More "I'm a _____" feats

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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Here's round 4 for me.
They have all been nerfed a bit after I viewed the FnK PDF Yahzi provided, and compared these to the Tome feats as far as gains for each step of the scale.
I decided to give some bloodlines a "level" advancing scale that gives a beginning bonus and another kick at L2 rather than, say, BAB 1, just like Koumei did. (So now we're 'on the same page' harhar)

I came to the decision because not all melee monsters have the best BAB, and there was too much 'front-loading' with the feats before. In fact, I doubt many bloodlines would work as BAB/caster level at all, since that's a very class-specific thing for a race-wide change.

Skill-based bloodlines, however, are a bit more general since many classes have the same skills, and those that focus on skill variety wouldn't become as powerful as warriors or casters dabbling in bloodline(s) for practically free; when one adds ranks in a skill, they lose the potential to focus in other areas.

Skill-scaling bloodlines should account for the more ability-based varieties such as Fey, more subtle Fiends, Celestials, and so on.
There could also be tie-ins between the associated skill and the abilities, as my Siren Fatale shows. I'll do similar once more with the Nymph too.
The monstrous brute types get level-based so anyone can add it, BAB or not.


Lovecraftian [Bloodline] v4
You're really weird. It's in your blood, or at least whatever you call that purple goo in your veins.
Benefits: Gain Aberration subtype, and resistance to Acid and Cold equal to your level. Your duration for holding breath is doubled.
level 2: Grow up to a number of tentacles equal to your level that deal 1d4 (for size Medium) + STR damage each. Using any of these tentacles means you may not make any other form of attack until the beginning of your next turn (attacks of opportunity are made with these tentacles as well), but you may take 10 on the tentacle attack rolls.
6: Gain a Swim speed equal to your land speed, add your level to checks when performing special movements or avoiding hazards related to the movement type, and the option to take 10 on related checks.
11: You do not need to breath. As a Swift action for one round your tentacle attacks deal an additional amount of Acid or Cold damage equal to your level and gain a reach bonus equal to your level rounded down to the nearest 5 feet.
16: Your tentacle attacks may Rend for 2d4 (for size Medium) + 1.5 STR damage every time two make successful hits in the same round. For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you have no facing and become immune to critical hits, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to your natural reach.

Voldoistic [Bloodline] v4
Vile hissing is your specialty.
Benefits: Gain Aberration subtype and +2 bonus to Balance and Grapple checks.
level 2: Gain a Climb speed equal to land speed, add your level to checks to perform special movements or avoid hazards related to the movement type, and the option to take 10 on related checks.
6: Your natural reach extends by a distance in feet equal to your level, rounded down to the nearest factor of 5.
11: Gain Blindsense to a distance of 2 times land speed. You can not be flanked.
16: Once per round as an Immediate action you may make a Reflex save or Climb check against a single targeting effect with a DC or an attack roll; success means you avoid the attack or effect completely. When making this roll you may stand from any position and take 5-foot step.

Hellpunk [Bloodline] v4
You're red, tough, and really hate those freaks calling your name in the dark.
Benefits: Gain Darkvision 30' and +4 to checks to avoid being lifted, knocked prone, pushed, grappled, or otherwise moved against one's will. Double all age categories.
level 2: Gain a Slam attack for 1d6 damage + STR and resistance to fire equal to your level. You are constantly under the effect of "Endure Elements" as an Extraordinary ability.
6: Gain Damage Reduction equal to half of level with no weakness.
11: Gain a Gore attack for 2d4 + 1.5 STR damage and add your level to Jump checks.
16: Gain Frightful Presence (victims get no immunity on successful save) and immunity to Fire. Add your level to saves against Fear, Illusions, and Mind effects.

Siren Fatale [Bloodline, Fey, Skill] v5
You open your mouth, they do what you say. Simple, no?
Benefits: Gain +2 bonus on Bluff and Listen checks. Mimicry (Ex) - You may mimic any sound you have heard with a successful Bluff or Perform (any vocal) check, opposed by Sense Motive or Listen if used to deceive others.
Perform (any vocal) 4: Cast "Enthrall" and "Command" as Supernatural abilities; the save DC for all Sirene Fatale abilities is equal 10 + 1/2 level + Charisma modifier, but once per encounter you may substitute a Perform (chosen vocal) check for the DC instead. Gain +4 to saves against Sonic and Compulsion effects.
9: Cast "Suggestion" and "Sound Burst" as Supernatural abilities. Gain Sonic resistance equal to level.
14: Cast "Mass Suggestion" and "Lesser Geas" as Supernatural abilities. Gain a bonus to Bluff and Listen checks equal to half your level (overlaps previous bonus).
19: Cast "Greater Shout" with no damage cap, "Mass Hold Person", and "Mirage Arcana" as Supernatural abilities. You become immune to Compulsions and Sonic effects.

Trollish [Bloodline] v4
Hunt. Eat people. Poop. Sleep. Life's good.
Benefits: Gain Giant subtype, Low-Light vision, and a secondary Bite attack for 1d6 + STR. Oh, and your nose is big. Like... really big.
level 2: Gain Darkvision 30, Scent, and a natural armor bonus equal to half of level.
6: Gain Darkvision 60 and 2 jointed forelimb Claw attacks for 1d6 + STR.
11: Gain Fast Healing 1 stopped by Fire and Acid, and Darkvision 90.
16: Gain Fast Healing 5 stopped by Fire and Acid. When two claws hit, you may Rend for both claw damages combined + 1.5 STR.

edit: One minor tweak when I realized the Lovecraftian tentacles will require too many rolls.
Hope this works instead.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

DONNNN It's more stuff, after a pleasant birthday weekend.

I doubt the actual balance of the Hag stuff as it is just a summation of 3 different kinds in one feat, but in general I've kept stuff level-appropriate considering what spells could accomplish.

Mean Old Hermit [Bloodline] v2
You have discovered that an easy way to eternal youth is by gnawing on the bones of mortals. Little lost children are especially nice with potatoes, red pepper, and onions.
Prerequisite: female (Mean Old Hag or Croney) or male (Mean Old Man or Bastard) Humanoid, Fey, Giant, or Monstrous Humanoid of at least size Small or larger, must be in the "Old" age category for the character's race or older.
Benefit:Gain the Giant subtype and 2 of your jointed forelimbs may deal Slashing and Piercing damage. For each mortal eaten you may reduce your actual age and appearance by a number of years equal to 1/10th the amount (to a youthful limit of Adulthood).
Level 2: Cast "Disguise Self" as a Spell-like ability once per hour that lasts until you make any aggressive action. Rake - You may attack any grappled foes with up to 2 natural weapons that you use to grapple, with no penalty.
6:While in your true form with no disguise, gain an Enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your level.
11:Once per round as a Swift action you may deal 2d4 points of Strength damage to the same target as one of your successful natural weapon attacks. Gain Spell Resistance equal to your level +10, or add +5 to any existing Spell Resistance.
16:Gain the Improved Grab special attack. When two of your Slashing/Piercing natural weapons hit in a single round, you may Rend for both weapon damages combined +1.5 Strength bonus.
You may cast "Veil" as a Spell-like Ability once per hour.

Woodbound [Bloodline, Fey, Skill] v3
People sometimes say you have a green thumb, a real knack with plants. If they only knew.
Benefits: Limited: supernatural and spell-like abilities of this feat only work while in contact with a specific type of grounded plantlife, such as trees, flowering plants, or grass only. Gain constant "Speak With Plants" and +4 racial bonus to Hide checks in natural areas (Ex). 8 hours of direct sunlight a day may replace the need for food (Su).
Survival 4: Gain the Druid ability "Woodland Stride" (Ex). Cast "Tree Shape" (Sp) but as appropriate to your chosen plant type once every 10 minutes and for an unlimited duration.
9: Cast a variant of "Meld Into Stone" (Sp) replacing instances of 'stone' with 'plants' as appropriate to your chosen plant type once every 10 minutes and for an unlimited duration. Gain natural armor bonus equal to half of level
14: Semi-Limited: supernatural and spell-like abilities of this feat only work while in contact with any type of grounded plantlife. Cast "Tree Stride" (Sp) (or 'stride' using your plant type) at will. As a full-round action once per hour you may gain certain traits of a Treant (composed of the chosen plant type) with unlimited duration (Su):

  • Become up to one size larger than your normal form. Transforming damages items and outfits.
  • Gain a Slam attack 2 categories better for your size (Medium: 1d8, Large: 1d10, Huge: 2d6)
  • Damage reduction 10/slashing and iron
  • vulnerability to fire (x1.5 damage on failed save)
  • limited Plant type traits: Not subject to critical hits. No sleep required.
  • While immobile, gain Fast Healing 1 that is stopped by Fire, Acid, and Slashing weapons.
  • +16 racial bonus to Hide checks while in similar plant environments of the chosen type

19: Proximity limits to powers of this feat are removed. Cast "Transport via Plants" once per hour. Gain the following adjustments while in Treant form:
  • STR +20
  • CON +10
  • up to two sizes larger than your normal form
  • deal double damage against objects and ignore hardness with any full attack (Ex)
  • Trample special attack (DC is Strength based)

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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Mortalbound [Bloodline, Skill]
You or your ancestors moved into the mortal cities. Besides, the food's better.
Benefits: Change Shape (Su) - You may become any Humanoid race for any duration as a 1 minute action, but your individual appearance and sex remain the same. While in Humanoid form, you gain the Humanoid and Shapechanger subtypes, and +10 on Disguise checks to pass off as a member of whichever Humanoid race. You must have seen or touched a race to become it, and may hold a number of forms for this ability in memory equal to your level (any race replaced in memory must be re-seen or re-touched)
Disguise 4: You may Change Shape as a standard action. The Change Shape forms granted by this feat also give the subtype (such as Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc) of the matching Humanoid, as well as the ability to make minor changes in appearance as if by the "Disguise Self" spell (but not affecting items). You may combine features of races, but these changes are purely cosmetic and have no numeric or combat effect.
9: You may Change Shape as a free action. Alternate Form (Su) - As the Change Shape granted by this feat (with all changes listed applying here as well), but improved, as a standard action. Some aspects are different from the default ability: You may gain a total amount of a Humanoid's physical ability score bonuses no more than your level. However, you may adjust your maximum Hit Points due to any new higher Constitution when you would naturally heal ability damage by resting.
14: You may Change Shape as an Immediate action and Alternate Form as a free action. You may gain the forms of other Humanoid-like beings such as other Fey, Giants, Monstrous Humanoids, and humanlike Outsiders as by this feat's Alternate Form ability, but not their types as subtypes.
19: The abilities granted by this feat become Extraordinary and you register to all senses and detections as an actual member of the chosen race.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

I suppose everyone else bailed on this, then. Been 2 weeks now.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Heh, I've actually just been looking things over.

I like consistency, and I think that making them skill feats is a pretty good idea. At the same time, you might want to make the level 0 abilities include 'always considers X a class skill'. This does two things: it requires a small continuing investment and gives a (hopefully) appropriate skill to every type.

Hellpunk would key off Intimidate of course. Voldoistic could be Escape Artist, but it could be something else too.

The huge stat adjustments from Woodbound 19 seem too abrupt (and huge). I'd spread them out a bit. Similarly, you could drop the baby-eater's strength bonus to half-level. The Hellpunk save bonus at 16 could also be dropped to +4, as giving a bonus on save equal to your level just ignores the RNG.

I'm not really seeing Mortalbound. The abilities just seem to limited, and there's already a fiendish feat that does much the same. To save this, you could get rid of the nonsensical transformation into non-mortals, give some bonuses vs. mortals, and ability to detect hidden immortals.

IMO there are two problems with Lovecraftian. The first is that one tentacle attack per level is just too good. There are a lot of things you can stack on that to make yourself a crazy death machine. The second is that you're mixing the deep ones and Wilbur Whateley of the Dunwich Horror (although that's forgivable). Extraplanar horror and starcrossbreeds just don't have the same impact when you have chimeras wandering around.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Thanks and duly noted! I'll make the changes and edit soon, this is a buisy weekend.

The insight on Mortalbound is interesting... detecting other immortals eh.. Or perhaps a bonus to detect disguises at all?

Lovecraftian was meant to be a summation of well.. yeah. It's also a decent replacement for the "half-farspawn" template. If I can get this right, there might be a draconic one, angelic, devilish, and demonic on the way too.
In perusing 4e previews I've also thought up an alternative to the ton of attack rolls for massive gouts of tentacles; a single "save for half" damage area attack. Less rolls, same effect, scales with character.
4e will be like that.... no bonus attacks from high BAB, but since the moves accomplish the same... no one should care.
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Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by Prak »

sigma999 at [unixtime wrote:1198356211[/unixtime]]In perusing 4e previews I've also thought up an alternative to the ton of attack rolls for massive gouts of tentacles; a single "save for half" damage area attack. Less rolls, same effect, scales with character.
4e will be like that.... no bonus attacks from high BAB, but since the moves accomplish the same... no one should care.

So lovecraftian attacks will be like at the end of Silent Hill where the uber-devout bitch gets ripped in half by barbed wire tentacles? I'm comfortable with that...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Prak_Anima at [unixtime wrote:1198377200[/unixtime]]
sigma999 at [unixtime wrote:1198356211[/unixtime]]In perusing 4e previews I've also thought up an alternative to the ton of attack rolls for massive gouts of tentacles; a single "save for half" damage area attack. Less rolls, same effect, scales with character.
4e will be like that.... no bonus attacks from high BAB, but since the moves accomplish the same... no one should care.

So lovecraftian attacks will be like at the end of Silent Hill where the uber-devout bitch gets ripped in half by barbed wire tentacles? I'm comfortable with that...

Or half of all hentai ever made, at that.

Right now I'm tweaking a few others as usual, enjoying the holidays, and this was done a few days ago (had no internet for 2 days):

Wildbound [Bloodline, Skill]
Furry. Or scales, or feathers, whatever. You're a furry, at least when you want to be.
Benefits: Choose one category of animal such as lupines/dogs/wolves, felines/cats, avians/birds, insect, fish, swine/boar, equinals/horses, primates, reptiles, and similar.
You may acquire minor physical characteristics of that group and a total racial bonus of up to your level from the any one of your animal species as a free action with unlimited duration (Su).
Gain Low Light Vision.
Survival 4: Change Shape (Su) - You may gain the appearance and a single special quality (you switch to a new quality each round) of any species within your chosen animal group of no more than one size smaller and up to your normal size, as a standard action. The animal may have no more Challenge Rating than your own.
While in animal form, you gain the (augmented Animal) and (Shapechanger) subtypes.
You can't cast spells while using this Change Shape but can speak normally.
Items you carry do not change and are dropped if too large.
You must have touched an animal of your chosen group to become one, and retain in memory at most as many forms as you have Survival ranks.
You produce offspring with species you become as if a true member of that species.
9: Alternate Form (Su) - You may become any species in your chosen animal group as a standard action of no more combined Challenge Rating + Hit Dice than your own level.
A size restriction applies to Alternate Form similar to that of Change Shape, but also includes animals of up to one size larger than your own.
Items you carry do not change and are dropped if too large.
While in animal form, you gain the (augmented Animal) and (Shapechanger) subtypes.
You can't cast spells while using this Alternate Form but can speak normally.
14: Hybrid Form - You may combine your animal type and original form into any degree of combined appearances that benefits from abilities of both as an improvement of the Alternate Form ability. Racial bonuses and ability score modifiers from your base race and the animal species do not stack. While in hybrid form, you gain the (augmented Animal) and (Shapechanger) subtypes. You may become animals (not hybrid) of up to one size larger than your own, or down to 2 sizes smaller.
19: Dire Form - You may become an ancient form of an animal, not only becoming two sizes larger than normal for a species but gaining all related bonuses for a monster advancing in size (Strength bonus, damage increase, and more; see the MM table "Changes to Statistics by Size"). This ability may also affect Hybrid Form. You may also entirely become an animal down to 3 sizes smaller.
Special: You may gain Wildbound any number of times. If you possess more than one Wildbound feat, you may combine the best traits of multiple species as by the basic benefit, choosing Change Shape qualities, and the Hybrid Form ability.
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Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

They have all been updated. I'm posting them again because it's good to see past and current changes... this is a drafting process in action.

Lovecraftian [Bloodline, Skill] v5
You're really weird. It's in your blood, or at least whatever you call that purple goo in your veins.
Benefits: Gain Aberration subtype, and resistance to Acid and Cold equal to your level.
You don't need to breathe.
Decipher Script 4: Violate (Ex) - As standard action attack you may make a flurry of tentacle attacks that deals 1d6 per 2 levels + Strength in Bludgeoning damage in a cone area with distance of 5 feet per level. Reflex save negates, and the DC is based on your Strength score; you may also make the attack as a single natural weapon melee attack with the range as reach.
9: Gain a Swim speed equal to your land speed and all related swim speed skill bonuses. Your Violate tentacle attack may be used in a burst out to the same distance as the cone, or a 5 foot wide line out to twice normal distance. The save for Violate becomes "Reflex half".
14: Double all reaches of your Violate ability and may initiate grapples with the Violate attack without provoking. You may cause half of the damage to be either Cold or Acid.
19: Gain Improved Grab for the Violate attack, and may Constrict for your level in damage. For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal swim and land speeds, Scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to your Violate attack reach.

Voldoistic [Bloodline, Skill] v5
Vile hissing is your specialty.
Benefits: Gain Aberration subtype and +2 bonus to Balance and Grapple checks. Your natural weapons may deal piercing damage.
Escape Artist 4: Gain a Climb speed equal to land speed and all related climb speed skill bonuses. You do not need your eyes to see within 5 feet radius, although concealment or lack of light still hinders your vision.
9: Gain Blindsense to a distance of 2 times land speed. Your natural reach extends by a distance in feet equal to your level, rounded up to the nearest 5.
14: Gain Scent and Tremorsense to a distance of 2 times land speed. You can not be flanked.
19: Gain Blindsight to a distance of 2 times land speed. Once per round as an Immediate action you may make a Reflex save or Climb check against a single targeting effect with a DC or an attack roll; success means you avoid the attack or effect completely. When making this roll you may stand from any position and take 5-foot step.

Hellpunk [Bloodline, Combat] v5
You're red, tough, and really hate those freaks calling out your name in the dark.
Benefits: Gain Darkvision 30' and +4 to checks to avoid being lifted, knocked prone, pushed, grappled, or otherwise moved against one's will. Double all age categories.
Base Attack 1: Gain a Slam attack for 1d6 damage + STR and resistance to fire equal to your level. You are constantly under the effect of "Endure Elements" (Ex).
6: Gain Damage Reduction equal to half of level with no weakness, and resistance to fire equal to twice your level
11: Gain a Gore attack for 2d4 + 1.5 STR damage and add your level to Jump checks. Add your level to saves against Fear, Illusions, and Mind effects.
16: Gain Frightful Presence (victims get no immunity on successful save) and immunity to Fire. You are immune to Fear and gain the Rogue ability Slippery Mind.

Siren Fatale [Bloodline, Fey, Skill] v5
You open your mouth, they do what you say. Simple, no?
Benefits: Gain +2 bonus on Bluff and Listen checks. Mimicry (Ex) - You may mimic any sound you have heard with a successful Bluff or Perform (any vocal) check, opposed by Sense Motive or Listen if used to deceive others.
Perform (any vocal) 4: Cast "Enthrall" and "Command" as Supernatural abilities; the save DC for all Sirene Fatale abilities is equal 10 + 1/2 level + Charisma modifier, but once per encounter you may substitute a Perform (chosen vocal) check for the DC instead. Gain +4 to saves against Sonic and Compulsion effects.
9: Cast "Suggestion" and "Sound Burst" as Supernatural abilities. Gain Sonic resistance equal to level.
14: Cast "Mass Suggestion" and "Lesser Geas" as Supernatural abilities. Gain a bonus to Bluff and Listen checks equal to half your level (overlaps previous bonus).
19: Cast "Greater Shout" with no damage cap, "Mass Hold Person", and "Mirage Arcana" as Supernatural abilities. You become immune to Compulsions and Sonic effects.

Trollish [Bloodline, Combat] v5
Hunt. Eat people. Poop. Sleep. Life's good.
Benefits: Gain Giant subtype, Low-Light vision, and a secondary Bite attack for 1d6 + STR. Oh, and your nose is big. Like... really big.
Base Attack 1: Gain Darkvision 30, Scent, and a natural armor bonus equal to half of level.
6: Gain Darkvision 60 and 2 jointed forelimb Claw attacks for 1d6 + STR.
11: Gain Fast Healing 1 stopped by Fire and Acid, and Darkvision 90.
16: Gain Fast Healing 5 stopped by Fire and Acid. When two claws hit, you may Rend for both claw damages combined + 1.5 STR.

Mean Old Hermit [Bloodline, Skill] v2
You have discovered that an easy way to eternal youth is by gnawing on the bones of mortals. Little lost children are especially nice with potatoes, red pepper, and onions.
Prerequisite: female (Mean Old Hag or Croney) or male (Mean Old Man or Bastard) Humanoid, Fey, Giant, or Monstrous Humanoid of at least size Small or larger, must be in the "Old" age category for the character's race or older.
Benefit:Gain the Giant subtype and 2 of your jointed forelimbs may deal Slashing and Piercing damage. For each mortal eaten you may reduce your actual age and appearance by a number of years equal to 1/10th the amount (to a youthful limit of Adulthood).
Craft (Alchemy) 4: Cast "Disguise Self" as a Spell-like ability once per hour that lasts until you make any aggressive action. Rake - You may attack any grappled foes with up to 2 natural weapons that you use to grapple, with no penalty.
6:While in your true form with no disguise, gain half your level as a racial bonus to Strength, natural armor equal to half your level, and +10 land speed.
11:Once per round as a Swift action you may deal 2d4 points of Strength damage to the same target as one of your successful natural weapon attacks. Gain Spell Resistance equal to your level +10, or add +5 to any existing Spell Resistance.
16:Gain the Improved Grab special attack. When two of your Slashing/Piercing natural weapons hit in a single round, you may Rend for both weapon damages combined +1.5 Strength bonus.
You may cast "Veil" as a Spell-like Ability once per hour.

Woodbound [Bloodline, Fey, Skill] v5
People sometimes say you have a green thumb, a real knack with plants. If they only knew.
Benefits: Choose a specific type of grounded plantlife, such as trees, flowering plants, or grass only; the selection determines portions of later abilities of this feat.
Gain a constant "Speak With Plants" effect (Ex) and +5 racial bonus to Hide checks in natural areas of plantlife.
8 hours of direct sunlight a day may replace the need for food (Su).
Survival 4: Gain the Druid's ability "Woodland Stride" (Ex).
Cast a variant of "Meld Into Stone" (Sp) replacing instances of 'stone' with 'plants' as appropriate to your chosen plant type, and with unlimited duration.
9: Cast "Tree Shape" (Sp) but as appropriate to your chosen plant type for an unlimited duration.
Gain natural armor bonus equal to half of level.
14: Cast "Tree Stride" (Su) (or 'stride' using your plant type) at will.
As a full-round action you may gain certain traits of a Treant (composed of the chosen plant type) for an unlimited duration (Su):

  • Become up to one size larger than your normal form. Transforming damages nonmagical items and outfits.
  • Gain a Slam attack 2 categories better than normal for your size (Medium: 1d8, Large: 1d10, Huge: 2d6)
  • Damage reduction 10/slashing and iron
  • Vulnerability to fire (x1.5 damage on failed save)
  • Limited Plant type traits: Not subject to critical hits. No sleep required.
  • Add your level as a racial bonus to Hide checks while in similar plant environments of the chosen type
  • Gain Fast Healing 1 that is stopped by Fire and Acid.

19: Cast "Transport via Plants" (Su) or "Planeshift" by entering an amount of your chosen plant type of at least your size. Gain the following adjustments while in Treant form:

  • STR +(level) as racial bonus
  • CON +(1/2 level) as racial bonus
  • Grow up to two sizes larger than your normal form
  • Deal double damage against objects and ignore hardness with any full attack (Ex)
  • Trample special attack (DC is Strength based)
  • Gain Fast Healing 5 that is stopped by Fire and Acid.

Waterbound [Bloodline, Fey, Skill] v2
Either you are a Nymph, related to a Nymph, a Fey Merfolk, a Nixie and wish you were a Nymph, or you can get the best view in any bath house.
Benefits: You may breath both freshwater and air.
Change Shape (Su) - You can alternate between a land-movement or swimming form as a standard action, and while your appearance might differ from normal neither is a disguise. Your land form is your normal form, or that of any single Humanoid subtype appropriate to your size if your original form has no land speed. Your swimming form has no land speed, no hind limbs, a method of aquatic motion of some kind, and a base swim speed equal to either (at any time) 10 + your Dexterity and Constitution scores rounded up to the nearest 5, or to your normal land form speed.
Swim 4: Gain the Aquatic subtype and Amphibious (Ex) ability.
Get a +5 racial Hide bonus while in water.
You may use your Constitution or Dexterity scores for Swim checks instead of Strength.
9: You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed, and all related swim speed skill bonuses.
Your Change Shape swimming form gains double normal base swim speed.
When exiting water you may continue your movement using your swim speed until the end of the round.
14: You may cast "Water Breathing" at will (Sp).
You may add either Dexterity or Constitution bonus to swim checks in addition to Strength.
You may cast "Teleport" (Su) to any other region of water by entering any whirlpool large enough to fit you.
19: You benefit from "Freedom of Movement" and Fast Healing 1 while fully submerged in water (Ex).
You may add both Dexterity and Constitution bonus to swim checks in addition to Strength.
You may cast "Greater Teleport" or "Planeshift" (Su) to any other region of water by entering any whirlpool large enough to fit you.

Mortalbound [Bloodline, Skill] v3
You or your ancestors moved into the mortal cities. Besides, the food's better.
Benefits: Change Shape (Su) - You may become any Humanoid race for any duration as a standard action, but your individual appearance, items, and sex remain the same. While in Humanoid form, you gain the Humanoid and Shapechanger subtypes, and +10 on Disguise checks to pass off as a member of whichever Humanoid race. You must have seen or touched a race to become it, and retain in memory at most as many forms as you have levels (any race replaced in memory must be re-seen or re-touched)
Disguise 4: The Change Shape forms granted by this feat also give the subtype (such as Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc) of the matching Humanoid, as well as the ability to make minor changes in appearance as if by the "Disguise Self" spell (but not affecting items). You may combine features of races, but these changes are purely cosmetic and have no numeric or combat effect.
You automatically detect the presence but not location of other Shapeshifters, and both number and direction of all Humanoids, within Medium range.
9: You may Change Shape as a free action.
Alternate Form (Su) - As the Change Shape granted by this feat with all Chage Shape conditions applying here as well but improved, as a standard action. Some aspects are different from the Chage Shape: You may gain a total amount of a Humanoid's physical ability score bonuses no more than your level as racial bonuses. However, you may adjust your maximum Hit Points due to any new higher Constitution when you would naturally heal ability damage by resting.
You automatically detect the presence but not location of beings immune to aging, immortals, and Outsiders within Medium range. You now detect the direction to other Shapeshifters within range.
14: You may Change Shape as an Immediate action and Alternate Form as a free action.
You may gain the Change Shape forms of other Humanoid-like beings such as other Fey, Giants, Monstrous Humanoids, and humanlike Outsiders as by this feat's Alternate Form ability, but not their types as subtypes.
You automatically recognize individual beings that you would otherwise sense vaguely (as with previous abilities).
19: The abilities granted by this feat become Extraordinary and you register to all senses and detections as an actual member of the chosen race.
You know the types and subtypes of any being that you can detect with any sense.

Wildbound [Bloodline, Skill] v3
You are very fuzzy. Or scales, or feathers, whatever. You're a furry, at least when you want to be.
Benefits: Choose one category of animal such as lupines/dogs/wolves, felines/cats, avians/birds, insect, fish, swine/boar, equinals/horses, primates, reptiles, and similar.
Half-form - You may acquire minor physical characteristics of that group and a total amount of racial bonuses up to your level from the any one of your animal species as a free action with unlimited duration (Su).
Gain Low Light Vision.
Handle Animal 4: Change Shape (Su) - You may gain the appearance and a single special quality (you switch to a new quality each round) of any species within your chosen animal group of no more than one size smaller and up to your normal size, as a standard action. The animal may have no more Challenge Rating than your own.
While in animal form, you gain the "augmented Animal" and Shapechanger subtypes.
You can't cast spells while using this Change Shape but can speak normally.
Items you carry do not change and are dropped if too large.
You must have touched an animal of your chosen group to become one, and retain in memory at most as many forms as you have Survival ranks.
You produce offspring with species you become as if a true member of that species.
9: Alternate Form (Su) - You may become any species in your chosen animal group as a standard action of no more combined Challenge Rating + Hit Dice than your own level.
A size restriction applies to Alternate Form similar to that of Change Shape, but also includes animals of up to one size larger than your own.
Items you carry do not change and are dropped if too large.
While in animal form, you gain the "augmented Animal" and Shapechanger subtypes.
You can't cast spells while using this Alternate Form but can speak normally.
14: Hybrid Form - You may combine your animal type and original form into any degree of combined appearances that benefits from abilities of both as an improvement of the Alternate Form ability. Racial bonuses and ability score modifiers from your base race and the animal species do not stack. While in hybrid form, you gain the "augmented Animal" and Shapechanger subtypes. You may become animals (not hybrid) of up to one size larger than your own, or down to 2 sizes smaller.
19: Dire Form - You may become an ancient form of an animal, not only becoming two sizes larger than normal for a species but gaining all related bonuses for a monster advancing in size (Strength bonus, damage increase, and more; see the MM table "Changes to Statistics by Size"). This ability may also affect Hybrid Form. You may also entirely become an animal down to 3 sizes smaller.
Special: You may gain Wildbound any number of times, choosing a different animal group each time. If you possess more than one Wildbound feat, you may combine the best traits of multiple species as by Half-form (total all possible racial bonuses as if from one species) and the Hybrid Form abilities, and when selecting Change Shape qualities (one quality active per copy of this feat).

Rusting Blighter [Bloodline, Fey]
Iron is fun to play with but you have a job to do: get rid of it. Get rid of it all.
Benefits: Detect Iron - A constant "Detect Magic" (Su) that detects amounts of iron and steel rather than magic.
You may convert a handful of unattended normal iron and steel into rust by touch as a full-round action. Each handful may be eaten as the equivalent of a handful of fruit, meat, or other food normal to your species.
Disable Device 4: You may cast "Stone Meld" (Sp) to sink into ferrous metal objects as if stone for an unlimited duration, and "Shatter" by touch as a full-round action affecting iron or steel only (Su).
Each pound or 3-foot square area of iron or steel rust may be eaten as a normal meal and restores your fatigue while healing 10 points of nonlethal damage.
9: Cast "Rusting Grasp" at will (Su).
Gain a natural armor bonus equal to half your level.
14: Your Rusting Grap ability becomes an Extraordinary ability.
It may be used both as a free action once each round or in response to being attacked with a weapon as a Swift action (automatic touch against the weapon).
19: You may use your Rusting Grasp as Immediate and move actions, and any iron or steel weapons damaging you may be affected by the Rusting Grasp ability.
As an hour-long action you may set up a single area to be affected by a "Sympathy" spell (Sp) that attracts ferrous Constructs of any kind, and lasts as long as you desire; there may be only one of these areas assigned at any time.

Shining Beauty [Bloodline, Fey]
You almost embody a lost link between Fey and Celestial divinity, radiating truth and beauty (or handsomeness, whatever), and smell really really good.
Prerequisite: Non-Undead
Gain Druid's Wild Empathy.
Your type changes to "Humanoid (augmented Fey)" and retains any other subtypes.
Uglysense - As Blindsense but detects anything with lower Charisma than yourself or Wisdom less than 10, out to Close range; beings with a non-ability or 0 of Charisma and Wisdom are not detected.
Cleaning, grooming, or bathing in freshwater may provide as much sustenance as a full meal as long as it is performed for at least an hour per meal equivalent.
Diplomacy 4: You are affected by a constant "Endure Elements" (Ex).
You may activate "Zone of Truth" or "Alarm" (mental alarm, when someone looks at you within range this gaze attack activates) as a gaze attack with no save (Su) out to Medium range centered on yourself.
Gaze attacks from this feat must be averted by not looking anywhere upon the user's exposed flesh, but only up to 2 gazes may be active at once and the duration for any gaze effect ends when you are out of sight.
9: "Slow" as a Will-save gaze attack (Su) out to Close range centered on yourself.
Gain the spellcasting ability of a Druid half your level, but no related class abilities. Real Druid spellcaster levels do not stack.
Gain immunity to either nonmagical poison or nonmagical disease.
14: Choose either a constant "True Seeing", or "Mass Hold Person" as a Will-save gaze attack (Su), out to Close range centered on yourself each round; the Hold ability loses the Compulsion spell descriptor and is a Pattern effect.
Gain immunity to either nonmagical poison or nonmagical disease.
19: Use either or both "Sunburst" as a Reflex-save gaze attack (Su) and "Repulsion" as a Will-save gaze attack (Su) out to Medium range centered on yourself; vision may be restored when the victim heals hit points naturally.
You are immune to Compulsions, aging, death effects, negative energy, and level drain as long as you are totally naked.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Re: More "I'm a _____" feats

Post by JonSetanta »

I'm debating scrounging for reviews on the Wiz but if the reactions are anything like my comrade Anets over on Feybook, I have doubts...

Could anyone tell me if I'm on the right track or is this becoming an insular, delusional, unbalanced endeavor?

Talisman agrees, more than 1 on a character is too much, but I believe that there are ways to allow characters more, such as 1 per 5 levels (1,5,10,15,20)
Otherwise someone somewhere will grab a Bloodline every third level, at 1,3,6,9, etc.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Writing a feat for an antagonist in a heavily modified Rise of the Runelords game.

(Copypasted some mechanics from the Spherelock's Call Fiends for this. Thank you, Cielingcat)

Blessing of Echidna
This feat scales with character level.

The totally PG-13 rated power of the Mother of Monsters infuses you.
1: You gain the benefits of the Raised by Monsters character background and may pick [Fiend] and/or [Monstrous] character options.
2: You gain a Claw attack that deals Slashing/Piercing damage but is otherwise identical to a Monk's Slam attack. You also gain the benefits of wearing a Ring of Regeneration,
6: By infusing your spilled blood with spare bits of your power, you may grow monsters favorably disposed toward you almost instantly. This takes a full round and deals 1 damage to you for each creature you make. Monsters are Helpful to you, and are at least for the first hour willing to accept requests that are obviously very dangerous. If they are not made into Followers or Cohorts, they will probably wander away after an hour.

The monster's Challenge Rating must be 3 less than your character level or lower. You can also choose to double the number of creatures created by reducing the max CR of the creatures by 2 per doubling (at 9th level you could summon one CR 6 monster, two CR 4 monsters, 4 CR 2 monsters, or 8 CR 1 monsters). Monsters may not have levels in classes when created.

This may be done three times per day, and a max of once per hour.

11: You have learned to spawn monstrous servitors without the focus and preparation normally required. As an Immediate action when you take damage, you may create monsters, counting against your limit of uses per day and hour as normal.When spawning monsters this way, the Challenge Rating cap starts at 6 less than your character level.

The number of times you can spawn monsters increases to once per day per character level, with a max of twice per hour.

16: The number of times you can spawn monsters increases to three times per hour, no daily cap. When this ability is used to replace Followers with a CR of 8 or less, it does not count against your limit.
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Post by Prak »

Thinking about running a Finality game after my current. Thought I'd work up some "I'm a ___" feats to make it easier for people to play characters with planar heritage.

Babau Blooded
This feat scales to your ranks in Hide
Benefit: You can exude a thin, but very slick, slime from your pores which allows you to slip through close spaces. You must be reasonably unclothed for this to be much use, but if you are, you may add your character level as a circumstance bonus to Escape Artist checks. If you are wearing clothing or armor, you gain only 1/4 your level as a bonus, unless you spend a full minute rubbing the oil over your clothes or armor.
4: You gain 2 claw attacks which deal damage as appropriate to a creature one size larger than you.
9: You gain the sneak attack ability as a rogue, but deal only +1d6 damage. If you are a rogue, this increases your Rogue sneak attack by the same amount.
14: Your slime becomes highly acidic. Your claws become Magical Corrosive weapons (as Flaming, but deals acid damage, and the ongoing damage continues for a number of rounds equal to your con mod). Also, weapons which strike you take 1d8 acid damage which ignores hardness.
19: Three times per day, you may conjure a shadowy duplicate of yourself. Treat as if you cast Greater Shadow Conjuration to duplicate Summon Monster VI to summon a Babau. Your sneak attack damage from 9 ranks increases to 2d6, also.

Balor Blooded
This feat scales to your ranks in Intimidate
Benefit: As a free action, you may sheath your body in flame. Any creature or object which touches or is touched by you, including attacks, takes 1d6 fire damage and must make a Ref save or catch fire.
4: As a Standard Action you may make adjacent squares flare up in fire. You deal 1d6 fire to creatures and objects occupying one adjacent square, plus one square and 1d6 in all affected squares per four HD beyond first. Creatures and occupied objects are allowed a Ref save to halve this damage.
9: Flexible weapons you wield, such as whips, chains, scourges and flails are Magical and Flaming.
14: You may use Flame Strike as a spell like ability, with your character level as the caster level, once per day. At 19 ranks, you may use this ability three times per day.
19: Swords you wield are Magical and Vorpal.
(note—balor heritage can also be represented with Erinyes heritage. All of those abilities fit a balor equally well.)

Bebilith Heritage
This feat scales to your ranks in Climb
Benefit: You gain the scent ability, and a climb speed equal to half your land speed.
4: You have the ability to track demons through a sense similar to scent. This ability functions like Detect Evil, but only detects outsiders with both the Chaotic and Evil subtypes, and creatures descended from them. Rather than sensing auras, you perceive the detected creatures as a scent, and your surroundings will affect the range of this ability. In good or lawful areas, the scents stand out readily, and you may use this ability out to 120'. In evil or chaotic areas, the scents are easily lost, and the ability's range is lowered to 30'. Intervening walls do not interfere with this ability unless the target or you are enclosed in an air-tight room.
9: You gain the Web ability of a Huge Monstrous Spider.
14: You may make a special Disable Device check in combat to strip a target of large portions of their armor. Make a melee touch attack which applies weapon bonuses if you're wielding one. If you strike your target, the DC for your Disable Device check is 10+twice the armor's bonus. Masterwork armor has a DC 2 points higher. If you succeed, you cut the armor off of your opponent, and may deposit it in an adjacent square. Armor may be repaired with a successful Craft check, and this ability cannot destroy armor.
19: With a 1 minute ritual, you may conjure a virulent poison (Injury, Initial 1d6/Secondary 2d6) on a weapon of your choosing. The poison will remain for a day, or until used. Once used in combat, the weapon will remain poisoned for a number of attacks equal to your con mod.
Last edited by Prak on Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I remember being really psyched about this concept.
Had to reread the whole thread to remember the posts in detail, after all it began 8 years ago.

The balance is still "all over the place". We've still been designing without any comparison.

Balor is better than Babau, by far. Bebilith is somewhere in between.
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Post by Prak »

Balor probably just doesn't need to exist. You can reasonably replicate a Balor by taking Erinyes Blooded, Weapons of [Profane] Destruction, Large Size, and Burn. So that would sort of fix that. There's not as many iconic abilities for Babau and Bebilith.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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