Each round that it is activated, it provides a bubble of protection for one full round (thus allowing it to be maintained indefinitely). This bubble extends out to 5' in each direction past the space occupied by the user, and prevents anything from getting in, like a [Force] effect. An opposed check (Strength of intruder against Int of user) can break past this to force entry, though this requires a Standard action. If attacked from outside the Bubble, anything not requiring an Attack roll automatically fails, and against things that do require an attack roll, it is treated as a +10 Deflection bonus to AC.

Scalding Mist Generator [Charged]
This bulky device must be carried in both hands to be activated, and as such, comes with protective clothing in the form of a thick, water-resistant sheet and goggles. Those who forego the goggles, feeling they do nothing, are not protected from the effects.

To activate, a mere Swift action is needed to switch it on, however it will take two full rounds for steam to start pouring out. Once this happens, it keeps going for a full minute, creating a 75' radius spread of mist that obscures vision. Additionally, all in the area who are not protected take an automatic 5d4 Fire damage every round (though no ignition occurs and Mummies do not take extra damage). Anyone not wearing protective goggles must also pass a Fort save or be rendered permanently blind as well as suffering a -2 Morale penalty to attacks and -4 Morale penalty to AC for 10 minutes. Those wearing goggles need only save against the penalties. The penalties are a [Pain] effect.

Anti-Magic Pressure Generator [Charged]
This large pump can be carried in one hand, but needs two hands to use. It can be activated with a Standard action, using incredible pressure to force magic out of the area. This creates a 30' radius Anti-Magic Field, however it will reduce by 15' radius per round until ended. Every round that the device is activated, the radius extends by 25', allowing it to slowly grow in size if kept up.

Prism Flash Bulb [Charged]
This device can be mounted on a shoulder or on the head and looks quite pretty, though looking pretty is not the main use. Powder must be loaded into it (a Move-Equivalent action) before it can be activated (a Swift action), and creating the powder only requires a minute of work.

When activated, it duplicates an (Ex) Prismatic Spray effect. I know it can banish people to other planes, that sounds pretty extraordinary to me.

Airship [Charged]
This device cannot feasibly be carried, and actually requires 6 full hours to build. Once built, however, it is built to last, with 200 HP and Hardness 10 for the main section of it. It has an engine that must be stoked and filled every 10 minutes to retain power, and generally requires somebody to pilot it, spending a Standard action every round. When active, this device flies with a Fly speed of 150' (Average), and provides Full Cover for those inside, although it does have arrow slits. People may elect to climb up onto the roof so as to leap off, throw things etc. however this requires a Balance check to avoid falling off (10 if sailing smoothly, 15 for some turbulence, 20 for clouds and heavy turbulence, 25 for hurricanes or snowstorms, +10 for being in active combat).

It can carry six Medium creatures inside, or any other combination equating to the same.

Steam Tank [Charged]
This device requires 4 hours to build, and only carries up to two Medium creatures. It provides Full Cover to those inside, though it has arrow slits that can be closed, and rumbles along at up to 40' per round. it has 200 HP and Hardness 20, and a +8 Stability bonus to avoid being knocked over. Every ten minutes, the boiler must be attended to (a Standard action) or it will run out of steam and stall. Best of all, a large cannon sits on the top, and can be rotated and fired at any angle, treated as the Good Gadget: Cannon. Crafting more shot and powder takes a full minute, and loading it from inside takes another full minute, so it is a slow process but a safe one.
Galactic Gadgets:
Mechanical Globe [Daily]
This big world globe has very special cogs and wheels that somehow connect to the world, likely by magnetising tiny pieces of Arbitrarium and aligning them to poles in the real world or something. When used, the magnetic fields break down, but it can cause any one of the following effects:
[*]One land mass/continent is shifted anywhere else that it could reach without ramming another land mass out of the way.
[*]One land mass/continent is wracked by earthquakes for an hour, and suffers a tsunami on every coast.
[*]One island sinks below the ocean or rises above the ocean.
[*]A mountain range topples or is formed.

Doomsday Cannon [Daily]
This device is similar to the Cannon, except three times as large in each dimension, and thus involves more effort to trundle it around. Firing it requires one round to simply get it aimed in the right general vicinity, then a Standard action to fire it afterwards. It can be fired anywhere out to 1 mile away, however cannot be fired at a point within 200 feet of itself. Everything within 500' of the point of impact has an extremely bad day. Everything - including objects and the ground itself - must make a Fort save or be obliterated. Even those who pass still take 10 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level and are Stunned for 1 round and permanently Deafened. The terrain is also obliterated, effectively becoming a giant, cracked, smoking crater.

Gate-Gun [Daily]
This device involves a one-handed gun attached to a belt. When fired (a Standard action), the point designated opens up into a Gate, as per the Gate spell. This can be the travel kind or the broken kind.

Timestop Clock [Daily]
This looks like a simple watch, however a Standard action to halt it shows otherwise. Time is stopped for all but the one who activated it, as per the Timestop spell. If the watch then breaks or is destroyed, the effect ends. Otherwise, in 10 pseudo-rounds, time will resume as the tightly wound springs snap, smashing the watch to pieces.

20MT Bomb [Daily]
This bomb is as large as a Medium creature, and weighs about 500lbs, so may be difficult to carry, but using it is worth the effort. To activate, one merely needs to strike the end of it (a Standard action, or dropping it from a height). At this point, everything within 500' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 2d4 Negative levels (Fort half), and everything out to 1 mile takes 1d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 1 Negative level (Fort negates). The 0-500' radius area is then obscured completely by thick smoke for one minute.

Dragonmech [Daily]
This Colossal device can carry only one Large or smaller pilot inside, sadly, and requires a minute to activate. Once activated, it can be controlled for a full hour, with a Fly speed of 100' (Poor). It has Hardness 20, an Armour Class of 35 (+0 Dex, -8 Size, +28 Armour, +5 Deflection), and 300 Hit Points. If used to attack, use the BAB of the pilot, plus the Strength (50) of the Dragon. It has one Primary Bite (4d6+Str*1.5), two Secondary Claws (2d6+Str*.5) and one Primary Tail (3d6+Str*1.5), as well as a breath weapon once per 3 rounds: a 100' cone of fire that deals 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Additionally, the eyes may fire one Lightning Bolt per 3 rounds, and once per minute it may create an Acid Fog effect beneath it with a Standard action.

It also has a payload of six bombs, any number of which can be dropped as one Standard action. They explode like Dynamite upon hitting the ground. The bombs may instead be replaced with a pair of Gatling Guns, though they may not be used if the dragon is unpowered.

When unpowered, it still lumbers along with a Fly speed of 50 (Clumsy) and provides the basic protection, but lacks the Deflection bonus, lightning, acid fog and fiery breath, and only has a Strength of 30.

Storm Treadmill [Charged]
This device is fairly large and bulky, taking up most of a 5' square, but being only 1 foot tall. The user may activate it by setting it down and running in place atop it (a Full Round action). Doing so causes a Whirlwind or Storm of Vengeance effect, though the effect ends on the round the user stops running.

Gravity Pump [Charged]
This device can be carried in one hand, but requires both hands and a Standard action to activate. Doing so creates a Reverse Gravity and Vertigo Field effect in a 100' spread, though the user can elect to not include his own occupied space (at time of use) in this area. This lasts until undone by a second activation, or for 10 minutes, whichever comes first.

Boiler of Untouchability [Charged]
This boiler is big and heavy, but can still be carried in both arms. It must be set down to be used, and requires a Swift action to activate, though there is a three round wait as the boiler gets going. It then remains active for one minute, though towards the end of this, a Full Round action can be spent adding more water and fuel to extend it for another minute.

While active, a force field is created, creating a safety bubble of 30' radius. Nothing is able to pass through it, and it blocks line of effect.

Binding Box [Charged]
This box is about 1' cubed, and can be carried with little difficulty. Activating it is a Full Round action, twisting the cogs to make them spin. The box opens and whirls, and one designated target within 100' is sucked inside despite the size, and trapped there as though by an Imprisonment effect.

Only one creature at a time can be stored there, and when released (a Standard action or the destruction of the device), there is a 50% chance that they will be dead and a 50% chance that they will be alive. This is only revealed when actually released - until that moment they are in a quantum state and cannot be affected by any effect that targets only the dead/undead (such as Resurrection) or only the living.

Turbine of Death [Charged]
This device can barely be carried in both arms, and is quite heavy. To activate, it must be set down and a Swift action spent pulling a lever. It then charges up for three rounds if there is a breeze (two rounds if in strong winds, one round in a hurricane, impossible if there is no breeze). After it has charged, it unleashes on the following round: everyone within 100' except for those actually touching it must pass a Fort save or die instantly.

Fusion Torch [Charged]
This device works exactly like the Disintegration torch, aside from being Charged, except where noted below:
[*]It is effectively unlimited in use, always charged.
[*]It can be used with an Attack action.
[*]Passing the save still bestows a Negative level on top of the damage.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Prak »

Oh hai. Another way for Nast to qualify for Pumpkin King.

Also... she could just become a pirate themed, turtle summoning, spell bomb throwing naruto style ninja, which would also be pretty awesome. Now I need to go find a colossal turtle and how to summon it...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Maxus »

Last edited by Maxus on Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Sunwitch »

So I'm gearing up to quite potentially play a Mystic Ninja Etc., but I'm a little bothered by how its mystic arts fall on levels that aren't divisible by five so she winds up actually being behind the regular ninja when it comes to gaining the new and shiny versions of the mystic arts that come up on levels 10, 15 and 20 - do you think we can fix this? Possibly by making the level prerequisites 4 lower, or something, so that the Mystical Ninja comes out ahead, like I get the feeling it's supposed to?

EDIT: Come to think of it that's a crappy solution since it's based on character level and you can just multiclass to get the better ones later. Maybe base it on # of mystic arts, like "Prerequisite: 1/2/3 mystic arts", though that destroys the intent of making it scale to character level. You could just go with the inelegant solution of "Mystic Whatevers count as if two levels higher for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for mystic arts, so long as they are obtained through Mystic Whatever levels."

EDIT EDIT: Also, you might want to specify just what kind of spells jutsu absorption works on, given that as it is right now healing probably gives jutsu points, as well as how much you want to encourage the ninja asking her allies to bomb her for jutsu points.
Last edited by Sunwitch on Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

I was thinking of a Naruto ninja feat, but it seems a general "Shonen Protagonist" feat could be used that gives huge will bonus and inspiring everyone around you. Unless there already is one around.

Would it be broken to have the choice of one out of CON/INT/WIS/CHA as the basis of Jutsu points?
Last edited by OgreBattle on Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

That feat is a possibility, but I'll admit I don't watch shonen anime that isn't also fan service anime, so I couldn't tell you a thing about Shounen Anime Hero and their rousing speeches. Presumably such a feat would have "Requirements: Male (because girls can't do anything right in non-service Shounen)".

Which basically means said feat falls on your shoulders.

It might not be broken, it just seemed logical to pick one thing - it probably wouldn't be broken to let a Psion select Strength as their casting stat, a Sorcerer to select Intelligence as theirs, a Monk to be Constitution-based, a Dragonfire Adept to make their breath weapon Wisdom-based and so on, but basically, the precedent is for each class to have 1-2 important stats pre-selected so I went with that.

I could see it potentially being a good thing to just let every class select their "stuff is based on this" stat and delegating ability score distribution to "How much I value X Save, AC/Touch AC, X Skill, Melee+Grapple, Ranged Attack" rather than accounting for "And X has to be good so I can cast spells at all." But that's getting into "someone do a one-page fix for D&D at its core".

Mystic Ninja: The assumption is that you qualify at 7th level, entering it at 8th, so your Mystic Arts follow the normal progression. But it did occur to me that if you swindle Concentration as a class skill or ignore the existence of them you can enter it at level 6 and it's a bit wonky. I might change the skill requirement to a class-skill at 10 ranks, or remove the skill requirement (so you can enter it at 6th) and swap the Shadow Arts & Mystic Arts (so the latter are gained at the normal rate and you get shadow spooky powers early).
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Post by Sunwitch »

I'm inclined to vote the second one. Since I've been playing without class skills as an assumption I didn't even notice concentration wasn't a class skill, and I already have this character basically made; it's nothing that's particularly overpowered by tome standards, I don't think; it basically gets 3rd level spells at level 6 as a reimbursement for a big feat investiture and then gets some kind of weird and limited but versatile spellcasting after that. It's basically a sneaky gish. If anything I'm not sure it's quite as powerful as the tome version of the Eldritch Knight. It's up to you though; I'll mention that I already have a level 6 character made this way and I don't think it's particularly superpowered; it can pull some weird things by doing a bunch long-duration buffs by meditating over and over, but its spellcasting mechanic makes it difficult to plan ahead and past level 6 it's just getting cohort casting. I'll report on any findings, though, if you're interested. We still haven't started playing but it'll likely happen within the next week.

EDIT: Considering how it's possible to stack up 10min/level and higher duration buffs pretty close to ad infinitum right now (taking a break here and there to refresh them) we eventually opposed a (largely abstract and indefinite, "don't be a dickhead") limit on the number of spell effects a ninja can have in play at any given time. We also decided to levy the ninjutsu investiture in the slam attack feat; a lot of other feats grant enhancement bonuses for free (there's one tome feat on dnd-wiki that grants a slam attack with an enhancement bonus right off the bat), we decided this one would, too. Not sure what you make of that; mostly I've been enjoying the heck out of this character though.

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: I just noticed the scaling abilities of the mystic whatever feat and I'm now wondering how ninja are supposed to interact with spell completion items like scrolls and wands; I sort of assumed they couldn't use them, but apparently they later get the ability to create them, which confuses me; come to think of it the ninjutsu scroll bit is a kind of a classic concept so I am sort of wondering how this is supposed to work, if at all.
Last edited by Sunwitch on Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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