Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #16: Seas of Blood

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Darth Rabbitt
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Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #16: Seas of Blood

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The city of Tak at the northern end of the Inland Sea is the greatest den of thieves, pirates and cut-throats that the civilized world has ever seen. In this city of scum, there are two pirates infamous for their ruthless greed, their daring raids and their countless skirmishes with deah. One of these is one Abdul the Butcher. The other is YOU!

Only one of you can be King of the Pirates, but which will it be? A wager is made that the first to reach the distant isle of Nippur with the greatest amount of fold wins the crown. But beware! These are treacherous seas and many dangers await you. Powerful adversaries are ranged against you and at times your only choice is to kill or be killed!


You are the captain of the pirate vessel Banshee. Together with your band of seasoned cut-throats, you must scourge the lands of the Inland Sea, searching for gold and slaves in a race against your greatest rival, Abdul the Butcher. The two of you have cut a swath of infamy across the civilized world, and are recognized as the two greatest pirate captains in existence. Now, however, you must contest to discover who is the greatest.

But before you can begin your journey, you must determine the strength and weaknesses of yourself and your crew.

Your Crew
Roll one die. (6). Add 6 to the result. Enter this total under the CREW STRIKE section of the Adventure Sheet. This value will be used when you engage in large-scale battles using your crew (e.g. whenever fighting enemy shipping.)

Roll 2 dice. (5,5=10.) Add 6 to the result. Enter this total in the CREW STRENGTH section of the Adventure Sheet. This score represents the manning level on board the Banshee and is used to determine how efficiently you sail. You will lose points from your CREW STRENGTH when you engage in large-scale battles. Certain actions will allow you to recover lost CREW STRENGTH points, but you may never exceed the Initial score. If your CREW STRENGTH ever reaches zero, then you and your crew have been wiped out.
(C. STRIKE is 12, C. STRENGTH is 16. Our ship kicks ass. But do we?)

Your Abilities
Your ability to fight, withstand damage and escape from tricky situations is determined by your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK. On your Adventure Sheet you will see sections where these attributes are to be recorded. They are derived as follows:

Roll one die. (6.) Add 6 to the result. This is your SKILL score.
Roll two dice. (4,3=7.) Add 12 points to the result. This is your STAMINA score.
Roll one die. (4.) Add 6 to the result. This is your LUCK score.
(Yes we do. It's back to SKILL 12 monstrosities for us!)

Using Luck
On occasion, you will be called upon to Test your Luck. When this occurs, roll two dice. If the result equals or is less than your LUCK, you are successful. If the result exceeds your LUCK, you are unsuccessful. Each time you Test your Luck, reduce your LUCK score by 1 point. Thus, the more often you use your LUCK, the riskier it becomes. LUCK points may sometimes be recovered, but you may never exceed your Initial score.
Individual Combat

Individual combat is conducted just as in other Fighting Fantasy books. If you are already familiar with this system (we are) you can skip this part of the rules (we will.)

Large-scale Battles
Whenever the book says that your crew must fight, or when the opponent has STRIKE and STRENGTH values instead of SKILL and STAMINA, then the rules for large-scale combats must be used. They are as follows:
1. Combat in large-scale battles is simultaneous and conducted in a very similar manner to individual combat. It is a series of rounds in which one force in the battle will inflict damage upon the other.
2. Roll two dice. Add your opponents' STRIKE score to the roll. The total is your opponents' Attack Strength.
3. Roll two dice. Add your CREW STRIKE score to the roll. The total is your crew's Attack Strength.
4. If your opponents' Attack Strength is higher than your crew's, they have inflicted damage upon your crew - deduct 2 points from your CREW STRENGTH.
5. If your crew's Attack Strength is higher than your opponents', your crew have inflicted damage upon your opponents - deduct 2 points from your opponents' STRENGTH.
6. If your crew have inflicted damage upon your opponent and the option of escaping is given in the book, then you may escape. Note, however, that this has a penalty: whenever you choose to escape, you automatically lose 2 points of CREW STRENGTH.
7. If both Attack Strengths are equal, both attacks are unsuccessful. Start the next Attack Round from step 2 above.
8. Continue this combat until either your opponents' or your crew's STRENGTH has been reduced to zero (unless you escape, of course). Whichever side is reduced to zero first has lost.
Your Log

Your LOG records how long you have been traveling. You should keep record of your LOG as instructed in various passages of the book. You only have a limited amount of time in which to complete your journey; the LOG will allow you to see how you are progressing.

Restoring Stamina
If you become involved in any individual combat, you will almost certainly lose some points of STAMINA. There is only one way to recover these - other than the occasional instruction in the book - and that is by resting. For every day that you add to your LOG, you will be able to recover 1 point of STAMINA. Note, however, that your STAMINA score can never exceed its Initial value. Of course, the more time you spend resting, the slower you will travel towards your destination - so, beware!

During the course of your adventure, you will almost certainly capture some gold and slaves. This is Booty. There is a section on the Adventure Sheet in which this can be recorded. You start the adventure with only 20 Gold Pieces.

The Map

The area in which you will be traveling is covered by the map opposite below. It would pay you to become familiar with the names and places on this map, as there are quite frequent references to them in the book.
The city of Tak, at the northern end of the Inland Sea, is the greatest den of thieves, criminals and cut-throats the civilized world has ever seen. Every form of vice and illicit activity is not only permitted, but even encouraged, in this city of scum. This, your home town, is where your adventure begins.

Of the numerous pirates drawn to Tak, you and Abdul the Butcher are recognized by all as being the kings in daring and greed. However, neither of you are particularly wealthy, as your love of gambling consumes all the riches that you bring back from your journeys against the enemy cities of Lagash, Marad and Kish.

The infamy that the two of you have bred is also the source of a great rivalry; you each try to outdo the other in increasingly dangerous but breathtakingly successful raids. Your goal - the title of King of Pirates, the Sacker of Cities, which is never bequeathed, but only earned.

One evening, while dicing against each other in one of Tak's gambling pits, somebody suggests that the two of you should have a contest to determine, once and for all, who is the greatest pirate. The idea appeals instantly to your audacious spirits. "Yes," says Abdul, "let us have a race of speed and treasure."

You agree upon the terms of the contest. Each will take only one ship and, sailing from Tak on an appointed day, will head for the distant isle of Nippur, which lies deep in the great Southern Sea. The journey must be completed within fifty days and, at the end, whoever has the greatest amount of gold wins the bet.

With shaking of hands all round and much toasting, the deal is sealed. Your journey is about to begin.

On the day appointed for the beginning of the race, you take the Banshee out of the towering granite bay of Tak and into the Inland Sea, Abdul the Butcher's Haveldar cuts quietly through the water beside you. Far to the east is the hostile but rich port of Lagash; to the west is the Scythera Desert, across which the caravan routes to the cities of Kish, Calah and Assur run. To the south is the mountainous isle of Enraki. Will you:

Head towards Lagash for a dangerous but daring raid against its coastal shipping?
Travel to the Scythera Desert to plunder the rich desert caravans?
Patrol the Inland Sea via the isle of Enraki?

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 10/10
LOG 0/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
20 Gold Pieces

EDIT: added Corsair's suggestion for name.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Ugh, this book. Such a great premise, such a poor execution. I wanted to like it so bad, but it was just awful. Seriously, you're supposed to be this super-badass pirate, right? Just count how many sections it takes before the text makes you seem like a complete bumblefuck. So much instant bullshit death off of blind choices. So much.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The only really ambitious FF books I have read that I think live up to their premises are Spectral Stalkers and Scorpion Swamp. Robot Commando comes very close to living up to its potential in the manner that those two do, with a memorable setting and premise, a fairly open-ended map, robot-on-dinosaur combat, and like 4 ways to win the book (one of which doesn't even involve fighting the BBEG, and you can win without acquiring any one specific item) but it is very high on the bullshit, and way too much wasted potential. There are a number of decent to great FF books that have somewhat impressive bits, with various degrees of implementation; the Warlock of Firetop Mountain's spellbook, Citadel of Chaos' magic system, the New Game + of Forest of Doom, the setting of Port Blacksand, the absurd concept of Deathtrap Dungeon, the beginning and end of Demons of the Deep, the Conan-meets-Cthulhu of Beneath Nightmare Castle and the creatures and characters of Portal of Evil, are all quite memorable. But all of those books are still really a dungeon crawl (an underwater dungeon crawl in Demons of the Deep, a dungeon through the wilderness in Portal of Evil and a dungeon crawl through a city in City of Thieves, but all three are really still dungeon crawls) in which you must find at least one dingus to win. Space Assassin is crazy as all fuck and doesn't require any given item to win, but is a padded-out dungeon crawl in space that is unfortunately saddled with loads of incredibly dull and drawn out "go left/go right" choices. The ambitious titles are things like this (which has the problems you listed), Creature of Havoc (much of the same,) House of Hell (which fills me with RAGE) and the Rings of Kether (which is rather mediocre). I must say that I really like the good ending in this book a lot, and am willing to forgive it a lot, but I agree that it's very frustrating and shows a lot of wasted potential.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Corsair114 »

And so the illustrious Captain Leeroy Jenkins sets sail for the desert of Scytheria because... reasons.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Roll three dice. (1,2,5=8; the result is less than Leeroy's CREW STRENGTH.) Add 5 days to your LOG. Eventually you arrive off the coast of the Scythera Desert, where you drop anchor, disembark with most of the crew and march inland across the burning sands. You come to a busy little village surrounding an oasis - obviously a staging-post for travel through the desert. Will you attack the village, or retreat into the nearby dunes to lie in ambush for any caravan that might happen by?

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 10/10
LOG 5/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
20 Gold Pieces
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by JigokuBosatsu »

Yeah this, was such a weird book. I do remember loving the part where you recruit giants to join your crew. I think.

Omegonthesane wrote:a glass armonica which causes a target city to have horrific nightmares that prevent sleep
JigokuBosatsu wrote:so a regular glass armonica?
You can buy my books, yes you can. Out of print and retired, sorry.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You and your crew sweep into the tiny village like a squall, taking the defenseless occupants by surprise and capturing most within minutes. However, a few must have escaped and fled to a nearby military post (previously unknown to you), for a small detachment of mercenary cavalry appears within half an hour and proceeds to counter-attack.

Mercs 12, Crew 19. Mercs are at 6.
Mercs 14, Crew 15. Mercs are at 4.
Mercs 12, Crew 18. Mercs are at 2.
Mercs 18, Crew 20. Mercs are defeated.
Your trusty pirates overwhelm the would-be rescuers. From the survivors, you manage to find 1 fellow who will fetch a reasonable price in the slave-markets - add him to your Booty. You settle your men into the village to await the arrival and subsequent ambush of any unsuspecting caravans. Test your Luck. (2,1=3; Lucky.)
After just one day, a caravan of enormous ocher-colored octopedal beasts shambles over a ridge and into sight. The heavy pack-animals are guarded by a dozen Lizard Men who, high in their wooden saddles, survey the surroundings with some suspicion. Keeping your men out of sight, you allow the convoy to approach within striking range, then launch the attack. As your crew surge out, uttering their war cry, the Lizard Men calmly draw long composite bows and let fly; the three-foot arrows cut a swath through your force. Deduct 2 points from your CREW STRENGTH. Eventually, hand-to-hand combat begins.


Combat Log:
Caravan 13, Crew 22. Caravan is at 4.
Caravan 10, Crew 17. Caravan is at 2.
Caravan 13, Crew 21. Caravan is defeated.
Add 1 day to your LOG.

With the guards overcome, you and your crew loot the caravan - stripping boxes, sacks and skins of wine from the great pack-beasts. The amount of booty, however, is not large. You find 63 Gold Pieces in a small chest and only 1 of the surviving Lizard Men is in fit enough condition to be traded as a slave. A little disappointed, you gather up your now drunken crew and return to the Banshee.

Returning to the Banshee, you weigh anchor and set off out to sea. If your crew have taken casualties, you could head for the neutral city of Assur to recruit some more men. Alternatively, you could go to the neighboring city of Calah to try your luck in the gambling-pits, or sail east to raid the isle of Enraki.

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
LOG 6/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
83 Gold Pieces
2 slaves

EDIT: forgot to adjust LUCK.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

No option to attack Calah? Wah.

We only have one human slave of Booty to gamble, and Leeroy Jenkins is not cautious enough to think about crew strength, so to Enraki says I.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Korgan0 »

Agreed, Enraki.
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Post by Corsair114 »

To Enraki for great booty.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Post by Corsair114 »

To Enraki for great booty.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The Banshee sails out into the Inland Sea. Roll three dice. (3,4,4=11; the result is less than Leeroy's CREW STRENGTH.) Add 4 days to your LOG. Presently, you arrive off the northernmost tip of the mountainous isle of Enraki, home of the warrior priests of Asswr sel Dablo. These fearsome holy men, armed by the gods of war and protected by the gods of stone, reside in a fortress raised on the lower slopes of the island's precipitous central snow-capped mountain. They are very rich. You have three options to deprive them of this wealth:

A direct assault on the fortress
Gaining entry to the fortress via a deception of some kind, then pilfering what you can
Finding a way over the mountains behind the castle so as to assault the (most probably) lightly defended rear

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
LOG 10/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
83 Gold Pieces
2 slaves
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Korgan0 »

I sense the rear assault is a trap (heh), so I'm thinking deception.
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Post by Corsair114 »

They're monks, they probably know all about covering their asses.

We should, probably, try a little deception rather than a suicidal charge in an attempt to take them head-on.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You drop anchor in a sheltered cove of the island, disembark and travel to the temple-fortress of the warrior priests with only a few crew as companions. When you near your destination, but before you are in sight, you instruct your companions to wait in cover for your return and then proceed to the main gate alone. Posing as an emissary from the city of Lagash, you gain entrance and then audience with the abbot. "O great abbot of illustrious Asswr sel Dablo, keeper of truth and wisdom in the northern lands, I bring you greetings and news from an esteemed friend," you say. "You are too kind. Sit, have tea, then speak of the news," he replies. You do as he says. After a suitably polite time has passed, you say, "I have heard that there is to be an assault on your citadel by the Wazi of Lagash, whose masters are pressing him for increased revenue. I have powerful friends, O master, and - for a suitable fee - could cause the attack to be misdirected." You bow. The abbot sighs, then whispers to his attendant monk, "An opportunist." He presses a carbuncle on his chair: the floor around you falls away and drops you into a deep, open pit - lose 2 points of STAMINA. "Foolhardy pirate," laughs the abbot, looking down from the edge of the pit. "You must meet your destiny through one of these." He points at four doors, one in each of the four walls of the pit. Each door has a different symbol carved into it. Which will you open:

The door with a star-burst carved into it?
The door with an upside-down triangle?
The door with a wheel?
The door with a horizontal crescent?

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
LOG 10/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
83 Gold Pieces
2 slaves
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Korgan0 »

what a nerd

Well, I just watched Breaking Bad, and that episode involved an RV, so wheel.
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Post by Starmaker »

Korgan0 wrote:what a nerd

Well, I just watched Breaking Bad, and that episode involved an RV, so wheel.
I don't get it.
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Post by Korgan0 »

An RV is short for recreational vehicle, which are basically these giant trucks that have living facilities on the outside so they work as a mobile home. Honestly, I just wanted a clever way to justify my totally random decision.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The door bursts open as you turn the handle, revealing a massive, spinning wheel hanging in the narrow recess behind. The wheel drops from its axle, sprouts whirling razors on its rim and flies out at you, cutting a deadly arc through the air. Test your Luck. (3,5=8; Lucky.)

You leap nimbly to one side, and the wheel spins past and crashes harmlessly against the other side of the pit, razors carving deep gashes in the door beyond. The niche from which the wheel came is a dead end, affording no exit from the pit. "Very quick, you wily fox," says the abbot, watching your endeavors. "Won't you try another?" Which door will you open now:

The door with a star-burst?
The door with an upside-down triangle?
The door with a horizontal crescent?

(The abbot is a martial artist; he should know the Destructo Disk never kills whoever you want it to. I considered making a Metal Blade reference here, but we're not Crash Man so the Metal Blade would actually hurt us.)

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 8/10
LOG 10/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
83 Gold Pieces
2 slaves
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Korgan0 »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The door crashes out at you when you turn the handle, as thousands of gallons of water pour through the opening and into the pit, rapidly filling it. As you struggle to keep on the surface of the churning waters, you notice a couple of dark serpentine shapes slide through the doorway. They are ferocious Elverines - blind and grossly distorted man eating, fresh-water serpents. Smelling your (no doubt) distinctive odor, they rush to attack. You fight them one at a time.


Combat Log:
Elverine A 16, Leeroy 18. Elverine A is at 4.
Elverine A 17, Leeroy 21. Elverine A is at 2.
Elverine A 20, Leeroy 18. Leeroy is at 15.
Elverine A 14, Leeroy 17. Elverine A is dead.
Elverine B 15, Leeroy 21. Elverine B is at 2.
Elverine B 15, Leeroy 16. Elverine B is dead.
(The first Elverine managed to hurt us only by rolling boxcars when we got a below-average roll. Really. The other didn't even manage that.)

The Elverines' slashed bodies sink to the bottom of the pool. The water, now still, is only a foot below the floor of the abbot's chamber. Bloodied, you clamber out of the pit.

You face the surprised abbot and his equally surprised attendant monk. Whipping your scimitar from your scabbard, you rush the pair, cutting the monk down before he can defend himself and then crossing swords with the master.


Combat Log:
Abbot 12, Leeroy 17. Abbot is at 6.
Abbot 18, Leeroy 20. Abbot is at 4.
Abbot 15, Leeroy 15. Tie.
Abbot 18, Leeroy 14. Leeroy is at 13.
Abbot 18, Leeroy 17. Leeroy is at 11.
Abbot 20, Leeroy 22. Abbot is at 2.
Abbot 16, Leeroy 17. Abbot is dead.
(That Abbot was actually a pretty fucking tough foe, and got some ridiculously good rolls while we got some really bad ones.)

You search the abbot's chamber and discover a chest which contains 110 Gold Pieces. The abbot's sword is also a worthy prize, being forged from the finest Marad steel; it will add 2 to your SKILL whenever you engage in hand-to-hand combat. Searching the room further, you find a trapdoor under the abbot's chair, which opens on to a spiral staircase. Descending this, you arrive at a rough-hewn corridor, which takes you to a point outside the castle walls. You recover your waiting crew, return to the Banshee, weigh anchor and head down the coast.

(Unlike every other Fighting Fantasy book ever, this book doesn't say that you can't exceed your Initial SKILL, and so I'm assuming this sword can do exactly that.)

The Banshee is sailing just off the southernmost tip of Enraki. Apart from this island, the horizon is clear, with neither ships nor clouds visible. The main trade routes between Kish and the Eastern Rim lie to the south, between Enraki and the Shoals of Trysta. You could patrol this stretch in search of rich merchantmen, or if your crew have suffered casualties, you could head for the neutral city of Assur to recruit some more men. Alternatively, if you're feeling lucky, you could try your fortune in the gambling-pits of Calah, or proceed to the Eastern Rim for a bit of coastal raiding.

(We might want to rest to regain some STAMINA too. But we're not even at half health, and have a RNG-breaking SKILL of 14 in combat, so it doesn't seem necessary.)

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12 (14/14 in personal combat)
LUCK 8/10
LOG 10/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
193 Gold Pieces
2 slaves
Gear: Abbot's Sword (+2 SKILL in personal combat)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by MisterDee »

Let's do some actual piracy and grab some merchantmen.
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Post by Korgan0 »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The Banshee cuts through the quiet waters of the Inland Sea; your look-outs keep a continuous watch on the clear horizon for any sign of shipping. Roll three dice. (2,2,4=8; the result is less than Leeroy's CREW STRENGTH.) Add 4 days to your LOG. (Leeroy's LOG is an even number.)

The horizon remains monotonously flat and devoid of shipping. Test your Luck. (1,5=6; Lucky.)

You sail into the midst of a large amount of driftwood, recent wreckage from some unfortunate vessel. Much of the floating planking is shattered and pocked with huge teeth marks. You find only a few barrels worth salvaging, scattered among all the destruction. One of these contains an excellent spirit which, when served out to the crew, boosts their morale considerably - restore 2 points to your CREW STRENGTH. Will you continue to patrol the Inland Sea by heading towards the Shoals of Trysta, or change course and travel to either the west coast or the Eastern Rim for a bit of coastal raiding?

Adventure Sheet
Captain Leeroy Jenkins
SKILL 12/12 (14/14 in personal combat)
LUCK 7/10
LOG 14/50
The Banshee
C. STRIKE 12/12
193 Gold Pieces
2 slaves
Gear: Abbot's Sword (+2 SKILL in personal combat)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

"Such a day; rum all out. Our company somewhat sober; a damned confusion amongst us! Rogues a plotting. Talk of separation. So I looked sharp for a prize [and] took one with a great deal of liquor aboard. So kept the company hot, damned hot, then all things went well again."
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