Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Catharz »

I thought this was a fun villain:

"The sweetest meat lies closest to the bone."
"It's best to eat your food fresh before the chi dissipates."
Ghoul [ToN] human

Code: Select all

[br]Jester [Dun] 6/Thief of Souls [ToN] 9/Conduit of the Lower Planes 3[br]1:Jst 1 |--------------| 0| 0/2/0 | A Feast Unknown, Fairy Eater[br]3:Jst 3 |--------------| 2| 1/3/1 | Paralysis[br]6:Jst 6 |--------------| 4| 2/5/2 | ?[br]7:Jst 6/ToS 1 |--------| 4| 2/7/4 |[br]12:Jst 6/ToS 6 |-------| 8|4/10/7 | Devil Preparation[br]13:Jst 6/ToS 6/CotLP 1 | 8|4/10/9 | Sphere: Voracity[br]15:Jst 6/ToS 8/CotLP 1 |10|4/11/10| Devour the Soul[br]16:Jst 6/ToS 9/CotLP 1 |10|5/11/10|[br]17:Jst 6/ToS 9/CotLP 2 |11|5/11/11|[br]18:Jst 6/ToS 9/CotLP 3 |12|6/12/11| Heavenly Desserts, Essence Gourmand, Sphere: Greater Voracity

A planar jet-setting gourmet. I basically grabbed everything from the Tome series related to eating people that I could find. He paralyzes things and then eats them. Then he eats their souls.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Since I ended up posting most of a build in another thread, I'll do it here as well.
Stats (elite array +5)
Str - 15
Dex - 22 (25)
Con - 19
Int - 17
Wis - 13
Cha - 18

Takinaru Kensai - Human Samurai 11
1 - Ancestral Weaponry, Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting
2 - Horde Breaker
3 - Kiai!, Point Blank Shot
4 - Whirlwind Attack
5 - Ancestral Guidance
6 - Blindfighting, Terrible Blows, Blitz
7 - Iaijutsu
8 - Parry Magic
9 - Subtle Cut, Danger Sense
10 - Blade of Devastation
11 - Iaijutsu Focus

Items of Note:
Magical Extending Kusarigama (1d6/1d4 20x2 light, finessable, double, reach weapon that can make trip attempts and threaten 15' with that shiny enhancement)
Dexterous Boots of Speed (Haste 10 rounds/day, +1 Dex/3 levels)
Returning Chakrams (1d4, 20x3, 30' ranged weapon) (a huge sack full of them)

Blindsense 60', Tremorsense 120', Sense Motive if any harmful intent comes within 60', always "actively searching", make take 10 on Spot and Listen checks.

Initiative (because it's awesome) = +10

Saves - 7/11/8 (irrelevant, because you are never denied your Dex bonus, and can make an AoO to Parry any directed Magic)
Full Attack routine - +21/+21/+19/+19/+19/+19 KIAI!
Damage = d6+7(dex)+11(BAB, provokes an AoO)+3(weapon)+1(S.Cut)

Notes about attacking:
Cover bonuses do not apply
1st attack in a full attack does 2d4 Dex damage OR equal damage to movement speed
all attacks ignore DR and Hardness
free Intimidate check with successful hit
A non-AoO may be converted to an automatic crit 7x/day
All attacks are considered to be made with a Wounding weapon

Any opponent killed:
- generates a free 5' step and an AoO on someone, if desired
- generates a +2 Morale bonus to hit and damage
- generates and aura of fear with a DC=10+HD dropped

#AoOs = 3(normal)+3(TWF)+7(Dex)=12
may be spent in the following manner:
Trip attempts (use Dex) - 'nuff said
15' reach - 'nuff said
can be used to nullify any targetted magic by making an AoO against the DC
Immediate action to spend up to all of them as attacks on some poor sucker
Anyone that approaches within 15' after a whirlwind attack

Other options of note:
Whirlwind Attack - Full round action move (60')+ free licks on anyone that you would be able to hit on the way (feel free to use that awesome Immediate action at the end! Don't forget that you can Tumble over/around/through enemies)

I figure that this would be the standard Army-destroying character.
Takinaru will likely go first every time (+10 init), and can move 60' and attack everything that comes within 15' of any point during that movement.
Each slain creature adds another 5' to this movement.
After the first creature is slain, Takinaru gets +2 to attacking, and all creatures get the Shaken condition (or panicked if they fail the save).
Anyone not slain is subject to an Intimidate check, if hit, which just adds to the nastiness, because they stack.
Any specific creature that Takinaru wants dead can become a confirmed critical, if it is a hit.
At the end of this movement, Takinaru positions himself to attack a leader/boss/magic user with his up to TWELVE attacks at full bonuses (three of which must be with that crap d4). If boss/creature is slain, proceed to make a free 5' step and use another AoO. Typically, save 1-2 AoOs to deflect magic and spells.

If ranged attacking is needed, Takunaru will draw on his supply of Chakrams, with which he can make AoOs out to 30', and may add his Base Attack Bonus twice to damage (once from Blitz, once from Point Blank Shot), but may not Power Attack.

I would just like to say that I think there may be a balance issue with Iaijutsu Focus when combined with Whirlwind (granted for free) and Two Weapon Fighting. For instance, this character can easily hit a target
3(normal, interative)+3(off hand)+1(haste)+12(Iaijutsu Focus) = 19 times within a round (and auto-crit a hit for over 40 damage). If you have saved your immediate actions, you can fairly easily:
Immediate action+Full Attack+Immediate action for a total of 31 attacks within the first 'round' of combat, without the introduction of Sniper (so you can make 31 attacks from 60 feet away), or the surprise round. I know that that level 11 starts the levels of "crazy-go-nuts", but this may be a bit much.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by JonSetanta »

Ah yeah I'll post here too then, and link here from your thread, SunTzu.

As of this post he is magic item-less. I'll check out what Tome eq is availible later since I haven't really read much on that subject, but I suspect capabilities would improve (duh) quite dramatically.


Stats (can't compare directly, since many campaigns are different, so I assume at least Elite Array)
Highest: DEX (+2)
Second Highest: CON
Middle (don't care): INT (+2), STR, CHA (-2)
Lowest: WIS

Elite Arrary with 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 (blah) goes into:
STR 13
DEX 15+2
CON 14
INT 10+2
CHA 12-2

Tiefling (Races of War)
* Medium Size
* 30' movement.
* Outsider Type (Native and Human subtype)
* Darkvision
* +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
* Tieflings with a Charisma of at least 10 may cast darkness as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their character level once per day.
* +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently checks.
* Favored Classes: Rogue and True Fiend
* Automatic Languages: Common
* Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Formian, Ignan, Slaad, Sylvan, Terran.

Languages: Common, Infernal

Level - Class - Custom Ability Choices
1 True Fiend - Fiendish Traits: Baatezu
2 Fiendish Brute - Attribute Boost: CON and DEX
3 Monk (Dungeonomicon) - Fighting Style: "Nadir Mudra" combines "+4 to all saves" and "Concealment"
4 Monk - n/a
5 Monk - Fighting Style: "Entropy Hoof" combines "stances affect all attacks" and "ignore DR & hardness"
6 Fiendish Brute - Fiend feat
7+ Monk... maybe a PrC?

Hit Die
TF d8+2 (max) = 10 hp
FB d10+2 x2 (all the rest are lower median) = 14 hp
Monk d8+2 x3 = 18 hp

level 4+: +1 hp per level

total at level 6: 48 hp

Level - Class - Skill Points - Skills With Maxed Ranks - Stealth(Hide and MS checks, +2 from racial)
1 TF 1+8x4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Survival,UMD,Spellcraft,Esc.A - stealth+9
2 FB 1+4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Survival - stealth+10
3 Mnk 1+4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Speak: Abyssal - stealth+11
4 Mnk 1+4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Speak: Goblin - stealth+12
5 Mnk 1+4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Speak: Draconic - stealth+13
6 FB 1+4 - Hide,MS,Spot,Listen,Survival - stealth+14

Saves, Combat
Level - Base F/R/W - Base Attack Bonus - total AC
1 TF1 - 2/2/2 - BAB 1 - 10+DEX+2(armor) = 15
2 FB1 - 4/4/2 - BAB 1.5 - 10+DEX+2+4(natural) = 19
3 Mnk1 - 6/6/4 - BAB 2.5 - 10+DEX+2+4+4(monk,armor) = 23
4 Mnk2 - 7/7/5 - BAB 3.5 - 10+DEX+2+4+5 = 24
5 Mnk3 - 7/7/5 - BAB 4.5 - 10+DEX+2+4+5 = 24
6 FB2 - 8/8/5 - BAB 5 - 10+DEX+2+5+5 = 25

add the following stat mods to saves: +2/+3/-1
level 3+, using "Nadir Mudra", add: +4/+4/+4
level 4+: +3/+4/-1

Level - Feat - Source
1 Weapon Finesse from level
3 Poison Sacs (DC 10 +1/2 level +2, Imp poison: -1d4 DEX/-2d4) from level
6 Greater Teleport from Fiendish Brute, and undecided about either Extra Arms (2 tentacles instead? otherwise same thing in combat), Supernatural Virulence (claw poison tied to Darkness SLA), Subtle Cut, or Juggernaught from level

Level - Stacked Abilities (from race + class + feats)
1 TF1
Weapon Finesse: You may use your Dexterity Modifier instead of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee attack bonus.
Weapon Finesse: Your special attacks are considered to have the Edge when you attack an opponent with a Dexterity modifier smaller than yours, even if your Base Attack Bonus is not larger.

2 FB1
Natural Weapons
Natural Armor
Attribute Boost (CON = 15, DEX = 18)
Immune to Fire
See in Darkness

3 Mnk1
Armored In Life
Fatal Strike
Willow Step (useless. heh)
Fighting Style: "Nadir Mudra"
Poison Sacs, DC 13

4 Mnk2
Rain of Flowers
Abundant Leap
Poison DC 15
Stat Increase: CON (becomes 16)

5 Mnk3
Fighting Style: "Entropy Hoof"

6 FB2
Weapon Finesse: You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when attempting to trip an opponent.
Fiend Feat: Greater Teleport
Poison DC 16
Extra Arms: 2 additional claw attacks (tentacle claws? spikey tentacles? still poisoned.)

Weapons - Attack Bonus (same for all: BAB+3)
2 claws 1d4+1 (Imp DEX poison)
level 3+: 1 slam 1d8+1
level 6+: 2 (tentacle) claws 1d4+1, also poisoned

10 daggers
1 punching dagger (for when you're helpless. lulz)

Leather Armor
Noncombat stuffs like bedding, food prep, spare clothes, a hooded robe for "towning", etc

updated v2 post-Catharz suggestion, still no magic items... yet
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Captain_Bleach »

Gender: Female
Race: Half-orc (RoW)
Class: Assassin 6
Alignment: Not in my game!
HP: 32
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +2 Dodge)
Fort: +6
Ref: +8
Will: +3
Attacks: Crossbow +9 Ranged (1d8+2), Shortsword +9 Melee (1d6+5)
Class Features: Death Attack +8d6, Uncanny Dodge, Cloak of Discretion, Traps, Trapmaking, Palm Weapon
Str: 16
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 10
Feats: Elusive Target, Point Blank Shot, Subtle Cut
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +8, Concentration +6, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +8, Jump +8, Listen+7, Search+8, Stealth (comb. of Hide and Move Silently) +12, Spot+7, Swim +8, Tumble +8
Spells Known: 0- Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue
1- Disguise Self, Magic Aura, Silent Image, Ventriloquism
2- Invisibility, Misdirection, See Invisibility
Equipment: +2 Light Crossbow, +2 Shortsword, Masterwork Studded Leather.

Alzur was an orphan, raised on the mean streets of Bahhavrar. She grew up, eking out a miserable existence until she joined a religious cult. She quickly found out that she had a talent for silently and efficiently killing others. She became a cult assassin, and a campaign villain.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Catharz »

The 3.5e "kusari-gama" is a light slashing weapon (1d6 damage) with reach. You seem to be using the older (Oriental Adventures) version, which IIRC is a large reach OR double 1d6s/1d4b weapon.

There are certainly advantages to both (e.g. TWFing with just your ancestral weapon vs. pick ancestral weapon for the crits vs. dual kusarigama for the reach).

And what do you mean by 'save' your immediate actions?

Entropy Hoof looks almost useless with a wisdom of 8 (DC 12?). I'd switch it to 'applies to all weapons/'beats all DR & hardness', seeing as you're a natural weapons specialist.

Also, poison sacs applies to 'one of your natural weapons'. I'm not sure if that includes all of your claws or just one.

You might want some gloves too...
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by JonSetanta »

Thanks, Catharz.
I was debating about the Stun stance, since WIS was only good for that. I was going for a "stunlock" like Heihachi does in Tekken and Soul Calibur, but.. eh..

Your "soul gourmand" is awesome, BTW. I'd love to use that as a villain.

I've been entertaining other options for melee, though:
An advanced Combat School ability grants Dazing. Maybe that would work better since it's a STR DC, and then I just pump STR for other reasons too.
There must be other ways to 'juggle' though...
Spamming Trip works....

The "ignore hardness" stance would be for tearing items to shreds, since they seem the biggest threat.
Combined with the claws (or 2 claws/2 tentacles/1-2 slams) not much would last long.
Combined with Juggernaught and Improved Grapple, metal is as good as paper.
I'd use the Hold action with two limbs, and then any other attacks to tear armaments to bits, then get to work on the foe.

As far as the Poison Sacs interpretation goes, maybe Frank or Keith can speak up about that design intention, or someone that's encountered a similar ruling issue.
From what I see, it seems you pick a natural weapon (one) and all instances of that, be it gores, slams, claws, bites, whatever, get the poison.
Could go either way, but the poison DC is fuckin low at that level even though I boost the CON (not listed but the level 4 stat boost goes there too), and the intent was ensuring that Endymion here gets The Edge in combat as well as an easy victory against low DEX foes.

Once a target has been poisoned to the point of having lower DEX/pathetic AC/maybe even paralyzed, Endymion switches to the Entropy Hoof (think of it as a reverse roundhouse kick using his Tiefy hoof, glowing red) and/or punching dagger to finish the target off.
Or maybe just haul them away for secret eating.
While still alive.

Gloves would be nice, maybe DEX boosting or damage uppers, but I believe the big problem with this is lack of focus.
Maybe too much multiclassing.
The Fiendish Brute is nice, but could similar do with an Aasimar using Infernal Dalliance feat for the claws at the cost of an early Weapon Finesse.
That would give nice WIS for Stun, which I'd then have to bump up priority, but the +2 DEX is sorely missed.

I wanted to do the Roguelike Use Magic Device abuse for things like scroll or wand usage (low level AoE and SoDs), but noticed it caps off due to limited True Fiend levels. Perhaps a high CHA would cover for that.
Yeah. A DEX/CHA/WIS Fiendish Brute/Monk. *yarf*
MAD sucks.

Perhaps an entire DEX-focus like SunTzu?
Scrap the whole poison thing, keep the many limbs.
Yet, still need some way of making sure the foes don't get a chance to hit back...
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Okay, where the heck is this legendary Kusari-gama found? It is the perfect weapon for the occasion, and I've google-searched several times with little to no success. I thought I found it in Oriental Adventures, but I suppose not. Please, tell me where it is, I beg you.

Using 2 immediate actions in rapid succession:
Full Attack, Use an immediate action as a swift action to do something
Use an immediate action to do something.

Saving Immediate actions:
<Round1> Full attack, swift action to do something </Round1>
<Others>Don't use immediate action</Others>
<just before round 2> Use immediate action </JBR2>
<Round2>Full Attack</Round2>
<just after round 2> Use immediate action </JAR2>

In the second scenario, the immediate action was "saved" until just before your turn, then used, and then another was used. This technique applies nicely to other immediate action things as well, such as the Immediate Action Dimension Hopping, where, if someone has not attempted to target you with anything you wish to avoid in the last round, you get free movement.

Anywho, things get crazy-go-nuts when you can make 12 attacks as an immediate action, because you can get to 24 by using 2 of them rapidly, and still have a move and standard action left over (which can be used as 7 attacks with Haste or more with Whirlwind, depending on enemy concentration).
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by JonSetanta »

Now that you mention that SunTzu it occured to me last night that the Monk Master stance that reads:
"While Active, your Master Fighting Style allows you to teleport yourself and everything you are physically carrying 60 feet in any direction as a free action usable once per round."
... really doesn't allow many options at that level other than "I teleport behind them and full attack" or "I attack and teleport away".

If this was a non-AoO attack-action to teleport up to your base movement, it really would work better, since Spring Attack requires 3 feats and really is a sub-par choice by that level (9+).

At level 11, the round could be instead:
"I teleport to them, attack, and then teleport above them."
or "I use all of my attacks to teleport away."
It would scale with BAB and movement bonuses, making it an effective strategy even at later levels.

This is also known as zwee fighting in Buttlord GT.

It should also allow, at least for the Grand Master stance, the option to hop as an Immediate action...

Now that I've read the Tome Samurai in full, beginning to wonder if Monk is a lame choice for what I'm imaginging. The Monk abilities don't scale well, nor does one get any more if Monk levels are ceased (like with spellcasting and PrC "+1 spellcaster level" shit)

Maybe Monk1/Fiendish Brute x would work better, then some PrC for kicks.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Surgo »

The monk abilities scale just fine. A +4 dodge bonus to AC is nice no matter what level you're at. A reflex save vs being helpless doesn't suddenly get worse as you gain levels (how many things are immune to helpless again?). The same can be said for most of them.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Catharz »

SunTzuWarmaster at [unixtime wrote:1197062724[/unixtime]]Okay, where the heck is this legendary Kusari-gama found? It is the perfect weapon for the occasion, and I've google-searched several times with little to no success. I thought I found it in Oriental Adventures, but I suppose not. Please, tell me where it is, I beg you.

3.5 DMG around page 140.

SunTzuWarmaster at [unixtime wrote:1197062724[/unixtime]]In the second scenario, the immediate action was "saved" until just before your turn, then used, and then another was used.

I see.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Judging__Eagle »

Kusari-Gamas are in the "Asian Weapons" section of the DMG.

NM, Catharz got you covered.

Basically they're Spiked Chains for TWF characters or people that want to use a Spiked Chain and a shield.

Animated Shields of course being uber banzzored in any logical game; b/c if not, then everyone can use TWF, Sword and Sheild and 2 Handeded Weapons at the same time and it's not uber ridiculous).

This is achieved by getting Armour Spikes, any 2H weapon and an Animated Sheild; presto, all the benefits of every one of the three melee combat methodologies and few, nay, I think even none of the drawbacks. You get 1 1/2 str damage on your 2H weapon (2H's biggest draw), +1/2 str on your off weapon (beefier than 2H alone since now you have an overall bonus of x2 Str), an extra set of attacks (TWF's biggest draw) and a sheild for more AC (Sheild-users biggest draw).

You don't get lower main weapon damage (shield and TWF's biggest problems) since you have a 2H weapon; you have extra attacks (2H and Sheilds problems) and you don't have lower AC (2H and TWF's biggest problems).

Since armour spikes are illogical to remove, since you know, it makes sense to cover yourself in weapons to keep monsters from bear-hugging you; Animated shield have to go.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Catharz »

Judging__Eagle at [unixtime wrote:1197074479[/unixtime]]
Since armour spikes are illogical to remove, since you know, it makes sense to cover yourself in weapons to keep monsters from bear-hugging you...

Heh. You're joking, right? Armor spikes would have to be carefully placed at some subset of {elbows, hands, head, and shoulders, knees, and toes} in such a way that they didn't channel attacks right into your body.

And anyways they're just upgraded unarmed strikes.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Judging__Eagle »

Well, not exactly covered.

But to the untrained eye you look as if you're bristling with blades. Bristling!
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by JonSetanta »


Actually, that doesn't seem too bad.
I'll remake my Endymion as Monk 1/FB x and see how that turns out. Yeah, small price to pay, losing immortality.. but if I don't get good combat results he'd die in melee anyway.
I'll capitalize on on the grapple monster/natural attacks/status effect stuff, but armor helps...
Rusty nail-covered armor, preferably with draining effect, paralysis, or flame-igniting.
Oh, and you'll need a tetanus shot in your afterlife.

Now I just have to figure out the item stuff Frank n Keith wrote... like how many items a PC of level X receives, and which kinds...
Do we just use normal PC wealth table in DMG?
I'm lost on that.
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Re: Tome Series - Character Creation Thread!

Post by Sunwitch »

SunTzuWarmaster wrote:I would just like to say that I think there may be a balance issue with Iaijutsu Focus when combined with Whirlwind (granted for free) and Two Weapon Fighting. For instance, this character can easily hit a target
3(normal, interative)+3(off hand)+1(haste)+12(Iaijutsu Focus) = 19 times within a round (and auto-crit a hit for over 40 damage). If you have saved your immediate actions, you can fairly easily:
Immediate action+Full Attack+Immediate action for a total of 31 attacks within the first 'round' of combat, without the introduction of Sniper (so you can make 31 attacks from 60 feet away), or the surprise round. I know that that level 11 starts the levels of "crazy-go-nuts", but this may be a bit much.
The 19 (actually 20, you did the math wrong on Iai focus earlier in the post) times per round thing seems fine to me, considering it has to be done up close and 6 of the attacks are close to worthless. As for the other stuff, consider that Iaijutsu focus as far as I can tell uses up as many AoOs as you decide to attack with, so even if you used two immediate actions on it (which I don't think you can actually do), your first one will have used up all your AoOs (unless for some reason you didn't use them all and then used another immediate action to spend more AoOs afterwards; the only reason I can see to do that is to kill some guy with a few AoOs and then stop attacking until another guy gets within threatened range and then go wild again). So no, you can't get 31 attacks that way. Also, I don't see how you're doing that ranged Iai business with Sniper. Perhaps you mean the +11 on PBS? Because that doesn't actually state that you are threatening 30 feet; it just says you can make attacks against those who provoke them within 30 feet unless they provoke by movement. Iai Focus requires that you actually threaten them i.e. they're within your melee range.
Last edited by Sunwitch on Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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