Report: The Tabletop Game

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Report: The Tabletop Game

Post by Koumei »

Linking back to this.

So here is the team:
Unnamed Earth Genasi Wizard (Transmutation, banning Necromancy and Abjuration because I asked a mate what the banned schools were in 2Ed), male. This is the mini being used (unpainted as yet).
With a good Strength and Constitution, the Veteran background, Armoured Mage as a Feat, and use of the Fist of Stone spell, this guy has the most HP in the party (as in his familiar has the same HP as one of the other PCs), and wanders about in Banded Mail with a Maul. Player will benefit from a deck of cards with the spells on them, putting prepared spells into a "hand". Likes being a Crafter, and will probably end up doing the thing where Wizards cast some spells and become better fighters than Fighters.

Waerlogan, Fire Genasi Rogue. Probably male, but the closest "roguelike" mini I had on hand was a big-boobed girl from Wrath of Kings. Dual-wields Hand Crossbows (alternately, Short Swords), and has Sneak Attack, Wall Flip (see: make the opponent flat-footed), Sudden Snare (see: negate an attack and make the opponent flat-footed), Fire Bomb, and Hidden Dagger (see: make the opponent flat-footed). Player was very quick to get the hang of "making opponents flat-footed and then Sneak Attacking them". Also, is looking into ordering a pre-painted Fire Genasi mini from the various D&Dminis suppliers, or getting a custom one via here.

Unnamed Wizard Necromancer, male. Uses one of these for a mini. Tomb-Tainted Soul, obviously, and War Profiteer background, which he plays to the hilt. Has been wandering around with a pair of Corpsecrafted skeletons, and will probably be looking to expand his horde as things progress.
So to start with, they were hired by the scholar Volo as bodyguards - a merchant ship was bound for the city of Samarach, on the isle of Chult, and he had passage so he could meet a friend and do his mapping and writings. They were just there to protect him. The ship smashed against the shore, and then goblins approached...

Volo stepped forward to negotiate, but the players (correctly) assumed he was a bit of a twat and elected to negotiate in his stead. Thanks to a Charm Person on the leader of the goblins, this actually happened, and with the Wizard being a translator, they manage to avoid hostilities despite using a very bad word. I know I've used this gag before in games. Probably multiple times. Anyway, they managed to get the goblins to tell them where the nearest town is and step down... where the PCs realised there were more goblins in the bushes nearby, so if there had been combat it would have been multiple waves.

So anyway, they trecked to the town that turned out to be Samarach, where the guards were rather suspicious. They very nearly caused an incident by mentioning "little green friend" (what with the locals being rather paranoid about Yuan-ti), until a Bluff check convinced them they meant the Wizard's familiar (a lizard). So they were allowed in, specifically to speak to Lady Sassani, the merchant lady who was also the contact of Volo. When the truth came out about what happened with the ship, they agreed to spend the night at the inn (on her dollar) and then head out to loot the wreckage (or "recover what survived" and check for sabotage, because she instantly suspected that.

So they went back the next day, killing a goblin patrol along the way, and looked around the area. They managed to recover some blank scrolls (soaked), some iron ingots, some meat (now extra-salty), and some carpets (soaked). Also, the wizard smashed all the crates open with his hammer, so the crate that had bottles... well, only two potions survived. They also noted signs of sabotage, and while they were at it they grabbed some rope because they're adventurers, rope is always handy.

More goblin fights, a check on the goblin cave (locked entrance, "we'll come back with a crowbar"), and a trip back, and they were rewarded. Sassani likes them because they're low enough level to enjoy money for rewards, and she has that in spades. After that, they set out to properly wipe the goblins out. With a crowbar for the door. One good Disable Device check later and the door is open. Also, around this point they killed a bunch of goblins, included a mounted one, and Waerlogan threw some meat and made a Handle Animal check to calm the Worg, because I briefly forgot it wasn't just a regular wolf. Anyway, they now have a cautious ally who will run up and bite enemies when encouraged.

They got the lizard to scout the cave out, and recognised three important areas: two had goblin fights, and one had prisoners in a cage. So Waerlogan snuck in and released them. They all rushed into the main chamber and slaughtered the goblins, including the wizardly leader, before killing the back-ups who arrived from the other room. They then looted the place, and... well they didn't release the halfling pirate who was captive there, they just placed her cage on the back of their cart to take back to town.

As a result of all this:
-The townspeople hate them a little less
-The goblins are basically wiped out
-The halfling is now going to form a rival adventuring party
-The party has some rest time and the option to go exploring or to talk to other NPCs about side-quests

And that's where it's at. A fairly simple first session with a bunch of simple fights against groups of weaker enemies, and a few "use a skill check here" moments. And they're all pretty pleased with it.

Now, I'm going to get more minis for more encounters. But this depends on:
A. Deciding what creatures are good encounters (as groups and solo bosses) for a level 3 party (and the next few levels)
B. Ideally, finding a place where I can order a bunch of minis really cheap, rather than paying $40+ for a box of Warham ones.
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Post by RelentlessImp »

I'm looking forward to hearing more about this. Storm of Zehir was the best thing NWN2 did, to the point that it justified having to suffer the existence of Mask of the Betrayer, and seeing it in tabletop form is going to be interesting once (if) they do the Trading Caravan part of the game.
Last edited by RelentlessImp on Wed May 13, 2015 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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