[LP] The Way of the Tiger. (Complete)

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(Sorry about the long delay, I originally wrote this up this morning, but it wound up not posting for some reason.)

Your clenched fist audibly parts the air as you drive it towards the Ogre's body.

Defence against punch: 4
Endurance: 16 12
Damage: 2 dice

If the Ogre is still alive, he tries to crush you with his spiked hammer. Your defence against his ponderous blow is 8.

(Thaaat's better. We roll like crap, but manage to avoid taking any hits because using this method we're not forbidden to block. It's a good thing, too, 2 dice of damage is not a joke. There are very few enemies who hit that hard in the entire series.)

(Ogre goes down to repeated punchings.)

The Ogre buckles at the knees and topples backwards between the two ships, a plume of spray rises from where he plummets into the water. If you have used a Shuriken it is lost with the Ogre. Looking quickly around you can see that the Reavers, with their ear-rings and scimitars, are more than a match for the crew of the Aquamarin. Glaivas' swordsmanship is startling, but they are slowly penning him in.

With a punishing sidekick, you knock a new attacker to the floor, where he lies inert. Another huge wart-faced Halforc lunges at you with his cutlass. With incredible speed, you clap your hands together, trapping the blade between them, inches from your face. He has time to gape in astonishment before you smash the top of your right foot into his temple.

• Try to fight your way through to Glaivas?
• Jump to the Reavers' ship to attack the pirate Captain?
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Post by Ancient History »

Pirates vs. Ninjas? Fuck yeah already. Let's go for the Captain.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If Glavias has the [Essential] tag, he'll survive even if we leave him hanging for a bit. Also, if we kill the Pirate Captain it'll probably demoralize his crew, and if we don't he might try to sink us and accept the loss of his crew in order to kill a ninja.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You run a few steps along the Aquamarin's deck before leaping the rail and landing against the side of the pirate ship, hanging from the scuppers by your hands. You wait for a moment before edging your way, hand over hand, towards the red stern of the Watery Grave. Make a Fate Roll to see if one of the Reavers spotted you jumping onto their ship.

(Fate smiles.)

You swing up over the rail, unseen, and run up the stairway to the stern castle from where the pirate Captain is directing his men. You bound up the last steps, to appear from nowhere before him. He steps back in surprise but soon regains his composure. He is a large man, with a grizzled beard and gold armbands, which cause the veins of his massive arms to stand out like cords. He swings his morning star at you as you move in to attack; which move will you use:
Avenger, Grandmaster of the Five Winds
Modifiers: Kick -1
Inner Force: 5
Endurance: 16/20
Shuriken: ****
Ninja Tools: Ninja Costume, Breathing Tube, Iron Sleeves, Garotte, Flash Powder, Flint & Tinder, Spiderfish, Blood of Nil.
Special Items: Opal Ring.
• The Leaping Tiger?
• The Cobra Strike?
• The Teeth of the Tiger?
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Teeth of the Tiger, it's badass enough that it has to work.

Anyways, the last big guy we fought was weak to punches, and the one before that was weak to kicks, so I consider it fairly likely that this guy will go down super fast to throws like this was Mortal Kombat II.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by MisterDee »

Yeah, let's throw him, THEN punch him in the dick.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Make a note of how many times you try to hit the Reaver. Ducking beneath the flailing chain and ball you jump into the air, and try to clamp your feet around his neck and, by twisting vigorously, throw him into the sea.

Defence against throw: 6
Endurance: 12
Damage: 1 die.


If you have successfully thrown him, he is whipped over the edge of the stern castle and into the sea.

Crash! The Captain's head hits the deck on the way down and his skull is staved in before the waves engulf him. The news spreads quickly through the reavers and they break off the battle, jumping back to the Watery Death and begin fighting in earnest to decide who shall become the new tyrant captain. You dive from the stern castle and swim strongly towards the Aquamarin which is already under way. Your lungs bursting, you catch onto a moving oar at last, and haul yourself up over the side.

By midday of the next day, the Aquamarin has left the islands behind and ahead of you looms the Greater Continent. You turn north and hug the rocky coast for some days; you may restore up to ten points of lost Endurance as you rest, gliding over the still calm seas. It begins to rain slightly on the next day, as you follow the shore of a vast bay.

Glaivas comes to talk to you and points to a large estuary where the Greybones empties into the sea. He tells you that his home city, Tor, lies up river. You ask him whether there is a temple to Kwon there and he shakes his head byt freely tells you that his goddess is the Allmother, Preserver of Life. You ask him of the cities which lie beyond Tor on the Greybones river, but a look of pain crosses his face.

'Let me tell you, instead, of Doomover, for that is our port of all,' he says. 'It is one of the largest cities in the Manmarch, perhaps four hundred thousand souls, and it is ruled by the Legion of the Sword of Doom. Most spit when they hear the name, but they are one of the best armies on Orb. They worship the Wargod, Vasch-Ro, He who sows for the Reaper, and they spread fear about them in battle. There are temples to other gods but the cathedral of the Wargod overshadows them all. The Marshall of the Legion of the Sword of Doom is Honoric, a blackheart who has never been defeated in combat. It is said that he once slew a storm giant, single handed. He is without doubt a peerless swordsman.

'The order of the Scarlet Mantis has a temple there too. They send their acolytes to the Far Snows for training, where they become used to hardship of all kinds. Yaemon is the greatest warrior they have ever had to lead them. They use the cross of Avater, the Supreme Principle of Good as a symbol, but with a serpent twining round it. In this way you may know if you see one.'

On the next day, you sight the fortified harbour walls of Doomover and two long blackwood ships dart out to meet you. They fly the flag of the Barbican, the Doomover navy. As they approach, a tall man in black ringed mail orders you to heave to. The captain obeys and the sails are slackened. He answers various questions, but when the naval commander asks what business he has at Doomover, he looks nervously at Glaivas, licking his lips. Glaivas answers for him, saying that he has come to sell galley slaves.
The commander grins, 'I was going to confiscate your ship, but as you bring men we have need of, you may pass through the Barbican.' With that, you are allowed on your way.

The Barbican itself is a huge gatehouse, like a fort, which spans the ends of the harbour walls in an arc. The ship glides beneath it and is tied up at the busy wharf. You thank Glaivas for his help and jump lithely to the land. He is returning to Tor to organise the defence against the forces of Vile should your mission fail. He throws you a pouch containing ten gold pieces, saying, 'Here, you need this. May Fate smile on you, Ninja.' You pocket the pouch and turn to the city.

Two gates stand side by side. The larger is a huge arch of black obsidian like a rainbow of dark glass. The other, much smaller, consists of two pairs of white marble pillars topped by a portico on which the words 'Portal of the Gods' are written in gold leaf.
Avenger, Grandmaster of the Five Winds
Modifiers: Kick -1
Inner Force: 5
Endurance: 20/20
Shuriken: ****
Ninja Tools: Ninja Costume, Breathing Tube, Iron Sleeves, Garotte, Flash Powder, Flint & Tinder, Spiderfish, Blood of Nil.
Special Items: Opal Ring, Pouch with 10 Gold Pieces.
• Choose the Obsidian Gate?
• Choose the Portal of the Gods?

edit: amended shuriken count and added cool pick of our Ranger Lord buddy.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MisterDee »

Portal, I guess.

Also, we're at 4 shurikens, right? The one thrown at the Ogre was lost when he fell overboard.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Oh, you're right. I thought we started with 6 for some reason.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Portal of the Gods is a far cooler name.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As you step between the pillars of white marble a voice speaks as if from the stones, 'Welcome to the Sanctuary, draw no swords here.' You can't see anyone nearby, but ahead of you, a huge young warrior clad in russet and grey is crawling painfully up the steps of a temple. A priest in yellow robes comes out to help him but, as he leans down, a mounted knight in a black surcoat rides up the temple steps and lops the priest's head off.
Another priest casts a spell, the horse rears backwards and then two other horsemen wearing the same coat of arms, a silver sword hanging by a silver thread on a black background, ride up and take the reins from their friend. He curses the young warrior in a rage but seems helpless as they lead him past you and gallop out through the marble gate. Priests carry their decapitated colleague and the young warrior, who has left a trail of blood on the steps, into the temple.

As they do so, a wizened, stopped old man with a necklace of crystal which clicks as he sways, croaks, 'I foretold it but did you heed me, the Seer? No! Will Béatan the Free smile on you now, false priests?' He turns and shuffles towards a small wooden chapel. The dead priest served Béatan whose followers seek to bring nearer paradise on Orb by living lives of capricious goodness mocking all laws that constrict the free spirit.

• Follow the priests into the temple of Béatan the Free?
• Leave the Sanctuary and pass through the Obsidian Gate?
• Follow the old man who claimed to be a Seer?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Follow the crazy Seer; he'll either lead us to a trap, exposition, or both.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by MisterDee »

Yup, go to the seer.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The Seer is shuffling towards a porch at the entrance of the small wooden chapel that lies beyond the temple to Béatan the Free. He turns towards you and beckons you inside. The chapel is small and dark, but to your surprise it is clean and well-kept. Scrolls are neatly stacked in racks along the walls.

The old man calls a girl's name and his acolyte appears, a surprisingly pretty girl of no more than eighty seasons. Whilst you wonder what she is doing with the stooped old man in a chapel that is too small to hold more than twenty people, he produces a long and wicked looking sacrificial knife.
Seems legit.
In the darkness of the chapel, his features look more gaunt and powerful than they did when he raved at the priests. He tells you to lie down on what looks like a small marble tomb with a silver ewer beside it. The young girl reaches to guide you to it.

• Trust them?
• Leave hastily?
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

This totes seems legit.

And if I need to justify it with non-troll logic, we are ninja, and thus agile enough to get out of being sacrificed if he only has the woman to hold us down with.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

It's too obvious to actually be a sacrifice, and if it somehow turns out to be one we can spit poison needles in their faces.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by DSMatticus »

The book just asked us if we wanted to lay down and get sacrificed. At this point I just have to know. Is there some reason this might ever seem like a good idea? Are they deliberately trolling our curiosity? If so, do they have the balls to do it immediately or is there another break point?

Let's play some fucking chicken. Round one, go.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The girl takes your hand in hers and leads you to the marble slab. The old man explains that he must let some of your blood into the silver chalice if he is to show you the future. He cuts a vein in your arm and the blood pumps into the ewer. You look at him in alarm as he lets it flow until you have lost half a pint and your arm begins to tingle. Subtract 2 from your Endurance, then he seals the wound with a spell.

The girl pours a green potion into the ewer. You feel faint and obey him when he tells you to look at a mirror which hangs on the wall above you. He begins to chant and produces a crystal prism which he holds over the ewer. The blood and potion bubble and the Seer's chanting grows louder.

A picture forms in the mirror of two men leaving a city on horseback. The larger is dressed in black plate mail and carries a black shield upon which is emblazoned a silver sword hanging from a silver thread, the Sword of Doom. His face is arrogant and cruel. The other is dressed in the clothes of a martial arts monk, scarlet with a thin black belt. They are riding towards you in silence and the monk's piercing black eyes gaze unwavering into yours.

The Seer informs you that the vision shows Yaemon, Grandmaster of Flame, riding with Honoric, Marshal of the Legion of the Sword of Doom, north from Mortavalon. He tells you that they are travelling to the Pillars of Change, each to speak a word which will imprison a go and a goddess in Inferno. Honoric seeks to rule the whole of the Manmarch.

You fall into a trance, and when you wake up you find yourself outside Doomover, walking on the road to Mortavalon. You wonder what the Seer may have done whilst you were entranced. Has he told anyone of your vision? At any rate, the vision suggested that Honoric and Yaemon were far ahead. You realize that you must travel to Mortavalon to find out where Yaemon and Honoric are.

As you leave behind the forbidding towered walls of Doomover behind, the sun climbs in the sky, ripening the corn and barley which rustles in the breeze. The fields do not stretch far and you are soon on the edge of a low plain, the Plain of Feet, on which several thousand of the Legion of the Sword of Doom, smart and efficient, are practising for the forthcoming war. The smooth plain gradually gives way to a wilderness of trees and vines.

• Continue along the road to Mortavalon?
• Strike north of the road into the wilderness?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Mortavalon. We're a ninja, not a ranger.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We're a ninja, we don't need no stinking side quests in the woods.

Continue on to Voldemort Mortavalon.

(Fun fact: my spell-checker realizes "Voldemort" as a word.)
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You trot along the road, passing the occasional traveller, on horseback or on foot, and an occasional trading caravan, gathering berries and nuts at the side of the road as you go. You sleep away from the road. You may restore up to 2 Endurance and continue on, hoping to reach Mortavalon at dusk on the second day. The road winds upwards into a range of hills which encircle the city of Mortavalon, and it is afternoon when you hear a strange hissing and a sudden scream around the corner ahead.
Cobra Man can happen.
You move stealthily forwards to see a black-skinned man with the swaying neck of a cobra, tethered to a wagon on which there is a large cage. The Cobra Man has grabbed a young boy and is about to kill him. The two men who are on the wagon look too terrified to do anything.
Avenger, Grandmaster of the Five Winds
Modifiers: Kick -1
Inner Force: 5
Endurance: 20/20
Shuriken: ****
Ninja Tools: Ninja Costume, Breathing Tube, Iron Sleeves, Garotte, Flash Powder, Flint & Tinder, Spiderfish, Blood of Nil.
Special Items: Opal Ring, Pouch with 10 Gold Pieces.
• Leave the young boy to his fate?
• Run and kick the Cobra Man?

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Post by Korgan0 »



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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We're Snake Eyes; we have to fight Cobra.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The Cobra Man looks you up as you launch yourself into a flying Leaping Tiger kick. The Cobra Man can strike with the speed of a snake however and his Defence against your kick is 6.

(Failure means he bites us, which is fatal if we don't have Immunity to Poisons... which we don't.)

(No worries, though, even with our penalty, we nail him.)

The Cobra Man hisses, squirming on the end of his leash as the boy escapes to safety whilst the Cobra Man was distracted. The two men, hulking fat brutes who resemble the ox which pulls their wagon, tell you that they are taking the Cobra Man to the zoo in Mortavalon.

'We found him living alone in a cave not far up the hill there,' says one, pointing to a dark hole in the hillside overhung with rock. 'We didn't dare venture too far in but there's treasure to be had, I'll warrant.' With that, they whip the ox onwards, dragging the hissing Cobra Man behind them.

The boy sitting on the back of the wagon, calls, 'Thank you for saving me – don't shake hands with the young magician!' The men laugh and you are left to ponder the meaning of his strange words.
Avenger, Grandmaster of the Five Winds
Modifiers: Kick -1
Inner Force: 5
Endurance: 20/20
Shuriken: ****
Ninja Tools: Ninja Costume, Breathing Tube, Iron Sleeves, Garotte, Flash Powder, Flint & Tinder, Spiderfish, Blood of Nil.
Special Items: Opal Ring, Pouch with 10 Gold Pieces.
• Overtake the ox-cart and go straight to Mortavalon?
• Enter the cave?
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Post by Dean »

I say we ignore the cave and go to Mortavalon. If we had poison immunity I'd be all over it but if every guy has instant kills we'd better avoid it.

Also this story is pretty badass.
DSMatticus wrote:Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I am filled with an unfathomable hatred.
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