[LP] The Way of the Tiger. (Complete)

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Post by hogarth »

You guys still haven't learned the most important rule to being a ninja: Honesty Is The Best Policy. If a random dude asks you a question, you should always tell the truth!
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Post by Dr_Noface »

I think honesty is only the best policy when dudes follow up with skill testing questions on religious creeds.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We didn't know what was up with the knight. With this bitch, we know she's a priestess of an evil goddess.

But I'll change my vote for being honest. If the last book taught us anything, it's that you don't want to piss off worshipers of evil deities unless they're already trying to kill you.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(I'm not sure which of those options actually comes out on top of the voting, if either. But telling the truth is a game over, so either way we continue with 'ignore and talk about Rift.')

You have excited them bu the thought of striking a blow against the Spawn of the Rift and you are fortunate in that the Boule members become so impassioned and wrapped up in their own oratory that they forget about the allegation levelled against you. You interrupt to say that if you succeed against Honoric, you will turn your powers against the denizens of the Bowels of Orb.

Your words provoke another storm of debate. One of the followers of Dama says that the cause is a noble one and she calls upon the followers of Beatan to vote with them to become your ally. The head of the Boule, a learned man called Obuda Varhegyen, a follower of Beatan, commands rapt attention as he speaks, saying that to become your ally would be to strike a blow against law and that the rule of the wargod would bring fatal stagnation and limitation of possibilities. The nature god's followers appear unconcerned, and the followers of Nemesis are against you: one says that to send forces as far away as the Manmarch is to invite attack by the Spawn of the Rift.

When the vote is taken, however, it is marginally in your favor. You are asked to a meeting of the Boule leaders immediately after the other items of public business are settled.

While you wait in the smaller council chamber, the Prodromese are debating about how many troops to send to your aid. At last the door opens and two people enter. The first is the learned head of the Boule, Obuda Varhegyen, dressed in a long yellow robe bearing the five arrowed half-wheels that signify the many ways to do good deeds, central to the theology of Beatan. Behind him is a most striking woman wearing a plain kirtle and a ble shawl, her coppery hair done up in silk twists. Her blue eyes are warm and soft as Obuda introduces her as Hivatala, the Swordsmistress of the Serakub Guard. Your surprise at her title is obvious, and this pleases her.
You sit around a small table and they tell you what has passed in the Boule. Only two thousand troops have been voted to help you in the campaign, but Hivatala says that she will call for volunteers to augment this. Obuda also feels that the followers of Beatan at the City of Aveneg in the Manmarch are sure to send men if he sends a message to them, for they are strongly opposed to Honoric. By the time you leave the pleasant City of Gardens, you are beginning to feel that there is hope.Hivatala herself will command the forces of Serakub, and she will arrive with two thousand shieldmaidens, including five hundred mounted troops, and a thousand swordsmen of the Army of Myriad Possibility, followers of Beatan.


Hivatala had estimated that it would take her perhaps a tenday longer than you to reach Irsmuncast with her army. 'Gwyneth will be overjoyed to see you at the head of your troops,' you had told her, but as you skirt the Bowels of Orb, you all but run into a warband of Orcs almost a thousand trong. In avoiding them, you catch sight of another even larger warband marching to join it. The signs suggest that you may suffer another attack from the Spawn of the Rift before too long. You only hope that Hivatala manages to win through with her army intact.

Your return to Irsmuncast is celebrated with feasting, and the mood of the people is lifted when the news of your alliance with the republic of Serakub is spread abroad. Messengers and envoys asking for help have been sent to many places, but no-one has yet joined your banner. Rumours that Honoric is on the march reach you and you double the scouting patrols out to the west and also east towards the Rift. It is still possible that your worst fears may be correct, that the Spawn of the Rift are waiting for a chance to strike as Honoric does. The city defences have been repaired and your troops are drilling daily, though the rabble militia will never make an effective fighting force in time.

At last your scouts bring news of friendly troops approaching. The next day the streets are lined with cheering people as Hivatala, Swordsmistress of the Guard at Serakub, leads into the city a force as large as she had promised: two and a half thousand foot soldiers, shieldmaidems and reverencers of Beatan, and five hundred cavalry whose horsemanship is a joy to behold.

Four days later, another force arrives of two thousand, six hundred of whom are the illustrious Cavalry of Myriad Possibility, and similar scenes of jubilation are re-enacted. The shieldmaidens fit in well with Gwyneth's troops in their grey, white, and green, with the shield of Dama blazoned everywhere, while the followers of Beatan look equally splendid in their yellow surcoats. At last you have a fighting chance.

On the next day you are roused from your bed with unlooked-for good tidings. Your old friend Glaivas awaits you in the Throne Room with twenty Rangers who have come to champion your cause. You rejoice, knowing that if each has the wisdom and skill of Glaivas, they are worth many times their number in battle. Glaivas proves invaluable in helping you to plan your strategy. He also brings news of troops marching north of the city from the Rift, either to attack thecity or join up with Honoric's forces.

Later that day you feel as if you have been plunged into a tale of olden times, as a company of two hundred Wood Elves joins your ranks from the woods north of Sundial. They are few in number, but each carries a stout yew bow and Gwyneth tells you that each one is probably a better marksman than anyone in the Manmarch cities.

On the fifth day of Grimweird, more information comes in from your scouts. Honoric has marched to a point just south of the City of Mortavalon and will be at the walls of Irsmuncast within a tenday. The Rift forces have split. The smaller force is veering north, apparently to join up with Honoric. The other, numbering at least ten thousand and perhaps many more, is marching directly on Irsmuncast and will arrive at the same time as Honoric's force. The carrion crows fly hither and thither over the city, watching your preparations.

Glaivas suggests that you must try to defeat the enemy forces piecemeal, since together they outnumber you heavily. He suggests marching north to cut off the smaller force from the Rift to begin with. Gwyneth, however, would prefer to concentrate all your forces within the city and withstand a siege, attacking out when the enemy forces begin to fall out, which she argues is inevitable. Antocidas suggests smashing the larger force, which would free more troops to deal with Honoric later, since a force will be needed to guard the city against the forces of the Rift who will in all likelihood lay siege to the city if they are not dealt with first.

Whose advice will you follow:
• Glaivas?
• Gwyneth?
• Antocidas?
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Post by Corsair114 »

Realistically, if we have the resources to outlast them, a siege would be the way to go. We don't, though, and there are no wandering armies in the area to lift the siege anyways. I'd say no to Gwyneth's strategy.

Taking on the larger force comes with a higher reward, but there's a very real chance the inevitable casualties will cripple us when Honoric's forces attack, presuming they don't attack Irsmuncast the very moment we leave. I'd say Antocidas's suggestion is a maybe.

It is entirely possible the small force is a trap to draw us out and annihilate us. That said, if we can smash them piecemeal, as per Glaivas' suggestion, I think we'll have the best shot at winning the day with the fewest casualties.

tl;dr, Glaivas.
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Post by hogarth »

I also vote for Glaivas.

(By the way, I suspect we could have won over the people of Serakub without using the magic staff by using Ninja Honesty from the beginning.)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

A third vote for Glaivas here.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

With a great parade and much fearful leave-taking, you lead out your army in full panoply of war. Gwyneth gifts you a magnificent white charger, and you cut a right royal dash riding out at the head of your troops with your Sceptre and your glowing green emerald eye. Unfortunately, the crow scouts of your enemy see you coming and the Rift forces turn north to avoid you. Your troops are faster than they are, however, and they number no more than six hundred, according to your scouts, so you order your cavalry to cut them off and annihilate them.

When the cavalry return, they report complete success. Those troops will not be reinforcing Honoric as they had hoped. They also carry tales of five fanatical knights wearing the red cross of Rocheval who appeared as if from nowhere to join in the carnage and then just as mysteriously rode away again.


You return to Irsmunacast in case more troops have arrived to follow your cause. After a day's rest, you prepare to march forth once again. Greystaff, the High Priest of the Temple to Avatar, introduces to you a man he calls the White Wizard. He wears a white robe and the tall conical hat worn by wizards only in fairy tales, but if Greystaff says you should let him join the army, you will be only too glad to agree.

(1. Actually, if Greystaff says he should join the army, prior experience would suggest he's probably not the kind of white wizard we should be associating with.
2. ''Only in fairy tales'? That's pretty judgemental for a Ninja who spin-kicks orcs.)

Early the next morning a messenger comes to the Royal bedchamber.

(A Paladin did not help Avenger to defeat the Usurper.)

The message is that a Paladin from Beyond the Rift called Doré le Jeune and four companions, all of whom wear the red cross of Rocheval, Prince of Knights Errant, Wielder of the Holy of Holies, are requesting permission to join your army. You accept and ask Gwyneth to keep an eye on them. Next, you call the final war council before leaving the city to march against Honoric.

At the final council of war, you must decide how to split your troops. You will need a very strong force to stand a chance of defeating Honoric, but at the same time as soon as you march out to do battle the forces from the Rift will lay siege to the city so you must leave troops behind to defend it. If you stay where you are, the enemy forces will unite outside your walls. Gwyneth still suggests that this is the most sensible strategy.

Lackland, the leader of the troops who were once the Usurper's army, and High Priest at the Temple to Nemesis, suggests that you leave behind the citizen militia and perhaps a thousand followers of Dama to strengthen their backbone. Antocidas scowls at Lackland and says that he recommends leaving Lackland and his 3,500 troops, which he values less highly than Gwyneth's 2,000, to strengthen them. The Demagogue urges you to split your forces into two, leaving half to defend the city?

Whose advice will you follow:
• Gwyneth?
• Lackland?
• Antocidas?
• The Demagogue?

edit: Replaced placeholder with image.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hogarth »

If we stay in the city, at least that might buy us some time for the troops from Serakub to reach us. Also, the Demagogue is an idiot and I don't trust Lackland alone in the city or alone outside the walls.

I vote for Gwyneth's plan.
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Post by Korgan0 »

Yeah, Gwyneth.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Another vote for Gwyneth's plan.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

We already got the troops from Serakub. Lackland will betray us if left to his own devices.

For once I vote Demagogue, because having twice as many men won't make our city twice as hard to besiege, and it implies we're not letting Lackland have enough troops to make a difference all under his direct command.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Your allies grumble that they did not come all this way to be trapped bottled up inside a city, but you back Gwyneth's decision staunchly. A tenday later, the two enemy forces unite around the city walls and you wait for the bickering to begin. Unfortunately, something that you could not have foreseen renders your strategy misguided. The forces of the Rift are commanded by an Old One who is able to keep his troops disciplined, and the uneasy truce outside the gates lasts too long. At last, you are forced to sally out due to lack of food, and their combined forces overwhelm you. You die defending the city to the last.

(I don't blame them for not having enough references to provide a robust siege option; I do blame them for providing the trap option.)
<rewind noise>

• Lackland?
• Antocidas?
• The Demagogue?
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Post by Corsair114 »

The Demagogue.

Going with Antocidas's plan would be a horrible idea as it'd leave the followers of Nemesis alone and unsupervised. Lackland wouldn't suggest his plan if he didn't think his forces couldn't overpower the Shieldmaidens we'd be leaving behind.
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Post by Korgan0 »

I think Lackland's too much of a bootlick to betray us, and we need Gywneth's forces, so Antocidas.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I also vote for Demagogue's plan.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The Demagogue knows little of the ways of war, and in following his advice you have made a bad mistake. Dividing your forces in two leaves you too weak to defeat Honoric, who inflicts a crushing loss on your army. You are killed while rallying some of your troops, who are being pursued from the field.


(Ugh, really? Seriously, any obviously bad plans should have been pointed out by the pro advisers well before they got actually implemented. At least Gwyneth's fail was somewhat excused by the 'something that you could not have foreseen' line.)
<rewind noise>

• Lackland?
• Antocidas?
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Post by Korgan0 »


Antocidas, still.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Sure, let's go with Antiocidas.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(For the record, Lackland's advice is also a game over; one that should by all rights have been avoidable by having ShinRen. What the fuck, writers? Four options, and only one is not instant bullshit death? That's not a choice, that's just pixelbitching. Zero points.)

At last you march to meet Honoric, the man who has done so much to try to encompass your Doom. You have cautioned the Demagogue to watch Lackland like a hawk and to defend the walls staunchly until you return victorious. Unskilled troops are far more useful behind city walls than in the field, and it takes a sizeable superiority in numbers to take a walled city by storm.

You make a fine array of troops, footsoldiers, cavalry, archers, magicians, priests and healers, with as rearguard Glaivas, his Rangers and the Paladins, including Doré le Jeune. After five days' march, your scouts tell you that you are nearing Honoric's force, which outnumbers your own. Morale is good and you decide to give battle. You make camp outside the village of Beechbridge in the valley of the river Fortune and tell your commanders to see that your troops want for nothing and are well rested for tomorrow.

The information you have about Honoric's force and its dispositions is fairly meagre.

• Put on an eye-patch to cover the glowing Orb and do some scouting yourself?
• Save your energy and rest well before the battle tomorrow?

(Unless there's an outcry against it, I'm going to refill Avenger's Endurance now. It is basically unjustifiable that this has not happened yet, either in the fluff, when Avenger has had days of rest and access to healers; or in the game, considering what's come before and what is still to come. This also seems like a good point for it, because it means there's some room for error in the scouting mission, but its also risky because it could leave Avenger weakened for the battle tomorrow.)
Avenger I, Overlord of Irsmuncast-nigh-Edge, Grandmaster of the Five Winds
Modifiers: Kick +1, Throw +1, Fortune +1
Inner Force: 3/5
Endurance: 20/20
Techniques: Acrobatics, Climbing, Disable Device, Poison Needles, Kwon's Flail, ShinRen.
Shuriken: *****-*****-*****
Ninja Tools: Ninja Costume, Breathing Tube, Iron Sleeves, Garotte, Flint & Tinder, Spiderfish.
Special Items: Opal Ring, Pouch with 34 Gold Pieces, Locket with Saint's Hair, Silver Shuriken, Statuette of Dama, Coronation Day Coin, Ruby Circlet, Scorpion Ring, several gems, Amulet of Nullaq, the Orb (in eye), the Sceptre.
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Post by Korgan0 »

We should probably do some scouting.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Since we're not going to fucking die if a spider sneezes on us anymore, I think we should go scouting.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You ride on, ahead of your troops. Soon you come to the valley, where your scouts reported a sighting of Honoric's army. You continue up it, following a winding river, the River of Beasts, that flows through the valley. You pass by a village on the left as you leap a small stream. As dusk falls, a manor house appears ahead. It seems deserted, and as you rein in your horse you see the reason why.

A half-mile beyond, a great army is settling down for the night's camp. The rosy glow of the setting sun seems to set aflame the gleaming steel of fifteen thousand spears, and the sound of many men bivouacking fills the evening air. As you watch, your spirit sinks at the sight of such a mighty army. You recognise banners not only of Doomover, but of the cities of Aveneg, Greyguilds, Mortavalon, and others. Honoric has been hard at work – a powerful alliance of cities is ranged against you. You must try to learn more.

You decide to wait until night has fallen before stealing into the camp. There you can 'procure' the uniform of one of the soldiers and wander around with impunity. There is much to be learnt from camp fire gossip, as well as the class and number of troops you will be facing in battle.

Night falls, and heavy clouds obscure the moon; ideal weather for one such as you. You steal forwards, unseen and unheard, pleased to exercise after so long those skills at which you excel. You come to the camp's outposts, a circle of pickets.

Ahead of you, two guards with spears and chainmail surcoats stand warming themselves around a small fire. You crouch at the edge of the firelight. If you act quickly enough, you may be able to disable both without being spotted.

• Creep forwards and spit a Poison Needle, if you have that skill?
• Hurl a Shuriken at one?
• Creep up behind them and attack from behind?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Poison needle time!
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Not to put too fine a point on it... but needle 'im.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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