The Hart Warden

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The Hart Warden

Post by AndreiChekov »

Inspired by Nathalia Gomes artwork.


The Hart Warden is a sacred keeper of the forest. Not that they are crazy NATURE IS THE BEST! SCREW CIVILIZATION! types, rather, they understand that without plants and animals to feed upon, there can be no civilization. They are the force of reason that persuades people to clear the land they need, rather than the land they want.
Each Hart Warden finds an aspect of nature that they hold sacred and do whatever they can to protect it. This could be an area, a river, or even just a prevailing wind.

The Hart Warden
Alignment: Any.
Race: Any. (I was thinking elves only originally, but then remembered that I hate the thalmor.)
Hit Die: d10
Skills: 6 + int mod, chosen from the following: Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge nature and religion, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, and Swim
Saves: All good.
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Starting Wealth: As Cleric

1Nature sense, plant and animal affinity, natural attunement, track3/-/-/-/-/-/-
2Aura of peace, woodland stride4/1/-/-/-/-/-
3Trackless step, deer friend, Wanderer4/1/-/-/-/-/-
4Venom immunity, Hide in Plain Sight5/2/1/-/-/-/-
5Earth's Communion 1/day5/3/1/-/-/-/-
6Timeless body, scent, aspect of nature5/3/2/-/-/-/-
7Whispers of the Forest6/3/2/1/-/-/-
8Tree stride, tree skin, nature’s lore6/4/3/1/-/-/-
9Hunter, greater natural attunement6/4/3/2/-/-/-
10Earth’s Communion 2/day6/4/3/2/1/-/-
11Air and earth affinity6/4/4/3/1/-/-
12Endurance of nature6/5/4/3/2/-/-
13Matters of the hart6/5/4/3/2/1/-
14Greater aspect of nature6/5/4/4/3/1/-
15Earth’s Communion 3/day6/5/5/4/3/2/-
16Deerly Beloved6/5/5/4/3/2/1
17Persistence of nature6/6/5/4/4/3/1
18Primal empowerment6/6/5/5/4/3/2
19No Eye Deer6/6/5/5/4/4/3
20Earth’s Communion 4/day, perfect aspect of nature6/6/6/5/4/4/4

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Hart Warden is proficient with light and medium armor, shields, simple weapons, and bows.
Spells: The Hart Warden casts spells using Wisdom. To cast a Hart Warden spell requires a Wisdom score of 10 + the spells level. The save DC against a Hart Warden spell is 10 + the spell’s level + Wisdom Modifier. Hart Wardens cast spells spontaneously. Hart Wardens know every spell on the Hart Warden spell list.
Nature Sense (Ex): You get a bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks equal to your Hart Warden levels.
Plant and Animal Affinity: At first level, the Hart Warden gets the Plant Domain, and the Animal Domain. This grants him the Domain special powers. The Hart Warden prepares domain spells the same way a cleric does, as in his domain spell slots are the same as a cleric of equal level. Domain spells must be prepared ahead of time. Domain spells are also Wisdom based.
Natural Attunement: A Hart Warden may add his wisdom modifier as a sacred bonus to his armour class. He retains this bonus when flat-footed, and it applies to touch attacks. In addition, the Hart Warden may add his wisdom modifier as a sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls.
The bonus to armour, attack rolls, and damage rolls may not exceed Hart Warden levels.
Track [Skill]: The Hart Warden gains Track [skill] as a bonus feat.
Aura of Peace (Su): Beginning at second level, the Hart Warden radiates an aura that weakens hostile plants and animals. Hostile plants and animals take a -1 penalty, per 4 levels of Hart Warden (minimum 1), to armor, spell resistance, and any roll they make while within 30 feet of the Hart Warden.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Beginning at second level, you can move through natural overgrown areas at normal speed without penalty of any sort. You are still subject to magical obstacles.
Trackless Step (Ex): Beginning at third level, the Hart Warden can't be tracked except by magical means.
Deer Friend (Ex): At third level, the Hart Warden gains the service of a Deer. The Deer is very intelligent for its kind, and is much more powerful than normal. Any templates can be applied to the deer, and it can also advance in hit die, as long as its CR is equal to yours -2. The base stats for you deer are shown below. Your deer is considered a trained animal in the use of its natural weapons, and can wear light barding without complaining.
Your Deer can cast spells for you, the deer casts the spell, and you lose the spell slot. You can push your deer to do any action that requires training, with a Handle Animal DC of 10. Your deer cannot be used as a mount, no matter what.
Deer are also intelligent enough to go on shopping excursions for items. It takes 1d4 + (1 per thousand gold pieces to be spent) days for your deer to go shopping. The deer goes with the gold, and returns with the items. During this time it is incorporeal, invisible, and immune to damage. Once you send it shopping, you cannot communicate with it, or change its orders.
You can communicate telepathically with your deer provided you are within level x 10 feet of it. The deer can understand common, but cannot speak it. Anything that your deer can see, you can see.
To summon a deer, you must meditate for 24 hours. After that time a deer will come to you, even if you are in a place where deer do not or cannot live. If your deer dies, you suffer a -1 sad penalty to all d20 rolls until you get a new deer.
Wanderer: As the Hart Warden travels the world, he learns more and more of the things that nature does not reveal. Beginning at 3rd level, the Hart Warden may make a special wanderer knowledge check with a bonus equal to his Hart Warden level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places.
A successful wanderer check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A Hart Warden may not take 10 or 20 on this check, for this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
Venom Immunity (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, the Hart Warden is immune to all poisons and diseases, magical or otherwise.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, the Hart Warden can hide without anything to hide behind, and even while being observed, without penalty.
Earth's Communion (Sp): Beginning at 5th level, the Hart Warden can meditate while in contact with the ground. At the end of 10 minutes he is affected by a heal spell (Caster level = to hit die). The Hart Warden can allow others to gain healing also by holding hands in a circle during the meditation. If that happens, the Hart Warden divides the healing from the heal spell as he wishes.
Once per day, this ability can be used as a full-round action.
At level 10, it can be used as a standard action twice per day, and cannot be used as a full-round action.
At level 15, it can be used as a swift action 3 times per day, and cannot be used as a standard action.
At level 20, it can be used as a free action 4 times per day, and cannot be used as a swift action.
Timeless Body (Su): Beginning at 6th level, the Hart Warden doesn't age.
Scent (Ex): At 6th level, you gain Scent.
Aspect of Nature (Su): Beginning at 6th level, the Hart Warden can call upon the powers of nature to aid him in battle. Whenever he prepares his domain spells, he may choose one of the following aspects. He gains the benefits of the aspect until he prepares domain spells again. The Aspects that can be chosen are:
Aspect of Resplendence: The Hart Warden gains a +4 inspired bonus to his wisdom score. He also grows wings and gains a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability.
Aspect of Endurance: The Hart Warden gains a +4 inspired bonus to his constitution score. He also gets a burrow speed of 60 feet.
Aspect of the Hart: The Hart Warden gains a +4 inspired bonus to his dexterity score. He also gains a +30 enhancement bonus to his land speed.
Aspect of the Vicious: The Hart Warden gains a +4 inspired bonus to his strength score. He also gains the ability to make a full attack action at the end of a charge.
Whispers of the Forest (Sp): When the Hart Warden attains 7th level, the trees, rocks, and animals begin speaking to him. Once each day, the Hart Warden can sit and meditate for 10 minutes while in contact with rocks, trees or a wild animal. This works the same way as a Scrying spell, with a caster level equal to Hart Warden's hit die.
Tree Stride (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, the Hart Warden can use tree stride as a spell like ability. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + his wisdom modifier. The caster level for this ability is equal to his hit die.
Tree Skin (Ex): At 8th level, the Hart Warden’s skin becomes tough, and resistant to damage. He gains a +2 bonus to his natural armour. This bonus increases by an additional +1 at levels 9, 12, 15, and 18. This does not change his appearance in any way, nor does it change the feel of his skin.
Nature’s Lore: Beginning at 8th level, you may use your wisdom modifier in place of your intelligence modifier for intelligence based skill checks.
Hunter (Ex): At 9th level, the Hart Warden's senses become much more acute and sensitive granting him a +2 bonus to spot and listen checks. In addition, whenever there is a surprise round, he gets to take part in it, whether or not he was aware of enemies. This does not make him aware of where the enemies are, but he knows that there are enemies to be found.
Air and earth Affinity: At 11th level, the Hart Warden gains the air and earth domains.
Endurance of Nature (Ex): Beginning at 12th level, whenever the Hart Warden makes a fortitude save against a death effect, he is reduced to 20 hit points on a failure, instead of dying. If the Hart Warden has 20 hp or less, he is immune to death effects.
Matters of the Hart: At 13th level, the Hart Warden's deer gains an aspect of nature.
Greater Aspect of Nature (Su): At 14th level, the Hart Warden can gain a greater aspect of nature. This ability works the same way as Aspect of Nature, and the Hart Warden can have a greater aspect at the same time as a regular aspect. The ability score bonuses do not stack. The Hart Warden can choose a greater aspect from the following.
Aspect of Resplendence: The Hart Warden gains a +6 inspired bonus to his wisdom score, and spell resistance equal to 10 + level.
Aspect of Endurance: The Hart Warden gains a +6 inspired bonus to his constitution score and damage reduction 10/-.
Aspect of the Hart: The Hart Warden gains a +6 inspired bonus to his dexterity score and may make up to a 15 ft. step in place of any 5 ft. step he would make.
Aspect of the Vicious: The Hart Warden gains a +6 inspired bonus to his strength score, and can make an extra attack each round at his highest attack bonus.
Deerly Beloved: At 16th level the Hart Warden's deer gains a greater aspect of nature.
Persistence of Nature: at 17th level something happens. I like the name, I just don't know what it does.
Primal Empowerment: At 18th level, your finger nails and teeth grow extra sharp and strong like claws and teeth. These attacks deal appropriate damage for your size, and can be used with a full-attack action along with your weapons, using your highest base attack bonus, but at a -2 penalty (For example, longsword +18/+13/+13 and 2 claws and a bite at +16/+11/+11).
The damage for these is 1d6 for a small creature, 2d4 for a medium creature, and 1d10 for a large creature. These count as natural weapons that are magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The critical range is x2. You are considered proficient with these natural weapons. The claws deal slashing damage, and the bite deals piercing damage.
These don’t noticeably change the Hart Warden’s appearance.
No Eye Deer: At 19th level, the Hart Warden and his deer each gain blind sense and blind sight out to 160 ft.
Perfect Aspect of Nature: The Hart Warden gains a +8 inspired bonus to his wisdom score, and a fly speed of 180 feet with perfect maneouverability.
Aspect of Endurance: The Hart Warden gains a +8 inspired bonus to his constitution score, he becomes immune to mind affecting spells, and critical hits.
Aspect of the Hart: The Hart Warden gains a +8 inspired bonus to his dexterity score, and a 170 ft. enhancement bonus to move speed.
Aspect of the Vicious: The Hart Warden gains a +8 inspired bonus to his strength score, and gets a +10 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls against any living creature.

Hart Warden Spells
Level 1: Aspect of the wolf, camouflage, charm animal, claws of the bear, cure light wounds, detect animals or plants, detect snares and pits, endure elements, hawkeye , jump, longstrider, magic weapon, remove scent, and snake’s swiftness.
Level 2: Animal trance, bear’s endurance, bite of the wererat, brambles*, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, earthbind, easy trail, fog cloud, gust of wind, lesser restoration, lesser vigour, mass camouflage, mass snake’s swiftness, owl’s wisdom, reduce animal, resist energy, spider climb, tree shape, warp wood, and wood shape.
Level 3: Bite of the werewolf, cure moderate wounds, diminish plants, greater magic weapon, keen edge, protection from energy, mass lesser vigor, quench, remove disease, snakebite, snare, speak with plants, spiderskin, spikes*, water breathing, and vigor.
Level 4: Antiplant shell, bite of the wereboar, control water, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, freedom of movement, greater resistance, land womb, lay of the land, sheltered vitality, and wind at back.
Level 5: Animal growth, awaken, bite of the weretiger, cloak of the sea, cure critical wounds, death ward, greater vigor, heal animal companion, owl’s insight, and plant body.
Level 6: Bite of the werebear, energy immunity, greater dispel magic, hide the path, find the path, ironwood, mass bear’s endurance, mass bull’s strength, mass cat’s grace, mass cure light wounds, mass owl’s wisdom, superior resistance, tortoise shell, transport via plants, and vigorous circle.
Level 7: Aura of vitality, brilliant blade, heal, mass cure moderate wounds, master earth, true seeing, and wind walk.

* Would that work with a spear? Spell Compendium pg 38.
Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+2
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Natural) Flat-footed 12, Touch 13
Base Attack/ Grapple: +3/+4
Attack: Gore +3 melee 1d6+1 (x2)
Full Attack: Gore +3 melee 1d6+1 (x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Cast Hart Warden spells,
Special Qualities: Shopping, lowlight vision, scent
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Spot +7, Listen +7
Feats: Choose one feat.
Challenge Rating:
Aura of Peace replaces Rebuke Plants at level 2.
Hunter ability at level 9.
Disable Device added as class skill. Still don't have search or trapfinding, and that is intentional. They get detect snares and pits as a first level spell. The idea is that they can deal with nature traps in an outdoor campaign, doing what the ranger was implied to do in the PHB, as being the outdoor rogue.

Next Edits
Finished the class abilities. Really a first draft. I'm not satisfied with them yet.
matters of the hart, greater aspects, deerly beloved, primal empowerment, no eye deer, and perfect aspect

spells chosen.

Edit fixed tags.
Last edited by AndreiChekov on Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

As you can see, I am still working on it.
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Post by Schleiermacher »

1. Rebuke Plants is some major bullshit. I know plants aren't the most common or threatening enemies, but that's no excuse for bad design. Penalties to AC, SR and d20 rolls are the same value regardless of level, so they shouldn't scale like that. Make it a large but fixed penalty, -4 or something.

2. What's an "inspired bonus" and why are you giving out bullshit-typed ability bonuses? I think there's non-bullshit precedent for morale bonuses to ability scores somewhere, but honestly I'd suggest sticking to enhancement bonuses.

3. Minor nitpick: If you have Endurance of Nature and less than 20 hp, are you just immune to death effects? That would create a situation where you'd prefer to fail the save, since you usually take damage on a successful save vs. death. (Fortunately you can always choose to fail your save, but not everyone knows that.)
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Schleiermacher wrote:1. Rebuke Plants is some major bullshit. I know plants aren't the most common or threatening enemies, but that's no excuse for bad design. Penalties to AC, SR and d20 rolls are the same value regardless of level, so they shouldn't scale like that. Make it a large but fixed penalty, -4 or something.
That is left over from when I had this as a prestige class... Completely forgot about that.
2. What's an "inspired bonus" and why are you giving out bullshit-typed ability bonuses? I think there's non-bullshit precedent for morale bonuses to ability scores somewhere, but honestly I'd suggest sticking to enhancement bonuses.
I swear I've seen inspired bonus somewhere before, but the main point of it is that the bonuses do not stack with themselves. So you can have +6 from greater aspect to wisdom, and +4 from aspect to dexterity, and whatever items granting enhancement bonuses as well.
3. Minor nitpick: If you have Endurance of Nature and less than 20 hp, are you just immune to death effects? That would create a situation where you'd prefer to fail the save, since you usually take damage on a successful save vs. death. (Fortunately you can always choose to fail your save, but not everyone knows that.)
Nature is not immune to death, but it always recovers. That is the flavour that I was going for. I was originally thinking to have the class come back to life slowly if they died from a death effect, but it seemed like too much bullshit for any player(me) to want to wade through.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Consider reducing the orisons to Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Know Direction, Mending, and Purify Food and Drink. The rest basically take up space without doing anything useful.

Consider also dropping the Animal and Plant domains. You gain nothing of worth from them.

Is this class supposed to be nature-focused in general, or just focused on animals and plants? And do you intend to include a bunch of unrelated utility spells like Longstrider and Spider Climb?

You might as well give them 4th level spells at level 7, 7th level spells at level 13, and 8th level spells at level 16. The DC differences won't matter with the set of spells you're likely to give them. If you want them to have fewer spells per day, give them fewer spell slots per spell level.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:Consider reducing the orisons to Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Know Direction, Mending, and Purify Food and Drink. The rest basically take up space without doing anything useful.

Consider also dropping the Animal and Plant domains. You gain nothing of worth from them.

Is this class supposed to be nature-focused in general, or just focused on animals and plants? And do you intend to include a bunch of unrelated utility spells like Longstrider and Spider Climb?

You might as well give them 4th level spells at level 7, 7th level spells at level 13, and 8th level spells at level 16. The DC differences won't matter with the set of spells you're likely to give them. If you want them to have fewer spells per day, give them fewer spell slots per spell level.
I completely dropped orisons.

The domains are there mostly for flavour, and they don't hurt.

Spell list has been posted now. I might change it a bit, but not anytime soon. I have to run the SGT a bit more. (I like to actually stat things out and stage a battle, rather than just do mental exercises.)

It is a matter of aesthetics mostly, that I don't want to give them 8th or 9th level spells. Because then it looks like a full caster, and even if that doesn't matter very much, it makes the class more friendly to folks like me, who come from a fighter back ground.
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Post by RadiantPhoenix »

AndreiChekov wrote:It is a matter of aesthetics mostly, that I don't want to give them 8th or 9th level spells. Because then it looks like a full caster, and even if that doesn't matter very much, it makes the class more friendly to folks like me, who come from a fighter back ground.
I'm sorry, but my brain is failing to parse this statement. Can you elaborate?
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Post by AndreiChekov »

RadiantPhoenix wrote:
AndreiChekov wrote:It is a matter of aesthetics mostly, that I don't want to give them 8th or 9th level spells. Because then it looks like a full caster, and even if that doesn't matter very much, it makes the class more friendly to folks like me, who come from a fighter back ground.
I'm sorry, but my brain is failing to parse this statement. Can you elaborate?
When I play games, I always make a fighter. If I make a mage, then they are still a fighter in some way. This happens every game.

A class getting spells that are not 9th level makes it obvious that they are a fighter of some sort.
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Post by Sunwitch »

If I recall correctly, there have been a *few* classes to come out of tgd that have had full BAB and 1-9 spell progression and have been focused on being a fighter. I think IGTN's Paladin was one of them. In any case, with a heavily limited spell list and some spells coming at later levels (as well as some more fighter-oriented ones potentially coming at earlier levels), I don't think you have to worry too much about unbalancing things or "scaring off" fighter players.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

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