Half Dragons

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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Koumei »

Captain_Bleach at [unixtime wrote:1187149910[/unixtime]]
Ever heard of 4chan? Those guys would bang anything that moves.

Not always the case - I am a /b/-tard, after all. And you just broke the first two rules :tongue:

I suppose it would be all over /d/, yeah. Whereas half-dragons would be found in /h/, sometimes on /b/ (in furfag threads). And minotaurs would be told to GTFO because "It isn't Friday".
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Neeek »

Cielingcat at [unixtime wrote:1187150928[/unixtime]]Go to /d/;

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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Koumei »

Neeek at [unixtime wrote:1187161127[/unixtime]]

You have answered correctly, thus winning one (1) internets!
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Lago_AM3P »

Okay, for serious this time, when did these boards start becoming a safe haven for you 4-chan slimeballs to talk about your manchild perversions?

I can put up with human traffickers who after a busy day of kidnapping women want to kick back and talk rules with FrankTrollman while they tell their morally deranged guards to keep it down, that Lago guy is on a roll. I can put up with rapist biker nazis posting on our boards. I think we even had a couple of them. Even George W. Bush can even post here if he likes. I don't care.


And don't give me that 'it's just the Internet, show some tolerance dude lol' crap either, you dirtbags. I have hatred, recreational outrage, and AMERICA at my back all you guys have is that weird pedobear thing.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Koumei »

*mildly amused*

Back on topic: I'm using the template on a monster in a game I'm running. I'll report how decent it was when I see the results. Having said that, I just bet the players will figure out a way to avoid it simply because they can psychically detect when I want them to do something.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Draco_Argentum »

Hey, Lago, much as I'd like to agree about not making this board into 4chan 2.0 how about you shut your damn mouth.

And for the irony, Frank is one of the people who have posted pedobear here.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Lago_AM3P »

And for the irony, Frank is one of the people who have posted pedobear here.

Pedobear is one of those memes that have somehow oozed out of that cesspit of undiluted human suffering and I deal. It's not like he made it up.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by MrWaeseL »

I couldn't agree more with Lago. All this 4chan bullshit has been annoying me to death. If you want to talk about your closet pedophilia do it somewhere else.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Draco_Argentum »

Now irrelevant post-content deleted.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Koumei »

And while I don't see any realistic link between pedophilia and 4chan, I'm the new guy so don't need to go around pissing people off - especially when neither of the above (excluding halfling sex, which I feel is less welcome than dragon sex) has anything to do with roleplaying. So fine, no more 4chan talk from this poster.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by fbmf »

[The Great Fence Builder Speaks]
References to a particular poster that doesn't actually post here deleted. Back to topic.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by shirak »

Half-Dragons getting access to a sphere means they get more and better spell-like abilities than normal Dragons. This fits the whole "half-breeds win" meme of Dragonball but seriously, wtf?

It also means a half-Black Dragon might get to cast Incendiary Cloud which is just weird.

So, either give specific Spheres depending on the dragon emulated or limit them by subtype or something. As for the more and better thing, it's not your fault, it's the guy's who wrote the MM. No chance of seeing a rewrite in the Tome of Tiamat, neh?
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Username17 »

Our intention was to create a sphere for each standard dragon. It seems a better way than the completely arbitrary list of spell-like abilities that each dragon has now.

So for example, the White Dragon Sphere would look something like this:

White Dragon
Special: You are constantly under the benefit of a non-magical spider climb and pass without trace effect, save that it only works if the surface is icy. You suffer no penalties for movement on icy surfaces and do not fall through snow.
Level, Benefits
1 Fog Cloud
3 Gust of Wind
5 Sleet Storm
7 Wall of Ice
9 Freezing Fog (Monster Manual version)
11 Control Weather
13 Control Winds (Extended)
15 Frostfell
17 Iceburg
19 Storm of Vengeance

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Re: Half Dragons

Post by CalibronXXX »

I just realized this class has no actual pre-reqs and gives flight at level 2. Isn't that kind of not-a-good-idea?
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by shirak »

FrankTrollman at [unixtime wrote:1187556367[/unixtime]]Our intention was to create a sphere for each standard dragon. It seems a better way than the completely arbitrary list of spell-like abilities that each dragon has now.

So for example, the White Dragon Sphere would look something like this:

White Dragon
Special: You are constantly under the benefit of a non-magical spider climb and pass without trace effect, save that it only works if the surface is icy. You suffer no penalties for movement on icy surfaces and do not fall through snow.
Level, Benefits
1 Fog Cloud
3 Gust of Wind
5 Sleet Storm
7 Wall of Ice
9 Freezing Fog (Monster Manual version)
11 Control Weather
13 Control Winds (Extended)
15 Frostfell
17 Iceburg
19 Storm of Vengeance


OK, I can get behind this. Storm of Vengeance should be Cold damage only btw. Oh, and restrict the half-Dragon into taking the Sphere of the Dragon he is emulating.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Fwib »

Calibron at [unixtime wrote:1187556786[/unixtime]]I just realized this class has no actual pre-reqs and gives flight at level 2. Isn't that kind of not-a-good-idea?
Being a wizard has no actual prereqs, and it gives you flight at level 3 (Alter Self) and on top of that, you get to be a wizard as well.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by CalibronXXX »

How many people do you know actually have Avariels in their campaigns? Off-hand I don't think their are any other flying humanoids with five or less hit-dice.

For that matter, you're comparing this to the polymorph branch of spells and still coming out behind? That should tell you something.

Unrestricted flight at level two seems like a serious potential problem.

A good fix IMO is to simply keep the wings non-functional, or for gliding only, until the creature has 6 or so hit-dice.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Username17 »

OK, maybe I'm just really slow, but how is it problematic if a character with no weapon proficiencies can breathe a 30' cone of 7 points of save-for-half fire every 2d4 rounds while flying around at level 2?

A Ranger of that level can have a bow, and then climb a tree and get similar output with better range every round.

A character could plausibly be 3rd level and be a Winged Half-Dragon with a bow, and then fire arrows from untouchable distance - but as previously noted Wizards actually can start handing out levtates and spider climbs at that point.

Flight + Shit Attacks = I don't give a damn.

People have flying Familiars and Animal Companions at level 1.

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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Fwib »

Raptorans? (although Alter Self is liable to only give you gliding), Mephling (Air), Hadozee (gliding again) - and as you say: Avariel.

And the flying ability of the Half-Dragon in this thread is very slow and only average maneuverability.

I am sure that your argument that I am "comparing this to the polymorph branch of spells and still coming out behind" is some sort of logical fallacy, since there's a whole bunch of stuff that Alter Self can do that are not flying ability, and polymorph and friends are clearly way uber when used effectively.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by CalibronXXX »

No weapon proficiencies...yeah that would make the difference. I've been awake too long, not looking at things too clearly, just ignore me.

Edit: Wait, no, lack of weapon proficiencies actually makes little difference. The half-dragon character only needs to get his hands on a bow at level 1 and he'll end up proficient by the time he gets flight. Characters without martial weapon proficiency can use any weapon for one whole level and become proficient with a DC 10 Int check.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Username17 »

For organic characters sure. But how are you going to survive 1st level as a "Half Dragon Human"? It doesn't give you a primary combat capability, it only gives you bonuses to whatever you happened to be doing before.

I'm just not seeing how you're going to get past first level with nothing but a weapons you aren't proficient with and a 1d6 fire breath you can use once per encounter.

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Re: Half Dragons

Post by CalibronXXX »

Yeah you're right, I'm not thinking straight, I'm going to bed in a minute.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by MrWaeseL »

FrankTrollman at [unixtime wrote:1187569564[/unixtime]]For organic characters sure. But how are you going to survive 1st level as a "Half Dragon Human"? It doesn't give you a primary combat capability, it only gives you bonuses to whatever you happened to be doing before.

I'm just not seeing how you're going to get past first level with nothing but a weapons you aren't proficient with and a 1d6 fire breath you can use once per encounter.


At level 1 the other 3 members of the party can seriously pick up the slack for you, and even going unconscious isn't a problem, because the dying track is longer than the alive track of HP.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Koumei »

Sure, they can pick up the slack, but that doesn't mean the half dragon in question is actually being useful during that time, and as such, they're possibly not having fun during that period. I imagine most will want to take at least one class level first, and then they're flying at level 3 or so, just like everyone else.
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Re: Half Dragons

Post by Prak »

What would be good for a Silver Dragon sphere?

what I've got so far:
Silver Dragon Sphere
Level, Benefits

1 Feather Fall
3 Fog Cloud
7 Control Weather
11 Reverse Gravity
13 Control Winds (Extended)
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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