AceGame 2.0 (no, not recruiting)

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AceGame 2.0 (no, not recruiting)

Post by Koumei »

Okay, for people interested, here is the basic page of info for it:
Certain Circle of Serpents Serving Serpents

And here are the (currently incomplete) character sheets:
The Pure Blood Soon-to-be Monk
The Extaminaar Scout
The Tainted One Ninja
The Human Samurai Pretending to be a Yuan-ti

I will keep updates of sessions here.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

First session, just setting the tone and getting people ready:
[15:02] <@Mister_Cavern> Okay, so, the beginning...
[15:06] <@Mister_Cavern> Four weeks ago, Renzo had received a sealed envelope from his valet. "Uh, good sir, I'm afraid you're being recalled briefly..."
[15:07] <@Mister_Cavern> Two weeks ago, he was in a meeting with a grumpy minor lord. "I'm handing this off to you," he said, "because it's investigation in human lands and you like that stuff anyway..."
[15:10] <@Mister_Cavern> Two weeks ago, Silmsorel received her notice of ACTIVATION. A man walked into her store and uttered the code phrase "Good morning". That was the code - she was to immediately pack up and meet her informant in the Deep County.
[15:14] <@Mister_Cavern> And now? Everyone meets, despite being of different clans. There is a representative of House Hss'tafi. "I imagine you are all three rather confused about the situation. Please, sit down. I trust you are well?"
[15:15] <Silmsorel> "Yes, thank you." About time something happened.
[15:16] <@Mister_Cavern> The representative - a male abomination with the rank of Queller and the name of Shahardi' - specifically waits for everyone to sit and reply, observing proper etiquette.
[15:17] <Renzo> "Well, it's about jolly time for it!" This is as close as Renzo ever gets to swearing, "I was just about to have a few rounds of that ball-whacking game they play, very charming human habit, even if it's completely savage, when I was rudely interrupted!"
[15:17] * Okita_Sanosuke takes his seat, one arm resting on the inside of his kimono, the other resting easily on the katana at his side. He's a vaugely oriental looking ma-er, yuan-ti yes, black hair tied back in a tight topknot, an oversized gourd of alcohol at his side, and green eyes. "I am quite well, represenitive. What is it that you have for us?"
[15:22] * Silmsorel has a seat. She's dressed much like a human peasant girl, and looks the part quite well in that drab green dress.
[15:22] * Renzo smooths his moustache while he waits for an answer, the time spent on the road has rendered in mildly unwaxed.
[15:22] <Renzo> *it
[15:23] * Okita_Sanosuke can't see Renzo very well, due to the bitching metal octagon shaped eyepatch he has on that side.
[15:24] * Renzo can't zee Okita very well due to his oversized hat with its massive plume. Everything about his outfit is completely impractical, from the cravat to the stuffed shoulder pads, to the facial hair.
[15:25] <@Mister_Cavern> The Queller also 'sits' once his guests have, coiling his lower body. "Ah, but first, will you take tea? I would not have you travel so far and sit through a briefing without being relaxed and at ease."
[15:25] <Renzo> "Obviously! It's the only civilized drink you can have in these lands!"
[15:27] <Silmsorel> "Yes, please." Silmsorel thinks the whole 'look so extravagant there's no way anyone would suspect' strategy doesn't work as well in practice. Last time she tried it, it attracted too much unwanted attention.
[15:27] * Okita_Sanosuke pats his gourd in answer. "I appreciate the offer, represenative-dono, but I will pass. I bring my own drink."
[15:31] <@Mister_Cavern> "Very well." He carefully places a tray before him, with a pot and enough cups for all, even though Okita declined. The tea smelled like some kind of plain green sencha.
[15:33] <@Mister_Cavern> "I expect you all to get to know one another over the next few days of travel. After all, you must work as a team. You will be required to infiltrate a party event, gather information from the lesser race and gain their trust. There is a danger we must uncover."
[15:33] * Renzo politely has a cup, then checks out the two people at the table that he doesn't know, "It suddenly strikes me that we haven't even been introduced!" He extends a gloved hand towards Silmsorel first, "You'll have to excuse the grievous breach of etiquette, but being rushed away from my business in the human lands has left me absolutely nerve-wracked. I am Renzo, Renzo Marcellino. You may have heard of me."
[15:35] <Silmsorel> "Oh. Yes," oh, THAT guy, "Please, call me Silmsorel," she's doing a top notch job of not making a face.
[15:35] * Renzo extends his hand to Okita next, ignoring the fact that Silm didn't give it a shake, "Obviously we will be relying on my EXCELLENT social skills to make this infiltration work out."
[15:36] * Okita_Sanosuke shakes Renzo's hand firmly. "Okita Sanosuke. It is a pleasure to meet you, Marcellino-dono."
[15:36] <Silmsorel> "This party event, what sort of party is it?"
[15:40] <@Mister_Cavern> "Well from my understanding, one Baron... Gor-don Fieldings? Is celebrating his turning fifty years old, and is holding some sort of banquet - not particularly well presented, I assume, but nevertheless. There are many invitations, and I can have forgeries made when you decide on your identities."
[15:41] <@Mister_Cavern> "Of course," he adds, "the true purpose will be to - without drawing unwanted attention - question people to find out who has knowledge of their vile spellcasters. Specifically, they have a powerful wizard, one who is thrall to... a monster I did not think had reached our lands."
[15:42] <@Mister_Cavern> He took a folded piece of paper and placed it before the group. "This is what the true foe - the monster in question - looks like."
[15:42] * Okita_Sanosuke opens the folded piece of paper, positioning it for all to see.
[15:43] <@Mister_Cavern> Revealed is this picture the Queller clearly drew using his own skills: ... a/rawr.png
[15:44] <Silmsorel> "A sort of... eyeball monster?"
[15:45] * Renzo strokes the facial hair on his chin, "Looks utterly savage, not a strip of silk or a single plume in sight. Must be some silly human superstition regarding it, surely."
[15:45] * Okita_Sanosuke is stunned into silence - from how bad the art is, that is
[15:45] <Renzo> "I mean, they're very clever and inventive, but ultimately still savages. They believe the quaintest things!"
[15:47] <@Mister_Cavern> "We call these the beholders. The main eye can shut down magic, and the small eyes can fire death and destruction. A single blink can slay a man. Be careful, we need to know what is happening - if your lives are at risk, withdraw so you can survive to tell us what you know."
[15:48] <Silmsorel> "Oh dear," oh shit, "this could be quite serious."
[15:50] * Okita_Sanosuke frowns as he looks over the image. "Returning with the information alive is more important than slaying the beast, then? At least our priorities are clear."
[15:51] <Renzo> "Oh come now," Renzo seems completely unimpressed, "If this thing was truly powerful, it would be better dressed! I can promise you I'll have this thing stuffed and mounted before our quest is over."
[15:53] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Do not be so quick to look down upon our foe, Marcellino-dono. In every rumor, there is a glimer of the truth."
[15:54] <Silmsorel> "I have no reason to doubt the Queller, we'll look into it."
[15:56] <Renzo> "I'd be more worried about this spellcaster of theirs," Renzo opines, he's good at that, "They tend to have the most fabulous outfits. Have you ever seen them? So much silken thread, so many designs... but so little style! They hardly take care of their facial hair at all."
[15:57] <@Mister_Cavern> "Thank you. And please remember, your identities must not be discovered. As far as I am aware, they do not know we have infiltrated them at Port Nyanzaru."
[15:59] <Renzo> "You know me, I am the very picture of subtlety! To them, the idea of being infiltrated by us, shall be as ridiculous as the idea of us being infiltrated by them!"
[16:00] <Silmsorel> "Indeed." It takes so much effort to just agree with him.
[16:02] <Okita_Sanosuke> "We will return with success. Our honor demands it."
[16:05] <Renzo> "And we'll look smashing while we get it done! How long until the celebration?"
[16:09] <@Mister_Cavern> "It is in one week, although it will take two to three days to reach there."
[16:10] * Renzo considers this, "That might be enough time to get my companions properly outfitted, no offense, chaps," he smiles at the other two, "But you hardly look like the kind to be attending a party for human nobility."
[16:11] * Silmsorel looks at Renzo, then at what she's wearing, "Well, it's true."
[16:11] * Okita_Sanosuke waves a hand dismissively. "Do not overly concern yourself with my looks, Marcellino-dono. I have an outfit prepared for just such occasions."
[16:13] *** ALT-F4 changed nick to Kilik-caz
[16:16] * Kilik-caz quietly sips from his cup of tea. He is seated on Renzo's left.
[16:19] <Kilik-caz> "Does one need to make eye contact with this beholder, or merely be beheld by it?"
[16:19] * Silmsorel leans forward a bit to see who spoke.
[16:20] * Okita_Sanosuke leans back a bit to grant her a good look.
[16:20] * Renzo remains unfazed. To show surprise would be displaying a lack of cool, gentlemanly nerves.
[16:20] <@Mister_Cavern> "From my limited understanding, they forcefully cause the effects, rather than it being a passive thing occurring whenever you make eye contact. Needless to say, you are not doing this for free. I am arranging... a special luxury holiday for you if you are successful."
[16:21] <@Mister_Cavern> "And please, ask any questions that you feel are necessary."
[16:22] <Silmsorel> "What can you tell us about the Baron's estate? I assume that's where he'll have his party."
[16:22] * Kilik-caz is dressed in a simple grey gi. His black hair is held back by a red hairband. His skin is tan with patches of greenish scales. His feet, crossed beneath him, have no shoes.
[16:25] <@Mister_Cavern> "Well, it is located at the port, and indeed has what I understand to be a wonderful view of the ocean. It is likely that the party will not only be indoors, but extend onto the beach as well. The buildings on the estate are all single-level. He... dislikes stairs."
[16:26] * Renzo bristles at this, "All single-level? This man must be a poor noble-man. How is he supposed to look down on the common riff-raff that way?"
[16:27] <Kilik-caz> "Perhaps he wears those heels I have heard human nobles to be fond of."
[16:28] * Okita_Sanosuke takes a quiet swig from his gourd. "If I were to geuss, I would likely say it was from his size."
[16:28] <Kilik-caz> "Now, to make sure I understand our mission, you wish us to infiltrate this party, and ask questions about their spellcasters, one of which is under control of this beholder?"
[16:30] <@Mister_Cavern> "That is correct, yes."
[16:30] <Kilik-caz> "What are we to do with this information?"
[16:33] <@Mister_Cavern> "After the party, return here - or send a sealed letter to your great aunt Matilda of Hahn, if you need to stay longer, or get a message to us sooner. I will receive the letter, of course, and can then send further instructions if need be."
[16:35] * Silmsorel is mentally preparing herself to look for certain kinds of people, words to pick up on, and what to wear to a party.
[16:36] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Do we know anything more about these spellcasters?"
[16:38] <@Mister_Cavern> "I am afraid we have little information - not even their number. But we do know that they utilised destructive spells, probably therefore of the Evocation school."
[16:39] <Kilik-caz> "What threat is this upstart race to us?"
[16:40] <Silmsorel> "Humans are always a bit of a threat to us. Humans with magic are a threat to everyone."
[16:40] <Renzo> "Oh come now, my good man, even if they're no threat, considering themselves a threat is bad enough! We'll just ride in and put them in their place."
[16:40] <Renzo> "It's if we forget to remind them of their position in the place of things, that is, beneath us, that we have trouble."
[16:41] <Silmsorel> "Humans with magic backed by that... thing?" she points at the picture, "We can't treat this lightly."
[16:44] * Renzo scoffs at everyone else's worries. He's yet to face anything that couldn't be handled by a good dose of arrogance and racial superiority.
[16:45] <@Mister_Cavern> "Exactly - humans in general are not worth worrying about when left to themselves, but... their magic is a destructive problem, and beholders quickly form cults that destroy everything around them - it is in fact the discovery of dead cultists and a razed outpost that led us to this finding."
[16:45] <Kilik-caz> "Hmm. What do these beholders eat?"
[16:50] <@Mister_Cavern> "That I know of? Everything"
[16:51] <Kilik-caz> "Are we not masters of poison? It shouldn't be too difficult to slip something into its meat. Perhaps poison the entire estate while we are there."
[16:52] * Renzo wrinkles his brow at this, "We can't just slaughter humans willy-nilly, who will entertain us? We just have to snip out the disruptive elements, and leave the rest."
[16:54] <Kilik-caz> "The man who casts one line catches a fish; the man who casts a net catches the school."
[16:55] *** Renzo changed nick to PurpleXVI
[16:55] *** PurpleXVI changed nick to Renzo
[16:57] <Renzo> "Make sense, you savage!" Renzo sounds like he'd like to clap Kilik one on the ear, "We're not planning to make dinner out of dead humans."
[16:57] <Silmsorel> "If I were something that looked that horrible," another gesture to the drawing, "I would send a representative from the safety of my lair to check out whatever it is it wants from Chult, if they returned with good news, then I would plan a more forceful move."
[16:57] * Kilik-caz sips his tea.
[16:59] <Silmsorel> "The magic-user is its representative, we must find him and why he's here. Then we can plot to poison the beast."
[16:59] * Silmsorel sips her own tea before it gets cold.
[17:01] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Once we know who belongs to the cult - only then should we unsheath our blades."
[17:02] <Silmsorel> "Yes. Until then, we have four or five days among humans to find them, learn about them, and move from there."
[17:04] <@Mister_Cavern> "Precisely." the Queller states flatly.
[17:08] <Kilik-caz> "When do we leave?"
[17:09] <@Mister_Cavern> "As soon as you are ready."
[17:09] <Silmsorel> "Do we have any assets in town already? A place to sleep?"
[17:11] <@Mister_Cavern> "Of course, how could I forget! I have arranged for you to stay at the first-class inn, The Gilded Cage. You will be greeted and assisted by a human underling I have placed there, named Kurgan."
[17:13] <Silmsorel> "You are most gracious."
[17:17] <Renzo> "Before we leave," Renzo starts, "Perhaps we should decide on a leader, so there won't be any questions about who's in charge. I nominate myself, obviously, since I understand the humans better than any of us."
[17:17] <@Mister_Cavern> "It is all for the mission. You must look the part, after all."
[17:18] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Despite what you believe, Marcelino-dono, I believe that I understand humans far better than you. Perhaps you should leave the job to me?"
[17:19] * Kilik-caz narrows his eyes, looking between Okita and Renzo. He sips his tea.
[17:20] <Renzo> "Well, obviously we will need a neutral arbitrator in this case. Kilik has his savage mindset, so we can't trust him to do it, but what about you, Silm? Which one of us would you say more truly appreciates the noble savage that is humanity?"
[17:21] * Silmsorel sips her tea, "Maybe a settlement is in order. Perhaps rock paper scissors?" A human game for deciding between the two who claim they know the most about humans. Fittin.
[17:24] * Renzo looks impressed, "I didn't know you were that much of an afficionado of human culture, Silm! We may have much to talk about on the road. But yes, that is truly appropriate! What do you say, Okita?"
(They PMed me their throws, yes)
[17:25] * Okita_Sanosuke shrugs his kimono off of his shoulder, baring his arm. "I agree. I will even duel you with my main arm. Are you ready?"
[17:27] * Okita_Sanosuke quickly pounds his fist three times, before throwing it out flat - paper.
[17:28] * Silmsorel siiiiiiips.
[17:29] * Renzo throws out a rock.
[17:29] <Kilik-caz> "A curious tradition."
[17:30] <@Mister_Cavern> "Well, it appears it is settled."
[17:30] <Renzo> "I suppose you have beaten me fair and square," he says, reluctantly, "Still, you will obviously have to open an ear to my experienced advice, I trust."
[17:30] * Okita_Sanosuke simply nods, before returning his arm to his kimono. "Your defeat was certain the moment I knew your person, Marcellino-dono. It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. As for your advice - of course. The wisdom of the four of us will be greater than that of any one of us."
[17:39] * Okita_Sanosuke makes to stand a few moments afterwards, bowing to the represenative after he does. "We will send word of success as soon as we have accomplished our mission. May the Gods look down upon us with favor."
[17:39] <@Mister_Cavern> "Indeed, may your actions be blessed."
[17:40] <Renzo> "Let us sally forth upon this adventure!"
[17:42] <@Mister_Cavern> And so, within the next day, the party had set out!
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
Posts: 13882
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

Second session (minus one player), getting them to the port town. Note: rolls are made in another room.
[14:51] <@Mister_Cavern> When last we left off, the team had just been united for the first time - briefly introduced to one another and told about the beholder threat in the area. They had been asked to attend the ball of Baron Gordon Fielding in Port Nyanzaru (no really) to investigate who might be under their thrall.
[14:52] <@Mister_Cavern> The group were warned that it would be tricky and dangerous, but that it was an important task. And so, after a short while of preparing (and arguing over who could be leader) they had set out...
[14:53] <@Mister_Cavern> The journey is looking to be "longer than they'd like", all things considered. And of course, there are few actual paths through the jungle, meaning a lot of water, tangled undergrowth and such.
[14:55] <@Mister_Cavern> Fortunately, due to everyone being snakes, no humans here no siree, the party can travel undisturbed by the swarms of mosquitoes and the leeches and other such joys of jungle wildlife.
[14:56] * Okita_Sanosuke sneezes.
[14:56] <Kilik-caz> "Gesundheit."
[14:57] <Silmsorel> "How much further is it?" Silmsorel groans.
[14:57] <@Mister_Cavern> Around noon, you reach one of the checkpoints on the map: there is a sort of clearing. The trees had been manually hacked away to create an empty area around 30 feet in radius. It's really just there as a checkpoint, but having access to the bright, hot sunlight is always nice.
[15:00] * Okita_Sanosuke streches his free arm in the sun, glistening slightly from the oil he doesn't apply to avoid insects and thus give away that he's human no siree. "Still some distance. At least we have places to rest along the road."
[15:00] <@Mister_Cavern> Of course, you are not the only ones to be drawn to this area: the ground is literally covered with snakes and lizards, all apparently dozing in the warmth, occasionally moving. And on the big old rock in the middle? There are four terrified human men, trying to stay away from the reptiles.
[15:01] <Silmsorel> "Hey guys, chump patrol."
[15:01] <Kilik-caz> "Why are you on my sunning rock?"
[15:02] <@Mister_Cavern> "Ah! Please help us, good people! We were just in the area, and stopped here to rest, but when we woke up the sun was high and all these accursed deadly reptiles had come out!"
[15:03] * Okita_Sanosuke glances to the other two. "I will defer to both of you on this. I would prefer to help them - but it will certanly be a delay in our travel."
[15:04] <@Mister_Cavern> They seem to think they have been approached by other humans here. suckers.
[15:05] <Silmsorel> "Should we really? Humans are so skittish around snakes, and I can't imagine they know anything useful."
[15:06] * Kilik-caz scratches his head. "Let sleeping dogs lie. Do not disturb the beasts as you depart and you will not be... whatever it is you are afraid of."
[15:06] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Yes, but if we abandon them now, and they escape their fate to return to human lands? This may return to bite us."
[15:07] <@Mister_Cavern> "So if we just wait here until the sun goes down they'll leave and we can escape without being bitten?" "Wait why do you keep talking about humans and human lands? We're all... people... aren't..." The penny seems to drop.
[15:08] <Kilik-caz> "We're... elves."
[15:08] * Kilik-caz nods. "Yes, elves."
[15:08] <Kilik-caz> "Traveling through to human lands."
[15:09] <@Mister_Cavern> "You don't have the ears..." "Please! We are of the Rundeen, we have a trade alliance with your kind! Please don't sacrifice us to Sseth!" "Sseth isn't their only god, numbnuts." "-or any of the others!"
[15:10] <Silmsorel> "Do they really? I guess we should help them."
[15:11] <@Mister_Cavern> For the record, they're clad in sturdy leather tunics, chain shirts and skull caps, and they have backpacks, scimitars (decent quality) and bucklers. They're clearly bandits, but given banditry is one of the big Rundeen economic activities...
[15:11] <Kilik-caz> "Perhaps they are human spies."
[15:12] <Kilik-caz> "They are obviously not traders, so this trade alliance shouldn't apply. They trespass."
[15:12] <Silmsorel> "What do we get in return?"
[15:15] <@Mister_Cavern> "I'm afraid all we have is a small amount of goods..." "We haven't really had much luck with banditry so far." "I have a pound of copper." "I have some jewel earrings here, maybe worth two pounds of silver." "I have a small cake." "And I just have a piece of gold. As I said, we're not very successful."
[15:17] <Kilik-caz> "What kind of cake?" His hands twitch.
[15:17] * Okita_Sanosuke lets out a small sigh, and takes a swig from his gourd. Worst bandits he's ever met.
[15:18] <@Mister_Cavern> "Uh..." he is very careful to remove it from his pack. It's still wrapped in a large leaf, so he unwraps it, revealing... some kind of "cream and berries" shortcake.
[15:19] <Silmsorel> "What do you guys think," Silm keeps her voice down, "save them for the cake and earrings?"
[15:19] * Kilik-caz nods. "I must try that cake."
[15:20] <Okita_Sanosuke> "I am fine with this course of action, Silmsorel-dono."
[15:21] <Silmsorel> "Alright, we'll save you guys for the cake and earrings," she gets a stick to start moving snakes out of the way.
[15:22] * Okita_Sanosuke pulls his scabbard free of his kimono, aiding Silmsorel in the same task.
[15:23] * Kilik-caz does the same, gently moving them aside with his foot.
[15:25] <@Mister_Cavern> The snakes and lizards sluggishly move out of the way - they're pretty calm around yuan-ti after all, so they just allow themselves to be moved. The bandits look very grateful, and step down, shivering a bit.
[15:26] <@Mister_Cavern> Carefully, the one with the cake hands it over to Kilik-caz, and another pulls a pair of earrings - silver with embedded topaz - from his pack and hands them to Silmsorel.
[15:26] <Silmsorel> "Thank you. You guys might need to look into a new line of work."
[15:27] <Kilik-caz> "Mmmm cake." He breaks off a piece and devours it, before passing it to Okita.
[15:28] <@Mister_Cavern> "I think we might, yes"
[15:28] * Okita_Sanosuke waves his hand to turn him down as he returns his blade to it's normal position.
[15:29] * Kilik-caz breaks off another piece before offering it to Silmsorel.
[15:30] * Silmsorel happily takes a piece and sits on a rock to eat it.
[15:30] <Kilik-caz> "This is good cake."
[15:32] * Okita_Sanosuke contents himself with his gourd, offering some to the bandits as well.
[15:34] <@Mister_Cavern> The bandits decline, having their own gourds. "With your permission we will depart."
[15:35] <Kilik-caz> "Don't sleep until noon in warm clearings."
[15:36] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Take care of yourself, you four - the next group may not be so kind."
[15:39] * Silmsorel is just enjoying the cake, the bandits can leave the clearing and immediately be eaten by a giant snake for all she cares.
[15:42] *** Boots quit (Ping timeout)
[15:50] * Kilik-caz finishes the cake. "Shall we continue? This rock seems like it would be good to lay upon for a few hours."
[15:50] <@Mister_Cavern> The bandits do hurry off, not interested in being eaten or otherwise killed.
[15:51] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Let's. We still have quite some distance before our arrival."
[15:53] * Silmsorel finishes her cake and shoulders her pack.
[15:54] <@Mister_Cavern> There are basically two ways to head on from here: the low-grounds, which involve more undergrowth and an actual river but is the more direct path, or to go via the ridges of the hills, considered a greater distance but easier to traverse.
[16:02] <@Mister_Cavern> Reaching the river turns out to be a rather quick affair - you make good time, with little interruption, so it seems you might even arrive early - if things continue to go well. At the riverbank, however, it looks like it might not be so simple.
[16:03] <@Mister_Cavern> It flows slowly, that isn't a problem, but what IS a problem is the surrounding area: the riverbanks have become a thick, acidic sludge, dense with slugs and small critters. Worse still, there are giant - larger than a man - slugs lurking around, slowly leaving trails of their sticky acid behind them. Even getting into the water might be a painful experience.
[16:04] <Silmsorel> "Oh, gross."
[16:04] * Kilik-caz frowns. "I have no words for this."
[16:06] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Perhaps we should double back?"
[16:06] <Kilik-caz> "Nonsense. We'll just be careful not to step in any acid."
[16:09] * Silmsorel takes a quick look around for sommething that might neutralize the slug acid.
[16:11] <@Mister_Cavern> Well, there's water, and that's basically enough to do it.
[16:11] <Kilik-caz> "I trust all of you can swim."
[16:12] <Silmsorel> "Well enough to get away from that thing!"
[16:13] <@Mister_Cavern> And a few steps in, there is already a problem. The nearest slug was able to "hear" the party, possibly by feeling footstep vibrations. And it turns, slowly, beginning to approach - it's 10' long, 5' tall, and is currently 15' away and blocking the path.
[16:15] <@Mister_Cavern> Matters prove they can always get worse, however, as Kilik-caz slips, stumbling a little and landing on his knees. He can feel the sharp bite of acid.
[16:16] <Kilik-caz> "No, not my face!"
[16:17] <Silmsorel> "Do we want to take the time to kill this thing?"
[16:17] <@Mister_Cavern> It turns out to be about as strong as particularly fierce lemon juice, however, barely hurting him at all. Still, there IS a giant slug there.
[16:18] * Okita_Sanosuke places a hand on the hilt of his blade. "We fight - once it's defeated, we will rush past."
[16:20] <Kilik-caz> "If only I had spent a bit longer in the monastery, I could dispatch it with the Naked Ox Dance."
[16:24] * Silmsorel is already cutting up some slug bacon with a weirdly thin blade by the time Kilik-caz finishes saying 'Naked Ox Dance.'
[16:26] <@Mister_Cavern> There is a splatter of goo - thankfully, Silmsorel doesn't have to touch the icky thing with her hands, as ooze just sort of leaks out onto the blade and the ground. The slug is unhappy about the situation.
[16:26] * Kilik-caz runs up to it and... punches it.
[16:27] <@Mister_Cavern> Sadly, he is still getting back to his feet, so he can't properly bring a full punch into action.
[16:29] * Okita_Sanosuke rushes up as well, slashing at it with his katana fresh from it's sheath.
[16:32] <@Mister_Cavern> The blade moves as fast as the wind itself, and there is a sort of "Splurk" sound. The slug slowly topples in two pieces, bubbling and gurgling a bit. And it is then dead.
[16:33] <Silmsorel> "Good work, let's go."
[16:34] * Okita_Sanosuke quickly flicks the blade to the side to remove any nasty slug stuff from his weapon, before sheating it. "Agreed."
[16:35] <Kilik-caz> "Excuse me while I rinse this off quickly." He finishes the jaunt to the water and dives in.
[16:35] * Silmsorel gracefully dives into the water.
[16:36] <@Mister_Cavern> The acid and mud do indeed rinse off easily and quickly. And as mentioned, the river is pretty slow, so Kilik is not dragged off.
[16:36] * Okita_Sanosuke gives them both a few moments before he asks. "Are we ready to continue?"
[16:38] * Kilik-caz swims with the current of the river. "I am."
[16:38] * Okita_Sanosuke realizes the plan after a few moments, and after making sure all his equipment is on tight, jumps in after them.
[16:40] <@Mister_Cavern> The water turns out to be very cold! The surprise of this is enought that Okita flounders for a bit before steadying himself. In short, a brief moment of embarrassment, and shaking an eel out of the leg of his pants.
[16:42] <Silmsorel> "This isn't so bad, right?"
[16:42] <@Mister_Cavern> However in general, they can make good time by swimming with the current towards their destination. In fact it will probably take half a day off their travel time...
[16:44] <@Mister_Cavern> And so it is that after a few days of uncomfortable travel, the party find themselves in eyesight of the port town.
[16:45] <Silmsorel> "Finally..."
[16:46] <@Mister_Cavern> They haven't particularly been attacked by anything, they have just suffered some amount of soaking, slipping and general annoyance. There is a town - civilisation! Well, as civilised as humans can be, of course.
[16:46] <@Mister_Cavern> And so next session we will begin with SOCIETY! INTERACTION! And who knows what else?
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Finally, another session occurred - and they're even closer to the party!
[11:15] <Mister_Cavern> And so, after far too much unpleasant travel, Port Nyanzaru is finally in sight. You can see the sprawl of houses and similar, and the lighthouse - the only building that goes beyond one floor.
[11:18] <Silmsorel> "It doesn't look too bad from here."
[11:18] * Okita_Sanosuke walks easily with his arm hanging in his kimono, taking a short swig from his jug. "I agree. Do we know which home our target is?"
[11:18] <Mister_Cavern> From the sounds of it, people are pretty active. It's currently afternoon - late afternoon, but still.
[11:18] <@Kilik-caz> "They all live above the ground? How odd."
[11:20] * Renzo slaps Kilik on the back in a hearty way, "Humans are eccentric but fascinating!" He strokes his moustache, "If you think their above-ground homes are strange, just wait until you get to meet them!"
[11:21] <@Kilik-caz> "I can barely contain myself."
[11:21] <Mister_Cavern> As a reminder, you have a contact, Kurgan, at the Gilded Cage, a first-class inn.
[11:22] <Silmsorel> "Well, we had better check in with our contact at the Gilded Cage."
[11:26] * @Kilik-caz starts walking towards the town. "Is it a real cage?"
[11:27] <Silmsorel> "No, just the name of the inn. It's supposed to be high class."
[11:29] <Mister_Cavern> It doesn't take long to get there, and it seems few people are just milling about on the street. Most noise is coming from the docks themselves, though the markets are still active with people haggling.
[11:36] * Okita_Sanosuke leads the way into the Guilded Cage after taking a swig of liquid courage, looking for their contact as he steps in.
[11:38] <Mister_Cavern> Well, it isn't hard to find: it's a fairly big inn, with a big old sign saying "The Gilded Cage". Gold paint, even, quite fancy! The doors have been pulled aside, so there is simply a bead curtain to step through, and the very first room is a small reception.
[11:40] <Mister_Cavern> A rather short, bald man with large eyes waits behind the counter, impeccably dressed, and chewing a sap-based sweet gum. "Ah," he says, turning to discreetly deposit the gum in a leaf, "how may I help you travellers? Have you a booking?"
[11:47] * @Kilik-caz checks his pockets. "No, no booking."
[11:47] <Silmsorel> "Yes, hello, the name is 'Ruiha Ruducu', should be reservations for four."
[11:53] <Mister_Cavern> He tilts his head. "No booking, yet reservations? How peculiar. Ah, Ruiha Ruducu. I see... Shahardi said I could expect you."
[11:54] <Silmsorel> "Oho, so you're the contact?"
[11:57] <Mister_Cavern> "Yes, my name is Kurgan, and I was told to expect you. Let me show you to your rooms."
[12:06] <Silmsorel> "Thank you. So, what's a good place to get something to eat around here?"
[12:06] <Mister_Cavern> The man steps out from behind the counter and leads you down a corridor, turning to make sure you are all following
[12:06] * @Kilik-caz follows along.
[12:07] <Mister_Cavern> "Ah yes, I suppose you would be hungry after all that travel. Well, we do serve food here as part of the service, however there is also a local dining establishment, Mockingbird Menu. I consider it quite satisfactory."
[12:09] * Okita_Sanosuke follows in the back with his usual swagger.
[12:11] <Mister_Cavern> Soon enough, he has led the group to four sliding doors, all in a row. Here are your rooms. These have been prepared for you to easily converse with one another - although separate rooms, you will find there are doorways behind the wall hangings so you can freely move about or talk through."
[12:12] <@Kilik-caz> "Very good."
[12:13] <Silmsorel> "This won't be such a bad mission~"
[12:15] * Silmsorel drops off her backpack of stuff and leans the gold coin spade against the wall next to the bed.
[12:16] <Silmsorel> "Alright, I'm going to clean up and gather what information I can in the marketplace."
[12:17] <Mister_Cavern> The rooms turn out to be pretty fancy - sliding windows, paper lanterns, a few pleasant flowers, and actual beds. There are also changing screens and complimentary lounging/evening robes and slippers.
[12:17] <Mister_Cavern> Beside each bed is also a tray with freshly diced fruit.
[12:18] * Okita_Sanosuke gives his room a quick once over, obviously pleased.
[12:21] <Mister_Cavern> "When you are all ready, I will tell you what I have learned since my last contact with your handler. But do take your time."
[12:22] <Okita_Sanosuke> "I am ready as soon as the others are."
[12:25] <Silmsorel> "Alright, alright, I'm ready."
[12:25] <@Kilik-caz> "Mmm, fruit." He eats of it. "I am ready as well."
[12:26] <Mister_Cavern> "I assure you I was not being sarcastic, miss. But very well, let us take a seat and I'll explain." And that said, he does just sit down in the middle of the room.
[12:27] * Okita_Sanosuke seats himself as well, removing his sheath from his sash and standing it beside him as he does.
[12:33] <Mister_Cavern> "Not a great deal has happened since I last sent word, but I have had some success: a number of people have been slain, their bodies pierced by some form of icy bolt. A very precise attack in each case, and all victims were in the cloth-spinning business..."
[12:34] <Silmsorel> "Magic? Perhaps our spellcaster wasn't happy about their new robes."
[12:34] <Mister_Cavern> "Furthermore, there have been some... vandalisms. Messages painted upon walls, and flags and posters put up, saying the Eye Tyrant Rises"
[12:35] <Mister_Cavern> "Before this, I only had suspicions that it would be 'somebody who would attend the party'. But now it looks like we can probably narrow it down to someone linked to the clothweaving - perhaps someone who was cheated by them, or a business rival."
[12:37] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Did all the victims belong to the same business?"
[12:39] <Mister_Cavern> "No, one was Kentama Osiroto, an elderly man who ran everything himself in his own small business. It was more a retirement hobby for him, I think. The other was a family business, Takeda Fabrics."
[12:41] <Silmsorel> "Hmm. Have the authorities already gone through everything?"
[12:42] <@Kilik-caz> "Have any weavers not been affected at all?"
[12:45] <Mister_Cavern> "Well, the authorities... they see it as being magical murders, and therefore have decided to stay out of it. As for those unaffected, the only one remaining so far is another weaving business, run by mister... Otuga Nakaru."
[12:47] * Okita_Sanosuke hmms to himself. "I do believe we have the name of our first suspect."
[12:47] <Silmsorel> "Indeed."
[12:51] <@Kilik-caz> "These authorities, choosing to not investigate, have they summoned anyone that deals with magical murders?"
[12:51] <Silmsorel> "This Nakaru doesn't work out of the home, does he?"
[12:52] <Mister_Cavern> "I'm afraid not - they are most concerned with their own welfare, and believe it best to leave such things alone. It is a sad fact that sorcery places one above the law in many places."
[12:53] <Mister_Cavern> "Out of the home? His business is run from his house - he was not particularly dominant in the market, until now I suppose. He has no office or warehouse."
[12:58] <Silmsorel> "We'll have to check around there at some point, it's a bit disturbing that he picked now to make a move on the clothweaving market, if he is our culprit."
[13:00] <Silmsorel> "I hope his quality is high enough to warrant being the only one alive, I need something to wear to the party."
[13:00] <Mister_Cavern> Kurgan nods. "It seems such a bizarre thing to kill people over, if that is truly what it is about. But I suppose people have killed over less... thank you for looking into this."
[13:05] <Silmsorel> "So, we have a magic-using clothweaver who just cornered the market, possibly with connections to the Eye Tyrant, and the party looming on the horizon."
[13:06] <Silmsorel> "Shall we go confirm these suspicions?"
[13:06] <Mister_Cavern> "That is correct. Whether you can solve this before the party, or tomorrow night when it occurs - it has been assumed there will be some kind of activity or revelation at the event itself - I trust that you will be able to do something."
[13:07] * Okita_Sanosuke stands up, using his sword as a crutch, before returning it to his sash as he speaks. "Very well. Let us not dally then - the time we have to investigate is short."
[13:13] <Silmsorel> "I'll begin gathering what information I can, I'd like to keep us from looking too suspicious."
[13:14] <@Kilik-caz> "I was already thinking we would need local clothing. That is a good reason to go see this weaver."
[13:16] <Silmsorel> "Hmm, very well. It will give him time to work."
[13:19] <Silmsorel> "Oh, before we go there, I want to take a look at some of the graffiti, it might prove important."
[13:21] <@Kilik-caz> "How so?"
[13:22] <Silmsorel> "If Nakaru killed the other weavers and wrote the graffiti himself, it's likely he's not very stable and left some clues behind."
[13:23] * @Kilik-caz nods.
[13:23] <Mister_Cavern> "In that case, you had best look at the town centre - you'll see the notice board and what has happened there."
[13:25] * Silmsorel leaves her sword under her bed but keeps a full compliment of hidden knives on her person.
[13:30] * @Kilik-caz nods again. "Perhaps we should go there first."
[13:32] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Agreed. Then let us pay a visit to the weaver."
[13:33] <Mister_Cavern> And so, Kurgan bows and lets the party take their leave...
[13:35] <Mister_Cavern> The town centre is not exactly hard to find, and indeed, upon arriving there, it's easy to see what the old man meant: there is a baord there, with parchment notices pinned to it, however someone had messily scrawled a message across it in red paint.
[13:36] * Silmsorel has a close look at the red paint.
[13:36] <Mister_Cavern> The message reads "The Eye Tyrant Rises", and a smaller scrawl beneath it says "Know Your Place"
[13:38] <Mister_Cavern> Yep, it's paint all right
[13:39] <Mister_Cavern> Okita, however, can notice something useful about it: it's a very rough, greasy paint, in fact it's barely more than really red wet clay, messily slopped on - indeed, it looks splashed on rather than brushed.
[13:41] * Okita_Sanosuke fills in the others on his discovery, wiping some away with his finger.
[13:43] <Silmsorel> "Interesting."
[13:49] <Silmsorel> "We should get to the weaver before it gets too late."
[13:50] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Agreed. I believed we have discovered all we can here."
[13:51] <Mister_Cavern> As it happens, Kurgan had in fact been helpful enough to write the address out for you. I'm just a derp who forgot to mention this.
[13:53] <Mister_Cavern> So it is very easy to find Otuga's house. It helps that it actually has a little banner out the front - "Otuga Clothiers - Aristocrat Robes at Commoner Prices".
[13:55] <Silmsorel> "What a charming tagline."
[13:56] <Silmsorel> "Or is it a slogan?"
[13:56] <@Kilik-caz> "I think it's a motto."
[13:58] <Okita_Sanosuke> "Grammar aside, I believe this is our destination."
[14:01] <Silmsorel> "Let's go in."
[14:02] <Mister_Cavern> The door is open, and there is a simple silk curtain hanging in front of the opening.
[14:02] <Mister_Cavern> In fact, most doors seem to be open in this weather.
[14:06] * Silmsorel goes in.
[14:07] <Mister_Cavern> Inside, there is a slightly chubby man with bushy eyebrows and a rather threadbare woven cotton robe. It has patches. That said, the robe he is working on looks a lot better, made from three fine silks, and he is very carefully sewing them together.
[14:07] <Mister_Cavern> "Ah, hello fine customers. Welcome to Otuga Clothiers. How may I help you?"
[14:12] <Silmsorel> "Hello! We just arrived in town and our luggage was lost in transit, it seems we need new clothes for the big party tomorrow."
[14:13] <Mister_Cavern> "Oh, I see. Er, tomorrow. Well you understand I cannot make anything new for you completely, but perhaps you could look around in my display room, and I could modify things to fit your measurements as needed."
[14:13] <Mister_Cavern> He peers at each of the party, as though using his mystical tailor powers to determine everyone's measurements with a glance.
[14:14] <Silmsorel> "That sounds very acceptable."
[14:15] <Mister_Cavern> "Then please, enter the door to your left and look around. I do not think you will be disappointed."
[14:18] * @Kilik-caz goes through the the left door, ready to look at clothes.
[14:20] * Okita_Sanosuke gives a nod to the chubby man, following right behind Kilik-caz
[14:20] * Silmsorel goes in last.
[14:21] <Mister_Cavern> Indeed, the clothes are rather nice - there are many dresses, robes, gowns and overcoats there, all hanging on racks, and made from fine cottons and silks. There are also a few hard wearing travelling jackets woven from sturdy materials.
[14:21] <Mister_Cavern> The colours are quite bright - he seems to specialise in bold colours. Many of them tend to have the same cut to them, being of a very similar design - it's easy to tell he has developed his style and sticks to it, but then again, the style seems to work.
[14:25] <Silmsorel> "When he comes back to fit something for one of you, I'll have a look around."
[14:26] * Okita_Sanosuke goes through the clothes, looking for something with a sash simmilar to what he currently wears - and the brighter the colors, the better. "A good plan."
[14:26] * Silmsorel has a look at some things that might look good on her.
[14:28] <Mister_Cavern> In general, a lot of the things would fit reasonably well, but not perfectly, however putting that aside, they do tend to look quite striking and stylish. Whether Silmsorel wanted something more like a traditional party dress, a modern social dress or even the "I'm a ninja, but a sexyone!" type of clothing, there are options.
[14:29] <Mister_Cavern> Likewise, most actually involve sashes, so it's not too hard to find similar ones for Okita.
[14:33] * Silmsorel goes for a modern social dress, maybe something in green.
[14:34] <Mister_Cavern> It takes a little while, but she does find something fairly modern and... well, in a very deep, bold, grass green, not a muted, dark, foresty green.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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