[LP] Lesser-Known Gamebooks: The Shattered Realm

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[LP] Lesser-Known Gamebooks: The Shattered Realm

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

So that last Way of the Tiger book reminded me of something else, specifically one of the Duel Master series. Oh, man.

The Duel Master series were a number of competitive two-player game books, by the same authors as the Way of the Tiger series. There was one for a wizard's duel, one for an arena battle, one for a slave being hunted for sport by a dragon-man (my favorite) and one about two nations going to war. And that last one's plot has a lot in common with Warbringer!, in that the first act is traveling to various other kingdoms looking for allies, and the second act is a mass combat minigame. And because both sides of the war have a player, it probably won't be such a deterministic mess enforced by grossly unfair game-over roadblocks.

So here's how this is going to work (if it is going to work). People will sign on to one team or the other, and each side will have its own thread (I'll use this one for mutual information like the rules and the setup). People who are on a team are on the honor system not to look at the opposition's thread until the match is over. It's a game, you're only cheating yourself, etc.


Okay, technically it's two books. Each player got one, and they're written using a system of WAIT commands to keep the players synched in time, and a system of recorded keywords to keep track of the dynamic game state. It's totally plausible that both players will attempt to enlist the same ally at the same time, or that one will try to ally with a kingdom that's already made up its mind, and those have their own varying resolutions.

The Ten Kingdoms
(Yes, it's set in the same world as the Way of the Tiger.)
On the magical world of Orb, beyond the Mountains of Undying Solitude, lie the lands known as the Ten Kingdoms. The people of the Ten Kingdoms are not as the people of the Manmarch, four of the kingdoms are not kingdoms of men at all, but of other, older races. The Old Gods are strong here, and the people are very superstitious.
The Kingdom of Monsalyar

The Kingdom of Monsalyar is perhaps the brightest jewel of all. Its rolling hills and pleasant valleys are among the safest and most charming of all Orb. It is said that you can tell a Monsaljan by his ready smile and the gaudiness of his costume. The fortune of the kingdom is founded on the many dyes which grow within its meadows and on the shores of its lakes. These are traded with powers as far-flung as Heartguard, Druath Glennan, and even the Island of the Goddess. It is a prosperous land, but its peace is soon to be shattered by war.
The Kingdom of Dorganath

The Kingdom of Dorganath is perhaps the most sinister of all. Its saw-toothed crags, its dark barren moors, and the dull grey stone of its castles and city walls are the most forbidding of all Orb. It is said that you can tell a Dorgoman by his stony countenance and the size of the lock on his purse. The power of the kingdom comes from the rich seams of metal in the hard grey rock which yields its treasures so grudgingly. The hardened Dorgomen trade these metals, iron, copper, and nickel, for the finer things of life in the colorful markets of Monsalyar. It is an enduring land, the oldest kingdom of men in the Land of Ten Kingdoms, but its peace is soon to be shattered by war.
Monsalyar is the stereotypically pretty/good kingdom, Dorganath the stereotypically gloomy/bad kingdom.
The Oracle of the Axis

On the shores of the Sea of Passing above the Farewell Lighthouse lies the cave which harbours one of the three great Oracles of Orb, the Oracle of the Axis at World's End. The people of the Ten Kingdoms consult the oracle over everything from the planting of crops to the waging of war. The sybil who is the mouthpiece of the Axis customarily shrouds her predictions in riddles and in phrases which may be interpreted in more than one way. But now for the first time in living memory the sybil has given a prophecy whose meaning cannot be mistaken.

For the whole of the month of Demondim, all who have visited the cave above the Farewell Lighthouse have received the same answer, no matter what their question. 'At the time of the Allmother's Splendour, when the fruit is ripe and the birds are in full song, will the Land of Ten Kingdoms become the Land of Nine Kingdoms. Not through marriage alliance nor the meeting of minds will this change occur, but through bloody war, looting, pillage and destruction. The jewel will sparkle more brightly or be forever dulled.
The Storm Clouds Gather

The kingdom of Monsalyar has long been known as the jewel of the Ten Kingdoms, and of its neighbours, the hardened jealous Dorgomen so often snubbed in the Monsaljan marketplaces are generally thought to be the ones who will declare war. The Dorgomen have found themselves mistrusted because of the prophecy and so they prepare for war. The Monsaljans for their part must destroy another country or be themselves destroyed. The sages of the land agree that war is inevitable, some blame the oracle, others say that the oracle only foretells what must come to pass and blame the Dorgomen. One thing is certain: in the month of Allmother's Splendour, the rulers of both countries must be ready to go to war.
They are officially fighting 'for no sufficient reason.' Superb.

Anyway, let's see if there's enough interest to get this thing off the ground.

Team Monsalyar

Team Dorganath
Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Corsair114 »

One for Team Dorganath.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd like to play Dorganath, but I want to make sure that there's at least one person for Monsalyar.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I can put you on Dorg now and switch you later if nobody signs up for the Mons. No rush to get started yet.
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Post by Dr_Noface »

I'll join team Moonslayer..
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Post by Korgan0 »

Sign me up for Moonfucker as well.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Here's the writeups for the potential allies.

The Kingdoms of Men
The Alleyns are a horse people, as at home in the saddle as on two feet. Theirs is a large and fertile country, a central plain flanked by high hills and mountains. They are a simple people unencumbered by the niceties of culture, and they live off the land. Their markets are near wooden hill forts, but they have no large towns. The farmers do not own the land they farm, and owe allegiance to the local lord whose duty it is to protect them in time of war. They are ruled by king Timurlaine of Alleyn.
(The lancers of Alleyn: Strength 4, Morale 3, Cavalry)

OLIGARCHANE (The Confederacy)
The people of the Oligarchane Confederacy are largely town dwellers and traders. Their country controls the coast, and though it is mountainous they prosper through trade and the advancement of ideas. The merchant class are the only ones who can afford the weaponry and armour to fight in wartime, and since it is they who stand to lose or gain most, they are prepared to defend the country for the mettics, those too poor to afford campaigning. Each town is a democracy where all but foreigners can vote. The town's representatives vote on foreign affairs.
(Hoplites: Strength 3, Morale 2)

The people of Sacerdoge are dominated by the solemn priesthood of Death. Through confessionals and torture, the priests maintain a rule of divine fear, while also being responsible for the upkeep of the towns and laws. The worship of Death entails a lax attitude to welfare and cleanliness, but Sacerdoge is an ancient and rich country. In the coffers of the temples to death, it is rumoured there is enough gold plate to pave a road from one end of the country to the other.
(The Death's Head Huzzars: Strength 3, Morale 4, Cavalry or Huzzars with Sacred Band: Strength 4, Morale 5, Cavalry)

Unlike the rest of the Ten Kingdoms, most of the people known as the Fey live in one city. It is a city-state like those of the western and southern parts of Orb, and it bridges the gap between those lands and the land of the Ten Kingdoms. But the Fey are like no others. Of the hundred thousand people within the city itself, many worship the Insane God of Chaos, Anarchil; others worship Nemesis, the Supreme Principle of Evil. They are notorious for their strange and unpredictable ways, and there is no strong government, rather the strongest leader of the time will seek to hold sway.
(The legion of Unseaming: Strength 4, Morale 3)
The Kingdoms of Beasts
The Firedrakes are one ofthe elder races of Orb. Since time immemorial, tales of the fFiredrakes have been used to terrify human, elven, and orcish children alike into good behaviour. They are reptilian, but their scales are a deep iridescent blue. They walk on two legs and have powerful torsos and thick tails. Some, when angered, are able to breathe fire. They keep human slaves and are notorious for their wanton cruelty. The most powerful among them, called Archveults, remain contemptuous of man's weakness, though their numbers have declined gradually over the centuries. Their land still forms an unassailable buffer between the men of the cities north of the Inner Sea and those of the Land of Ten Kingdoms.
(The Firedrakes: Strength 6, Morale 3, +1 Morale vs Dragons)

Three centuries ago, the Bone People fought their way north from the inhospitable desert lands of Orb and settled in the Land of Bone. They are tall, but look so emaciated they resemble skeletons. Their faces are repulsive to humans, but not to other races. Though frail-looking, they are strong and very resilient, their wills tempered over the generations of struggle in the deserts. Shy and distrustful of men, they nevertheless rely on trade to bring them the things their new chosen land lacks. They are a primitive people ruled by elders among whom the most famous is Gaggacq.
(Bone people and rhinoceri: Strength 4, Morale 3, Cavalry, other Cavalry has -1 Strength and Morale against them)

The Fenbeasts of Margue are a people as ancient as the Firedrakes. Before the coming of an, they contested the whole of the Land of Ten Kingdoms with the Firedrakes. They are a powerful race and their ferocity in battle is legendary, although they are not as wantonly cruel as their ancient foes. They resemble giant toads with the head and neck of a heron, and need no other weapon than their splendid scarlet beaks. Margue is a marshland at the confluence of many rivers. It was once far larger, but Orb is a drier place than it used to be, and the Fenmen have long been used to going abroad.
(The Fenbeasts: Strength 4, Morale 3, +1 Strength against Firedrakes)

Apart from the island of Dragonhold, Eyrie has the largest community of dragons on Orb, and so is one of the most dangerous places on Orb as well. Many fearsome dragons live there, grown powerful in size and wisdom over the ages. To them, the coming of the Bone people is a recent event. They pass much of their time sleeping the Long Sleep of Dragons, but there is usually at least one awake to welcome, or devour, any visitor. They are safe in their craggy fastnesses, but have occasionally been known to interfere in the affairs of men with far-reaching consequences.
(Copper Dragons: Strength 5, Morale 3, Cavalry or Bronze Dragons: Strength 5, Morale 5, Cavalry)
edit: added the troops you can expect from an alliance.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Rebellion Points
During the time which you spend trying to secure alliances with your powerful neighbours, you may do things or make promises which displease your people. If you do so, you will lose one or more rebellion points. You begin the game with three rebellion points.

Warning: If you lose all your rebellion points, your kingdom will revolt. You will be deposed and your country will dissolve into civil war, in which case your opponent will win.
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Post by hogarth »

Is there a blurb that explains the combat rules, or do you have to wait until later in the book to find out how to compare two units?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

There are some combat rules in the front, but how the stats are involved in resolution is only explained as it comes up. My plan is to infodump all mass combat rules before deployment happens, but I could put up what's available so far, if there's interest.
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Post by hogarth »

If I had to guess, I'd guess that Strength is some kind of attack value and Morale is some kind of hit points value.

What I'd really like to know is the basic mechanic of combat. E.g. if a Strength of 5 always defeats a Strength of 4, then that's a huge advantage, but if you're comparing 2d6+5 vs. 2d6+4, it's a much smaller advantage.
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Post by hogarth »

No comments on this? I guess it doesn't matter too much as long as one knows "higher numbers = better".
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The first act is over, and Dorganath seems to be the clear winner of that round, having secured two alliances to Monsalyar's one; and stronger allies at that.

On the other hand, Dorganath lost their first ruler, are now on their second chance, and will not get a third. And the Kingdoms of Beasts are said to be very dangerous. A misstep could plunge their kingdom into chaos and hand victory to the Monsaljans by default.

Still anyone's game.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Lesson For The Day: Just because a game is equally bullshit for both players and therefore technically 'fair,' doesn't mean that it isn't still bullshit.

So, Dorgonath lost their second ruler, and with them, the war. This was disappointing, because we never even got to the battlefield. Also, the two envoys never encountered each other. Basically, there was a lot of content that we missed out on.

So, I propose a rematch. Both threads for the previous game become public knowledge for the next, and hopefully that will allow the players to avoid enough pitfalls to actually get to the endgame.

Who's in?
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Post by Corsair114 »

That sounds pretty reasonable to me, Angel.
The rules are the game, without them you're just playing cowboys and indians with a side of craps. Image
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Having watched both threads up to this point I'm throwing in my hat with Team Moonfucker for the rematch, as they didn't have enough meeples to break ties.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Korgan0 »

I'm going to side with the Moonfuckers again this time.
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Post by Starmaker »

This was the reason I had expected it should've been impossible to die/lose during recruiting right until Berengaria bought the farm. A two-player game demands more replayability, and to stay playable when both players know the contents of both books, it needs to rely less on memory and more on strategy and informed choices ("these units are awesome, but our enemy might be heading there, and we'll have to be prepared to spend a rebellion point to outbid them"; "we can go to A now, but if we wait a turn and the enemy signs up B, we'll be able to grab A for free through a blue option", "if we load up on humanoid allies and spend all the resources, we'll get just one obvious pick of the nonhuman set and we'll be outbid" etc).

And yet:
Dr_Noface wrote:Fuck, didnt the other guys die here? I suggest retreat.
Korgan0 wrote:oh shit yeah we run away
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

There actually is quite a bit of that interactive strategy, there's just also a pile of password procedure to memorize.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Okay, Round 2 is on.

So far, the confirmed participants are as follows, but I'm certainly not excluding anyone who wants to jump in, prior participant or otherwise.

Team Monsalyar

Team Dorganath
Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll rejoin Dorganath.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sorry about the delay in responding, it looks like I won't have prolonged internet access until tuesday.
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Post by Korgan0 »

Wow, that's mega-bullshit.
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Post by Korgan0 »

To the Dorgomen: GET DUNKED

Yours royally, Lord Mowbray.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

And once again, game ends before the final battle. This book is just a tease.

Is there any enthusiasm for a third try? Or for just fudging it and skipping straight to the battle sequence? We still haven't done a single duel, either.
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