3.tome via Skype recruiting.

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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3.tome via Skype recruiting.

Post by AndreiChekov »

Looking for 2-3 people to play a game via skype. Must be available for evenings (9:45 pm, to later PDT) on week days, once each week, probably mondays. I already have one player.

You can use pretty much any class that is a [tome] class. You can use any feat from a list that I will post. Tome combat rules, except that if you have the edge, it means you don't provoke AOEs.

No monks, and no barbarians, they just annoy me. You don't have to roleplay an idiot for an intelligence score or 8.

You can use your Charisma or Wisdom modifier for your will saves.

Start at lvl 1, just cause I like it. Don't roll for first level hp. First to post get the part.

The setting:
Lolth killed the Elf god, and made them all evil. Now the elves are trying to kill everything that isn't pretty. Well, the Hobgoblin empire is strong enough to resist, so as these super powers fought each other, every other race has been pretty much crushed.
The dwarves live in the underdarkish not really area, and as such have not been affected by it.
Your character is a regular human from this world sucked into that world by some sort of accident with a toaster and a rubber band, or something. Upon appearing in the world, you are no longer human (or are still human), but can remember everything from earth. I don't care what era your character is from, or where in the world.

If you write a backstory that is more than 1 paragraph, you get +3 story bonus to a skill that makes sense.

My alignment rules are this. Law = write down six rules that your character always follows, no matter what. Chaos = no. You are not allowed to be chaotic. Good = You don't kill unless you have to, no killing prisoners... etc. Evil = that you don't mind killing, but does not mean psycho killer murder hobo stabmcface everything for no reason at all.

Feats you can pick. Only one bloodline feat allowed.
Bloodline Feats
Bloodline feats represent some form of unusual parentage somewhere down the line of your ancestry. You can only take one bloodline feat. Bloodline feats scale with your hit die.
Child of the Heavens [Bloodline]
You have some special connection to the forces of Good, whether you wish it or not.
Hit Die
1: You radiate faint Good, and are under a permanent Bless effect.
3: You gain 5 points of Cold and Electricity resistance.
7: Once per round as a Swift action you can declare your next attack a Smite. This deals additional damage equal to your level to Evil creatures.
11: You gain either the [Angel] or [Archon] subtype.
15: You get a creature of CR13 or less that has the [Angel] or [Archon] subtype as a cohort.

Draconic Heritage [Bloodline]
Your grandmother was a Dragon.
Hit Die
1: Your skin becomes scaly, giving you a +1/3 levels Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor.
3: You are immune to magical Sleep effects.
7: You gain a Breath weapon dealing D6/level energy damage over a 30' cone or a 60' line (choose energy type and area when you gain this ability), Ref for half. Once used it cannot be used again for 1D4 rounds.
11: You gain immunity to Paralyis effects.
15: You grow Dragon wings, gaining a Fly speed equal to twice your Land speed (Average).

Endurance of Stone [Bloodline]
Your ancestors were one with the earth.
Hit Die
1: Your skin becomes stony, increasing your Natural Armor bonus to +2.
3: When striking a target standing on an unworked earth or stone floor you may make a free Trip attempt if all your attacks hit the same target.
7: You gain the [Earth] subtype and a burrow speed equal to half your land speed that can be used through stone or earth. Once per minute you can Soften Earth or Stone as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
11: You gain DR10/Adamantine.
15: You gain the Earth Glide [Su] ability of an Earth Elemental.

Experimental Stock [Bloodline]
Perhaps your parents were experimented on by mad arcanists. Or you’ve just been hit by one spell too many.
Hit Die
1: You gain Darkvision to 30 feet.
3: You gain a natural Claw, Bite or Tail attack that deals D8 damage for a Medium creature.
7: You gain a +5 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks, and the Scent special ability.
11: Your Natural Armor bonus increases to +4.
15: Choose a CR15 Magical Beast when you gain this ability. You can Polymorph into this creature once per day as per the spell. This effect last for 1 minute/level

Frostwalker [Bloodline]
You are at home on the frozen wastes.
Hit Die
1: You gain Cold resistance 5.
3: Once per minute as a Standard action you can chill any one metal object as per Chill Metal as a Touch attack, which must be your size or smaller. If a weapon is affected the damage listed is dealt as additional Cold damage by the weapon rather than to the wielder.
7: You gain the [Cold] subtype, and once per minute you can release a Cone of Cold as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
11: Whenever you deal Cold damage you may choose to coat the target's square in ice. Treat this as a Grease spell with a caster level equal to your character level.
15: Your Cold effects now freeze a creature’s spirit. Cold damage dealt by you cannot be healed except where the temperature is Very Hot or warmer.

Ignan Soul [Bloodline]
Your soul is linked to the elemental planes of Fire.
Hit Die
1: You gain Fire resistance 5.
3: Whenever you deal Fire damage that damage increases by 1 per die rolled.
7: You gain the [Fire] subtype, and you are constantly surrounded by a Warm Fire Shield with a caster level equal to your character level. This can be suppressed as a free action.
11: You count as having every spell with the [Fire] descriptor on your class list for the purposes of activating magic items. If you do not have a caster level you gain a caster level equal to your character level for the purposes of activating magic items only.
15: Fire damage now heals you.

Infernal Taint [Bloodline]
Your blood has the taint of the lower planes. Maybe you were born this way, or maybe you just stepped in some Evil.
Hit Die
1: You radiate faint Evil, and gain either Fire Resistance 5 or Cold Resistance 5
3: You gain either Acid Resistance 5 or Electricity Resistance 5.
7: You gain a natural Bite attack (D8) and two claws (D6)
11: You gain either the [Baatezu], [Demodand]. [Yugoloth] or [Tanar'ri] subtype.
15: You gain all spell like abilities of whichever creature you picked at level 11. Same caster level, and useable the same number of times each day.
Skychild [Bloodline]
You are a creature of the air.
Hit Die
1: Protective winds whip around you, providing a +1/3 levels Deflection bonus to AC.
3: You may make a 5' step as a Swift action, even if you have already moved this turn.
7: You gain the [Air] subtype and once per minute can use Gust of Wind as a spell like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
11: You can Air Walk as per the spell as a [Su] ability.
15: You gain the Whirlwind [Su] ability of an Elder Air Elemental.
Combat Feats (you can use anything from the Tome, as well as all of these)

Light Armour Proficiency [Combat]
You prefer to be able to move than to be heavily protected.
+0: You gain proficiency with light armour.
+1: You ignore amour check penalties for light armour.
+7: Once per turn, when you are attacked in light armour, you may make an attack roll. If your roll is higher than the attackers attack roll, the attack misses.
+11: You gain uncanny dodge as long as you are wearing light armour.
+15: You never provoke attacks of opportunity.

Medium Armour Proficiency [Combat]
You like a balance of mobility and protection.
+0: You gain proficiency with medium armour.
+1: Your move speed is not reduced by wearing medium armour.
+7: You can make a second attack of opportunity against an opponent that is wearing heavy armour. You get a +2 circumstance bonus to armour class against opponents wearing light armour.
+11: You gain evasion when wearing medium armour.
+15: You gain improved evasion when wearing medium armour. In addition, if you are attacked by a single target spell or ability that allows for a reflex save, you may reflect it back at the attacker with a successful save.

Shield Proficiency [Combat]
You know how to block attacks and spells with your shield.
+0: You gain shield proficiency.
+1: You get a +2 bonus to your shield's armour class.
+7: Your shield counts as one size larger for shield bash damage.
+11: You gain a bonus to your saving throws equal to your shield bonus to armour class.
+15: You can set your shield against an attack as an immediate action. If you do, the attack is nullified. This works against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural attacks. This can be used once per encounter.

Heavy Armour Proficiency: [Combat]
Thou art more comfortable in heavy armour than out of it.
+0: As a non-action you can cause an Attack of Opportunity made by an enemy to automatically miss you if the enemies base attack bonus is lower than your Armour bonus. This uses an Attack of Opportunity from you. Once used this ability cannot be used again for 10 rounds.
+1: You gain proficiency with heavy armour.
+7: Enemies attempting to Trip, Bullrush or Grapple you apply the armour check penalty of your armour to their check.
+11: You gain Fortification equal to the level of armour you are wearing (Light, Medium, Heavy).
+15: You gain Spell Resistance equal to 11+ your Armour bonus (including any Enhancement bonus).

Distracting Attack [Combat]
You are good at making enemies lose their train of thought.
+0: Whenever you make a melee attack against a creature, whether it is successful or not, any ally that makes an attack against that creature gets a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls.
+1: Whenever you hit an opponent with an attack of opportunity, each ally that attacks that creature before the beginning of your next round gets a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls.
+7: Goad: As a move action, you can goad an opponent that threatens you, has line of sight to you, can hear you, and has an Intelligence of 3 or higher. (This is a mind-affecting ability.) When the goaded opponent starts its next turn, if it threatens you and has line of sight to you, it must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). If the opponent fails its save, you are the only creature it can make melee attacks against during this turn, and the opponent cannot move away from you. (If it kills you, knocks you unconscious, or loses sight of you, it may make any remaining melee attacks against other foes, as normal.) A goaded creature cannot cast spells, make ranged attacks, move, or perform other actions normally.
+11: Distract: As a full-round action, you can make a melee attack against an enemy. Whether or not you hit, that enemy must succeed on a DC 10 + hit die + charisma modifier. If that creature fails, each attack made against it by an ally ignores all armour bonuses the creature has. This effect lasts for one round.
+15: You can use goad or distract as a swift action.

Fists of Steel
It's like you always hold a reel of coins.
0: your unarmed attacks become Natural Weapons - a Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage (for a Medium creature).
If you have more than one hand, you can dual-wield these, or you can use them together as a single Slam, treated as a Two-Handed Weapon (for all purposes) that deals 1d8 damage.
You are automatically proficient with these Natural Weapons.
+1: as long as you are not Fatigued or Exhausted, you may make a Full Attack with your Slam attacks when charging. Doing so makes you Fatigued.
+7: your Slam attacks overcome Damage Reduction and Hardness as though made of Adamantium.
+11: you can make a Slam Attack, two-handed if you're not holding anything, with a Swift Action.
+15: the Slamming Pounce no longer causes Fatigue, and grants a bonus Slam attack at your highest Attack Bonus, as though Hasted. This doesn't stack with Haste.
Shield Specialization [Combat]
You are an expert at putting a piece of metal between you and harm.
+0: You may add your Shield bonus to your Touch AC.
+1: You may add your Shield bonus to the DC of any Combat Maneuvers used against you, and as a bonus to any Bullrush attempts you make.
+7: Attacks from enemies that are not flanking you suffer a 20% miss chance while you are using a shield.
+11: Opponents that miss you with a melee attack while you are using a shield provoke an attack of opportunity from you if you have the Edge on them.
+15: You gain Improved Evasion whilst using a Shield

Slayer [Combat]
There are worse things out tonight than Vampires.
+0: You deal +2 damage per attack against Undead creatures.
+1: You gain a +2 Sacred bonus to saving throws against effects caused by Undead creatures.
+7: You may make a Fort. save to remove a Negative level as a standard action.
+11: You may make critical hits and sneak attacks on Undead as if they were not Immune to critical hits
+15: Any weapon you wield gains the Disrupting special ability.
Acquirer’s Eye [Skill]
You know what you want, even if other people have it right now.
Appraise Ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Appraise checks.
4: You automatically know if something is ordinary, masterwork, or magic when looking at it.
10: You can discover the properties of a magic item, including how to activate it (if appropriate) and how many charges are left (if it has them), with a successful Appraise check (DC item’s caster level + 10) and 10 minutes of work.
14: Once per round as a free action, you can examine a magic item and attempt an Appraise check (DC item’s caster level + 20) to determine its properties, including its functions, how to activate those functions (if necessary), and how many charges it has left (if it has charges).
18: You know what the most valuable piece of treasure is in any collection, such as the most valuable magic item an enemy is wearing or the most valuable object in a dragon’s horde, just by looking at the collection. You automatically recognize an artifact when looking at it.
Acrobatic [Skill]
You can totally flip out and kill someone with your gymnastic prowess.
Tumble Ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Tumble checks.
4: When using the Combat Expertise option, your dodge bonus to AC increases by +1. This further increases by +1 for every ten ranks of Tumble you have (+2 at 14, +3 at 24, and so on).
10: If an opponent attempts to bull-rush, overrun, or trample you, if you succeed on Tumble check of DC 25 + their base attack bonus, their movement continues in a straight line to the maximum allowed by their speed, you remain where you were, and you don’t suffer from the effects of their bull-rush, overrun, or trample. If you fail, you provoke an attack of opportunity from that enemy.
14: If you succeed on a DC 40 Tumble check, you can move 10 feet when taking a 5-foot step.
18: If you succeed on a Tumble check against a DC of 30 + an opponent’s base attack bonus, an action that would normally provoke an attack of opportunity doesn’t.
Alertness [Skill]
Your ears are so sharp you probably wouldn’t miss your eyes.
Listen Ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Listen checks.
4: You can make a Listen check once a round as a free action. You don’t take penalties for distractions on your Listen checks.
10: You gain blindsense to 60 feet. You don’t take penalties for ambient noise, such as loud winds. Divide any distance penalties you take on Listen checks by two.
14: You gain blindsight to 120 feet.
18: You can hear through magical silence and similar effects, but you take a -20 penalty on your check. Divide any distance penalties you take on Listen checks by five.
Animal Affinity [Skill]
You’re one of those people animals just won’t leave alone for no apparent reason.
Handle Animal ranks:
0: You gain the wild empathy ability, with your check equal to your character level plus your Charisma modifier plus any other applicable bonuses. If you already have wild empathy, or later gain it from another source, you gain a +3 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
4: You can handle an animal as a free action, and push it as a move action.
10: You gain the benefits of speak with animals permanently as an extraordinary ability. The DCs for you to rear and train creatures are halved.
14: With a DC 30 Handle Animal check, you can use a mass version of charm animal as a spell-like ability, with save DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier and effective caster level equal to your bonus on Handle Animal checks.
18: You can summon animals to your aid. Choose an animal with a CR equal to or less than your character level, and make a Handle Animal check at a DC of 25 + your character level. If you succeed, you summon a number of animals depending on how much the animal’s CR is less than your character level for an hour. You can’t use this ability again until any animals you’ve summoned with it have un-summoned or you’ve dismissed them.
Battlefield Surgeon [Skill]
You like to cut people open with a saw. But it’s good for them. Seriously.
Heal ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Heal checks.
4: You can make first aid, treat poison, and treat wound checks as move actions.
10: For every 5 points your Heal check exceeds the DC for long term care, your patients recover another +100% faster. For instance, if your Heal check result is 23, your patients would heal at thrice the normal rate.
14: If you operate on a patient for a minute, they regain hit points equal to your Heal check result. You also may, instead of healing hit point damage, cure any condition that heal could, reattach severed limbs, or repair ruined organs, if you succeed on a DC 30 check. Patients under your long-term care heal permanent ability drain as if it was ability damage.
18: With one hour of work, 25,000 gp worth of materials (which are consumed in the process), and a DC 40 Heal check, you can restore a creature that died within the last twenty-four hours to life. The subject’s soul must be free and willing to return for the effect to work.
Combat Casting [Skill]
Having a sword sticking out of your chest doesn’t noticeably impede your ability to do. . . well, just about anything.
Concentration ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Concentration checks.
4: You can take 10 on Concentration checks and caster level checks.
10: You may maintain concentration on a spell as a move action (DC 25 + spell level). If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you can maintain concentration as a swift action. If you fail your check, you lose concentration.
14: If you would be nauseated, you’re sickened instead.
18: All Concentration DCs are halved for you.
Con Artist [Skill]
You can fool some of the people all of the time.
Bluff ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Bluff checks.
4: Magic effects that would detect your lies or force you to speak the truth must succeed on a caster level check with DC equal to 10 plus your ranks in Bluff or fail.
10: Divination magic used on you detects a false alignment of your choice. You can present false surface thoughts to detect thoughts and similar effects, changing your apparent Intelligence score (and thus your apparent mental strength) by as much as 10 points and can place any thought in your ”surface thoughts” to be read by such spells or effects.
14: If you beat someone’s Sense Motive check by 25, you can instill a suggestion in them, as the spell. This suggestion lasts for one hour for each of your character levels.
18: You are protected from all spells and effects that detect or read emotions or thoughts, as by mind blank.
Cryptographer [Skill]
You’re good at reading things no one intended you to.
Decipher Script ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Decipher Script checks.
4: You can decipher a written spell (like a scroll) without using read magic, if you succeed on a Decipher Script check of DC 20 + the spell’s level. You can try once per day on any particular written spell.
10: You don’t trigger written magic traps (like explosive runes or symbols) by reading them. You can disable them with Decipher Script as if you were using Disable Device. You can read the material hidden by a secret page with a DC 25 Decipher Script check.
14: When you cast a spell from a scroll, the spell’s save DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Intelligence modifier + any other applicable bonuses, and its caster level is equal to your character level, plus other applicable bonuses.
18: Reading text using Decipher Script is a free action for you. You may disable written magical traps as a swift action, and you can cast 5th-level or lower spells from scrolls as a swift action.
Deft Fingers [Skill]
Your amazing manual dexterity is the talk of princes and princesses.
Sleight of Hand ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus on your Sleight of Hand checks.
4: If you draw a hidden weapon and attack with it in the same round, your opponent loses their Dexterity bonus to AC against your first attack with that weapon that round. This ability can only be used once per round.
10: You can make an adjacent creature or object your size or smaller ’disappear’ with your legerdemain. If you succeed on a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check as a standard action, your target can make a Hide check, or you can make the Hide check for them or it. As usual, you can hide larger creatures or objects by taking a -20 cumulative penalty for each size category larger they are than you.
14: With a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check, you can use shrink item as a spell-like ability. 18: With a DC 40 Sleight of Hand check, you can use teleport object as a spell-like ability. You can also retrieve items placed in the Ethereal Plane using teleport object. With a DC 40 Sleight of Hand check, you can use instant summons as a spell-like ability without requiring arcane mark, but you may only designate one item at a time.
Detective [Skill]
You’re good at finding things out just by conversing with townsfolk.
Gather Information ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus on your Gather Information checks.
4: Your ability to pick up on the social context aids you in establishing rapport. After succeeding on a Gather Information check, you gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge checks, Sense Motive checks, and checks for Cha-based skills in the same milieu.
10: With 2d6 hours of research, you can study a specific topic, such as a particular location or a well-known local monster, and substitute a Gather Information check for any Knowledge checks pertaining to the topic. You need access to local informants, a library, scholars, or other appropriate sources to use this ability.
14: You can gain the benefits of legend lore with a DC 30 Gather Information check. If you have the person or thing at hand, or are in the place, this takes a day; otherwise, it consumes the time as normal for legend lore. You need access to individuals or resources with relevant knowledge to use this ability.
18: With a DC 40 Gather Information check and 1d4+1 days of talking to people, you can either find an answer to any question you can pose in ten words or less, or find out where you need to go to get the answer. You need access to individuals or resources with relevant knowledge to use this ability.
Dreadful Demeanor [Skill]
People know you’re a badass motherfucker the instant you enter the room.
Intimidate ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Intimidate checks.
4: You can demoralize an opponent as a move action.
10: Opponents you’ve demoralized remain shaken until they lose sight of you.
14: Opponents who would be panicked because of your fear effects are cowered instead for the duration of the effect.
18: Any time you confirm a critical hit in melee, your target is cowered until they lose sight of you. (Fear effect)
Expert Counterfeiter [Skill]
You aren’t a common forger, you’re an artiste.
Forgery ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Forgery checks.
4: When creating a forgery, you roll twice and take the better result.
10: In situations where you can present a legal document of some sort, you can substitute a Forgery check for a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.
14: You can purchase items with counterfeit bills of exchange, falsified credit vouchers, and the like. You can acquire any item available through the gold economy in this method. Normally, your counterfeits are so good they don’t provoke suspicion, but if someone examines them, they must still beat you in an opposed Forgery check to recognize they’re not the real thing.
18: You can duplicate a scroll with eight hours of work and a Forgery check against DC 35 + the spell’s level. The duplicate functions in all manners like the original scroll. You must have appropriate materials on hand for scribing the scroll, and if the spell requires XP or expensive material components, you must provide the requisite components or make up the XP cost in materials.
Forge enchanted jewelry [Skill]
You are the Lord of the Rings. You're not bad with amulets or periapts either.
Craft (Goldsmith) ranks:
0: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks
4: By spending a minute examining a piece of magical jewelry (rings, amulets, periapts, brooches or headbands) you can Identify it as per the spell.
10: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a piece of Minor magical jewelry, with an enchanting time of 1 week. 14: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a piece of Medium magical jewelry. You are now able to make Minor jewelry items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
18: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a piece of Greater magical jewelry. You are now able to make Medium jewelry items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
Forgemaster [Skill]
You shame Hephaestus with your mad forge skillz.
Craft (Metalsmith) ranks:
0: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks
4: By spending a minute examining a magical shield, set of armour, helm or weapon you can Identify it as per the spell. 10: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Minor magical armour, weapon or helm, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
14: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium magical armour, weapon or helm. You are now able to make Minor magical Metalsmith items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
18: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater magical armour, weapon or helm. You are now able to make Medium magical Metalsmith items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Ghost Step [Skill]
You might as well be incorporeal for all the noise you make.
Move Silently ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Move Silently checks.
4: Anyone attempting to use Survival to track you must beat you in an opposed check against Move Silently.
10: Creatures with Blindsense, Blindsight, Tremorsense, or similar abilities do not automatically detect your presence, but must succeed on a Listen check, opposed by your Move Silently check, to notice you.
14: With success on a DC 30 Move Silently check as a standard action, you can control ambient sounds within 30 feet of yourself for a round. You can specifically duplicate any effect from control sound (XPH), silence, or ventriloquism, and in general can make sound you’ve heard come from any part of the area, displace sounds in the area, or suppress any sounds or sounds. Also, if you take a -10 DC penalty on your Move Silently check, anyone within 30 feet of you can substitute your check result for their own.
18: You’re so quiet that people don’t even remember you when you’re standing right next to them. Your opponents count as flat-footed whenever you attack them.

Investigator [Skill]
You have an eye for detail and so much patience that going through a 100’ by 100’ room inch-by-inch doesn’t even try it.
Search ranks:
0: You can use Search to find traps like a character with trapfinding. If you already have that ability, you gain +3 to your Search checks. Search is always a class skill for you.
4: You can Search a 10’ by 10’ area with a full-round action.
10: You automatically sense any active magic effects in an area you search. If you succeed on a DC 20 Search check, you can determine their number, strength, and school, as if using detect magic.
14: You can Search objects or areas within 30 feet of yourself. You can make a Search check as a swift action.
18: You have an intuitive sense for hidden things. Anytime something that someone has hidden is within 60 feet of you, you know it; if there are multiple things, you know how many. However, you must still make Search checks as normal to locate them.

Item Master [Skill]
You make magic items do things you want.
Use Magic Device ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Use Magic Device checks.
4: You don’t suffer mishaps with magic items.
10: When rolling Use Magic Device checks or random effects from magic items, you may roll twice and take the better result.
14: With a swift action and a successful Use Magic Device check against a DC of 30 + the item’s caster level, you can gain the benefits of a slotted magic item without needing to have a slot available (for instance, a third ring on your finger) for one round.
18: When you activate a wand or staff, you can substitute a spell slot instead of using a charge. The
spell slot must be one you have not used for the day, though you may lose a prepared spell to emulate a wand charge (you may not lose prepared spells from your school of specialty, if any). The spell slot lost must be equal to or higher in level than the spell stored in the wand, including any level-increasing metamagic enhancements. When using spell trigger, spell completion, or other consumable magic items, if you succeed on a Use Magic Device check of 40 + the caster level of the item as a swift action, the item or charges thereof are not consumed.

Leadership [Leadership] [Skill]
You convince people that obeying you is a good career move.
Diplomacy ranks:
0: You can awe even strangers and enemies into following your orders. With a DC 20 Diplomacy check, you can use command as a spell-like ability, with save DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier.
4: Your natural talent for leaderships attracts followers. Your leadership score is equal to your ranks in Diplomacy plus your Charisma modifier.
10: You persuade someone that you are so awesome that they should follow you around all the time, acquiring a cohort. A cohort is an intelligent and loyal creature with a CR at least 2 less than your character level. Cohorts gain levels when you do.
14: Your natural majesty stirs guilt in those who refuse your demands. With a DC 30 Diplomacy check, you can use geas as a spell-like ability, but it offers a Will save at DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier.
18: You command the loyalty of armies. . . even opposing ones. With a DC 40 Diplomacy check, you can use greater command as a spell-like ability, with save DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier and effective caster level equal to your bonus on Diplomacy checks.

Legendary Wrangler [Skill]
No one can tell where you end and your ropes begin.
Use Rope ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Use Rope checks and proficiency with the bolas, net, and whip.
4: You can use a rope as if it was a bolas or whip, and you can substitute your ranks in Use Rope for your Base Attack Bonus for combat manoeuvres made with it. You can also use it as a net, replacing the normal DC 20 Escape Artist check for someone entangled with it with your Use Rope check. You can throw a grappling hook, tie a knot, tie a special knot, or tie a rope around yourself one-handed as a move action. You don’t provoke attacks of opportunity for using Use Rope.
10: You can use a rope, whip, grappling hook, or similar item to manipulate any item within 30 feet of yourself as easily as if it was in your hands; you can also make disarm, entangling (as if with a net), and trip attempts with it. You can move around on ropes and similar structures, like webs, as easily as you can on the ground.
14: With a DC 30 Use Rope check, you can use animate rope as a spell-like ability; you can use any ability you can with an ordinary rope with an animated rope.
18: You can manipulate items out to 60 feet with ropes and similar items. You can use ropes for the grab on and hold down grapple manoeuvres. When using combat manoeuvres with ropes, you can replace the relevant check (disarm, grapple, trip, etc.) with a Use Rope check.

Magical Aptitude [Skill]
You’re crazy good at manipulating magic.
Spellcraft ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
4: When counterspelling, you may use a spell of the same school that is one or more spell levels higher than the target spell.
10: You can dismiss a spell as a free action. You can redirect a spell as a move action, if it normally requires a standard action, or a swift action, if it normally takes a move action. You gain a +3 bonus on dispel checks.
14: You can counter a spell as an immediate action.
18: You automatically know which spells or magic effects are active on upon any individual object you see, as if you had greater arcane sight active on yourself.

Many-Faced [Skill]
You change identities so often even you don’t remember what you look like anymore.
Disguise ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Disguise checks.
4: When creating a disguise, you roll twice and take the better result.
10: You can use Nystul’s magic aura as a spell-like ability at will, with a caster level equal to your character level and a save DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier.
14: You can create a disguise as a full-round action, but you take a -10 penalty to your Disguise check. You can’t be under direct observation while doing this, but you can use Bluff to create a diversion to allow you to change guises, as for the Hide skill.
18: You can choose an appearance that anyone viewing you with scrying or other divination magic sees instead of your ”real” appearance. Even someone who benefits from true seeing must succeed on a caster level check (DC 11 + your ranks in Disguise) to penetrate the illusion.

Master of Terror [Leadership] [Skill]
You scare people so bad they follow you around hoping you won’t hurt them.
Intimidate ranks:
0: Whenever you use Intimidate in combat, it affects everyone within 30 feet of you.
4: You gain followers. Your leadership score is equal to your ranks in Intimidate plus your Charisma modifier.
10: You gain a cohort who enjoys frightening your underlings almost as much as you do. A cohort is an intelligent and loyal creature with a CR at least 2 less than your character level. Cohorts gain levels when you do.
14: You gain the frightful presence ability. When you speak or attack, enemies within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or become shaken for 5d6 rounds. An opponent that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to your frightful presence for 24 hours.
18: Your opponents take a -2 morale penalty to saving throws if they can see you and you are within medium range (based on your character level).

Master of the Loom [Skill]
You are the maker of the magic pants.
Craft (Tailor) ranks:
0: You gain a +3 Insight bonus to Craft checks
4: By spending a minute examining an item of magical clothing (Boots, belts, gloves or cloaks) you can Identify it as per the spell.
10: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be an item of Minor magical clothing, with an enchanting time of 1 week. 14: Your Masterpiece Item can now be an item of Medium magical clothing. You are now able to make Minor clothing items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
18: Your Masterpiece Item can now be an item of Greater magical clothing. You are now able to make Medium clothing items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Mounted Combat [Skill]
You are at your best when fighting with an ally that you are sitting on.
Ride ranks:
+0: Once per turn, you may attempt to negate an attack that hits your mount by making a Ride skill check with a DC equal to the AC that the attack hit. Attacks that do not require an attack roll cannot be negated in this way.
4: While Mounted, you may take a charge attack at any point along your mount's movement, so long as your mount is moving in a straight line up to the point of your attack.
10: You suffer no penalty to your ride or handle animal skill checks when training or riding unusual mounts such as magical beasts or dragons.
14: You may use your Ride Check in place of your mount's Balance, Jump, Climb, or Reflex Saving Throws.
18: Any time a spell effect would target your mount, you may elect to have it target you instead. Any time a spell effect would target you, you may elect to have it affect your Mount instead.

Natural Empath [Skill]
You read people like books.
Sense Motive ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Sense Motive checks.
4: You can quickly size up potential opponents. If you succeed on a Sense Motive check as a free action, opposed by their Bluff, you can tell if they’re an even match (their CR equals your character level), an easy challenge (their CR is 1-3 less than your level), irrelevant (their CR is 4 or more less than your level), stronger (their CR is 1-3 higher than your level), or overwhelmingly powerful (their CR is 4 or more higher than your level). You can use this ability once on a particular creature every 24 hours.
10: If you succeed on a Sense Motive check, opposed by Bluff, you know your opponent’s alignment. If you beat their Bluff by 20 or more, you can read their surface thoughts, as if during the third round of detect thoughts.
14: You have an uncanny intuition for when people are interested in you. Any time someone uses a remote spell or effect, like scrying, to examine you, you know you’re under observation and if you make a Sense Motive check that beats their Bluff check, you know some details about them: if you’ve met them before, you recognize them, but if not, you get a basic idea of their reasons for their interest in you. Similarly, if you use Sense Motive on someone influenced by an enchantment effect, you can find out who created the effect with a Sense Motive check opposed by the controller’s Bluff, getting the same information.
18: You know what people are going to do before they do. Any time someone you’re aware of attacks you, make a Sense Motive check opposed by their Bluff: if you succeed, you get a free surprise round.

Persuasive [Skill]
When you tell you people something that contradicts the evidence of their own eyes, they believe you.
Diplomacy ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Diplomacy checks.
4: Your words can stop fights before they start. Any creature that can hear you speak must make aWill save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) or it can’t attack you directly; however, you aren’t protected from its area or effect spells, or similar abilities. Any creature that succeeds on its save is immune to this ability for 24 hours. You may use nonattack spells or otherwise act, but if you attack the creature or its allies, it may attack you. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent charm effect.
10: You can fascinate creatures with your silver tongue. You can affect as many HD of creatures as your bonus on Diplomacy checks; any creature that fails aWill save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier) becomes fascinated. If you use this ability in combat, each target gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw. If the spell affects only a single creature not in combat at the time, the saving throw has a penalty of -2. While a subject is fascinated by this spell, it reacts as though it were two steps more friendly in attitude, allowing you to make a single request of an affected creature. The request must be brief and reasonable. Even after the spell ends, the creature retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request. A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that you enspelled it.
14: You can influence even hostile creatures into talking things over with you. With a DC 30 Diplomacy check, you can use a language-dependent version of charm monster as a spell-like ability, with save DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier; this is a mind-affecting charm effect.
18: You can convince an entire group of enemies to listen to you. If you succeed on a DC 40 Diplomacy check, your charm monster ability improves to mass charm monster, with a caster level equal to your bonus on Diplomacy checks.

Professional Luddite [Skill]
You’ve learned to break machines because you’re an antitechnology fanatic – or maybe you just work for the local protection racket.
Disable Device ranks:
0: You can use Disable Device on magic traps like a character with trapfinding. If you already have that ability, you gain +3 to your Disable Device checks. Disable Device is always a class skill for you.
4: You can use your Dexteritymodifier instead of your Intelligence modifier for Disable Device checks. Darkness and blindness do not hinder your ability to disable devices.
10: You can reduce the amount of time required to disable a device. For each multiple of 10 you beat the required DC, you can decrease the time required from 2d4 rounds to 1d4 rounds to 1 round to a standard action to a move-equivalent action to a free action.
14: You can use Disable Device to end any persistent effect or area spell effect as if it was a magic trap, but the DC is 25 + twice the spell’s level.
18: As an attack action, you can disable magic items. You must succeed on a melee touch attack roll for attended objects. Make a Disable Device check against a DC of 15 + the item’s caster level: if your check succeeds, the item must make a Will save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level or be turned into a normal item, and even if it saves, its magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds.

Sharp-Eyed [Skill]
Nothing escapes you.
Spot ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to Spot checks.
4: You can make a Spot check once a round as a free action. You don’t take penalties for distractions on your Spot checks.
10: As a move action, you can make a Spot check against a DC of an opponent’s Armour Class: if you succeed, you can ignore their Armour and Natural Armour bonus to AC for the next attack you make against them. If you accept a -20 penalty to your check, you can attempt this check as a swift action. Divide any distance penalties you take on Spot checks by two.
14: If you beat an opponent’s Hide check with a Spot check at a -10 penalty, you can ignore concealment. If you beat their Hide check at a -30 penalty, you can ignore total concealment.
18: You can see through solid objects, but you take a -20 penalty on your Spot check for each 5’. Divide any distance penalties you take on Spot checks by five.

Slippery Contortionist [Skill]
Your childhood nickname was ”Greasy the Pig,” but now people call you ”The Great Hamster.”
Escape Artist ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Escape Artist checks.
4: While squeezing into a space at least half as wide as your normal space, you may move your normal speed and you take no penalty to your attack rolls or AC for squeezing.
10: You can squeeze through a tight space or an extremely tight space as a full-round action, but you take a -10 penalty to your Escape Artist check. Opponents grappling you don’t get positive size modifiers added to their grapple bonus when you use Escape Artist to try to break their hold.
14: If you succeed on a DC 30 Escape Artist check, you can ignore magical effects that impede movement as if you were under the effects of freedom of movement for one round; this is not an action. You can also slip through a wall of force or similar barrier with a DC 40 check.
18: You can make an Escape Artist check instead of a saving throw for any effect that would keep you from taking actions. (This does not help against effects that don’t allow a saving throw.)

Steady Stance [Skill]
You can fight just about anywhere.
Balance ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to your Balance checks.
4: If an effect would knock you prone, if you succeed on a DC 20 Balance check, you remain standing.
10: If your opponent is balancing, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC against their attacks unless they succeed at beating you in an opposed Balance check.
14: All Balance DCs are halved for you.
18: You never suffer any impairment or damage from anything you’re standing on, whether it’s molten lava, a cloud, or even another creature. Ambient conditions, such as lighting or weather, can still impair you

Stealthy [Skill]
If someone sees you, you have to kill them.
Hide ranks:
0: You gain a +3 bonus to your Hide checks.
4: You can Hide as a free action after attacking, and snipe with melee attacks (or ranged attacks from closer than 10’).
10: A constant non-detection effect protects you and your equipment, with an effective caster level equal to your ranks in Hide.
14: You can attempt to Hide even when under direct observation, but you take the usual -20 penalty to your check.
18: Even opponents who can see you have trouble locating you. If they succeed at beating your Hide check with Spot (and thus can see you), they have a 50% concealment miss chance when attacking you, which decreases by 5% for each point they beat your Hide DC.

Swim Like a Fish [Skill]
You’re at least as home in the water as you are on land.
Swim ranks:
0: You gain +3 to your Swim checks.
4: You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed, with the attendant benefits. You don’t take armour check penalties to your Swim checks.
10: You can breathe water, and you can attack through water as if under the effects of freedom of movement.
14: While under water, you can substitute Swim checks for Reflex saves, and you gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
18: As a swift action, you can add your ranks in Swim as a dodge bonus to your Armour Class while under water.

Track [Skill]
You feel at home no matter where you are.
Survival ranks:
0: You can follow tracks using Survival, as the Track and Legendary Tracker feats.
4: You can identify the race/kind of creatures from their tracks.
10: You can move through or over difficult natural terrain without being slowed, taking nonlethal damage, or suffering other impairment. You take no penalties for moving your speed when tracking, and only -10 when moving double your speed. You can track subjects protected by pass without trace or similar spells at a -20 penalty.
14: You can track through the Astral Plane with a DC 35 Survival check. You can determine the destination of a teleportation spell when standing at the point of departure with a DC 40 Survival check; if you have teleport or a similar spell, you can follow as if you had seen the destination once.
18: You’re immune to natural planar effects as if you had planar tolerance always active.
Brew Potions [Metamagic] [Creation]
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble...
Maximum castable Spell Level:
0: You can brew Potions and Oils of 0th level spell effects with an enchanting time of 1 day.
1: By spending a minute examining any magical liquid or dust you can Identify it as per the spell.
3: You can brew Potions and Oils of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spell effects with an enchanting time of 1 day.
6: You can make magical Dust with an enchanting time of 1 day.
8: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be an Elixir, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Craft Utility Item [Metamagic] [Creation]
You can make all sorts of enchanted knick-knacks people never even knew they needed.
Maximum castable Spell Level:
0: You can tell a magical utility item within 60' is magical by sight, as if you had a Detect Magic spell active.
1: By spending a minute examining a magical utility item you can Identify it as per the spell.
3: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Minor utility item, with an enchanting time of 1 week.
6: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium utility item. You are now able to make Minor utility items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
8: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater utility item. You are now able to make Medium utility items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Scribe Scrolls [Metamagic] [Creation]
You can scribe scrolls. It's kind of like keeping a diary, except the pages can kill people.
Maximum castable Spell Level:
0: You can decipher scrolls containing spells on your Class list without the need for a Read Magic spell.
1: You can scribe Scrolls of any 1st level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
3: You can scribe Scrolls of any 2nd or 3rd level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
6: You can scribe Scrolls of any 4th, 5th or 6th level spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day.
8: You can scribe Scrolls of any spell you know and are able to cast with an enchanting time of 1 day. You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Tome, with an Enchanting (writing) time of 1 week.

Shaped Spell [Metamagic]
Enlarge: You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. This increases the ML by +1.
Widen: You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or spread shaped spell to increase its area. Any numeric measurements of the spell’s area increase by 100%. For example, a fireball spell (which normally produces a 20-foot-radius spread) that is widened now fills a 40-footradius spread. This increases the ML by +1.
Sculpt: You can modify an area spell by changing the area's shape to either a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30 feet high), a 40-foot cone, four 10-foot cubes, a ball (20-foot-radius spread), or a 120-foot line. The sculpted spell works normally in all respects except for its shape. For example, a lightning bolt whose area is changed to a ball deals the same amount of damage, but affects a 20-foot-radius spread. This increases the ML by +2.

Strong Spell [Metamagic]
Empower: You may choose to increase the potency of your spells by increasing all numerical variable (random) effects by 50%. This increase the ML by +1.
Maximize: You may choose to set all random numerical variable (random) effects of a spell to their maximum values. This increases the ML by +2. Quicken Spell [Metamagic]
Quicken: You may choose to cast a spell that normally takes a standard action as a swift action, or you may choose to cast a spell that normally takes a full round action as a standard action. The first use increases the ML by +4, the second by +2.

Spell Timing [Metamagic]
Twin: You get two for the price of one. You may choose to have a spell go off twice immediately, with identical effects. This increases the ML by +3.
Repeat: You get one now and one later for the price of one. A repeated spell is automatically cast again at the beginning of your next round of actions. No matter where you are, the secondary spell originates from the same location and affects the same area as the primary spell. If the repeated spell designates a target, the secondary spell retargets the same target if the target is within 30 feet of its original position; otherwise the secondary spell fails to go off. This increases the ML by +2.
Delay: You can choose to have a spell go off anywhere from one to five rounds later. The spell must have a target of personal, touch, or an area effect. This increases the ML by +1

Duration Spell [Metamagic]
Extend: You may double the duration of a spell whose duration is not concentration, instantaneous, or permanent. This increases the ML by +1.
Persist: You may increase the duration of a spell one or two steps along the following chart. Each step increases the ML by +3. If the duration of the spell is not on the chart, you cannot improve it in this manner. 2 minutes -> 30 minutes -> 2 hours -> 12 hours -> 24 hours.

Stavecrafter [Metamagic] [Creation]
A Wizard's staff has a knob on the end. You know because you put it there.
Maximum castable Spell Level:
0: When wielding a quarterstaff you suffer no penalty for attacking with your off-hand, as if you had the Two Weapon Fighting feat. 1: By spending a minute examining a magical staff, rod or wand you can Identify it as per the spell.
3: You are able to make Masterpieces. Your Masterpiece can be a Minor magical rod, staff or wand, with an enchanting time of 1 week. 6: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Medium magical rod, staff or wand. You are now able to make Minor versions of these items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 day.
8: Your Masterpiece Item can now be a Greater magical rod, staff or wand. You are now able to make Medium versions of these items at will, with an enchanting time of 1 week.

Subtle Spell [Metamagic]
Still: You may remove any somatic components from the list of components of a spell. This increases the ML by +1.
Silent: You may remove any verbal components from the list of components of a spell. This increases the ML by +1.
Eschew Materials: You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Forgot to mention. 25 point buy
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Post by Kaelik »

Two things:

1) Every Weekday? Enough that we can play twice a week? Ect. how much playing.

2) Time. 9:45PM X, where X is a timezone. What is X?

EDIT: 3) presumably, you could take none tome feats or something right?

4) Do spell feats work for SLAs?
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Lokathor »

25 point buy seems a little lean, but I'm in depending on the answer to that scheduling question.
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Post by erik »

I can't play but I like the hook of people coming to DnD world from earth. That seems like it increases the odds that people won't just be murder hobos.

I have the urge to play a cop who gets zapped over while chasing a perp and finds himself a deep halfling (tome) rogue that otherwise resembles his previous appearance and immediately is on the run for breaking and entering in dnd world.

I pity my scheduling incompatability.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Kaelik wrote:Two things:

1) Every Weekday? Enough that we can play twice a week? Ect. how much playing.

2) Time. 9:45PM X, where X is a timezone. What is X?

EDIT: 3) presumably, you could take none tome feats or something right?

4) Do spell feats work for SLAs?
1) the specific day is yet to be decided. Probably Mondays.
2) PDT (as Seattle, Portland, San Francisco... etc)
3) no. the only feats available are the ones above. You can write new ones if you want, but they have to be approved first.
4) yes, spell feats work for spell like abilities, and weird things like invocations.

I will edit the main post to put this info in.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

I should also mention, that all the feats in the original post are from the Den, except for 3 or 4 that I wrote.
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Post by Lokathor »

Alright, well, I'd like to play a Fire Sorcerer, except they don't get Diplomacy as a class skill. So, could I swap it in as a class skill? Otherwise I guess I can play the Celestial version instead, but their spell list and power isn't quite as cool.

Celestial Sorcerer for me, I guess that works well enough.

Also could I use the Unearthed Arcana Sorc Variant where you get an Animal Companion at half rate instead of a familiar?
Last edited by Lokathor on Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Monday 9 I can do. So consider me in.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

I don't believe in class skills. Take whatever you want.
Animal companion is fine.
The reason for 25 point buy is because its the amount of points for elite array, and that has always worked well enough for other games I've done.
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Post by Lokathor »

I mean it's playable, but it's pretty lean. Usually my group has been rolling 4d6 drop the lowest, then each player can pick any of the sets rolled. Fair among players, lets you have some stats be unexpectedly high, doesn't make automatic 18s.

Are we gonna use a website like Roll20.net for a battlemat?

Alright then, I think I've got a complete character.
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Post by Whipstitch »

Low-ish stats doesn't bother me much.
AndreiChekov wrote:no monks, no barbarians, they just annoy me.
When it comes to barbarians you are definitely a man after my own heart--that class tends to be on autopilot too often for my tastes. The monk bit leads me to a question though: is it just the thematics that do you dislike or is it because you would rather not deal with classes that are prone to swapping around a hojillion different stances and attack riders from round to round? I was eyeballing some of the similarly fiddly Frank classes I've yet to play, like the Soldier and Totemist, and that'd be kind of a dick move on my part if you were explicitly trying to avoid stances or whatever.

Also, you've got bloodlines listed twice in your list of available feats, so if you meant for combat feats or something to be there instead we'll need a heads up.
Last edited by Whipstitch on Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/detail ... th-marbles

thats the campaign

I just don't like Monks or Barbarians because they are archetypes that I find immersion breaking. Fiddly bits are fine, as long as you are capable of managing them yourself, and I don't have to do it.

and combat feats edited in above. Those are just the ones that I know are not in the Tome Ref Doc.
Last edited by AndreiChekov on Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lokathor »

You have to give us the join link, not the campaign link. Launch it and it'll have it in the chat with a thing that says to hover your mouse over it to show the join link.

As to the TomeRefDoc, yeah, we're only in a transitional stage at the moment sadly. We'll get there. The older AwesomeTome is still one of the best resources at the moment.
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Post by Kaelik »

Still missing the actual join link, just wanted to update so the thread marks as new for you.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by AndreiChekov »

https://app.roll20.net/join/368011/nkwDzA here is the join link. First session will be on the 14th at 9:50 pm Seattle time.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Lokathor wrote:Backstory For Now
Looks awesome. It seems likely that you are in the city state of Marinthia if your character doesn't notice people looking at him like he's got leprosy, for they are accepting of everyone.
Most of the other towns are really racist.

Any skill in particular you want your +3 story bonus for, or are you working towards that?
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Post by Lokathor »

Well, the magic-world form of Zeran is technically an Aasimar, which is to say "Looks like a Human that's just so beautiful you might stop and stare". So he's basically some sort of movie star level of attractiveness. We'll go with Andrew Garfield, since most other "sexy actors" that have been around for a while are like 40 or 50 (AG is 30), and Zeran is supposed to be only 26.

In terms of a skill to get a +3 for, I guess Survival works. Always handy. He knows how to wander in the woods and stuff. In the game I've been playing in lately we've just been handing around extra skill points all the time like candy and watching little +1s stack up, so I haven't though about what skills i'd pick if I couldn't just pick out more later on very much I guess.

Rules Question: Can we use the Pathfinder cantrips rule where you can just use a Cantrip as often as you like without running out of them?
Last edited by Lokathor on Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

So I am slightly unclear. We aren't allowed to take any feat that isn't in the above spoiler blocks? So like, Fiendish Dalliance is just not allowed?
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The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by AndreiChekov »

The feats above are approved feats. Anything else you need to run by me first. If the feat doesn't scale, then you can rewrite it so that it does. So, like Dash from Complete Warrior is right out, but those ninja feats you posted a while back with fists of steel are fine.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Sure. As long as time stop isn't a cantrip that should be fine.
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Post by Kaelik »

Well I mean, I was specifically talking about Product of a Fiendish Dalliance from the Tome of Fiends.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Lokathor »

AndreiChekov wrote:Sure. As long as time stop isn't a cantrip that should be fine.
Ha, no, just Burning Hands, Detect Magic, and Light on my 0th level list. Frank's version of the Sorc doesn't ever learn more 0th level spells, though it probably should. I'll be looking in to that some time soon when I put the Sorcerer into my PDF, so maybe I'll have something for you there.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Peace favour your sword.

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