[LP] LKG: Combat Command – The Omega Rebellion

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Restart! In search of an intestalien.
As Gasper Newlin steps into the Thirty-One Level corridor, he sees a dozen security cops ahead. Although he immediately turns to leave, the lift has already sealed its door and sped away.

Gasper's heart begins to pound. He hasn't committed any crime, but security cops sometimes detain even innocent citizens, and he has little time to spare before his work shift begins. Gasper is a junkloader in the Hillgrove Production Complex. He values his job because, when taken into consideration with those of his brother, father, and cousin, it entitles Gasper and eleven relatives to a three-room flat in the Gradapt Complex. If Gasper loses his job, his family must move into the Municipal Dormitories.

Gasper stands motionless, considering his options. The cops hide behind pillars and in doorways, so that a person approaching from the opposite direction cannot see them. If they have noticed Gasper at all, they show no sign. Gasper cautiously reaches behind and presses the call button for the lift. With luck, Gasper can leave before the cops notice him.

As Gasper nervously awaits the lift, a tall woman with waist-length black hair steps into the other end of the corridor. She carries a large bag slung over her shoulder. A red polyester vest and brown nylon pants only serve to highlight her figure. The black eye patch over her right eye complements the sharp, striking lines of her face.

She smiles and waves at Gasper.
Gasper warns the woman about the security cops.
• Gasper ignores the woman.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Put the woman on Ignore.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

When Gasper doesn't return the woman's greeting, she frowns and stops walking toward him.

"Is something wrong?" she asks.

One security cop turns toward Gasper, the barrel of his handgun raised to his lips in the universal sign for silence.

The woman hesitates briefly, then says, "Acknowledge, or I'll leave."

The cops jump from their hiding places, their guns leveled at the woman. She starts to turn and run, then thinks better of it and freezes. She drops her shoulder bag to the ground with a heavy clunk.

"Traitor scum!" she hisses at Gasper.

The cop sergeant roughly handcuffs the woman while his men keep her covered. "Don't blame him, Tita," the sergeant growls. "Somebody else set you up. He just happened by." The sergeant turns to Gasper. "Identify yourself, citizen."

Gasper pulls his identity plate from his pocket and gives it to the cop. Behind the sergeant, the other cops begin interrogating Tita.

"Newlin, Gasper," the cop mumbles. "Gradapt 47-2023. Is that correct?"

Gasper nods.

The cop gives the identity plate back to Gasper. "Well, Newlin, Gasper, Gradapt 47-2023, what you saw here today never occurred. If any reports to the contrary circulate, you will be Newlin, Gasper, Transported for Life. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Gasper whispers. Behind the sergeant, Tita spits in a cop's face.

The lift finally arrives. "Here's your lift, citizen. Remember what I said."

Gasper gets into the lift and punches the button for Forty-Two Level. The Forty-Two Level corridor is almost as direct a route to work as the Thirty-One Level corridor. A moment later, the lift doors open.

Ten yards down the corridor, a dozen men openly carrying handguns are running toward the lift. They are probably rebels, Gasper realizes, for the possession of any kind of weapon is punishable by Transportation for Life, or worse.

"Hold that lift!" their leader cries. "Does it go to Thirty-One Level?"

Gasper hesitates. He could close the lift and return to Thirty-One Level to warn the cops about this group of rebels. If he does this, the cops might reward him by getting his family a better apartment. On the other hand, they might resent his interference and make good on their threat to
transport him.

• Gasper holds the lift.
• Gasper closes the lift and goes back to Thirty-One Level to warn the cops.
Holding the lift puts us back on the rebel path, so Gasper's gonna narc it up.
Gasper closes the lift and punches the button for Thirty-One Level. He realizes he will be late for work, but perhaps the security cops can excuse his tardiness.

When the lift door opens on Thirty-One Level, Gasper sees three security cops, including the sergeant lying on the ground, screaming in agony. Tita, her face bruised and swollen, kneels on the floor. Nine cops stand several feet away, their guns trained on her head.

"Any more of that, lady," one cop is saying, "and I swear there won't be enough of you left to interrogate."

"You've got bigger problems than her, fellas," Gasper interrupts. "A dozen of her buddies are coming down here right now, and they're playing for keeps."

The cops look to their sergeant for instructions, but he's lying on the floor gasping for air.

"Let's run!" says one cop.

"No, I say let's ambush 'em!" hollers another.

Gasper kneels down and repeats his warning to the sergeant, who whispers, "Listen to Newlin! He saw them; do what he says."

• Gasper instructs the cops to run.
• Gasper sets up an ambush.
I was actually amused when the rebels turned out to be such an amateur operation that they put Gasper in charge based on his 'knowing the area.' This strains credibility, but maybe the security cops are also more amateurish than you might suppose?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Organizing ambushes is what Gasper is good at so let's do that.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

"Me? IN command?" Gasper says. "Okay. Let's ambush them. Everybody find a good hiding place, and don't open fire until I give the word."

What about the girl and the wounded?" one cop asks.

"Hide the girl with me. Leave the wounded alone – we're out of time and they'll have to take their chances."

Two cops drag Tita behind Gasper's pillar. "Nice guy," she says to Gasper. "Thanks for not leaving me out as buzzard bait, too."

"No thanks necessary," Gasper whispers, readying his weapon. "I just want you near me so I can personally pull the trigger if you warn your friends."

Tita's eyes open wide in astonishment, and Gasper grins inwardly. His words have had their intended effect.

A moment later, the lift doors open. Twelve rebels stand inside, their handguns ready to fire.

• Gasper waits a moment to fire, allowing the rebels to leave the lift.
• Gasper opens fire immediately, while he has the sure advantage of surprise.
Okay, Gasper's own incredulity at being put in charge of a tactical team assuages my own. Also, damn, this take on Gasper is extra hardass.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Why would we want to let the rebels leave? Open fire now.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Starmaker »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:Why would we want to let the rebels leave?
Maybe they'll shut the doors and gtfo.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

"Fire!" Gasper shouts.

The security cops open fire on the crowded lift. Half a second later, the startled rebels return fire, and ricocheting hardshot fills the corridor. Cement chips rain down on Gasper's head, and he hears himself scream in fright. A bullet strikes near his face, filling his eyes and nose with cement dust. He rolls back behind the pillar and wipes his eyes clean, then leans back out and begins to fire again.

The security cops have a Manpower value of 10 (including Gasper), and an Ordnance value of 5. They attack using Chart B.

The rebels have a Manpower Rating of 12 and an Ordnance value of 5. They attack using Chart D.

SecCops AS: 50, roll 3, hits 1. 11 rebels remain.
Rebel AS: 55, roll 6, hits 1. 9 SecCops remain.
SecCops AS: 45, roll 11, hits 4. 7 rebels remain.
Rebel AS: 35, roll 7, hits 1. 8 SecCops remain.
SecCops AS: 40, roll 7, hits 2. 5 rebels remain.
Rebel AS: 25, roll 12, hits 2. 6 SecCops remain.
• After three rounds of fighting, any surviving rebels manage to close the lift door and flee. √
• Gasper and all of the cops are killed.
Yep, they booked it. This fight actually has a piece of art attached, but I can't put it up 'til later.
The corridor grows eerily silent as the gunfire ceases. Pools of blood begin to flood the area, expanding in great circles from the unmoving bodies on the floor. As the ringing in Gasper's ears grows more tolerable, he hears the moans and screams of the wounded.

"Hey, what happened to the woman?" asks a cop. Gasper notices for the first time that Tita is gone.

"The little bitch ran off during the firefight," gasps the sergeant, still holding his stomach. "It's okay - we weren't supposed to get ambushed." He turns to address Gasper. "You're a natural leader, Newlin. His Lordship certainly has a place in his service for a man like you. How about it?"

Gasper looks at the carnage in the corridor and feels sick to his stomach. He fears he will vomit at any moment.

"Guarantees a flat for your family as long as you're in the Service, plus a nice little salary for yourself. Why not accept?"

• Gasper accepts the sergeant's offer.
• Gasper refuses the offer.
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Post by Starmaker »

Looks like we have to refuse so as to meet the intestalien.
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Post by SGamerz »

Hmmm.....we've already made enemies in the rebellion, might need stick to the other side so that we don't get trapped between a rock and a hard place. I'm inclined to accept.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If I didn't know about intestalien I'd accept. But since I do, let's refuse.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

"No," Gasper says, "I couldn't do this for any price. Look at this carnage! There are dying people everywhere, and it doesn't bother you at all."

The sergeant looks perplexed. "People die every day. What's the big deal?"

Gasper shakes his head. "I'm sorry. This just isn't for me."

"Suit yourself," the sergeant says. "Just remember, Newlin, Gasper, 47-2023, this never happened. Understand?"

Gasper nods. "I understand, and that's why I don't want to be a part of it."

The sergeant shrugs and walks off. His men quickly follow, and Gasper is soon standing alone in the corridor. A terrible thought crosses his mind: he has forgotten all about his job in the excitement, and the cops have left!

Gasper starts through the corridor at his best run, hoping against hope that his foreman hasn't replaced him yet. Ten minutes later, his heart pounding from exertion and fear, Gasper reaches the Hillgrove entrance and pushes his way through the mass of unemployed crowding the gate. His foreman, a burly man named John, is just walking away from the gate.

"John!" he calls.

John turns on his heel. "Gasper!" he barks. "What happened?"

"I was detained by ..." He hesitates, remembering the sergeant's warning to forget the morning's troubles. "By a bunch of rebels."

"I hope you reported them!" John says.

"No," Gasper responds. "I was already behind schedule."

"Too bad," John sighs. "If you had, maybe security could excuse your tardy. I'm sorry." John rums to leave.

"Wait!" Gasper screams. "You replaced me?"

John shrugs. "You know the laws for class-one labor. I had no choice."

"But security can clear me!" Gasper yells.

"Fine. Bring the agent by, and I'll see what we can do," John says. "Otherwise, you might as well go home."

John turns toward the complex with authoritative finality. Gasper drops his head and doesn't move for five full minutes. A few chiselers express their sympathy for the misfortune.

Finally, Gasper mutters, "Well, there's nothing to be done," and heads home.
On his way home, Gasper stops at the RecPark to forget about his troubles, but he goes back to his flat after an hour of mindless amusement. He must tell the family that he lost his job. It means moving into the Municipal Dormitories by the end of the week.

When Gasper opens the door to his flat, a security police lieutenant greets him.

"Newlin, Gasper, Gradapt 47-2023?" the lieutenant asks.

Gasper nods dejectedly.

"Identity plate?" the cop demands.

Gasper digs the plate out of his pocket and hands it over. The cop takes a lighter from his pocket and burns the plate.

"You are now Newlin, Gasper, Undesignated, after failing to report for work this morning." The cop puts no emotion into the words.

"Because I was delayed by security business!" Gasper snaps.

"That has been noted," the cop says. "Which is why I am here. Normally, you would lose this apartment as your family is now below its work quota. However, because of the unusual circumstances surrounding your case, His Lordship has seen fit to make an exception."

Gasper's heart beats more rapidly. "He has?"

The cop continues, "As you may know, His Lordship's fleet recently discovered, or rediscovered, the planet Omega. In his gracious benevolence, His Lordship has authorized the colonization of this planet under his protection. You have been chosen as a colonist candidate."

Gasper's heart sinks. "Another world?" he asks dejectedly. The cop does not respond. "What are the complexes like on Omega?" Gasper asks. "Are they as overcrowded as we are here?"

"There are no complexes on Omega," the cop responds. "Everybody lives Outside.''

Gasper inhales sharply. "Outside! On a strange world! Impossible!"

"If you won't go, I have been ordered to see that you vacate this flat immediately." The cop's voice is even and emotionless, as if he were giving traveling instructions instead of pronouncing a life sentence.

"Of course," Gasper says. "Just let me gather my things and leave a note."

"That won't be necessary," the lieutenant says, taking Gasper's elbow and guiding him out the door. "Your family has been informed, and you won't be allowed any personal gear."


"Must be the Mojave Spaceport," comments the convict sitting next to Gasper on the colonists' transport. The passengers are herded out of the plane onto the desert floor. Gasper immediately feels dizzy and must struggle to overcome his panic. He is Outside, below a brilliant, burning hot sun. The blue sky seems limitless and, aside from the two hundred colonist candidates and their guards, there is not a living being in sight.

A security colonel addresses the candidates. "Listen up! You may qualify for the privilege of being among the first colonists His Lordship will send to the planet Omega. We begin testing immediately."

The colonel leads the way to a forty-foot-long bridge suspended over a deep gorge. The four-foot-wide bridge has no handrails. The colonel points to Gasper and says, "You! You look nervy. Walk across the bridge."

Gasper feels sick to his stomach and vomits.

"Are you through?" the colonel asks impatiently. "We're waiting."

His head spinning, Gasper walks to the edge of the bridge and looks down. Although he has never had occasion to judge heights Outside, he feels certain that the distance to the gorge bottom is over one thousand feet.

"What happens if I fall?" he asks.

"You die, most likely," the colonel answers. "And better here than on Omega, after His Lordship has wasted good money on your behalf."

• Gasper crosses the bridge.
• Gasper refuses to cross the bridge.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Cross the bridge.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Cross. From the look of things, he might just shoot us if we refuse.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Gasper takes a deep breath and steps onto the bridge. It sways slightly under his weight. Gasper hesitates. Suppose this is a death trap?

"Come on!" The colonel cries impatiently. "You'll face worse situations on Omega."

"I'm being paranoid," Gasper says to himself. "They just want to find out if I can handle being Outside." He forces himself to step further onto the bridge. It wobbles. He slips. For a long moment, he does not think he can continue. Finally, he thinks about turning around and realizes this would be more difficult than continuing. He takes a deep breath and moves one foot forward, then the other. In this manner, one step at a time, Gasper crosses the bridge.

On the other side, another security cop greets him. "Good job. Follow me to the next test." The cop takes off at a run. Gasper follows.

Two minutes later, with Gasper panting and out of breath, the cop stops in front of a doorway leading into an open-topped building. "This is a maze," the cop says. "You have three minutes to meet me on the other side. If you stay to the right, you should have no problem." The cop runs around the corner of the building.

Gasper hesitates. If this is a maze, why did the cop tell him how to get through it?

• Gasper follows the cop's instructions and stays to the right.
• Gasper tries to find his own way through the maze, reasoning that the cop's instructions are some kind of trap.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sirocco »

Right hand rule ftw.

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Post by Starmaker »

If this is a maze, why did the cop tell him how to get through it?
Because the cop has a quota to meet, obviously. Looks like a toss-up between a realistic adult dystopia and a YA "don't trust the cops" thing. I vote to follow the cop's instructions, so that if it turns out to be the wrong choice, it'll be the writer's fault.
Last edited by Starmaker on Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Right is right.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

"I've got no choice but to follow the cop's instructions," Gasper reasons. "Otherwise, I'll never find my way out of the maze in three minutes."

Gasper enters the maze and places his palm against the right hand wall. He begins to trot. Time after time, the maze reverses on itself and Gasper begins to doubt his strategy. His rib cage hurts from so much running, but he continues to force his legs to move double time.

Finally, panting so hard he can barely stand, Gasper turns a corner and is suddenly out of the maze. The cop stands there waiting. "Not bad," he says. "Two minutes and fifty-five seconds. You show good judgment. Come on, we'll walk to the next test."

The cop leads the way over a small hill at a slow walk. To Gasper's relief, he finds that he catches his breath as he walks. The cop stops in front of a boulder-strewn field that stretches over the top of the next hill.

"This test is easy. It simulates the kind of terrain you're likely to find on Omega. We just want to be sure you can handle the little, everyday hazards of life Outside. You have twenty minutes to walk to the other side of that field, which is only about a mile long. Take your time, and give this to the
cop on the other side."

The cop hands Gasper a running stop watch. It shows nineteen minutes and fifty-five seconds remaining. "There's no way you can tamper with the watch," the cop says. "So if you get into trouble, your best bet is to keep walking."

Gasper enters the field and begins to walk. To his amazement, he finds that he can walk nearly as fast as he could down a crowded complex corridor. He estimates he will need only about nine or ten minutes to finish the walk. As Gasper tops the hill, he sees a man sitting on the ground with his back propped against a rock. The man's ankle is swollen and hideously colored black and blue.

"Thank His Lordship's benevolence," the man says. "You've come just in time." The man holds his stopwatch up for Gasper to see. He has just over ten minutes remaining. Gasper inspects his own and sees that he has sixteen minutes remaining.

"I twisted my ankle on one of these rocks," the man says. "I thought I was out of luck until you walked over the hill." The man grabs Gasper's hand and tries to stand. "If you give me a hand, I ought to make it."

• Gasper helps the injured man.
• Gasper refuses to help because the delay might endanger his own chances of completing the test successfully.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I suspect this is a test about whether or not we'll help other colonists if they're in trouble. Help the guy out.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

I think it's a test too, but I think it's a test to see how strongly dedicated we are to the mission and our refusal to get distracted.

Ignore him.
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Post by maglag »

His Lordship doesn't seem to aprove of mercy or kindness. Ignore.
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