Also Running a Game

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Also Running a Game

Post by the_taken »

In most of the games I run, my players are half drunk, or for some other reason not-completely coherent. This ends up with allot of rule less gaming as the drunken barbarian/cleric tries to woo the vampire queen instead of chopping her down, or some other "creative tactics".

My next game coming up is going to be very different. My kid brother is going to be playing, so we guys have to pull ourselves together and act as responsible as we can manage while we introduce to him the wonders of dice based combat and busty vampire queens in need of some holy water and staking. The lack of booze will obviously also affect or gaming style.
This time, I'm going for a short dungeon crawl, followed by a brief boss fight then a climactic battle with the "real boss".

The know characters so far:
My kid brother wants to emulate his WoW character. I forgot what it's called, but it involves being extra tough, having a shield and agro. So I'm going to have him play a RoW Knight.

The second player is torn between being superman (Dungeonomicon Monk) and an arrow demon (not the actual monster, just lots of arrows and dead things).

A third player wants to be a animated pile of junk and playtest my newly tomerized Runelord. I know he's going to follow all the rules presented in the Unsorted Material for constructs, but I need a cute little gimmick I can give him thats a little better than "You are composed of your inventory".
-2 STR, +2 CHA, immunity to poison, construct (living) type

I have no idea what the other two/three players are, but I am going to force one to be a mage.


The premise of the story: Each person of the party one a part of a contest and got a free trip and tour of Christmas Town around X-mas time. After validating their pass-ports (Christmas Town is it's own country) and dropping off their luggage at their rented gingerbread townhouses, Zombie Robot Hitler and his minions of Ninja Nazi Knights steal Jane Frost's wand of ice and wreak a bunch of havoc around the town.

Old Santa is cryogenically frozen, while Ms.Clause is grounded to the floor of the front hall, Jack Frost has become a puddle of slush, Frosty the Snowman has his hat stolen, and random elves and reindeer are frozen like St.Nick all over the place. Jane Frost is also captured by ZRH, for some "recreational animation".
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Re: Also Running a Game

Post by Koumei »

Holy shit, you have just made the best setting ever.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Also Running a Game

Post by the_taken »

Why thank you.


I plan to have the characters level up at the end of each level of the "dungeon". Santa's workshop is huge concrete evergreen, with floors added every time the worlds population needs more toys. ZRH is at the star at the top, throwing freezing bolts in fits of maniacal glee down apon the town like Mr.Freezenegger. Since the players at starting at level six, and finishing at level twelve, I'm going to have six floors of dungeon before the final show down with ZRH.

The first floor with have regular Nazis with pistols (human RoW warriors with shortbows) and packs of Ninja Nazi Zombie Mutants (owl bear zombies).
Ninja Nazi Knight 1 is going to be a lvl 6 human cleric with a full cadre of human zombies right out of the monster manual.
To get to floor two, the party must pull a fire alarm (guarded by NNK1) to open the security door that block access to the first stair case.

The second floor will have Type 1 Nazis roving in packs. And some Final Fantasy grenade monsters that'll be dormant while the ceiling mounted fire extinguishers are on.
NNK2 will wander aimlessly between rooms. He's a ghost that will try to posses a PC then cause in fighting.
The room before NNK3 will have a Jim-im-das-box. It's a closet troll.
NNK3 is a Nazi Mutant Man-Door. He'll toss terrain effects like entangle, solid fog, and darkness into three squares every round (one each), plus Burning Hands the round after he takes melee damage. 8d12 HP, DR5/adamantine, all good saves and 12 in all stats.

Floor three will have random Jims, plus more Nazi losers. The nazis will be upgraded to deal a random damage type with their "guns".
One room will feature a pack of zombies on fire, another a pack of zombies that explode, and a possessed assembly line making toys that don't pass safety regulations.
NNK2 will come to this floor if he isn't dealt with before hand.
NNK4 is a ZRH clone. A human Knight 3/Assasin 3/Monk 2

The 4th floor will feature Jims supported by nazis with lazers (shortbows that deal a random energy type), plus packs of nazi losers with guns and lazers. Then a random Jack-im-das-box.
All of the zombies have been replaced with mutant snow goons on this floor (ice elementals that can be turned like zombies).
NNK5 will harass the PCs the whole level by setting off traps and lobbing tangle foot bags. He doesn't have a way to heal, and will run away after one round of attacking. He has the key that opens the door to the stair case to the next level.

The fifth floor will feature an assembly machine that makes Jims. It's being run by NNK6, a zombie summoner 10.
Before the stair case, the PCs will face a few left over Jims, some Jacks, and cyber-lions, puppet-tigers and robotic polar bears (effigies of appropriate animals).

The sixth floor will feature more constructs, hoards of zombies and nazis with lazers, random jacks, and vampires.
NNK2 will (make a reappearance and) posses a large teddy bear at the end of the level and try to stomp on the PCs. After the bear hack into fluffy pieces of cotton and and faux-fur, the ghost of NNK2 will be subjected a deus-ex-machina of the three ghost of Christmas into the next world. As thanks for breaking his tie to the world (the teddy bear) the ghosts will open the last door from the other side, and the PCs will the proceed to a showdown with Zombie Robot Hitler.

Zombie Robot Hitler
To fight him, the PCs will teleport into a pocket dimension with simply a floor thats shaped like a star.
Like many good end bosses, he's actually three separate entities that must be stabinated in sequence.

First Form: A human Knight 5/Monk 5, stats all 12, using Tome materials. He'll alternate between tanking with the party meleeists and trying to gank the party wizard.

Second Form: A warforged Knight 10, STR 16, CON 16, 10 rest. He'll just sit there with a super charged AC and use designated opponent at every opportunity. He'll also be using the Blitz feat to full effect.

Third Form: A zombie Monk 10, DEX 12, WIS 18. He'll start by activating a stance that'll last for minutes that'll grant him really good mobility. Then he'll alternate between a pure defence stance, and a defence/offence stance depending apon how he was affected last. When he has less than 20hp, he'll use a potion of Heal on himself, ending the fight prematurely by his own stupidity.
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Re: Also Running a Game

Post by Surgo »

This is the best campaign ever.
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Re: Also Running a Game

Post by the_taken »

The heroes:

Vampire Lord Beguiler - A custom set of rules {Tome of Necromancy) allows for this character to have an LA of +0 and not be overpowered. Being undead reverses the effects of healing and infliction magic, but he's still affected by mind-affecting spells and critical hits. Also, he has a CON score and normal HD.

The Monk - Using a custom monk class (Dungeonomicon), this character will go from a mighty pugilist to Super Saijen 1 across the the six levels of play. Unfortunately, his tail will only be a cosmetic feature.

Orc Warlord - a simple character for a simple player. This character has low AC, provokes more attacks of opportunity that any other, and has five cursed magical items, including a ring of "Curses!", a big opera dress, and magical totem, and a horned helmet. Oddly, this character also has a high level of people skills. WAAAAGH!

Sir Mace of Parkenlot - Heavy armor, heavy shield, heavy metal. This is the character with the highest AC and the highest HP. This character also has a pseudo-taunt effect, making sure he is actively targeted by attacks.

Concubine of Cupid - the party healer. This is a character for a player obsessed with the Book of Erotic Fantasy. Out of place in this adventure, so [SEX] feats are given out for free, while combat feats are added to improve combat effectiveness.

Junkling Runelord - a furnaced possessed by the spirit (but not the soul) of a wizard. This character is a magical equivalent to the Knight, but focused more on actively negating magic. Has Diablo 2 style Auras that boost the party's defences. Also, he is his own inventory.
(This player is play testing a custom class I made for the Tome of Tiamat)

Zombie Bard - We have a girl that's not really interested in playing, so we're giving her a character that just sits there.

Raccoon-man - A thief acrobat. Climbs walls, ropes, cliffs, pillars and pylons, and steals the nails too. Good times.

Wade the Stabbinator - A character specialized in the secret art of face stabbing. Has the highest melee damage, but low BAB, and has to "charge up".

Odes anybody else see a problem here?
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