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Post by Prak »

Dividing pokemon level by five gives you a mid-evolution starter around level 3, and a fully evolved starter around level seven.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Maxus »

Then set some hard-coded evolution points based on type. Or a general rule, with exceptions appearing as needed; it'd make writing up entries a lot easier if each type's description had its evolve points listed.. Evolve at level 5 and 10 for starters? Something like that.

It wouldn't be too bad if they did evolve at levels 3 and 7. Most organic campaigns don't get much past level 10 or so.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Prak »

that's better-ish, but still iffy. Some pokemone change role when they evolve (Puny Magikarp>Brute/Artillery Gyarados). I think 10 is still too early for a starter to get full evo, but admittedly probably not far off. I'd say maybe 12. Then there's also the fact that some of the bugs, like Caterpie/Weedle/et al. would get amazingly compressed. I think case by case, but with a rough guideline, is probably best for attack acquisition/evolving.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Well, talking with Frank, here are some ideas:
[*]Magikarp doesn't continue to gain Puny HD and pretend to be of a relevant CR until it evolves. Basically it's a single HD thing, and then it evolves into a 10+ HD Gyarados, because the Pokemaster chooses to evolve it.
[*]Pokemasters will have a maximum level for any given Pokemon (a linear progression), and for their total pool of controlled Pokemon (quadratic: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... so 400 at level 20). So you won't always want to keep all of them at maximum level.
[*]There will basically be two player classes: Pokemaster (the standard one) and "Ranger" - this basically gives you the capacity to have one max-level Pokemon, or two at a reduced level, comes with a better combat chassis, and also has various choices so they can be a knight riding their Rhydon or a psychic forming a mindlink with their Kadabra or whatever.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

We're rather getting to the point where one might as well just make a new RPG, rather than completely rehauling D&D over and over again. There's also the fact that I would much rather be a Pokemaster//Paladin with a Rhyhorn and an ACF that allows me to have a pokemon as a bonded mount and use some abilities through it*, then a Ranger with a specific tree. I'd also really much rather be able to say "Ok, let's play a pokemon game, using D&D" than "Let's play a pokemon RPG, here are the rules that everyone has to learn." Mostly because my meatspace players are all fairly resistant to learning new systems, especially those made by "some guy online" (or even me. Because my meatspace players are dicks).

*and a list of jury-rigged house rules the length of my arm....
Last edited by Prak on Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Koumei wrote:Pokemasters will have a maximum level for any given Pokemon (a linear progression), and for their total pool of controlled Pokemon (quadratic: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... so 400 at level 20). So you won't always want to keep all of them at maximum level.
So at level 1, the pokemaster has 1 level 1 pokemon. And at level 2, he has 2 level 2 pokemon or 1 level 4 pokemon or 1 level 3 / 1 level 1 pokemon, etc?
There will basically be two player classes: Pokemaster (the standard one) and "Ranger" - this basically gives you the capacity to have one max-level Pokemon, or two at a reduced level, comes with a better combat chassis, and also has various choices so they can be a knight riding their Rhydon or a psychic forming a mindlink with their Kadabra or whatever.
That is an excellent concept, but I don't like the name.

I also don't know how to fit things, but there is actually a Pokemon Ranger that bonds with wild pokemon for short periods of time. I'd like to model that, but is it feasible?

EDIT: Holy shit my tags.
Last edited by ...You Lost Me on Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Prak »

So, I guess Joltik and Galvantula would look something like this with this system:

Skirmishers are characterized by a high speed, and a tendency towards hit and run attacks.
  • d6 Hit die
  • Good (1/1) BAB
  • Good Reflex, Poor Fortitude and Will
  • 4+Int skill points per HD.
  • Every Odd HD, the Skirmisher gains +2 Str and Dex. They typically assign the normal ability points gained every four levels to Con.
  • Every Four HD, all of the Skirmisher's speeds increase by 10'
Electric Pokemon Traits: Electric Pokemon have the following traits:
  • All Electric Pokemon can generate usable electric power. Fine sized Pokemon generate sufficient power to run small hand held devices essentially perpetually. Diminutive Pokemon can power a number of light bulbs equal to their HD. Tiny Pokemon can power electronic and electrical devices of roughly equal size for a number of hours equal to their HD. Small Pokemon can run computers and televisions at the same rate, and medium and larger pokemon can power truly ridiculous sized electronics. This is assuming proper energy harnessing equipment, though handing your pikachu a power cord will basically work.
  • Electric strengths: Electric Pokemon receive half damage from [Flying], [Steel], and [Electric] attacks.
  • Electric Weaknesses: Electric Pokemon receive double damage from [Ground] attacks.
Bug Pokemon Traits: Pokemon have the following traits:
  • All Bug Pokemon have a basic mundane utility depending on the bug they resemble. Spider-like pokemon can produce 1 lb of silk per HD per day, serviceable as rope or for making cloth items. Bee-, Moth-, or Butterfly-like pokemon can pollinate plants and collect nectar, producing 1 gallon per HD per day if allowed to roam and do so for 8 hours. Figure your own shit out for others.
  • Bug strengths: Bug Pokemon receive half damage from [Fighting], [Ground] and [Grass] attacks.
  • Bug Weaknesses: Bug Pokemon receive double damage from [Flying], [Rock] and [Fire] attacks.
Fine Skirmisher
3 18 10 4 10 12
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 HP)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 5', Climb 5'
BAB/Grapple: +1/-20
Attack: Shocking Bite +13m (1 plus 1d6 electric damage)
Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +0
AC: 23 (+8 Size +4 Dex, +1 natural)
flat 19, touch 22
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Climb +14, Hide +22, Jump +6, Move Silently +6
Special Attacks: String Shot, Thunderwave, Webs, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Electric Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits, Diet Dependent (Electricity)
Advancement: 2-8 HD (Fine), Evolves into Galvantula at 9 HD

Shocking Bite (Ex): [Electric] The bite of a Joltik unleashes it's stored electric energy, dealing 1d6 electric damage per Hit Die.

String Shot (Ex): [Bug] As a standard action, Joltik can fire a strand of silk at it's opponent, forcing the creature to make a reflex save against Entangle (DC is Con based)

Thunderwave (Su): [Electric] As a standard action that requires a melee touch attack, Joltik can force a creature to make a Fort save vrs. a type of paralysis which lasts 1 day. While paralyzed in this manner, the creature can attempt to take actions, but has a 25% chance to be unable to take any particular action. The creature also takes a -5 penalty to Dex while they are paralyzed in this way.

Webs: [Bug] A Joltik can throw a web as a Tiny Monstrous Spider.

Diet Dependent: Joltiks feed on electrical energy. They typically latch on to larger creatures and absorb static electricity, but can also feed directly from electrical outlets. If they latch on to an electric pokemon, they can use their Vampiric Touch ability to feed themselves as well.

Spell Like Abilities: At will: Vampiric Touch [Bug]

Skills: Joltiks use Dexterity for Climb and Jump checks instead of strength. Their climb speed gives them a +8 racial bonus to Climb.

Attacks Gained through HD Advancement
  • 3 HD+: Fury Cutter (Ex): [Bug] As a full round action, the joltik can make use of a special attack which grows more powerful each time it hits. The first time a joltik uses Fury Cutter, it deals 1d2 damage. The second time 1d4, the third 1d8, the fourth 2d8, the fifth 4d8. If Fury Cutter misses, the damage is reset to 1d2. After five consecutive hits, Fury Cutter deals 4d8 damage each time it hits, until it misses.
  • 4 HD+: Electroweb (Su): [Electric] 3/day, as a standard action, a joltik can throw a web of electric energy out to close range. This web covers a 40' diameter area, and deals 1d4 electric damage per two hit die of the joltik. Creatures in the area must also make a fortitude save (DC is con based), or take 1d4 dex damage.
  • 5 HD+: Bug Bite (Ex.): [Bug] A joltik with 5 or more HD can, at will, as a full round action, assault a creature with many fast bites. The attack deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit die, and will steal any held, edible items, such as berries.
  • 7 HD+: Slash (Ex.): A joltik with 7 or more HD gains a vicious claw attack that deals 1d6 damage, and crits on an 18-20.
  • 8 HD+: Electroball (Sp): [Electric] A joltik with 8 or more HD gains the spell like ability Electricity Orb, usable 3 times per hour. If the joltik's dexterity is higher than its target's, the orb is empowered. If the joltike's dexterity is more than twice as high as its target's, the orb is empowered and maximized.
Joltik evolves into Galvantula at 9 HD. It grows to Small size, gains +2 con, +3 Int and +4 cha, +4 natural armour, it's base speed increases by 15', and it's climb by 10'.

Small Magical Beast
11 26 14 7 10 16
Hit Dice: 9d6+18 (83 HP)
Initiative: +12
Speed: 40', Climb 35'
BAB/Grapple: +9/+5
Attack: Shocking Bite +18m (1d3-2 plus 9d6 electric damage) or Slash +13m (1d6-2, 18-20/x2) or Fury Cutter +13m (1d6*)
Fort +5 Ref +14 Will +3
AC: 24 (+1 Size +8 Dex, +5 natural)
flat 16, touch 19
Feats: Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Stealthy, Athletic, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Climb +24, Hide +16, Jump +16, Move Silently +16
Special Attacks: String Shot, Thunderwave, Webs, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Electric Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits,
Advancement: 10-15 HD (Small), 16-20 HD (Medium)

Shocking Bite (Ex): [Electric] The bite of a galvantula is charged with powerful electric energy, dealing 1d6 electric damage per Hit Die.

String Shot (Ex): [Bug] As a standard action, a galvantula can fire a strand of silk at it's opponent, forcing the creature to make a reflex save against being Entangled (DC is Con based).

Thunderwave (Su): [Electric] As a standard action that requires a melee touch attack, a galvantula can force a creature to make a Fort save vrs. a type of paralysis which lasts 1 day. While paralyzed in this manner, the creature can attempt to take actions, but has a 25% chance to be unable to take any particular action. The creature also takes a -5 penalty to Dex while they are paralyzed in this way.

Webs: [Bug] A galvantula can throw a web as a Large Monstrous Spider.

Fury Cutter (Ex): [Bug] As a full round action, galvantula can make use of a special attack which grows more powerful each time it hits. The first time a galvantula uses Fury Cutter, it deals 1d6 damage. The second time 1d8, the third 2d8, the fourth 4d8, the fifth 8d8. If Fury Cutter misses, the damage is reset to 1d2. After five consecutive hits, Fury Cutter deals 4d8 damage each time it hits, until it misses.

Electroweb (Su): [Electric] As a standard action, a galvantula can throw a web of electric energy out to close range. This web covers a 40' diameter area, and deals 1d4 electric damage per two hit die of the galvantula. Creatures in the area must also make a fortitude save (DC is con based), or take 1d4 dex damage.

Bug Bite (Ex.): [Bug] At will, as a full round action, a galvantula can assault a creature with many fast bites. The attack deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit die, and will steal any held, edible items, such as berries.

Spell Like Abilities: At Will: Signal Beam (Confusion, deals 1d10 damage, whether target saves or not) [Bug]
3/hour: Electroball [Electricity] (Electricity Orb- Empowered if enemy has less Dex, MaxEmp if enemy Dex is <1/2 Galvantula's)

Skills: Joltiks use Dexterity for Climb and Jump checks instead of strength. Their climb speed gives them a +8 racial bonus to Climb.

Attacks Gained through HD Advancement
  • 10+ HD: Agility (sp): The Galvantula can use Cat's Grace at will.
  • 12+ HD: Sucker Punch (Su.): [Dark] A Galvantula with 12 or more HD can take a round to study an opponent. The next round, they move before that opponent, regardless of initiative order, and can make one automatic attack which deals 1d4 damage per two HD. If the chosen opponent uses this, or a similar move, the creatures move in their normal initiative order.
  • 14+ HD: Discharge (Sp.): [Electricity] A Galvantula with 14 or more HD gains Empowered Electric Ball (as fireball, but electric damage) as a spell like ability usable 1/hour. It's damage is not capped, and all creatures that take damage must make a Fort save or be Paralyzed for 1d6 minutes. Creatures who are paralyzed can attempt to take normal actions, with a 25% chance of failure.
  • 15+ HD: Bug Buzz (Sp.): [Bug] A Galvantula with 15 or more HD gains Bestow Curse as an at will spell like ability, usable once every 5 rounds. When used by a Galvantula, this is a Sonic effect which deals 1d8 Sonic damage/3 HD of the Galvantula, to all who can hear it. It can only bestow the -6 to an ability score (Dex, Con or Wis only) or -4 to Saves only curses.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Prak »

Relevant to this thread:
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

YLM: yeah, Pokemon ReBurst - the Burst Warrior. Burst Warrior would probably be a Prestige Class. Or possibly just a base class, I dunno. I could see the features fitting comfortably across ten levels, but you could make it a 20 level class by mixing in some of the Pokemaster features.
Prak_Anima wrote:We're rather getting to the point where one might as well just make a new RPG, rather than completely rehauling D&D over and over again.
Yeah, but I'd rather not. So maybe we scrap the idea of the full conversion and just stick with "Gyarados is really weak against Electricity". This also works well for your goal of not needing to show players a book full of new rules.
There's also the fact that I would much rather be a Pokemaster//Paladin with a Rhyhorn and an ACF that allows me to have a pokemon as a bonded mount and use some abilities through it
That's nice and all, but I personally hate Gestalt and think that whole thing should die in a fire. So if people are against the idea of having one class that has one Pokemon but their own personal combat ability and stuff (it wouldn't actually be called Ranger, it's just similar to them), the non-pure-pokemaster options would be "Multiclass" and "Alternate Class Feature: you have a level-appropriate pokemon".

Note: it wouldn't just be (for example) "You are a Knight. Swap X for having a Pokemon". You'd be able to train it up like a Pokemaster, and gain specific "Ride it into battle" things beyond "Mounted Combat as Bonus Feat". Likewise a Samurai would be able to grant his Pokemon Iaijutsu uses and such. The difference between Pokemaster and [X CLASS] would be like "Ash the player character in the video games, because Ash doesn't even nearly catch as many as players do" and "Single-Focus Gym Leaders and the weirdoes you meet along the way like the ninjas who hide underground but only have a single Venomoth (except level-appropriate)". If that makes sense.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

Koumei wrote:YLM: yeah, Pokemon ReBurst - the Burst Warrior. Burst Warrior would probably be a Prestige Class. Or possibly just a base class, I dunno. I could see the features fitting comfortably across ten levels, but you could make it a 20 level class by mixing in some of the Pokemaster features.
I suppose it all has to do whether whether you feel every Burst Warrior is at least sixth level, or there are seriously level 1 Burst Warriors running around.
Prak_Anima wrote:We're rather getting to the point where one might as well just make a new RPG, rather than completely rehauling D&D over and over again.
Yeah, but I'd rather not. So maybe we scrap the idea of the full conversion and just stick with "Gyarados is really weak against Electricity". This also works well for your goal of not needing to show players a book full of new rules.
Precisely. I sure as hell don't want to write an entire new RPG either, vaguely working on DMH is enough for me right now. With "[Type] Pokemon Traits" you just add in a thing saying that Pokemon with two type traits are double weak against anything on both lists, take normal damage from things that are weak for one and strong for another, etc.
There's also the fact that I would much rather be a Pokemaster//Paladin with a Rhyhorn and an ACF that allows me to have a pokemon as a bonded mount and use some abilities through it
That's nice and all, but I personally hate Gestalt and think that whole thing should die in a fire. So if people are against the idea of having one class that has one Pokemon but their own personal combat ability and stuff (it wouldn't actually be called Ranger, it's just similar to them), the non-pure-pokemaster options would be "Multiclass" and "Alternate Class Feature: you have a level-appropriate pokemon".

Note: it wouldn't just be (for example) "You are a Knight. Swap X for having a Pokemon". You'd be able to train it up like a Pokemaster, and gain specific "Ride it into battle" things beyond "Mounted Combat as Bonus Feat". Likewise a Samurai would be able to grant his Pokemon Iaijutsu uses and such. The difference between Pokemaster and [X CLASS] would be like "Ash the player character in the video games, because Ash doesn't even nearly catch as many as players do" and "Single-Focus Gym Leaders and the weirdoes you meet along the way like the ninjas who hide underground but only have a single Venomoth (except level-appropriate)". If that makes sense.
Fair enough, we who like gestalt are a special, stupid breed. Also ridiculous power gamer/munchkins. ACFs would suit me just fine, and "Have a pokemon" could seriously even just be a [Leadership] feat, so that you have one that's level appropriate and if you want more they're pitifully weak. And you have to choose between being a leader of men or having monsters in your pocket.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Prak_Anima wrote: I suppose it all has to do whether whether you feel every Burst Warrior is at least sixth level, or there are seriously level 1 Burst Warriors running around.
Well we know they're quite rare (and actually only have the one Pokemon that thet fusion with, so they can't just do it with any they capture). Which sounds like a Prestige Class with the rarity (and means they can mostly continue to be a Pokemaster and still catch othrs), though the "can only fuse with one" is problematic: it encourages people to delay taking it (or delay using the class features) until they catch the specific one they want. So making it a prestige class means they're more likely to have a specific one they want by that stage, and maybe let them spend time to change their attuned Pokemon (but still not just swap it about round-by-round).
With "[Type] Pokemon Traits" you just add in a thing saying that Pokemon with two type traits are double weak against anything on both lists, take normal damage from things that are weak for one and strong for another, etc.
Yeah I guess so. And if mixing normal D&D monsters in there can just be little notes on their Typing. Or looking at the lists from the abandoned whole-new-game project.
ACFs would suit me just fine, and "Have a pokemon" could seriously even just be a [Leadership] feat, so that you have one that's level appropriate and if you want more they're pitifully weak.
Yeah, I can see ACFs being more popular than one "can sort of be multiple things" class. And it wouldn't require too much effort, really.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Vermin
7 13 16 4 13 8
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 HP)
Initiative +5
Speed 15' Climb 10' Burrow 10'
BAB/Grapple: +2/-8
Attack: Sting +5 (1 plus Poison)
or Bite +5 (1d6-2, 18-20/x2)
Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +2
AC 15 (+2 Size +1 Dex +2 Natural)
flat 14 touch 13
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack: Bite, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Listen +7
Special Attacks: Poison, Bug Bite
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits, Defence Curl, Scent
Advancement: 4-5 HD (Tiny), Evolves into Whirlipede at 6 HD

Poison (Ex): the Venipede's Sting is a [Poison] effect, and delivers a poison. The DC is Constitution-based, and it inflicts 1d2 Con damage as Primary damage, and 1d4 Con damage as Secondary. The sample Venipede has a DC of 14.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Venipede's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has. Note that the sample Venipede has Improved Natural Attack: Bite, so the Bite in fact deals damage TWO sizes larger.

Defence Curl (Ex): whenever Venipede takes a Full Defence, it doubles its Natural Armour Bonus for the duration. This is a [Normal] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Improved Initiative with Danger Sense.


Small Vermin
11 11 20 4 13 8
Hit Dice: 6d8+36 (63 HP)
Initiative +4
Speed 15' Burrow 10'
BAB/Grapple: +4/+0
Attack: Sting +5 (1d2 plus Poison)
or Bite +5 (1d8, 18-20/x2)
Fort +10 Ref +2 Will +3
AC 19 (+1 Size +8 Natural)
flat 19 touch 11
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack: Bite, Improved Toughness
Skills: Listen +10
Special Attacks: Poison, Bug Bite, Screech, Rollout
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits, Defence Curl, Scent, Iron Defence, Protect
Advancement: 7-8 HD (Small), 9-11 HD (Medium), Evolves into Scolipede at 12 HD

Poison (Ex): the Whirlipede's Sting is a [Poison] effect, and delivers a poison. The DC is Constitution-based, and it inflicts 1d4 Con damage as Primary damage, and 1d4 Con damage as Secondary. The sample Whirlipede has a DC of 18.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Whirlipede's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has. Note that the sample Whirlipede has Improved Natural Attack: Bite, so the Bite in fact deals damage TWO sizes larger.

Defence Curl (Ex): whenever Whirlipede takes a Full Defence, it doubles its Natural Armour Bonus for the duration. If it performs a Rollout attack on the turn after using Defence Curl, it retains the increased bonus until it stops using Rollout, and deals an extra d12 points of damage each turn. Defence Curl is a [Normal] effect.

Screech (Ex): as a Standard Action once per minute, Whirlipede can create an eerie shriek that frightens those nearby. All who are within 50 feet and can hear it must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or Cower for 3 rounds, then be Shaken for one hour. This is a [Ghost] effect. The sample Whirlipede has a Save DC of 12.

Rollout (Ex): when making a Charge attack, a Whirlipede may roll along and slam into foes with greater strength than normal. This gives it a Slam attack, increasing the attack by one die size (from 1d6 to 1d8) and adds one third the creature's Hit Dice (round up) as an Enhancement Bonus to the Attack and Damage roll. Each successive round that the Whirlipede charges, the Slam continues to increase in damage size (to 2d6, then 3d6, 4d6 etc.) The sample Whirlipede would Charge at +9 (+2 for Charging, +2 Enhancement), for 1d8+2 damage on the first round. This is a [Normal] effect. In a Contest, if Defence Curl is used on one Round and Rollout on the next, Rollout gains a +4 bonus.

Iron Defence (Su): Whirlipede may spend a Swift Action focusing, turning its skin as hard as iron. For the next three rounds, it gains an Armour Bonus to Armour Class of 4 + one third of its Hit Dice (round up), and Damage Reduction X/Adamantium, where X equals half its Hit Dice. During this time, however, it will sink in water and must pass a Fortitude Save or suffer 1d10 Acid damage per hit die if exposed to a Rust effect. This also turns Rollout into a [Steel] effect. The sample Whirlipede would gain a +6 Armour Bonus and Damage Reduction 3/Adamantine.

Protect (Su): with an Immediate Action, the Whirlipede may grant itself a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class against a single attack.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Improved Initiatve with Danger Sense and Improved Toughness with Phalanx Fighter.


Large Vermin
26 11 25 7 14 10
Hit Dice: 12d8+96 (150 HP)
Initiative +4
Speed 30' Burrow 20' Climb 20'
BAB/Grapple: +9/+21
Attack: Gore +16 (2d6+12, 18-20/x4)
and Bite +14 (3d6+4, 18-20/x2)
and Tail +14 (3d6+12 plus Poison)
Fort +16 Ref +4 Will +6
AC 24 (-1 Size +15 Natural)
flat 24 touch 9
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack: Bite, Improved Toughness, Multi-Attack, Power Attack
Skills: Listen +17
Special Attacks: Poison, Bug Bite, Screech, Rollout, Venoshock, Megahorn
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits, Defence Curl, Scent, Iron Defence, Protect
Advancement: 13-15 HD (Large), 16-18 HD (Huge), 19-24 HD (Gargantuan), 25-29 HD (Colossal), 30+ HD (BigLargeMcFuckenHuge)

Poison (Ex): the Scolipede's Tail is a Secondary weapon, but adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus to damage. It deals damage like a Great Sword for its size, and is a [Poison] effect. It delivers a Poison with a Constitution-based Save DC. The Poison deals 6 Con damage as Primary Damage, then deals 10 Acid damage per round for the next minute. The Secondary Damage is also 6 Con damage. The sample Scolipede has a DC of 23.

Megahorn (Ex): Scolipede's Primary Gore attack deals damage like a Longsword for its size, and adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus to damage. It is a [Bug] effect, and has an awesome Critical Value of 18-20/x4.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Scolipede's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has. Note that the sample Scolipede has Improved Natural Attack: Bite, so the Bite in fact deals damage TWO sizes larger.

Defence Curl (Ex): whenever Scolipede takes a Full Defence, it doubles its Natural Armour Bonus for the duration. If it performs a Rollout attack on the turn after using Defence Curl, it retains the increased bonus until it stops using Rollout, and deals an extra d12 points of damage each turn. Defence Curl is a [Normal] effect.

Screech (Ex): as a Standard Action once per minute, Scolipede can create an eerie shriek that frightens those nearby. All who are within 50 feet and can hear it must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or Cower for 3 rounds, then be Shaken for one hour. This is a [Ghost] effect. The sample Scolipede has a Save DC of 16.

Rollout (Ex): when making a Charge attack, a Scolipede may roll along and slam into foes with greater strength than normal. This gives it a Slam attack, increasing the attack by one die size (from 2d6 to 3d6) and adds one third the creature's Hit Dice (round up) as an Enhancement Bonus to the Attack and Damage roll. Each successive round that the Scolipede charges, the Slam continues to increase in damage size (to 4d6, then 6d6, 8d6 etc.) The sample Scolipede would Charge at +22 (+2 for Charging, +4 Enhancement), for 3d6+12 damage on the first round. This is a [Normal] effect. In a Contest, if Defence Curl is used on one Round and Rollout on the next, Rollout gains a +4 bonus.

Iron Defence (Su): Scolipede may spend a Swift Action focusing, turning its skin as hard as iron. For the next three rounds, it gains an Armour Bonus to Armour Class of 4 + one third of its Hit Dice (round up), and Damage Reduction X/Adamantium, where X equals half its Hit Dice. During this time, however, it will sink in water and must pass a Fortitude Save or suffer 1d10 Acid damage per hit die if exposed to a Rust effect. This also turns Rollout into a [Steel] effect. The sample Scolipede would gain a +8 Armour Bonus and Damage Reduction 6/Adamantine.

Protect (Su): with an Immediate Action, the Scolipede may grant itself a +8 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class against a single attack.

Venoshock (Su): with a Standard Action, the Scolipede can spit a bolt of magical venom at a foe. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack out to Short Range, and if it hits it deals 3 Acid damage per Hit Die and delivers the same Poison that is on its tail. If the foe is already suffering from a Poison (of any kind), it does not apply this poison, instead dealing 6 Acid damage per Hit Die and an additional 2 points of Con damage (no save). This is a [Poison] effect. The sample Scolipede makes the attack at +8 to hit and would deal 36 or 72 damage. In a Contest, if someone else uses a [Poison] effect earlier in the Round, Venoshock wins one point more than it usually would.

Additional Hit Dice:
Each HD, Scolipede's Natural Armour increases by +1. Every second Hit Die, either Strength or Constitution increases by +1.

At 14 HD, Scolipede may make an additional Tail Attack, and its Threat Range becomes 17-20.

At 16 HD, the Scolipede may spit a second type of Poison out, using the same attack bonus and range as Venoshock. This is Toxic venom, a Supernatural Ability, and if the Saving Throw is failed the subject is killed. If it is passed, they still take 10 damage per round for the duration. It has no Secondary Damage and is a [Poison] effect.

At 18 HD, the Scolipede gains the Steamroller (Ex) attack: it may charge in a straight line, attacking everything in its path. If it hits a target, it can keep moving, and additionally Tramples them, at 4d6 plus one and a half times its Strength bonus. Any target that is Small or smaller, or prone, suffers an additional 2d6 damage. This is a [Bug] effect. Nothing prevents Scolipede from using Rollout and Steamroller at the same time. If Scolipede is last to act in a Round in a Contest, it may jump to the top of the list, automatically going first and using Steamroller. Everybody else takes a -2 penalty on this turn.

At 20 HD, the Scolipede learns Sludge Bomb (Su). Once per hour it may spit out a ball of toxins out to Medium Range, where it explodes in a 30' radius Blast. All in the area suffer 10 Acid damage per Hit Die with a Fortitude Save for half. Those who fail the save also suffer 6 points of Strength damage from Poison, with Secondary Damage of another 6 Strength damage. This is a [Poison] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Improved Initiatve with Danger Sense, Power Attack with Blitz and Improved Toughness with Phalanx Fighter.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast
13 12 13 6 10 11
Hit Dice: 5d10+5 (32 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed 20' Burrow 20'
BAB/Grapple: +5/+2
Attack: Bite +8 (1d6+1)
Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1
Armour Class: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +4 Natural)
flat 15, touch 12
Feats: Weapon Focus: Bite, Skill Focus: Intimidate
Skills: Intimidate +11
Special Attacks: Rage, Dark Bite, Sand Tomb, Mud Slap, Egg Move
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Ground Pokemon Traits, Cold-Blooded, Sand Cloak
Advancement: 6-9 HD (Small), Evolves into Krokorok at 10 HD

Rage (Ex): Sandile may Rage at will like a Barbarian.

Dark Bite (Ex): Sandile's Bite is a [Dark] effect. Additionally, it deals damage as though one size larger, and bitten foes must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Staggered for one round. The sample Sandile has a DC of 13.

Sand Tomb (Su): once per hour, Sandile may summon a column of twisting sand with a Full Round Action. A 5' radius, 30' tall Column appears in Close Range, and all in the area must pass a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) or be Anchored for the duration, suffering 1d6 damage each round. Creatures in the area have Concealment against other creatures, but creatures out of the area have Concealment against creatures inside it. It remains for five rounds, and is a [Ground] effect. The sample Sandile has a DC of 12.

Mud Slap (Ex): As long as the ground is even vaguely damp, a Sandile can make a melee touch attack as an Attack Action. This only deals a single point of damage; however it also blinds the target for one round. This is a [Ground] effect. In a Beauty, Cool or Cute Contest, this can be used to bestow a -6 penalty on the following contestant's Skill check.

Egg Move (Su): once per hour, Sandile may use its Egg Move - the special move it hatches with. This is either Fire Fang or Thunder Fang. Fire Fang is a Bite attack that is a [Fire] effect rather than [Dark], deals +1d6 Fire damage and forces the foe to pass a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or catch fire. Thunder Fang is a Bite attack that is an [Electric] effect rather than [Dark], deals +1d6 Electricity damage and if the foe fails their Fortitude Save against becoming Staggered, they are Stunned for 1 round instead. The sample Sandile has a Save DC of 13.

Cold-Blooded (Ex): Sandile is immune to nonlethal damage or fatigue from hot weather, and gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] effects. However it also suffers a -4 Racial Penalty on Saving Throws against [Ice] effects and the effects of cold weather.

Sand Cloak (Ex): when in Desert environments or sandstorms, Sandile receives a +10 bonus to Hide checks, and any time it would receive Concealment, it instead receives Total Concealment.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Skill Focus with Murderous Intent. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, it is a Magical Beast with the [Earth] Subtype.


Small Magical Beast
14 14 14 8 12 12
Hit Dice: 10d10+20 (75 HP)
Initiative +2
Speed 20' Burrow 20'
BAB/Grapple: +10/+12
Attack: Bite +14 (1d8+3)
Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +4
Armour Class: 21 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural)
flat 19, touch 13
Feats: Weapon Focus: Bite, Skill Focus: Intimidate, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack: Bite
Skills: Intimidate +17
Special Attacks: Rage, Dark Bite, Crunch, Improved Grab, Sand Tomb, Mud Slap, Egg Move, Assurance, Fear, Foul Play
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Ground Pokemon Traits, Cold-Blooded, Sand Cloak, Powerful Build
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Small), Evolves into Krookadile at 15 HD

Rage (Ex): Krokorok may Rage at will like a Barbarian.

Dark Bite (Ex): Krokorok's Bite is a [Dark] effect. Additionally, it deals damage as though one size larger, and bitten foes must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Staggered for one round. The sample Krokorok has a DC of 17. Note that the sample Krokorok has Improved Natural Attack, so the damage is increased TWO sizes.

Improved Grab (Ex): if Krokorok successfully Bites a foe, it may attempt a Grab with a Free Action, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Crunch (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Krokorok can crunch a grappled foe up. It delivers its Bite (without using Fire or Thunder Fang), but also deals 1d6 Constitution Damage. Until the ability damage is fully healed, the foe takes a -4 penalty to Natural Armour (minimum 0).

Sand Tomb (Su): once per hour, Krokorok may summon a column of twisting sand with a Full Round Action. A 5' radius, 30' tall Column appears in Close Range, and all in the area must pass a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) or be Anchored for the duration, suffering 1d6 damage each round. Creatures in the area have Concealment against other creatures, but creatures out of the area have Concealment against creatures inside it. It remains for ten rounds, and is a [Ground] effect. The sample Krokorok has a DC of 16.

Mud Slap (Ex): As long as the ground is even vaguely damp, a Krokorok can make a melee touch attack as an Attack Action. This only deals a single point of damage; however it also blinds the target for one round. This is a [Ground] effect. In a Beauty, Cool or Cute Contest, this can be used to bestow a -6 penalty on the following contestant's Skill check.

Fear (Su): Krokorok may use the same action to Demoralise all foes within 30' rather than just one foe. Any foe that is Demoralised Cowers for 3 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect. If used in conjunction with Intimidate, it grants a +3 Bonus.

Assurrance (Ex): being hit by one of Krokorok's allies provokes attacks of opportunity from Krokorok.

Egg Move (Su): once per hour, Krokorok may use its Egg Move - the special move it hatches with. This is either Fire Fang or Thunder Fang. Fire Fang is a Bite attack that is a [Fire] effect rather than [Dark], deals +2d6 Fire damage and forces the foe to pass a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or catch fire. Thunder Fang is a Bite attack that is an [Electric] effect rather than [Dark], deals +2d6 Electricity damage and if the foe fails their Fortitude Save against becoming Staggered, they are Stunned for 1 round instead. The sample Krokorok has a Save DC of 17.

Cold-Blooded (Ex): Krokorok is immune to nonlethal damage or fatigue from hot weather, and gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] effects. However it also suffers a -4 Racial Penalty on Saving Throws against [Ice] effects and the effects of cold weather.

Sand Cloak (Ex): when in Desert environments or sandstorms, Krokorok receives a +10 bonus to Hide checks, and any time it would receive Concealment, it instead receives Total Concealment.

Foul Play (Ex): once per opponent per day, Krokorok may use an Immediate Action to make an opposed 1d20+HD+Int check against a foe who is using an attack. If it beats the opponent, they fall for its trick and unleash the attack, spell or effect against themselves, resolving it as normal as though they were the original target. This is a [Dark] effect, although the redirected attack has whatever descriptors it normally has. The sample Krokorok would make the test at +9. In a Smart Contest, if this is used, whoever goes next must beat its roll, otherwise they fall flat on their face and lose one point.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Skill Focus with Murderous Intent. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, it is a Magical Beast with the [Earth] Subtype.


Medium Magical Beast
20 14 16 14 12 14
Hit Dice: 15d10+45 (127 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed 30' Burrow 30'
BAB/Grapple: +15/+20
Attack: Bite +20 (2d6+7)
Fort +12 Ref +13 Will +6
Armour Class: 23 (+2 Dex, +15 Natural)
flat 21, touch 12
Feats: Weapon Focus: Bite, Skill Focus: Intimidate, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack: Bite, Power Attack, Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +23
Special Attacks: Rage, Dark Bite, Crunch, Improved Grab, Sand Tomb, Mud Slap, Egg Move, Assurance, Fear, Foul Play, Spell-Like Abilities, Snarl, Counter Attack
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Ground Pokemon Traits, Cold-Blooded, Sand Cloak
Advancement: 16-20 HD (Medium), 21+ HD (Large)

Rage (Ex): Krookadile may Rage at will like a Barbarian.

Dark Bite (Ex): Krookadile's Bite is a [Dark] effect. Additionally, it deals damage as though one size larger, and bitten foes must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Staggered for one round. The sample Krookodile has a DC of 22. Note that the sample Krookodile has Improved Natural Attack, so the damage is increased TWO sizes.

Improved Grab (Ex): if Krookodile successfully Bites a foe, it may attempt a Grab with a Free Action, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Crunch (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Krookodile can crunch a grappled foe up. It delivers its Bite (without using Fire or Thunder Fang), but also deals 1d10 Constitution Damage. Until the ability damage is fully healed, the foe takes a -8 penalty to Natural Armour (minimum 0).

Sand Tomb (Su): once per hour, Krookodile may summon a column of twisting sand with a Full Round Action. A 10' radius, 60' tall Column appears in Close Range, and all in the area must pass a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) or be Anchored for the duration, suffering 2d6 damage each round. Creatures in the area have Concealment against other creatures, but creatures out of the area have Concealment against creatures inside it. It remains for ten rounds, and is a [Ground] effect. The sample Krookodile has a DC of 19.

Mud Slap (Ex): As long as the ground is even vaguely damp, a Krookodile can make a melee touch attack as an Attack Action. This only deals a single point of damage; however it also blinds the target for one round. This is a [Ground] effect. In a Beauty, Cool or Cute Contest, this can be used to bestow a -6 penalty on the following contestant's Skill check.

Fear (Su): Krookodile may use the same action to Demoralise all foes within 30' rather than just one foe. Any foe that is Demoralised Cowers for 3 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect. If used in conjunction with Intimidate, it grants a +3 Bonus.

Assurrance (Ex): being hit by one of Krookodile's allies provokes attacks of opportunity from Krookodile.

Egg Move (Su): once per hour, Krookodile may use its Egg Move - the special move it hatches with. This is either Fire Fang or Thunder Fang. Fire Fang is a Bite attack that is a [Fire] effect rather than [Dark], deals +3d6 Fire damage and forces the foe to pass a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or catch fire. Thunder Fang is a Bite attack that is an [Electric] effect rather than [Dark], deals +3d6 Electricity damage and if the foe fails their Fortitude Save against becoming Staggered, they are Stunned for 1 round instead. The sample Krookodile has a Save DC of 22.

Cold-Blooded (Ex): Krookodile is immune to nonlethal damage or fatigue from hot weather, and gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] effects. However it also suffers a -4 Racial Penalty on Saving Throws against [Ice] effects and the effects of cold weather.

Sand Cloak (Ex): when in Desert environments or sandstorms, Krookodile receives a +10 bonus to Hide checks, and any time it would receive Concealment, it instead receives Total Concealment.

Foul Play (Ex): once per opponent per day, Krookodile may use an Immediate Action to make an opposed 1d20+HD+Int check against a foe who is using an attack. If it beats the opponent, they fall for its trick and unleash the attack, spell or effect against themselves, resolving it as normal as though they were the original target. This is a [Dark] effect, although the redirected attack has whatever descriptors it normally has. The sample Krookodile makes the test at +17. In a Smart Contest, if this is used, whoever goes next must beat its roll, otherwise they fall flat on their face and lose one point.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): once per hour - Earthquake, Sandstorm; at will - Haboob, Flaywind Burst. These are all [Ground] effects.

Snarl (Ex): with a Swift Action, Krookodile can snarl at a foe to weaken their resolve - and of course, using Fear, this applies against everyone in range. All foes within 30 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or take a -5 penalty to Armour Class and Saving Throws against Krookodile's attacks for the rest of its turn. The sample Krookodile has a Save DC of 19. This is a [Dark] effect.

Counter Attack (Ex): hitting the Krookodile provokes an attack of opportunity from it - it's just that aggressive and mean.

Additional Hit Dice:
For every hit die, Krookodile gains +1 Natural Armour and +1 to either Strength or Constitution.

At 17 HD it gains learns the Bulldoze attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): when charging, Krookodile may knock its target automatically Prone and then Trample them for 2d6 damage, plus one and a half times its Strength bonus. This increases if it grows larger, as normal. If the target is already Prone, or at least one size category smaller than Krookodile, the Trample deals double damage. This is a [Ground] effect. In a Contest, if Krookodile would normally go last, it may instead shove everyone out of the way and go first, using Bulldoze.

At 18 HD it gains +2 Charisma

At 19 HD it learns the Outrage attack, despite not being a Dragon.

Outrage (Su): Sometimes, Krookodile gets extremely angry. When this happens, it enters an Outrage, lasting for three rounds. During the Outrage, it increases the save DC of all of its abilities by +2, and gains a +2 bonus to hit foes with attacks. Additionally, any damage it delivers (physical, spell-like or otherwise) is increased by 1d6 per two hit dice.

Entering an Outrage is a Swift action. It cannot be cut short. When Outrage ends, it becomes fatigued and confused for one minute. Outrage is a [Dragon] effect, and any abilities and attacks used in the meantime are [Dragon] effects instead of their normal type.

At 20 HD it gains +2 Intelligence

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Power Attack with Blitz, Improved Initiative with Danger Sense and Skill Focus with Murderous Intent. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, it is a Magical Beast with the [Earth] Subtype.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Undead
- 14 - 6 12 14
Hit Dice: 6d12+12 (51 HP)
Initiative +2
Speed - Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +3/-3 (N/A)
Attack: Slam +8 touch (1d4+3)
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +6
AC: 17 (+2 Size +2 Dex +2 Deflection +1 Insight)
flat 14 touch 17
Feats: Open Mind, Skill Focus: Hide, Weapon Focus: Touch Attack
Skills: Intimidate +11, Hide +10
Special Attacks: Fear, Nightshade, Will-O-Wisp, Mummy Curse
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Create Spawn, Haze, Unholy Toughness
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Tiny), 10-12 HD (Small), Evolves into Cofagrigus at 13 HD

Mummy Curse (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Yamask must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be cursed until the next time the sun rises. While cursed, they lose any Resistances or Immunities that are granted by their Type or Subtypes. If they save, they are immune to the Mummy Curse until the next time the sun sets. The sample Yamask has a Save DC of 15.

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Yamask transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Yamask has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Nightshade (Su): a Yamask's slam attack uses its Charisma modifier to damage instead of its Strength modifier. The Yamask can touch and attack corporeal things as if it itself were Ghost Touch, and its slam attacks bypass all damage reduction. A Yamask gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Fear (Su): Yamask may use the same action to Demoralise all foes within 30' rather than just one foe. Any foe that is Demoralised Cowers for 3 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Haze (Su): a Yamask is protected by a magical forcefield of spookiness. A Yamask receives a Deflection Bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier, and an insight bonus to AC equal to its Wisdom modifier. Yamasks are also considered to be in 25% concealment at all times (10% miss chance).

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, a Yamask can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Skill Focus with Stealthy. If not using the Pokemon Type rules, just grant it the [Incorporeal] Subtype.


Medium Undead
- 12 - 10 14 20
Hit Dice: 13d12+65 (149 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed - Fly 30' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +9/+10 (N/A)
Attack: 2 Slams +11 touch (1d8+5)
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +10
AC: 18 (+1 Dex +5 Deflection +2 Insight)
flat 15 touch 18
Feats: Open Mind, Skill Focus: Hide, Weapon Focus: Touch Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Skill Focus: Intimidate
Skills: Intimidate +26, Hide +20, Bluff +10
Special Attacks: Fear, Nightshade, Will-O-Wisp, Mummy Curse, Spell-Like Abilities, Ominous Wind
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Create Spawn, Haze, Unholy Toughness
Advancement: 14-16 HD (Medium), 17+ HD (Large)

Mummy Curse (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Cofagrigus must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be cursed until the next time the sun rises. While cursed, they lose any Resistances or Immunities that are granted by their Type or Subtypes. If they save, they are immune to the Mummy Curse until the next time the sun sets. The sample Cofagrigus has a Save DC of 21.

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Cofagrigus transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Cofagrigus has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Nightshade (Su): a Cofagrigus' slam attacks uses its Charisma modifier to damage instead of its Strength modifier. The Cofagrigus can touch and attack corporeal things as if it itself were Ghost Touch, and its slam attacks bypass all damage reduction. A Cofagrigus gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Fear (Su): Cofagrigus may use the same action to Demoralise all foes within 30' rather than just one foe. Any foe that is Demoralised Cowers for 3 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Haze (Su): a Cofagrigus is protected by a magical forcefield of spookiness. A Cofagrigus receives a Deflection Bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier, and an insight bonus to AC equal to its Wisdom modifier. Cofagriguses are also considered to be in 25% concealment at all times (10% miss chance).

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, a Cofagrigus can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities: at will - Hold Monster, Shadow Ball; 1/hour - Bestow Curse. Hold Monster is a [Psychic] effect, the rest are [Ghost] effects.

Hex (Sp): with a Standard Action, the Cofagrigus can level a Hex upon a foe it can see. The foe must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based, with a +2 racial bonus) or suffer 4 nonlethal damage per hit die of the Cofagrigus. If the foe is suffering from any affliction, such as being on fire, they suffer a -3 penalty on the Saving Throw and suffer double damage on a failed Save. This can be used once per minute. For the sample Cofagrigus, the DC is 23 and it deals 52 or 104 damage. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Ominous Wind (Su): A gust of eerie wind is summoned and sent out, covering two 5' squares per hit die (26 for the sample Cofagrigus). It must start adjacent to Cofagrigus, and the squares must be connected as a single area. All in the area take Cold damage equal to 3d6 + the Cofagrigus' hit dice. A successful Fortitude save (Charisma-based) halves this damage. Additionally, all of Cofagrigus' ability scores gain a +1 enhancement bonus for one minute. Multiple uses of the ability will increase the bonus by +1 each time, to a maximum of +6, and reset the duration. This is a [Ghost] effect. The sample Cofagrigus has a Save DC of 21 and deals 3d6+13 damage.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 3 Hit Dice after 13, increase Cofagrigus' Wisdom and Charisma by 1 point each.

At 15 HD, its Slam also carries Mummy Rot. The Save DC is Charisma-based. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 17 HD, it can cast Vampiric Touch and Bestow Curse as Spell-Like Abilities at will. Vampiric Touch is a [Psychic] effect.

At 20 HD, it can cast Bestow Greater Curse as a Spell-Like Ability at will. It is a [Ghost] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Skill Focus with Stealthy and Dreadful Demeanour respectively. If not using the Pokemon Type rules, just grant it the [Incorporeal] Subtype.


Are there any Pokemon people specifically want to see?
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Post by Koumei »

Well, by way of doing something productive on a sick day, and lacking any requested Pokemon...

Tiny Plant
3 21 10 6 12 15
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 HP)
Initiative +5
Speed 10'
BAB/Grapple: +2/-10
Attack: Absorb +9 (1)
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2
AC: 18 (+2 Size +5 Dex +1 Natural)
flat 13 touch 17
Feats: Dodge, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Perform (Dance) +8, Hide (no ranks, just often used) +13
Special Attacks: Leech Seed, Sleep Spore
Special Qualities: Grass Pokemon Traits, Own Tempo
Advancement: 4+ HD (Tiny)

Absorb (Ex): Petilil's natural attack is a special tendril that jabs a foe for 1 point of damage. However, if this deals any damage (is not negated by Damage Reduction), it deals an additional 1d4 damage per 3 Hit Dice (round up), and restores half that amount to Petilil in healing (excess is wasted). The sample Petilil deals 1d4 extra damage. This is a [Grass] effect. If used in a Contest, it steals a point from the previous contestant in the Round if Petilil rolls higher than they do.

Leech Seed (Ex): once per hour, Petilil can spit a seed out at a foe up to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack as a Standard Action. If this hits, the foe is seeded, and loses 1d6 HP (ignoring all Damage Reduction) each round, healing an equal amount of damage suffered by Petilil. The damage continues for one minute or until the target is slain, or until a Heal Check can be made to remove the seed (DC 10 + Petilil's Hit Dice + Petilil's Charisma Bonus). The healing continues until the damage ends, Petilil is slain or they are more than 150 feet apart. The sample Petilil has a Heal DC of 15. This is a [Grass] effect.

Sleep Spore (Sp): once per day, Petilil can cast Sleep. This is a [Grass] effect.

Own Tempo (Ex): Petilil moves about at its own rhythm, one that no-one is too sure of. It is never Confused, Slowed, Entangled or Anchored.

Additional Hit Dice:
At 5 HD, Petilil can cast Deep Slumber (Sp) once per hour as a [Grass] effect.

At every even HD starting at 6, Petilil can increase Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma by +1.

At 7 HD, Petilil can use Synthesis (Su): if in a sunny environment, it can use a Standard Action to regain 1d6 HP per hit die at will.

At 9 HD, Petilil can unleash a Stun Spore (Ex) once per hour as a [Grass] effect with a Standard Action, paralysing all in a 50' radius that fail a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) for 1 minute.

At 11 HD, Petilil gains a special Magic Leaf (Su) natural weapon: it can be used to make Full Attacks, and is a Ranged Attack with increments of 50 feet. It is a Magic Weapon, with an Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls of +1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up), with a base damage of 1d3 regardless of size. It also has a Threat Range of 19-20. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 13 HD, Petilil unlocks the powers of Aromatherapy (Sp) and may cast Greater Restoration at will.

At 15 HD, Petilil's Deep Slumber can be used at will and has no limit to the number of Hit Dice it will put to sleep.

At 17 HD, Petilil's Aromatherapy now grants Heal at will.

At 19 HD, Petilil gains the Leaf Storm ability (Su): once per hour, it may make a single attack with Magical Leaf, as a Ranged Attack, against all in a 30' radius Spread (centred on, but not including, itself). If a Critical Threat is rolled, just add +3 to the total. For every point this roll exceeds a target's Armour Class, they are hit by one Magical Leaf - so if it rolled 45 and one foe in the area had an Armour Class of 40 whereas the other had an Armour Class of 25, the first would take 5 hits (each at 1d6 plus the Enhancement Bonus), the other would take 20 hits (each at 1d6 plus the Enhancement Bonus).

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Dodge with Elusive Target and Improved Toughness with Great Fortitude.


This is an Evolution Template applied to Petilil.

Increase size to Small
Ability Scores: +4 Strength -2 Dexterity +2 Constitution +2 Intelligence +4 Charisma. This includes the changes from a Size Increase.

Speed: +10'
Reach: 5'
Natural Armour: increase by +2 (this includes the change from a Size Increase).

Replace Absorb with Round (Su): with a Standard Action, Lilligant may begin to sing a song. On the first round, all enemies within 25 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or suffer Sonic damage equal to 1d6 plus her Hit Dice. On the second round, this increases to 1d6 Sonic damage per two Hit Dice and the range extends to fifty feet. On the third round, it increases to 1d6 Sonic damage per Hit Die out to 75 feet. On the fourth round it deals 2d6 Sonic damage per Hit Die out to 100 feet, and on subsequent rounds it deals 10 damage per Hit Die out to 150 feet. If something breaks her concentration (such as being damaged and failing a Concentration check as a result), she must start again from the beginning. The sample 3 HD Lilligant has a Save DC of 15. This is a [Sonic] effect that does not affect creatures that cannot hear Lilligant. It is a [Normal] effect. This does not suffer the penalty for using it multiple turns in a row in Contests, and also gains a +2 bonus per other contestant that has already used Round in that... Round.

Replace Deep Slumber with Quiver Dance (Ex): when taking a Double-Move Action, Lilligant may dance in such a way as to increase her speed and power. At the end of this movement, she gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma and a +30' Enhancement Bonus to Movement Speed. These effects last until the end of her next turn, and she is immune to Paralysis and Dexterity Damage/Drain for the duration as well. When used in a Contest, she actually gains the Enhancement Bonuses.

Replace Stun Spore with Teeter Dance (Su): with a Standard Action, Lilligant may dance in an odd way that forces others to try to mimic her. The thing is, she's immune to Confusion, and it's a Confusing dance. All with Line of Sight to her must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or spend their next Standard Action dancing inanely (thus preventing Full Round Actions on their turn) and then be Confused for ten minutes. In a Contest, everyone acting after her has to try to use the same Skill she did, or suffer a -4 penalty to their skill check.

Replace Magic Leaf with Sword Dance (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent Action, Lilligant may perform the deadly Sword Dance, sharpening her arms into actual blades. Until the end of her next turn, she is treated as having a pair of Keen Scimitars with which she is proficient. They are Magic Weapons, with an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls of +1 per 3 HD (round up), and deal additional d6 of damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus.

Replace Leaf Storm with Petal Dance (Sp): once per hour, she may cast a combined Rain of Roses and Rain of Black Tulips as a [Grass] effect. Instead of specifically affecting Evil creatures, it just affects whatever she likes, but is modified by Pokemon Type. Note that the Wisdom Damage is modified as well, so a Quagsire would in fact take 20d6 damage and 4d6 Wisdom damage per round.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Small Vermin
14 12 13 3 11 10
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed 20'
BAB/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Bite +6 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 Fire, 19-20)
Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1
AC: 16 (+1 Size +1 Dex +2 Natural +2 Deflection)
flat 15 touch 14
Feats: Skill Focus: Intimidate, Power Attack
Skills: Intimidate +10
Special Attacks: Ember, String Shot, Bug Bite
Special Qualities: Bug Pokemon Traits, Fire Pokemon Traits, Fire Body
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small), 8-10 HD (Medium), Evolves into Volcarona at 11 HD

Ember (Su): Larvesta has a very minor breath weapon; it can breathe fire. A Larvesta's ember attack strikes in a 20 ft. line and deals d6 + HD + Cha mod in Fire damage. Creatures in the area may halve the damage on a successful reflex save (Charisma-based). Larvesta may not use Ember for 1d4+1 rounds after having used it. The Sample Larvesta's Ember attack inflicts 1d6+4 fire damage with a save DC of 12. This is a [Fire] effect.

String Shot (Su): A Larvesta can fire a series of sticky strands at its enemies, making it difficult for them to move. A Larvesta's string shot suffers no range penalties and has a maximum range of Close. If the Larvesta hits with a ranged touch attack the opponent is Entangled until they are freed. The strings of Larvesta silk can be escaped with a full round action, (escape artist DC 15) or snapped with a full-round action (strength check DC 15). The strands can be escaped or broken as a move equivalent action (DC 25) or free action (DC 35). The strands cannot be burned off, but can be cut with a slashing weapon (hardness 8, 3 hit points). The sample Larvesta makes the attack at +5. This is a [Bug] effect.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Larvesta's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has.

Fire Body (Ex): Larvesta's body is filled and surrounded with fire. It gains a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class equal to one third its Hit Dice (round up). Additionally, any time it hits an enemy or is hit by an enemy, the enemy suffers 1d6 Fire damage and must make a Reflex Save (Constitution-based) or catch Fire. The sample Larvesta has a Save DC of 13. This is a [Fire] effect. It is also immune to Fire damage.

Additional Hit Dice:
At 7 HD, Larvesta learns the Flame Charge (Ex): when making a Charge attack, its bonus Fire damage from Fire Body increases to 1d6 per 2 Hit Dice, and it may follow up by moving 10' with a Swift Action, not provoking an Attack of Opportunity from the target. This is a [Fire] effect. In a Contest, if Larvesta uses this and wins a point, then it automatically goes first next Round (rolling off between multiple "always goes first" pokemon).

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Skill Focus with Murderous Intent and Power Attack with Blitz.


Medium Vermin
14 18 15 7 15 30
Hit Dice: 11d8+22 (71 HP)
Initiative +4
Speed 30' Fly 60' (Poor)
BAB/Grapple: +8/+10
Attack: Bite +10 (1d8+3 plus 1d6 Fire, 19-20)
Fort +9 Ref +7 Will +5
AC: 21 (+4 Dex +3 Natural +4 Deflection)
flat 17 touch 18
Feats: Skill Focus: Intimidate, Power Attack, Ability Focus: Heat Wave, Ability Focus: Fiery Dance
Skills: Intimidate +27
Special Attacks: Ember, String Shot, Bug Bite, Fire Spin, Heat Wave, Fiery Dance, Flame Charge
Special Qualities: Bug Pokemon Traits, Fire Pokemon Traits, Fire Body
Advancement: 12-15 HD (Medium), 16-20 HD (Large), 21+ HD (Huge)

Ember (Su): Volcarona has a very minor breath weapon; it can breathe fire. A Volcarona's ember attack strikes in a 30 ft. line and deals d6 + HD + Cha mod in Fire damage. Creatures in the area may halve the damage on a successful reflex save (Charisma-based). The Sample Volcarona's Ember attack inflicts 1d6+21 fire damage with a save DC of 25. This is a [Fire] effect.

String Shot (Su): A Volcarona can fire a series of sticky strands at its enemies, making it difficult for them to move. A Volcarona's string shot suffers no range penalties and has a maximum range of Close. If the Volcarona hits with a ranged touch attack the opponent is Entangled until they are freed. The strings of Volcarona silk can be escaped with a full round action, (escape artist DC 20) or snapped with a full-round action (strength check DC 20). The strands can be escaped or broken as a move equivalent action (DC 30) or free action (DC 40). The strands cannot be burned off, but can be cut with a slashing weapon (hardness 10, 20 hit points). The sample Volcarona makes the attack at +15. This is a [Bug] effect.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Volcarona's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has.

Fire Body (Ex): Volcarona's body is filled and surrounded with fire. It gains a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class equal to one third its Hit Dice (round up). Additionally, any time it hits an enemy or is hit by an enemy, the enemy suffers 1d6 Fire damage and must make a Reflex Save (Constitution-based) or catch Fire. The sample Volcarona has a Save DC of 17. This is a [Fire] effect. It is also immune to Fire damage.

Flame Charge (Ex): when making a Charge attack, Volcarona's bonus Fire damage from Fire Body increases to 1d6 per 2 Hit Dice, and it may follow up by moving 20' with a Swift Action, not provoking an Attack of Opportunity from the target. This is a [Fire] effect. In a Contest, if Volcarona uses this and wins a point, then it automatically goes first next Round (rolling off between multiple "always goes first" pokemon).

Fire Spin (Su): anyone who fails the save against Volcarona's Ember or Fire Body is trapped in flames - Entangled and taking the damage again every round for one minute. This is a [Fire] effect.

Heat Wave (Su): Volcarona can unleash a massive blast of heat once per two rounds. This is a fiery emanation radiating 30' from it, dealing 1d8 Fire damage per HD to all in the area with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who fail the save also become Fatigued. The sample Volcarona deals 11d8 damage with a Save DC of 27. This is a [Fire] effect.

Fiery Dance (Su): once per hour, Volcarona can perform a special dance with a Full Round Action. All enemies within 60 feet suffer 1d6 Fire damage per hit die with no Saving Throw allowed, and Volcarona gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma for the next ten minutes. The sample Volcarona deals 11d6 damage. This is a [Fire] effect. If used in a Contest, it still grants the Enhancement Bonus to Charisma.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 2 Hit Dice, Volcarona's Charisma, Intelligence or Dexterity increases by +1.

At 16 HD, Volcarona gains Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Mass Rage, Gust of Wind, Wind Wall, Flamestrike. Flamestrike is a [Fire] effect, Mass Rage is a [Bug] effect, and the others are [Flying] effects.

At 18 HD, it gains another Spell-Like Ability, 1/hour - Greater Whirlwind. This is a [Flying] effect.

At 20 HD, it gains Deadly Lahar as a Spell-Like Ability 1/hour. This is a [Fire] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Skill Focus with Murderous Intent, Power Attack with Blitz, and perhaps consider one Ability Focus with Danger Sense.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Medium Magical Beast [Fire]
16 15 17 6 15 21
Hit Dice: 10d10+40 (95 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed 20'
BAB/Grapple: +10/+13
Attack: Tongue Slap +14 (1d8+4)
Reach: 10'
Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +5
AC: 18 (+2 Dex +6 Natural)
flat 16 touch 12
Feats: Weapon Focus: Tongue Slap, Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Dodge
Skills: Spot +15
Special Attacks: Lick, Improved Grab, Fiery Constrict, Fire Spin, Incinerate, Snatch
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits, Flash Fire, Scent, Eat Anything
Advancement: 11-13 HD (Medium), 14-17 HD (Large), 18+ HD (Huge)

Lick (Ex): Heatmor may treat its Tongue Slap as a [Ghost] effect. If it does this, it is resolved as a Touch Attack and the foe must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) if it hits, or be Paralyzed for 3 rounds. The sample Heatmor has a Save DC of 20. Unlike most [Ghost] moves, this gives +2 in Cute Contests instead of -2.

Improved Grab (Ex): if Heatmor hits a foe with its Tongue Slap, it may attempt to establish a Grapple as a Free Action without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Fiery Constrict (Su): with a Standard Action, Heatmor may constrict a foe it is Grappling, using the white-hot flame of its tongue to maim its prey. The foe takes 1d6 Fire damage per 2 Hit Die of the Heatmor, bypassing Hardness. The sample Heatmor deals 5d6 damage with this. This is a [Fire] effect.

Incinerate (Su): Heatmor has a focused breath weapon that unleashes an extreme heat, but one that is better suited to setting items ablaze than just annihilating foes with raw damage. Once per five rounds it may unleash its flame in a Close Range Line. All in the area suffer Fire damage equal to 2d10 + its Hit Dice + its Charisma Bonus, with a Reflex Save to negate (Charisma-based). All held, worn and unattended items except for Permanent Magic Items (so not potions, scrolls and wands) are affected as well. The sample Heatmor deals 2d10+15 damage to a 50' Line with a DC 20 Reflex Save. This is a [Fire] effect.

Fire Spin (Su): anyone who fails the save against Heatmor's Incinerate is trapped in flames - Entangled and taking the damage again every round for one minute. This is a [Fire] effect.

Snatch (Ex): when it hits with a Tongue Slap, Heatmor can elect to automatically steal one held or equipped item instead of establishing a grapple or dealing damage. If it is an edible item (and see below), Heatmor may eat it as a Free Action.

Flash Fire (Ex): Heatmor is completely Immune to Fire, and any time it is exposed to Fire damage, it is instead powered up: on its next turn, all of its [Fire] effects are Empowered.

Eat Anything (Ex): a Heatmor can eat anything. Anything. It is completely immune to all ingested poisons and can draw sustenance from anything. Even normally indestructible objects like magic items can be consumed by a Heatmor in at most half an hour.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every odd Hit Die, increase Constitution and Strength by 1.
Every even Hit Die, increase Charisma and Natural Armour by 1.

At 12 HD, it learns the Flamethrower (Su) attack: this attack strikes in a 40-ft. line or 20-ft. cone and deals 1d6 fire damage per HD; this fire is hot enough to deal full damage to objects. Creatures in the area may halve the damage on a successful reflex save (Charisma-based). This can only be used once per 1d4+1 rounds, and is a [Fire] effect.

At 14 HD, it gains a Swallow Whole (Ex) attack: it can hold one creature one size category smaller than itself, or various smaller creatures adding up to that amount of space. Swallowed creatures can escape by dealing 25 Slashing damage. Swallowed creatures suffer 2d6 Acid Damage and 50 Fire Damage every round. If a creature is killed in its stomach, it is completely digested on the spot, restoring HP equal to its own maximum HP to the Heatmor.

At 16 HD, it learns Inferno (Sp): once per hour it may call down a Flamestrike. Any who suffer damage from it suffer a Burn and become Fatigued as well. This is a [Fire] effect.

At 18 HD, it gains the Heatwave (Su) attack: it can unleash a massive blast of heat once per minute. This is a fiery emanation radiating 30' from it, dealing 1d8 Fire damage per HD to all in the area with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who fail the save also become Fatigued. This is a [Fire] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Toughness with Juggernaut, Improved Initiative with Lightning Reflexes and Dodge with Elusive Target.


This is not evolutionarily related to Heatmor but a source of food for it.

Small Vermin
16 14 21 3 11 8
Hit Dice: 8d8+40 (76 HP)
Initiative +2
Speed 20' Burrow 20'
BAB/Grapple: +6/+5
Attack: Bite +12 (2d6+7, 19-20/x3)
Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +2
AC: 23 (+1 Size +2 Dex +6 Natural +4 Armour)
flat 21 touch 13
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Bite, Weapon Focus: Bite, Weapon Specialisation: Bite
Skills: Spot +11
Special Attacks: Bug Bite, Improved Grab, Vice Grip, Metal Jaws
Special Qualities: Bug Pokemon Traits, Steel Pokemon Traits, Hustle, Armoured Body
Advancement: 9-11 HD (Small), 12-14 HD (Medium), 15-17 HD (Large), 18-20 HD (Huge), 21+ HD (Gargantuan)

Improved Grab (Ex): Durant may attempt to establish a Grapple as a Free Action, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity, when it hits with a Bite Attack.

Vice Grip (Ex): when it is grappling a foe, Durant's Bite Attack automatically hits.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Durant's Bite is a [Bug] effect, and not only deals damage one size larger than normal for a Bite of its size, but also has an increased Critical Threat Range. It will also, when making a successful Bite attack, gobble up any edible items the target has. Note that the sample Durant has Improved Natural Attack, increasing the damage size again.

Metal Jaws (Ex): Durant's Bite Attack increases in size by yet another category, and doubles its Critical Multiplier. It is also treated as a +1 Adamantine Weapon in all respects. It may also elect to treat its Bite as a [Steel] effect rather than a [Bug] one if it wishes.

Armoured Body (Ex): Durant has an Armour Bonus as well as a Natural Armour Bonus. This is Masterwork so can actually be given an Enhancement Bonus and other qualities, and provides Immunity to Critical Hits against anything that is Not Very Effective.

Crunch (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Durant can crunch a grappled foe up. It delivers its Bite, but also deals 1d6 Constitution Damage. Until the ability damage is fully healed, the foe takes a -4 penalty to Natural Armour (minimum 0).

Hustle (Ex): at the start of its turn, Durant may elect to be Hasted until its next turn. If it does this, however, it suffers a 20% Miss Chance on all of its attacks.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every odd Hit Die, increase the Natural Armour Bonus by +1.
Every even Hit Die, increase the Armour Bonus by +1.

At 11 HD, it learns Iron Defence (Su): it may spend a Swift Action focusing, turning its skin as hard as iron. For the next three rounds, its Armour Bonus increases by one third of its Hit Dice (round up), and Damage Reduction increases by half its Hit Dice. During this time, however, it will sink in water and must pass a Fortitude Save or suffer 1d10 Acid damage per hit die if exposed to a Rust effect.

At 14 HD, it learns X-Scissor (Ex): if it hits a foe with its Bite attack, it may then make a second Bite attack against them. This will not trigger additional attacks if it hits, but increases the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier again (to 18-20/x4). This second attack is the same type as the initial Bite.

At 17 HD, it learns Guillotine (Ex): any foe hit by its Bite attack must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be decapitated. In most cases this means they are instantly slain. This is a [Steel] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Weapon Specialisation with Great Fortitude.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zeir »

I’d like to see a few older ones and a few new ones, if you don’t mind. Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion; Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone; Klink, Klang, and Klinklang.
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Post by Koumei »

Zeir wrote:I’d like to see a few older ones and a few new ones, if you don’t mind.
A lot of older ones are actually already done here - the history of this thing is that a long time ago, Frank started doing the original Pokeymans. Then a while after that (I'm not even sure if I was aware of the Pokeymans project as it wasn't really covered here or anything, and was long "dead") I did a spite-fuelled "25 Video Game Influenced Magic Items You Give a Fuck About" project, which included the fossils that can be turned into Kabuto+Kabutops/Omanyte+Omastar/Aerodactyl. Then people wanted more, so I just started doing more and sort of linked it in with Frank's work when it was revealed to me. Then QuantumBoost decided "this is awesome" and joined in. The Den got partway into actually making a "D&D and Pokemon" game from the ground up, not as a d20 thing, but that fell asleep. And now I started doing it again due to playing PkMn White (being the racist that I am), and Prak has joined in and taken it a step further by going for the codified Pokemon Types as Subtypes.


By QuantumBoost - the other two are not done, so I could try expanding or you could ask him nicely.


By Frank, prior to 4Gen. I have no problem doing the Klink trilogy and Magnezone - that one was pretty cool, really. Who doesn't want a UFO with a death ray? I mean, it's ElectroSteel but immune to Ground!
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Prak »

The reason I haven't requested/done more 5th genners is that mostly 5th gen didn't really excite me that much, and the ones I did like have been covered (Joltik/Galv., Krokorock). I suppose ...smugleaf (can't remember it's real name) et al would be cool, as would Zekrom/most any of the other 5th gen legendaries. Hmm... and Braviary.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, 5 didn't excite me that much - I like the blobby psychic (Duosion etc.), Smugleaf looks like a douchebag so gets points, the bats are actually cute, I like Lilligant... and Boldore is hilarious because it looks like an asshole - I don't mean it resembles Piers Morgan, either. It goes well with Cloyster in that respect.

I'm not far enough to give an accurate depiction of the legendaries - I'm up to the bit where Lord N awakend [Legendary A] and fucks off (well a little further - I went and fetched a Zen Darmanitan and looked through the relic place). But when the time comes, yeah.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

Koumei wrote:...Boldore is hilarious because it looks like an asshole - I don't mean it resembles Piers Morgan, either. It goes well with Cloyster in that respect.
Erotic Pokemon Pyramids. Just need something that looks like thighs, I guess.

Hm, Timburr would be kind of cool. I did like that whole "evolutionary line that smacks you with building materials" idea.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Zeir »

Argh, sorry, I'd forgotten magnemite and magneton were already done. I've been using, which seems to me to be a bit more convenient than that one.
I've tried making Quilava and Typhlosion, but it's one of my favorites, so I'm afraid that I've been too biased, and I'm not sure I'm that good at judging challenge rating.
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Post by Koumei »

Small Elemental [Metal, Electric]
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 29
Hit Dice: 16d8+80 (152 hp)
Initiative +1
Speed: Fly 40' (Perfect)
Armor Class: 28 (+1 size, +1 Dex +16 Natural)
Touch 12, Flat 27
Fort +17 Ref +8 Will +12
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+9
Slam +14 (1d6+1 plus Shock)
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Skill Focus: Craft, Skill Focus: Listen, Skill Focus: Search
Skills: Craft (Metalworking) +29, Spellcraft +26, Listen +29, Search +24
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities, Shock, Magnetise, Zap Cannon, Gyro Ball
Special Qualities: Aura, Hardness 10, Electric Pokemon Traits, Steel Pokemon Traits, Analytic
Challenge Rating: 16
Advancement: 17-19 HD (Small), 20-24 HD (Medium), 25+ HD (Large)

Analytic (Ex): Magnezone adds its Intelligence Bonus as a Competence Bonus on Reflex and Will Saves. If it has a lower Initiative count than its target, it also adds its Intelligence Bonus as a Competence Bonus on the attack roll (if any). It rolls twice and picks the highest result against [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Shock (Ex): A Magnezone inflicts an extra 1d6 electricity damage with its slam attacks. This damage can be normal or nonlethal as the Magnezone desires. This is an [Electric] effect.

Gyro Ball (Ex): Magnezone is pretty good at just crashing into shit for massive damage. It can perform a Charge over multiple rounds: declare a target you can actually see, and just keep moving at double Magnezone's base Fly Speed every turn, directly towards the target - it's okay to change direction if required (due to the target moving), but otherwise follow the rules of charging. At any point Magnezone can call the charge off, but doing so wastes this effect - even if it elects to charge something else instead. When the charge attack hits, add 2d6 damage for every turn that was spent charging towards the foe. This is a [Steel] effect. In a Contest, this move grants the skill a bonus of +2 per other contestant who acts before Magnezone.

Lock-On (Su): By spending a Full Round Action focusing on a foe, Magnezone can ensure the next attack will hit: on its next turn, it ignores all Miss Chances (such as the innate one for Zap Cannon), and targets do not benefit from Evasion, Improved Evasion, Mettle, Perfect Evasion, Improved Mettle or similar things. If used in a Contest, this cannot generate a point. However, on its next turn, it will automatically get one point more than it normally would.

Zap Cannon (Su): Once per hour, Magnezone can unleash an awesome blast of energy. Treat this as a Maximised Lightning Bolt that has a 50% Miss Chance. Any foe that suffers any damage from it is Paralysed for 1d6 rounds with no saving throw. This is an [Electric] effect.

Aura (Su): Magnezones alter the weather by their mere presence. The temperature around a Magnezone raises slightly for nearly a mile in every direction, and moisture condenses out of the air. Any [Cold] or [Water] spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability used within a mile of a Magnezone must succeed in a caster-level check (DC equals the hit dice of the strongest Magnezone in range) or be Dispelled.

Magnetise (Su): at will, a Magnezone may make a Ranged Touch Attack out to Short Range. If this hits, the target (which may just be a patch of ground) is magnetised for the next hour, and metal will just stick to them. Any [Steel] attack (or attack with a metal weapon) in the meantime will automatically hit, without needing an attack roll. It can also magnetise a target to cause them to Levitate for the next hour. Either way, this is an [Electric] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Shocking Grasp, Telekinesis (sustained force only), Detect Magic, Orb of Electricity, Shatter, Sound Burst, Chain Lighting, Call Lighting Storm; 1/hour - Control Weather, Storm of Vengeance, Radiant Assault. Radiant Assault and Sound Burst are [Steel] effects, the rest are [Electric] effects.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every Hit Die, increase its Natural Armour by +1.

Every 2 Hit Dice, increase its Constitution and either Intelligence or Charisma by +1.

At 21 Hit Dice, all of its abilities can be used At Will.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Improved Toughness with Magical Aptitude and Skill Focus with Alertness, Ghost Hunter and Investigator
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Construct [Metal]
12 8 16 5 15 11
Hit Dice: 1d10+6 (11 HP)
Initiative -1
Speed 10' Climb 10'
BAB/Grapple: +0/-7
Attack: Slam +3 (1d4+1)
Reach: 0'
Fort +3 Ref -1 Will +2
AC: 14 (+2 Size -1 Dexterity +3 Natural)
flat 14 touch 11
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Hide +11
Special Attacks: Gear Grind, Static Charge
Special Qualities: Steel Pokemon Traits, Plus/Minus, Like Clockwork, Autotomise, Just a Gear, Damage Reduction 3/Adamantine
Advancement: 2-4 HD (Tiny), Evolves into Klang at 5 HD

Plus/Minus (Ex): Whenever close to an external source of electricity (within 20 feet), Klink enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to its Attack and Damage rolls.

Like Clockwork (Ex): Klink can make Aid Other attempts out to Close Range, but only to creatures with Steel Pokemon Traits. Furthermore, whenever it grants Aid to such creatures, the bonus improves to +4.

Just a Gear (Ex): Klink doesn't really need to do much thinking, and can function just fine without doing so. It is Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Gear Grind (Ex): if Klink succeeds in making a Slam attack against a target, it may immediately make a second attack at the same bonus (even including one-attack crap like True Strike), that has a base damage of 1d10. Add the damage together for the purpose of overcoming Hardness and Damage Reduction. This is a [Steel] effect, as is the basic Slam. If, between its last turn and its current one, something else had hit the target with Gear Grind, Klink needn't make any attack rolls against that target for its Slams - it just joins in and grinds with both attacks automatically.

Static Charge (Su): By spending a Move Action moving - or just charging up on the spot - Klink can generate enough static electricity to deliver a painful shock to those nearby. With a Standard Action, it can release this energy, making a single attack roll and applying it against every adjacent creature. Those hit suffer Electricity damage equal to 1d6 plus its Hit Dice plus its Charisma Bonus. The sample Klink deals 1d6+1 damage. If this charge is not used by the end of its next turn, it is wasted. This is an [Electric] effect.

Autotomise (Su): Klink may shrink itself down at will, becoming Diminutive in Size. It gains +2 to Armour Class and Attack rolls, its Slam is reduced to 1d3 (and 1d8 on Gear Grind), it loses 2 Strength, and gains 4 Dexterity. It also loses all of its Damage Reduction when it does this, however. These effects last for one minute, after which all changes are reversed.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Toughness with Great Fortitude.


Small Construct [Metal]
14 10 20 5 17 13
Hit Dice: 5d10+28 (53 HP)
Initiative +0
Speed 20' Climb 20'
BAB/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Slam +7 (1d6+3)
Reach: 5'
Fort +6 Ref +1 Will +4
AC: 19 (+1 Size +8 Natural)
flat 19 touch 11
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus: Slam
Skills: Hide +12
Special Attacks: Gear Grind, Static Charge, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Steel Pokemon Traits, Plus/Minus, Like Clockwork, Autotomise, Just a Gear, Damage Reduction 6/Adamantine
Advancement: 6-9 HD (Small), Evolves into Klingklang at 10 HD

Plus/Minus (Ex): Whenever close to an external source of electricity (within 20 feet), Klang enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to its Attack and Damage rolls.

Like Clockwork (Ex): Klang can make Aid Other attempts out to Close Range, but only to creatures with Steel Pokemon Traits. Furthermore, whenever it grants Aid to such creatures, the bonus improves to +7.

Just a Gear (Ex): Klang doesn't really need to do much thinking, and can function just fine without doing so. It is Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Gear Grind (Ex): if Klang succeeds in making a Slam attack against a target, it may immediately make a second attack at the same bonus (even including one-attack crap like True Strike), that has a base damage of 1d12. Add the damage together for the purpose of overcoming Hardness and Damage Reduction. This is a [Steel] effect, as is the basic Slam. If, between its last turn and its current one, something else had hit the target with Gear Grind, Klang needn't make any attack rolls against that target for its Slams - it just joins in and grinds with both attacks automatically.

Static Charge (Su): By spending a Move Action moving - or just charging up on the spot - Klang can generate enough static electricity to deliver a painful shock to those nearby. With a Standard Action, it can release this energy, making a single attack roll and applying it against every adjacent creature. Those hit suffer Electricity damage equal to 2d6 plus its Hit Dice plus its Charisma Bonus. The sample Klang deals 2d6+6 damage. If this charge is not used by the end of its next turn, it is wasted. This is an [Electric] effect.

Autotomise (Su): Klang may shrink itself down at will, becoming Tiny in Size. It gains +1 to Armour Class and Attack rolls, its Slam is reduced to 1d4 (and 1d10 on Gear Grind), it loses 2 Strength, and gains 4 Dexterity. It also loses all of its Damage Reduction when it does this, however. These effects last for one minute, after which all changes are reversed.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): once per minute - Lightning Bolt, Orb of Electricity; these are [Electric] effects and require the expenditure of the Static Charge.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Toughness with Great Fortitude and Weapon Focus with Combat School.


Small Construct [Metal]
16 10 30 7 23 17
Hit Dice: 10d10+113 (168 HP)
Initiative +0
Speed 20' Climb 20'
BAB/Grapple: +7/+7
Attack: Slam +12 (1d8+4)
Reach: 5'
Fort +13 Ref +3 Will +9
AC: 24 (+1 Size +13 Natural)
flat 24 touch 11
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus: Slam, Improved Toughness, Improved Natural Attack: Slam
Skills: Hide +17
Special Attacks: Gear Grind, Static Charge, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Steel Pokemon Traits, Plus/Minus, Like Clockwork, Autotomise, Just a Gear, Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine
Advancement: 11-13 HD (Small), 14-16 HD (Medium), 17-19 HD (Large), 20+ HD (Huge)

Plus/Minus (Ex): Whenever close to an external source of electricity (within 20 feet), Klingklang enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to its Attack and Damage rolls.

Like Clockwork (Ex): Klingklang can make Aid Other attempts out to Close Range, but only to creatures with Steel Pokemon Traits. Furthermore, whenever it grants Aid to such creatures, the bonus improves to +10.

Just a Gear (Ex): Klingklang doesn't really need to do much thinking, and can function just fine without doing so. It is Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Gear Grind (Ex): if Klingklang succeeds in making a Slam attack against a target, it may immediately make a second attack at the same bonus (even including one-attack crap like True Strike), that has a base damage of 1d12. Add the damage together for the purpose of overcoming Hardness and Damage Reduction. This is a [Steel] effect, as is the basic Slam. If, between its last turn and its current one, something else had hit the target with Gear Grind, Klingklang needn't make any attack rolls against that target for its Slams - it just joins in and grinds with both attacks automatically.

Static Charge (Su): By spending a Move Action moving - or just charging up on the spot - Klingklang can generate enough static electricity to deliver a painful shock to those nearby. With a Standard Action, it can release this energy, making a single attack roll and applying it against every adjacent creature. Those hit suffer Electricity damage equal to 3d6 plus its Hit Dice plus its Charisma Bonus. The sample Klang deals 3d6+13 damage. If this charge is not used by the end of its next turn, it is wasted. This is an [Electric] effect.

Autotomise (Su): Klingklang may shrink itself down at will, becoming Tiny in Size. It gains +1 to Armour Class and Attack rolls, its Slam is reduced to 1d4 (and 1d10 on Gear Grind), it loses 2 Strength, and gains 4 Dexterity. It also loses all of its Damage Reduction when it does this, however. These effects last for one minute, after which all changes are reversed. Note that if it grows to a larger size category, it still becomes Tiny when using this and gains the same effects.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Lightning Bolt, Orb of Electricity; these are [Electric] effects and require the expenditure of the Static Charge.

Gear Shift (Ex): With a Full Round Action, Klingklang may shift its gears. This grants it a +6 Enhancement Bonus to Strength and a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity for one minute.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Toughness with Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Toughness with Lightning Reflexes and Improved Natural Attack with Blitz.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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