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Post by Koumei »

Yes. Yes they can.
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Post by radthemad4 »


Knight of the Flame has Psychic Strike +2d8 as a swift action, and so does the Librarian at level 2 (improves to +3d8 at 4). These don't stack right?
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Post by Koumei »

That is correct. A Knight of the Flame can end up as a non-Librarian and a Librarian can get there via other classes, it's basically just something that "all Psychic Space Marines" should have. Because it's always in their best interest to consider channelling their energy into simply hitting people in the face even harder.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by radthemad4 »

Relentless Rage lets you charge as an immediate action if you're not fatigued, but makes you fatigued. Tactical Sergeants have pounce. They can become captains. Level four captains are immune to fatigue. So,can Tactical Sergeant - Captains who take Relentless Rage, make two full attacks per round once they level 14?

Can hurl opponent be used as part of a full attack?
Last edited by radthemad4 on Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:12 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Megapouncing: yes, pretty much. That might sound pretty crazy, but it's level fourteen, so you're either using it to reduce a handful of enemies in reach into smears, or you're going to inform a boss monster that he needs to invest in anti-physical defences... which he may very well have already done. Remember that level 14 is when Lich Kings come online and start dicking with us.

Hurling: nope, it specifies Standard Action - and then the +16 ability is a special Full Round Action. It's really just a case of taking some Setting Sun manoeuvres and turning them into a Feat.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Maxus »

Level 13. Might be a levelup in there somewhere along the way, for kicks, but level 13 to start.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

I know, I was just saying "It's level 14 when you get that combo (and level 16 when you can run about as a personal tornado). Big Things exist then."

Mind you, at level 13, we're talking pretty big things, I imagine. I had best set my pistols from "Stun" to "Kill". Huh, that's funny, there was never a stun option! No wonder the previous targets were turned into slop.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by radthemad4 »

Unfortunately a bunch of annoying real life events over the last few days have reduced the amount of time I got to spend on chargen. That, and I've never made a 13th level PC before. I started with a Knight of the Flame - Librarian, but it was taking too long so I'm going with a very rushed, simpler Tactical Sergeant-Captain build.

Last edited by radthemad4 on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maxus »

Session log:

RadtheMad plays Wes, a Minotaur chapter Captain.

Meikle plays an Angry Marine Terminator, Ronto.

Koumei plays an Avenging Angel, Sister Sirenity.

Yuffie is the dicebot.
1[21:30] <Maxus> 3
01[21:30] <Maxus> 2
01[21:30] <Maxus> 1
01[21:30] <Maxus> FOR THE EMPEROR
1[21:34] <Maxus> This world--Kressel, the Administratum had dubbed it--was home to a human population. As well as Xenos. They lived in primitive, feudal conditions (mostly, anyway), with several varieties of likewise-primitives xenos. The planet would have been overlooked, except for its high adamantium content: The stuff was here, naturally occurring in the soil. So the Imperium had come, and two local years after their arrival, the city of Mons Imperialis was shaping up nicely. The humans were getting accustomed to the Imperium and its trappings. There were also a local rivalry going Astartes chapters, Soritas orders, and Assassinorum temples all vying for a presence and claim to some real estate--and a stake in the local ore production.
01[21:36] <Maxus> So here you are: Disparate representives, to win prestige for your local group. It's a civil rivalry among the factions; it's not like there's not plenty of space--five continents' worth. But this time, it's a bit different.
01[21:36] <Maxus> The natives had come to the Imperium with a problem, begging protection. And you all had been sent to solve it,
01[21:37] <Maxus> You stand before the gates of a dark abbey, which looms in the distance like a shadow passing before the sun. The grounds of the abbey are still and silent, the trees twisted and heavy with greasy fruit, the grass grown lush, wild and black. The chill air is permeated with the stench of terror, burnt flesh and spilled blood - the scent of demons. You know almost nothing of the cult who claims this forsaken place as their own, but that matters little. You know that they worship the beasts of the Choas, you know that they have claimed this place as their own, and you know that they have stolen away the men, women and children of every nearby village. You know these things, and that is enough.
01[21:38] <Maxus> You stand before what appears to be the main entrance to the abbey, an arched stone gateway tall enough for a giant to pass under without stooping. At one time, the gate must have been an imposing sight, but now it lies in ruins; its doors
01[21:38] <Maxus> torn from their hinges and shattered upon the ground, its stones scorched by fire and stained with dried blood and gore. Beyond the gate is a cobblestone path flanked by a poorly tended hedge, winding towards a long, wide staircase climbing a three-tiered hill covered by trees. The spires of the abbey loom in the far distance.
01[21:38] <Maxus> Start
01[21:39] <Maxus> *Chaos
06[21:39] * Sister_Serenity hovers, her feet refusing to touch the tainted earth of this befoulled area. "In the name of the Immortal Emperor, let us cleanse this of all Chaos. We shall purge it with fire until there is nothing left."
[21:40] <Wes> "Alright everyone, I know that it's weird working with folks outside your factions and all, but we're all that's here so let's put aside our differences and do what we can for the one thing we can agree on. Let's do this, for the emperor"
[21:40] <Wes> (Perfection Aura, +5 to all d20s)
06[21:42] * Ronto lumbers forward in his terminator armour, "YAP YAP YAP. LET'S GET ON WITH IT."
01[21:43] <Maxus> As Ronto lumbers through the archway, he steps on a ragged piece of the ruined gate. Fort saves everyone.
[21:44] <Wes> !dice d20 + 13 + 5
[21:44] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20 + 13 + 5 : 10
[21:44] <Ronto> !dice d20+19
[21:44] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 : 12(11) 30
1[21:44] <Maxus> There's a loud sound like lightning striking nearby. It rattles everyone's armor.
[21:44] <Wes> 28
[21:44] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+19
[21:44] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+19 : 12(3) 22
01[21:45] <Maxus> Everyone's ears ring a bit, but it's nothing too terrible. (Everyone passed)
06[21:46] * Sister_Serenity frowns, finding the sound to be irritating, and an ill omen. Still, she proceeds, still shedding light.
01[21:46] <Maxus> Beyond the gate, there's a ruined building to the left, and a relatively small two-story building to the right, on either side of the paved pathway to the Abbey's hill.
06[21:46] * Ronto irritatedly throws rubble off himself.
06[21:47] * Wes smirks. "We shall know no fear"
01[21:48] <Maxus> It's a couple hundred feet to either building, and the steps up the hill are another hundred beyond that.
[21:48] <Wes> (Fear and compulsion immunity)
01[21:49] <Maxus> Which way do you go? The ruined, burned building, or the intact one, or both and in what order?
[21:49] <Sister_Serenity> "We should first scout the building to the right - if they're smart they'll have snipers and back-up forces there"
06[21:50] * Wes nods.
06[21:51] * Ronto hauls out his auspex.
[21:51] <Ronto> (Eh, nevermind)
[21:52] <Wes> (Probably a good idea to have Detect Magic on)
[21:52] <Wes> (do you have UMD?)
01[21:53] <Maxus> (He can if he wants it. No class lists 'ere.)
06[21:54] * Ronto keeps Det Mag on, then.
[21:54] <Wes> (Detect Magic doesn't need it though)
[21:55] <Wes> (I think I'll max UMD)
06[21:55] * Wes sets his Auspex to Find Traps
01[21:56] <Maxus> The Auspex is slowly pinging out its signal. No traps. Going to the intact building?
06[21:57] * Wes tries Detect Chaos
01[21:57] <Maxus> It pings a little more quickly.
06[21:58] * Ronto Dimension Doors on up. Fuck walking that far.
[21:58] <Wes> !dice d20 +19
[21:58] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20 +19 : 7
[21:58] <Wes> 26
[21:58] <Ronto> (Or rather, I DD 100 feet since that is the max)
06[21:58] * Sister_Serenity flies onwards to the building - and to victory!
06[21:58] * Wes runs after them
01[21:59] <Maxus> The years have not been kind to this squat twostory building. Though its many windows remain intact, they are covered in years of grime, making it difficult to see inside. The sloped roof of the building is shrouded in slick-looking moss, and its narrow brick chimney leans precariously to one side, as though it might collapse at any moment. The front door of the building is ajar, and swaying on its hinges as though moved by the wind. You can see nothing but shadow through the crack in the door.
[21:59] <Frankto> (Don't add a space between the dice and the modifier, and you won't need to correct it.)
[21:59] <Wes> (Thanks)
[22:00] <Wes> (Perfection aura)
[22:01] <Wes> !dice d20+19 Find Traps
[22:01] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+19 Find Traps : 12(7) 26
01[22:02] <Maxus> No traps are detected.
01[22:02] <Maxus> Inside, from the way the support beams of this room are arranged, you can tell that at one time it was actually split into multiple rooms. There are cots and tables propped against every window, all braced by stacks of splintered furniture or heavy iron chests. A wide stone fireplace dominates the south side of the room, and an iron spiral staircase is set against the room's north wall.
[22:03] <Wes> (I'll just assume I'm using Perfection aura every turn)
[22:03] <Wes> (swift action after all)
01[22:03] <Maxus> (Until otherwise stated, noted.)
01[22:03] <Maxus> What do you do now you are all inside?
[22:03] <Sister_Serenity> "How strange. I was expecting them to have all points well-defended. Our enemies are fools."
06[22:04] * Sister_Serenity heads to the staircase, trying to see if anything lies in wait above. If nothing obvious is there, she'll float upwards.
[22:04] <Wes> "Fools perhaps, but that's no reason to underestimate them."
06[22:04] * Ronto eyes the door. Can he even fit?
06[22:05] * Wes investigates the chests
01[22:05] <Maxus> The room has grown darker, and the glow of your light dimmed to a sallow yellow flicker. A sudden chill passes through your body, and your breath hisses out in clouds of vapor. The room feels suddenly oppressive, and you are overcome by an ache of dread.
01[22:05] <Maxus> The chests are empty and trashed. You find half a plate and a butterknife.
01[22:05] <Maxus> (Yes, he can)
01[22:06] <Maxus> The top of the stairway seems to be clear. The second story is even darker than the first, if such a thing is possible. As you reach the top of the stairs, you see a room filled to bursting with piles of boxes, barrels, and crates. Long shadows and cobwebs hang from every corner, and Sister Serenity's armor registers that the air is even colder up here.
06[22:06] * Ronto walks through and sees the stairs. His old nemesis. He backs out, and DDs above the roof.
06[22:07] * Wes follows Ronto
[22:08] <Wes> (Scrtch that)
06[22:08] * Ronto proceeds to smash a hole into it, assuming his immense weight doesn't do it for him.
01[22:08] <Maxus> The dread weight of the Terminator armor crunches into the roof. Then it creaks, groans, and a hole falls in, dropping him prone onto the floor of the second story, which groans terribly but holds.
01[22:09] <Maxus> Something steps out of the corner, which Serenity's light does not reach. It looks like a dead corpses, standing up. Its eyes lock on Ronto's visor.
01[22:09] <Maxus> Will Save.
01[22:10] <Maxus> For Ronot
[22:10] <Ronto> !dice d20+8
[22:10] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+8 : 12(5) 13
01[22:10] <Maxus> *a walking, dead corpse
[22:10] <Wes> +5 (Perfection aura)
01[22:10] <Maxus> I was about to inquire.
[22:11] <Ronto> (Ah, so 18 then)
01[22:11] <Maxus> Ronto is unharmed, but nevertheless SOMETHING touched his soul, yet found no purchase.
01[22:11] <Maxus> Initiative, everyone
[22:11] <Sister_Serenity> "We've made contact with the enemy!"
1[22:11] <Maxus> !dice d20+6
[22:11] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+6 : 12(17) 23
[22:11] <Ronto> "NICE TRY!:
[22:11] <Ronto> !dice d20+6 init
[22:11] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+6 init : 12(2) 8
[22:11] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 (including Perfection)
[22:11] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 (including Perfection) : 12(20) 29
[22:11] <Wes> !diced20+9
[22:11] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[22:11] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(12) 21
[22:11] <Ronto> (That applies to this? Ah. 13 then)
01[22:12] <Maxus> Order:
01[22:12] <Maxus> Sister Serenity, Katachek, Captain Wes, and Terminator Ronto.
[22:12] <Sister_Serenity> (Telling us to place orders? Okay, I'll have a gin and tonic!)
[22:13] <Sister_Serenity> The light of Sister Serenity soon will reach the walking corpse: her eyes turn incredibly bright, as though a fire burns inside them... and then she gives that fire to the corpse.
01[22:13] <Maxus> Sister Serenity, Round 1. This wasted corpse of man with eyes that scrape at your brain is twenty feet away.
[22:13] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack one of eight
[22:13] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack one of eight : 12(11) 33
01[22:14] <Maxus> Hit.
[22:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 11
[22:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack two of eight
[22:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack two of eight : 12(6) 28
01[22:14] <Maxus> Hit
[22:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 10
[22:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack three of eight
[22:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack three of eight : 12(16) 38
[22:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 15
[22:15] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack four of eight
[22:15] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack four of eight : 12(2) 24
01[22:15] <Maxus> Hit
[22:15] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:15] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 14
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack five of eight
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack five of eight : 12(16) 38
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 18
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack six of eight
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack six of eight : 12(12) 34
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 14
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack seven of eight
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack seven of eight : 12(9) 31
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 17
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack eight of eight
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+22 Ranged Touch Attack eight of eight : 12(14) 36
[22:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4d6 Fire
[22:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4d6 Fire : 16
[22:17] <Sister_Serenity> So if it has significant Fire Resistance, 8*0 = 0, but if none, 115
01[22:17] <Maxus> The barrage of flaming shots all hit, but the creature seems to carry all the chill of the grave and so it is not reduced to the cinders it would be otherwise. (35 damage)
[22:18] <Sister_Serenity> That's my turn. Note that if it's Undead, it carries a massive -1 penalty on its attack rolls.
01[22:18] <Maxus> With an obvious effort, it turns its now-burned body to glare at Sister Serenity.
01[22:18] <Maxus> Will save.
[22:19] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23
[22:19] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 : 12(15) 38
01[22:19] <Maxus> And don't forget your +5 from Aura of Perfect.
01[22:19] <Maxus> Pass.
01[22:19] <Maxus> Wes, where are you? First floor or did you follow Serenity upwards?
[22:19] <Wes> (I went up the stairs)
01[22:20] <Maxus> Then Round 1. This creature of Chaos, like a Warp Ghost made solid, is in the middle of the floor.
[22:21] <Wes> (It's the creature's turn right?)
01[22:22] <Maxus> No. It's turn is done.
01[22:22] <Maxus> It tried a Gaze attack on Serenity, which failed.
[22:22] <Wes> (How far is it from me?)
01[22:23] <Maxus> Twenty feet.
[22:23] <Wes> (Cool, Charge pounce then)
01[22:24] <Maxus> Roll it
[22:24] <Wes> !dice d20+23+4+5 Main hand 1
[22:24] <~Yuffie> Wes : Error: Modifier 1 is bad: 23+4+5
01[22:24] <Maxus> d20+31
[22:24] <Wes> !dice d20+21 Main hand 1
[22:24] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+21 Main hand 1 : 12(6) 27
[22:24] <Wes> 37
01[22:24] <Maxus> Hit.
[22:25] <Wes> !dice 1d10+40
[22:25] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 1d10+40 : 45
[22:25] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 2
[22:25] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 2 : 12(2) 33
01[22:26] <Maxus> Hit.
[22:26] <Wes> !dice 1d10+40
[22:26] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 1d10+40 : 41
[22:26] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 3
[22:26] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 3 : 12(1) 32
[22:26] <Wes> Crap, subtract 5 from that and the previous one
01[22:26] <Maxus> Although the first attack breaks it in half, the second punch crushes its head.
[22:26] <Wes> Should be 36 and 27
01[22:27] <Maxus> Doesn't matter at this point. Wes's Power Fists end the beast in two great strokes.
[22:28] <Wes> (Wohoo!)
01[22:28] <Maxus> Serenity's light reaches further, showing ruined armor and gear over by where the thing waited. Scraps of the 'chain mail' they make, and a dagger, and a javelin.
[22:29] <Sister_Serenity> "This is disturbing. That appeared to be a corpse, animated by warp power. We must consider the possibility that the Daemons of Change are involved."
01[22:29] <Maxus> And the chill seems to leave the room, gradually
06[22:30] * Wes uses Identify (DC 20
[22:30] <Wes> !dice d20+24
[22:30] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+24 : 12(6) 30
[22:30] <Ronto> "GODDAMN ROOF."
06[22:30] * Ronto gets to his feet.
01[22:31] <Maxus> It's a small, magical dagger, and the javelin...interesting. Will become a lightning bolt when thrown, according to the Auspex's eventual results as it chews over the emanations from the items.
[22:31] <Sister_Serenity> "It appears their construction practices are too archaic to withstand Terminator Armour. Pathetic. This place could be improved by fire."
[22:33] <Wes> "Let's consider that later after we find out what the locals were worried about"
[22:34] <Wes> "Ronto, any of these walls pissing you off?"
01[22:34] <Maxus> Back outside (Ronto can just stomp his foot to arrive on the first floor)...the ruined building is across from you, maybe a hundred feet away. The path up the hill to the Abbey is on your right, also maybe a hundred feet away
[22:35] <Wes> (Nothing else in here?)
[22:35] <Sister_Serenity> "Let's check the ruins, just in case."
[22:36] <Ronto> (Pretty sure I can Kool-Aid Man the wall, but I don't trust the bot. The ability relies on smashing a foe into a wall anyway)
01[22:36] <Maxus> Nope, nothing. Gonna Auspex around one last time?
[22:37] <Wes> (Yeah, detect magic) "I'd like to check something. Go on, I'll catch up"
01[22:37] <Maxus> There's something in the fireplace.
01[22:39] <Maxus> Digging through the ashes, it's a small box. The lock is no barrier to the strength of an Astartes, and contains several of the local medical products--the 'potions' the natives brew.
06[22:39] * Ronto crashes through a wall, making his own door to outside. "FUCK THIS PLACE."
[22:39] <Wes> Identify
[22:39] <Wes> !dice d20+24
[22:39] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+24 : 12(3) 27
01[22:39] <Maxus> The structure shudders.
01[22:40] <Maxus> A bit of the second floor falls in.
06[22:40] * Wes pockets the items and runs after them
[22:42] <Wes> (We did take the dagger and javelin right?)
[22:42] <Wes> (If not, Wes takes them now)
01[22:42] <Maxus> (Noted.)
01[22:42] <Maxus> Outside, the trio crosses the way to the ruined storehouse.
[22:43] <Wes> (chain mail scraps too)
01[22:43] <Maxus> From the remains of splintered boxes, burst barrels, and scorched bolts of cloth scattered about, you can guess that this might have been a storehouse
01[22:43] <Maxus> at one time. Now it is nothing but a heap of still smoldering ruins, with only a few fire-gutted timbers still jutting upright from its stone foundation. The air reeks of burned wood and spoiled wine, almost strongly enough to mask the copper tang of blood, and the sickening sweetness of overripe flesh.
01[22:43] <Maxus> Spot checks.
[22:43] <Wes> !dice d20+5
[22:43] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+5 : 12(19) 24
01[22:44] <Maxus> (No wisdom mod?)
[22:45] <Wes> (Nope)
[22:45] <Ronto> !dice d20-1
[22:45] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20-1 : 12(9) 8
[22:45] <Wes> 13
[22:45] <Ronto> (Knew I forgot something. Observational skills)
[22:46] <Wes> (Relax, Koumei's got us covered)
[22:46] <Wes> (+18/+20 vs Chaos)
[22:46] <Wes> (+5)
01[22:46] <Maxus> (Anything that can make a hide check against that has earned the ambush)
[22:48] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23 Spot
[22:48] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 Spot : 12(14) 37
06[22:51] * Sister_Serenity stops, glances, then speaks quietly. Well, quietly-ish. Her voice sort of has an echo effect. "We are being watched. Ten creatures, like hounds with quills."
[22:53] <Sister_Serenity> Seeing one start to crawl ahead from the side, she slowly raises a bolt pistol, keeping her aim on it. "I imagine they are pack hunters, and are getting ready to leap upon us."
06[22:55] * Wes nods. "Right then, let's surprise them instead"
[22:56] <Wes> (War Tactics (Ex): the third-level Captain knows a thing or two about tactics. Whenever Initaitive is
[22:56] <Wes> rolled, he may direct all allies to move up to their Move Speed as a Free action, getting his team
[22:56] <Wes> into position. Additionally, in the first round of combat he may re-roll any failed rolls.)
06[22:56] * Ronto eagerly flexes his lightning claws.
01[22:56] <Maxus> With a howl from somewhere amid the rubble, the creatures boil out from their hiding spots. They were surprisingly close. They look like large hounds with a ruff of long quills, and no muscles on their faces, just skin fit to bone. They're obviously responding to the arming up, and it's on!
01[22:57] <Maxus> !dice 10#d20+7
[22:57] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 10#d20+7 : 12(20) 27 12(10) 17 12(6) 13 12(19) 26 12(12) 19 12(12) 19 12(3) 10 12(12) 19 12(3) 10 12(17) 24
03[22:57] * Cybaster is now known as Cyb_bed
01[22:58] <Maxus> I hope someone brought grenades.
[22:58] <Sister_Serenity> (Naturally!)
[22:58] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 Perfection Initiative
[22:58] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 Perfection Initiative : 12(5) 14
[22:59] <Wes> !dice d20+9 Initiative
[22:59] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 Initiative : 12(14) 23
[23:00] <Ronto> (I've got Melta bombs and plasma grenades)
[23:00] <Wes> (Dude, roll initiative)
[23:00] <Ronto> !dice d20+11 (init)
[23:00] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 (init) : 12(9) 20
01[23:01] <Maxus> Situation: There's ten of these things, spread irregularly around the area. The remains of the walls and the rubble from the roof being broken would make this tough to walk on and provide a small amount of cover if someone wanted to. The creatures are...generally there's three of them in a thirty-foot radius, with one somewhat in front of you.
01[23:01] <Maxus> Wes, going to use the tactical movement to move everyone around?
[23:02] <Wes> Yeah
[23:03] <Wes> (Let's get some cover)
01[23:04] <Maxus> Initiative is going to be a little different here, as well. I'll do it by blocks of hounds. Three hounds, then Wes and Ronto. Then four hounds, then Serenity. Then three hounds.
[23:04] <Wes> (Okay)
01[23:05] <Maxus> Everyone get moved: You have front (currently location), left side, right side, and then the former indoors.
01[23:05] <Maxus> Three hounds are in the former indoors, and four are on the right side, and three on the left.
[23:06] <Wes> (What kind of action is it to disable power fists?)
01[23:06] <Maxus> (I'll say Free.)
[23:07] <Wes> (Enabling?)
01[23:07] <Maxus> (Like drawing a weapon.)
[23:07] <Wes> (ah, part of a move action, gotcha)
01[23:07] <Maxus> (You're higher level, so you can do it and attack at once)
01[23:08] <Maxus> So everyone pick a spot. Spread out or bunch up, as you choose.
06[23:09] * Ronto goes to the right side.
[23:09] <Wes> (Former indoors has cover right?)
01[23:09] <Maxus> Yes.
[23:09] <Wes> (But they get it too?)
01[23:10] <Maxus> Not to you in there with them.
06[23:10] * Wes heads to the former indoors
[23:11] <Wes> (if possible, somewhere a bit high up, where I can't be flanked easily and attacked by as few of them as possible at a time)
[23:11] <Wes> (+15 Climb)
01[23:11] <Maxus> Serenity, location before this starts? You get a free Move action with Wes shouting things like "Positions! Incoming!"
01[23:11] <Maxus> There's nothing that could support your weight.
[23:13] <Wes> (Right, just whatever spot makes getting flanked or surrounded difficult. If there's one with a chokepoint, that'll do)
01[23:13] <Maxus> There's the ex-door. A piece of the frame is still there on either side.
06[23:14] * Sister_Serenity shall be left
01[23:14] <Maxus> Then you each have one group of Howlers.
01[23:15] <Maxus> Then the first group tries to dogpile Wes, snarling and snapping at the ceramite plating, probably in vain.
01[23:15] <Maxus> !dice 3#d20+10
[23:15] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 3#d20+10 : 12(4) 14 12(8) 18 12(1) 11
[23:16] <Wes> AC 28
01[23:16] <Maxus> Right.
[23:17] <Wes> (My turn?)
1[23:17] <Maxus> Wes, Round 1. Three of the beasts within five feet of you.
[23:17] <Wes> (Can you grapple as part of a full action?)
01[23:18] <Maxus> What Grapple you trying for. Lift or Hold Down?
[23:18] <Wes> Lift
01[23:18] <Maxus> No.
[23:19] <Wes> Aw well. Full attack.
01[23:19] <Maxus> Roll 'em
[23:19] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Main hand 1
[23:19] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Main hand 1 : 12(2) 30
01[23:19] <Maxus> Hit.
[23:20] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[23:20] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 29
[23:21] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Main hand 2
[23:21] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Main hand 2 : 12(10) 38
01[23:21] <Maxus> Your first just about takes its neck off its shoulders, but recoils--with a scorch mark in its flesh.
01[23:21] <Maxus> Hit
[23:21] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[23:21] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 21
01[23:22] <Maxus> The second strike DOES take its neck off its shoulders. The body drops, black blood sprays, and then it begins to dissolve into dust.
[23:22] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Main hand 3 Different one
[23:22] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Main hand 3 Different one : 12(19) 47
[23:23] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[23:23] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 23
01[23:23] <Maxus> A dreadful blow to shoulder, but a nonfatal one
[23:23] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Off hand 1
[23:23] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Off hand 1 : 12(19) 47
[23:23] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[23:23] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 17
01[23:24] <Maxus> The second blow drops it senseless, but it isn't dead yet. Or, at least, it's not becoming dust in the wind like the first
[23:24] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Off hand 2 third one
[23:24] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Off hand 2 third one : 12(15) 43
[23:24] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[23:24] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 15
[23:25] <Wes> !dice d20+28 Off hand 3 third one
[23:25] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 Off hand 3 third one : 12(6) 34
[23:25] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[23:25] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 18
[23:25] <Wes> Oh right, cleave
01[23:26] <Maxus> The two blows, delivered with the good Captain's left hand, don't end the bea--well, go on and roll another strike, then
[23:26] <Wes> !diced20+28 Main hand 2
[23:26] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[23:26] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 22
[23:27] <Wes> !diced20+28 Off hand 1
[23:27] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[23:27] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 11
01[23:27] <Maxus> (You're not putting spaces in your attack rolls, but you only would miss on a natural 1, so I'll go on and say)
01[23:28] <Maxus> The Captain's humming oversized gauntlet pulps the beast's skull, and the body explodes into dust which disappears.
01[23:28] <Maxus> Ronto, Round 1. You have four of these hounds of Chaos trying for you
[23:28] <Ronto> (Are they in reach or what?)
01[23:28] <Maxus> The four of them are in a 30-foot spread. Two of them are in reach.
[23:29] <Wes> (Ronto, do you have cleave?)
[23:29] <Ronto> (Nope)
02[23:30] * Cyb_bed (Cybaster@Nightstar-amg4bb.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[23:30] <Wes> (You get true strike for one attac)
[23:30] <Wes> (Power attack the fuck out of it)
06[23:30] * Ronto deploys his claws and enters a rage, and shouts his chapter's battlecry!
[23:31] <Ronto> !dice d20+29 (TS and -13 PA)
[23:31] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+29 (TS and -13 PA) : 12(4) 33
01[23:31] <Maxus> Hit.
[23:32] <Wes> "TAKE AIM!"
[23:32] <Wes> (You both get a free auto crit on every hit)
[23:32] <Wes> (Sorry, first hit)
[23:32] <Ronto> !dice d8+22 (and crit apparently? x2)
[23:32] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d8+22 (and crit apparently? x2) : 26
[23:33] <Ronto> !dice 8d6 rage
[23:33] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 8d6 rage : 18
[23:33] <Ronto> !dice d20+22
[23:33] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+22 : 12(7) 29
[23:33] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+17
[23:33] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+12
[23:33] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+17 : 12(9) 26 12(15) 32
[23:33] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+12 : 12(7) 19 12(4) 16
01[23:33] <Maxus> Black blood sprays from its wounds as Ronto lays its whole left side open.
[23:33] <Ronto> (rest of my TWF full attack)
01[23:34] <Maxus> Hit, hit, hit, and miss, unless Wes has Aura of Perfection up
[23:34] <Wes> It's up as it lasts three rounds
01[23:34] <Maxus> Oh, wait, touch attacks for Lightning Claws
01[23:34] <Maxus> In any case, four hits.
[23:34] <Wes> It just takes a swift action to refresh
[23:35] <Ronto> !dice 4#d8+9
[23:35] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 4#d8+9 : 14 11 17 16
[23:35] <Ronto> !dice 4#d10 (shock)
[23:35] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 4#d10 (shock) : 1 1 1 9
01[23:36] <Maxus> Rage dice, too, right?
01[23:36] <Maxus> At least twice.
[23:36] <Ronto> !dice 4#8d6
[23:36] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 4#8d6 : 26 26 26 19
[23:36] <Ronto> (Right. Drowzy)
01[23:36] <Maxus> (De nada.)
01[23:37] <Maxus> He absolutely butchers the two within his reach.
[23:37] <Ronto> "SEMPTER IRATUS!"
01[23:37] <Maxus> The remaining two bound around him, trying to cut in to set up a flank.
01[23:37] <Maxus> !Dice d20+12
[23:37] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+12 : 12(20) 32
01[23:37] <Maxus> !dice d20+10
[23:37] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+10 : 12(20) 30
01[23:37] <Maxus> Welp.
[23:37] <Ronto> (Haha)
01[23:38] <Maxus> !dice 2d8+5
[23:38] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 2d8+5 : 14
01[23:38] <Maxus> !dice 2d8+5
[23:38] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 2d8+5 : 11
01[23:38] <Maxus> DR applies, of course.
01[23:38] <Maxus> And Sister Sirenity, round 1.
[23:38] <Ronto> (DR 50, unless I'm reading this wrong)
[23:39] <Ronto> (Ah, 20)
[23:39] <Wes> (True strike and auto crit for first hit)
01[23:43] <Maxus> So the damage is negated
[23:43] <Sister_Serenity> Right, so how many hounds are paying attention to me?
01[23:44] <Maxus> Three.
01[23:45] <Maxus> They're closing in annndd
01[23:45] <Maxus> Oh, wait, no, you DO move first.
01[23:45] <Maxus> Well, there are paying attention to you and beginning to move
01[23:46] <Maxus> What do you do about it?
[23:49] <Sister_Serenity> I shall give them my ammunition! Standing back, and firing upon them...
[23:49] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+25 left hand attack 1
[23:49] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+25 left hand attack 1 : 12(19) 44
[23:50] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16 Explosion Damage
[23:50] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 Explosion Damage : 30
[23:50] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+25 right hand attack 1
[23:50] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+25 right hand attack 1 : 12(14) 39
[23:50] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16 Explosion Damage
[23:50] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 Explosion Damage : 25
[23:50] <Sister_Serenity> Is that enough to drop the first one, or do I keep focusing on it?
01[23:50] <Maxus> Definitely enough.
01[23:51] <Maxus> These are [Chaotic] [Evil] by the way
[23:52] <Sister_Serenity> Excellent
[23:52] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23 left hand attack 2
[23:52] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 left hand attack 2 : 12(13) 36
[23:52] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16
[23:52] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 : 27
[23:52] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23 right hand attack 2
[23:52] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 right hand attack 2 : 12(16) 39
[23:52] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16
[23:52] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 : 27
01[23:53] <Maxus> And the second one's dead
[23:54] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23 left hand attack 3
[23:54] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 left hand attack 3 : 12(16) 39
[23:54] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16
[23:54] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 : 27
[23:54] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23 right hand attack 3
[23:54] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 right hand attack 3 : 12(2) 25
[23:54] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16
[23:54] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 : 28
[23:55] <Sister_Serenity> Six very loud shots. Six shell casings hit the ground. Six explosions from gunfire. But nothing supernatural this turn. Her turn ends.
01[23:55] <Maxus> All three of the Howlers are vanished with the explosions.
01[23:56] <Maxus> Wes, Round 2. Last two howlers are by Ronto. Going to let him have them?
[23:56] <Wes> I'll give him an auto crit and refresh Perfection Aura
01[23:57] <Maxus> Ronto, round 2.
[23:57] <Wes> (unless he'd prefer an extra attack?)
[23:57] <Wes> (either's fine by me)
[23:58] <Ronto> )oh shit, I did have cleave)
[23:59] <Wes> (Take the auto crit then)
Session Time: Sun Sep 28 00:00:00 2014
06[00:00] * Ronto lets loose a booming roar and charges. (Swift. Furious Bellow. DC 15 Fort save or all enemies within 100' are prone. Could be higher if 1/2 level is added.)
01[00:01] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+7
[00:01] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+7 : 12(8) 15 12(14) 21
01[00:01] <Maxus> Charging is not applicable. They're in front and behind you, having tried for a flank
[00:02] <Ronto> (Oh.)
06[00:02] * Ronto just full attacks.
[00:02] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+27
[00:02] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+27 : 12(3) 30 12(14) 41
[00:02] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+22
[00:02] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+17
[00:02] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+22 : 12(17) 39 12(15) 37
[00:02] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+17 : 12(18) 35 12(9) 26
[00:02] <Wes> (if you want I can also give you a free move action)
01[00:03] <Maxus> Not a worry. I'm pretty sure he just ended them both
[00:03] <Ronto> !dice 6#8d6
[00:03] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 6#8d6 : 27 29 27 32 20 24
[00:03] <Wes> (+22, extra BAB attacks are capped at -5)
[00:03] <Ronto> (Oh. Right. Tome game.)
01[00:04] <Maxus> (By ballparking...yeah. Ronto just butchered the lot of them)
01[00:04] <Maxus> The explosions and howls and yelps have ended. The three champions of the Imperium stand amid the vanished bodies, save for the one Wes struck down but apparently did not fully slay.
[00:06] <Ronto> "PITIFUL."
[00:06] <Sister_Serenity> "I wonder whether these are mutants or daemons... this area is full of new monsters. Still, threat neutralised."
[00:07] <Wes> "Here at least. Let's proceed."
01[00:08] <Maxus> Take the stairs--which seem badly-sized for Astartes--or push through the foliage up the hill?
[00:08] <Wes> "Hmm, should we take this creature back to base for analysis?"
01[00:08] <Maxus> These wide stairs bisect a three tiered orchard filled to bursting with apple trees and shrubbery grown tall and wild. The stairs are very steep, and taller and more shallow than would seem practical; each step is easily as high as a grown man’s knees, and no more than a hand’s breadth deep. The stairs seem to be in good condition, but the deep crimson stains splattered on every step are ominous, to say the least.
[00:09] <Wes> "Eh, we could think about it later. It's not going anywhere"
06[00:11] * Sister_Serenity floats above the stairs.
06[00:11] * Wes takes out his Auspex
01[00:12] <Maxus> Searching for what?
[00:13] <Wes> Chaos
[00:13] <Wes> !dice d20+24
[00:13] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+24 : 12(16) 40
[00:13] <Wes> DC 10
01[00:13] <Maxus> He finds nothing ahead or two the sides
06[00:13] * Ronto DDs up the steps.
01[00:13] <Maxus> But nonetheless, when Sirenity reaches a point on the second tier of the hill...
01[00:14] <Maxus> Sirenity, two Reflex saves.
06[00:14] * Wes grumbles. "I need to get me a teleporter"
06[00:14] * Wes starts climbing up the stairs
[00:14] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+20 Reflexes
[00:14] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+20 Reflexes : 12(13) 33 12(9) 29
01[00:14] <Maxus> You take...
01[00:15] <Maxus> !dice 2#6d4
[00:15] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 2#6d4 : 14 16
1[00:16] <Maxus> 7 and 8acid damage, and there's a dreadful roaring. There's something on either side of the path, and they just blew a line of dreadful-smelling clear ichor which is eating at the stones and plants
01[00:16] <Maxus> Initiative!
01[00:16] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20-1
[00:16] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20-1 : 12(20) 19 12(16) 15
06[00:16] * Sister_Serenity hisses at the pain. "Carefull, we have enemies!"
[00:16] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[00:16] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(4) 13
[00:16] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+4
[00:16] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+4 : 12(10) 14
[00:17] <Sister_Serenity> (Or 19 if I'm in Perfection range)
01[00:17] <Maxus> I don't think Wes was that far behind you.
[00:17] <Ronto> !dice d20+11
[00:17] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 : 12(13) 24
01[00:18] <Maxus> Initiative order:
01[00:19] <Maxus> Ronto, Male Dracolisk (left side), Sirenity, Wes, Female Dracolisk (right side)
01[00:19] <Maxus> The beasts are some ten feet off the path, but made a line to catch Sirenity in the crossfire. They're a bit hard to see with the foliage and their coloration.
01[00:19] <Maxus> Ronto. Round 1.
01[00:21] <Maxus> The one on the left seems to be twenty-five feet away, the one on the right some forty.
06[00:22] * Ronto charges to the closest one, and gives flurry of slashes (Full PA, Furious Charge = full attack)
01[00:23] <Maxus> Roll 'em
[00:23] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+17
[00:23] <Ronto> !dice 4#d20+12
[00:23] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+17 : 12(4) 21 12(19) 36
[00:23] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 4#d20+12 : 12(14) 26 12(13) 25 12(16) 28 12(17) 29
[00:24] <Ronto> (I'd had to recalculate; checked over the machine spirit rules and added my enhancement bonuses)
01[00:24] <Maxus> It all hits.
[00:24] <Ronto> !dice d20+17 (crit confirm?)
[00:24] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+17 (crit confirm?) : 12(7) 24
[00:24] <Ronto> !dice d20+12 (crit confirm 2?)
[00:24] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+12 (crit confirm 2?) : 12(8) 20
01[00:24] <Maxus> Confirmed, confirme.
[00:24] <Ronto> (17-20/x2 threat)
[00:25] <Ronto> !dice 6#d8+25
[00:25] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 6#d8+25 : 30 26 26 26 28 27
[00:26] <Ronto> (Technically +2 to each from the Str bonus from Furious Charge, but whatever.)
[00:27] <Ronto> (Done.)
01[00:28] <Maxus> Ronto's glowing, crackling claws part black scales like they were paper, and spill several organs upon the ground. The reptilian thing drops like a stone.
01[00:28] <Maxus> And doesn't move.
01[00:28] <Maxus> Sirenity, Round 1.
01[00:28] <Maxus> You have a beast some thirty feet to your right.
[00:29] <Sister_Serenity> Well, time to attack the other one. First, Fast Healing restores 3 HP. Then, she opens up with both pistols.
[00:29] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+24 Know: Religion for bonus damage on one shot
[00:29] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+24 Know: Religion for bonus damage on one shot : 12(1) 25
[00:30] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+30 attack rolls
[00:30] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+30 attack rolls : 12(2) 32 12(6) 36
01[00:30] <Maxus> Hit and hit.
[00:31] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 6d6+16 first shot (Radiant Assault)
[00:31] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 6d6+16 first shot (Radiant Assault) : 26
[00:31] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16 second shot
[00:31] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 second shot : 24
[00:31] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+28 the other shots
[00:31] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+28 the other shots : 12(19) 47 12(19) 47 12(6) 34 12(3) 31
01[00:31] <Maxus> Roll that damage.
[00:31] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#3d6+16
[00:31] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#3d6+16 : 29 29 31 26
01[00:32] <Maxus> Serenity ventilates the Dracolisk on the right.
[00:32] <Sister_Serenity> "The enemies of humanity shall all suffer a rapid death!"
[00:33] <Wes> (What's in the room?)
01[00:33] <Maxus> There seems to be a large amount of wildlife here. Nonetheless, the way is clear to the Abbey's great front door.
01[00:33] <Maxus> (You're outdoors, halfway up the hill to the Abbey)
[00:35] <Wes> "Good work soldiers. Now then, onwards."
06[00:37] * Ronto stomps on forward.
06[00:38] * Wes follows, surveying the area
[00:38] <Wes> !dice d20+5 Spot
[00:38] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+5 Spot : 12(5) 10
01[00:38] <Maxus> The walls of the Abbey are black marble reinforced with iron bars at regular intervals. Some unwholesome growth had made it quite slippery. The door is almost gothic in its proportions, a high, arched point.
[00:39] <Wes> (Is it open?)
01[00:39] <Maxus> The front doors of the abbey loom before you, set on a raised dais at the top of a short flight of black marble stairs. The twin doors are enormous, tall as a giant, wide enough for two wagons to pass through abreast with room to spare, and adorned with two brass knockers as large as a man’s head.
01[00:40] <Maxus> They are not open
[00:41] <Wes> (Are there any windows?)
01[00:41] <Maxus> There were once, but they've been boarded over up high or blocked in down low--some time ago, judging by the discolorations involved
06[00:41] * Ronto tries to boot them open, "KNOCK KNOCK, ASSHOLES!"
[00:42] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 STR
[00:42] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 STR : 12(11) 30
01[00:42] <Maxus> Right before he hits the door, the door flies open.
[00:42] <Ronto> "SON OF A BITCH!"
01[00:42] <Maxus> !dice d20+18
[00:42] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+18 : 12(17) 35
[00:43] <Wes> (Did he hit someone?)
01[00:43] <Maxus> Opposed Strength check, modified by size, vs being Bullrushed
1[00:43] <Maxus> By being hit by the door slamming open
[00:43] <Wes> (Enough time to assist?)
[00:43] <Ronto> (Oh, well I get a +10 vs getting knocked down)
[00:48] <Ronto> (So... I'm bull rushes?)
[00:48] <Ronto> *rushed
01[00:48] <Maxus> Back five feet, yes.
01[00:49] <Maxus> The great door flying open shoves even the mighty (and weighty) Ronto back. In the middle of the door is a pair of creatures: A great four-legged beast, leather-winged and with the head of a lion, a dragon, and a gorgon, and a 12-foot-tall two-headed humanoid with a club in one great hand.
01[00:49] <Maxus> !dice d20+1 Gorgimera
[00:49] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+1 Gorgimera : 12(2) 3
01[00:50] <Maxus> !dice d20+3 Ettin
[00:50] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+3 Ettin : 12(8) 11
01[00:50] <Maxus> Initiative, folks
[00:50] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[00:50] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(15) 24
01[00:50] <Maxus> The multi-headed beast must have charged the door to knock it open
[00:51] <Ronto> !dice d20+6 (+11 if aura applies)
[00:51] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+6 (+11 if aura applies) : 12(1) 7
[00:52] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 Init
[00:52] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 Init : 12(7) 16
01[00:53] <Maxus> Initiative order:
[00:53] <Sister_Serenity> "What sort of abomination is this?"
01[00:53] <Maxus> Wes, Sirenity, Ronto, Ettin, and Gorgimera.
01[00:53] <Maxus> The Gorgimera is in the doorway, the Etiin is behind and to one side, picking up another wrought metal club
[00:54] <Wes> Charge pounce the Gorgimera
01[00:54] <Maxus> Roll it
[00:55] <Wes> !dice d20+32 Main Hand
[00:55] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+32 Main Hand : 12(4) 36
01[00:55] <Maxus> Hit
[00:55] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[00:55] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 30
[00:55] <Wes> x2, 60
[00:55] <Wes> !dice d20+27 Main Hand 2
[00:55] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+27 Main Hand 2 : 12(10) 37
[00:56] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[00:56] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 25
[00:56] <Wes> x2, 50
[00:56] <Wes> !dice d20+27 Main Hand 3
[00:56] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+27 Main Hand 3 : 12(13) 40
[00:56] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[00:56] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 23
[00:56] <Wes> x2, 46
[00:56] <Wes> !dice d20+32 Offhand 1
[00:56] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+32 Offhand 1 : 12(5) 37
[00:56] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[00:56] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 25
01[00:57] <Maxus> (It's dead man)
[00:57] <Wes> (Ah, nifty)
[00:57] <Wes> (True strike and auto crits for all)
01[00:57] <Maxus> West breaks each head's neck, and then punches in its ribcage, leaving the Ettin shocked.
01[00:57] <Maxus> Sirenity, Round 1
[00:58] <Sister_Serenity> Sister Serenity does things a bit differently this time: she takes the pin out of a Krak grenade, and tosses it right at the Ettin
[00:59] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 8d6 explosion (5' radius, Ref DC 17 half)
[00:59] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 8d6 explosion (5' radius, Ref DC 17 half) : 39
01[00:59] <Maxus> Oh, and Wes's Auspex is pinging repeatedly: The Ettin seems to be a thin of Chaos
01[00:59] <Maxus> !dice d20+3
[00:59] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+3 : 12(18) 21
01[00:59] <Maxus> So 19 damage from Krak Grenade
[00:59] <Sister_Serenity> Okay, so 19 damage. That's Fire/Piercing
[01:00] <Sister_Serenity> She then hovers to the side a little, not blocking any kind of charging path.
01[01:00] <Maxus> The fire seems not to find his skin as well, but the shrapnel bites hard.
01[01:00] <Maxus> Ronto. Round 1.
[01:01] <Ronto> (What size is the chimera corpse?)
01[01:01] <Maxus> Large.
06[01:02] * Ronto grabs the corpse and hurls it at the ettin (Hurl Opponent)
01[01:02] <Maxus> Roll it.
[01:03] <Ronto> !dice d20+15 attack (if needed)
[01:03] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+15 attack (if needed) : 12(17) 32
01[01:03] <Maxus> !dice d20+5
[01:03] <~Yuffie> Maxus : Result of5 d20+5 : 12(2) 7
01[01:03] <Maxus> So he fails and takes...
[01:04] <Ronto> !dice 4d6+9
[01:04] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 4d6+9 : 25
01[01:05] <Maxus> The chimera knocks the Ettin down, and continues on to splat against a while. The Ettin's breath whooshes out of both windpipes
[01:06] <Ronto> (Done)
[01:07] <Wes> (Is it alive?)
01[01:08] <Maxus> The Ettin clambers back to his feet, putting the ends of his clubs against the ground and pushing upright. He moves over a bit, but one head glances over at the chimera's corpse.
01[01:08] <Maxus> (Yes)
01[01:08] <Maxus> He readies his twin clubs for swinging
01[01:08] <Maxus> Wes, Round 2
06[01:10] * Wes tries to charge it and lift it
[01:10] <Wes> !dice d20+9 Tumble
[01:10] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 Tumble : 12(11) 20
01[01:10] <Maxus> Touch attack aaand
01[01:11] <Maxus> Beat a DC 29 on your lift attempt.
[01:12] <Wes> !dice d20+28
[01:12] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 : 12(15) 43
01[01:12] <Maxus> Wes closes in despite a warding swipe and lifts, yes, LIFTS a twelve-foot-tall overmuscled two-headed giant
06[01:13] * Wes holds it out in front of him. "Batter up!"
01[01:13] <Maxus> it's trying to get away, to no avail. What do you do with it?
[01:14] <Ronto> (G-G-Gerrrrrman suplex!)
[01:14] <Wes> (I suppose I'll piledrive it. Coup de Grace)
01[01:14] <Maxus> Go for it.
[01:14] <Wes> (Or yeah, that!)
[01:15] <Wes> !dice 2d10+40
[01:15] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 2d10+40 : 45
[01:15] <Wes> (Do I roll all my BAB attacks?)
01[01:15] <Maxus> No.
[01:15] <Wes> x5
[01:16] <Wes> 225 I think
[01:16] <Wes> Oh wait sorry
01[01:16] <Maxus> Wes puts a spiderweb of cracks into the floor as he folds the Ettin in half.
[01:16] <Wes> !1d10+20
[01:16] <Wes> dice !1d10+20
[01:16] <Wes> !dice 1d10+20
[01:16] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 1d10+20 : 21
01[01:16] <Maxus> (Third time's a charm!)
[01:16] <Wes> x5 = 125
[01:17] <Ronto> "NOT BAD."
06[01:18] * Wes Wes smiles slightly, professionalism cracking a bit. "Much appreciated soldier."
01[01:18] <Maxus> As you step through the abbey’s doors, you are assaulted by a foul wind stinking of brimstone, sweat, and animal droppings. The air here is hot and thick, and the shadows that wreathe the interior only add to the oppressive feeling.
01[01:18] <Maxus> You stand at the entrance to a grand chamber that is impressive by any standard. Fully 40 feet to a side, with a high vaulted ceiling reaching at least 30 feet above your heads and walls covered with stained frescoes, the chamber must have been beautiful once, but now it feels like nothing so much as a despoiled tomb.
1[01:18] <Maxus> You stand at the entrance to a grand chamber that is impressive by any standard. Fully 40 feet to a side, with a high vaulted ceiling reaching at least 30 feet above your heads and walls covered with stained frescoes, the chamber must have been beautiful once, but now it feels like nothing so much as a despoiled tomb.
01[01:18] <Maxus> Directly across from you is a raised platform upon which a tall, golden throne sits. Even from here, you can see that the throne is in dire need of repair; its legs are buckled, and both arms are bent outward severely, as though it had been squashed down by a great weight.
01[01:18] <Maxus> Open doorways stand directly opposite one another to either side of you. Both are sealed with what appears to be sturdy wooden doors. Mansized stone statues are set in alcoves on either side of each door, marble sentinels standing a grim vigil.
01[01:19] <Maxus> K (Religion) checks if you'd like
[01:19] <Wes> !dice d20+3
[01:19] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+3 : 12(14) 17
[01:20] <Ronto> !DICE D20+13
[01:20] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 D20+13 : 12(18) 31
[01:20] <Ronto> (By Angry Marine standards, Ronto is an ice-blooded bookworm)
01[01:22] <Maxus> Auspex, anyone?
[01:22] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+24 Know Religion
[01:22] <~Yuffie> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+24 Know Religion : 12(4) 28
[01:22] <Wes> (Right)
06[01:22] * Wes sets the Auspex to Detect Magic
06[01:23] * Ronto takes out his and scans for Secret Doors.
[01:23] <Ronto> !dice d20+16 UMD - DC 12
[01:23] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+16 UMD - DC 12 : 12(10) 26
06[01:23] * Wes sets the Auspex to Detect traps
[01:24] <Wes> !dice d20+24 vs DC 20
[01:24] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+24 vs DC 20 : 12(7) 31
06[01:26] * Ronto attempts to open up a small door in the chest of the rising martyr frescoe.
06[01:26] * Wes heads towards a statue at the East wall
01[01:27] <Maxus> Ronto's efforts come up with a necklace, beautiful and pearly-white.
06[01:28] * Ronto scans the area for traps.
06[01:28] * Sister_Serenity has been looking over the frescoes and iconography. "You know... it appears that this isn't the first time the Imperium has made contact with - indeed settled - this planet."
[01:28] <Ronto> !dice d20+16 UMD - DC 20
[01:28] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+16 UMD - DC 20 : 12(8) 24
01[01:29] <Maxus> No traps.
6[01:28] * Sister_Serenity has been looking over the frescoes and iconography. "You know... it appears that this isn't the first time the Imperium has made contact with - indeed settled - this planet."
[01:28] <Ronto> !dice d20+16 UMD - DC 20
[01:28] <~Yuffie> Ronto : Result of5 d20+16 UMD - DC 20 : 12(8) 24
01[01:29] <Maxus> No traps.
06[01:29] * Wes glances at serenity and raises an eyebrow while examining the statue. "Go on"
01[01:30] <Maxus> It's a piece of the fresco. Ronto just opened up a hidden door in its chest to pull out whatever was magic there
06[01:30] * Ronto pauses, then looks at the north artwork and compares it to the room at large.
01[01:32] <Maxus> Obviously the same space before it was corrupted by Chaos.
01[01:33] <Maxus> There's a lot more to the Abbey than the main chapel. Doors to your right and your left, for one.
06[01:33] * Ronto chucks the necklace at Wes.
[01:33] <Sister_Serenity> "Not only is this in such a similar style to our own, but the events depicted... we need to purge this building, yes. We must start again, building from the ashes of the ruins."
06[01:33] * Wes catches it and uses Identify
[01:33] <Wes> !dice d20+24
[01:33] <~Yuffie> Wes : Result of5 d20+24 : 12(14) 38
[01:34] <Wes> DC 15
Personal PC info--like Spot Check and Knowledge Results--were given via PM. Not gonna reproduce those.

DC is a game of big numbers and powerful equipment. This adventure also starts off with a lot of lower-CR stuff in groups that would be threatening if it wasn't Dungeon Crusade characters. I don't mind this too much, it's more or less what I had in mind with "Turn Warhammer loose on pre-written adventure modules".

When it's all done, I'll say what the adventure is. This isn't a bad one.
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Maxus »

Don't forget we have a session tomorrow and the day after. 9 central time (same time as last session)
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by radthemad4 »

Roughly 7:45 + 24 hours from this post's timing right?
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Post by Maxus »

He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Maxus »

Finished the adventure just now. I'll start a PBP thread when an adventure and characters are settled and this shall be the OOC thread. Anyone who's thinking about it, let me know. I'll try to get a 4-5 person group.

Looking at Assault-tier adventures. Koumei has been revising Assault Tier, and this gave some good instances of stuff to fix with Siege Tier, so, who knows, by the time we're done with a few adventures in Normal People Land, Siege Tier will be ready for another whirl.

1[21:06] <Maxus> 3
01[21:06] <Maxus> 2
01[21:06] <Maxus> 1
01[21:06] <Maxus> THE EMPEROR PROTECTS
[21:07] <Wes> (I was using detect magic on a statue)
01[21:08] <Maxus> Last time, the might of the Imperium made itself known in the forms of Captain Wes of the Minotaurs, Ronto the Angry Marine Terminator, and Sister Serenity of the Adeptas Sororitas. They have cleared through the beasts contaminating this abbey, most recently a pair of unholy warp-melded abomination, one a giant humanoid with two heads, the other a multiheaded beast.
01[21:14] <Maxus> Now the trio have had time to examine this room, finding a rosary. And now, Ronto is heading out the western door. There's a great latitudinal hallway, running across the abby. The door to the left probably goes to the western belltower. To the right is a somewhat ornate door.
01[21:14] <Maxus> At the far end, Ronto can see the setup--doors to the left and the right is mirror. In the middle, is a large grand entrance, probably to the abbey's main chapel.
01[21:15] <Maxus> Start
06[21:16] * Wes follows Ronto, and gestures Serenity to follow along as well.
01[21:17] <Maxus> *is mirrored
[21:18] <Wes> (videogame experience suggests going for the middle last, but we don't have to worry about points of no return here)
[21:18] <Wes> (unless Ronto breaks the walls or something...)
[21:18] <Wes> (How about left, then right, then middle?)
[21:19] <Wes> (closest to furthest)
[21:19] <Wes> (perhaps going through the walls instead of going back to the corridor)
[21:21] <Wes> (or do we split up gang?)
[21:23] <Ronto> (Let's go as group)
[21:24] <Wes> (K)
01[21:24] <Maxus> Which way? Got a door on your left, door on your right. Behind you, you have double doors going to the chapel. Even further is another left/right door check.
[21:25] <Sister_Serenity> (Never split up, you fool!)
[21:25] <Wes> (First door on the left?)
[21:25] <Ronto> !dice 1d3 (1-left, 2 middle, 3 right)
[21:25] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 1d3 (1-left, 2 middle, 3 right) : 3
[21:25] <Wes> (K, right it is)
[21:25] <Sister_Serenity> "Let's take the sides first. Chances are they both have access to the central, and we needn't let them all come to us at once from all sides."
[21:26] <Wes> (How many doors in the corridor?)
[21:27] <Ronto> (Goddamn I hate reclining office chairs.)
01[21:27] <Maxus> Two (left and right) by you. Behind you, in the middle of the corridor, is a one to the left, going to the chapel. At the far end of the corridor is another pair of doors. It seems the corridors turn onto other corridors which go beside the chapel.
01[21:29] <Maxus> So, the door on the right. Who's going first?
06[21:29] * Wes heads towards the door on the right. He stands next to the door, nods at his teammates and then punches it from behind the wall.
[21:30] <Wes> !dice d20+23
[21:30] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+23 : 12(2) 25
01[21:30] <Maxus> In stark contrast to the rest of this thrice-damned abbey, this round room is well lit and pleasantly warm, as though it held the very essence of spring. A gentle breeze, which seems to flow from the walls, carresses exposed skin.
01[21:30] <Maxus> An immense golden disk in the shape of a stylized
01[21:30] <Maxus> sun sways gently on a chain high above your
01[21:30] <Maxus> heads. There are a few piles of something that
01[21:30] <Maxus> appears to be shimmering copper shells lying
01[21:30] <Maxus> about the room, but it is otherwise empty.
01[21:30] <Maxus> (( Oops, didn't get a chance to fix formatting, typo'd ))
01[21:31] <Maxus> Listen check, folks
[21:31] <Wes> !dice d20
[21:31] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20 : 15
[21:31] <Wes> +5=20
[21:31] <Ronto> !dice d20-1
[21:31] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20-1 : 12(6) 5
06[21:32] * Wes looks up at the ceiling
01[21:33] <Maxus> The disk is very pretty. And directly above you in a scorpion-man, with two tails an and axe. With surprisingly swiftness he swings the axe twice and stabs with both tails at Wes.
01[21:34] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+15
[21:34] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+15 : 12(10) 25 12(20) 35
[21:34] <Wes> 35 hits
01[21:34] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+13 tails
[21:34] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+13 tails : 12(20) 33 12(14) 27
01[21:34] <Maxus> !dice d20+15 axe confirm?
[21:34] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+15 axe confirm? : 12(4) 19
01[21:34] <Maxus> !dice d20+13 tail confirm?
[21:34] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+13 tail confirm? : 12(12) 25
[21:34] <Wes> Nope
[21:35] <Wes> No confirmation
[21:35] <Wes> AC 28
01[21:35] <Maxus> !dice 1d10+6 axe damage
[21:35] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 1d10+6 axe damage : 14
01[21:35] <Maxus> !dice d6+3 tail sting
[21:35] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d6+3 tail sting : 6
[21:35] <Wes> Bypasses DR?
01[21:35] <Maxus> And DC 18 fort save vs poison from tail
01[21:35] <Maxus> No.
[21:35] <Wes> !dice d20+18 (including perfection)
[21:35] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+18 (including perfection) : 12(7) 25
01[21:36] <Maxus> I guess the poison wouldn't get him anyway
[21:36] <Wes> Made the save. DR 50
1[21:36] <Maxus> It drops now, pushing away from the wall to land in the middle of this twenty-foot-wide room, a daemonic figure. Roll initiative!
01[21:37] <Maxus> !dice d20+7
[21:37] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+7 : 12(19) 26
[21:37] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[21:37] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(15) 24
[21:37] <Ronto> !dice d20+6 (before aura)
[21:37] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+6 (before aura) : 12(14) 20
[21:39] <Wes> (Do Juggernaut and Powerful Build stack for grapple? I didn't add either last time?)
[21:39] <Wes> (typo. no question mark at the end)
01[21:39] <Maxus> (They do.)
[21:40] <Wes> (Ah, nifty)
[21:40] <Sister_Serenity> (Is Perfection on?)
[21:40] <Wes> (Yep. Always)
[21:40] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 Init then
[21:40] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 Init then : 12(14) 23
01[21:41] <Maxus> Order: The Gharros Demon, Wes, Serenity, and Ronto.
01[21:41] <Maxus> Round 1
01[21:41] <Maxus> The Gharros rushes Wes, again the axe flashing and the twin tails of its scorpion body striking.
01[21:41] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+15
[21:41] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+15 : 12(7) 22 12(4) 19
[21:42] <Wes> Nope
01[21:42] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+13
[21:42] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+13 : 12(4) 17 12(5) 18
[21:42] <Wes> Nope
01[21:42] <Maxus> The expression on its distorted face is hard to read, but it's seeming dismayed now
01[21:43] <Maxus> Wes, Round 1.
[21:44] <Wes> !dice d20+23 touch attack to lift.
[21:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+23 touch attack to lift. : 12(20) 43
[21:44] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Grapple
[21:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Grapple : 12(14) 45
[21:44] <Wes> Oh right, perfection, make those 48 and 50
[21:44] <Wes> (parentheses)*
01[21:46] <Maxus> You have him lifted
[21:46] <Wes> (Can I double coup de grace damage if I charge a wall?)
[21:48] <Wes> (Idea is to sort of slam it against it)
06[21:52] * Wes runs up to a nearby wall and slams the scorpion creature against it
01[21:52] <Maxus> (Go for it. Up to speed now)
[21:53] <Wes> (What size is it?)
01[21:53] <Maxus> Large. Roll damage, though, your attack bonuses are such you can't miss a wall
[21:55] <Wes> !dice 2d6+31
[21:55] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 2d6+31 : 37
[21:55] <Wes> !dice 2d6+31
[21:55] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 2d6+31 : 37
01[21:55] <Maxus> (Yes, it would)
[21:55] <Wes> x2
[21:55] <Wes> Okay, x7
[21:56] <Wes> 259 damage
01[21:56] <Maxus> Wes grabs the scorpion demon-man up and knocks him in half against the wall
01[21:57] <Maxus> Well, that was excessive.
[21:57] <Wes> Oh right, I get x5 from the Power fists. Not sure if that applies here.
01[21:58] <Maxus> Now that you have time to take stock, the small copper-colored pieces seem to be bits of its caparace that had fallen off.
[21:58] <Wes> (I suppose it would be the usual x2, making it x4)
[21:58] <Ronto> "MAKE A WISH."
06[21:59] * Wes takes out his Auspex
01[21:59] <Maxus> Still--dissipating daemon-body beside--this room is pleasant. Nicely lit, and smells cleaner.
[21:59] <Wes> (Detect Magic)
[22:00] <Wes> !dice d20+25
[22:00] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 : 12(8) 33
01[22:02] <Maxus> The sundisk is rather powerfully magic. The golden thing is five feet across, with another two feet of stylized sun rays around it.
[22:02] <Sister_Serenity> "That foe was remarkably short-lived. Impressive display of power."
[22:04] <Wes> "Thank you. The xenos here are no match for the Imperium."
[22:04] <Wes> (Set Auspex to Identify)
[22:05] <Wes> !dice d20+25
[22:05] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 : 12(20) 45
[22:05] <Wes> (Why do I get 20s on rolls that don't matter :S)
01[22:06] <Maxus> Across the hallway, the door does indeed open into the Western Belltower. However, the floor is largely covered with mounds of rubble--the tower exterior is pretty much intact, but the stairways and other interior bits have been wreck. A large bronze bell lays half-buried in the rubble.
[22:07] <Wes> "We should take this back for further analysis after we're done here"
[22:07] <Wes> (Should he head to the other door first?)
[22:07] <Wes> we*
01[22:08] <Maxus> (I just described the contents in the interest of brevity)
06[22:08] * Ronto knocks the bell
01[22:09] <Maxus> BONG. BONG. BONG.
01[22:10] <Maxus> A bit dented, but it seems it didn't mess up the sound too badly.
01[22:11] <Maxus> Where are you going now? Other end of the hallway or trying the doors?
01[22:12] <Maxus> *trying the middle doors
[22:12] <Wes> (Let's try the doors first)
01[22:13] <Maxus> As you walk, you reach the first left turn deeper into the Abbey.
01[22:14] <Maxus> Rounding the corner, you discover that this hallway ends abruptly at a solid wall. As you stop to assess the situation, you notice that the statues in this intersection are larger than normal, and much more imposing. To your sudden horror, the statues come rumbling to life and thunder towards you, swords raised!
01[22:15] <Maxus> The statues are female, half-wearing a sort of sheet, quite beautiful apart from the large swords in their hands.
01[22:15] <Maxus> Initiative
1[22:15] <Maxus> !dice 6#d20-2
[22:15] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 6#d20-2 : 12(3) 1 12(4) 2 12(20) 18 12(5) 3 12(15) 13 12(9) 7
[22:15] <Wes> !dice d20+9 Initiative
[22:15] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 Initiative : 12(5) 14
[22:16] <Ronto> !dice d20+11
[22:16] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 : 12(18) 29
01[22:18] <Maxus> *female-looking
[22:19] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 oh snap
[22:19] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 oh snap : 12(13) 22
01[22:19] <Maxus> Battle Order:
01[22:20] <Maxus> Ronto, Sirenity, Fast Statue, Wes, All the Rest Of the Statues.
01[22:20] <Maxus> They are moving slowly, trying to block the corridor.
01[22:20] <Maxus> Ronto, round 1
[22:20] <Ronto> (Distance to closest statue?)
01[22:22] <Maxus> (Ack, sorry)
01[22:22] <Maxus> Five feet.
[22:23] <Wes> (How many in a line from him?)
[22:23] <Wes> (Or, can be put in a line, via a five foot step?)
01[22:24] <Maxus> Three. They're stepping out of their alcoves and moving towards you lot.
06[22:24] * Ronto enters a rage and steps up to bring the pain, "IDOLS OF A FALSE GOD!"
06[22:25] * Ronto slices with his power claws
[22:25] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA)
[22:25] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA) : 12(19) 38 12(19) 38
[22:25] <Ronto> !dice 4#d20+14 (Rage, -13 PA)
[22:25] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 4#d20+14 (Rage, -13 PA) : 12(11) 25 12(8) 22 12(18) 32 12(13) 27
[22:25] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+19 (confirm?)
[22:26] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+19 (confirm?) : 12(8) 27 12(20) 39
[22:26] <Ronto> (Oh right, no crits)
01[22:26] <Maxus> Still.
01[22:27] <Maxus> Roll damage.
[22:27] <Ronto> (All hits? Also, I has Horde breaker so cleave is doable)
01[22:28] <Maxus> Yep. Power weapons, yo.
[22:28] <Ronto> !dice 8#1d8+17
[22:28] <Ronto> !dice 8#1d10 (elec)
[22:28] <Ronto> !dice 8#8d6 (rage)
[22:28] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 8#1d8+17 : 21 24 21 19 21 23 25 19
[22:28] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 8#1d10 (elec) : 9 9 2 3 2 5 8 6
[22:28] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 8#8d6 (rage) : 32 26 31 27 33 21 22 35
[22:28] <Ronto> (I think it dies)
01[22:28] <Maxus> Safe bet.
01[22:29] <Maxus> The statues are rather solid, but no match for Ronto's fury. The subject os his ire is left in pieces, and immediately stops moving.
01[22:30] <Maxus> You can reach another with a step for Cleave. Gonna go for it?
[22:30] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 (cleave)
[22:30] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 (cleave) : 12(1) 20
[22:30] <Ronto> (haha)
[22:31] <Ronto> "BRING IT!"
[22:31] <Ronto> (Done)
01[22:31] <Maxus> One down, five to go. Sirenity, round 1
[22:32] <Sister_Serenity> Survivors you say? NOT FOR LONG
06[22:33] * Sister_Serenity automatically passes a DC 25 Know: Religion check and opens up on the mo-fos
[22:33] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+25 first two shots
[22:33] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+25 first two shots : 12(8) 33 12(4) 29
01[22:34] <Maxus> Hit and hit.
[22:35] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 6d6+16 first damage, brilliant light!
[22:35] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 6d6+16 first damage, brilliant light! : 33
[22:35] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16 second damage
[22:35] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 second damage : 27
[22:35] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+22 other four shots
[22:35] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+22 other four shots : 12(19) 41 12(9) 31 12(18) 40 12(19) 41
[22:36] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#3d6+16 PEW PEW PEW
[22:36] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#3d6+16 PEW PEW PEW : 26 26 22 24
01[22:36] <Maxus> All hits, actually.
01[22:37] <Maxus> So she does...enough damage to drop another one, and hit a second.
01[22:37] <Maxus> *and hurt a second
01[22:37] <Maxus> The statue is blasted to rubble, and falls. It was the quick one.
01[22:37] <Maxus> Wes, Round 1.
[22:37] <Wes> (3 left right?)
[22:38] <Wes> (How close are they to each other?)
01[22:40] <Maxus> Four left. One is on the left side of the hallway. Three are on the right side. The three on the right are all next to each other
[22:41] <Wes> (Charge pounce the ones on the right!)
[22:41] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Main hand 1
[22:41] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Main hand 1 : 12(15) 50
01[22:42] <Maxus> Hit
[22:42] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[22:42] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 25
[22:42] <Wes> x2=50
[22:42] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Main hand 2
[22:42] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Main hand 2 : 12(4) 39
01[22:42] <Maxus> Hit
[22:42] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[22:42] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 24
[22:42] <Wes> x2 = 48
[22:42] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Main hand 3
[22:42] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Main hand 3 : 12(11) 46
[22:43] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[22:43] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 25
[22:43] <Wes> x2 = 50
[22:43] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Off hand 1
[22:43] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Off hand 1 : 12(14) 49
[22:43] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[22:43] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 17
[22:43] <Wes> x2= 34
01[22:43] <Maxus> It's now destroyed
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Off hand 1 cleave
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Off hand 1 cleave : 12(15) 50
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 14
[22:44] <Wes> x2=28
01[22:44] <Maxus> And you put a crack in that one.
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Off hand 2
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Off hand 2 : 12(4) 39
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 12
[22:44] <Wes> 24
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d20+35 Off hand 3
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+35 Off hand 3 : 12(1) 36
[22:44] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[22:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 11
[22:44] <Wes> x2=22
01[22:45] <Maxus> The crack widens.
[22:45] <Wes> (True strikes and auto crits for all next turn)
[22:45] <Wes> (No wait, one extra attack)
[22:45] <Wes> (These are immune to crits right?)
01[22:45] <Maxus> The three that remain lurch forward. You could easily outrun these, but they challenge the imperium. For some reason, they take swings at Sirenity.
01[22:46] <Maxus> !dice 3#d20+15
[22:46] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 3#d20+15 : 12(19) 34 12(8) 23 12(20) 35
01[22:49] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+15 confirm?
[22:49] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+15 confirm? : 12(6) 21 12(12) 27
[22:51] <Sister_Serenity> AC 33
[22:52] <Sister_Serenity> So... two hits, zero critical
01[22:52] <Maxus> Two hits, neither crits.
01[22:52] <Maxus> !dice 2#2d6+5
[22:52] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#2d6+5 : 9 12
[22:52] <Wes> DR 30 IIRC
01[22:52] <Maxus> *tink*
[22:52] <Sister_Serenity> (30/Adamantine and 13/Chaos)
6[22:53] * Sister_Serenity is reminded that while the sorceries of this primitive world are intense, the regular weaponry used is laughable.
01[22:53] <Maxus> Ronto, Round 2. Got three statues, one of them badly cracked. They're lined up to block the hallway, the one on the right being in the worst shape
[22:55] <Wes> (You've got True strike)
06[22:57] * Ronto bullrushes the one on the right, attempting to ram through the wall.
[22:58] <Ronto> !dice d20+18 (STR + Pow Build + Perfection)
[22:58] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+18 (STR + Pow Build + Perfection) : 12(10) 28
01[22:58] <Maxus> Success
[22:58] <Ronto> !dice 6d6+27 (wrecking crew_
[22:58] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 6d6+27 (wrecking crew_ : 45
01[23:01] <Maxus> Not enough to trash the wall, is enough to take care of the statue.
01[23:03] <Maxus> Sirenity, two statues left. Round 2
[23:04] <Sister_Serenity> Right, two left. They each win four Scorching Rays as my eyes light up with flame!
[23:04] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+22 RTA for target 1
[23:04] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+22 RTA for target 1 : 12(8) 30 12(18) 40 12(19) 41 12(15) 37
[23:04] <Wes> (You get one extra attack as well)
[23:04] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+22 RTA for target 2
[23:04] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+22 RTA for target 2 : 12(18) 40 12(7) 29 12(14) 36 12(7) 29
01[23:05] <Maxus> Aaand...okay, yeah, all hits.
[23:05] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#4d6 Fire damage for first one
[23:05] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#4d6 Fire damage for first one : 12 12 17 15
01[23:05] <Maxus> (THis is another one of those Swarms of Low Levels fights)
[23:05] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#4d6 Fire damage for second one
[23:05] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#4d6 Fire damage for second one : 12 14 20 14
01[23:06] <Maxus> It's not enough to melt down either of the statues, but they're definitely marked.
01[23:06] <Maxus> Wes, round 2
[23:06] <Wes> (Two left next to me right?)
01[23:07] <Maxus> Yes.
06[23:08] * Wes tries to Hurl one of them at the other
01[23:08] <Maxus> Lift.
01[23:08] <Maxus> DC 25
[23:08] <Wes> No, hurl opponent
[23:10] <Wes> !dice d20+23 Touch attack
[23:10] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+23 Touch attack : 12(11) 34
01[23:10] <Maxus> (Gotcha)
[23:10] <Wes> (Yeah, that was awesome. Nice one)
01[23:10] <Maxus> (Also, for future reference, do big C&Ps in PM, man))
[23:10] <Wes> (Sorry, I'll keep that in mind)
01[23:11] <Maxus> Anyways, it appears you succeeded
[23:11] <Wes> !dice d20+36
[23:11] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+36 : 12(20) 56
[23:11] <Wes> Trip
01[23:12] <Maxus> Damn right it's tripped
[23:13] <Wes> (Since the other one is right next to it, throw distance probably isn't an issue)
[23:13] <Wes> !dice 6d6
[23:13] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 6d6 : 19
[23:13] <Wes> They each take 9 damage
[23:14] <Wes> (The other one gets Reflex save to avoid getting prone)
01[23:14] <Maxus> !dice d20+5
[23:14] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+5 : 12(8) 13
01[23:15] <Maxus> It falls with its sister-statue.
01[23:15] <Maxus> They're both getting up. They attack Wes.
[23:15] <Wes> !dice 4d6+10
[23:15] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 4d6+10 : 32
01[23:15] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+15
[23:15] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+15 : 12(7) 22 12(12) 27
[23:15] <Wes> It takes that much bludgeoning damage
01[23:16] <Maxus> THey're both in rough shape now, and probably just missed.
01[23:16] <Maxus> Ronto, Round 3
[23:16] <Ronto> (distance?)
[23:16] <Wes> (Second statue takes 32 bludgeoning damage as it failed the save)
01[23:16] <Maxus> Ten feet.
01[23:16] <Maxus> (Noted. Still alive)
06[23:19] * Ronto lets loose another bellow (swift action, DC 15 Fort save or foes within 100' are knocked prone), and makes a frenzy of attacks (furious attack, full attack on charge)
01[23:20] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20+9
[23:20] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20+9 : 12(6) 15 12(4) 13
[23:20] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+21 (Rage, -13 PA, F Charge)
[23:20] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+21 (Rage, -13 PA, F Charge) : 12(10) 31 12(18) 39
[23:20] <Ronto> !dice 4#d20+16 (Rage, -13 PA, F Charge)
[23:20] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 4#d20+16 (Rage, -13 PA, F Charge) : 12(13) 29 12(7) 23 12(4) 20 12(19) 35
01[23:21] <Maxus> One falls, and...yeah, I think that'll do it.
[23:22] <Ronto> (Am I rolling damage or)
01[23:23] <Maxus> (Okay: Discussion time.)
01[23:23] <Maxus> (You guys fine with just bypassing some of the wussier fights in here?)
23:24] <Ronto> (I know I am)
[23:24] <Wes> (Yeah, me too)
01[23:24] <Maxus> (Two votes for yes, majority rules, so mote it be.)
[23:25] <Sister_Serenity> (Yeah, that works)
06[23:28] * Ronto finishes his charge and battlecry, covered in stone dust. "-UUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!"
01[23:28] <Maxus> Once the statues have been reduced, you have the moment to notice that the stone blocking the hallway is of an inferior grade to the stuff seen elsewhere. Hasty work? In any case, at the far end of the hallway, you find the first real indication of something worrisome--the daemon was in the center of some sort of reliquary room, and it had the human-and-avian features of the servants of the Lord of Change. When its head is separated from its body, the lot disperses--fairly normal for daemons from the warp. But still. A problem. The crooked-mind one is here.
01[23:28] <Maxus> On the way down, you passed a hallway, mate the walled one earlier. Going down it?
01[23:31] <Maxus> As you pause to take in the corridor, a sound comes to your ears, echoing down the corridor, and raising goose flesh on your arms, Astartes or no. As you listen, the sound flows up and down, the pitch changing again and again in a complex pattern.
[23:33] <Wes> (Set Auspex to Find Traps)
[23:33] <Wes> !dice d20+25
[23:33] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 : 12(14) 39
01[23:34] <Maxus> No traps.
[23:34] <Wes> !dice d20+25 Secret Doors
[23:34] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 Secret Doors : 12(18) 43
01[23:34] <Maxus> None.
[23:35] <Wes> !dice d20+25 Chaos
[23:35] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 Chaos : 12(7) 32
06[23:36] * Wes follows the signal
[23:36] <Sister_Serenity> "This place has fallen to the ruinous powers, so we must in turn bring ruin to it."
01[23:37] <Maxus> The Auspex bings and bings. The hallway is fitted with five-foot-deep alcoves on either side, containing a bench and seeming to be for contemplation. Sometimes a door breaks the monotony. But the musical tones resolve until you find...
01[23:38] <Maxus> Six cultists are suspended from the ground with a complex weave of chains, which are attached via blunt hooks that have been thrust through specific points in their flesh, and twined around their bones, taking up contemplationg cells.
01[23:38] <Maxus> Each group of three cultists is chained together, their bonds threaded through the cell walls and attached to a complex series of pulleys set against the left wall of
01[23:38] <Maxus> the first cultist’s cell, and the right wall of the third. These magically animated pulleys twist and contort the chains in a repeating pattern, putting pressure on specific hooks and forcing the cultists to scream in a tone determined by the hooks plucked. The effect is to create a never-ending song, a keening, eternal dirge that is both awful and magnificent in its beauty.
01[23:39] <Maxus> Wes, DC 19 Will save
[23:39] <Wes> Auto success. Willpower aura.
[23:39] <Wes> (All of us)
01[23:39] <Maxus> Well, that's convenient.
[23:40] <Ronto> "HERESY!"
01[23:41] <Maxus> Damn right it is. These poor souls are screaming music made of pain, and look like they're too far gone to know what they're doing.
06[23:41] * Ronto throws a plasma grenade at the cultists.
[23:41] <Wes> (Er... initiative?)
01[23:42] <Maxus> No. They're all helpless.
1[23:42] <Maxus> The grenade kills 'em.
01[23:42] <Maxus> And the awful, awful music stops.
01[23:42] <Maxus> The silence is ringing.
[23:42] <Wes> (That was a bit premptive. Maybe we should have tried freeing them)
[23:43] <Wes> (Oh well, too late now)
[23:43] <Wes> "Any idea what that was Sister?"
01[23:44] <Maxus> K (Religion) if you got it.
[23:44] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+24
[23:44] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+24 : 12(8) 32
[23:45] <Ronto> !dice d20+13 K:R
[23:45] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+13 K:R : 12(9) 22
[23:45] <Wes> !dice d20+8
[23:45] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+8 : 12(12) 20
[23:45] <Sister_Serenity> "Blasphemy of the worst kind. The Keeper of Secrets, the Chaos lord of excess has exerted its influence here. One of its followers has clearly been bored."
01[23:46] <Maxus> Keep going ahead?
[23:47] <Wes> (Yeah)
[23:48] <Sister_Serenity> "Still, the plasma has taken care of the defilement. When we find the... artisan... we shall also take care of that problem. Such blasphemies cannot be tolerated!"
01[23:48] <Maxus> The Auspex begins to ping again. A room ahead?
01[23:50] <Maxus> (May I just say this adventure, while containing some neat bits, is badly organized about now. It has two possible entrances to the Abbey, and the damn thing's encounter progression is sorta skewed towards that.)
[23:50] <Wes> (It's cool. We can just run through a few walls towards wherever the plot is)
[23:51] <Wes> (Perhaps an Auspex Chaos trail could help)
06[23:54] * Wes follows the trail
01[23:54] <Maxus> You find the artisan when he attacks: A goat-headed, goat-legged thing whose body is covered and scorpions. He became visible right as he attacked Sirenity. Her guns and one of Ronto's grenades put an end to his creative moods for good. You kill two more of the bird-headed things in the kitchens towards the back of the Abbey, who are fighting over a dead cultist' body. You kill them. Some sound, though, leads you down the stone stairs to the cellar, where you find
01[23:56] <Maxus> Ten living villagers. Three men, three women, and four children. They're starving, dehydrated, and miserable. There's no bodies among them, though.
01[23:56] <Maxus> The demons have taken care of corpse disposal.
01[23:57] <Maxus> *is covered with small scorpions
[23:58] <Wes> "Civilians, do not panic. We are here to liberate you from the forces of Chaos."
06[23:58] * Sister_Serenity looks about. It's hard to trust that they're really captives and not disguised daemons, but then again, the fiends clearly want a regular supply of victims, so keeping them on stock like that seems about right. "Do you know anything of your captors?"
Session Time: Sat Oct 04 00:00:00 2014
01[00:00] <Maxus> One ragged, half-naked man leans on the bars. He seems a bit more together than most of them. "They're waiting on something. Killing time. I heard some of the cultists talking." He's missing an eye, and hasn't had the time to cover the socket. "Something supposed to happen in..." He looks at his hands for a moment. "I don't know. Lost track of time. Three to five days from now."
[00:01] <Wes> (Koumei, can you enable your Valkyrie Grace on them?)
1[00:01] <Maxus> "The demons came in last week, and started eating and killing the cultists for fun. The survivors are holed up t'other side of the abbey."
[00:02] <Sister_Serenity> "I see... for now, you need nutrition. Something to get your strength up if you are all to escape." She pulls a water flask from her pack, along with a pouch of Daily Prayers - the paper+ink that is designed to be edible, vaguely nutritious, and the definition of bland. She pours water through the prayers, soaking them.
[00:03] <Sister_Serenity> "Here. Everyone eat some of these - you'll get the water you need, and the food is... well, it fills an empty stomach and helps provide strength."
01[00:03] <Maxus> That puts a new spin on things. He grabs for the prayers, and starts handing them to the children first. He gets his last. "The g--well, the Emperor bless you, Sister." He says as he chews and swallows. He makes a face. "Tastes like eating paper. Who'da guessed."
[00:04] <Sister_Serenity> (VG gives me and adjacent allies Fast Healing 3. Doesn't really do much for starvation.)
[00:04] <Wes> (oh right, can't get HP until they get food)
01[00:05] <Maxus> "Anyway, Oszkar's the leader of the living cultists, much as they have one. He's human, but smarter'n most of the demons. They hate him."
01[00:05] <Maxus> "He's put up traps and the like to keep them out, last I heard."
[00:07] <Sister_Serenity> "Presumably we will also come across these traps. Thank you for the information. Would it be better for us to release you all now, or would you prefer to stay here until after the fighting is finished? There should be a clear escape route, but with Chaos, it is hard to tell."
06[00:07] * Ronto scans the people for magic and chaos.
01[00:07] <Maxus> None and none.
01[00:07] <Maxus> "Tear this door off and let us get out of here, Sister."
06[00:09] * Wes opens the door. Using the once per hour +20 to a strength check if necessary
01[00:09] <Maxus> It comes open easily. "Thank you...sir." The man says. He picks up a child on each arm. "Did you come through the front door?"
[00:10] <Wes> "Let's escort the civilians out. They could easily get ambushed"
01[00:12] <Maxus> It doesn't take long to see them to the gate without incident. They're very impressed with the strewn corpses and destroyed statues, though. In less then five minutes, you're back in the hallway outside of the kitchens. There's a large door at the end of the hallway. The corridor itself turns to the left.
[00:12] <Sister_Serenity> "Agreed. Once we're out of the temple, it should be safe."
[00:13] <Wes> (Let's do a round around the corridor, and if we don't find anything else, go through the door)
01[00:14] <Maxus> The corridor goes a straight shot, one door on the left about three quarters of the way down, and one door at the far end.
[00:15] <Wes> (Enter the first door)
01[00:17] <Maxus> (Lemme find the darn bit...)
01[00:19] <Maxus> it's a back entrance to the chapet. Go in? check the other doors?
[00:19] <Wes> (Or whichever part you find first works)
[00:20] <Wes> (Check the other doors and then go in)
01[00:22] <Maxus> The original large door at the end of the first hallway:
[00:22] <Wes> "That doesn't bode well... Be on your guard everyone"
01[00:22] <Maxus> Poking your head through the double doors, you see an expansive room filled with row upon row of rough-hewn oak tables and benches. The center of the room is dominated by an enormous iron chandelier fully 15 feet in diameter, upon which hundreds of small candles burn merrily, throwing spider arm shadows across every corner of the
01[00:22] <Maxus> room.
01[00:22] <Maxus> To your great surprise, you see that the west wall of the room appears to be completely insubstantial, a hazy mirage flickering, stuttering and pulsing in and out of sight right before your eyes. Beyond that illusory veil, you can clearly see a round room, perhaps a tower, lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves, crammed with mahogany reading desks, and sumptuously appointed with a thick green rug. Obviously, it must be a library of somesort.
01[00:23] <Maxus> !dice 1d2
[00:24] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 1d2 : 1
01[00:24] <Maxus> The wall is NOT there right now.
[00:24] <Wes> Detect Magic, Traps, chaos
[00:25] <Wes> !dice 3#d20+25
[00:25] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 3#d20+25 : 12(14) 39 12(2) 27 12(2) 27
[00:25] <Wes> Secret Doors
[00:25] <Sister_Serenity> "Interesting. Using magic to replicate a holo-projector, perhaps? Well as they say, sufficiently advanced magic..."
[00:25] <Wes> !dice d20+25
[00:25] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 : 12(17) 42
01[00:25] <Maxus> You detect magic--there's two corpses in the library. And no traps...but there is some Chaos about. It doesn't seem to be the wall, though
01[00:25] <Maxus> Which...
01[00:25] <Maxus> !dice 1d2
[00:25] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 1d2 : 1
01[00:26] <Maxus> Flickers in for a moment, real as anything, and then disappears again
06[00:26] * Wes examines the corpses
01[00:28] <Maxus> You have to wait for the wall to go away. They're well ripe, and one has a spear. Looks like a man and a woman.
[00:28] <Wes> I punch the wall
01[00:29] <Maxus> The wall goes back intangible before your fist hits
01[00:29] <Maxus> Warp instability is annoying.
[00:29] <Wes> (Brb something's come up. Probably won't take too long)
01[00:30] <Maxus> As you examine the bodies--the spear is magic, a voice comes out of the air.
01[00:30] <Maxus> "Who are these new heroes? Seeking to slay the cultists, perhaps?"the voice is male, and large, and has a tone...like chocolate for the ears.
03[00:32] * radthemad4 (AndChat6167@Nightstar-qua.013.234.180.IP) has joined #orcnet
01[00:33] <Maxus> The voice comes from a different side. "Would you like to kill their leaders? Oszkar and Kelemon? I'll tell you how to get to them--and for free, I'll tell you about the golems they use as guardians."
[00:35] <Wes> "Tell us everything you know, and if you come quietly, the Imperium will have mercy"
[00:35] <Wes> (well... a bit more than it normally would)
03[00:36] * radthemad4 is now known as rtm4phone
01[00:37] <Maxus> "Oszkar awaits at the other end of this hallway, aware of your presence from your dreadful noise. Kelemon is in a room nearby, girding his loins for battle, such as he's capable."The voice is close. And amused.
01[00:41] <Maxus> "Would you like aid with the golems in the hallway?" the too-smooth voice asks politely.
[00:41] <Sister_Serenity> "That you ask nothing in return suggests that you intend to make use of us as pieces in some game. Would that be accurate to guess? That we are being used to achieve things you wish done?"
01[00:42] <Maxus> There's a pause and the voice has lost some of its smooth. "Why of course not! I'm suggesting things you wish done!"
03[00:44] * Iori (8headed@Nightstar-ho51lb.irvnca.pacbell.net) has joined #orcnet
03[00:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Iori Iori
[00:44] <Ronto> (Is this audible or telepathy?)
01[00:44] <Maxus> Audible.
[00:45] <Ronto> !dice d20+13 K: planes
[00:45] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+13 K: planes : 12(8) 21
01[00:45] <Maxus> The voice has been moving around the whole time. Sometimes above, sometimes beside you. But clearly there.
[00:48] <Sister_Serenity> "Rest assured we will be back for you. Once justice has been bestowed upon the others, your demise will be all the nearer."
01[00:49] <Maxus> "Oh, no!" The daemon says from above.
01[00:49] <Maxus> "By all means...go on and do as you wish." and then it goes quiet
06[00:50] * Ronto claws above
01[00:50] <Maxus> The ceiling's high hear. He hits nothing
01[00:51] <Maxus> Back to the hallway? Your...informant did warn you about Stone Golems further down the hallway, however.
06[00:52] * Ronto stomps to the hallway muttering.
[00:53] <Sister_Serenity> "Just wait." Serenity rolls a Frag Grenade down the hallway, to detonate around halfway down. Just to draw the attention of any golems,
03[00:54] * Django_Kagato (Siggy@Nightstar-kkh.91g.92.108.IP) has joined #orcnet
01[00:54] <Maxus> There's two of them. They're standing in alcoves in the walls, and stomp out into the hallway in response to the noise. They very effectively block the way forward, and begin walking in identical gaits, slightly offset
[00:55] <Ronto> "BRING IT, MOTHERFUCKERS."
02[00:55] * rtm4phone (AndChat6167@Nightstar-qua.013.234.180.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
03[00:55] * radthemad4 (AndChat6167@Nightstar-qua.013.234.180.IP) has joined #orcnet
06[00:56] * Ronto throws a pair or plasma grenades.
[00:56] <Ronto> !dice 2#10d6 (fire/elec)
[00:56] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#10d6 (fire/elec) : 39 39
01[00:57] <Maxus> (Lemme see))
01[00:57] <Maxus> (Roight)
[00:57] <Wes> (We're not in initiative?)
01[00:57] <Maxus> (About to be)
01[00:58] <Maxus> The grenades sear the scultped forms of the polished golems, and they pick up their pace a bit. Roll initiative!
[00:58] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[00:58] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(20) 29
01[00:58] <Maxus> !dice 2#d20-1
[00:58] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 2#d20-1 : 12(2) 1 12(4) 3
[00:58] <Ronto> (Technically they last 1d4 rounds; good for area denial)
[00:58] <Ronto> !dice d20+11 Init
[00:58] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 Init : 12(19) 30
[00:59] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 Init
[00:59] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 Init : 12(16) 25
01[01:00] <Maxus> Order: Ronto, Wes, Sirenity, and the Golems.
01[01:00] <Maxus> Round, Round 1.
[01:01] <Ronto> (distance?)
01[01:02] <Maxus> Fifty feet.
06[01:03] * Ronto delays his turn until they get within 40'.
01[01:04] <Maxus> Well then. Wes, Round 1.
[01:04] <Wes> (Are they next to each other?)
01[01:04] <Maxus> Yes.
[01:04] <Wes> Charge pounce
1[01:04] <Maxus> Roll it.
[01:05] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 1
[01:05] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 1 : 12(10) 41
[01:05] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[01:05] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 28
[01:06] <Wes> x2=56
01[01:06] <Maxus> Note.
[01:06] <Wes> hit?
01[01:06] <Maxus> Yes.
[01:06] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 2
[01:06] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 2 : 12(20) 51
[01:06] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[01:06] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 26
[01:06] <Wes> x2=52
[01:07] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 3
[01:07] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 3 : 12(3) 34
[01:07] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[01:07] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 24
01[01:07] <Maxus> Wes just pulverized a stone golem. And hit the other
[01:07] <Wes> Cleave !dice d20+31
[01:07] <Wes> !dice d20+31Cleave
[01:07] <Yufi> Wes : Error: Modifier 1 is bad: 31Cleave
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Cleave
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Cleave : 12(5) 36
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 26
[01:08] <Wes> x2 = 52
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Off hand 1
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Off hand 1 : 12(14) 45
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 17
[01:08] <Wes> x2=34
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Off hand 2
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Off hand 2 : 12(10) 41
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 19
[01:08] <Wes> x2 = 38
[01:08] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Off hand 3
[01:08] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Off hand 3 : 12(12) 43
01[01:09] <Maxus> The minotaur captain launches into the golems, punching off sections of torso and and limbs until they're in rubble
[01:09] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[01:09] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 11
[01:09] <Wes> x2 = 22
01[01:09] <Maxus> Then he keeps pounding on the pieces for few more swings, it seems.
[01:10] <Wes> "Not taking any chances with this magic stone thing."
[01:11] <Sister_Serenity> "Causing materials to become animate and work of their own volition without the control of a human brain... I believe we all know the punishment for that."
[01:12] <Wes> (The Imperium hates AI?)
[01:13] <Sister_Serenity> (Yeah, there was this incident where they made robots with AI and the robots decided to kill them and well... ever since then, AI = heresy. But the Machine Spirit is totes okay.)
01[01:13] <Maxus> "DEATH!" the voice says. Then it raises into some unholy syllable of the warp.
01[01:13] <Maxus> Will save, DC 16
[01:13] <Ronto> (Arguably golems would count as servitors)
[01:14] <Wes> Auto success
[01:14] <Sister_Serenity> Auto success
[01:14] <Wes> (Greater Willpower aura extends to everyone)
01[01:15] <Maxus> Not that he knows that. You see your 'informant' now. He appears as a winged, handsome man with basalt skin, and claws hands and feet. He has a spear in his hands. "NOW DIE!" he says as he stabs at Sirenity, the close to him. Surprise round!
01[01:15] <Maxus> !dice d20+21
[01:15] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+21 : 12(16) 37
01[01:16] <Maxus> Roll initiative!
01[01:16] <Maxus> !dice d20+2
[01:16] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+2 : 12(2) 4
[01:16] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[01:16] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(8) 17
01[01:16] <Maxus> (Does 37 hit? )
[01:16] <Wes> (Her AC was 33 IIRC)
[01:17] <Wes> (DR 30)
[01:17] <Ronto> !dice d20+11 init again?
[01:17] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 init again? : 12(6) 17
01[01:17] <Maxus> !dice 1d8+8
[01:17] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 1d8+8 : 15
01[01:18] <Maxus> *tink*
[01:24] <Ronto> (testing)
01[01:24] <Maxus> (( This encounter, and then into the chapel for the last bit of this session, y'all))
[01:24] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 ack
[01:24] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 ack : 12(20) 29
01[01:25] <Maxus> Order:
01[01:25] <Maxus> Sirenity, Ronto and Wes, and then this fellow. "I AM RED WISDOM!"
[01:26] <Wes> (Ronto can go earlier)
[01:26] <Sister_Serenity> The spear apparently bounced. Serenity glares at him, then raises both pistols. "In the name of the Emperor. And then she pulls both triggers.
[01:26] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+25 die piggy die die
[01:26] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+25 die piggy die die : 12(7) 32 12(10) 35
[01:27] <Sister_Serenity> (Execute - Standard Action, fire a Bolt/Auto/Stubb Pistol or pair of such against an adjacent target. Any hit is an automatic Critical hit.)
01[01:27] <Maxus> Hit and hit. He's Chaotic Evil.
[01:28] <Sister_Serenity> Then I'll make one of them a Smite just because.
[01:28] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 9d6+96 first damage
[01:28] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 9d6+96 first damage : 126
[01:29] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 9d6+48 second damage
[01:29] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 9d6+48 second damage : 76
01[01:30] <Maxus> Sirenity ends "Red Wisdom" with a pair of trigger pulls. There's a dreadful mess for a second, before his remains dissolve into the air.
[01:31] <Sister_Serenity> "Fortunate is the ignorant enemy, for they may find absolution in death. Pity the traitor and the daemon, for they will not find forgiveness in this life or the next."
[01:32] <Wes> "I believe their afterlives work differently around here"
[01:33] <Wes> "That's what they seem to believe, I mean"
06[01:33] * Ronto looks at Wes. "I'LL BE WATCHING YOU."
[01:34] <Sister_Serenity> "I'm sure that fiend had all sorts of beliefs. They didn't seem to help it."
01[01:34] <Maxus> To the chapel?
[01:34] <Sister_Serenity> To the chapel!
[01:35] <Wes> "We've still got work to do here. We'll correct their beliefs soon enough. Onwards!"
01[01:35] <Maxus> You stand within a grand cathedral, as beautiful as it is sinister in aspect. Five rows of benches are set in front of you, leading up to a raised platform, upon which squats a blasphemous altar. The altar is covered in dry blood and glowing with dark sorceries. Behind the altar is an enormous, red marble statue; the statue depicts a skeletal demon with a face like melted wax, its clawed hands clutching the stylized symbol of a black sun against its chest.
01[01:35] <Maxus> The air in the chapel hums with infernal energies, catching your breath in your throat, and raising the hairs on the back of your neck. There is a foul reek of animal droppings here, and the sweet tang of putrid flesh, and you swear you can hear the ghostly echo of anguished screams.
[01:37] <Wes> !dice 3d20+25 Magic Chaos Traps
[01:37] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 3d20+25 Magic Chaos Traps : 54
[01:37] <Wes> !dice 3#d20+25 Magic Chaos Traps
[01:37] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 3#d20+25 Magic Chaos Traps : 12(6) 31 12(12) 37 12(11) 36
[01:37] <Ronto> (Black hole sun / Won't you come / And wash away the rain)
[01:37] <Ronto> !dice d20+13 K: Religion
[01:37] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+13 K: Religion : 12(10) 23
[01:37] <Ronto> (Oh, 28 with that perfection aura)
01[01:38] <Maxus> There's two men in the room, with a mirror set up between the pews of the chapel. They're looking into it and looking troubled.
01[01:38] <Maxus> One is a middle-aged man dressed in ebony-black, studded leather armor. His face is permanently tanned, weather beaten, and reddened by both exposure to the elements, and a lifetime of heavy drinking. He wears his greyish-red hair in a long ponytail, the bottom of which is weighted down with a stone disk carved into the likeness of a leering demon’s head.
01[01:40] <Maxus> The other is a middleaged, pot bellied man in filthy robes, with a staff and scroll in hand, and books. He looks like one gone mad, filthy and unkempt.
01[01:40] <Maxus> What is this odd pair doing? Find out in the conclusion to Dungeon Crusade Adventures!
01[01:40] <Maxus> *end session*
[01:40] <Wes> (Oszkar and Kelemon I presume?)
01[01:40] <Maxus> (Yes.)
[01:41] <Wes> BE GONE FOUL IMPOSTER!!!
1[21:35] <Maxus> 3
01[21:35] <Maxus> 2
01[21:35] <Maxus> 1
01[21:35] <Maxus> WOE TO THE HERETICS
01[21:37] <Maxus> Last time, on Dungeon Crusade Adventures: The trio killed their way through the Abbey and arrived in the Grand Chapel. Inside it are two human men, a standing mirror, a stone altar, and a discomfiting statue. The pair are doing something at the mirror, the disheveled one with the staff unrolling a scroll and beginning to read. He turns and begins gesturing at the altar.
01[21:38] <Maxus> Start.
06[21:39] * Sister_Serenity doesn't even suggest "put the scroll down" or any such nonsense. She just raises her guns.
[21:40] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 Inish
[21:40] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 Inish : 12(4) 13
[21:40] <Wes> !dice 1d20+20
[21:40] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 1d20+20 : 12(19) 39
01[21:40] <Maxus> !dice d20+5
[21:40] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+5 : 12(12) 17
01[21:41] <Maxus> !dice d20+9
[21:41] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(8) 17
[21:41] <Ronto> !DICE D20+11 INIT
[21:41] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 D20+11 INIT : 12(15) 26
[21:41] <Wes> Make that 28. Not sure why I wrote 20 :P
[21:41] <Ronto> !DICE D20+13 K:PLANES
[21:41] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 D20+13 K:PLANES : 12(11) 24
01[21:42] <Maxus> Order: Wes, Ronto, Oszkar, Kelemon, Sirenity
[21:43] <Wes> How close are they to each other and the altar?
[21:44] <Wes> (How far is the mirror from them?)
01[21:44] <Maxus> They are some twenty feet from the Altar. Assuming you entered from the back, that'd make it forty feet from you. The mirror is some ten feet beyond them. What reflection you see in the mirror is...odd, showing the same room, except with vines everywhere
[21:46] <Wes> (How close are they to each other?)
01[21:46] <Maxus> Some ten feet apart
[21:47] <Wes> (Can you bull rush as part of a full attack?)
[21:47] <Wes> (How large is the altar?)
01[21:49] <Maxus> Yes, and the altar is is five-by-five-by-five block of stone with some steps around it.
[21:50] <Wes> (War tactics to move around and get them in a line. Pounce, bull rush)
01[21:50] <Maxus> Go for it.
[21:52] <Wes> !dice d20+23 Offhand 1 Bullrush
[21:52] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+23 Offhand 1 Bullrush : 12(6) 29
[21:52] <Wes> (make that Offhand 3)
1[21:54] <Maxus> Hit.
[21:54] <Wes> (I push him next to the other guy if i exceed the DC by enough)
[21:54] <Wes> (make that onto)
01[21:54] <Maxus> You got enough to just about plow him into the wall.
01[21:55] <Maxus> What next?
[21:55] <Wes> !dice d10+15 Trample damage
[21:55] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+15 Trample damage : 25
[21:56] <Wes> (Did I get them both onto the wall?)
01[21:56] <Maxus> No. I was saying that as an observation. Gonna assuming you got them close enough to each other and that you didn't homerun Ozzy into the wall.
01[21:56] <Maxus> Oszkar the Black has a size 25 bootprint on his chest now.
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d20+32 Main hand 1
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+32 Main hand 1 : 12(15) 47
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 22
[21:57] <Wes> x2 44
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d20+27 Main hand 2
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+27 Main hand 2 : 12(17) 44
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 21
[21:57] <Wes> x2=42
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d20+27 Main hand 3
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+27 Main hand 3 : 12(17) 44
[21:57] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[21:57] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 27
[21:58] <Wes> x2=54
[21:58] <Wes> !dice d20+32 Off hand 1
[21:58] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+32 Off hand 1 : 12(18) 50
[21:58] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[21:58] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 16
[21:58] <Wes> x2=32
[21:58] <Wes> !dice d20+32 Off hand 2
[21:58] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+32 Off hand 2 : 12(16) 48
[21:58] <Wes> !dice d10+10
[21:58] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+10 : 18
[21:58] <Wes> x2=36
[21:58] <Wes> (True Strike and auto crits)
01[21:59] <Maxus> Wes does enough damage to kill both of them.
[22:00] <Wes> (Detect Magic on the mirror)
[22:00] <Wes> !dice d20+25
[22:00] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 : 12(19) 44
01[22:00] <Maxus> Its magical allright.
[22:00] <Wes> !dice d20+25 Identify
[22:00] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 Identify : 12(11) 36
06[22:01] * Ronto gabs the altar and hurls it
06[22:01] * Sister_Serenity shoots the mirror.
[22:01] <Sister_Serenity> (Because this can't possibly turn out badly)
01[22:02] <Maxus> The altar is set into the floor, evidently a single great block one with a foundation block. Even Ronto can't move it.
06[22:02] * Ronto claws the shit out of it, then
01[22:02] <Maxus> The mirror shatters. The shard falls down in a brief rain of glass.
06[22:03] * Wes walks over to the alter to help Ronto lift it
[22:03] <Wes> (using the once per hour +20 to Strength)
01[22:03] <Maxus> This would involve lifting the floor they're standing on as well.
[22:04] <Wes> (What if we punch the area around it?)
[22:04] <Wes> (make a few holes first)
01[22:04] <Maxus> When his claws bite the block, the atmosphere changes. Warp lightning crawls over both of them, the air swirls. the second time he claws it, something Happens.
01[22:05] <Maxus> The chapel shakes beneath your feet, toppling sconces and benches, and sending you crashing down to the ground with a painful thud. The very walls of the abbey seem to melt, and a dreadful sound like the ripping of flesh assaults your ears. And then the world folds in two, shadows flowing and lacing together like stitches as tortured stone shrieks and grinds in its moorings. Then your senses fail.
01[22:05] <Maxus> When they return, the chapel is as it was, save for three things. An immense, writhing tangle of thick greenish-red rose vines now sprawls across the eastern and northern chapel walls; its blossoms are man-sized and crimson as fresh blood, and filled with row upon row of dagger length teeth. Behind it, where the demon statue once stood, there is now a portal of absolute darkness. It floats in the air perhaps five feet above the ground, and in its obsidian depths you can see glimpses of a landscape inspired by the dreams of the damned.
01[22:05] <Maxus> Crimson flares of light tear at the air above a blasted
01[22:05] <Maxus> land of craters and precariously balanced
01[22:05] <Maxus> columns of rock. All these images come to you as
01[22:05] <Maxus> segmented, fractured impressions, stained glass
01[22:05] <Maxus> panels against a starless sky, a mosaic of despair
01[22:05] <Maxus> and madness.
01[22:06] <Maxus> And there is a man now standing on the blasphemous altar. He is dressed in flowing purple robes, which dance and contort to the rhythm of an unseen wind. The man’s face is crazed, his skin pulled so tight against his skull that his skin is blanched white. His scalp is raw and bleeding, as though he had torn his hair free in a fit of rage. He carries a long, wickedly curved dagger in his right hand, and holds a fist-sized crimson gem in his left. Surrounding him are a pack of boars, red-eyed, bristle-backed, and ugly. Running above him is a great black horse, its mane aflame.
[22:06] <Wes> (be back in a bit)
01[22:07] <Maxus> Spot checks
[22:07] <Ronto> !dice d20-1
[22:07] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20-1 : 12(8) 7
[22:09] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+23
[22:09] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+23 : 12(4) 27
[22:11] <Sister_Serenity> "Do not be distracted by the Warp, there are enemies nearby! Giant insects hide amongst the plants."
01[22:12] <Maxus> "I! HAVE! ASCENDED!" The madman on the altar capers. "FEAR THE POWER OF MY NEW BODY!"
[22:17] <Ronto> !dice d20+11 initiative?
[22:17] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 initiative? : 12(12) 23
1[22:17] <Maxus> He rounds on you, and raises his hands up and says something. The voice can't be heard clearly, but it's like distant thunder: Not exceptionally loud, just strong enough to rattle your armor and your skull.
01[22:17] <Maxus> You all are dazed for one round.
01[22:17] <Maxus> !dice d20+4
[22:17] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+4 : 12(20) 24
01[22:18] <Maxus> Roll init
[22:18] <Wes> !dice d20+9 init
[22:18] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 init : 12(8) 17
01[22:19] <Maxus> !dice 1d20
[22:19] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 1d20 : 7
01[22:19] <Maxus> !dice d20+6
[22:19] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+6 : 12(7) 13
01[22:19] <Maxus> !dice d20+1
[22:19] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+1 : 12(14) 15
01[22:20] <Maxus> !dice d20+7
[22:20] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+7 : 12(13) 20
[22:21] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9 tweet tweet tweet
[22:21] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 tweet tweet tweet : 12(5) 14
01[22:22] <Maxus> INITIATIVE ORDER:
01[22:23] <Maxus> Samuka the Mad, Ronto, The Hell Moths, Wes, The Fiendish Boars, Serenity, and the Cauchemar Nightmare.
01[22:24] <Maxus> You are all dazed for the first round of combat thanks to him shouting something that turns up in your brain as "PRAISE HORUS!"
01[22:25] <Maxus> The made priest dances on the altar more, prouncing words that, when they're finished, make his muscles swell.
01[22:25] <Maxus> The Hell Moths are still among the vines, not ready to attack
01[22:27] <Maxus> The Fiendish boars surround Ronto, evidently provoked by his bulk and his claws, and trying to gouge at him. His armor likely deflext it.
01[22:27] <Maxus> Oh, the Hellthorn goes last, derp.
01[22:27] <Maxus> *deflects it.
01[22:28] <Maxus> The Nightmare comes bearing down on Sirenity and Wes and exhales a cone of smoke. Fort Save, DC 15
[22:29] <Wes> !dice d20+13
[22:29] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+13 : 12(16) 29
[22:29] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+14
[22:29] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+14 : 12(3) 17
01[22:30] <Maxus> And last but not least, the Hellthorn upon the walls draws around the open portal.
01[22:31] <Maxus> Round 2: Samuka scans the group with a sudden intensity.
01[22:32] <Maxus> How far are you all from the Altar?
01[22:32] <Maxus> You're within 40 feet of it, I know.
[22:32] <Wes> (Wes is probably next to the mirror)
[22:32] <Wes> (Or where it was anyway)
01[22:32] <Maxus> The mirror was some fifteen feet away.
[22:33] <Sister_Serenity> (I would have been around 20 from the altar)
01[22:34] <Maxus> Ronto? Pick your distance.
[22:34] <Ronto> (next to it, I guess)
01[22:34] <Maxus> Righto.
[22:35] <Wes> (Would war tactics apply here?)
01[22:35] <Maxus> No.
01[22:36] <Maxus> With surprising focus, he raises his face and shouts another bunch of horrible syllables, waving his dagger. In a fifteen-foot-radius around the altar, a wall of spinning triangular force-blades appears. Wes, Reflex save.
[22:36] <Wes> !dice d20+8
[22:36] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+8 : 12(2) 10
[22:36] <Ronto> (by next to it, I meant to the altar)
[22:36] <Wes> +5, 15
01[22:36] <Maxus> Yeah, I know.
01[22:37] <Maxus> !dice 13d6 force damage
[22:37] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 13d6 force damage : 46
[22:38] <Wes> (Ouch... first damage I've taken in the game and it's more than 1/2 total HP)
01[22:38] <Maxus> The blades actually cut the Captain since he doesn't make the save to move. Blood splashes around him.
01[22:38] <Maxus> Ronto, Round 2. You're on level with this fellow's waist, if surrounded by fiendish boars who are trying to tusk you
[22:39] <Ronto> (How many boars?)
01[22:40] <Maxus> Seven.
01[22:40] <Maxus> You have one adjacent square to the altar
01[22:41] <Maxus> Rather, the remaining square is the altar
06[22:41] * Ronto whirls around, giving 2 slices each to 3 boars.
01[22:41] <Maxus> Roll it
[22:41] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA)
[22:41] <Ronto> !dice 4#d20+17 (Rage, -13 PA)
[22:41] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA) : 12(18) 37 12(4) 23
[22:41] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 4#d20+17 (Rage, -13 PA) : 12(17) 34 12(20) 37 12(12) 29 12(14) 31
[22:42] <Ronto> !DICE D20+19 (confirm?)
[22:42] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 D20+19 (confirm?) : 12(7) 26
[22:42] <Ronto> !dice 2#d20+17 (confirm?)
[22:42] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#d20+17 (confirm?) : 12(10) 27 12(15) 32
01[22:43] <Maxus> Yeah, I think you just killed you a few piggies.
01[22:44] <Maxus> Roll damage
[22:44] <Ronto> (and I have cleaves from Horde Breaker)
01[22:44] <Maxus> Aiming the cleaves at what?
[22:44] <Ronto> (whatever is left. Also, I assume all hit for damage rolls?)
01[22:45] <Maxus> Yes.
01[22:45] <Maxus> Well, you're also adjacent to this cleric, don't forget him being on the altar.
[22:45] <Ronto> !dice 6#d8+17
[22:45] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 6#d8+17 : 18 24 24 18 21 18
[22:45] <Ronto> !dice 6#d10 (elec)
[22:45] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 6#d10 (elec) : 3 10 1 2 8 6
[22:45] <Ronto> !dice 6#8d6 (rage)
[22:45] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 6#8d6 (rage) : 32 32 34 27 28 25
01[22:46] <Maxus> And three criticals.
1[22:47] <Maxus> Anyways. The three fiendish boars drop after Ronto about splits them open.
[22:49] <Ronto> (Cool)
01[22:49] <Maxus> Cleaves?
[22:50] <Ronto> !dice 3#d20+19
[22:50] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 3#d20+19 : 12(3) 22 12(7) 26 12(19) 38
01[22:50] <Maxus> At whom?
01[22:50] <Maxus> More boars, or Samuka the Mad?
[22:50] <Ronto> (The cleric, I guess. You mentioned him)
[22:50] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 confirm?
[22:50] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 confirm? : 12(19) 38
01[22:50] <Maxus> Confirmed.
[22:50] <Ronto> (Do all or some hit?)
01[22:50] <Maxus> Yeah, they all hit. BArely.
[22:51] <Ronto> !dice 3#d8+17
[22:51] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 3#d8+17 : 25 23 23
[22:51] <Ronto> !dice 3#d10 (elec)
[22:51] <Ronto> !dice 3#8d6 (rage)
[22:51] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 3#d10 (elec) : 5 9 2
[22:51] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 3#8d6 (rage) : 29 30 30
[22:51] <Ronto> "BITCH, PLEASE."
01[22:52] <Maxus> In a flurry of gore, Samuka drops onto the claw-rent altar. The Blade Barrier keeps going.
01[22:52] <Maxus> The Hell Moths shuffle around the wall. Wes, pick a direction: Into the barrier's circle or out of it?
[22:53] <Wes> (How far out and how far in?)
[22:55] <Wes> (Are there any enemies inside it?)
[22:56] <Wes> (If not, I'll go out)
01[22:56] <Maxus> Just one step. no enemies worth the time left.
01[22:56] <Maxus> *left inside
[22:58] <Wes> (How far is the nightmare?)
[22:58] <Wes> (What enemies are left other than that?)
[22:59] <Wes> (Oh right, Hell Moths)
01[23:00] <Maxus> The nightmare is prancing around above you. The Hellthorn is on the walls, with the Hell Moths among the blooms
01[23:01] <Maxus> Whatever.
01[23:01] <Maxus> You move outside of the barrier, putting you near Serenity.
01[23:01] <Maxus> Serenity, Round 2.
06[23:02] * Sister_Serenity can see the blood, and the cuts in Wes' armour. That was a powerful attack. So she reaches over and provides Faith Healing.
[23:02] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2d8+10 healitudification
[23:02] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2d8+10 healitudification : 18
[23:02] <Wes> "Thanks"
[23:02] <Sister_Serenity> Sadly, that's her Standard Action done, so no shooting occurs this turn. But hey, Wes is less likely to die now.
01[23:05] <Maxus> The Cauchemar Nightmare swoops at Serenity, blowing smoke once again on the way down.
01[23:05] <Maxus> DC 16 Fort Save, folks
[23:05] <Wes> !dice d20+18
[23:05] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+18 : 12(9) 27
01[23:05] <Maxus> And it throws its blazing hooves at the side of Serenity's head
01[23:06] <Maxus> !dice d20+23
[23:06] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+23 : 12(8) 31
[23:06] <Wes> (Will be back in a bit)
[23:06] <Ronto> (same)
[23:06] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 Fort
[23:06] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 Fort : 12(1) 20
[23:06] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+14 Fort
[23:06] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+14 Fort : 12(7) 21
01[23:07] <Maxus> Ronto's out of the area. And probably going to be surrounded by fiendish boar corpses.
[23:07] <Sister_Serenity> And luckily, it doesn't quite manage to kick her head in.
01[23:08] <Maxus> Wes, Round 3. The blades are dissipating.
[23:11] <Wes> (if the blades are still in, I throw the nightmare at them)
[23:11] <Wes> (Is it in a position to be bullrushed in?)
01[23:11] <Maxus> No it is not, given how it's flying above you. You could try to grab it, though
[23:12] <Wes> (How high?)
01[23:12] <Maxus> A little over Serenity's head.
[23:13] <Wes> (Okay, I try to grab it and throw it into the blades)
[23:13] <Wes> !dice d20+28 touch attack
[23:13] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+28 touch attack : 12(5) 33
01[23:14] <Maxus> Touched.
[23:14] <Wes> !dice d20+22 against 10+DEX mod+max(Balance,BAB)
[23:14] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+22 against 10+DEX mod+max(Balance,BAB) : 12(8) 30
01[23:15] <Maxus> Success
[23:16] <Wes> !dice 6d6
[23:16] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 6d6 : 21
01[23:17] <Maxus> !dice d20+11 aaand
[23:17] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+11 aaand : 12(14) 25
01[23:17] <Maxus> !dice 13d6 half this, twice.
[23:17] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 13d6 half this, twice. : 55
01[23:18] <Maxus> Well, derp. Overcomplicating my thinking there.
[23:18] <Wes> (I use my swift action to give Serenity and Ronto an extra immediate attack)
01[23:18] <Maxus> 76 damage and now it's on the far side of the blade barrier.
[23:19] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+30 BLAM
[23:19] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+30 BLAM : 12(17) 47
[23:19] <Sister_Serenity> (Against the horsey if it's still up)
01[23:19] <Maxus> It is.
01[23:19] <Maxus> Hit.
[23:20] <Ronto> (back)
[23:20] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16
[23:20] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 : 26
1[23:20] <Maxus> (WB)
[23:21] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA)
[23:21] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 (Rage, -13 PA) : 12(17) 36
[23:21] <Ronto> !dice d20+19 (confirm?)
[23:21] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+19 (confirm?) : 12(17) 36
[23:21] <Ronto> (I assume that's right. Saw 'immediate attack')
01[23:21] <Maxus> Sure.
01[23:21] <Maxus> Critical confirmed
01[23:21] <Maxus> And a shot.
01[23:22] <Maxus> So Ronto slices it as it zooms by, and Serenity shoots it just an instant later.
01[23:23] <Maxus> Roll damage, Ronto. No rage dice.
[23:23] <Ronto> !dice 1d8+17
[23:23] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 1d8+17 : 21
[23:23] <Ronto> !dice 1d10 (elec)
[23:23] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 1d10 (elec) : 9
01[23:24] <Maxus> What's the crit multiplier?
[23:25] <Ronto> (2x)
01[23:26] <Maxus> The horse is very much weakened, but not dead yet.
01[23:26] <Maxus> Serenity, round 3
[23:28] <Sister_Serenity> This time there is some shooting. She has her full attention on the Nightmare.
[23:28] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+30 first two shots
[23:28] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+30 first two shots : 12(3) 33 12(8) 38
01[23:29] <Maxus> Hit and hit
[23:29] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#3d6+16
[23:29] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#3d6+16 : 27 28
[23:29] <Sister_Serenity> ...half of which is Fire, and thus ignored I assume
01[23:30] <Maxus> Yeah.
[23:30] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+28 let's finish this salvo
[23:30] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+28 let's finish this salvo : 12(3) 31 12(3) 31 12(19) 47 12(6) 34
01[23:31] <Maxus> Hold up, figuring damage aaaand....
01[23:31] <Maxus> Roll damage for all of them
[23:31] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#3d6+16 (all of them halved because Fire)
[23:31] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#3d6+16 (all of them halved because Fire) : 31 22 27 27
01[23:32] <Maxus> Fireproof or not, Serenity's onslaught slays the Cauchemar Nightmare. Its corporeal flesh dissolves.
01[23:32] <Maxus> Shortly after, so does the Blade Barrier, leaving Ronto surrounded by dead equines and a dead Cleric
01[23:33] <Maxus> The thorned vines on the wall have drawn around the portal now.
06[23:34] * Ronto adjusts his position, and draws/throws 2 plasma grenades; one into the portal, one outside it to catch the vines.
01[23:34] <Maxus> The vines have the portal surrounded. They both hit the Hellthorn.
[23:35] <Ronto> !dice 2#10d6 (fire/elec)
01[23:35] <Maxus> Roll damage.
[23:35] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#10d6 (fire/elec) : 30 31
01[23:35] <Maxus> The obscene flowers scream in pain, and vines peel off the wall to thrash at the terminator
1[23:37] <Maxus> Wes, Round 4.
01[23:39] <Maxus> The Hell moths are disturbed and lifting away from the wall, all three of them getting to airspeed. They're large creatures, a wingspan easily wider and taller than you are in your armor.
[23:39] <Wes> Refresh perfection. Extra attacks for others. (Bit preoccupied with something atm, can't think properly)
[23:40] <Wes> Attacks
[23:41] <Ronto> (like, extra on full attack?)
[23:42] <Sister_Serenity> (We gain extra attacks now, or our full attacks gain a bonus attack on our turn?)
01[23:43] <Maxus> *at the terminator outside of their reach
[23:43] <Wes> (You gain one extra attack)
[23:43] <Wes> (each)
01[23:45] <Maxus> Well, Serenity. The moths are in the air, and the Hellthorn is extremely angry.
[23:45] <Sister_Serenity> Time to shoot those moths down good and proper
[23:45] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3#1d20+30 first two attacks plus bonus
[23:45] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3#1d20+30 first two attacks plus bonus : 12(20) 50 12(19) 49 12(20) 50
[23:45] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+30 Confirmation
[23:45] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+30 Confirmation : 12(18) 48 12(7) 37
01[23:46] <Maxus> Double confirm
[23:46] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#9d6+48 the criticals
[23:46] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#9d6+48 the criticals : 84 69
[23:46] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3d6+16 the hit
[23:46] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3d6+16 the hit : 28
01[23:47] <Maxus> 64, 49, and 8 damage. Three moths. How are you splitting it up?
[23:47] <Sister_Serenity> One each. I have more bullets incoming.
01[23:48] <Maxus> Go on
[23:48] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 4#1d20+28 blam blam
[23:48] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 4#1d20+28 blam blam : 12(8) 36 12(9) 37 12(12) 40 12(20) 48
[23:48] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+28 confirm
[23:48] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+28 confirm : 12(19) 47
[23:48] <Sister_Serenity> THE DAY OF THE CRITICAL
01[23:49] <Maxus> Pretty much
[23:49] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 6d6+48 the critical hit
[23:49] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 6d6+48 the critical hit : 73
[23:49] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 3#3d6+16 the normal ones
[23:49] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 3#3d6+16 the normal ones : 24 27 25
[23:50] <Sister_Serenity> (So the order of damage would have been 64, 49, 8. Then 4, 7, 5 in the same order. Then the first one takes 53.)
01[23:51] <Maxus> All three of the Hellmoths are shot down.
[23:51] <Sister_Serenity> "Only the pure may hold dominion over the skies"
01[23:51] <Maxus> All that's left is that plant guardian the portal
02[23:52] * Cybaster (Cybaster@Nightstar-amg4bb.dsl.bell.ca) Quit ([NS] Quit: <Kid> I'm Innate Red! Don't you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for stopping! <Serge> Listen, Schala, don't start up with your White Zone shit again!)
01[23:54] <Maxus> *guarding the porta
[23:54] <Ronto> (Oh right, guess it's my time)
1[23:54] <Maxus> It can't reach further than 15 feet, so...Have at it
01[23:55] <Maxus> How do you burn it down?
[23:55] <Ronto> (Technically those grenades do their thing for 1d4 rounds)
01[23:55] <Maxus> Gotcha
01[23:55] <Maxus> Well, roll another pair of damage, then
[23:56] <Ronto> !dice 2#10d6
[23:56] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 2#10d6 : 32 38
06[23:56] * Ronto gives it the finger with both hands.
01[23:57] <Maxus> It dies.
01[23:57] <Maxus> Burns away, and goes limp. Leaving that swirling black point unprotected.
[23:57] <Sister_Serenity> "So the main daemon and the chief cultists have been removed, but now... now we have this."
01[23:59] <Maxus> What do you do with it?
Session Time: Sun Oct 05 00:00:00 2014
[00:01] <Sister_Serenity> That's the tricky bit. It's possible that voids can't just be detonated. BUT WE WON'T KNOW UNTIL WE TRY!
06[00:01] * Sister_Serenity tries chucking some Krak grenades into it. Just to see if that works.
01[00:02] <Maxus> The grenades disappear into the void.
01[00:02] <Maxus> Nothing happens.
01[00:02] <Maxus> Then the void expands, faster than you can move. It touches you all.
01[00:03] <Maxus> Your senses are assaulted by horrors and wonders beyond the ability of mortals to conceive; an endless forest of mile high trees set beneath a sky of crystal blue ocean; immense sharks, their fins made of clam shell and corral, swimming through a bottomless sea of pus; a world of living rock, with a mouth large enough to swallow the sky; a land of rainbows made flesh, where color wars with color, and shades of crimson twine, impassioned, with jade and ivory; all these and a million other sights, smells, and tastes fill you, and overwhelm you.
01[00:03] <Maxus> When at last this journey of a thousand instants is complete, you find yourself unceremoniously dumped upon hard earth. Rising shakily to your feet, your stomach lurching, you find yourself on a plane of blasted dirt, pockmarked by craters, and dotted with jumbled rock outcroppings rising like crooked fingers towards a sky of fire.
[00:03] <Sister_Serenity> Well that was a terrible plan...
01[00:05] <Maxus> You stand before the ruins of what must have once been a truly awe-inspiring mansion, of a size to beggar the imaginations of the greatest mortal architects. Now nothing but rubble remains, a jumble of dust and dirt, of little value to anyone.
01[00:05] <Maxus> Looking around, your trained eyes pick out the evidence of a battle of staggering ferocity. Here you see a shattered golden spear, its point buried in a pile of red ash, and there a barbed war-fork, its tines covered in bloody feathers more perfect and white than any swan’s. Here and there among the fallen stones, there have been beings nailed to the stones themselves. They're beautiful, or were before their maiming and disfigurements by the victors. Many of them have feathered wins, like the Primarch Sanguinius.
[00:05] <Sister_Serenity> "This is not good. Wherever we now are, it feels wrong."
01[00:06] <Maxus> *feathered wings
01[00:06] <Maxus> You seem to be where a door once was. Its giant bronze halves lay on either side of you.
01[00:07] <Maxus> Go forward amongst the ruins?
06[00:09] * Ronto certainly does.
06[00:09] * Sister_Serenity looks around, trying to find anything familiar about the place itself, but then does head towards the ruins
[00:10] <Wes> (Okay, back and can concentrate now. I'll do a bit of reading to catch up)
01[00:11] <Maxus> In the center of the ruins, they find a stairway, unmarked by the devastation above. It leads down to 15-foot-tall bronze doors, carved into the likeness of a handsome, but also cruel, face.
1[00:11] <Maxus> (THAT OF TORAK ONE-EYE no not really)
[00:12] <Wes> (Did we just tour the positive energy plane?)
01[00:12] <Maxus> (You took a tour through the Warp)
01[00:12] <Maxus> (And arrived here, in a Demon Prince's personal pad)
[00:13] <Wes> !dice 4#d20+25 Detect Magic, Chaos, Traps, Secret Doors
[00:13] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 4#d20+25 Detect Magic, Chaos, Traps, Secret Doors : 12(7) 32 12(15) 40 12(8) 33 12(9) 34
01[00:14] <Maxus> Magic and Chaos make the auspex scream.
[00:14] <Wes> "This doesn't bode well." (put it on magic)
01[00:15] <Maxus> But there are no traps and no secret doors, just the bronze deal before you. It's locked, but Ronto's claws and Wes's Power First get it open easily. Stairs stretched down before it you.
01[00:15] <Maxus> *stretch down before you
01[00:16] <Maxus> *Power Fist
01[00:16] <Maxus> Minutes pass as you walk the stairs. Fortunately for Wes and Ronto's comfort, they seem larger than the human normal.
[00:17] <Sister_Serenity> ("What does the auspex say about the Chaos level?" "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND")
[00:17] <Ronto> (If it came down to it, I'd rip a hunk of door and make a sled)
01[00:18] <Maxus> You find yourself near the ceiling of a massive cavern, perhaps 100 feet above a sea of boiling magma, on a pathway which circles the cavern edge downward The magma churns as though alive, spitting greasy chunks of ebony fire up and over a concentric circle of pathways set perhaps 20 feet above the lava sea. A large tunnel, sealed by a portcullis, is set against the west wall of the cavern.
01[00:18] <Maxus> It is accessible from the pathways.
01[00:18] <Maxus> In the exact center of the room squats an enormous black cauldron. Even from here, you can see its contents, a sickly green soup that bubbles as savagely as the lava that heats it. The lava is equal parts obsidian and crimson.
[00:18] <Wes> !dice d20+25 Identify
[00:18] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+25 Identify : 12(4) 29
01[00:19] <Maxus> The Auspex returns multiple contradictory results as you approach the cauldron, and then with a burst of sparks, dies.
[00:20] <Wes> ("Yes, apparently it really is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND")
01[00:20] <Maxus> Three 10-foot-wide catwalks radiate out in concentric circles from the center of the room; the circular catwalks are connected to one another by three 10-footwide
01[00:20] <Maxus> catwalks spaced equidistant from one another.
01[00:20] <Maxus> The web of catwalks sits 20 feet above the lava sea, supported by thick stone columns, and the Cauldron sits in a circular platform in the very middle.
01[00:21] <Maxus> The room is some 200 feet across
01[00:21] <Maxus> What do you do with the cauldron?
06[00:22] * Wes tips it slightly, trying to drop some liquid on the floor
01[00:23] <Maxus> The Cauldron weighs a thousand pounds, and when he drops the liquid on the floor, screaming faces form in the green fluid, begging things on the edge of comprehension.
[00:23] <Wes> "Souls? Best if we take this back to base intact."
[00:24] <Sister_Serenity> "I think it is some creation of Chaos, possibly fed by tortured souls, but possibly also just a form of corruption. Safer that we destroy it."
01[00:26] <Maxus> The green liquid is disappearing in vapor, which forms faces carrying a dreadful, hearts-wrenching expression of relief.
06[00:26] * Wes nods. He tips over the whole thing.
01[00:27] <Maxus> The Cauldron is a slight effort for Wes, it weighs at least a thousand pounds. The clang when this unknown metal hits the iron resonates through more than just the air, it shakes your soul. The liquid spreads and spills across the metal.
6[00:30] * Sister_Serenity nearly collapses from the sounds she can hear. Relief, joy, despair... surely those are the sounds of souls, released from their confinement and receiving oblivion. But perhaps also it was made as a weapon to assail the senses.
01[00:31] <Maxus> The cauldron rolls slightly towards the edge of its platform. Anyone wanna pitch it down into the lava?
06[00:31] * Ronto will
01[00:33] <Maxus> It's not too much effort. It falls into the lava, and slowly goes upright. It sinks, slowly. Past a certain depth, lava begins filling it, accelerating it speeding.
01[00:33] <Maxus> From beyond the grate, you hear the sound of a scream of ultimate loss
01[00:34] <Maxus> *beyond the portcullis
01[00:36] <Maxus> Gonna go check?
06[00:36] * Wes attempts to open the portcullis
[00:36] <Ronto> (Sorry, had to dress a wound)
[00:37] <Wes> Taking 20
[00:37] <Wes> So, 30
[00:37] <Ronto> (On a related note, totally need to buy moar gauze today)
01[00:37] <Maxus> You wrench it open. From beyond a green light comes down the tunnel.
01[00:39] <Maxus> At then other end...
01[00:40] <Maxus> You sense that you have come now to the end of your journey. You stand before a sight you have never seen the equal of in all your adventuring: an immense chamber, fully 500 feet high and at least as far across, choked with a jungle of bleeding bone wires that wind and flow across every possible surface. The wires all converge on the center of the cavern, where four massive edifices of copper and bronze stand like pillars of darkest creation, like the fingers of some elemental god, their hollow
01[00:40] <Maxus> cores filled with columns of jade-green fire. Within the fire you behold the legions of the damned, a billion faces shrieking for release from torments
01[00:40] <Maxus> you dare not imagine. A three-tiered set of spindly pathways, all connected by stairs but unprotected by railings, crisscross the cavern. Your feet stand at the edge of the lowest catwalk, and below you is an assuredly lethal fall.
01[00:42] <Maxus> In the midst of this, in a rage, you see one last foe. The demon prince is a 7-foot-tall, strikingly handsome man with obsidian skin. Long ram’s horns curl up from his long hair, and he has 1-inch-long jagged fangs and carefully trimmed clawed hands and feet. He is dressed in deep purple armor studded with rivets of obsidian, and wears a long black hooded cloak at all times. His eyes lock onto you and narrow in a glare. Then he vanishes and, as before with 'Red Wisdom', his voice comes from the air.
06[00:43] * Sister_Serenity scowls at the sight of it
01[00:44] <Maxus> Initiative, folks
[00:44] <Wes> !dice d20+9
[00:44] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+9 : 12(4) 13
[00:44] <Ronto> !dice d20+11
[00:44] <Yufi> Ronto : Result of5 d20+11 : 12(12) 23
01[00:44] <Maxus> !dice d20+11
[00:44] <Yufi> Maxus : Result of5 d20+11 : 12(10) 21
01[00:46] <Maxus> He seems to be calming down. "But your world shall be mine! The soul engines will make this desmesne cover your world in night that never ends!"
[00:47] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 1d20+9
[00:47] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 1d20+9 : 12(10) 19
01[00:47] <Maxus> He's moving, and that last bit came from nowhere in particular. It seems he's using telepathy now.
01[00:48] <Maxus> Order:
01[00:48] <Maxus> Ronto, the Black Son, Serenity, and Wes.
1[00:48] <Maxus> Ronto. Round 1.
01[00:50] <Maxus> You have an invisible adversary somewhere. He had been within 40 feet of you, then he went invisible.
06[00:50] * Ronto readies an action to charge the daemon when he bothers to show, with Furious Charge.
01[00:51] <Maxus> The Black Son is now very quiet.
01[00:51] <Maxus> Serenity, Round 1.
[00:51] <Sister_Serenity> (Note: Invisibility Purge to 60')
[00:52] <Sister_Serenity> Sister Serenity takes a Move Action to fly in the direction he had headed when he vanished, the idea being to get within 60' and make him appear again.
01[00:54] <Maxus> The look on his face is unrepentant shock as he reappears,
01[00:55] <Maxus> Still fifty feet from Ronto.
[00:55] <Sister_Serenity> Does that allow me to get adjacent with the same Move Action?
[00:55] <Wes> (Don't worry, I'll give you a move action)
01[00:56] <Maxus> Yes, it does.
[00:56] <Sister_Serenity> In that case, Execute. "In the name of the Emperor."
[00:57] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#1d20+32 attack rolls
[00:57] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#1d20+32 attack rolls : 12(20) 52 12(19) 51
[00:57] <Sister_Serenity> Well. My luck holds out, it seems.
[00:58] <Sister_Serenity> !dice 2#9d6+48 damage
[00:58] <Yufi> Sister_Serenity : Result of5 2#9d6+48 damage : 81 77
01[00:59] <Maxus> He's chaotic evil, if that makes any difference
[00:59] <Sister_Serenity> Only boosted the attack rolls, not the damage, because I didn't think to go "AND I SMITE ON TOP, HAHAHA"
01[00:59] <Maxus> Right.
01[00:59] <Maxus> Wes, Round 1.
[01:00] <Wes> How far is he?
01[01:00] <Maxus> Fifty feet from you
[01:00] <Wes> Simple charge pounce then
[01:01] <Wes> !dice d20+31 Main hand 1
[01:01] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+31 Main hand 1 : 12(8) 39
01[01:01] <Maxus> He's almost dead, do I doubt you need to roll all of the attacks.
[01:01] <Wes> Scrap that then
[01:01] <Ronto> (Good. I'm dead tired)
01[01:01] <Maxus> Hit
[01:01] <Wes> (I was going to throw him at Ronto, but if Meikle doesn't feel like it...)
[01:01] <Wes> !dice d10+20
[01:01] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d10+20 : 29
[01:02] <Wes> x2
[01:02] <Wes> 58
[01:02] <Wes> !dice d20+26 Main hand 2
[01:02] <Yufi> Wes : Result of5 d20+26 Main hand 2 : 12(8) 34
01[01:02] <Maxus> The mighty power fist of Captain Wes splatters that handsome face.
01[01:02] <Maxus> And the head behind it
1[01:02] <Maxus> As the demon prince falls, the massive columns of brass and wire-bound fire flare up, and then gutter out, as though snuffed by the hand of an unseen god. The ground quakes beneath your feet, once, and then again, and then slowly pulses to stillness, a heart giving up its last moments of life.
[01:03] <Wes> (What about the column fire souls?)
03[01:03] * Iori (8headed@Nightstar-ho51lb.irvnca.pacbell.net) has joined #orcnet
03[01:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Iori Iori
[01:03] <Wes> (Never mind)
[01:04] <Wes> "Okay, let's just give this place a once over for more civilians, and then call in an orbital strike for purging"
[01:04] <Wes> "Emperor knows this place needs it"
[01:05] <Wes> (I take the Sundisk thing)
[01:05] <Wes> "Yeesh, all that just to become another bloody chaos god"
[01:05] <Wes> "Already got too many of those"
[01:05] <Sister_Serenity> "Indeed. The entire chapel requires a lance strike, then perhaps we can rebuild a holy shrine above it in a few thousand years."
01[01:07] <Maxus> You backtrack through the caverns, and back to the portal which brought you here to this piece of the Warp. It's a hard thing to force yourself through, but the trip nevertheless brings you back out, despite witnessing the dance of moons and stars, a tall winged man impaled on a rose-quartz spire for nine days as his molten blood carves trails in the stone, a great beast made of teeth--enormous molars as his feet, great ribs making the curve of his spine, and the yellow fangs of wolves as his eyes, and a house on a beach, between a forest and the sea. You come out in the Chapel once again.
01[01:08] <Maxus> The place feels less baleful, and the night sky is clear. As you look at the timeless stars, you see a moving red star burst into a bloom of red as wide as your hand.
01[01:08] <Maxus> Within a few minutes, it fades to the normal black.
01[01:09] <Maxus> You have bearded the great beast in his lair, and lived to tell the tale.
01[01:09] <Maxus> This concludes the adventure Citadel of the Demon Prince.
06[01:09] * Sister_Serenity shudders. Warp travel is unnatural, and feels more invasive than anything else ever before. It must be destroyed.
[01:09] <Wes> "Was that where we were... Glad we made it out in time"
01[01:10] <Maxus> Your reports are considered. The corroboration of the villagers is also taken into account.
[01:11] <Wes> (Does the sundisk get put to better use?)
01[01:11] <Maxus> You all earn the right to decorate your armor with a black sun, to signify this deed. Your names are entered on the honor scrolls of your chapters and your order, respectively. Your chapters and order are being viewed with favor by the Administratum.
01[01:12] <Maxus> The Sun Disk is brought to the local Minotaurs' fortress, where they hang it in the great hall so the room is always lit and always comfortable.
[01:13] <Wes> (Yay)
[01:13] <Sister_Serenity> And the survivors really did make it home safely?
01[01:14] <Maxus> Ronto's fellow Angry Marines are much impressed, and he doesn't have to buy his drinks for months. They import crates of special whiskey for the parties, and even his own enhanced metabolism and poison-resistant anatomy is tested by the amount of alcohol his brothers press on him.
01[01:14] <Maxus> The survivors made it safely, and were moved to Mons Imperialis. A couple of little girls were much impressed by the "Pretty lady with shiny armor" and are trying to become Sororitas so they can be just as strong and pretty.
01[01:16] <Maxus> Serenity goes back to her duties of purification, guidance, and ventiliation of the Chaos-touched, and pretty soon a young Sister Hospitalier begins hanging around her, looking for an excuse to try to talk to her. There's worse fates.
[01:16] <Sister_Serenity> Awesome. A request must be made for a Schola Progenum to be set up, to properly educate people and train them for the future life serving Humanity.
01[01:16] <Maxus> End session.
This adventure was Dungeon Crawl Classics #18, Citadel of the Demon Prince, by Goodman Games.

We ended up skipping some sizeable portions because one section's encounters are oddly listed, and towards the end it was getting late for some players.
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Maxus »

Right. Adventure has been selected. It looks okay for levels 1-3. You will level up over the course of the adventure. Starting level 1. Rules are a mix of the Dungeon Crusade PDF and Koumei's revisions in the Dungeon Crusade thread in It's My Own Invention

First come, first served. PBP thread will be made once the roster is filled (shooting for four people, can go five).
Last edited by Maxus on Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by radthemad4 »

I'd like to try a Telekinesis focused Sanctioned Psyker
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Post by Maxus »

He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Grek »

I'm in as a Skitarii/Tech Guard. Mechanically, this is represented as a Veteran with the Bionic Reconstruction and Mechadendrites feats who occasionally says "EXTERMINATE".
Chamomile wrote:Grek is a national treasure.
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Post by Maxus »

I don't have a problem with that.

You, Rad, and Koumei makes for...3 players so far. One or two more players, and we'll be good to go.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Corporal Agatha Hellstorm
Human Storm Trooper 1
Background: Veteran of Armageddon
HP: 8/8 DR 5/Magic or Adamantium
Init: +2
Speed: 30' (30' Armoured)

Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 10 +0
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1

BAB/Grab: +1/+4
-Hell Pistol +4 to 60' (1d8+1, 18-20/x2) [Hell], reduce Armour Bonus by 2, Pack 100
-Shotgun (Solid) +4 to 60' (3d6, 20/x3) Clip 12
-Shotgun (Scatter) 20' Cone (3d6, Ref 1/2 DC = Attack) Clip 12
-Chainsword +7 melee (1d8+9, 19-20/x2) [Chain] Wounding DC 13
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Armour), flat 16 touch 12
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

Light and Medium Armour
Simple and Martial Weapons
Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Veteran of Armageddon:
+2 to Spot and Hit Orcs, Goblins and [Goblinoid]
Rapid Repair: half time taken

8 hours: weapon range +25% or vehicle speed +25% or Vehicle Armour +2 or Weapon Damage +2
8 hours: add a power source, making most things [Machine Spirit]
Combat School (Tearing Fangs: Chainswords/Axes)
+2 to attack and damage rolls

Rapid Strike (Ex): choose one at start of combat
-Act first for first round, even a Surprise Round
-Pounce and Leap Attack in first round
-Double Speed (no Provoking) in first turn

Deep Strike (Ex):
-Grav Landing: SUrprise Round when entering via Grav-Chute

Spot +5 (+7 for Greenskins)
Listen +5
Repair +8
Hide +8
Move Silently +8
Jump +7
Disable Device +8
Know (History) +6
Know (Geography) +6

Carapace Armour (Machine Spirit)
Hell Pistol
Solid Slug
Quality Uniform
Repair Kit
Frag Grenades
Edit: awesome, a Skitarii sounds grand. I took Tinker, so I'm good for improving everyone's gear. Which in the case of a Skitarii, includes half the body.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:19 am, edited 5 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by radthemad4 »

I took mind wiped and Crusader's Strike so I can do a bit of healing (Can ToB strikes be done using a Persistent Blade?). Still thinking about skills.


Will talking to NPCs come up much?
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Post by Maxus »

Some, yes.

This is partly a mystery, so social skills will help.

And I'm trying to track down Persistant Blade. Final say goes to Koumei, because she IS the one writing this and it's best to get these rules questions sorted out in advance.

Edit: Tracked down Persistant Blade. I don't see a problem with it, pending confirmation from Koumei.
Last edited by Maxus on Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by radthemad4 »

Okay, I didn't read the main description of Crusader's Strike first (the brief description made it sound like I'd heal people by stabbing them instead of stabbing something else). Might be worth taking if I can use persistent blade though.
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Post by Maxus »

We need a fourth player. Anyone want in?

We have a Skitarii, a Storm Trooper, and Sanctioned Psyker.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I don't see a problem with PersBlade working with that.

Also, I really need to decide if the game totally needs to have those "Well this is a game term/rule in 40k" things. The number of things which have Furious Charge as "Like Pounce, but ___" for instance, and Rending and all that...
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Maxus »

It adds some flavor to the game. I'd keep it self-contained, though, and have the rules somewhere to stop flipping about between books/websites.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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