Looking at a... noteworthy 3.5 campaign

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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

In addition to the "Tome Classes or Tome Feats" ruling that may turn the Core Fighter into the most powerful noncaster available, we have been given the option to take combined skills like Perception or normal ones such as Listen, Spot, and Search. This is supposedly balanced by making all non-compressed skills get a +5 bonus.

So you can take the 6 ranks you had in Perception and get an effective 7 ranks in the 3 skills for noticing things.


Since we already have a Loren and a Randall, would recruiting a trained ape named Mr. Bills and an Efreet or other fire-element monster called CoalMan as key functionaries in our government be taking it too far? I doubt anyone else in the group will get the reference.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

So this DM posts a paragraph once we get through part 1 of his version of Paizo's Kingmaker adventure path:
in the ninth age aka the post apocalyptic age the world recovers from the Apocalypse wars and mourns the loss of most of the material planes. but in brevoy the a nation on the material plane which cam out of the war almost unscathed a rift in leadership has arisen the leaders of the two nations who were conquered to make brevoy at each others thoughts in an attempt to create new allies on there border and gain an edge in the civil war to come. you are the adventurers sent to found this now nation and after your initial exploration you have killed the local bandit lord make an alliance with the kobalds and now begin building you nation
You may be able to pick up on some of the changes he felt he needed to make to the setting. I may make a post on that subject when I am not nearing the end of my shift, as it's pretty amusing.
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Post by Username17 »

I don't understand. If the nation is falling apart into civil war, how are you exploring the area and founding it to begin with? Wouldn't it already have to be there in order to fall apart?

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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Kingdom A is falling into civil war. On kingdom A's borders, there is an area (Territory B) that settlers keep failing to take. It is full of bandits, and maybe violent fey stuff. Kingdom A says that if the party clears out Territory B, they get to start a new nation with Kingdom A's support. This is politically beneficial because it will prevent bandit raids or... something? I'm trying to get the DM to post exposition again, we'll see how successful it is.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Okay. It looks like the... person running their modified version of the Kingmaker campaign has been persuaded to post some more exposition. My eyes.

I'll copy all of the posts into one block with lines in between each. You may note evidence of rather thoughtless modifications to the word censor on the forum this was posted in. My computer crashed once while I was copying this, and I think it might be trying to tell me something.
in the ninth age aka the post apocalyptic age the world recovers from the Apocalypse wars and mourns the loss of most of the material planes. but in brevoy the a nation on the material plane which cam out of the war almost unscathed a rift in leadership has arisen the leaders of the two nations who were conquered to make brevoy at each others thoughts in an attempt to create new allies on there border and gain an edge in the civil war to come. you are the adventurers sent to found this now nation and after your initial exploration you have killed the local bandit lord make an alliance with the kobalds and now begin building you nation
look in the mantis gear section to find your loot
King Maker custom fluff part one the sixth age the age of dragons

Team Taimat: during the age of dragons when the 4 races of dragons and there perspective gods were at the center of 4 major power blocks witch included every plane of existence the lesser races were little more then slave soldier used to fight inter planer wars between these 4 factions what is now brevoy the river kingdoms and the stolen lands were under the control of taimat while Ioberia and numeria were under bahamuts rule
at the in the first half of the age of mortals the lesser races got sick of fiighting endless wars for not gain and through of the shackles of there opressive overlords wether they were dragond elementals or varius gods. the result was a mojor inter planer revolutionary war between the lesser races and the dietes and the loyalists who continued to fallow them. in the end the lesser races won out but most continued to worship varius gods but only clerics and crusaders realy did there bidding without question and then only in exchange for power.

in the river kingdom the black dragon who once oversaw that marshland was killed along with his remaing fallowers and replaced with an goverment run by swamp hags who did a fiarly good gob

in numeria the bronze dragon who ruled there was exiled to another plane and powerful merchant clans took over and converted most of nation vast f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet")s into merchant vessals who taded with naboring nations and made the nation prosper

in ioberia the silver dragon who oversaw that place was killed and his fallowers were exiled a fuedal system took over but the fozen tundra was barren and ravished by war and the nation was in deep dept from the war to boot so it took a long time to recover.

in brevoy the green dragon was deposed but managed to keep control of the stolen lands were we spent the next 2 centuries planing and preparing to regain his lost teritory. also during the rebelion the green dragon called in many favors from gods he new in order to crush the rebelion although this failed to stop the brevoy from becoming independant it did instill a great mistrust of all things extaplaner especail gods the result was a nation who's sole form of divine magic was druids and these druids healed the sick and used there magic to make the already furtile land of brevoy into and agricultural gold mine.
age of mortals second half

in brevoy the green dragon finaly lonches his invasion the nation of brevoy is caught off guard it military is small and they are forced to abandon there mistrust of the extraplaner in order to hire extraplaner mercinaries and adventurers this buys time but the armies of the green dragon continue to advance and the powers that be in brevoy seem powerless to stop them in desperation an undergroud church a war god is formed to train clerics and these wariors priest lead daring stikes deep into enimy teritory also a native born Brevoy adventurer leading a group sent in search of extraplaner aid locates a monatery in the plane of war wear he and his group lean an aciant and powerful sword style and returns to the materail plance and promply slay the green dragon.
after the war a dispute breaks out over wether or not to continue isolation from planer powers one side is led by the brave brevoy native who cliams that in the end it a brevoy citizen who slew the dragon that with this new found sword style brevoy would never agian be forced to look to gods for help and thus we should remain isolated. the oposing group belived that the sword style being descover in another plane is proof enough that we shough not be isolated and the undergroud church is more proof this group was led my a mystic theurge who proposed that as long as you balenced your god worship with magic you could have all the benifits of clerical magic and extraplaner aid without the risk. the result was brevoy split in 2 one half became restov the other ixia
age of mortals part 2

in ioberia the kingdom finaly rebiult itself and paid off its debts in then started to look to expand in ixia to gain control of the fertile plain and lanched many invasions to this end none met with and long term sucess

in the river kingdoms rivalries began to develop between the hag leaders and political intrigue started to become deadly seeing the the green dragon did everything it could to make those rivalries worse in the time leading up to his war with brevoy in order to prevent brevoy from inlisting the river kingdoms aid. at the begining of its invasion of brevoy he put the final nail in the coffin by having anyone who still held sugnificant political power in the riverland killed this let to a power vacuum witch culminated in a century long cival war endwith the riverland become a shater group of city states.

in numeria the mineral resources began to dry up and if that was not bad enough a desise wiped out most plant life in the land and this in turn cause the livestock to starve. this left the nations interior in ruins and with nothing worth trading the merchant clans converted there trade ships to fishing bouts to prevent starvation and turned there navy into a f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") of privateer and sent to raid the provences of naboring nations to keep themselves wealthy.
apocalyptic age
during the apocalyptic age the gods being to busy with there own agenda's and without the lesser races to aid them finally lost control of the gates meant to keep the abyss and the forced of chaos out of the various planes of existence thus the Apocalypse wars. fortunately the kingdoms in out campaign were spared the worse of this.
the river kindoms continued to splinter during the opocalypic age and the adition of caos cults and demon hords only made it worse

in ixia the nation flurished under the rule of the council of theurges and the built many academies the theurges studied the clerical arts the same way a theology prefessor studies religion he still might devote his life to religion but he does it in a sientific way this when balenced with arcene studies made the theuges of ixia more like teachers then preachs 40 percent of theurges are druid wixard hybrids carying on the tradions of anciant brevoy while another 50 percent worship some king of knolege god. the armies of ixia while small in number were led by very well educated people and had no shortage of mages or clerics. the staple of the ixias army was light infantry and horse archers trianed for endurence and speed special trianed hipagriff rider ment the had a highly mobile army in adition the had great great scounts and spies. in short when the enimies of ixia struck they found they found themselve outmanuvered and canstantly ambushed. when and army headed for a ixain city the found its defenses were disigned and built by professional architech and masons that could would make even the most paranoid dwarf feel safe. what finaly led to ixias downfall was when when they faced armies led by dragons who were even smarter than them and after several defeats they found many of there colleges libraries and labs under enimy control. when threatened with mass book burings they finaly surendered.
in numeria the merchant clans now called pirate clans by most found that they had all but fished there costs to death. faced with starvation the pirate clans tried invading forigh lands insteat of just raiding. faces with pirate colonies the varius costal cities banded together to make a united f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet"). but even this was not enough to stop the pirate clans it took the betrayal of one of there own to finaly beat them and after his betrayal Pitax once considered the most fearsome pirate of all time stole half his nations wealth loaded it onto his ships and sailed his f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") through a potral to go pirating on in the outer planes.

after Grisla the great and his brethren slew the dragon and gave themselves the title of swordlords they renamed there kingdom restov and remodled there government into a military state and set about trying to reeducate there brethren from ixia be force and lanched many and invasion to this end none of which met with lasting success also they spent much time dealing with the remnants of the green dragons empire in the hopes they might colonize the stolen land and however once they finished with the last of the dragons fallower they found themselve embrioled in naval war with oiberia and when that ended the found themselves being invaded by a hungry congurer and his dragon alies. after decades of war the sword lords were having trouble feeding and equiping there armies when dragons burned all there crops for three year striat they found themselves starving in there own one fertile the druids who lacked there former power, numbers and influence were powless to stop this. and so the sword lords serended.
ioberia after failing to capture any of ixais fetile land had to look for other means to prosper they chose to expand into other planes hoping that if they could get there foot in the with economy door they might have themselves a prospering nation. but no soon had they started then the many portals the built started to spill forth demons from the armies of the opocalyse so cought of guard were they that the armies of ioberia were crushed before they could properly muster. the king og ioberia sought help from the only race he thought could help and so made a pact with a gold dragon with its help ioberia scraped together and army but it was to late to save ioberia from its fate so the gold dragon led the army ixai to allow for ioberian refugees to leave the frozen homes and make a new life then the gold dragon led the combined armies of ioberia and the now serendered and conscripted ixain army to conquer restov after whithe the ioberian king renamed the his empire after the old kingdom of brevoy
the post opocallyptic age in whitch the armies of the abysss are beaten and the varius races rebiuld the shatered empires

and the king of ioberia conquered brevoy he fallowed the gold dragons instrution to save as many ioberians as he could be evacuating them to brevoy. then he blockaded ioberia and left those who stayed behing to get kill by demon or there cultists or become cultists themselves. after the demon armies and there cultists were beaten however some ioberians still ramained they had servived be remaining in well defended mountain fortresses or by hiding in the snowy forists in small groups. those in the forts become isolationist while the forist dweller become nomadic barbarian tribe rumor has it that the brevoy is conscripting people from these groups in order to mass a secret army.

in numeria after the fall of the pirate clans it seemed as thought the nation would starve to death until a savior apeared bearing specail plant that were imune to the plague and with these he saved the nation and was made there emperor since the the savior has led the nation with much skill and has rebuilt much of the nation merchant f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") and has begun friendle trade once again

in the river kingdoms pitax the pirate retured to the materail plance after gathing much wealth and it seems he replaced his sea faring vessals with river boats and has become a river pirate. dispite the fact that the city states of the river kingdoms has state of the art river bouts with experiance crew they were not match for pitax's f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") withc was built to wish economy standands and had crews equiped with many magic items. furthermore the f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet")s of the varius river kingdom city states were to small by themselves to rival pitax's f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") and were to busy fighting amougst themselves to provide a untited front. and so pitax carved an empire for himself and named it after himself. the citizens of the city state who were subjegated by pitax feared this was the begining of a rain of terror but instead found there leader to be a great one if you ignored his openly expantionistic tendencies. the knolege and experience he had gathed as a leader in numeria allowed him to run an effiant government and his knolege as a f(The bloody HELL you're "Leet") camander allowed him to keep his nation safe. his families merchant clan roots and traditions helped him run an efficaint ecomomy and he even invest most of his vast personal wealth in public works. today pitax is the largest wealthiest most powerful and most stable of the river kingdoms and it continues to grow and prosper. its estimated that if it continues to expand at this rate it will reunite the river kindoms into one nation in less then 2 decades.
After the king of ioberia abandoned his home and became the king of brevoy he went about putting the nobility from ioberia who lost there homes in charge of local provences. the swordlords of restov. the sword lords of restov continues to practice there tradition but held no real power and only were influention the members brevoys military whom fallowed those traditions. the theurges of ixai also continued to fallow there tradition and enjoyed studying at the colleges whitch servived the invasion. eventualy they came to be tutors for the children of the nobility and well to do as well as the royal family which gave them the much political influence. after a while the royal famile disapeared alond with the gold dragon and you know the rest.
the sword lord put a theurge in charge of one of the expaditions they funded to go colonize the stolen lands. they did so in the hopes it would further eliviate suspicion that they were make a gambit for power. this is the theurge you will be talking to next time we play kingmaker i would frefer to tell the rest of his backstory in game and also he did not come and ask hey can i be your figurhead he just went to a gathering of people seeking offices in you kingdoms government and happened to make the cut and wind up in the final contestents group so to speak.
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Post by ubernoob »

That is some of the worst writing I have ever seen in my entire life. Does he not believe in the shift key?
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

He does not believe in the spell check. His writing "lonches" an assault on the minds of those who dare proofread their own work to even the most perfunctory degree.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

That is painful to read.

All of it.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

The first paragraph alone makes my eyes go @_@
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Oh boy. Now he's pitching a d20 Modern game.
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Post by name_here »

Ow. Admittedly I wasn't too much better before I started posting on a pedantic web forum and subconsciously shaped up my grammar, but still.
DSMatticus wrote:It's not just that everything you say is stupid, but that they are Gordian knots of stupid that leave me completely bewildered as to where to even begin. After hearing you speak Alexander the Great would stab you and triumphantly declare the puzzle solved.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

My PC in this proposed d20 modern game starts at level 2-4. I have angled for a ridiculous supernatural power that my character doesn't have to pay anything for, and it looks like I have a decent chance of success. I have also pledged not to make a character that is "silly", but have carefully avoided bringing up the idea of characters who are primarily an elaborate (but subtle!) joke and/or aimed at altering the campaign setting.

Maybe I can get the GM to do a write-up for his proposed game's setting. I know it involves Earth slightly in the future, with arbitrary stuff in space that the science of "Void Physics" has allowed people to tap for infinite energy. Scientific magic of some kind is present. We'll see what further details I can extract.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Everyone's favorite MC is back, and now he's in college! Whee! Now he is codesigning an "alternate history" "MetaMerica" campaign setting with his room mate. He has repeatedly pledged to release a setting document to us, and I will post it if and when I receive it.
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Post by tenuki »

Avoraciopoctules wrote:Everyone's favorite MC is back, and now he's in college!
How do you get into college without the ability to write?
the toys go winding down.
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Post by Archmage »

tenuki wrote:
Avoraciopoctules wrote:Everyone's favorite MC is back, and now he's in college!
How do you get into college without the ability to write?
Temporary fits of coherence?
P.C. Hodgell wrote:That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.
shadzar wrote:i think the apostrophe is an outdated idea such as is hyphenation.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

My school laptop got a virus, and I lost a bunch of half-written posts I was planning to add to various threads. But this should speak for itself, I expect.

EDIT: I think I'll make some changes to the spacing, but leave the text alone. There are now spaces between paragraphs[/EDIT]
Metamarica setting overview

Ill star by telling u a little bit about gods and men in Metamarica
The gods are made up of 2 types

Outsiders: beings from another plane come to earth to exploit a unique resource human energy and souls which they use to ascend to godhood and to gain power

Risen: beings from our plane of existence same MO as above but distinctly different relationship with their followers.

People are not the only one being exploited by the gods however it goes both ways not only do priests gain power from the god but religion provides unity and cohesion to society.

It was once the case when gods first began appearing on earth around the time we first started to develop writing that people’s lives were very influenced by their gods and they were partly slaves just pawns in the games the gods played. After holy wars human sacrifice and exploitation over a period of almost 9 centuries people finally had enough and rebelled the gods who back then were all outsiders retreated to their various planes of existence and a time of godlessness ensued.

People soon realized however that life with gods kind of sucked. Without priests there were no major medical organizations and many centers of learning disappeared. Also without the church there was a power vacuum and people fought each other even more than before. Eventually people realized they could become gods themselves but this was really not that different the gods of old they were called the risen

Soon an understanding was reached the outsiders returned to stand alongside the risen but there were new guideline’s all the gods both risen and outsiders try to fallow. First there allowed to play there political games but only as long as it does not affect there followers. Second gods only manifest on earth in extreme circumstances. Finally gods try to generally take hands off approach to their followers staying out of politics and generally making the rules of their religion loose and easy to fallow. This creates a scenario were the gods get their souls and power and the people get what they need from the god without much complications
Religion and the state most governments tend to pick a state religion and back it phasing out other religions in the state this is because
1. When the state endorses a religion the religion endorses them
2. When the state provides the religion with land the religion provides stability and unity of the populace
3. When the state gives the religion money the religion provides services such as medical care education and occult services
4. When the state provided military protection the religion provides occult support in warfare
5. Also there is an unspoken rule that the church and state don’t try to undermine each other for the sake of stability which results in a mutually prosperous relationship

Occult of the non churchy variety AKA arcane mages and Psion’s
Mages are a touchy subject in Metamarica and are treated differently everywhere you go. Unlike priests mages are born with power. Even wizards have some innate talent but simply have to work harder to bring it out then sorcerers. The chances of being born with magical talent are about one in hundred. Many go there entire lives without realizing they have magical potential. Others whose power is more obvious know right away there different. Religions generally don’t like mages because they represent the one thing that could replace them while government tend to prefer working with religions rather than magicians because religions have rules and anyone can join them while mages have a bad reputation as recluses and weirdo’s. this reputation originally was spawned from fear after all you’re not quite right If you can do the things priests can without giving something in return like prayer. Also people fear those born different or powerful. Varies religions fanned these flames and causes wide spread superstition regarding mages as well as general hate. States tend to use wizards as scape goats for problems like famine and draught natural disasters or general misfortune. This causes many wizards to hide themselves witch adds to their reputations as recluses and adds to the superstition because little is known about them. Mages tend to form underground networks and societies to protect and hide themselves better as well as to share knowledge. These underground groups tend sell their products and services to whomever will buy them which in most cases in the criminal underworld. Rumors of these organizations and the fact that there forced to sell to the black market add to the distrust of mages as well as fanning the flames of rumor and hearsay.

This is not the case everywhere states tend to fall into various degrees of tolerance of mages some examples of common models of government policy regarding mages are as fallows
1 one model is magic is outlawed and actively persecuted
2 the most common model is many types of magic are outlawed and mage have restrictions on their activities magic is barely tolerated
3 another model is magic is mostly legal with some restrictions mages are tolerated more in this model
4 the least common magic is fully legal and mages are completely tolerated

Other planes of existence in Metamarica exist but are not the same as regular DND here a list of the planes
1. The material: plane no explanation needed
2. Astral plane: is the space between planes
3. The border plane: a wild frontier with vast untapped resources many send expeditions here to obtain resources with mixed success no one has succeed in setting up colonies to dangerous
4. Afterlife plane: a vast plane shared by the gods were they build varies heavens
5. The gods plane: the plane were gods make their homes
6. Tartartus: got its name from one of the more powerful nations that calls this plane home were many nations send their worst people to be imprisoned for all eternity. But in reality it has many other nations and is the closest thing to hell. A plane of chaos that ranges from warlords to pure state of nature anarchy
7. Elysium: the closest plane to heaven but only if you’re willing to give up your freedom things are very orderly
8. The land of Fey: were most magical creatures we know of come from ruled by a few very powerful nations
9. The void. The cathulu like place the exists everywhere outside the other planes

Now I’ll get into the history of Metamarica I will try not to get into any other continent but north America in great detail but I will need to describe a little of south America and Asia and Europe should get an honorable mention

To understand the way things are in Metamarica at the beginning of the campaign you have to understand how they were in the Chinese empire. In our setting the Chinese empire which I should mention is only an empire in name because of its expansionistic nature and size. It was founded by famous individual whose name has been lost to history but is generally known as the philosopher king. As a man he was a well-educated minor noble who became a famous politician general poet scholar and philosopher. He united the various city states that existed in china with similar but distinct culture governments and languages. He founded the empire gave it the basic government that would remain mostly the same for its entire history and then acceded to godhood become the god of the new nations state religion. The highest and most powerful body in the empires government was the supreme council. The council originally had 23 seats five seats were reserved for top military leaders and five reserved for the top religious officials. The remain seats were divided amongst the military and religious officials using a complex system that essentially gave whoever was currently the most powerful group the most seats. The group with the most seats would then pick the head of state from amongst the council members.
The mages in this nation were given a surprisingly wide berth and were tolerated to a great degree. They formed a magical guild and college and started advancing there knowledge until they developed the portals. These unique portals allowed for long distance travel that made trade warfare and colonization far simpler and cheaper and it launched the empire in a state of hyper expansion. With their monopoly on the portals the mages forced their way onto the council the only manger change in government in the nation’s history. The government still worked pretty much the same but now had 31 seats of which 15 were reserved 5 for the mages and five the military and so forth.

The mage were not done yet however originally there portals only linked the capital to various outlying provinces and colonies mostly in Asia Europe and the middle east by connecting one body of water to another. But now they want to make a more powerful portal linking to a place that they only knew existed through advanced magical theory similar to how we proved the existence of Neptune by using math before we had seen it. Suffice to say there portal worked sort of the linked there colony in Siberia’s lake Baikal to Lake Victoria in Africa however there expedition died of malaria. Because of this the canceled the connection to Africa and connected lake Baikal to the great lake instead. The soon found that not only did they not catch diseases in place but rather the locals died without a sword even being raised.

This sparked an era of prosperity for the nation especial the mages as the exploited the vast riches and established colonies. The military tried to emulate the mages success by establishing oversees colonies using the vast fleet but met with disasters as they were forced out of the nations they tried to colonized or entire mission were lost due to storms or just bad luck. This bankrupted the military and temporarily ended them as a major power in imperial government.
The priest however bided there time waiting for the mages to screw up so they take back power.

After three centuries the mages power had begun to wane as various troubles plagued the colonies and the military was final beginning to spring back the mages decided to solve their problems using their old bag of tricks and opened a new grand portal however there portal connected the empire to the amazon river once again led to malaria this time however not only did the mages lose lots of money to the failed portal the disease also came through portal malaria infected mosquito’s caused a terrible plaque. The church saw its opportunity and attempted to use this plaque to justify seizing the portals and making magic illegal. Citing the mages irresponsible use of portal magic they attempted to seize the portals and mostly failed. The attempt sparked a three way civil war between the mages priests and the military which ended with the mages making a last stand in the capital and in a ritual attempted out of pure desperation the managed force the philosopher king to manifest himself and proceeded to kill him resulting the religion of the empire as well as all its priest to lose their power. The god did not go down lightly however and he took of out the majority of the nation’s mages as well the entire capital. The capital being the linking point for all the portal cause a chain reaction that destroyed the entire portal network. Final the capital housed ever important member of government who all died. The result was the immediate fall the empire which devolved into petty local rulers seizing power ass warlords and empire splintering in a hundred pieces.

Finally we get to Pomerania the center of our campaign. However the co-duchy of Pomerania is a combination of 2 nations so I will start by telling the histories of the those nations as they were before the merged
First in what is in our world Florida several major tribes existed I will be focusing on 2 the Apalachee who had an advanced culture and a vast trade network that allowed them to import products from as far away as the great lake and the Calusa who had a stratified government with a king nobility and commoners as we would understand it of course they had different names for it. Both cultures were semi agricultural. When the Chinese arrived the Apalachee soon got word from there trading partners and at first thought it would make for a great trading opportunity unfortunately in addition to steel there merchants also brought back disease which spread to all of the Florida tribes. The Calusa who were more warlike saw the Apalachee dying off as and opportunity to supplant there rivals and began expanding only to run into the costal trading posts the Chinese had set up on the east coast. When they ran the Chinese traders out they came back with an armed force only to find the Calusa were not dying of disease as well. So after a shot campaign to mop up remain Calusa resistance the Chinese returned to the coast and left the Calusa and Apalachee crippled. The Apalachee and the Calusa then retreated in the Florida interior were the land was to inaccessible to the Chinese and stayed there while recuperating. Sometime during these tribes became one people out of necessity. After 2 centuries wallowing in the swamps they were found but not by the Chinese they were found bound strange men who came to be known as the saviors. These saviors gave the tribes steel taught them how to work it and how to with it. They also taught them new forms of magic and promised to return them to their former glory and beyond. After another hundreds years the plague had finally run its course and a new people had been born a people who were instilled with the Apalachee mercantilism and the Calusa’s militarism and nobility based government as well as the saviors own influences. The saviors told there people the time for revenge had come and led them to war against the Chinese outpost which had grown in to full colonies. The Chinese were fierce and there warriors outnumbered those of the new people 2 to one but the saviors excellent leadership along led them to victory after victory. After they destroyed the colonies and drove the Chinese out they captured the portals and struck at the heart of empire stealing riches magical secrets and more steel then they knew what to do with but eventual after their fall of the empire there source of steel has cut off and they had to find their own. In the meantime the people proclaimed the saviors there gods but the saviors refused saying there were only mortal and had no desire for godhood instead they asked only that the new people fallow there teachings and spread them to the rest of the world. This nation would eventually spread to encompass all of Florida and they called there new nation Pomerania

The other nation started as a one of many tribes along the Mississippi whether they were better warriors or developed agriculture first is unknown but somehow they got a major advantage over there fellows and started expanding. They built a grand city witch became known as Cahokia and from there they ruled the whole of the Mississippi. Later a second less important city at the river’s mouth also was built but was Cahokia was always the capital. I this tribe was one of the first to have a state religion and they also had a powerful magical tradition and advanced culture. They also were very aggressive and although there religion did not demand it there mages used human sacrifice to enact powerful magical rituals of course only slaves and prisoners were used. Their favorite method was live burial to enhance the power of earth magic. When Chinese arrived they sought permission from what they saw as the dominant Mississippi nation to trade on their river the nation agreed on the condition that tribute in the form of live humans and steel is sent them as well as the promise that no Chinese military force would ever travel on their sacred river. The Chinese would have been fine with this but not the human sacrifices so they brought a thousands of their best soldiers from home they thought at first that they would not be able to beat this Mississippi culture but instead hoped to prove their strength with a show of force and not be taken lightly. Instead they found the culture in a state of panic as it was being decimated by plague and the force quickly beat the disease enemy army and force there king into an unfavorable treaty. Because of the close proximity in witch this culture lived with each other especially in there capital the plague had spread very quickly. Once they were beat other tribe pissed over by the nation’s past slave raids decided to kick them while they were down and the tribe was forced to abandon the capital Cahokia and retreat to the their other major city Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi after which they eventually last control of everything but Orleans and the surround territory. Finally after suffering plaque and war as the city was filled with refugees from all there abandoned settlement the nation began to suffer from starvation as well for they could not feed all these people. Eventually they were forced to trade with the Chinese who sold them the food they needed. Now the nation fell into dept. and when they could no longer afford to repay the Chinese an army was dispatch to sack Orleans. When the army arrived they were once again suffering plague but they still had a numbers advantage. Even so they enemy had steal and new haw to use. In the end they were force to sacrifice their own people in order to enact a powerful enough spell to beat back the invaders. But even failing to the overcome the defenders the Chinese simply settled in for a long siege. With supplies coming down the Mississippi the Chinese could supply themselves while they waited for their enemies to stave. All seemed lost when strange beings appeared to the people of Cahokia and told promised to aid them if they would fallow there teachings. Having nothing to lose the tribe agreed and the saviors unleashed power magic the destroyed the Chinese. They then helped the people rebuild and become self-sufficient again. They gave the people steal told them how to work it and taught them to wield the new weapons they produced. They taught them powerful magic as well as the skill of horse riding and how to breed train and use horses for labor and warfare. They essentially brought them into the steel age. Later this tribe began expanding again especially after the Chinese were force out of their monopoly of the Mississippi by disgruntled tribes after the fall of the empire. Later there merchants made contact with Pomerania and found the tales of the saviors of their nation. It was then that the saviors appeared again and organized the merging of these 2 great nations this was the last sighting of the saviors in recent history but they are suspected of supporting Pomerania from behind the scenes.

Pomerania today is a powerful nation with a strong economy, navy and army. They are unique in that they have fully legalized magic with guilds specializing in its different schools. They even have a royal magic academy that trains the most talented to be the magical aids of lords and even the grand duke and archduke. The nation has heads of state one is the archduke the other is the grand duke. The nation’s capital is Orleans in exchange for using their capital the name of the nations was made Pomerania.

In accordance with teachings of the saviors Pomerania has no state religion because they believed no one except mortal humans should make rules for mortal humans. But they do not interfere with religions instead the nation has many religions who constantly squabble and if one gets to powerful and starts messing with government its severely punished. In addition religious law is always superseded by that of the state.
The major cities other than the capital are run by dukes who use them as capitals for their regional government the capital is run but the archduke and grand duke cooperatively. Counts run the counties which are the smaller parks that make up the duchy’s and they usually don’t have a capital instead are administered from a castle. The viscounts run viscounts smaller portions of territory within the counties and really only run a few villages or towns. They lowest level of noble are barons who run baronies and territorial amount smaller than a viscount and can pass down there territory. Peasants cannot own property only rent it from lords but becoming a lord is possible.

Recently Pomerania just finished a 13 year campaign to expand its territory. Many new lands were captured and divided up amongst the nobility. Also many peasants were raised into the nobility for excellent service during the war. And many old nobles were killed during the three titles also given to peasants. Despite this much territory is this unclaimed and nobles who have claimed territory find it hard to hold on to their new land as they are plague with problems ranging from rebels out of work soldiers turned pirates and raiders to rivalries with fellow nobles to curses and bad weather. Also the government is out of money not in debt but the tired the soldiers raised for the war have gone home to become farmers again and the government wants to avoid raising another army or sending its standing army into the field in all but the most drastic circumstance. This means there’s and extraordinary opportunity for enterprising peasants, second sons of nobility professional warriors and young clerics and aspiring wizards to gain fame fortune glory and maybe even snag a noble title of their own. You are one they above a citizen of Pomerania with skill or power and the right equipment to make a difference and succeed.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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It lives!

Also, got an editor, or turned on the spellchecker.

I'll have to read it more later, but it's a definite improvement on layout alone.

Still issues, but it's improving... in format. >_>

I tip my hat off to you two brave souls and the captain you put yourselves under. I ended up quitting LARPing b/c of bad GMs; camping is awesome, but annoying or frustrating gaming is the worst.
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Everyone's favorite MC has switched colleges and found a roommate who shares his enthusiasm for worldbuilding. He just emailed me 17 pages of it. I promised to read it and give him feedback in a couple hours.
Ralia Setting overview
Extra Fluffy Version
By [redacted]
Co Author [redacted]

Part 1 the history of earth from 2015-2550

Earth in 2015 had a higher average standard of living then almost any other time in history but it would not last. Scientists had been warning the people of earth for a while that they were driving earth towards a variety of self-induced apocalypses ranging from climate change to acid rain and the over use of unsustainable resources. At first no one listen but by 2040 the evidence to overwhelming and as oil prices skyrocketed the world nearly plunged into a nuclear resource war. But the UN finally got its ass in gear and imposed drastic new laws to protect the earth. Those who did not comply where kicked out and cut off from the rest of the world economy until they gave in even America no longer in its prime was forced to give in to the UN demands. But it was not enough the damage to the earth had been done and by the time the new laws were fully implemented it was 2 late scientists estimated we had only prolonged the inevitable.
Another important thing happen during this time from 2015-2034 several breakthroughs were made in space travel technology that culminated in the development of a new deep space probe that was cheap easy to make and could reach speeds of up to .94 percent of light speed. To top it of these probes could carry a variety of the latest sensor technology and transmit data back to earth from distances never imagined at speeds faster than any communications to date. These deep space probes were sent to every solar system we could find in an attempt to map and gather data about more solar systems then we ever could before.
Back on earth the people eventually came to accept that the earth was dying and in 2127 the exodus project began. The exodus project was like nothing the earth had ever UN nation pulled together and sent the best minds to work on a way to save humanity. No expense was spared every remaining resource earth had was thrown into the project and the started further developing space travel and even started developing terraforming tech. because any planet we resettled on would be very different from earth regardless of Tara forming we also started advancing genetic engineering in an attempt to create a new type of human adapted there new life. Not to mention a plethora of animal and plant life had to be modified to live off world.
But despite this without a suitable planet all this was meaningless so when in 2260 earth start receiving data from a star system 102 light years away the were ecstatic to find a planet that was more perfect then they could ever hope for. They immediately sent more probes to this planet to verify as well ass the first of many waves of terraforming Drones. Over the next 290 years they gathered more data and found nothing but more good news about this new planet witch they named Ralia. It already had fresh water and was 1.25 times earth size with more natural resources then earth ever did not just because of size but proportionally more resources as well. With 40% of its surface covered in land rather the 30 it could support many more people than earth and it had proportionally equal amounts of fresh water to earth land. But with its bigger size it had slightly higher gravity and thus needed new species adapted to it. So the exodus project went to work engineering a new human they call homo ralian. Not to mention modifying earths animals to create an entirely new ralian ecosystem from scratch. The exodus project culminated in the year 550 when 420 ships were launched from earth 101 of which carried precious human cargo. The others carried various tools supplies and machines necessary for colonizing the planet. They also carried databases details a long term plan for the colonists and a the entire collected histories of earth and the genetic blueprints for every species the ralians would be putting in there new ecosystem. The first ralian colonists were raised and trained for their new life on earth and spent the next 150 years of travel to their new home in cryo sleep while the ships were operated by sophisticated auto pilot systems.

Part 2 the colonial period RY 0-400
The colonists arrived on ralia with issue. 100 ships landed on the planet in preplanned location based on each colonies intended role the most resource rich parts of the planet had mining colonies the most fertile had farming colonies. Other place in conveniently central locations had manufacturing colonies. each colony started off by quickly making themselves self-sufficient before supplies ran out then began to finish the terraforming that had begun before the arrived each colony ship had 2500 colonists for a grand total of ¼ million planet side while the last ship staid in space and became an orbital habitual that maintained the planets satellite network. Each colony then turned its ships advanced fusion engines into the first power plants. The first 200 years of life on ralia were highly regulated. The birth rate was tightly control to prevent there being more people then they could feed. Also bio label engineer and release the last of the species to complete the ralian ecosystem and made sure the planets ecosystem remained stable. Also the finished and regulated the terraforming process. During this time the world was run by a body of individuals called the directorate called this because its chief was the director. The time required that everything be done perfectly to prevent disaster so no one had a problem with them ruling by decree. To be a part of the directorate all you had to do was get hired when another member was fired or died so it was not really democratic but nor was it and exclusive any one they liked could join. The directorate’s job was to maintain peace and order as well as oversee the grand plan and make sure it went smoothly. Also most of earth advanced tech was not available because ralia had not redeveloped it. They only had the tech and tools they brought. The rest had to be made from scratch therefore ralian tech at this time ranged from the high end year 2550 model fusions engines to less necessary 1950’s level toys.
By the year 200 however the first part of the plan had been completed and things started to be more relaxed. The Tara forming was finished the ecosystem had stabilized and the colonies had become small cities each with their own specialty. And connecting these cities were the advanced systems called the arteries. The arteries were superhighways railways communications systems pipe lines and power lines all rolled into one and they were how each city thrived. Mining colonies mined and refined raw materials and sent the appropriate city specializing in one form of manufacturing or another. These cities then shipped the finished product all over the globe. By this time an average tech level had been establish at which equivalent to 2200 earth was
But not everything can be perfect or we don’t have a story so let’s get to where thing started to go wrong. The directorate did its job perfectly up until around Ry 200 then they started getting corrupt. Using their positions of authority they started skimming of the top and living more and more lavish lifestyles. Only a few did this at first but soon the whole system was partaking. To make sure they this would go on the formed a conspiracy to keep it secret and to maximize their profits by working together. Also the started hording all the latest tech restricting its use to give themselves an edge not to mention they beefed up there security forces and trained them to assassinate there enemies. For the next 200 years things got worse but by pretending this was part of the plan and by the above mention tactics the managed to stay in charge. But everyone knew the plan was supposed to end in 400 a convention was supposed to be helped to write a planetary constriction that they would design. So when the director announced the plan would continue the people revolted across the globe.
Part 3 the dark ages begin.

The revolt spread like wild fire and culminates in a long series of wars collectively called the directorate wars. Now ralia had no organized military they directorate security force were little more the well-equipped and train swat team/riot police. Also ralia had never seen war until now so they made it up as they went along. The result was predictable terrible. There were few battles as most conflict ended in massacres. Some cities remained loyal with others revolted. And while some revolts succeeded other were crushed brutally. The directorate often found itself fighting many wars at once. Eventually however ralians started to get the hang of warfare. And those cities whose revolts had succeeded formed a coalition to help liberate every directorate city. They started off well but the coalition soon found many cities were still loyal to the directorate. Despite this however it still seemed only a matter of time before the directorate fell completely they were simply too outnumbered. It was then that the directorate came up with a plan to cut its losses and end the war with a portion of the colonies still under there sway. In 450 they systematically destroyed all the arteries. And without these there was no mean to move large amounts of people or supplies to any city the result was the coalition could not field nearly enough force to even capture an entrenched directorate city. Likewise the directorate could not recapture any city they had lost so the war ended due to stalemate. In the directorate 3 major changes had occurred first they only controlled 20 out of the 100 colonies second despite being the only faction left with space travel they lost every other piece of advanced tech in various mishaps reducing them to nearly same level as everyone else and third with the arteries cut they were forced to give the colonies they controlled greater autonomy anyway which would eventual result in the director being like the holy roman emperor and the remaining colonies being like the mired of principalities who only pay attention a third of the time.
However it would seem they got off east because not the coalition had to form its own government. This did not go well with the directorate gone no one had any real claim to rule. Without any previous ralien government to draw on for experience everyone had any opinion one what the new constitution should look like. To make matters worse there was not much disparity in wealth witch mint the only people with any real power were the coalition army. But like most revolutionary armies it had not official command structure and no real leader. Rather it was simple and mixture of various militias all with their own goals and leaders united only by a common enemy. And with their common enemy out of the picture for now it fell apart as each militia returned to its home colony. This led to the falling apart of any chance at world government. But it did not stop there as everyone soon realized they could not even agree how to run each colony as a separate entity. Factions developed in each city and fighting broke out. The local militia could not decide who to join and so they split again. When factions could not pay them they often mutinied and formed their own factions or even turned to banditry. Many refugees were displaced as they chose to or were forced to flee in search of safer placed to live only to find nowhere was safe. And the farms and mines outside the cities were ravaged by starving refugees and soldiers. When farmers and miners pleaded to the cities for aid they were answered by multiple people all claiming to be the legitimate government and threatening violence if the continued selling anyone but them. In short it was utter chaos and life sucked

By the year 600 things had gotten a bit better. Although life was still very chaotic and dangerous. A kind of pattern to the chaos had emerged and although it far from good life was at least predictable. And even thought there was a lack of fairness and justice there at least was enough order to go around. Assuming that the order was properly rationed of course.
Part 4 Ways of life/nation types
Five major ways of life had been established the first was the city state. Over time the factions in city had been thinned out and one had come out on top. These groups formed governments of various forms. Sometimes a dictator and his cronies or more commonly a group of oligarchs and rarely something nicer then this rule the city and its immediate surroundings. They retain strict control of the cities military and its manufacturing or refinement facilities as well as one of the only hundreds fusion reactors on the planet. Many of the factories and refineries have been repurposed to make weapons ammunition and military vehicles. Also new factories have been built so that his cities are not as overspecialized as they once were. As a city state you control the second largest and best equipped military available. Also you large energy supply and manufacturing base allows for you to field more armor in battle as well as s select from a wider variety you also can sustain longer supply lines when it comes to ammo other manufactured goods. Your weaknesses include that you need to import some of your food and water as well as most of your raw material without witch your factories are useless. As a city state your closest friend is the warlord who you trade with for food and raw materials. But one of these days you would like to take back the farm lands and mine to cut out the middle man and you know the secretly think the same of you as you both grow in power so do tensions between you. Worse they always act high and mighty just because they control a bunch of cow pastors and never had a decent education pissing you off. You also like the nomads when they show up in your neighborhood they bring commerce news and entertainment not to mentions goods from place to far away to trade with. However there comings and goings are anything but routine and there for the nomads seem unreliable not to mention the craziness that ensues with their arrival is an unwelcome step away from the order your hard to maintain and you can’t help but notice the rise in crime during their visits as for bandits you see them as a necessary evil who else will maintain the new roads between cities. The tolls they impose however are something you have and the occasion piracy and raids don’t help either. The bandits are on your shit list but you’re not sure you want to kill them all at least not until you can secure the roads. Your worst enemy is the directorate remnant. There surly planning to reconquer all the other colonies and they have all your strengths with none of your weaknesses you hate them. If you’re a city state you have 9000 TV In your standing army and 1500 when the war machine is in full throttle. Also in addition to one manufacturing specialty please chose 2 other thing your good at manufacturing and 4 you’re ok at.
The second life style it be living as part of one the many bandit clans that roam the untamed wilderness areas of Ralia these groups sprang from desperate refugees and hungry unpaid rebel soldiers turned to raiding to survive. At first it was easy to sack farms and even cities. You also attack other bandits and refugees. Eventually this changes the cities were the first to get there shit together and soon raiding them was near impossible next the farms started forming militia and soon the cost benefit ratio of attacking them did not add up. Then you noticed roads being and ships sailing between colonies more often. You’re turned your efforts to capturing and holding these road as well as setting up a series of coastal bases to raid up and down the coast as well those ships that came to near. These also act as supply depots for your deep sea vessels that raid any who dare try to escape your costal raiders. Your army is fourth in size on the list but that more than enough for what you do. Your armies are equipped for fast hit and run tactics and can get were the need to go faster than anyone. They also train with advanced sensor and stealth equipment so you always get the drop on your opponent. Your raiders are supported by families of civilians who make ammunition from scratch and hunt and gather to supplement your raiding. Further the maintain the roads you hunt on otherwise not one will use them and if you start letting the other factions maintain the roads they will find the sensors and booby traps you maintain in them. You live in various bandits hide out that can be picked up and moved if necessary but usual stay in the same place. That place being the untamed wilderness of ralia such as it is. Being the only person with who know a region well is great for what you do even if your enemies find one hideout you have almost ten and can move them before a large enough force can be moved into the backwater area you hid it in. this means your almost invincible but remember your limits don’t commit to a long battle or any battle you did not plan for. And always know when to cut and run remember it’s not retreating if you got all their stuff! You have decent relations with the city state and directorate remnants the realize that you can’t be beat and you know that there your best customers and what with them being the one who ship finished goods you need them. So you three have and understanding you maintains the road and they keep using them. There even amiable to the idea of pay a portion of their cage in tolls as long as you don’t take more than a third per convoy. Ass for the war lords things are more tense there militia are trained to stop you and they have the mobility to chase you down on the other hand there still vulnerable to raids on the road or open water and these turn bloody more often then they should. You need the food and water and you feel the need to exact justice for lost comrades so you rarely leave then with anything taking everything they have except there vehicles. They still have to ship food and raw materials but they now how harsh you are and thus convoys are better guarded and often shoot first. But you hate nomads the most because they threaten you in a way the other cant. The travel through your wilderness and bring lard amount of trade to all the other factions. Worse they do it by going through your wilderness territory were you don’t have sensors. And since them now the territory as well as you and travel with lots of soldier trained to defend against you can almost never risk attacking. Worse even when traveling in smaller groups that you could take there fast enough and elusive enough that your cant rally your forces in time to catch them. Leadership in a bandit clan is usually help by a bandit king or queen or soothing similar while day to day operations are handles by the head of each individual bandit hideout the king sets the rules resolves disputes get the represents the clan diplomatically makes all the big decisions and also gets the biggest slice of pie and if you don’t like you sleep with the fishes. If you’re a bandit tribe you have 7500 TV of troops during peace time and 10500 during war time. Also decide whether you have a pirate fleet or you’re a purely land based group.
The next life style is that of the nomad. Nomads are one of only two groups that can lay claim to being truly self-sufficient and unlike like there counterparts in self-sufficiency the directorate they can also boast true freedom. As a nomad you often love to remind people that even outside the directors reach every other way of life but your is not truly free. For no one but you is free to go wherever they please without being dependent on anyone but themselves. Yes being a nomad is great through a mixture of animal herding and hunter gathering you have all the food you need and with you water purifiers and water tankers you can carry enough water to get from one fresh water source to another and purify it to drinking levels on the spot. Also with high end sensors and digging gear you can make wells whenever you mass near underground water and can find and mine any ore near the surface. Then you trade that ore for finished goods. And while most societies are limited to trading with nearby nations due to danger the bandits present you find safety in numbers and can trade with anyone. This means when you roll into town you bring high quality finished good the locals can’t even trade for let alone produce on their own. Between that and some a life time of practice haggling you nomads do quite well. You also sell your serviced as entertainers for an extra buck and your quite good at it. You put on plays hold circuses with acrobats and stunts you put on musical cultures and turn you put your animals to use as a zoo or as part of a circus act. You move around through a mixture of the most energy efficient cargo halers’ vehicles and pack and riding animals. And your group can travel anywhere from 75-300 miles a day depending on how hard you push. As for energy you don’t need much what with how little you use but do need to power essential machines and cargo halers’ so you have lots of rechargeable solar batteries as well as mobile hydroelectric generators for when you cross running water and thermals generator for when you come across hot spring geysers or other natural hot spots. As for you army it may be the smallest but don’t let that fool you because like you it’s completely self-sufficient capable of surviving on its own without supply lines raiding or trading. Each soldier can maintain and even repair all his own gear can live off the land and even make his own ammo from scratch. And while they might not be the best equipped due to fact that they have to carry most of what the use they are certainly the most diversely equipped. This is because they can ensure they get the best guns ammo and other military gear by comparing what each factions uses and trading accordingly. They are also high mobile use a mixture of small fast armored vehicles and pack and riding animals combined with navigation training to get around. Your animals are war trained as well making them dangerous and you even keep well bread guard and attack dogs that also double as trackers and mine sweepers. And while they don’t have much each nomad group does tend to carry around some hear artillery. Nomads are usually egalitarian societies and you prosper and suffer and the group does the leader makes key decisions talks on behalf of the group and decides were to go next and resolves disputes not to mention leads the military. But as day to day life as a nomad never produces many internal conflict and most day things take care of themselves without need for military or diplomatic action of even big decisions and leaders job is usually part time. Some tribes don’t even have leaders but those who do have them usually elect a leader or let the religion head of the group lead if it’s a spiritual tribe. If it’s not the head of the military usually gets elected or someone simply rise to the occasion. Your relations with city state are the best as you both get a lot out of it next your relation with directorate is not as great you see them as oppressors and encourage people to seek more freedom in turn the snub you by refusing to sell their most advanced tech and are overly harsh when they catch you committing any kind trouble whether your expressing your freedom through the spray can artwork or indulging in so recreational drugs or your punished badly and even the harmless pick pocket isn’t safe. Your relation with war lord is better but not perfect as you see the farmers and miners as oppressed and can’t imagine tolerating as much hard labor as they do. The warlords themselves enjoy your trade and even your entertainment but since you don’t really need much food water or raw materials they trade with you as much as they want and thus assume that you’re good business sense is actual you’re playing favorites and catering to the cities over them. But bandits are by far the worse as they only real threat to your life style and there parasitic violent live make you hate them. You sometime go out of your way to attack there hide out when you come across them and they in turn tend to risk higher casualties then normal just to bloody you. As a nomad group you have 6000 TV in peace time and 9000 in war time. Please decide what major pieces of gear you carry that make your tribe unique
The next way of life is that of the warlord. Being a farmer or miner sucks a lot but. But it never sucked more than during the early days of the ralian dark age. Bandits and refugees stole your crops and the cities did the same except they stole raw materials as well. Every piece of useful equipment was stolen as well and the when you asked for help from the city you received answers offering help from multiple groups. But this was useless because they were all too busy fighting each other over who would rule the city to defend you. Worse when you did send troops it was to oppress and rob you claiming they needed what you had for the war effort and threatening to kill you if you supplies anyone else. Soon you were fed up and those that did not leave to join the refugees or bandits decided to either form a militia or invite one of the nicer bandit groups to rule you in exchange for protection from the cities and other bandit groups. Soon various militias and bandits were fighting over the farms and mines. Those militias and bandits that came out one top changed their tactics and settled down into the role of warlords. They then carvel out large tracts of farmland and seized control of multiple mines. As warlord rule over and essentially feudal government where you protect the farmers and mines in exchange for taxes. You also make and enforce the law and represent your lands in diplomatic talks. You are also responsible for making sure your people don’t get ripped off in trade deals and protect the convoys moving your exported goods to the cities. As a warlord you control more land than any other faction and have the largest military to boot. You also have more food water and raw materials then you can use. You even have access to reliable power though not as much as the cities. You do this through a mixture of hydroelectric and ethanol as well as of bio fuel you grow and refine yourself. They only thing you don’t have are manufacturing. So your raw materials are useless unless you sell them to the cities were they will be refined and made into finished goods which they trade to you for food. You army is highly mobile with good logistics and though there not as fast to respond as the seemingly all-knowing bandits clans you can respond quickly to any threat in your territory. The problem is the size of your territory despite your large army you can’t bring its full force to bear without exposing large parts of your territory to attack. So your instead you spread most over you force across your territory in defense and leave one or two groups to attack. This limits how dangerous you are on offense but maximizes defense. As for equipment you get most of your gear from the city which never sell you there best stuff. But you learned to modify it to your needs quite nicely and it’s still better than what the bandits have. You have mostly highly mobile troops but don’t let that fool you certain big guns can be highly mobile as well. You farm are flat and you mines are well defended so wherever your enemy decides to attack they are either exposed or outgunned. Your friends with the city states and rally on them for finished goods. But you can’t help but notice how those stupid city folk look down on you farmer folk despite not knowing what end of a thresher to avoid. In addition to being snooty idiots who never done a hard day’s work they tend to drool over you abundance of land when they think you’re not looking. Nomads are nice but there a little too wild for your taste. Still they offer a nice if unreliable alternative to gain finished goods. However if they think you’re going to pay those outrageous prices there out of there mind. What’s worse they save all the best stuff for them cities and pretend like they don’t know its true bastards. The directorate suck there like the city except they don’t need our food or raw materials so they snub us and keep the best tech for themselves fucking ignore them like they do to us nuff said. Bandits are the worse bunch of murderous thieving rapists and parasites and your never cave in to their demands until there all dead or you are and never you mind what grand pappy said about the warlord used to be a bandit that’s a bunch a hog wash. If you’re a warlord you have 12000 TV in peace and 18000 in war time. Also please choose what raw material you specialize in and whether you have a navy or not, keeping in mind you lose TV if you do and can’t protect your shipping well if you don’t. Or if you decide to be land locked you don’t have shipping and don’t need to worry about pirates or the lucrative trade you get with shipping.
The last way of life is that of directorate. Essential after the arteries were and new order slowly developed in the various colonies still loyal to the directorate. Due the benefits of a central government these places did not devolve into civil was. This allowed you to retain control over farmland and mines. Over time however the local governments became almost autonomous and the director’s local agents could not stop this. These led to the development of the electorates. As the elector for this directorate colony you run the day to business of you colony represent its desires on behalf of the director when speak to independent powers and enforce the local laws you made in addition to the directors federal laws. You also run its military. But wait it gets better thanks to the new constitution. You also get together with your fellow electors to elect the new director when the old one retires or dies you can’t be an elector and the director at the same time however. You also get access to the directorate’s advanced tech and to its space program. Its advanced take make everything you have batter by about 1 or 2 decades and the space program gives you access to weather communication and spy satellites! There are even rumors that they most loyal and competent electors are given access to laser satellites and orbital rail guns but if this rumor is true you’re not yet part of that inner circle…. Yet. But being the directorate has its drawback. Starting with taxes. While you don’t have to worry about starving or running out of raw material unless something unexpectedly bad happens you also can’t bargain about prices because you’re not trading. In addition everything you produce or obtain gets a portion removed and given to the directorate. So while you have little chance of starving or running out of raw materials you also don’t have much chance to get filthy rich either and even if you do can’t keep it all for self. Worse having the farms and minds under your control means it’s your responsibility to protect them which mean your army while more advanced is also more thinly spread? Next up as part of a greater entity you have to do your part to defend that entity which means when the director need to he can demand as much as 3000 TV of you forces with at least priority level 2 be deployed to do whatever he or she wants. If you can’t or won’t there will be consequence. Also while they can’t force you to do anything the directors representatives will there to keep an eye one you and give advice whether you want it or not. Not to mention they will pester you to no end to do what’s in the director’s best interest. Also please remember not to trade or share any of the director’s technology and destroy it before you let it get stolen. As and elector your best friends are the other electors and the director is very useful ally if not a friend as well. Everyone else you don’t really care about the nomads have nothing you need but you don’t hate them either. The same applies for the warlords and city states and while you don’t like the bandits you’re too busy defend your own territory to worry about defending and repairing the roads as well. As and elector you have 9000 TV in peace time and 15000 during war time. Also please decide one manufacturing specialty as well as 2 things your good at manufacturing and 4 you’re ok at.
Part 5 Ralien earth comparisons
First off RY stands for ralian Year if you haven’t guessed. Second ralian year zero starts when the colonist woke up on their new home and is earth year 2700. Third ralian years are different than ours firstly since the planet spins at the same speed as earth but is 25% larger its days is likewise longer and is 30 hours. Other differences from the earth calendar include that it take longer to orbit the ralian sun meaning years are exactly 420 days. There are still 12 months in a year but now each month is exactly 5 weeks. Each week is still 7 day but there are now 60 weeks per year.
Ralien are physically different from regular humans in the fallowing ways. First there are no genetic diseases in the ralien genetic code. Second rather than making raliens short and squat or giving them tails for balance the exodus project decided the best way to deal with the increases gravity without sacrifice to much humanity was to distribute ralians weight better by making us walk on all fours again. Thus with their increase muscle mass raliens are a bit like large hairless apes but can still use their hands for fine work as well as ever. Third raliens are all around tougher and more resistant to toxins and radiation of all kinds. They also live longer the humans and can reproduce and late as age fifty. Ralien can live to be as old as 125 ralien years old. The average life span differs from era to era based on available medical technology but it never dropped bellow 75 years old.
A raliens life is also slightly. With the tech level available and the added history the ralien school system has a lot more to teach and as a result ralien still graduate at 18 but now its 13 ralien years in school. In addition college is the new high school and most places make it available to all their citizens. Further higher forms of education exist above doctorates.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

However it would seem they got off east because not the coalition had to form its own government. This did not go well with the directorate gone no one had any real claim to rule. Without any previous ralien government to draw on for experience everyone had any opinion one what the new constitution should look like. To make matters worse there was not much disparity in wealth witch mint the only people with any real power were the coalition army.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Korgan0 »

I can't read this. I can seriously slog through descriptions of land tenure arrangments in Russia post-emancipation without a problem, but I literally can't do this. My brain won't let me.

Can someone please summarize it for me before my brain oozes out through my ears?
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Korgan0 wrote:I can't read this. I can seriously slog through descriptions of land tenure arrangments in Russia post-emancipation without a problem, but I literally can't do this. My brain won't let me.

Can someone please summarize it for me before my brain oozes out through my ears?
Earth decides they want to colonize a faraway planet. There are lots of really stupid details. The colonists are super-naive.

They colonize this Earthlike-but-bigger planet, and set up a bunch of hyperspecialized city states really dependent on each other.

There's a big civil war in which transportation infrastructure is wrecked and no city state can interact with others except when the author forgets.

This is supposed to be the background for a strategy game where you play a political faction such as an individual roaming warlord or city-state.
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Post by Jilocasin »

You're telling me there's a co-author now and it still looks like that?

Edit: Thanks for the abbreviated version.
Last edited by Jilocasin on Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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