[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 11 - Talisman of Death

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Post by Dr_Noface »

I vote for bypassing this sequence, and leaving the tavern.
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Post by Sirocco »

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Post by SGamerz »

So we set up a meeting with the thieves just as Captain D did last time, and remain civil in our conversation with Tyutchev, but did tell him that we're looking to hire thieves to steal something.

On leaving the inn we gain an automatic LUCK bonus, restoring it to 11:
You step out, squinting against the bright light of the late afternoon sun. Add 1 Luck point for visiting the Red Dragon Inn and living to tell the tale. You are back in the Street of Seven Sins. If you have met a Sage and he has invited you to dinner, and you wish to take up his invitation, turn to Section 229. If you have not been invited or do not wish to go, you may go down a side street called Cobbler's Walk, heading west, or go down Merchant Street, heading north-west.
This time we have an additional blue option!
On your way towards the Sage's house a small boy runs up to you and asks if you would like to help a very clever scholar and make some money doing it. 'It won't take long,' he adds, tugging at your sleeve. Do you want to thank him, but decline and go on your way, or will you go with the boy?
Do we want to follow the boy?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Captain Double D
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Golden Apple (+4 STAMINA), Chaimail (+1 SKILL), Apothecus' Ring (+1 SKILL) , Jade Rose
Gold: 14
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potion: Potion of Fortune (restore Luck to Initial value, +1 to Initial Luck)
No. of Re-boots in this playthrough: 1
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd rather stick with the sage, but I could be convinced otherwise. Half a vote to ignore.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

I was hoping I can get more than half a vote before I proceed, but it looks like that's all I'm having now. Ignoring the boy's offer, we move on for our dinner date with Apothecus:
You come to the door of the Sage's house and knock. After a few moments a manservant opens the door. You explain that you have come to see the Sage. The manservant asks you for the token. Do you have the token?
I think it's safe to assume he meant the jade rose Apothecus gave to us, which we do have.
The servant says, 'Ah yes, you are expected. Please come in.' You follow him into the parlour. The dining-table is laid for three. Apothecus rises to greet you and introduces you to his friend, Diodorus, a Sage who is an expert on travel between the planes of existence. He tells you that there are portals or gates, allowing travel between Orb and other worlds. He suspects that you may have been brought from Earth to Orb by means of such a portal. 'When you recover the Talisman,' he says, 'you must leave Greyguilds and walk south-east until you come to the Great Plateau. Mount Star-reach, the tallest mountain on the plateau, has, at its summit, one of these portals, through which you must pass If you wish to return to Earth.'

'And now to more immediate matters,' says Apothecus. 'You can leave the city by the postern gate in the cemetery. If you get into serious trouble you may be able to call on the All-Mother for aid. To do so, cry, "All-Mother, nature herself, preserve me."' He makes you repeat the words and you commit them to memory; note them on your Adventure Sheet. He explains that the All-Mother is the Fountain of Life, the opposite of Death. She may be prepared to help you, but only once, at the time of your greatest need. 'However, remember this: no deity can intervene in another's temple.' You thank them both and turn in early after the sumptuous meal of peacock basted in Spirits of Ra, and other exotic dishes. You wake up refreshed - gain 4 STAMINA points. You bid Apothecus farewell, thanking him for all his help and hoping that you won't let him down. You set out to find the Thieves' Guild.
That part about how All-Mother can't intervene in another god's temple is probably a means to explain why we can't just go for the Talisman without the thieves help, because even She can't saved us from being fried by Hawkana...again.

Next we come to yet another familiar paragraph (probably the last one for some time, since we died shortly after):
As you set off, you see a small group of people clustered around a man wearing a flowing grey cloak and one dangling gold ear-ring. He is making huge bunches of flowers appear and disappear, to cries of delight and amusement from the crowd.

Will you:

Try to find a way into the Thieves' Guild?
Try to regain the Talisman on your own?
Stay and watch the magician?
Do we want to watch magic this time, or stick to our "no side-tracks" policy?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Captain Double D
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Golden Apple (+4 STAMINA), Chaimail (+1 SKILL), Apothecus' Ring (+1 SKILL) , Jade Rose
Gold: 14
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potion: Potion of Fortune (restore Luck to Initial value, +1 to Initial Luck)
Misc Notes: At time of greatest need, cry: "All-Mother, nature herself, preserve me."
No. of Re-boots in this playthrough: 1
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

let's watch the magician, why not

If that fails we can always get rezzed since Captain Double D is a new character
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Dr_Noface »

watch da wizard
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Post by SGamerz »

The magician conjures up a cloud of blue, green and pink smoke, which engulfs the spectators. While you watch, Tyutchev, the man from the Red Dragon Inn, appears from the shadows and enters the smoke. By the time it clears neither he nor the magician in the grey robes are anywhere to be seen, but the members of the crowd are accusing one another, between coughing fits, of being cutpurses. You realize that Tyutchev and the magician are in cahoots. As you turn to leave, a servant places a silver salver under your nose. It bears a gold-embossed card inviting you to take sherry with one Mortphilio. 'This way if please,' says the man. You ask who Mortphilio is and he replies, 'One of the elders of the city,' but says no more. Will you go with him, or decline the invitation?
Captain Double D keeps getting these invitations, and she's only been here barely a day!

At least we didn't get our pockets picked by Tyutchev and gang.

Do we accept this invitation or continue our way to meet the thieves?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Long experience in Warhammer Fantasy tells me never to take drinks with someone named 'death-lover.'
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Post by Dr_Noface »

yeah this guy might as well be called necromacer, which makes me think we should have taken the first invitation. pass on this guy, he sounds like a dick
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Captain Double D ain't going out with no necrophiliac.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Considering we're being hunted by Death's worshippers, it's probably wise not to get close to anyone who displays any love for death, via name or otherwise. We decline the invitation and continue to our scheduled meeting.
Have you been told about the storm-drain? If you have, turn to 183. If not, turn to 149.
We have been told about the Thieves' Guild entrance, but there's no mention about storm-drains.
The storm-drain is a trap option, which we would have been told is the entrance to the Thieves' Guild if we did anything to offend/earn the distrust of the thieves in the Red Dragon. The one we were told about, the entrance near Hornbeam Road, is the real/'safe' entrance.
You turn left down Hornbeam Road, looking for the coal-hole. You see what looks like a coal-cellar at the back of a dilapidated warehouse. You duck into it and find a small crawl-way hidden on the other side of the pile of coal. You crawl down a chute and out into a small passageway that winds for some distance beneath the city. You come to a door and push it open. You step into a magnificently furnished room; evidently the Thieves' Guild lacks nothing. A group of men is waiting for you, lounging on sofas. Some of them you recognize from the Red Dragon Inn, in particular the one with a scar running from ear to chin.
Scarface looks you up and down for a moment. Then he says, 'Right, I'll get the Guildmaster, we'll see what he has to say.' There is an uneasy silence before he returns with another man. Scarface says, 'This is Vagrant, Guildmaster of Thieves.' Vagrant is a handsome, middle-aged man wearing an ermine jacket. Twirling his moustache, he asks you the purpose of your visit. What will you say?

You need help to steal something?
You want to steal the Talisman of Death?
You will lead them to a hoard of priceless jewellery?
How much do we tell them?
Last edited by SGamerz on Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Presumably just saying "something" will be pointlessly annoying. I don't think these guys are going to take on Hawkana for mere baubles so be honest about what we want them for.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Tell Kraven that we are hunting for the Talisman.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Who else can we trust if not the leader of the biggest group of criminals and scumbags of this city? Of course we tell him everything!
There is a hushed silence, broken by Vagrant. 'That is indeed beyond price.' He suddenly barks out an order. 'We'll mount an expedition before they move the Talisman. It is market-day - a good time. Scarface, Jemmy the Rat, Bloodheart and young Lord Min, you will accompany our friend here.' Some hours later, when they have finished their preparations, you set off. As you leave, you see a piece of graffiti scrawled in blood on a wall: There is no honour among thieves! You resolves to be on your guard.
Yeah, the authors really do seem to reward honesty more often than not.....well, except for that one time we were honest to those warriors of Fell-Kyrinla and got robbed for it.
Scarface leads you through a maze of back alleys into a building that Jemmy the Rat tells you is a safe house. You climb on to the roof and continue running across the roof-tops of the city. Soon you are on top of a tall house, just below the top of the temple to Fell-Kyrinla. Bloodheart, a hulking, silent fellow, takes a rope and grappling hook from his shoulder. He effortlessly throws it round the top of one of the temple columns. He secures his end to a chimney-stack and walks across on the tightrope he has created. You all manage to cross hand-over-hand and join him in the temple eaves. Jemmy the Rat, a wiry man with fingers like a spider's legs, finds a skylight and, true to his name, prises off the bars and picks the lock. Reaching inside he disarms a trap containing a poisoned dart. You marvel at his nimble-fingered skill. They lower a rope and you all dropdown to the top of a staircase. You catch sight of an old serving-man passing a doorway. The others have not noticed him. Will you silence him, in case he has seen you, or ignore him, hoping he didn't see you?
Do we want to murder an old man, or resist our violent instincts and get on with our more honest and honourable work of thieving?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I think we should put the old man on Ignore. Killing him might actually alert people to our presence.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Sirocco »

Yeah, I don't think this book will reward cold blooded murder.
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Post by SGamerz »

We shall prove that there IS honour among some thieves!
You hurry on down the stairs but the old man has seen you.
Uh oh......
You are paddling silently along the landing towards the stairs which lead down, when a loud pealing of bells fill the air. 'The alarm,' snarls Scarface. You freeze. Looking back you are astonished to find that you cannot see the thieves, who you thought were behind you. All you can see are shadows. You are on your own. Will you go back to find the thieves, or run down the stairs ahead of you?
There's no exact 'right' option in that last section. Murdering the old man costs us a LUCK point (we do have the option of just knocking him out, but then Lord Min will try to cut his throat, and trying to stop him will alert the guards as well), but gets us to Hawkana without having to deal with the guards. It was more of a role-playing option since both choices have different kinds of penalties.
Where do we run?
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Post by Sirocco »

Ahead, I think the thieves have outlived their usefulness.
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Post by SGamerz »

You run down the stairs four at a time. You reach another landing before you hear the tramp of feet coming up from below. Thinking quickly, you hide behind an arras. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 140. If you are Unlucky, turn to 153.
Dice roll: 4+3 = 7 (Lucky)
You can hear the clank of armour as a group of guards rushes past the arras, heading up the stairs. You continue down until you reach the double doors at the bottom. A guard remains on duty before them. A guard remains on duty before them. She shouts a warning and runs forward to attack you. You must fight her.


If she is still alive after five combat rounds, turn to 124. If you win within five combat rounds, turn to 113.
This shouldn't be a problem for Captain Double D. If we get unlucky and lose an attack round, I'll use our Luck to speed it up.

Temple Guard 10, Double D 22. Guard is at 6.
TG 15, DD 20. Guard is at 4.
TG 13, DD 19. Guard is at 2.
TG 14, DD 18. Guard is dead.
You step over the fallen guard and, pushing open the double doors, enter the Inner Sanctum of the temple. A tall raven-haired woman, Hawkana, the High Priestess, is praying at the altar, upon which lies the Talisman of Death. Beyond the altar is a large marble statue of the Goddess wearing chainmail, her expression arrogant and cruelly beautiful. Hawkana rises and turns. She resembles the statue and is wearing a long dress of black chainmail.
'How dare you desecrate the temple. How dare you interrupt me when I'm speaking with the Goddess,' she says softly, white with rage. 'I dedicate your soul to the Goddess.' She drives her fist into the air and chops it downwards. A pillar of flame descends from the vaulted roof. Roll one die. If you score 1-4, turn to 105. If you score a 5 or 6, turn to 132.
Die roll: 2.
You jump aside at the last moment but are still caught by the heat of the blast. Lose 3 STAMINA points. If you are still alive you may wish to use of the following, if you have any of them:

A Vial of Vapours of Speed
An Amulet made from the Horn of a Unicorn
A Scroll of Agonizing Doom

None of these things
Unfortunately Captain DD didn't pick up any of these (although Captain D did have Unicorn's Horn).
Hawkana draws her sword and advances on you, snarling with tigerish ferocity. You must fight the High Priestess.


If you win, go to 44.
Arguably the hardest singles opponent fight in the whole book! Thanks to that fire blast we took earlier our STMINA is only 4 points higher than hers! We may need Luck (in more ways than one).

Hawkana 22, Double D 16. Double D is at 16.
Hawkana 15, DD 23. Hawkana is at 12.
Hawkana 23, DD 21. Double D is at 14.
Hawkana 19, DD 18. Double D is at 12.
Hawkana 17, DD 17. Tie.
Hawkana 21, DD 20. Double D is at 10.
Hawkana 17, DD 19. Hawkana is at 10.
Hawkana 21, DD 19. Double D is at 8.
Hawkana 20, DD 20. Tie.
Hawkana 20, DD 20. Tie.
Hawkana 15, DD 22. Hawkana is at 8.
Hawkana 18, DD 23. Hawkana is at 6.
Hawkana 21, DD 22. Hawkana is at 4.
Hawkana 18, DD 21. Hawkana is at 2.
Hawkana 19, DD 21. Hawkana is DEAD!
Hawkana collapses to the floor, lifeless. You walk to the altar and take the Talisman of Death. It is cold and heavy. At last you have regained it. Gain 1 LUCK point. You look back at Hawkana and your scalp crawls. Her wounds are healing. Even as you watch she tries to raise herself from the pool of blood in which she lies. Will you go back to Hawkana, or run to the double doors?
Run, or try to kill her again?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Captain Double D
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Golden Apple (+4 STAMINA), Chaimail (+1 SKILL), Apothecus' Ring (+1 SKILL) , Jade Rose, Talisman of Death
Gold: 14
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potion: Potion of Fortune (restore Luck to Initial value, +1 to Initial Luck)
Misc Notes: At time of greatest need, cry: "All-Mother, nature herself, preserve me."
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Post by Starmaker »

SGamerz wrote:Dice roll: 4+3 = 7 (Lucky)
Letting the guy go still ended up costing us a luck point! At least we got it back.

I really don't get why we weren't burned to a crisp this time around, so let's push our luck further. Fight her again, nom the apple if necessary.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I suspect a roll of 5 or 6 would have fried Captain Double D.

Anyways, let's finish her off.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Sirocco »

Reapply sword as required.
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Post by SGamerz »

Starmaker wrote:
SGamerz wrote:Dice roll: 4+3 = 7 (Lucky)
Letting the guy go still ended up costing us a luck point! At least we got it back.

I really don't get why we weren't burned to a crisp this time around, so let's push our luck further. Fight her again, nom the apple if necessary.
Yeah, this is a pretty clear case of authors' railroading. I guess an argument could be made that Hawkana catches Captain D by surprise immediately after he just fought the guard and thus he had no time to get out of the way. This time, we walked in on her and surprised her, so she had less time to aim.
You notice that a ring on Hawkana's finger is glowing with a green light as her wounds close up. Quickly, you take it off before she comes fully back to life. You place it on your own finger. It is a Ring of Regeneration; regain 6 STAMINA points. Will you now try to leave through the double doors, or search the Inner Sanctum?
Trying to escape in the last section actually gives her time to heal and forces us to fight her again.....although she won't be at full stats and will be a much easier fight.
Do we want to search or leave while we still can?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Captain Double D
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Golden Apple (+4 STAMINA), Chaimail (+1 SKILL), Apothecus' Ring (+1 SKILL) , Jade Rose, Talisman of Death, Ring of Regeneration
Gold: 14
Provisions: 9 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potion: Potion of Fortune (restore Luck to Initial value, +1 to Initial Luck)
Misc Notes: At time of greatest need, cry: "All-Mother, nature herself, preserve me."
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Post by Sirocco »


Half a vote to push our luck and search for MOAR LOOT!
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