[Tome] Icewright

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[Tome] Icewright

Post by Kaelik »

A little forward, I have some things against the Snowscaper and the Snowsoul and the Wintersmith, but not a lot, in fact I took a lot of materials from those classes to make this one, so credit given where credit is due. However, I do not think that they went far enough so I will endeavor to make my own version.

"Try to see things from my perspective. After you freeze to death, I won't have to deal with any twitches when I'm making a sculpture."

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2
Good Saving Throws: Ref and Fort
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Swim (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Bluff (Cha) Knowledge (All) (Int), Balance (Dex), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Disguise (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex)
1:Objects of Ice and Snow, Ice Shards, Ice Armor
2:Ice Field
3:Make Smaller Stuff, Ice Skates, Mind Chill
4:Better Ice Shards, Ice Mirror
5:Wall of Ice
6:Ice Lenses, Heart of Ice
7:Snow Pet, Make Bigger Stuff, Colder Ice Field
8:Ice Glove
9:Mind Freeze
10:Body of Ice, Make Better Stuff, Make Stuff Fast
11:Snow Man, Black Ice
13:Ice Spheres
14:Ice Implements
16:Sphere Barrage
17:Big Snow
18:Twice as Many Objects
20:Infinite Spheres

Proficiencies: An Icewright is proficient with Light Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, and anything he has made of Ice.

Caster Level: If you happen to allow items that increase Caster level, you should probably let it increase all the effects of an Icewright's abilities. If an effect requires a Caster level, it is equal to their character level unless it is increased by items or effects.

Objects of Ice and Snow (Su): An Icewright can conjure ice or snow and make an object out of it. They can create a Tiny or smaller item with a full round action anywhere within Close range. They can make larger items up to Medium size with an additional round per size category larger than Tiny.

Each contiguous item created counts against the icewright's limit of 10+4 per icewright level. Most uses of an icewright's powers also count as a single item, even if they are instantaneous they count briefly. If an icewright creates an item over their limit then they must choose one of their existing items which will become a regular item of ice and snow losing all magical properties and likely melting.

The items created are magical ice that can have the consistency and strength of steel, iron, cloth, wood, glass, or stone and melt at the temperatures of those objects as well.

Though he can make any weapon or armor out of ice, he does not have the fine control to otherwise make anything with movable parts, whether they be hinges, pulleys, or levers. Icewright items are masterwork quality.

Ice Shards (Su): An Icewright can, as a standard action, throw ice shards in front of them as a ranged touch attack that does 1d8 per character level plus the higher of their Wisdom mod or character level to a target in close range. The damage is half piercing and half cold.

Ice Armor (Ex): Armor made using the Objects of Ice and Snow power grants the wearer resistance to Cold equal to twice the icewright's level, and an icewright wearing the armor can convert the Armor bonus to a deflection bonus to Armor Class if they choose.

Clothing made of ice and snow counts as armor for the purpose of this and other abilities.

Ice Field (Su): As a standard action an Icewright of level 2 or higher can lay down a field of ice with a 10ft radius within Medium Range. The effect acts as a Grease spell and further, any enemy on the field who is struck with shards of Ice is immobilized in their current location for one round. The DC is 10+1/2 character level+Wis modifier. The duration is instantaneous so an ice field does not count against an icewright's limit after creation. The ice completely melts after taking 10 points of fire damage.

For the purposes of heat damage, the field is not immune to non lethal damage, and the damage counts as fire. The Ice Field does not have Hardness against Fire.

An Icewright can create an Icy Field over any liquid except Lava, and create solid terrain.

At level 7 he can create the field over Lava, he can create a cloud with the same effects as standard action, or he can create the field on the ground as a swift action.

Further, anyone inside the cloud version of the Ice Field takes 1d6 cold damage per character level, Ref save for half.

Make Smaller Stuff (Ex): An Icewright of level 3 or higher can now make moving parts of all kinds.

Ice Skates (Su): An icewright can make a pair of ice skates which are two different items. Anyone wearing a pair of such skates gains a 10ft enhancement bonus to their land movement speed. This increases to 30ft over ice or snow and allows them to ignore difficult terrain or any other negative effects of traveling over ice and snow covered ground, even magical effects like the icewright's ice field.

Mind Chill (Sp): As a standard action an Icewright of level 3 or higher can chill the mind of a target within medium range. This can either have the effects of calm emotion, or it creates a reverse sanctuary effect.

If the reverse Sanctuary effect is used any time that the target attempts to strike or otherwise directly attack another creature, even with a targeted spell, the target must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the target can attack that creature normally, but still must make a Will save to attack a different creature. If the save fails, the target can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack that creature for the duration of the mind chill unless that creature attacks it. This ability does not prevent the target from using area or effect abilities. The target can, without making a Will save, attack any creature that attacks them first after the mind chill begins.

Either way, the duration of the effect is 10 rounds and the save DC is 10+1/2 level+Wis mod.

This does not count as an object of ice or snow.

Better Ice Shards (Su): An Icewright of level 4 or higher can now fire their regular Ice Shards out to medium range.

Alternatively they can also fire Ice Shards in a Line out to 100ft that does the same damage to everyone in the line, with a Ref save for half, DC 10+1/2 character level+Wis mod.

Alternatively, they can fire a single Ice Shard that if it hits does 1 cold damage and 1 piercing damage per character level and forces a Fort Save against DC 10+1/2 character level+Wis mod of be stunned for one round and slowed for 5 rounds. On a successful save, the target is slowed for one round.

Ice Mirror (Sp): When an Icewright of level 4 or higher uses his abilities to create a mirror, any smooth reflective surface with the strength and consistency of glass they may use it to cast Scry at will.

Wall of Ice (Sp): An Icewright of level 5 or higher may cast Wall of Ice at will. DC 10+1/2 level+Wis mod.

Ice Lenses (Su): An Icewright of level 6 or higher can craft lenses of ice, that when used as glasses provide the wearer with the effect of See Invisibility and immunity to gaze attacks or other attacks that trigger on seeing things.

Further, when the wearer makes the save against a figment, they may take a standard action to dispel it with these lenses.

Heart of Ice (Ex): An Icewright of level 6 or higher isn't big on emotion, so they replace their heart with a chunk of ice. Whenever they are wearing armor created by an icewright's abilities they are immune to Fear, Compulsion, Morale effects, and Cold.

Most creatures die when their heart is replaced with ice so this does not work on non icewrights. An ice heart is a single ice object.

Snow Pet (Su): An Icewright of level 7 or higher can create an Animated Snow creature given 1 minute. This acts as an Animated Object of CR no greater than their CR-4 except that the object has the speed of a wheels version regardless of it's form. Additionally, it's hardness does not apply against fire attacks. This creature can also be made with a fly speed, but if so, it has a Poor Maneuverability and only a 10ft land speed.

Only one may be in existence at a time.

Make Bigger Stuff (Ex): An Icewright of level 7 or higher can make Stuff up to Colossal Size, subject to the previous rules for action costs.

Snow Glove (Sp): An Icewright of level 8 or higher can create a Snow Glove which when worn can be used to touch any Ice Mirror made by the same Icewright who made the glove, and allow the wearer to know the status of all Ice Mirrors made by that Icewright. Then they may use the Mirrors to travel between any Mirrors that have a large enough aperture to climb through.

Mind Freeze (Sp): An Icewright of level 9 or higher can freeze the minds of their enemies within Medium Range. They must beat a Will save DC 10+1/2 level+Wis mod, or be dazed for 3 rounds. This is a Mind Affecting effect (in case the name didn't give it away). This does not count against the item limit.

Body of Ice (Ex): An Icewright of level 10 or higher can perform a ritual that replaces their body with one made of living ice. The ritual takes 1 day. The new body will then assume the form of the previous body, mimicking it perfectly, and this will be the "trueform" for Trueseeing, however the exterior characteristics can be changed at will with a standard action as if Change Shape were used. Unless painted or dyed all parts of the body are either white, black, some shade of blue, or transparent. With this new body the Icewright no longer needs to eat, breath, drink or sleep and they become immune to ability damage and drain and any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it also affects objects. Finally, the Icewright can use ice creation abilities to repair their new body, healing their level in damage with a swift action but they have no more natural healing. At this point the Icewright does not suffer age penalties and cannot die of old age.

An ice body counts as a single object against the icewright's limit but they can build any ice objects into the ice body and such additions are still part of the single object. So a body can have skates, lenses, armor, and heart built in.

Make Better Stuff (Ex): An Icewright of level 10 or higher masters their ice manufacturing:

First, they may manufacture magical items of Ice. All Armor, Shields, or weapons that they create can have an enhancement bonus equal to 1/3rd his level, rounded up. These items do not count as a magical item for the purposes of the 8 item limit. Further, they can make any permanent magic item out of ice so that it doesn't count against their item limit by expending the XP and gold to do so (or whatever you use in your game as crafting materials). This basically means they have all the crafting feats, but everything they make is made of ice. When it comes to creating icewright specific objects charge xp equal to 100 times the minimum character level of an icewright who could make that item.

Make Stuff Faster (Su): An Icewright of level 10 or higher can create ice objects on moving creatures within Close Range. Treat this as a Ref or Fort save DC 10+1/2 level+Wis mod to negate, whichever is better for the creature, against being Helpless and trapped in ice with a duration as long as the created object will last. This Ice prison can leave parts of the creature open to attack. The DM should also not allow it to work on any creature it wouldn't make sense to work on, IE, elementals in whirlwind form, anything incorporeal, oozes too big to be totally enclosed, ect.

The creature can escape the trap with a strength check or escape artist check of DC 15+Character level+Wisdom Mod.

Additionally now an Icewright can create anything up to Large size as a Standard Action, Huge as a full round, and each new full round action will increase the size category.

Snow Man (Su): An Icewright of level 11 or higher can just build their own body out of ice and snow, and leave it somewhere handy. When their current body dies, they can just move their soul over to the new body. This process takes 1d4 days.

An Icewright can have multiple snowbodies, but each one is a separate item against their limit. Crafting a body, because of the fine magical work required, takes one full day of crafting.

Black Ice (Su): An Icewright of level 11 or higher gains mastery of the dreaded Black Ice, ice so cold it bores a hole to the negative energy plane.

All of their ice effects can be made of Black Ice. Their attacks also can cause one negative level, touching an object of black ice will also cause one negative level. Their Animated Snow Constructs cause a negative level with each attack. Enemies striking a person wearing Black Ice Armor suffer a negative level.

The Icewright is immune to his own Black Ice, and anyone wearing Armor made of Black Ice is immune to negative energy effects.

Blizzard (Su): An Icewright of level 12 or higher can summon a Blizzard, creating a cylinder of pounding snow either with a 40ft radius and 40ft height or 400ft radius and 400ft height. This effect lasts for 2 minutes. This blocks line of sight and does 1d6 cold damage per Character level and half as much bludgeoning damage. In addition, the entire area is difficult terrain, and any creature that ends its turn inside the effect and fails a reflex save DC 10+1/2 character level+Wisdom Mod is buried under snow. When the effect ends, the snow remains on the ground, but loses it's supernatural coldness and becomes regular snow.

A creature buried under snow no longer has line of effect to anything besides the snow burying it, and no one else has line of effect to it. Further the creature is immobilized and rendered helpless by the snow pressing in. They must hold their breath or begin drowning. They continue to take cold damage, negative levels if the Blizzard is Black Ice, and bludgeoning damage for the duration of the effect. A creature can take purely mental actions (such as activating an SLA or many supernatural abilities) but cannot take physical actions except for two actions. First, the creature can choose to attempt to break out of the snow building on top of it as a full round action. This requires a Strength check DC 20+Icewright's Caster level+Wisdom modifier. The creature remains within the effect of the blizzard, and must save again on it's next turn to avoid reburial but is otherwise freed of all the status effects imposed on it. Secondly, the creature can attempt to cast any spell with a purely verbal component or open it's mouth to use a breath weapon, after the character has taken this action, they are no longer permitted to choose to hold their breath, and begin drowning if that action does not otherwise prevent them from doing so (such as teleporting them to another location, or burning the snow that was burying them).

When the effect ends several feet of snow remain on the ground, but lose their supernatural coldness or supernatural connection to the negative energy plane. The strength DC to escape becomes DC 20, and no damage is caused aside from the normal damages of cold weather and being buried in snow.

The Icewright does not need to make a save to avoid being buried and takes no bludgeoning damage from the Blizzard when inside the effect. They may choose to be buried if they wish.

Ice Spheres (Su): An Icewright of level 13 or higher can craft up to five Spheres of Ice at a time. Each Sphere of Ice contains a single use of an Icewright's mastery over ice. Crafting such a sphere takes exactly as long as it would take to use the ability enclosed in the sphere.

Ice Sphere can be directed to rotate around an Icewright, and smash into anyone making a melee attack (one sphere per attack) doing 1d6 damage per character level half cold and half bludgeoning. If a Sphere strikes an enemy in this way, it breaks, and does not trigger whatever effect is sealed within the Sphere.

Alternatively, an Icewright may give a sphere to anyone and they can throw it to trigger the ability enclosed.

Throwing a Sphere triggers the effect at that location for area effects. For Targeted effects, the target must be struck as a ranged touch attack. All effects are as if manifested by the Icewright who created the sphere at the time they created the sphere.

An Icewright can make a sphere that will craft a single ice object on being smashed. The Object will be created based on the blueprint the Icewright placed in the sphere, and it will take as many rounds to form as it would if an Icewright was creating it.

Each Sphere created counts against an icewrights limit until broken and then continues to count against it if it creates an Ice Object that lasts.

Ice Implements (Su): An Icewright of level 14 or higher can create two specific objects that are in all other ways identical to other ice crafted objects.

Ice Lantern: This lantern can be filled with any light source. Light that shines from inside the lantern allows all creatures using that light to see, to see the area as if they were under the effect of a True Seeing spell. This means that all illusions can be seen for what they are, and you can see the true form of a transmuted creature or shapeshifted creature, in addition, while the light does not shine bright light out to it's full range, characters can see in Darkness with True seeing, so even shadowy light provides no miss chance. In addition the light allows all creatures to see through magical darkness, so while it may not dispel Darkness or a Shadow Cloak, it allows creatures to see through the them and thus avoid miss chances.

Permafrost Cloak: A Permafrost Cloak can be worn by any creature. Wearing it grants the wearer immunity to cold, ability damage, and ability drain, and if made of Black Ice, grants immunity to negative levels and energy drain. An enemy striking a Black Ice Cloak suffers a negative level as Black Ice Armor.

Additionally, a Permafrost Cloak grants 50 Temporary HP to it's wearer. If all the HP are lost, the Cloak falls apart and provides no further effects. However, any Icewright can repair a PermaFrost Cloak, restoring Temp HP equal to his character level with a swift action touch. This can even be used to repair a cloak that falls apart.

Fimbulwinter (Su): By Crafting a single Large Sized statute of a wolf and performing a continuous ritual, an Icewright of level 15 or higher can create an area of malevolent Weather that creates a great storm in a large area. After 8 hours of concentration the Fimbulwinter effect extends in a cylinder 1 mile radius and 1000ft high. For each additional 8 hours you extend the Fimbulwinter effect extends an additional mile. If concentration ceases, then that session is ruined but the existing effects remain. An Icewright can choose to include a 100ft Radius Eye around the statute at the time of creation. This area is empty of all effects, however it can be filled in with a standard action while touching the statute at any time, however, it can never be reinstated.

The effects of Fimbulwinter are that throughout it's area it has the effects of the spell Sleet Storm. Additionally it creates roving packs of Winter Wolves that terrorize any creatures out in the storm. As a general rule a person walking straight through the storm will run into a pack of 2d4 Winter Wolves every hour.

Sphere Barrage (Sp): An Icewright of level 16 or higher may hurl up to five spheres orbiting around them at one or more targets within Medium Range as a full round action, making five attack rolls against touch AC. Each sphere does 1d6 per character level damage if it hits half cold half bludgeoning.

Big Snow (Ex): An Icewright of level 17 or higher gains a mastery of snow that allows them to make many of their cold powers bigger.

Big Ice Shards: The Icewright can fire a "Line" that is 1000ft long and 20ft wide instead of the normal line.

Big Ice Creation: The Icewright can stand in one spot for 8 hours and create a large Ice Field up to one mile radius, and then a single large Ice object or series of objects that cover that area and go up to 2000ft above that area.

Big Icy Field: Icy Fields, of all types, can have a radius of 20ft.

Less Big Snow Pet: A Snow Pet can now be a Para Ice Elemental, or snow elemental with the same CR restrictions.

Big Mind Freeze: Mind Freeze can effect up to one creature per character level all within 30ft of each other.

Big Blizzard: Blizzard can be 1000ft Radius and 1000ft Height.

Big Fimbulwinter: Fimbulwinter can extend 5 miles for each 8 hours.

Twice as Many Objects (Ex): An Icewright of level 18 or higher can have up to 20+8 per icewright level. They can also create up to 10 Ice Spheres.

Infinite Spheres (Su): An Icewright of level 20 or higher can create an infinite number of Ice Spheres though they are still limited by their ice object limit.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:11 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Is this just a joke, or are you actually going to seriously develop this.
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Post by Korgan0 »

Will you be following this up with Fire Dude, Sword Guy, and Magic Man?
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Post by Kaelik »

Omegonthesane wrote:Is this just a joke, or are you actually going to seriously develop this.
Why can't it be both?
Korgan0 wrote:Will you be following this up with Fire Dude, Sword Guy, and Magic Man?
Fuck Sword guy and Magic Man. Those are not thematic enough.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: [Tome] Cold Dude

Post by Koumei »

Kaelik wrote: Caster Level: If you happen to allow items that increase Caster level, you should probably let it increase all the effects of a Cold Dude's abilities.
More relevant and less problematic would be a mention of Caster Levels from Prestige Classes that add +1 Caster Level. Unless you intend for it to be CL = HD as the base, in which case you should mention that because, despite everyone house ruling that, the rules themselves say otherwise. And in that instance, the PrCl wouldn't add double Caster Levels, that'd be silly.

I was going to ask if a Cold Dude could make multiple items to combine together into an item with moving parts at sufficiently high levels, but then saw level three, so not really necessary.
On a successful save, they are slowed.
For how long? I assume "one round, just like the Stunning", but technically you have to spell this shit out. I don't mean to be an obsessive-compulsive pain in the arse here, it just works out that way.
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...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

he can create a cloud with the same effects as standard action,
A cloud of ice... does it float?
it can create a reverse sanctuary requiring a Will Save DC 10+1/2 character level+Wis mod to break effectively, a sanctuary on every other creature.
When I think of reverse santuary, I think of "people need to pass a will save to not attack you" and "if you don't attack, this effect breaks"... what do you mean?
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

I want to be clear Koumei, I fixed both those problems before you posted, and you have been no help whatsoever.

Don't think you have been helpful at all.

Except that I have not clarified how +CL PrCs work, because fuck you and every other person who would ever PrC out of this class.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Yeah, fuck your 13+ level characters. :cool:
Last edited by ...You Lost Me on Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

...You Lost Me wrote:A cloud of ice... does it float?
Yes. The purpose is to allow him to continue to use Icy Field when the game has taken to the air.
...You Lost Me wrote:When I think of reverse santuary, I think of "people need to pass a will save to not attack you" and "if you don't attack, this effect breaks"... what do you mean?
I think that the target of the effect can't attack anyone at all until they make a save, like it says in the description, until that person attacks them.

It makes the targeted creature seem like everything else in the universe is subject to sanctuary.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

...You Lost Me wrote:Yeah, fuck your 13+ level characters. :cool:
If you are going to play a 13th level + character you just can't play this class.

It's like playing a 17th level Snowscaper, you are dumb as shit and are wasting your time.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Well it says that if the user attacks, they break the spell. So does this mean that if I have a demon fighting the PCs, it needs to make a will save to hit a given PC (and if it fails, it cannot attack that PC) until that PC makes an attack on anybody. Or does it require the PC attacking that specific demon?
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

...You Lost Me wrote:Well it says that if the user attacks, they break the spell. So does this mean that if I have a demon fighting the PCs, it needs to make a will save to hit a given PC (and if it fails, it cannot attack that PC) until that PC makes an attack on anybody. Or does it require the PC attacking that specific demon?
Obviously until he attacks the Demon. The effect is only on the Demon. You cast it on the Demon. Then the Demon is subject to a reverse sanctuary. Why on earth would what other people do to other people have an effect on the Demon?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

because it's "reverse sanctuary". You're telling me to act like the creature sees everybody around it has sanctuary cast on them, and I'm telling you what happens when you see someone with sanctuary on them. The spell completely breaks when you attack. It doesn't break for a specific person, it completely breaks.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

...You Lost Me wrote:because it's "reverse sanctuary". You're telling me to act like the creature sees everybody around it has sanctuary cast on them, and I'm telling you what happens when you see someone with sanctuary on them. The spell completely breaks when you attack. It doesn't break for a specific person, it completely breaks.
The reverse sanctuary effect:

A) is called Mind Chill.
B) Was cast on the Demon, and not Cast on the other PCs.
C) Has an explanation in the text.

I get it, you are too stupid to understand what happens when you reverse the sanctuary on a target, I need to avoid using the words "reverse sanctuary" or idiots are going to purposefully misunderstand for no reason.

I didn't tell you to act as if everyone else has sanctuary on them with respect to the Demon until after you intentionally misunderstood me when I told you to act like the Demon has a reverse sanctuary.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Rather than calling it "reverse sanctuary", can it just say something like 'must make a Will save to attack anyone' (or 'must make a Will save to muster the will to perform a standard action')?
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Mount Flamethrower on rear
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Post by Kaelik »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:Rather than calling it "reverse sanctuary", can it just say something like 'must make a Will save to attack anyone' (or 'must make a Will save to muster the will to perform a standard action')?
No, because that would be different and way more powerful.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Well, yes. It's not hard to be more powerful than an ability so incomprehensible as to be unusable.
Mind Chill (Sp): As a standard action a Cold Dude can chill the mind of a target within medium range. This can either have the effects of calm emotion, or it can create a reverse sanctuary requiring a Will Save DC 10+1/2 character level+Wis mod to break effectively, a sanctuary on every other creature.

Here's the text for sanctuary:
Any opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This spell does not prevent the warded creature from being attacked or affected by area or effect spells. The subject cannot attack without breaking the spell but may use nonattack spells or otherwise act.
What I'm guessing you want is something like this:
Any time that the target attempts to strike or otherwise directly attack another creature, even with a targeted spell, the target must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the target can attack that creature normally, but still must make a Will save to attack a different creature. If the save fails, the target can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack that creature for the duration of the brain freeze. This ability does not prevent the target from using area or effect abilities. The target can, without making a Will save, attack any creature that attacks them first after the brain freeze begins.
But that's complete supposition, and in no way entailed by the phrase "reverse sanctuary".
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Thank you, Catharz. You make more sense than I ever could.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Kaelik »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:But that's complete supposition, and in no way entailed by the phrase "reverse sanctuary".
No, that's pretty much exactly what is entailed by reverse sanctuary.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Korgan0 »

Kaelik, stop it. It's obvious that people are confused by the phrase "reverse sanctuary." Since you wrote the goddamn class, it's your fault, and all you have to do to fix it is splice in the text that Catharz so kindly provided.
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Post by Kaelik »

Korgan0 wrote:Kaelik, stop it. It's obvious that people are confused by the phrase "reverse sanctuary."
Yes, which is why I said seven fucking posts ago that it was obvious they were too stupid to understand reverse sanctuary. I said it needed to be changed then, so why the fuck are you telling me now that something i already said is true is true?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Ummmm Kaelik, you've got a nice group of people saying "oh no that's not what reverse sanctuary means" and you're steadfastly refusing that. We are simply pointing out that if anyone is stupid it's you, just like people in the Den are apt to do, just like you are apt to do. I'm not sure why this is new material for you.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Korgan0 »

It has nothing to do with how stupid they are and everything to do with the simple fact that "reverse sanctuary" is an incredibly confusing phrase that could mean absolutely anything: it could mean that they have to pass a will save to not attack, it could mean what You Lost Me said upthread, or anything else, for that matter. It's a good ability, it's just that the phrase "reverse sanctuary" is one that could mean any number of things, as has been shown by the sheer number of people confused by it.
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Post by Kaelik »

And in what was is that a relevant point to make after I agreed that it needs to be changed?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Korgan0 »

Because you're saying that other people are too stupid to comprehend it. That's not the case at all, it's the case that the wording is too vague; the intelligence of the reader has nothing to do with it.
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