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Post by Kaelik »

wotmaniac wrote:Also, if someone doesn't like a thread -- it's super easy just to ignore the thread -- so cry me a fucking river, you fat fucking baby.
I never said people couldn't ignore the thread. I said that in person people can't just walk away without saying anything, and that in this case the stupid shitty wrong things you said in this thread perpetuate the problems with how rape victims are treated so you should stop saying them ever, or believing them.

No part of that ever at any point advocated you stop saying stupid shitty things like this in this thread because you hurt someone's feelings in this thread.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Pseudo Stupidity »

Wot, you really are a part of the problem with rape in the US/world at large.
Kaelik wrote:You don't fucking understand it. It is primarily about men, and in fact, society, hating women in general. For example, when anyone makes any derogatory comment about women for dressing sexily and/or sleeping around, which many men do constantly all the time, that is slut hating/shaming. And when any woman who has previously been accused of being a slut by anyone (primarily male) their claim to being raped is treated as being suspect by society. Including by men and women on the news, and men and women in the courtroom.

And when you, in total ignorance, say that slut-hating is just about women hating women, you are fucking defending these shitty practices and making them easier. What you should do instead is say, "Oh, I didn't realize that was such a big problem, now I will stop whining about how everyone over protects rape victims."
This is (part of) why you're horrible, Wot. You perpetuate the myth that slut-shaming is for women only. I had a roommate who was exactly that sort of shitty person, he'd call women sluts for sleeping with other guys while his only goal in life was to have sex with as many women as possible. The difference is men like him are seen as "guys being guys" whereas women who sleep around are seen as dirty, dirty sluts who dress slutty and are thus asking to get raped.

People actually say "oh no this guy got accused of rape, that might mess his future up even though the woman was obviously asking for it by being drunk/wearing a skirt/having a vagina." There are many, many cases where people showed more concern for the rapists than they did for the victims. The reason that shit happens is people like you believe nonsense like "false rape reports are a very serious problem (no they fucking aren't, false rape accusations are a problem but they are extremely rare)" and "slut shaming is just women being mean to women." You are part of the problem and need to stop being the way you are.

Educate yourself to stop being such a shitbag, Wot. Start with getting rid of the bullshit where you believe false reports are a big problem.This is relevant and worth reading (note how it talks about bullshit "studies" early on). People like you are the reason smart people have to waste so much time explaining that false reports aren't a big deal, because the belief that false reports are harming people does harm victims.
sandmann wrote:
Zak S wrote:I'm not a dick, I'm really nice.
Zak S wrote:(...) once you have decided that you will spend any part of your life trolling on the internet, you forfeit all rights as a human.If you should get hit by a car--no-one should help you. If you vote on anything--your vote should be thrown away.

If you wanted to participate in a conversation, you've lost that right. You are a non-human now. You are over and cancelled. No concern of yours can ever matter to any member of the human race ever again.
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Post by Mistborn »

wotmaniac wrote: [/topic]
wotmaniac out, motherfuckers.
Like with most people who tell an internet forum that they're "leaving forever" we probably haven't seen the last of wotmaniac. I'd suggest he actually make good on his threat and never darken are doorway again unless it's to recant basically everything he's said in this thread. This goes for deanruel too. You guys have use the same arguments as rape apologists, you don't have any license the complain when people call you shitbags, because you are shitbags. The correct thing do at this point is not to go Zak S on us and keep digging yourselves deeper, the correct thing is to stop being shitbags.
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Post by Cyberzombie »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote: This is (part of) why you're horrible, Wot. You perpetuate the myth that slut-shaming is for women only. I had a roommate who was exactly that sort of shitty person, he'd call women sluts for sleeping with other guys while his only goal in life was to have sex with as many women as possible. The difference is men like him are seen as "guys being guys" whereas women who sleep around are seen as dirty, dirty sluts who dress slutty and are thus asking to get raped.
What does any of this have to do with using rape in an RPG? Using rape in an RPG always portrays the rapist as being evil. I've never heard of a human woman getting raped by an orc pillager and someone saying that the woman was asking for it.
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Post by Mistborn »

Cyberzombie wrote:What does any of this have to do with using rape in an RPG? Using rape in an RPG always portrays the rapist as being evil. I've never heard of a human woman getting raped by an orc pillager and someone saying that the woman was asking for it.
wot and dean have decided the best way too improve this thread is to use actual rape apologist arguments, which is what Pseudo Stupidity was responding to. How did you miss that?
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Post by Cyberzombie »

Lord Mistborn wrote: wot and dean have decided the best way too improve this thread is to use actual rape apologist arguments, which is what Pseudo Stupidity was responding to. How did you miss that?
I saw them, I just thought it was pointless to respond to them since they have no actual bearing on how rape is used in RPGs.
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Post by zugschef »

PoliteNewb wrote:
Chamomile wrote: That things could hypothetically be worse is one of the go-to things that never ever cheer anyone up, even in cases when it is indisputably true, so the fact that rape victims are not comforted by the fact that they're still alive is evidence of nothing. Please consider that the conclusion of the viewpoint you are pushing is that the best therapy for rape victims is execution, and then consider whether you want to continue pushing that viewpoint.
What? No he isn't. He's saying that one might sometimes consider people to be better to be killed instead of being raped, not in addition to it.

Yeah, being raped and then killed is worse than just being raped OR just being killed. News fucking flash there. It says nothing about whether it is better to be raped or killed...because that depends a great deal on the circumstances of either, and (more importantly) because both are horrible fucking things to have happen, so arguing about which one is worse is honestly kind of disgusting.

Once things get far enough into the "BAD THINGS" zone, trying to rank them (as to "which is worse?") accomplishes nothing except to sometimes trivialize someone's suffering. That is pretty much never a useful exercise.
Thank you.
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Post by wotmaniac »

No, you stupid fuck. You still missed a big part of one of my points -- but don't worry, I'm not going to go over it again, because you're too fucking stupid to understand.
Insisting that everyone tip-toe around and ignore the specific points that I've addressed is neglectfully harmful to the advocacy process -- trust me, I know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about here.

But that doesn't even matter to the whole point of starting the thread. But you wouldn't know that, because you were too fucking lazy to read the 3 blog posts that I linked at the opening -- which means that you are completely ignorant of the proper context .... which means that you have no business wading in to this in the first place. Kaelik, Psuedo Stupidity, MIB, Flatline, Mistborn, and who ever else I missed, who insist that I'm some kind of monstrous rape-fetishist.

That's right -- I am now "Wotmaniac, the Monstrous Rape-fetishist".
How the fuck am I ever going to be able to show my face and post here ever again? Seriously -- how? And all because y'all were too fucking lazy to do the required reading.

I didn't derail this. I went out of my way to try to keep this pointedly on topic, because I knew what would end up happening if we veered even a little. But nooooo, we can't have that, can we. Because then we'd miss the opportunity to destroy a motherfucker.

Has it occurred to anyone that intelligent people of good will and good conscience can disagree on some of the finer points of particular aspects of this topic?
Has it similarly occurred to anyone that you can actually talk about those aspects in an objective, emotionally-detatched manner; and in doing so, you don't actually disrespect the topic or the victims?
Has it additionally occurred to anyone that when someone says "this is some of what I've been able to observe", that it just might be legitimate, empirical observations? And if so, could you possibly be bothered with actually assimilating that information? Or would that mean that you might have to re-evaluate your own position -- and we can't have that, can we?
Has it further occurred to anyone that, perhaps, if someone says something that seems internally-conflicting, that maybe - just maybe - that you're viewing it through the wrong fucking prism? That perhaps you might need to readjust your own paradigm?
Of course you haven't; because you're too busy inspecting the inside of your own assholes.

And I'm left being the Motherfucking Monstrous Rape-fetishist.
I'm not rage-quitting -- y'all's mind-boggling stupidity has led to a situation wherein I can't come back.
Class-act, Den. Class.Fucking.Act. I hope you're proud of yourselves.
And I hope that all 5-6 of you choke to death on a big fat donkey dick. I actively fucking encourage it.
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
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Post by Mistborn »

I know how dare we say the person using rape apologist arguments is being a shitbag? How will you ever overcome the trauma of someone saying mean things about you on the internet?
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Post by ishy »

Cyberzombie wrote:What does any of this have to do with using rape in an RPG? Using rape in an RPG always portrays the rapist as being evil. I've never heard of a human woman getting raped by an orc pillager and someone saying that the woman was asking for it.
Sadly enough, that just means you haven't played enough / haven't played with the wrong people.
Gary Gygax wrote:The player’s path to role-playing mastery begins with a thorough understanding of the rules of the game
Bigode wrote:I wouldn't normally make that blanket of a suggestion, but you seem to deserve it: scroll through the entire forum, read anything that looks interesting in term of design experience, then come back.
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Post by Kaelik »

Lord Mistborn wrote:This goes for deanruel too.
No it doesn't Nothing deanrule said at any point argued in favor of any of the things Wot said that were bad, and nothing he said was structured in a way that continues to hurt people who are victims or victim advocates. Deanrule could in the future say something stupid and horrible, but he hasn't yet.

Even Wot, if he was ever at any point willing to back down from crazy land and just say "Oh yeah, slut shaming is a problem that effects rape victims, all of them, and is not part of a women vs women thing, but is actually a problem perpetuated by society on many levels, BUT I don't think what I said constitutes making that problem worse because ...." would be fine.
wotmaniac wrote:But that doesn't even matter to the whole point of starting the thread. But you wouldn't know that, because you were too fucking lazy to read the 3 blog posts that I linked at the opening -- which means that you are completely ignorant of the proper context .... which means that you have no business wading in to this in the first place.
I did read the blog posts. And then I didn't post, because I had nothing to say that was not better said by someone else (IE, don't). However, none of that information changes the context of you saying stupid things that hurt rape victims and their advocates. I will continue this in response to another statement:
wotmaniac wrote:who insist that I'm some kind of monstrous rape-fetishist.
No one but PhoneLobster called you a rape-fetishist, and no one cares what he says about rape because he is the boy that cried rapewolf.

We are saying that the things you say actively contribute to a culture that hurts rape victims and their advocates. The correct response is not to whine about how people are calling you a rapist. The correct response is to address that issue, and not do it by just assuming you are 100% right and that nothing you have said could be a problem, but to actually look at what you said, and what we said about it. It is not an accusation of rape or being a terrible person, it is a statement that you should reconsider something that is factually wrong.
wotmaniac wrote:I didn't derail this. I went out of my way to try to keep this pointedly on topic,
No, you went out of your way to say how you thought part of the problem was those evil bad feminazis exploiting rape victims for profit.

This is not about derailing. Your question was answered. On a completely separate note, don't talk about how evil feminazis are suppressing your right to talk about rape when it 1) isn't true, and 2) perpetuates the cultural problem that rape victims and their advocates are treated like shit.
wotmaniac wrote:Has it occurred to anyone that intelligent people of good will and good conscience can disagree on some of the finer points of particular aspects of this topic?
Has it occurred to you that when people disagree about some of the broader aspects, such as whether or not false rape reports are a problem, or whether or not slut-shaming is only the fault of one gender, one party might be wrong? And that that party might be you?
wotmaniac wrote:Has it similarly occurred to anyone that you can actually talk about those aspects in an objective, emotionally-detatched manner; and in doing so, you don't actually disrespect the topic or the victims?
Has it occurred to you that no one is getting upset that you are talking about it in an "objective" manner, and they are in fact just pointing out that you are "objectively" wrong? Has it occurred to you that your steadfast determination to see anyone who disagrees with you about this as being an overly emotional whinny baby who just doesn't understand facts might get in the way of you seeing the facts they present to you, and therefore you correcting yourself from being wrong, to being right?
wotmaniac wrote:Has it additionally occurred to anyone that when someone says "this is some of what I've been able to observe", that it just might be legitimate, empirical observations? And if so, could you possibly be bothered with actually assimilating that information? Or would that mean that you might have to re-evaluate your own position -- and we can't have that, can we?
Has it occurred to you that your observations are pretty much irrelevant just like all anecdotes? Has it occurred to you that we might have our own empirical observations, and that they might be more or less relevant than yours depending on the context? Has it occurred to you that I might be not talking about rape cases I have had to deal with specifically because anecdotes about how rape has been treated in only the specific cases I have seen in the specific jurisdiction I have worked might not be particularly universal?
wotmaniac wrote:Has it further occurred to anyone that, perhaps, if someone says something that seems internally-conflicting, that maybe - just maybe - that you're viewing it through the wrong fucking prism? That perhaps you might need to readjust your own paradigm?
Has it occurred to you that no one here thinks anything yo have said is internally conflicting, because nothing is internally conflicting about being an asshole who believed the cultural bullshit that is foisted on everyone, and then internalizing it so that you whine a lot about how some large portion of victims are faking, and this is the real problem with how rapes are dealt with and not at all the institutional and cultural problems that fuck everything up?
wotmaniac wrote:And I'm left being the Motherfucking Monstrous Rape-fetishist.
Thank god we can go back to making statements. I was sick and tired of those hypothetical questions with obvious leading answers that are in no way at all better than just making an argument with statements.

Hey do you remember like a year ago, when dickwolves or something had a thread, and PL, being PL, decided to accuse a bunch of people of being rapists? And he accused you, because you took the crass horrible position that a comic was funny and that it wasn't that big a deal? And didn't I fucking defend you against PL, and that somehow convinced you to like, take me off ignore or some other stupid thing, and whatever?

I bring this up because the point here is (aside from PL) no one is out to get you. We are telling you these things are actively harmful to say and think, because they are wrong, and wrong in a way that hurts real people. No one is calling you a rapist, and no one is trying to drive you off or destroy you. We want you to stop saying that false reports of rape are a problem, that victim advocates are doing it to get famous (so therefore we can ignore them), and that all the problems with how victims are treated are problems unrelated to rape. Because all those things are false.

If you want to keep saying them, then the only appropriate thing to do is to present arguments and evidence, (as opposed to assertions) that they are true.

Not that presenting arguments and evidence is not the same thing as throwing a shitfit and moaning about how you didn't say that victim advocates are just in it for the profit, you are saying that victim advocates are just in it for the profit, and that that is the problem with how rape victims are treated. Restating the problematic statements does not count as argument or evidence unless it comes at the end of a validly structure arguments with premises you believe you can convince us of.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by fbmf »

wotmaniac wrote:And I hope that all 5-6 of you choke to death on a big fat donkey dick. I actively fucking encourage it.
[The Great Fence Builder Speaks]
Wishing death on someone is a violation of the CoC. I usually accord newcomers some leniency on a first offense, but you are neither new nor (I believe) ignorant of the rule. I get that you're going for a "suicide by cop" thing where you commit a ban offense so you're not exactly quitting but you can't come back.

It worked. Well played. You leave me no choice.

Get off my lawn.

[/The Great Fence Builder Speaks]