Doubt Playtest

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Doubt Playtest

Post by echoVanguard »

So, I am running a game of Doubt with some modified background elements and a set of simple rules (that suck) designed to make the game playable in the short-term and suss out some of the potential options and avenues for making the game interesting. The log of the first session will be appended to this post later.

The rules that are being used are here:

Changes to the Doubt Design I have made:

1. The terminology for the various groups has been definitively set as "Sleepers" for normal people and "Doubters" for mortals with Hyper Perception. Doubters who lose their humanity turn into Hollow Men.

2. The concept of cards has been removed and replaced with Flow. Flow is the narrative currency (similar to FATE points) that players get, which can be used to affect any quantum event. Doubters get Flow whenever they are exposed to supernatural events (which is how Sleepers become Doubters to begin with). Each Doubter has a specialty, known only to the MC, and when Flow is used, a die is rolled - if it's a 6 (or not a 1, if the effect falls under that Doubter's specialty), the effect is free. This creates patterns, but not reliable patterns, in the use of Flow. Doubters also use Flow subconsciously, primarily to create clues that lead them in the direction of their investigation, and this use of Flow is always free (and controlled by the MC). In the event that a Doubter gathers enough evidence to figure out what their specialty is, their specialty immediately changes due to collapse of the wavefunction.

3. Once transformed into a Doubter, the person's past life ceases to exist. They disappear from all records, their friends no longer remember them, and any evidence of their actions slowly disappears over time. People forget them a few days after talking about them, any records they create mysteriously vanish, and people generally don't take them very seriously. This means that Doubters who aren't very careful about evading the authorities usually end up trapped permanently in mental hospitals or prisons, listed under an ever-changing alias that the administrators keep meaning to confirm but never quite get round to doing so.

4. Night Terrors no longer die upon being perceived, and are in fact big scary monsters that are very dangerous in combat. They are killable by weapons covered in salt (melee or bullets, salt alone does not harm them), and when they die, they leave behind plausible corpses for the actions they have taken. For example, a Night Terror with big scary claws that slashed up a bunch of stuff turns into the corpse of an escaped mental patient with a giant cleaver or pick-axe. A Night Terror which smashed a whole bunch of stuff and took a ton of punishment in front of multiple observers leaves behind the corpse of a PCP-addled vandal. In every case, Sleepers who observe the event never see the Night Terror as anything other than an explainable form, even while alive.

5. Every monster now has a unique method of being killed or countered. For example, Hollow Men have to be decapitated, while the Metatron can be blocked by antipsychotics. There are also Elder versions of each monster type, which require unique solutions to kill above and beyond the standard methods. For example, normal Hollow Men just have to be decapitated, but Elder Hollow men can only be decapitated by a weapon with their name inscribed on it. Finding out the name of a particular Hollow Man is obviously crazy difficult and can only be accomplished through the use of Flow (see 2).

Changes to the Rules I am contemplating:

1. The combat system seems to really suck at handling melee, which is pretty sad. I definitely think I need to use the Cinematic Damage from, especially with the minimum damage levels.
2. Really thinking about using limited-size dicepools with maximum hit threshold. In essence, you would have a full dicepool to roll, but only 1 hit would count. You could remove dice from the pool voluntarily to increase your maximum hit cap. This would make players have to make tough decisions before rolling depending on what they wanted to do, but it also faces the risk of having the optimal penalty be deterministic if someone is dedicated enough about it to bust out actual probability calculations (which nerds are wont to do).
3. There is totally no reason ever not to assist another character, which is lame. There needs to be some limiting factor to assisting such that you really want to use it when you can but are usually prevented by something other than 'Shut up'. We really want people helping other people to break out of headlocks and shackles, and we really don't want everyone saying 'Me too!' every time someone makes an investigative roll.

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Re: Doubt Playtest

Post by Chamomile »

echoVanguard wrote:3. Once transformed into a Doubter, the person's past life ceases to exist. They disappear from all records, their friends no longer remember them, and any evidence of their actions slowly disappears over time. People forget them a few days after talking about them, any records they create mysteriously vanish, and people generally don't take them very seriously. This means that Doubters who aren't very careful about evading the authorities usually end up trapped permanently in mental hospitals or prisons, listed under an ever-changing alias that the administrators keep meaning to confirm but never quite get round to doing so.
This strikes me as grinding really hard against the game's premise. It gives the Doubters themselves extremely hard-to-deny proof that everything they are experiencing is real, because people they can remember being their friends, family, and coworkers for years or decades suddenly can't remember them.
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Post by echoVanguard »

In the current playtest game all the characters started with amnesia, so that could be a global thing that happens. Or not.

Also, the fact that these people don't remember you and you think you remember them is in no way proof that you aren't just batshit crazy.

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Post by Chamomile »

Not ironclad beyond-reasonable-doubt proof, but the fact that you do not appear to actually have any friends, family, or coworkers at all despite having memories of friends, family, and coworkers is much, much stronger evidence than the rest of the game ever gives you. It's one thing to remember a job that never existed. It's another thing altogether to not even have a birth certificate, because it is obviously true that you were at some point born, and while everyone else may believe you're part of some kind of criminal conspiracy to erase your past, you personally know that this is not true. Taking the sloppiest character archetype and making it ubiquitous is a really baffling decision, though it is a lot more sensible if characters are amnesiacs who can barely remember anything in the first place. Being able to remember a few scraps which turn out to be inconsistent with reality is plausibly something that could just be the result of insanity. Your entire fully remembered life vanishing overnight is extremely unlikely to be the result of any kind of insanity. Sure, you lack the evidence to meaningfully convince anyone else, but for you, personally, the idea that your hallucinations/delusions are that extensive strains credibility nearly as much as the idea that you've been unpersoned somehow.
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Post by echoVanguard »

Quite frankly, the primary concern is giving the player characters a reason to play the game instead of deciding to brush this weird shit off and go back to their jobs. I want the players to feel stranded in a situation where they're basically forced to scrounge for resources, keep moving, and be legitimately compelled to seek out and deal with strange occurrences. If that means I have to stretch the credibility of the premise a little, that's fine.

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Post by Chamomile »

The Replaced and the Wanted work as well for that while representing a much lesser strain on the actual self-doubt at the heart of the game. In both cases, the character in question is being asked to believe that either fragments of their life or, in the latter case, only a single incident have been forgotten, rather than being asked to believe that every memory they have is a delusion.
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Post by echoVanguard »

I don't think it's really feasible to have hard-core, serious ambiguity occur about the basic assumptions of the game. Players are going to experience extremely weird shit like having a Hollow Man pull a knife out of his kidney indifferently or pumping shotgun rounds into the face of a screeching eight-legged alligator monster that then suddenly turns into a bag lady. The players are going to know Weird Shit is afoot. The only critical part of the premise is that they can't realistically go to the cops about anything or trust anyone outside of the party and some contacts, because they can't actually prove anything to a Sleeper under any circumstances.

The player's origin is up for grabs - you can be a Lost, a Wanted, a Replaced, whatever you want. The fact that we must dispossess players from the Normal World in a way that cannot be evaded is not. Fading is not negotiable, because it's critical to the proper engine of the game (and extremely evocative).

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Post by echoVanguard »

Playtest log follows. For clarification, "Edubb" is our dicebot.

[22:50] <echoVanguard> Darkness. Sweltering heat. And a headache the likes of which you've never imagined before. As you slowly regain consciousness, you wonder what on earth you could possibly have done to deserve such suffering.
[22:50] <echoVanguard> And then you wonder where you are. And how you got here. And...what you were doing yesterday. The day before. And your name.
[22:50] <echoVanguard> Well, that can't be good.
[22:51] <echoVanguard> You begin to feel around yourself. You seem to be in some kind of metal box, pitch-black and unbearably hot. You hear vague shuffling sounds and groans coming from around you.
[22:52] <echoVanguard> After a moment, one of you fumbles out a lighter and lights it, illuminating what seems to be a steel shipping container about ten feet on a side. There are three of you in the room, and none of you remembers a goddamn thing. Not your names, not your pasts, not anything about each other or yourselves.
[22:53] <echoVanguard> Player 1, you are a mid-thirties man in rumpled clothes, badly in need of a shave. You are wearing jeans, a stained dress shirt, and a large trenchcoat.
[22:54] <echoVanguard> Player 3, you are a man in his early forties, wearing an impeccably-tailored black suit of what appears to be silk, which is rapidly being ruined by your sweating in this horrific heat. You are holding a very expensive-looking gold lighter, which is lit.
[22:55] <echoVanguard> Player 2, you are a young man in his late twenties, who is wearing a pair of checkered boxer shorts and wearing thick spectacles. You are holding several empty syringes.
[19:09] <echoVanguard> *** SCENE BEGIN ***
[19:10] <echoVanguard> The three of you stare at one another. None of this seems to make any sense.
[19:10] <Boxer_Shorts> "Who are you guys?"
[19:11] <Boxer_Shorts> (is there anything left in my needles?)
[19:11] * SilkySuit raises his lighter higher up to better see the others.
[19:11] <echoVanguard> Boxer_Shorts: All the syringes are empty. You note with interest the hand holding them has the letters L O V E tattooed on the fingers.
[19:11] <Trenchy> "I'm... uh... you first."
[19:11] <SilkySuit> "Give me an hour to remember and I may be able to answer that. Why did you two kidnap me?"
[19:12] * Boxer_Shorts checks my other hand.
[19:12] * Trenchy looks at Silky Pony with disgust.
[19:12] <echoVanguard> Boxer_Shorts: C A S H
[19:12] <Trenchy> "If I kidnapped you, why the hell would I be in here with you?"
[19:13] * Boxer_Shorts tries to push open the door.
[19:13] <SilkySuit> "Well I never accused you two of being good at your job. Your associates may have turned on you at the last moment and tossed you in here as well."
[19:13] * Trenchy snorts.
[19:13] * SilkySuit starts checking his suit pockets with his free hand.
[19:13] * Trenchy nods towards Needles. "What's your name, Needles?"
[19:14] <Boxer_Shorts> "I dont remember. Must have been a really good night.
[19:14] <echoVanguard> Boxers: the door is locked. There is a large padlock on it which appears to be very fancy and have some electronic components.
[19:14] * Trenchy crosses his arms. "Not likely. Great, so none of us remember our names. Probably drugged. With those syringes."
[19:14] <echoVanguard> Silky: your suit pockets are mostly empty, with the exception of a wallet and a slip of paper.
[19:15] * Trenchy checks his trenchcoat for goodies, and especially checks his socks and shoes.
[19:15] * SilkySuit checks the contents of the wallet first.
[19:15] * Boxer_Shorts checks his boxers for any items.
[19:16] <echoVanguard> Silky: it contains a few crisp twenty-dollar bills, a driver's license, and a very fancy-looking card.
[19:16] * Trenchy averts his eyes and continues checking for clues. (pants, trenchcoat, socks and shoes)
[19:16] <echoVanguard> Trenchy: you find a wallet and a glock 9mm in a shoulder holster
[19:17] * SilkySuit reads the name on the driver's license and card to see if they match.
[19:17] <echoVanguard> boxers: only the expected inventory items. The hand holding the syringes has a slip of paper in it.
[19:17] * Trenchy does NOT reveal the gun, but instead pulls out the wallet and checks it over.
[19:17] * Boxer_Shorts reads the paper.
[19:17] <echoVanguard> Silky: they do. Both proclaim you to be Albert Vignola, of Rochester NY. The fancy card purports you to be an Insurance Investigator for Fidelity United.
[19:18] <echoVanguard> Boxers: "72 58"
[19:18] <Boxer_Shorts> "You guys have any other numbers? We should try them on the padlock."
[19:18] <Trenchy> (if we are in the greater Binghamton area I'm getting a speedie - and no it's not a drug)
[19:18] <echoVanguard> Trenchy: the wallet contains a couple of grubby singles, a driver's license, an expired credit card, and a Private Investigator's license. The name on all three is 'Travis Hofsteder'.
[19:19] <echoVanguard> Trenchy: you are supposedly from Atlanta, GA.
[19:19] * SilkySuit puts the cards back into the wallet and then checks the slip of paper.
[19:19] <echoVanguard> Silky: "33 41"
[19:20] <echoVanguard> Trenchy: the wallet also contains a slip of paper with the numbers "15 64" written in a shaky hand.
[19:21] <echoVanguard> character portraits:
[19:21] <Trenchy> "Yeah. I found one too in my wallet. Says 15 and 64, and that's all."
[19:22] <SilkySuit> "Well, my memory is not coming back to me, but you may call me Albert. Please no shortening to Al. I'd fear that I'd have been a shoe salesman."
[19:22] * SilkySuit is now known as AlbertVignola
[19:23] <Trenchy> "Looks like my name is Travis. Nice to meet you Alby."
[19:23] <AlbertVignola> "Also, I have the numbers thirty three and forty one. Make of that as you will."
[19:23] * Trenchy is now known as Travis_Hofsteder
[19:23] <Boxer_Shorts> "Six numbers seems like too many for a padlock. Might as well try them out."
[19:23] * Travis_Hofsteder looks around the box for Needles' wallet.
[19:25] <echoVanguard> there doesn't appear to be anything else of importance in the container. the heat is getting slowly less horrific.
[19:25] <echoVanguard> Boxers, you examine the lock. It's a wide, rectangular affair with a very thick locking mechanism that looks like it would be pretty challenging to break. the front of the lock is covered by a faceplate that looks like it flips open.
[19:25] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Depends on the lock. Looks fancy."
[19:25] * Boxer_Shorts starts spinning the lock.
[19:25] <Boxer_Shorts> (oh, so not a standard combo lock
[19:25] * Boxer_Shorts opens the lock.
[19:26] <echoVanguard> the lock opens to reveal a ten-digit keypad and a large glowing red display, which reads 23:48.
[19:26] <echoVanguard> 23:47.
[19:26] <echoVanguard> 23:46.
[19:27] * Boxer_Shorts shrugs and starts punching in numbers. (the ones we had written down)
[19:27] <echoVanguard> the display continues counting down
[19:27] <echoVanguard> (in which order?)
[19:28] <Boxer_Shorts> (in the order given)
[19:28] <Boxer_Shorts> (72 58)
[19:28] <Boxer_Shorts> ( 33 41)
[19:28] <Boxer_Shorts> (ill stop if something happens)
[19:28] <echoVanguard> nothing has happened so far
[19:28] <Boxer_Shorts> (15 64)
[19:28] * Travis_Hofsteder looks a little nervous.
[19:29] <echoVanguard> the lock emits a loud buzzing noise, and the timer flickers, then displays 12:48.
[19:29] <echoVanguard> 12:47.
[19:29] <echoVanguard> 12:46.
[19:29] * Boxer_Shorts starts entering the same numbers in different order.
[19:29] * AlbertVignola peers closer at Boxers, "Do you have any idea what you are doing?"
[19:29] <Boxer_Shorts> "Nope."
[19:29] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I don't like this! That thing could be attached to a bomb."
[19:30] * Boxer_Shorts steps away, "You try it then."
[19:30] * AlbertVignola checks his slip of paper for any tears or rips.
[19:30] <echoVanguard> none. it's a post-it note with the sticky part cut off cleanly with scissors.
[19:31] <echoVanguard> 12:38. 12:37. 12:36.
[19:31] <Boxer_Shorts> "You guys have anything else on you that matches these numbers?"
[19:31] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Assuming there's a chance the order is based on information we have..."
[19:32] <Travis_Hofsteder> "It might be something like richest to poorest. Or something equally insane. But to answer your question, no, not really. I have a wallet with two dollars in it."
[19:32] <echoVanguard> 12:31. 12:30. 12:29.
[19:32] * Travis_Hofsteder examines his expired credit card for numbers.
[19:32] * Boxer_Shorts examines the lock to see if it can be pried open with a needle.
[19:32] <Travis_Hofsteder> (does it match any of the numbers given?)
[19:32] <echoVanguard> None of the numbers on your credit card match the numbers on the pieces of paper.
[19:32] * AlbertVignola checks the twenty's from his wallet for any writing.
[19:32] <echoVanguard> The twenties are crisp, clean, and unmarked.
[19:32] <echoVanguard> the lock seems very sturdy. You doubt it could be opened with a needle.
[19:33] <echoVanguard> 12:15. 12:14. 12:13.
[19:33] <Boxer_Shorts> "Well, if you dont want to.."
[19:33] * Boxer_Shorts starts punching in numbers.
[19:33] * Travis_Hofsteder examines the crumpled bills. (also how thick is the lock's u-shaped metal itself?)
[19:33] <echoVanguard> (specify the order)
[19:33] <Boxer_Shorts> (15 33 41 58 64 72)
[19:34] <echoVanguard> the lock emits a loud buzzing noise, and the timer flickers, then displays 6:07.
[19:34] <echoVanguard> (it's fairly thick. the lock itself is roughly the size of a small computing tablet)
[19:34] <Boxer_Shorts> "Maybe it opens when time is up."
[19:34] <echoVanguard> 6:06. 6:05. 6:04.
[19:34] <Travis_Hofsteder> "It could just be in numberical order."
[19:35] <Boxer_Shorts> "I just tried that."
[19:35] * AlbertVignola glances around the area for any other items.
[19:35] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I mean in either direction. Or like I said earlier - I have two bucks on me."
[19:35] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Anyway yeah it could open up but that doesn't seem cruel enough. Besides why would it reward failure by reducing our sentence?"
[19:35] <echoVanguard> the container is empty aside from yourselves and the lock.
[19:36] <Boxer_Shorts> "Mind games?"
[19:36] <echoVanguard> 6:01. 6:00. 5:59.
[19:36] * Boxer_Shorts knocks on the side of the container.
[19:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Could be. Might be explosive mind games. Try it in order from Silky to you, and then back again."
[19:36] <echoVanguard> no response.
[19:36] <Boxer_Shorts> (sounds like air on the other side, or its solid?)
[19:36] <echoVanguard> doesn't seem solid.
[19:37] <echoVanguard> 5:57. 5:56. 5:55.
[19:37] * Boxer_Shorts enters 33 41 15 64 72 58
[19:38] * AlbertVignola checks his age on his driver's license.
[19:38] <echoVanguard> the lock emits a loud buzzing noise, and the timer flickers, then displays 2:58.
[19:38] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Fuck! If you had a driver's license too, I'd consider using something on the three of us."
[19:38] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Check the licenses we have for matching numbers or clues."
[19:38] <echoVanguard> Albert, you appear to be 41 years old. Your birthday is supposedly January 15.
[19:39] * Travis_Hofsteder looks at his license for numerical info matching the numbers.
[19:39] <echoVanguard> Travis, you are 36. Your birthday is April 11.
[19:39] <echoVanguard> 2:51. 2:50. 2:49.
[19:40] <AlbertVignola> "Well, my paper contained thirty three and forty one. Forty one appears to match my age with a birthday in the middle of January on the fifteenth. That only helps narrow down one of the numbers."
[19:40] <Boxer_Shorts> "Does that even matter? There would have to be some reason to order them in a certain way."
[19:40] <echoVanguard> 2:45. 2:44. 2:43.
[19:40] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yeah great."
[19:41] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I'm 36 supposedly and I was born April 11."
[19:41] <echoVanguard> 2:41. 2:40. 2:39.
[19:42] <echoVanguard> Boxers, do you enter the second sequence you had prepared?
[19:42] <Boxer_Shorts> (sure)
[19:42] <echoVanguard> You enter 72 58 15 64 33 41.
[19:43] <echoVanguard> The lock beeps, and the timer turns blank. After a moment, the lock unlatches.
[19:43] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Youngest to oldest, or poorest to richest then."
[19:43] <Boxer_Shorts> "I dont know. That seems pretty random."
[19:43] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Either way, same sequence, and that means I wasn't far off."
[19:43] <Boxer_Shorts> "Well lets see whats out there."
[19:43] <echoVanguard> Boxers, you also notice that was the order from closest to furthest from the lock when you all awakened.
[19:44] * Boxer_Shorts opens the door.
[19:44] * Travis_Hofsteder laughs. "You're right it was probably something really arbitrary and silly, in any event."
[19:44] * AlbertVignola blinks in surprise, "Well, maybe you two are not quite as incompetent as I first thought."
[19:44] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Says the guy that figures his fellow inmates are his captors."
[19:44] <echoVanguard> The air from outside rushes in, still sweltering but at least fresher than the air inside the container. It appears to be night outside.
[19:45] * Boxer_Shorts steps out and looks around.
[19:45] <AlbertVignola> "Although, I do have to wonder what brought me to where ever here is. You two do not appear to have anything to do with an insurance claim yet."
[19:45] * Travis_Hofsteder prepares to grab Boxers in case of danger - but not near his boxers.
[19:45] <echoVanguard> The ground outside appears to be dirt. You don't see much in the way of plant life, and the air feels very dry. You think you might be in the desert.
[19:46] <echoVanguard> There are no lights anywhere, and there's nobody around.
[19:46] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Insurance? Yeah how about a real crime, like kidnapping, attempted murder, not to mention theft of memory."
[19:47] * Travis_Hofsteder cautiously steps out with the exhibitionist.
[19:47] <echoVanguard> Travis, you don't see anything of note. Of course, that might be because Albert is your only light source, and he's still inside the container.
[19:47] * AlbertVignola exits the container and slowly circles it with his lighter while checking for any markings.
[19:48] <echoVanguard> Albert, the container has nothing except a large serial number painted on one side. The serial number is 725815643341.
[19:48] <echoVanguard> As you search, however, you catch a glimpse of something behind the container, roughly 50 feet off.
[19:49] <AlbertVignola> "I would suggest writing down this number, but I don't think any of us have a pen. Although, we do have something else to check if you two are done staring at the bleak landscape."
[19:49] * Travis_Hofsteder walks to the other side of the container from the others and checks his pistol for ammunition.
[19:49] <Boxer_Shorts> "Thats the same as on the paper we already have."
[19:50] * Travis_Hofsteder agrees from around the crate. "He's right you know."
[19:50] <echoVanguard> Travis - it's empty. You also appear to have a holdout pistol strapped to your right ankle, but a quick check reveals that it contains no ammunition either.
[19:50] * Travis_Hofsteder curses and reholsters it.
[19:51] * AlbertVignola slowly begins approaching the object that he spotted.
[19:51] * Boxer_Shorts follows
[19:51] <echoVanguard> Albert: it appears to be a rusty old jeep, sheltered under a tarp held up by several two-by-fours.
[19:51] * Travis_Hofsteder chases after. "Find anything good?"
[19:52] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Ack. Junk. Each and Every Part. Let's hope it still runs."
[19:52] <AlbertVignola> "An old rust bucket of rust, but if we are lucky, it may be our ticket out of here."
[19:52] <echoVanguard> There is also a large duffel bag in the backseat.
[19:53] * Boxer_Shorts checks the bag
[19:53] <echoVanguard> it contains a white t-shirt, a pair of black sweatpants, some socks, some sneakers, a spade, and a shotgun (no shells). The sweatpants have a wallet in the pocket.
[19:53] * AlbertVignola stands behind Boxers.
[19:54] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Must belong to you there, Jeepy."
[19:54] * Boxer_Shorts checks the wallet
[19:55] <echoVanguard> it contains three credit cards, sixteen dollars in cash, and a driver's license with your picture on it. The name on the license is "Sean Harrison" with a listed age of twenty-nine and a birthdate of September 21st.
[19:55] <Boxer_Shorts> "Guess I'm Sean."
[19:56] <echoVanguard> all of the credit cards have different names on them
[19:56] * Boxer_Shorts is now known as SeanHarrison
[19:56] * SeanHarrison reads the names
[19:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Spell it."
[19:56] <echoVanguard> Michael Ptolemy, Georgina McQueen, and Raj Singh.
[19:56] * SeanHarrison ignores him and puts on the clothes.
[19:57] * AlbertVignola checks the jeep for any keys.
[19:57] * Travis_Hofsteder looks under the Jeep for anything interesting or suspicious.
[19:57] * SeanHarrison pockets the spade
[19:57] <echoVanguard> The keys are in the ignition.
[19:58] <echoVanguard> You cannot pocket the spade, it's too big.
[19:58] <echoVanguard> There's nothing under the jeep.
[19:58] <SeanHarrison> (how big is it?)
[19:58] <echoVanguard> (about two feet long)
[19:58] * SeanHarrison leaves the needles in the backseat and carries the spade.
[19:59] <echoVanguard> upon closer inspection, the spade is actually an entrenchment tool, a sort of compact shovel used by survivialists and the military.
[19:59] * SeanHarrison looks around for nearby spots that look recently dug.
[20:00] <echoVanguard> A large pile of dirt not too far from the jeep looks freshly disturbed.
[20:00] * SeanHarrison starts digging.
[20:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "...paydirt?"
[20:00] <AlbertVignola> "Or maybe just dirt."
[20:00] <echoVanguard> Travis, you try the ignition on the jeep. It sputters and coughs, but does not start. Looks like there's no fuel.
[20:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Or a corpse."
[20:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I'm hoping for gasoline, however."
[20:01] <echoVanguard> Sean, it only takes you a few minutes to unearth something. It's a large travel suitcase, of the wheeled sort.
[20:01] * SeanHarrison opens it up.
[20:02] <echoVanguard> the suitcase contains a gasoline container, a large binder, a zip-loc baggie, and a large brick of cash wrapped in cellophane.
[20:02] <echoVanguard> the zip-loc baggie contains twelve 9mm rounds, six .357 rounds, and six bean-bag shells for a shotgun.
[20:02] * SeanHarrison passes the gasoline container to the others then opens the binder.
[20:03] <SeanHarrison> "Looks like we have some ammo here."
[20:03] * Travis_Hofsteder examines the pistol ammo and pockets it. "This might come in handy."
[20:03] <SeanHarrison> "Why? We've only got a shotgun."
[20:03] <AlbertVignola> "Lovely, now we can rob each other with the shotgun."
[20:04] <echoVanguard> the binder is full of reams of dot-matrix printer paper, with letters and numbers seemingly randomly printed upon them. A polaroid photograph of a smiling young man lies on top of the first page, with the words 'FIND HIM' scrawled across the bottom.
[20:04] <Travis_Hofsteder> "You never know what we might find next."
[20:04] * SeanHarrison unwraps the brick.
[20:04] <SeanHarrison> "Anyone recognize this guy?"
[20:04] <echoVanguard> it contains mostly small bills, of mixed usage levels. You estimate it's probably about $5,000.
[20:05] * SeanHarrison pockets cash.
[20:05] * Travis_Hofsteder looks at the picture and whistles at the money. "Well I guess we should split up the cashola."
[20:05] <echoVanguard> you can't possibly stuff it all into your sweatpants.
[20:05] <Travis_Hofsteder> "For now though we'll have to leave it in the brick. Doesn't fit in a wallet nicely."
[20:05] <SeanHarrison> "Well, I guess we can put everything we want in the duffelbag. Easy to carry at least."
[20:06] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yep."
[20:06] <Travis_Hofsteder> (do we recognize the man?)
[20:06] <echoVanguard> Sean, examining the printer paper, you realize that the characters are hexadecimal. You are pretty sure this is a memory dump from a mainframe.
[20:06] <echoVanguard> (no)
[20:07] <echoVanguard> the young man is chubby, with a neckbeard, and wearing a shirt that says 'PONY POWER'.
[20:07] <AlbertVignola> "Any idea why someone would bury this besides to hide that ugly mug?"
[20:07] <SeanHarrison> "Nope. Anyone know why we should care?"
[20:07] <Travis_Hofsteder> "No I think that pretty much covers it."
[20:08] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Well any way we can figure out a destination out of that gibberish? Because there is a limited amount of fuel here."
[20:08] <SeanHarrison> "Looks like a memory dump. Lets take it with us for now."
[20:08] * SeanHarrison packs everything into the duffel bag.
[20:09] <echoVanguard> there is plenty of space for everything in the duffel bag.
[20:09] * SeanHarrison hands Albert the shotgun and shells.
[20:09] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Alright, maybe the headlights will reveal more. First I gotta piss."
[20:09] <echoVanguard> Albert, you examine the shotgun and shells. You recognize the shells as bean-bag rounds: nonlethal ammunition to stun and disable attackers without hurting them.
[20:09] * Travis_Hofsteder runs off a short distance to pee behind the crate. (and also load my guns)
[20:10] * SeanHarrison gasses up the jeep.
[20:10] <echoVanguard> It strikes you that it is exactly the sort of thing an insurance investigator, who doesn't typically carry weapons, might have handy if concerned for his safety.
[20:10] <echoVanguard> Sean, you pour the gas into the jeep and start it. It takes a couple of tries, but eventually it starts up just fine.
[20:11] * Travis_Hofsteder comes back and zips up. "Alright, let's kick on the lights and make a quick circle to look around."
[20:12] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Anyone in particular want to drive? If not I'll do it."
[20:12] * AlbertVignola carefully picks up the shotgun, "This worries me a bit since it feels like this may have been mine. That of course implies that I was here on a job which worries me even more since I don't know what I would be investigating that would result in someone wanting to kill me."
[20:12] * AlbertVignola climbs into the back of the jeep.
[20:12] * SeanHarrison jumps into the passenger side, "Have at it."
[20:13] * Travis_Hofsteder hops in and kicks on the headlights, takes it for a quick spin around the crate area looking for anything interesting."
[20:13] <echoVanguard> Travis, kicking on the lights reveals a set of tire tracks, leading to the jeep's current resting spot. It looks like it was backed into the lean-to.
[20:13] <echoVanguard> a quick spin around the crate reveals nothing of import, other than the set of tire tracks leading here you already saw.
[20:14] * Travis_Hofsteder follows the tracks back but remains off to one side of them a bit if possible.
[20:14] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Well seems like this is the way it came. Unless anyone has any objections?"
[20:15] <SeanHarrison> "Not really."
[20:16] <AlbertVignola> "Let's go."
[20:17] <echoVanguard> You drive for a while, and eventually encounter a paved road. Judging from the tracks, it looks like the jeep left the road coming from the left.
[20:19] * Travis_Hofsteder hops onto the road and takes a left, shrugging silently to himself.
[20:19] <echoVanguard> You turn left. Signs proclaim this road to be Nevada Route 18.
[20:20] <echoVanguard> After a short while, you see a sign which says "MIDAS 11mi"
[20:20] <AlbertVignola> "Midas? Anyone familiar with that place?"
[20:20] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Gold town?"
[20:21] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I can tell you we're going there. We don't likely have enough fuel to reach anywhere else."
[20:21] <SeanHarrison> "Just keep going. We'll see when we get there."
[20:22] <echoVanguard> The jeep seems to make good time and drive well, despite its dilapidated appearance. Within ten minutes or so, you find yourselves approaching the outskirts of the city. There don't seem to be many lights.
[20:23] <echoVanguard> Driving into the city, you find that there are only a handful of businesses along the main road. You see a gas station, a diner, and a hotel.
[20:23] * Travis_Hofsteder pulls into town. "Mmm... former gold town more like."
[20:23] <echoVanguard> the diner appears to be closed, but the hotel and gas station both have lights on.
[20:23] <SeanHarrison> "So..Get some gas and get out of here?"
[20:24] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Maybe."
[20:24] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Ask if anyone has seen us or this Jeep before. Or the homo in the picture."
[20:26] * Travis_Hofsteder starts by taking them to the gas station.
[20:26] <AlbertVignola> "The hotel seems like the most likely place right now."
[20:26] <Travis_Hofsteder> (what time is it now)
[20:26] <echoVanguard> (you don't know)
[20:26] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Let's see if they're open here first."
[20:26] <echoVanguard> (none of you is wearing a watch)
[20:28] <echoVanguard> now that you've all had some time to think, roll Intelligence, DC moderate.
[20:28] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:28] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[20:28] <echoVanguard> rest of you?
[20:29] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+1
[20:29] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[20:29] <AlbertVignola> 3d6+2
[20:29] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (7+2) = 9.
[20:29] <echoVanguard> All of you realize that your wallets are suspiciously empty of things you would expect to find in them. Insurance cards, photos of family members, fortune cookie fortunes, old gift cards you never got round to spending, and so on.
[20:30] <echoVanguard> Travis, you also realize that your private investigator's license and driver's license are in much better condition than the bills in your wallet.
[20:32] * SeanHarrison jumps out and looks around the gas station.
[20:32] <echoVanguard> it seems normal enough. The pumps are equipped with credit card pay stations, so you don't have to go inside if you don't want to.
[20:32] * SeanHarrison attempts to buy gas.
[20:32] <echoVanguard> which card do you use?
[20:32] <SeanHarrison> (i grab one at random)
[20:33] <echoVanguard> you are stymied by the zip code authentication.
[20:33] * SeanHarrison checks my driver's license for the address.
[20:34] <echoVanguard> the license lists an address in Bastrop, Texas. with a zip code of 78602.
[20:34] * SeanHarrison tries all the cards with that zip.
[20:34] <echoVanguard> none of them work.
[20:34] * SeanHarrison shrugs and goes inside to look around.
[20:35] <echoVanguard> You enter the gas station's shop. The lights are on, but you don't see the attendant anywhere.
[20:35] * SeanHarrison checks the register to authenticate the pump.
[20:35] * AlbertVignola gets out of the jeep and looks around for any locals.
[20:35] <SeanHarrison> (can i roll computer use on it?)
[20:35] * Travis_Hofsteder sighs and watches Shawn's antics.
[20:36] <echoVanguard> Sean, as you step behind the counter, you hear someone yell behind you, 'Don't fucking move! Hands up!'
[20:36] * SeanHarrison puts his shovel in the air.
[20:36] <echoVanguard> "Drop the uh...thing!"
[20:37] * SeanHarrison drops it, loudly.
[20:37] * Travis_Hofsteder sighs.
[20:37] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I need cigarettes!"
[20:37] <echoVanguard> You hear a muffled whimper from behind you, then rough hands grab you and force you down on your knees as you feel the barrel of a shotgun poke you in the back. "Don't fuckin move, man!"
[20:37] <SeanHarrison> "Whats your problem?"
[20:38] <echoVanguard> The shotgun pokes you. "Shut the fuck up, man! Get down on the ground! No, wait. fuck that. Open that fuckin safe!"
[20:39] <SeanHarrison> "I was trying to until you stopped me."
[20:39] * SeanHarrison grabs his shovel and moves for the safe.
[20:39] <echoVanguard> Well, you can't see much of him now. You see a dirty, bearded guy with a shotgun poking someone on the floor near where Sean was standing a bit ago.
[20:40] * Travis_Hofsteder withdraws his pistol and crouches, taking aim at the dirty bearded guy.
[20:40] <echoVanguard> the guy with the shotgun moves back a bit, giving you some room. A quick glance behind you shows a dirty, bearded man with a shotgun and a hogtied employee on the floor with a duct-tape gag behind him.
[20:41] * SeanHarrison bashes the safe with the shovel.
[20:41] <echoVanguard> Travis, you have a pretty decent shot from here. The light within the store illuminates him well, but hides you. Unfortunately, right as you get a good bead, Sean stands up and blocks your shot.
[20:41] * Travis_Hofsteder waits patiently.
[20:41] <echoVanguard> You see him bashing something with his shovel, right in the way of your shot. You'll have to move if you want to get another angle.
[20:42] <Travis_Hofsteder> "HEY SHAWN GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!"
[20:42] * AlbertVignola watches Travis with a confused look on his face.
[20:42] * Travis_Hofsteder caps the guy as soon as Shawn moves.
[20:42] * SeanHarrison dives for the floor.
[20:43] <echoVanguard> both of you roll initiative (2d6+dex+int)
[20:43] <echoVanguard> robber 2d6
[20:43] * Edubb echoVanguard 2d6 = (5) = 5.
[20:43] <SeanHarrison> 2d6
[20:43] * Edubb SeanHarrison 2d6 = (3) = 3.
[20:43] <Travis_Hofsteder> 2d6+3
[20:43] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 2d6+3 = (9+3) = 12.
[20:43] <echoVanguard> Travis, you go first. Sean is still blocking your shot. you can delay until he moves if you like, or change your action.
[20:45] * Travis_Hofsteder lines up a nice shot and waits. (I figure he can't see me anyway)
[20:45] <Travis_Hofsteder> (in other words he doesn't know I'm waiting to shoot his ass)
[20:45] <echoVanguard> The robber, hearing your shout, fires a shotgun blast through the glass in your general direction. 3d6
[20:45] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (13) = 13.
[20:46] <echoVanguard> it doesn't go anywhere near you, but it does craze the glass badly, raising the DC to shoot him from your current location.
[20:46] <echoVanguard> Sean
[20:46] * SeanHarrison beats him in the face with the shovel.
[20:46] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:46] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (14) = 14.
[20:46] <SeanHarrison> (+1)
[20:46] <echoVanguard> (you roll twice and take the highest because you are specialized in improvised weapon)
[20:47] <SeanHarrison> 3d6+1
[20:47] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[20:47] <echoVanguard> 3d6 defense
[20:47] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (13) = 13.
[20:47] <echoVanguard> you nail him with the shovel. he staggers, but doesn't go down.
[20:48] * Travis_Hofsteder groans.
[20:48] <echoVanguard> Travis, your action
[20:48] * Travis_Hofsteder moves to get a better angle and then tries to cap the bearded man.
[20:49] <echoVanguard> You move to the side a bit, trying to get a clear shot around sean. the range, glass, and melee combat make this a DC 17 shot, and you're at -2 from moving.
[20:50] <echoVanguard> You move closer.
[20:50] <AlbertVignola> "Jesus Christ! What are you guys doing?"
[20:51] <Travis_Hofsteder> "There's a robbery in progress! He's trying to kill what might be your friend!"
[20:51] <AlbertVignola> 3d6+3
[20:51] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+3 = (11+3) = 14.
[20:51] <AlbertVignola> 2d6+3
[20:51] * Edubb AlbertVignola 2d6+3 = (7+3) = 10.
[20:51] <AlbertVignola> (Thanks)
[20:52] * AlbertVignola moves closer to the store with the unloaded shotgun.
[20:52] <echoVanguard> The robber tries to blast you with the shotgun. since he's within melee range, you can defend against his attack by trying to knock the shotgun away.
[20:52] <echoVanguard> 3d6
[20:52] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (16) = 16.
[20:52] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:52] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[20:52] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:52] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (8) = 8.
[20:53] <echoVanguard> You manage to knock the shotgun wide, but still catch a few pellets from the blast. You take 1 hit.
[20:54] <echoVanguard> You're up, Sean.
[20:54] * SeanHarrison hits him with the shovel again. 2 3d6+1
[20:54] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (13+1) = 14.
[20:54] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (14+1) = 15.
[20:54] <echoVanguard> 3d6
[20:54] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[20:54] <SeanHarrison> "Drop it, or I'll keep hitting you."
[20:54] <echoVanguard> you crack him with the shovel a second time.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> roll intimidate (str)
[20:55] <SeanHarrison> 3d6+1
[20:55] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (11+1) = 12.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> 3d6
[20:55] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (8) = 8.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> he drops the shotgun and tries to make a run for it
[20:55] * SeanHarrison lets him go.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> you get a free shot if you want it
[20:55] * Travis_Hofsteder caps his ass.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> ok
[20:56] <echoVanguard> travis, roll (DC 13)
[20:56] <echoVanguard> (yes)
[20:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+2
[20:56] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+2 = (9+2) = 11.
[20:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+2
[20:56] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[20:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> (DAMNIT)
[20:56] <echoVanguard> the robber flees out the back of the gas station, leaving behind his shotgun.
[20:56] * Travis_Hofsteder hops in the Jeep and gives chase.
[20:57] <echoVanguard> You fire up the Jeep and drive around back of the gas station, but don't see any sign of the little bastard.
[20:57] * Travis_Hofsteder drives back, dejected.
[20:57] <echoVanguard> You do, however, earn +1 luck points for properly excuting your Ruthless trait.
[20:57] * SeanHarrison pulls the tape of the attendant's mouth.
[20:57] * Travis_Hofsteder goes in the store to buy cigarettes.
[20:58] <echoVanguard> the attendant thanks you for rescuing him, and tactfully decides not to mention that you were trying to rob the store before that other guy held you up.
[20:58] <echoVanguard> he goes to call the police.
[20:58] <Travis_Hofsteder> (he might have been trying to leave money behind to pay for cigarettes!)
[20:58] <SeanHarrison> "Hey, can we buy some gas?"
[20:58] <echoVanguard> "Uh, sure dude."
[20:58] * AlbertVignola hides his shotgun in the jeep.
[20:58] <Travis_Hofsteder> "And smokes."
[20:59] <SeanHarrison> "One sec."
[20:59] * Travis_Hofsteder holsters his pistol and grabs some cigarettes, paying for them out of the Brick.
[20:59] <echoVanguard> He sells you whatever you want, and offers you free snacks from the snack shelf.
[20:59] * SeanHarrison runs and grabs the duffel bag and shows him the picture.
[20:59] <SeanHarrison> "Do you know this guy?"
[20:59] * Travis_Hofsteder hungrily eats snacks and buys a Bic lighter and cigs, and lights one up.
[21:00] * AlbertVignola heads into the store to buy something to eat and drink.
[21:00] <echoVanguard> "Naw dude, never seen him. Looks like a nerd."
[21:00] * Travis_Hofsteder blows some smoke out the door. "Yeah he does. Have you seen a Jeep exactly like ours recently?"
[21:00] <echoVanguard> "Uh...nope, can't think of one."
[21:01] <echoVanguard> The cops sure seem to be taking their time.
[21:01] <SeanHarrison> "You know if a truck came though in the past day or two?"
[21:01] <echoVanguard> "Lots of trucks come through, man."
[21:01] <echoVanguard> After a couple of minutes, the attendant gets annoyed and calls the cops again. However, nobody seems to be answering now. He curses and hangs up.
[21:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I think he means one with a shipping container strapped to it. Recently."
[21:02] <SeanHarrison> "Where are the cops stationed here anyway?"
[21:02] <echoVanguard> "I don't remember anything like that, dude. Sorry."
[21:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "We've got our own criminals to catch, and you know, the cops are no help!"
[21:02] <echoVanguard> "There's a sheriff's station across town. Probably only one guy there this time of night."
[21:03] * Travis_Hofsteder groans. "We'll go check it out."
[21:03] <echoVanguard> "Guess it makes sense he wouldn't answer, since he's probably the guy driving over here."
[21:03] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Shouldn't he be here by now?"
[21:03] <SeanHarrison> "Lets wait for him."
[21:03] <echoVanguard> You wait for a while. You hear no sirens nor see any cars on the road.
[21:04] <SeanHarrison> "I dont know if he's coming. Want to drive over?"
[21:04] <echoVanguard> he shakes his head. "I gotta stay here, man."
[21:04] <echoVanguard> he picks up the robber's shotgun and inspects it. "Got one shell left, I'll blast that fucker if he comes back."
[21:05] * SeanHarrison gets back in the jeep. "Hey Travis, drive us there."
[21:05] * AlbertVignola pays for his coffee and snack with cash before joining the others in the jeep.
[21:05] * Travis_Hofsteder hops in. "Alright but keep an eye out for that asshole. If you see him let me know!!"
[21:05] <echoVanguard> The jeep is now fueled, and seems to have a full tank. You think. The gas gauge is broken.
[21:06] <AlbertVignola> "Hand me the shotgun shells too. It won't kill anyone but I will at least be able to help if we see him."
[21:07] <Travis_Hofsteder> "They're in the bag, man."
[21:07] * Travis_Hofsteder takes off as soon as everyone is in safely.
[21:07] * AlbertVignola gets the shells and loads the shotgun.
[21:08] <echoVanguard> You drive in the direction the clerk gestured. It's easy, since the town only seems to have one main road (that of Route 18). It only takes a little while before you see a police cruiser pulled over on the shoulder.
[21:09] * Travis_Hofsteder slows down and looks it over.
[21:09] <echoVanguard> It seems to be in good condition. There's no one around, however.
[21:09] * Travis_Hofsteder pulls over. "Great, let's search for clues."
[21:09] * SeanHarrison tries to open the car door.
[21:10] <echoVanguard> It's locked.
[21:10] <SeanHarrison> (anyone in there?)
[21:10] * Travis_Hofsteder gestures with one hand. "Look around for footprints and such."
[21:10] <echoVanguard> You don't see anyone.
[21:10] <echoVanguard> roll INT (scene reconstruction)
[21:10] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[21:10] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[21:10] <echoVanguard> DC 13
[21:10] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+1
[21:10] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+1 = (11+1) = 12.
[21:12] * AlbertVignola begins recreating the scene in his head, 3d6+2
[21:12] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (13+2) = 15.
[21:13] <echoVanguard> You gaze about and analyze the scene quickly and smoothly. The occupant appeared to leave the vehicle voluntarily, and took the time to lock the doors, so you don't think there was any imminent danger. Some grass is disturbed by the road's shoulder, which appears to hide a ravine.
[21:13] <echoVanguard> well, more of a ditch. maybe five feet deep.
[21:13] <echoVanguard> sufficient, at any rate, to contain the body of the deputy half-buried in the grass at the bottom.
[21:14] * Travis_Hofsteder whistles and very carefully climbs down to inspect the body.
[21:14] <echoVanguard> Examining the scene, you see no signs of struggle of any kind.
[21:15] <echoVanguard> None. The neck, however, is broken, and there are a small number of scrapes and contusions on the body. You're no medical examiner, but it looks like the deputy fell into the ditch and broke his neck.
[21:15] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Well shit that's terrible."
[21:15] * Travis_Hofsteder searches the body for weapons and ammo, not to mention keys.
[21:16] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Looks like maybe he was chasing something or someone, and didn't see this in time. Maybe he spotted our perp."
[21:16] <echoVanguard> You find some keys, a service revolver with six rounds in it (not compatible with your holdout), and a badge belonging to deputy Robert P. Munsen.
[21:17] <SeanHarrison> "Doubtful. He stops and gets out to chase some random guy?"
[21:17] <echoVanguard> Albert, you don't think he was in a hurry. It looked like he left the car to pee, then unluckily fell into the ravine.
[21:18] * Travis_Hofsteder grabs the keys and tosses them to Shawn.
[21:18] * SeanHarrison opens the car and searches it.
[21:18] <AlbertVignola> "No. It would appear to have just been an accident. He wasn't concerned with someone else at the time."
[21:18] <echoVanguard> Nothing of importance. There is a computer in the car, however.
[21:18] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Check the trunk for some real ammo for Silky."
[21:18] * SeanHarrison powers it up.
[21:19] <SeanHarrison> "Busy"
[21:19] <echoVanguard> It's one of the embedded computers that law-enforcement offiers can use to run searches on perpetrators or suspects. It also shows a listing of open alerts, which currently reads (1): Gas Station Robbery.
[21:20] * SeanHarrison attemps to run searches on all our names and the names of our credit cards.
[21:20] <echoVanguard> There are several people with your names in the database, but none of them match your photos or descriptions.
[21:20] <SeanHarrison> (did the photo have a name?)
[21:21] <echoVanguard> the names on the credit cards have similar results, especially Raj Singh, which has tens of thousands of hits.
[21:21] <echoVanguard> (it did not)
[21:21] * SeanHarrison tries to run a local area search for all residents.
[21:22] <echoVanguard> it's a huge list, and doesn't have photos for people that don't have criminal records.
[21:23] <echoVanguard> The population of the town appears to be roughly 600.
[21:23] * SeanHarrison checks the ones with criminal records.
[21:23] <echoVanguard> none of the names jump out at you as meaningful or significant, and don't match your names or any of the names on your credit cards
[21:23] * SeanHarrison gets out of the car, "Well that was useless."
[21:24] <echoVanguard> roughly 50 people have criminal records. One of them has a picture that looks similar to the robber you saw at the gas station, which is 'Franklin Hodges IV'
[21:24] <echoVanguard> his address is listed as "Transient"
[21:24] <echoVanguard> which means he's a hobo
[21:24] * SeanHarrison checks the trunk.
[21:25] <echoVanguard> the trunk contains an empty rack where a shotgun should be. there are two shells of double-aught buckshot rolling around in the trunk, however.
[21:25] * SeanHarrison tosses the shells to Albert.
[21:26] <SeanHarrison> "Doesnt this seem strange to anyone? Hobo robs a store with a shotgun, and a dead cop is missing a shotgun."
[21:26] * AlbertVignola fumbles the shells a bit before stuffing them in his pocket.
[21:26] <echoVanguard> the shotgun you saw during the robbery was not police-issue, but looked like a hunting weapon.
[21:26] <Travis_Hofsteder> "No, not really."
[21:27] <Travis_Hofsteder> "What's really strange is how nobody ever thought to stick a fence or anything here."
[21:27] <echoVanguard> also, the date listed on the computer is June 13, 2015.
[21:27] * Travis_Hofsteder clambers back out to report to the gas station attendent.
[21:27] <AlbertVignola> "The fact that the clerk successfully called the police means that this guy was alive after the attempted robbery."
[21:28] <SeanHarrison> "Or he reached someone else at the police station."
[21:28] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Irrelevant."
[21:28] * Travis_Hofsteder hops in the Jeep and takes them back to the station.
[21:29] <echoVanguard> You arrive back at the gas station. The attendant seems twitchy, but otherwise unharmed.
[21:29] <SeanHarrison> "Yo. Robber show his face again?"
[21:30] <echoVanguard> "Not so far, dude. Where are the cops? I can't get anybody at the station."
[21:30] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Nevermind that, Shawn."
[21:30] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Dude, you'll never believe this shit. He's DEAD."
[21:30] <echoVanguard> he doesn't believe that shit.
[21:31] <Travis_Hofsteder> "His cruiser was pulled over on the side of the road. Looks like he stopped to go piss or something, and fell into a big ass ditch. Broke his neck!"
[21:31] <Travis_Hofsteder> "This is the second most ridiculous shit that's happened to me tonight."
[21:31] <echoVanguard> The attendant seems pretty disbelieving, and in fact seems slightly suspicious of you.
[21:32] <Travis_Hofsteder> "OK fine, come with us, you'll see it."
[21:32] <echoVanguard> "I'm not goin anywhere, man. I gotta stay here."
[21:32] <Travis_Hofsteder> "You're the one that has to call somebody anyway. I don't know the chief's phone number. We'll leave Alby here to guard."
[21:33] * AlbertVignola looks a bit surprised at that last statement.
[21:33] <SeanHarrison> "Whatever, if he's that concerned he can call his manager."
[21:33] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Alright, fine. Call the President for all I care."
[21:33] <SeanHarrison> "Call the EMTs or whatever you have here while youre at it."
[21:34] <echoVanguard> the clerk pulls a phone book from under the counter, and calls the hospital.
[21:35] <echoVanguard> "Do you want me to tell them to come here too? Shovel Guy's still bleeding a little."
[21:35] <SeanHarrison> "Lets go to that hotel. We can sort this out in the morning, when the world isnt asleep."
[21:35] * Travis_Hofsteder shrugs. "Alright well have fun. We're going to get out of here before more robbers show up."
[21:35] <SeanHarrison> "If they dont break their necks on the way over."
[21:35] <Travis_Hofsteder> "The robbers?"
[21:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yeah you should probably get that looked at, Shawn."
[21:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Looks like you've got a flesh wound there."
[21:36] <SeanHarrison> "Why dont you go see if you can set us up with a room, I'll wait for them to get here."
[21:36] * AlbertVignola nods
[21:36] <SeanHarrison> "Swing back around as soon as you get one."
[21:37] <echoVanguard> Travis, you and Albert drive to the hotel, which advertises a COMPLIMNTARY CONTINENAL BREKFAST.
[21:37] <echoVanguard> The clerk inside greets you sleepily and asks how many rooms you need.
[21:38] * AlbertVignola frowns and whispers to Travis, "Did you happen to have a credit card? My wallet just has cash in it."
[21:40] <echoVanguard> Travis doesn't respond, looking uncomfortable. You guess that he doesn't.
[21:41] * AlbertVignola turns his back to the clerk and counts the money in his wallet.
[21:42] <echoVanguard> You appear to have roughly $120, which is not enough for the $150 cash deposit required if you don't have a credit card (not to mention the actual cost of whatever size room you need)
[21:42] * Travis_Hofsteder heads back to the Jeep.
[21:43] <echoVanguard> Sean, after a while an ambulance arrives, with its lights off. One of the EMTs gasses it up while the other comes inside and questions you about the incident. You are treated with some antiseptic and given a large bandage.
[21:43] * Travis_Hofsteder gets rid of a bunch of the smaller bills.
[21:43] * AlbertVignola looks at the clerk, "Have you had many people pass through here lately?"
[21:43] <echoVanguard> the clerk replies in the negative.
[21:44] * SeanHarrison tells them about thr incident and the deputy.
[21:44] <echoVanguard> They seem very skeptical, but agree to go check it out
[21:45] <echoVanguard> After a while, they leave.
[21:45] <echoVanguard> Albert, the clerk asks again how many rooms you need.
[21:45] * SeanHarrison browses the store while waiting.
[21:46] <echoVanguard> You don't find much of interest, other than a King Cobra 40oz or two.
[21:47] <echoVanguard> There are the typical gas station accoutrements as well - pocket knives, big league chew, comic books, and cans of chili.
[21:48] <Travis_Hofsteder> "One please, so long as there's room for three people. Maybe a spare cot?
[21:48] <Travis_Hofsteder> "
[21:48] * AlbertVignola sighs in relief when Travis returns.
[21:48] <echoVanguard> The clerk rents you a double with a fold-out couch for $300 (including the $150 deposit).
[21:49] * Travis_Hofsteder pays the man in cash and smuggles the rest of the Brick O' Cash in his trenchcoat.
[21:49] * SeanHarrison looks around for cameras or witnesses in the knife aisle.
[21:49] <echoVanguard> You don't see any cameras. The attendant is up front with the shotgun, however, and can see you anywhere in the store due to the mirror system. There's probably also a camera you can't see behind one of the mirrors.
[21:50] * SeanHarrison collects some food and a pocket knife and brings it to the counter.
[21:50] <echoVanguard> The attendant says you can have whatever you want for free, because he gives significantly less of a shit about what his manager will say now than he did half an hour ago.
[21:50] <SeanHarrison> "I'll pay for these when the others come back. They have the money."
[21:51] <SeanHarrison> "Oh, thanks."
[21:51] * SeanHarrison attempts to hide the pocket knife somewhere in his sweats.
[21:51] <echoVanguard> It's easy to conceal in the waistband.
[21:51] * SeanHarrison collects the food and waits for the others to get back.
[21:52] <echoVanguard> For the sake of convenience we'll say they come pick you up shortly afterwards, and take you back to the hotel.
[21:52] * Travis_Hofsteder drives back to get Shawn after he gets bandaged up.
[21:52] * SeanHarrison gives Albert a can of chili, "Here, dinner."
[21:53] * AlbertVignola looks at the can for a moment, "Thanks."
[21:53] * Travis_Hofsteder hauls everyone back to the hotel. "Where's my chili in a can?"
[21:53] * SeanHarrison gives Travis a can of soup.
[21:53] * Travis_Hofsteder takes the can like it's a dear friend.
[21:54] <Travis_Hofsteder> "We can probably borrow a can opener from the hotel."
[21:54] <echoVanguard> Luckily, there's a can opener in the room's dinky kitchen, as well as a microwave and some plastic spoons.
[21:54] <echoVanguard> You guys consume your canfood.
[21:54] * Travis_Hofsteder doesn't bother heating his soup and eats it cold.
[21:54] * SeanHarrison searches the room for dead police/clues.
[21:55] <echoVanguard> Int rolls, DC 7.
[21:55] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[21:55] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (11) = 11.
[21:55] <AlbertVignola> "So, have you two figured out what you do for a living?"
[21:55] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+1
[21:55] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[21:55] <echoVanguard> there is nothing of importance in the room.
[21:55] <AlbertVignola> Int, 3d6+2
[21:55] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (14+2) = 16.
[21:55] <echoVanguard> Everyone who succeeded has noticed that not one person you have encountered yet has had a cell phone in their possession, which you deduce is probably because this area has no cell coverage.
[21:55] <Travis_Hofsteder> "In theory I am a private dick. You?"
[21:56] <SeanHarrison> "No idea."
[21:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> "No clues at all?"
[21:56] <Travis_Hofsteder> "What about you, Alby?"
[21:56] <AlbertVignola> "Insurance investigator. So, that leaves us with two people who would potentially be looking into a situation."
[21:57] <SeanHarrison> "I have those other credit cards. No idea what their for though."
[21:57] <Travis_Hofsteder> "What 'other credit cards'?"
[21:57] * SeanHarrison takes out the other cards and lays them out on a table.
[21:57] <SeanHarrison> "Clues I guess. I ran some searches in the police computer, but no hits."
[21:58] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Hmm, maybe we were investigating you. You sure do like collecting cards that aren't yours."
[21:58] <SeanHarrison> "Probably not."
[21:58] <echoVanguard> They are obviously stolen, and fairly useless without corresponding fake IDs. The only possible use for them would be either online transactions (in which case the physical card would not be needed) or unsupervised access to a magnetic reader.
[22:00] <SeanHarrison> "So, what now?"
[22:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "We drink malt liquor and pass out?"
[22:01] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I recommend we lock the door and such. I really don't want to wake up in a crate again."
[22:01] <AlbertVignola> "We get some sleep and see if any memories return in the morning."
[22:01] <SeanHarrison> "Works for me."
[22:01] <echoVanguard> The hotel has a business center (with internet for $10.99/hr), but it's closed at night.
[22:02] <echoVanguard> there is also free wi-fi, which is completely useless to you without a computer.
[22:03] * SeanHarrison takes some blankets and sets up near the door, so it cant be opened without waking him.
[22:04] * Travis_Hofsteder hands out the larger bills to the others to store in their wallets.
[22:04] <Travis_Hofsteder> (something like $500/ea)
[22:04] <AlbertVignola> "Our clothes are going to be a bit of a problem soon."
[22:06] * Travis_Hofsteder stuffs the $500 in his wallet and stashes the Brick again.
[22:07] * SeanHarrison tries to sleep, shovel in hand.
[22:07] <echoVanguard> you sleep
[22:08] <echoVanguard> travis, albert, what about you?
[22:08] * Travis_Hofsteder hides his gun under his pillow, and his other gun under the bed.
[22:09] * AlbertVignola looks at the photo and information in the binder for a bit before laying down with his shotgun on the floor nearby.
[22:09] * Travis_Hofsteder folds his trenchcoat up and stuffs it in a drawer, and then sacks out.
[22:10] <echoVanguard> the photo and the binder don't have any new information for you. The three of you sleep.
[22:10] <echoVanguard> The next morning, you all awaken groggy and tired, but otherwise unmolested.
[22:11] * SeanHarrison checks to make sure nothings missing, then looks outside.
[22:11] <echoVanguard> nothing is missing. The sun is shining, and the day is already becoming oppressively hot.
[22:11] * Travis_Hofsteder gathers up his possessions and snags a shower right quick.
[22:12] <echoVanguard> shower and some coffee make you feel almost human again.
[22:12] * Travis_Hofsteder nods at his sexy self in the mirror and gets geared up. "Shower's free."
[22:13] * SeanHarrison heads down for free breakfast.
[22:14] <echoVanguard> the free breakfast is pretty sad. cold cornflakes, cartons of milk, and re-heated muffins. a very depressing fruit tray consisting of a banana, two spotty apples, and a handful of loose grapes.
[22:14] * AlbertVignola takes a shower and tries to steam out some of the wrinkles from his suit.
[22:14] <echoVanguard> your suit cleans up moderately, but you'll need a professional dry-cleaner to get it looking properly smart again.
[22:14] * Travis_Hofsteder joins him for a badass breakfast of a banana and epic reheated muffins and cereal.
[22:15] <echoVanguard> Both of you are eyeing the Business Center throughout your meal.
[22:15] * Travis_Hofsteder grabs a muffin for the road and hits the Binizz Centah.
[22:16] * SeanHarrison tries to log on.
[22:16] <echoVanguard> There is only one computer available, so you will have to share it. Travis, you fire up the computer and click OK on the INTERNET USE TERMS OF SERVICE, authorizing a $10.99/hr fee against your room.
[22:17] <echoVanguard> the computer is slow, and has only IE for a browser. You shudder.
[22:17] * AlbertVignola heads down to breakfast.
[22:17] * SeanHarrison googles our names.
[22:17] <echoVanguard> Albert, you score the last muffin.
[22:18] <echoVanguard> Googling your names produces similar results to searching the police computer, only with much more noise. You don't find any pictures that match your appearances in conjunction with your names.
[22:18] <echoVanguard> For a more targeted search, you can perform Data Analysis rolls.
[22:18] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[22:18] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[22:19] * Travis_Hofsteder starts hammering away at the computer searching for information on us or the other names, as well as the shipping container number.
[22:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> (INT?)
[22:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6
[22:19] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[22:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6
[22:19] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6 = (8) = 8.
[22:19] <echoVanguard> (yeah INT)
[22:20] <Travis_Hofsteder> (well that's at a lowly +1 so still not great)
[22:20] <echoVanguard> Travis, you search, but nothing comes up. The shipping container number comes up empty too.
[22:20] <echoVanguard> Albert, you join the others in the business center.
[22:21] * Travis_Hofsteder sighs.
[22:22] <SeanHarrison> (how long would it take to type in the hex pages?)
[22:22] <echoVanguard> (hours, possibly days)
[22:22] <echoVanguard> (there's also no guarantee they'd yield any useful information unless entered on a mainframe of the same architecture)
[22:23] * SeanHarrison types in the first few lines of hex and converts it to text.
[22:23] <Travis_Hofsteder> (also there are ways of analyzing data even if it's not native)
[22:24] <echoVanguard> The text is "83402:83450;13471:171944;" and so on.
[22:24] <SeanHarrison> "Well, I've got nothing."
[22:25] * Travis_Hofsteder shakes his head. "Me either. Not at the moment anyway."
[22:25] <SeanHarrison> "Want to see how things turned out at the gas station?"
[22:26] <AlbertVignola> "We may as well. We do not have many other places to check for leads at the moment."
[22:27] * Travis_Hofsteder nods and collects their deposit on the way out.
[22:27] <echoVanguard> The gas station is being manned by an irritated-looking man in a button-down and slacks. Investigation reveals the attnedant got fed up and quit at around 5am, leaving the place unattended until the manager showed up.
[22:28] <SeanHarrison> "Did they catch the robber?"
[22:29] <echoVanguard> He doesn't know, but he doesn't think so.
[22:29] <SeanHarrison> "Let's go to the police station. I'm curious how that turned out."
[22:30] * Travis_Hofsteder raises an eyebrow but shrugs. "Get directions."
[22:30] <echoVanguard> He gives you directions. You head there with no further incidents, but once you're in the parking lot you feel a little trepidatious. There's been a lot of shady crap going on, and if the police catch wind of any of it they could significantly complicate your lives.
[22:31] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Alright, so what now. 'Hey we're the ones that found the dead cop, but forget that shit we got questions.'?"
[22:34] <echoVanguard> there are a lot of residences and buildings, many of which seem abandoned.
[22:34] * Travis_Hofsteder takes us someplace in town to get some clean duds and ask questions.
[22:34] <echoVanguard> You find an army/navy store with good clothes, although not as nice as what Albert has.
[22:35] <echoVanguard> There is also a pawn shop with fairly slim pickings. However, one of the things being sold is a busted laptop that Sean thinks he can fix up.
[22:35] * SeanHarrison buys it
[22:36] <echoVanguard> roll INT:Computer Use, DC 10, to see if you can fix it.
[22:36] <SeanHarrison> 2 3d6
[22:36] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (11) = 11.
[22:36] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[22:36] <echoVanguard> you get it working.
[22:36] <echoVanguard> without a wi-fi connection, it's not terribly useful, but you have a lot more options available to you now.
[22:36] * Travis_Hofsteder picks up a clean shirt.
[22:36] * SeanHarrison looks for old files on the pc.
[22:37] * AlbertVignola picks out two changes of clothes.
[22:37] <AlbertVignola> "To summarize, we do not know why we were all in the area, what chemicals were in the syringes, or who the person in the binder is."
[22:38] <echoVanguard> there are few terrible attempts at a novel, a lot of saved GAMEFAQS walkthroughs, and a lot of porn. There is also a directory labeled "Homework".
[22:38] * SeanHarrison opens homework
[22:39] <echoVanguard> it's full of documents of chemistry homework, mostly AP-level high school chemistry.
[22:40] * SeanHarrison searches the whole hard drive, sorting alternately by date and size, looking for anything thats more recent than everything else or sized unusually for its file type.
[22:41] <echoVanguard> There is one particular image file that's way too big.
[22:41] * SeanHarrison opens it
[22:41] <echoVanguard> it's a picture of a windmill.
[22:42] <echoVanguard> opening it in a text editor reveals that there's significant extra information embedded in the encoding, steganographically. You could try to hack up a decoder, if you downloaded a compiler.
[22:43] * SeanHarrison sets up the computer to scan for wifi.
[22:43] <echoVanguard> No wifi in the shop.
[22:43] <SeanHarrison> "Hey lets drive around town and see if we can get a signal.
[22:44] <Travis_Hofsteder> "For fun AND profit."
[22:44] * Travis_Hofsteder takes them for a spin. "Worst case, hotel has wifi."
[22:44] <echoVanguard> you drive around. You find a couple of unsecured personal networks, free wi-fi at a mcdonald's, and a very strong signal for a secured network with just a number as the SSID.
[22:44] <SeanHarrison> (what number?)
[22:45] <echoVanguard> (0048125)
[22:45] <SeanHarrison> "Looks like we are going to McDonald's."
[22:46] <SeanHarrison> "Another network that might be worth checking out later."
[22:46] * Travis_Hofsteder swings them into McDonald's parking lot.
[22:46] <echoVanguard> Sean, you download a compiler and hack up a quick decoding program. Roll Computer Use (WIL).
[22:47] <SeanHarrison> 2 3d6+2
[22:47] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+2 = (13+2) = 15.
[22:47] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+2 = (13+2) = 15.
[22:47] <Travis_Hofsteder> (can I assist?)
[22:47] <echoVanguard> You don't need to, he nails it immediately
[22:48] <echoVanguard> Watching Sean work is pretty impressive. Most of the code isn't even human-readable.
[22:48] <echoVanguard> Within half an hour, you have a steganography decoder program running. Within another fifteen minutes, you have the image decoded. It's a large pdf document.
[22:50] <echoVanguard> Opening the document, it is a secretively-written manual called the 'GL-38 Operating Manual' describing procedures for safe handling of volatile chemicals. It reads like stereo instructions if they were written by someone with paranoid schizophrenia.
[22:51] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Handy. what does that stuff do?"
[22:51] <SeanHarrison> "No idea."
[22:51] <echoVanguard> no, but there is a mailing address here in town.
[22:52] <SeanHarrison> "Want to check out this address? Hard to imagine its relevant, but theres not much else to do."
[22:53] * AlbertVignola nods, "It could at least give us a chance to have someone check the syringes if we cannot find out anything else."
[22:53] <SeanHarrison> "Good point."
[22:54] <echoVanguard> You drive to the address (after grabbing some Micky D's at the drive-through), and discover a large office building, somewhat in disrepair. Interestingly, it is the source of the strong encrypted wi-fi signal.
[22:54] * SeanHarrison tries to go in.
[22:54] <Travis_Hofsteder> "...hmm."
[22:55] <echoVanguard> The doors open, revealing a lobby with a bored receptionist playing solitaire on a computer that was probably state-of-the-art in 2004.
[22:55] * Travis_Hofsteder shrugs and follows the computer whiz.
[22:55] <echoVanguard> "Oh! uh... <alt-tab>..can I help you?"
[22:56] * SeanHarrison approaches the receptionist, "Hello. I'm looking for some information on GL-38."
[22:56] * AlbertVignola smiles at the receptionist as he joins the others.
[22:56] <echoVanguard> "GL-What? Let me see..."
[22:57] <echoVanguard> she pulls up a clunky, slow, and poorly-designed intranet site that looks like it uses the Geocities engine. "Huh. Looks like that was discontinued in '99. Sorry."
[22:57] <SeanHarrison> "Do you know who was working with it?"
[22:58] <echoVanguard> "I'm sorry, who are you? These are pretty weird questions for a guy off the street. Usually people just want directions back to the freeway."
[23:00] * SeanHarrison tries to convince her that we are customers and would like some information even though the product is discontinued. 3d6
[23:00] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[23:00] <SeanHarrison> (wil?)
[23:00] <echoVanguard> (yeah wil)
[23:00] <SeanHarrison> (11 then)
[23:01] <echoVanguard> You make a pretty good pitch. She tells you that they have the GL-44 now, but if you want to support the old system you'll need legacy hardware interfaces. She isn't sure on the details, and you end up mostly helping her browse the intranet site's shitty documentation.
[23:02] <echoVanguard> Sean, roll Computer Use (INT).
[23:02] <SeanHarrison> 2 3d6
[23:02] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[23:02] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (13) = 13.
[23:02] <echoVanguard> you notice several anomalies in the site's behavior. Things that should be heavily secured are freely available, and things that shouldn't be important give "access denied" messages. Things that are fast that should be slow, and things are slow that should be fast.
[23:03] <SeanHarrison> "What's up with your site? You should look into hiring a better IT department."
[23:04] <echoVanguard> After a lot of digging through documentation, broken links, and endless linkbacks of sub-portals, you figure out that GL-38 (and its successors) are a HAZMAT taxonomy database and robotic control software/hardware custom solution for managing automated chemical control systems. Deeply specific shit.
[23:04] <echoVanguard> "Yeah, everything's been really crappy since Taylor quit."
[23:05] * SeanHarrison finds the nerd photo and produces it for the receptionist, "Any chance this is him?"
[23:05] <echoVanguard> "Hey, yeah! Where'd you get that?"
[23:05] <SeanHarrison> "It was buried in the desert."
[23:05] <echoVanguard> she rolls her eyes. "Fine, be that way."
[23:06] <SeanHarrison> "When did he quit?"
[23:06] <echoVanguard> "Last year sometime. I was on vacation, came back and he was gone."
[23:06] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Any info you can give us on him would be great. We might have a job offer for him."
[23:06] <echoVanguard> Without even an INT roll, you can tell that everything about this situation is incredibly suspicious. This town lacks practically every required resource for building, servicing, or shipping a product like the GL-38.
[23:07] <SeanHarrison> "Anyway, do you mind if we go back and see if someone else can help us out with the 38?"
[23:08] <echoVanguard> "Oh, um, I don't know that much about him. He asked me out once, but I'm not into nerds, you know? All I can really tell you is that his last name is like...Graves, or Barrows, or something. Something spooky."
[23:08] <echoVanguard> "You'll have to make an appointment, none of the technicians are in right now."
[23:08] <SeanHarrison> "Okay, when is the next time someone will be available?"
[23:09] <echoVanguard> she pulls up a buggy calendar application and tries to run a query, but it crashes halfway through. "Ugh, this thing. Can you give me a phone number? I'll call you when I've got an appointment for you."
[23:09] <SeanHarrison> "Think you can send me an email?"
[23:09] <echoVanguard> "Sure."
[23:10] <SeanHarrison> "When you find out the schedule send it to Here, I'll write it down."
[23:10] <echoVanguard> she giggles at your email address, but takes it down and fills out one of those carbon-copy Reminder Pads for it.
[23:11] <SeanHarrison> "Alright, back to McDonalds."
[23:11] <echoVanguard> You head back to the Macky Deez.
[23:11] * SeanHarrison sets up the aforementioned gmail account.
[23:11] <echoVanguard> you get 20 gigs free.
[23:12] <echoVanguard> also, an invitation to set up your Google+ account.
[23:12] * SeanHarrison searches for info on the GL line, taylor graves/barrows, and anything i can find on this town.
[23:12] <AlbertVignola> "Could you explain what just happened back there?"
[23:12] <echoVanguard> roll Data Analysis (WIL)
[23:12] <SeanHarrison> 3d6+2
[23:12] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[23:12] <echoVanguard> You hit a whole lot of red flags very quickly
[23:12] <SeanHarrison> "That place is up to something funny."
[23:13] <echoVanguard> for starters, Midas NV is listed as a ghost town on wikipedia.
[23:13] <echoVanguard> as in, no residents.
[23:13] <echoVanguard> the notation is very confusing though, and seems to indicate that people still live there
[23:13] <echoVanguard>,_Nevada
[23:13] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Like a corporation just took over a ghost town and started using it?"
[23:14] <echoVanguard> the town is unincorporated
[23:15] <echoVanguard> there are also no websites or other legitimate meda about the GL-38 or any of its successors. You also realize, belatedly, that the building had no title or company name listed anywhere and that the parking lot was almost completely empty.
[23:16] <echoVanguard> a search for Taylor Graves and Taylor Barrows turns up nothing particularly interesting, but Taylor Graveswell has an address listed in Red House, Nevada
[23:16] <SeanHarrison> (how far away?)
[23:16] <echoVanguard> a quick search of his web presence confirms that he is the Mystery Nerd, as well as the webmaster of a truly execrable My Little Pony fanfiction archive.
[23:16] <echoVanguard> (about an hour)
[23:17] <Travis_Hofsteder> "OK so now we know the guy in the picture we're supposed to find is their former IT guy, Taylor Graveswell."
[23:17] <SeanHarrison> "Looks like we can go check out this guys house. Might be our best option."
[23:17] <Travis_Hofsteder> "This whole thing is weird though, I feel like we were kidnapped just to track this guy down or something."
[23:18] <SeanHarrison> "MAybe. And now we have his address."
[23:18] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Or something he had gotten himself into related to his former line of work."
[23:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Alright, so you want to just take off for this place? Or dig around into that place's network first?"
[23:19] <SeanHarrison> (is there any reasonable chance of me being able to hack into their network?)
[23:20] <echoVanguard> (you don't know, you haven't done an enumeration or penetration test)
[23:20] <SeanHarrison> "We could drive by and I can see what I can do. Leave the car running just in case."
[23:21] * SeanHarrison starts downloading everything he might need.
[23:21] <echoVanguard> you queue up some downloads for hackery tools like NMAP and such
[23:22] <echoVanguard> The evidence seems to be piling up that your past is probably some kind of cybercriminal
[23:22] <SeanHarrison> (im cool with it)
[23:24] <SeanHarrison> "Ok, lets go"
[23:24] <echoVanguard> roll Computer Use (WIL)
[23:24] <SeanHarrison> 2 3d6+2
[23:24] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+2 = (15+2) = 17.
[23:24] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+2 = (11+2) = 13.
[23:24] <echoVanguard> You drive by the building and do some quick intrusion tests. You quickly discover that its security systems are state-of-the-art, and you are able to get pretty much nothing before you get hit with a MAC ban. Spoofing your MAC works for a little while, but then you get hit with an extremely sophisticated Hardware Signature ban that you find very difficult to deal with, forcing you to flash your BIOS every time you get kicked.
[23:25] <echoVanguard> After about half an hour, you are forced to concede defeat, as well as extreme trepidation. Even defense department systems don't have this kind of security.
[23:27] <SeanHarrison> "Ok, I'm done here. Lets go to check out that guys house before we get SWATed."
[23:28] <AlbertVignola> "Not like this place probably has much of a police force left."
[23:28] * Travis_Hofsteder shakes his head. "Probably not but you know what, they might get outside non-police help, looking at this place."
[23:29] * Travis_Hofsteder fires up the Vern and takes off. "Do we need a map? Or Gee Pee Ess?"
[23:29] * SeanHarrison pulls up the directions previously found while at Mcdonalds.
[23:30] <echoVanguard> A map from Google Earth gets you decent directions. You drive out to Red House, which is a bit bigger and niceer than Midas. Arriving at the address of one Taylor Graveswell, you discover a dilapidated bungalow with no cars out front. the door is covered in police tape.
[23:30] <SeanHarrison> "Something happened, apparently. Lets check it out."
[23:31] * AlbertVignola steps out of the jeep and checks for any neighbors watching them.
[23:31] <echoVanguard> Nobody seems to be around.
[23:31] * Travis_Hofsteder looks around for obvious signs of forced entry.
[23:32] <echoVanguard> roll Scene Analysis (INT)
[23:32] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[23:32] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (11) = 11.
[23:32] <echoVanguard> nothing seems out of place.
[23:32] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6 (assist)
[23:32] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[23:33] <echoVanguard> (assisting grants a +1d6 bonus)
[23:34] <echoVanguard> (also Albert is specialized in Scene Reconstruction)
[23:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> 1d6
[23:36] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 1d6 = (5) = 5.
[23:37] <AlbertVignola> 2 3d6+2
[23:37] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (11+2) = 13.
[23:37] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (14+2) = 16.
[23:38] <echoVanguard> Working together, the three of you discover a window which has been pried upon at the rear of the bungalow, as well as the trace evidence of several people moving in and around the house recently. You guess that someone entered the house, committed a crime, and there followed a detailed forensic investigation.
[23:39] <echoVanguard> you probably realize that there's only one crime that begins with a forensic investigation and ends with police tape on a door after it ends, and that's a murder.
[23:39] * SeanHarrison attempts to look in the window.
[23:40] <echoVanguard> it's closed, and the blinds are shut on the inside. You could attempt to pry it open, or cut the police tape on the front door and go inside.
[23:40] * SeanHarrison tries to get the window open the same way as the intruders.
[23:41] <echoVanguard> it's locked.
[23:41] * SeanHarrison tries the front door instead.
[23:42] <echoVanguard> you have to cut the police tape to get inside, but that's not too difficult and there doesn't seem to be anyone around who cares about what you're doing.
[23:42] * SeanHarrison does so.
[23:42] * Travis_Hofsteder steps inside warily.
[23:43] <echoVanguard> The interior of the house is mostly decorated in Nasty Bachelor Pad, with the exception of the hall bathroom. It has been cleaned, but a shotgun blast to the wall is hard to scrub out.
[23:43] <echoVanguard> There are a large number of evidence markers, a discarded shotgun shell, and a tape outline of a body.
[23:44] * SeanHarrison looks around for anything interesting, especially computers.
[23:44] <echoVanguard> there's a smell of blood, but it's faint. This crime scene is probably at least a day old, maybe more.
[23:44] <echoVanguard> There are several computers, but the hard drives have all been removed.
[23:45] <AlbertVignola> "If he quit his job last year, someone certainly took their time to come after him."
[23:45] <echoVanguard> Most of the shelves which should hold removable media are empty, and look to have been recently disturbed. There are a few jewel cases with CDs still in them, though.
[23:45] <SeanHarrison> "Maybe it wasnt related to him quitting, but something else."
[23:46] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Right. He might have pried into something after the fact."
[23:46] * SeanHarrison tries the CDs in his laptop.
[23:47] <echoVanguard> most of them are pornography or music. One, however, is a GL-38 operator's manual.
[23:47] <SeanHarrison> (any differences between it and the first one we had?)
[23:47] <echoVanguard> not at a glance. a more detailed analysis would require a Data Analysis roll.
[23:47] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[23:47] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[23:48] <echoVanguard> the file sizes are slightly different, even after correcting for the steganography in the original.
[23:48] <SeanHarrison> (do i have ms word?)
[23:48] <echoVanguard> (probably)
[23:49] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6+2
[23:49] * Edubb Travis_Hofsteder 3d6+2 = (12+2) = 14.
[23:49] * SeanHarrison copies both pdfs into separate .doc files and runs Word's comparson tool.
[23:50] <echoVanguard> you find that some letters are capitalized in Graveswell's version. They are SBCOKEOA.
[23:50] <SeanHarrison> "An anagram?"
[23:52] <echoVanguard> unfortunately, Graveswell's wi-fi is offline, or you could use an internet anagram service. You could code one up, but it might take a while.
[23:52] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Maybe... we'll have to take it back with us to analyze."
[23:52] <SeanHarrison> "Think there's anything else here?"
[23:52] <echoVanguard> alternatively, you could make an INT roll to try to decode it with raw brainpower.
[23:52] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[23:52] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[23:53] <AlbertVignola> 3d6+2
[23:53] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (8+2) = 10.
[23:54] <echoVanguard> Albert, you come up with a few options: ASK BE COOK, A SOB COKE, CAKES BOO, ACE BOOKS, and...BOOKCASE.
[23:54] * AlbertVignola looks around for a bookcase in the house.
[23:55] * Travis_Hofsteder looks around for a cold beer.
[23:55] <echoVanguard> there's a bookcase in Graveswell's bedroom. Searching it uncovers a hidden compartment which contains a small notebook.
[23:55] * AlbertVignola starts skimming through the notebook.
[23:56] <echoVanguard> It's almost entirely random notes that have very little meaning to you. Towards the end, however, things at least start to be labeled. One which catches your eye is ALARM CODE, double-underlined, followed by a six-digit number.
[23:56] <AlbertVignola> "Why would he be concerned about an alarm code?"
[23:57] <SeanHarrison> "Alarm code for what?"
[23:57] <echoVanguard> there are also a lot of username/password pairs, often with an indecipherable acronym as the label.
[23:57] <echoVanguard> like 'TARK: fjones/password'
[23:58] <echoVanguard> roll Scene Reconstruction, Albert
[23:58] <AlbertVignola> 2 3d6+2
[23:58] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (14+2) = 16.
[23:58] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[23:58] <SeanHarrison> "I guess this might be helpful. Maybe they are logins for the network."
[23:59] <echoVanguard> You deduce that this notebook was probably for personal random notes until he got put in charge of the network at his previous job, at which point he began using it as a secure means of credential storage.
[23:59] <echoVanguard> The fact that he hid it and left clues for someone else to find it suggests that he believed it was both valuable and dangerous, and that he might be killed before he could tell anyone about it.
[00:00] <AlbertVignola> "He may have been crazy, but he was right that someone would try to kill him."
[00:01] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Agreed. He got into some deep shit and he knew it was coming."
[00:01] <echoVanguard> You decide to head back to Midas. As you get in the car, Travis continues to fret about the contents of his wallet.
[00:02] <echoVanguard> no matter which way you look at it, the fact is that your licenses don't match the condition of your clothes, wallet, or other possessions...they're too new. One or the other might be new, but probably not both.
[00:03] <echoVanguard> borrowing a knife from Graveswell's kitchen, you cut open the plastic laminate on your driver's license. Sure enough, the picture of you is a fake, plastered on very carefully above the license's actual picture, which appears to be a heavyset black man.
[00:04] <echoVanguard> a quick inspection of Sean's and Albert's licenses yields similar results. All of your IDs are fake.
[00:04] <echoVanguard> Just who are you, really?
[00:04] <echoVanguard> *** TO BE CONTINUED ***

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Post by Chamomile »

echoVanguard wrote:Players are going to experience extremely weird shit like having a Hollow Man pull a knife out of his kidney indifferently or pumping shotgun rounds into the face of a screeching eight-legged alligator monster that then suddenly turns into a bag lady.
These fit very comfortably into the realm of "things which can easily be explained away as a symptom of your own psychosis." Hallucinations that vivid are less common than disembodied voices giving commands, but they do actually happen. Also, nothing about the Hollow Men that I've read in any thread suggests that they should be able to tank normally fatal wounds or that screeching eight-legged alligator monsters that suddenly turn into bug ladies should be a thing at all. The villains are all allusions to common paranoid delusions, the mechanics are all designed to make it completely unclear whether the player's so-called superpowers have any effect at all, the game's actual name is Doubt, self-doubt is one of its defining features, so yes, it should always be as unclear as possible whether the players are actually investigating weird shit or just suffering a mental breakdown. If the players aren't uncertain as to whether any of the things they are fighting or can do are real, then why are you being so coy with their powers? Why is the opposition allowed to be obviously real, but the players' toys are all limited to things so subtle you can't even tell for sure if they're even working?
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Post by echoVanguard »

No, stop. Look, this is not hard. There is a stark and obvious difference between having weird adventures and later being unsure whether those adventures were real, and being unsure whether you are actually having adventures while you are having them. One of these is a game that might actually be fun and compelling, and the other is a stupid thought experiment that will never produce anything resembling a fun game with broad appeal. I'll leave it up to you to determine which is which.

By extension, the game needs more enemies that are exciting to fight than just the Hollow Men, and fighting those enemies needs to be more interesting than 'I stab him, he dies.' The Registry and the Metatron already fulfill the roles of 'mysterious mystery with noncombat resolution", which means the Night Terrors don't need to retread that same ground.

A big part of designing the various weaknesses and kill methods of each enemy type is making it something you can't always be prepared for all the time across the board. The Hollow Men require decapitation to kill precisely because carrying around a sword, an axe, or a machete is inconvenient, particularly when you're also carrying around a shotgun and a bag of rock salt and a silver dagger and a bottle of crazy pills. For the most part, adventures should follow the pattern of something like Supernatural, where the plot has defined phases of:

1: investigate weird event,
2: identify enemy type,
3: figure out how to kill it,
4: perform the prep needed to kill it,
5: actually kill it, and
6: deal with the fallout.

Like maybe you'd identify the source of recent deaths as a Registry building with a malicious security system that killed intruders by trapping them in rooms and then setting off the Halon system or whatever. You'd burn the building down, and then feel awful when the article showed up the next day that hundreds of innocent workers burned to death in a mysterious fire. Of course, they were all Registry People, so it's perfectly okay. Right?

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Post by Chamomile »

echoVanguard wrote:There is a stark and obvious difference between having weird adventures and later being unsure whether those adventures were real, and being unsure whether you are actually having adventures while you are having them.
I don't know why you're bringing this up, because being Nameless actually inhibits both of them by quite a bit. Both before and after a weird adventure you are still a person with no friends, no family, no birth certificate, and very clear memories of all of those things going back to the beginning of your life. Which makes it very obvious that weird things are indeed happening and that those people in the burnt building were definitely Registry ghosts, because the Registry definitely exists, because that is not significantly weirder than the fairly undeniable fact that you have been unpersoned. I mean, you're very importantly wrong about some of your other assertions, but I'm not even going to bother addressing those because your entire argument was tangential so it would be a waste of time.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

echoVanguard wrote:By extension, the game needs more enemies that are exciting to fight than just the Hollow Men, and fighting those enemies needs to be more interesting than 'I stab him, he dies.' The Registry and the Metatron already fulfill the roles of 'mysterious mystery with noncombat resolution", which means the Night Terrors don't need to retread that same ground.
Doubt is meant to be a conspiracy psychological horror thriller... thing. You aren't really signing up for the action scenes - the genre doesn't actually demand combats with things you would think would be superhuman. Jason Bourne never fought any tentacle monsters - he didn't even fight any Hollow Men.

Other than Hollow Men, you also have the option of combats with entirely mundane Sleepers (which should be thrown in now and then, and even a "badass mowing down" sequence becomes exciting and tense if you're having to mow enough down); combats with Agency minions who optionally are also Fated Doubters depending on how high they are in the Conspiracy; combats with evil Mediums whose spirit contact is the Metatron, and with the cult of Sleepers they've got backing them; probably combats with Shadow People, I remember those being a thing in the thread and they could fill the niche of "thing in the darkness that ends in combat instead of victory".
echoVanguard wrote:A big part of designing the various weaknesses and kill methods of each enemy type is making it something you can't always be prepared for all the time across the board. The Hollow Men require decapitation to kill precisely because carrying around a sword, an axe, or a machete is inconvenient, particularly when you're also carrying around a shotgun and a bag of rock salt and a silver dagger and a bottle of crazy pills.
So what you're saying is that you want 100% of Doubters to carry a silver machete, a shotgun, and a bottle of crazy pills. Because the expectation is that PC monster hunters are loaded for bear at all times ever. If this was After Sundown, you'd just expect every single character (or at the very least, every single "smallest group the party ever splits into at any time) to have a bag of salt, a bag of sand, and a bag of seeds, as well as some silver buckshot and some wooden buckshot to match their iron buckshot.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by echoVanguard »

Omegonthesane wrote:So what you're saying is that you want 100% of Doubters to carry a silver machete, a shotgun, and a bottle of crazy pills. Because the expectation is that PC monster hunters are loaded for bear at all times ever.
That's actually the exact opposite of what I want. What I want is for people to be prepared to deal with common monsters a majority of the time through a variety of different means.

Serious question: if all players are assumed to have the means to target all monsters' weaknesses on them at all times, what's the point of the weakness? Isn't it just an effectiveness tax at that point?

What I want is for all players to have a way to perform combat at all times, but often be forced to either search for an effective weapon or run back to their weapon cache in the event they're confronted by something they weren't expecting. In the event of a more rare or difficult monster, they should have to have mini-adventures for discerning its weakness and procuring a method of exploiting that weakness.

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Post by Omegonthesane »

echoVanguard wrote:
Omegonthesane wrote:So what you're saying is that you want 100% of Doubters to carry a silver machete, a shotgun, and a bottle of crazy pills. Because the expectation is that PC monster hunters are loaded for bear at all times ever.
That's actually the exact opposite of what I want. What I want is for people to be prepared to deal with common monsters a majority of the time through a variety of different means.
Any monster which is common which cannot be defeated through the use of bullets alone is another piece of kit that every player party wants. Because being attacked by a monster you cannot defeat is unacceptable and players will not accept it.

You see this in Call of Cthulhu. Players are told that normal weapons don't stop the spawn of the Old Ones, so they bring rockets rather than have to flee combat. (The fact that normal weapons can totally stop most monsters in CoC notwithstanding.)
echoVanguard wrote:Serious question: if all players are assumed to have the means to target all monsters' weaknesses on them at all times, what's the point of the weakness? Isn't it just an effectiveness tax at that point?
If you can be effective enough to kill monsters without the weakness, then it's a legitimate trade off. I mean, I'd still expect AS characters to always have a source of Wood, Silver, and Iron damage if they are specifically going on a monster hunt (and going to catch a big one) but it isn't always necessary all the time, because if you are caught with your pants down by a werewolf you can kill them with ordinary buckshot just fine even though silver would work better. Conversely, if you aren't expecting to fight monsters and you don't absolutely need their weaknesses to fight them, you would not be crazy to leave their weaknesses at home while you do whatever.

(Also, now I think about it, martial artists with Touch of Darkness have one less reason to carry three flavours of buckshot, as they do aggravated with their fists for free. An implementation detail, but then, this is at least partly a discussion about implementation.)

Let me quote what you were proposing:
echoVanguard wrote:5. Every monster now has a unique method of being killed or countered. For example, Hollow Men have to be decapitated, while the Metatron can be blocked by antipsychotics.
If the only way to win a random encounter with Hollow Men is to behead them, and random encounters with Hollow Men (or ambushes by Hollow Men if we don't want to pay lip service to Gygax, which we probably don't) are a thing that happens "ever", then players will endeavour to always have a means of beheading Hollow Men. "Common Monster X can only be killed with Specific Method Y" does not lead to a trade-off between "looking sane" and "kicking the most ass", it leads to people looking crazy so that they can participate in combat at all.
echoVanguard wrote:What I want is for all players to have a way to perform combat at all times, but often be forced to either search for an effective weapon or run back to their weapon cache in the event they're confronted by something they weren't expecting. In the event of a more rare or difficult monster, they should have to have mini-adventures for discerning its weakness and procuring a method of exploiting that weakness.

There is no set of mechanics that can exist that will convince players to not be able to defeat a certain subset of monsters while going around. If you make monsters which strictly require players to be prepared, then the players will always be prepared. If you try to prevent this, players will not think "remember that awesome time we had to run back to the weapons cache", they will think "fucking asshole MC using shit he knows we can't fight".

If you want players to be better off prepared, yet occasionally not bother, then you have to make every combat challenge somewhat vulnerable to bullets. That way, some nonzero contingent of players might decide that not being able to exploit a monster's weakness is worth not looking like a murdering hobo, because if push comes to shove their Glock 17 or whatever will do the job just fine.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by echoVanguard »

Well, the fact that guns do not work on most of the bad guys directly isn't really negotiable, but that's actually ok. You can't shoot the Metatron not matter what you do, but you could shoot their pawn just fine, and you could shoot non-supernatural thugs trying to take your cheeseburgers with no problems. Obviously guns are less than useless against Hollow Men and the Registry, but would work just fine against minions of the Agency and probably at least be able to stun Night Terrors. Basically what I'm hearing is that you should be able to use pretty much any weapon to "defeat" a monster (probably causing it to vanish temporarily, but now it's after you in a nebulous way), but should have to do some legwork to kill it permanently.

It sounds like what you're saying is that there needs to be a sufficient level of complexity among monster weaknesses that they're highly complex and unpredictable even within well-known monster groups, such that you would need to do something like this:
Base Monster TypeKill Method
Hollow MenDecapitation with...
Night TerrorPierce heart with...
The AgencyAny
The RegistryDestroy Location
The MetatronDose pawn with...

%Substance (majority of composition)

%Preparation (all mutually exclusive)
00-05Blessed by a Priest
06-15Encrusted with Salt
16-25From a graveyard
26-45Dipped in blood
46-59Engraved with runes
60-75Forged in moonlight
76-94Exposed to radiation
95-00Creature's true name written on it in ink

Obviously these are just spitballing examples, but you get the idea.

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Post by Omegonthesane »

echoVanguard wrote:Well, the fact that guns do not work on most of the bad guys directly isn't really negotiable, but that's actually ok. You can't shoot the Metatron not matter what you do, but you could shoot their pawn just fine, and you could shoot non-supernatural thugs trying to take your cheeseburgers with no problems. Obviously guns are less than useless against Hollow Men and the Registry, but would work just fine against minions of the Agency and probably at least be able to stun Night Terrors. Basically what I'm hearing is that you should be able to use pretty much any weapon to "defeat" a monster (probably causing it to vanish temporarily, but now it's after you in a nebulous way), but should have to do some legwork to kill it permanently.
I'll technically be slightly more generous, in that I'll accept enemies that resist a narrow subset of "physical force" such as "projectiles moving so fast you can't see them", i.e. bullets. None of the points I intended to make above are changed if you pretend I was on about flipknives or martial arts instead of guns.
echoVanguard wrote:It sounds like what you're saying is that there needs to be a sufficient level of complexity among monster weaknesses that they're highly complex and unpredictable even within well-known monster groups, such that you would need to do something like this:


Obviously these are just spitballing examples, but you get the idea.

Depends on how frequent you want encounters to be. If Hollow Men are lone operators who maybe have much weaker and more killable Straw Men helping them, then it's fine for you to have to panelbeat them into temporary defeat and then determine their secret weakness to finish the job; if Hollow Men come in squads, that level of time investment is not acceptable and killing them in a field has to be enough to get them off your back.

The Metatron is a different story - the whole point is that he's just a voice in the back of your head, so I wouldn't be aghast if there was absolutely no way of silencing him and the only way to combat the Metatron was to thwart his pawns or talk them out of doing as he asks. This works better if evidence implies that the Metatron is busy and has shit to do so will eventually just give up on a given client if thwarted often enough, without having to resort to murder.

(Yes, I am referring to the Metatron as a singular gendered individual, rather than as a species. Because it's literally the name of an angel from Abrahamic mythology so it feels somehow more right as the name of a single entity.)

As an aside, I always envisioned the Metatron as being permanently inaudible and invisible to non-Doubters, and able to suppress one or both to talk to their pawns, but able to be directly sensed by Doubters - either in that the "nothing to see or hear here" effect simply doesn't work and Doubters can hear anything the Metatron says in their earshot and see whatever form it is taking in their field of vision, or in that they have a recognisable Bad Feeling About This if there's a Metatron on the map. Hence my suggestion of evil "Mediums" whose "friend on the other side" is (one of) the Metatron. Since we're spitballing ideas anyway.


In short: wrt the point about weaknesses, all combat challenges need to be winnable with mundane physical force, even if you then have to have an Adventuring step to make a given monster stay dead. The Registry and The Metatron are not combat challenges (not on their own anyway), indeed part of the point is that they can't shoot you or themselves be shot.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Posts: 738
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:35 pm

Post by echoVanguard »

Omegonthesane wrote:ok sounds good as long as such encounters are not common
That's my thought as well.

Posts: 3697
Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:55 pm

Post by Omegonthesane »

echoVanguard wrote:
Omegonthesane wrote:ok sounds good as long as such encounters are not common
That's my thought as well.

You're skipping a few steps here - if all Hollow Men need special measures to kill them, and there isn't a weaker knockoff of Hollow Men that have their original defining properties of "leaves no evidence", then you can't have sessions that revolve around large numbers of evil things.

This also leaves a natural ecological niche for Straw Men (in addition to being social encounter roadblocks and wallflower infiltrators, they're the mook Hollow Men) and Shadow People (smaller and weaker than Night Terrors, actually killed or banished by Enough Light).

I'd also be tempted to dispute the Night Terror description, simply because being able to ever see what exactly they are removes a key bit of their "is it/isn't it" factor. If you want Night Terrors that stand and fight when seen, you could have them surrounded by an aura of darkness that blocks light, or more subtly you could just make it so that they prevent any light that would give you a good detailed look from ever shining on them. Flaming torches are snuffed by a sudden wind, lights flicker so you only get vague glimpses, camera flash fails to get you anything - or gets you something consistent with what the Night Terror becomes upon death, if you defeat it.

And if you somehow find a way to make the Night Terror be illuminated enough to give you a good look, like blowing up the roof to force sunlight into the room, you "learn" that it was just a shadow on the wall... until the next night, when it reforms ready to kill again.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Posts: 738
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:35 pm

Post by echoVanguard »

Second and final session of the playtest:

[19:01] * Now talking in #Doubt
[19:14] <echoVanguard> *** SCENE BEGIN ***
[19:14] <echoVanguard> The drive back from Red House is uneventful, if unsettling. You're still coming to grips with your most recent discovery.
[19:15] <SeanHarrison> (you can also put text in front of die rolls, but its picky about text after on the same line)
[19:15] <echoVanguard> Before long, however, the now-familiar landscape of Midas is outside your windows once more. The day is ending, and the setting sun paints the desert in beautiful shades of purple and gold.
[19:17] <SeanHarrison> "Now what? Should we even be risking our lives for this guy?"
[19:18] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Heck no."
[19:18] <Travis_Hofsteder> "But we don't even know who we are, and everything is pointing us in this direction."
[19:18] <AlbertVignola> "Considering what we found with our identification, I would be more concerned as to whether we even have a choice."
[19:18] <SeanHarrison> "Well, we have enough money to have someone look at our heads."
[19:19] * Travis_Hofsteder snorts. "We already know yours doesn't work right."
[19:21] * SeanHarrison shrugs, "Good enough for some decent hacking."
[19:21] <AlbertVignola> "Back to the hotel for the night?"
[19:21] <echoVanguard> Sean, you know that the building will be easier to break into at night.
[19:21] <SeanHarrison> "Unless you want to try breaking into a secret corporate headquarters."
[19:21] * Travis_Hofsteder sighs. "Look if you want to we can go our separate ways and pretend we never woke up in the middle of the desert in a box with a timebomb. Personally I'd like to know what the hell is going on."
[19:23] <SeanHarrison> "I'm not thrilled about it, but I'd like to know too."
[19:23] <SeanHarrison> "We might as well check it out. If its guarded we can just leave."
[19:25] * Travis_Hofsteder nods. "Now's our chance. I mean this guy was involved in something, now he's dead and we're involved."
[19:26] * AlbertVignola nods his head in agreement, "The receptionist may have tipped off some people that we're looking into this."
[19:27] * Travis_Hofsteder guides the Jeep towards the 'office' building.
[19:27] <echoVanguard> You arrive outside the office building. The parking lot is completely empty.
[19:28] <echoVanguard> Scanning the windows, you don't see any lights on inside.
[19:28] * Travis_Hofsteder scans for cameras.
[19:28] <echoVanguard> you don't see any.
[19:29] <Travis_Hofsteder> (what's the front door look like?)
[19:30] <echoVanguard> (same as last time you were here. a pair of glass-and-steel double doors, of the type you might see in a standard run-down office building.)
[19:30] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Anyone know how to pick a lock?"
[19:30] * SeanHarrison shrugs and hefts his shovel.
[19:30] <Travis_Hofsteder> "That's what I thought."
[19:31] * Travis_Hofsteder pulls up to the building and cuts the vehicle off, pocketing the keys.
[19:31] * SeanHarrison gets out and tries the door.
[19:32] <echoVanguard> it's locked.
[19:32] <echoVanguard> However, there is a keypad near the door.
[19:33] * SeanHarrison types in the alarm code.
[19:33] <echoVanguard> You get a red light
[19:33] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yeah I figure they changed those."
[19:33] <echoVanguard> It's likely that the alarm code and the door access code are different
[19:33] <SeanHarrison> "Anything in that notebook that looked like a key code?"
[19:34] <Travis_Hofsteder> "If they didn't, they're extra double stupid."
[19:35] * AlbertVignola starts flipping through the journal again for anything labeled door.
[19:35] <echoVanguard> You don't see anything labeled door. However, there are a couple of numeric codes.
[19:37] <AlbertVignola> "There are a few numerical codes, but nothing that is labeled as being for the door locks."
[19:38] * Travis_Hofsteder looks over the keypad for signs of wear patterns.
[19:39] <echoVanguard> Most of the keys appear to be worn evenly.
[19:39] <echoVanguard> however, the 5, the 8, and the 2 appear to be the most heavily used
[19:39] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Got any numbers that have 5s, 8s, and 2s?"
[19:40] * AlbertVignola flips between the numerical codes checking for those numbers.
[19:42] <echoVanguard> Most of the codes have at least one of those numbers in them. You might as well just pick one at random.
[19:42] * Travis_Hofsteder yawns and gives Shawn the 'smash-it-with-the-shovel' nod.
[19:43] * SeanHarrison smashes the glass with his shovel.
[19:43] <Travis_Hofsteder> "That's more like it. Now let's find the alarm panel and punch in that code."
[19:43] <echoVanguard> The door shatters with a satisfying *crash* and tinkling noises. An alarm begins squealing from inside.
[19:43] * SeanHarrison hurries inside and looks for an alarm panel.
[19:44] * Travis_Hofsteder whistles and strides through. "Just like old times... maybe."
[19:44] <echoVanguard> You spot one on the far wall.
[19:44] * SeanHarrison runs over and punches in the alarm code.
[19:44] <echoVanguard> the alarm shuts off, leaving your ears ringing.
[19:44] <SeanHarrison> "Im sure no one noticed."
[19:44] * Travis_Hofsteder looks around for cameras again.
[19:45] <echoVanguard> No cameras in the lobby, either.
[19:45] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Even if they called the police they'd just jump to their deaths on the way over here."
[19:45] * SeanHarrison looks around for exits.
[19:45] * Travis_Hofsteder looks at Albert. "What, too soon?"
[19:45] <echoVanguard> There's a large elevator, which looks like it has seen better days. There is also a door leading to a stairwell and another door which looks to lead to a hallway.
[19:46] * SeanHarrison tries to call the elevator.
[19:47] <echoVanguard> The elevator call button lights up, and after a few moments, the doors shakily open.
[19:47] * SeanHarrison gets in and checks what floors are available while waiting for the others.
[19:48] <echoVanguard> There appear to be five floors, as well as a basement.
[19:48] * Travis_Hofsteder sighs and clambers
[19:48] <Travis_Hofsteder> in. "Well, this seems safe. Alright, now where's the button for the secret floor?"
[19:48] * SeanHarrison pushes the basement button.
[19:48] * AlbertVignola steps inside the elevator, "I've got a bad feeling about this."
[19:49] <echoVanguard> The doors close, and the elevator hesitantly descends. When the doors open, you are treated to a view of a pitch-black hallway.
[19:49] * SeanHarrison pushes all the elevator buttons before stepping out.
[19:50] <AlbertVignola> "Nothing ominious about this."
[19:50] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Time for the lighter? Wedge the door open with the shovel, bro."
[19:51] <echoVanguard> As you press all the elevator buttons at once, the doors swiftly close and the elevator begins to descend further.
[19:52] <echoVanguard> After a few moments, the doors open again, and an illuminated hallway is revealed.
[19:52] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Nice! I knew there was a secret floor."
[19:52] <Travis_Hofsteder> "OK, NOW wedge open the door."
[19:52] * SeanHarrison tries to wedge the shovel to keep the elevator open.
[19:53] <echoVanguard> The elevator begins to emit an annoying noise, but otherwise obediently stays open
[19:53] * SeanHarrison readies his pocket knife.
[19:53] <AlbertVignola> "Probably the best that we'll get for the moment."
[19:53] * Travis_Hofsteder flicks the elevator off and strolls down the hallway, looking for trouble.
[19:53] <SeanHarrison> (not as good as the shovel)
[19:54] <echoVanguard> You pass a few doors which look like they are armour-plated. Several windows of reinforced glass show inert machinery, which looks new.
[19:54] <echoVanguard> Eventually, you reach the end of the hallway, which terminates in a large pair of double doors.
[19:54] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Clearly just normal office machines, faxes and such."
[19:56] * SeanHarrison looks at Travis, "You should go first, since you have a gun."
[19:56] * Travis_Hofsteder glares intimidatingly at the door. "Damn right I do. Wait, doesn't Alby have a shotgun??"
[19:57] * AlbertVignola grips his shotgun tightly.
[19:57] <AlbertVignola> "No. It's just an illusion."
[19:57] * Travis_Hofsteder decides that Albert probably would just hurt himself anyway and pulls out his Glock before attempting to swing the door open.
[19:58] <echoVanguard> The door opens easily, revealing a large glass mantrap. On the other side is a glass door and a keypad, and beyond is a large room filled with computer equipment.
[19:58] <echoVanguard> the mantrap appears to be unattended.
[19:59] * Travis_Hofsteder glances around warily before slipping in. "This looks like some serious bullshit."
[20:00] <SeanHarrison> "Do we have a code for that?"
[20:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Probably."
[20:00] * AlbertVignola switches the shotgun to his left hand and tries flipping through the journal for something that looks appropriate.
[20:00] * Travis_Hofsteder examines this keypad for wear patterns or other telltale signs.
[20:00] <echoVanguard> It looks pristine.
[20:01] <echoVanguard> Albert, you find many codes that might be useful, but none of them are labeled.
[20:02] <SeanHarrison> "Who wants to go first?"
[20:02] * Travis_Hofsteder signs and breathes onto the pad slowly, examining it for evidence of fingerprints.
[20:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I wish I had an evidence kit or something."
[20:03] <AlbertVignola> "We're back to guess work or brute force and I don't think this one would react as well."
[20:03] <echoVanguard> You don't see any fingerprints, Travis.
[20:06] <SeanHarrison> "I guess we should try some of these codes."
[20:06] <SeanHarrison> "Worst case, we can try and smash our way through."
[20:07] * AlbertVignola nods his head.
[20:07] * Travis_Hofsteder groans, the memories of the Box of Doom. fresh in his mind.
[20:07] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Any of these codes match any of the numbers we were boxed in with?"
[20:07] * AlbertVignola steps into the mantrap
[20:08] * AlbertVignola checks the codes to see.
[20:08] * SeanHarrison follows behind Albert
[20:08] <echoVanguard> They do not match directly, but if you do some numerical manipulation it's possible. You could try searching for roots and factors, or just try entering one randomly.
[20:11] * AlbertVignola points to the second code, "Let's try this one."
[20:11] <SeanHarrison> "Whichever you want."
[20:11] * Travis_Hofsteder looks mildly agitated.
[20:12] * SeanHarrison enters the code.
[20:13] <echoVanguard> The keypad beeps encouragingly and displays a green light.
[20:13] * SeanHarrison tries the next door.
[20:13] <echoVanguard> It opens.
[20:13] * SeanHarrison holds it open, "See, dumb luck is always the best way.
[20:13] <echoVanguard> You enter a large and spacious computer room, with many large racks of servers and mainframe computers. The air is meticulously chilled and dry.
[20:13] * Travis_Hofsteder is stunned.
[20:14] <AlbertVignola> "I need to buy some lottery tickets after this is done."
[20:14] <Travis_Hofsteder> "No countdown timer, amazing."
[20:14] * SeanHarrison looks around for a terminal.
[20:14] * Travis_Hofsteder slips into the server room. "Time to punch in that code you found. I bet it's a Pacman clone."
[20:15] <echoVanguard> There are several terminals. There is also a large dot-matrix printer, as well as some sort of complex robotic paper-feed device.
[20:16] * SeanHarrison tries to feed in the printed code.
[20:17] <Travis_Hofsteder> "I hope it doesn't eat that. Do you have a backup copy?"
[20:17] * SeanHarrison shrugs.
[20:18] <echoVanguard> The paper-feed device begins ingesting the printed code stack easily and smoothly. It looks like it was made for exactly this job.
[20:18] <SeanHarrison> "If we werent supposed to use it, they wouldnt have given it to us."
[20:18] * SeanHarrison checks to see if anything relevant is showing up on a computer screen.
[20:19] <echoVanguard> A terminal near the ingester shows the text "PROCESSING..." with animated dots that were probably state-of-the-art in 1974.
[20:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yeah wow, ancient technology."
[20:19] * SeanHarrison continues to feed until all the papers are read.
[20:19] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Where's the punchcards?"
[20:20] * AlbertVignola shrugs and doesn't try to pretend that he understands what half of this stuff is.
[20:20] <echoVanguard> It takes you a while to feed in all the papers. After a bit, though, you reach the end of the binder. The screen blinks and stutters, then displays "COMPILING....0%"
[20:20] <echoVanguard> after a few seconds or so, the display changes to "COMPILING...1%"
[20:21] <SeanHarrison> "This might be a while."
[20:21] <echoVanguard> A voice behind you says, calmly. "Curious. I don't believe you're supposed to be here."
[20:21] * SeanHarrison turns around.
[20:22] <echoVanguard> A man in a black trenchcoat is standing behind you, although you quite certainly never heard the door open. His skin is very pale, and he appears to be completely bald. His eyes are blood-red.
[20:22] <echoVanguard> He waves a hand at the three of you. "Sleep."
[20:22] <AlbertVignola> "Such a speedy process."
[20:22] <SeanHarrison> "What are you doing?"
[20:23] <echoVanguard> He seems surprised. "Who are you?"
[20:23] * SeanHarrison hands him his ID, "Sean Harrison, nice to meet you."
[20:24] * SeanHarrison sneaks a peek at the compiling progress.
[20:24] <echoVanguard> He steps back as you approach, pulling a knife from his trenchcoat. "We might be after the same thing, perhaps. But we're not inclined to share, no."
[20:24] <echoVanguard> 5%
[20:25] <AlbertVignola> Init, 2d6+3
[20:25] * Edubb AlbertVignola 2d6+3 = (4+3) = 7.
[20:25] <SeanHarrison> 2d6
[20:25] * Edubb SeanHarrison 2d6 = (8) = 8.
[20:25] <echoVanguard> 2d6+3
[20:25] * Edubb echoVanguard 2d6+3 = (4+3) = 7.
[20:28] <Travis_Hofsteder> 2d6+3
[20:28] * Edubb Travis_ 2d6+3 = (7+3) = 10.
[20:29] <echoVanguard> Travis, you go first.
[20:30] * Travis_Hofsteder pulls out his gun and caps his ass. 2 3d6+2
[20:30] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (12+2) = 14.
[20:30] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (14+2) = 16.
[20:30] <echoVanguard> You pull your glock from your shoulder holster, aim it right at his center mass, and pull the trigger. Your gun produces the loud "click" sound of a dud round, causing it to misfire.
[20:30] <echoVanguard> Sean
[20:32] * SeanHarrison runs behind something to let the guy with the shotgun have a go.
[20:34] <echoVanguard> Sean, you dash away, taking cover behind a server rack. The man in the trenchcoat, his face expressionless, glides after you, rounding the corner and taking a stab. 2 3d6+1
[20:34] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (12+1) = 13.
[20:34] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[20:34] <SeanHarrison> (can i deflect?)
[20:35] <echoVanguard> (can try to dodge, defend with dex)
[20:35] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:35] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (8) = 8.
[20:35] <echoVanguard> You are stabbed in the thigh. A painful wound, but not debilitating...yet.
[20:35] <echoVanguard> Albert
[20:35] <SeanHarrison> "Shoot him already!"
[20:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Hey, this thing might be clocked at a Megahertz!"
[20:36] * Travis_Hofsteder holds up his hands. "Thankfully the room is chilled, wouldn't want this thing to overheat from the strain."
[20:37] * AlbertVignola moves up to the psycho and fires with the shotgun, 3d6+1
[20:37] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+1 = (12+1) = 13.
[20:38] <AlbertVignola> 3d6+1
[20:38] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+1 = (12+1) = 13.
[20:38] <echoVanguard> You point your shotgun at the man in the trenchcoat and pull the trigger. A loud "click" emerges from your shotgun as the firing pin rams home on a dud shell.
[20:38] <echoVanguard> Travis
[20:39] <Travis_Hofsteder> "That's ridiculous!"
[20:39] * Travis_Hofsteder drops his gun and busts out his holdout and caps the guy.
[20:39] <echoVanguard> (roll)
[20:40] <Travis_Hofsteder> 2 3d6+2
[20:40] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (11+2) = 13.
[20:40] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[20:40] <echoVanguard> Your revolver jams as the cylinder fails to rotate.
[20:40] <Travis_Hofsteder> "IMPOSSIBLE!"
[20:40] <echoVanguard> Sean
[20:40] <SeanHarrison> "I should have kept that shovel."
[20:40] * SeanHarrison tries to stab him.
[20:41] <SeanHarrison> 2 3d6+1
[20:41] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[20:41] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[20:41] <echoVanguard> dodge, 3d6+1
[20:41] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[20:42] <echoVanguard> You try to stab him, but he easily evades your blow, moving with a catlike grace. He slashes at your arm with his own knife. 2 3d6+1
[20:42] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[20:42] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[20:42] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[20:42] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[20:42] <SeanHarrison> (dodge)
[20:43] <echoVanguard> You are slashed on the arm. You're beginning to lose some blood, now (-1 to all rolls)
[20:44] <echoVanguard> Albert
[20:45] * AlbertVignola swings his shotgun like a club at the psycho, 3d6
[20:45] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[20:45] <echoVanguard> dodge, 3d6+1
[20:45] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (11+1) = 12.
[20:45] <AlbertVignola> "It's like he's a ghost!"
[20:46] <echoVanguard> Despite you coming up from behind, the man in the trenchcoat slips aside from your blow without even looking at you. He turns, however, and it appears that you have caught his attention.
[20:46] <echoVanguard> Travis
[20:47] * Travis_Hofsteder runs up to the maniac and tries to restrain him. (assist Shawn's stabbing efforts)
[20:47] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6
[20:47] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[20:49] <Travis_Hofsteder> 1d6
[20:49] * Edubb Travis_ 1d6 = (4) = 4.
[20:49] <echoVanguard> Sean
[20:49] <echoVanguard> (you get +4 to stab)
[20:49] * SeanHarrison continues stabbing 2 3d6+4
[20:49] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+4 = (10+4) = 14.
[20:49] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+4 = (10+4) = 14.
[20:49] <echoVanguard> dodge 3d6+1
[20:49] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (8+1) = 9.
[20:50] <echoVanguard> You stab the man in the trenchcoat in the side as he turns to look at Travis and Albert. The wound is small due to the size of the pocketknife, but you can definitely feel wetness on your hand. However, the man in the trenchcoat seems not to react at all.
[20:51] <echoVanguard> Albert, the man in the trenchcoat throws a swift backhand at you. 3d6+2
[20:51] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (8+2) = 10.
[20:51] * AlbertVignola tries to dodge, 3d6+1
[20:51] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+1 = (8+1) = 9.
[20:52] <echoVanguard> You are struck in the face and hurled by tremendous strength. You crash to the floor some distance away, stunned.
[20:52] <echoVanguard> Travis
[20:53] <echoVanguard> (no, wait, sorry. Albert)
[20:55] * AlbertVignola reloads the shotgun and tries to blink away the pretty birdies.
[20:55] <echoVanguard> ok, NOW Travis
[20:56] <echoVanguard> Albert, you pump the shotgun, ejecting the dud shell.
[20:56] * Travis_Hofsteder tries to restrain his movement so that Shawn can maul him. 1d6
[20:56] * Edubb Travis_ 1d6 = (4) = 4.
[20:57] <echoVanguard> Sean
[20:57] <echoVanguard> Travis, you have great difficulty restraining him. he's immensely strong
[20:57] * SeanHarrison tries to tear a monitor away from its cords and smash it over the man's head 2 3d6+4
[20:57] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+4 = (12+4) = 16.
[20:57] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+4 = (13+4) = 17.
[20:58] <echoVanguard> 3d6+1
[20:58] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[20:59] <echoVanguard> You smash the monitor on the trenchcoated man brutally, but he shrugs it off, almost as if he's incapable of feeling pain.
[20:59] <echoVanguard> he turns back to you and stabs you a third time, 2 3d6+1
[20:59] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (12+1) = 13.
[20:59] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (11+1) = 12.
[21:00] <SeanHarrison> dodge 3d6-1
[21:00] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6-1 = (12-1) = 11.
[21:00] <echoVanguard> You are stabbed, this time in the upper chest. Thankfully, the blade misses your lung.
[21:01] <echoVanguard> However, you know you can't take too many more of these knife blows, and you'll almost certainly need urgent medical attention soon.
[21:01] <echoVanguard> Albert
[21:02] * AlbertVignola tries firing on the man again with his shotgun, 2 3d6+1
[21:02] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+1 = (7+1) = 8.
[21:02] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[21:04] <echoVanguard> You pull the trigger, and the gun roars with the satisfying *BANG* of a successful shot. However, at this distance and with the reduced accuracy of the beanbag round, the beanbag narrowly misses the trenchcoated man and slams into the server rack behind him, leaving a small dent in the metal.
[21:04] <echoVanguard> Travis
[21:06] * Travis_Hofsteder tries to unjam his revolver and cap him again.
[21:07] <echoVanguard> You wiggle the cylinder back and forth, finally getting it to rotate, but doing so costs you your action. However, you're prepared to shoot next round.
[21:07] <echoVanguard> Sean
[21:08] * SeanHarrison tries the monitor again 2 3d6
[21:08] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (7) = 7.
[21:08] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (11) = 11.
[21:08] <echoVanguard> 3d6+1
[21:08] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (10+1) = 11.
[21:08] <echoVanguard> You smash him a second time, but it doesn't even seem to stagger him. He's clearly on some massive drugs.
[21:09] <echoVanguard> He attempts to slap you away in the same manner as Albert. 3d6+2
[21:09] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (9+2) = 11.
[21:09] <SeanHarrison> dodge 3d6-1
[21:09] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6-1 = (12-1) = 11.
[21:10] <echoVanguard> You go flying, dropping the monitor with a crash (although it was broken by now anyway). Your ears are beginning to ring and your sight is starting to go all tunnel-vision-y.
[21:10] <echoVanguard> Albert
[21:11] * AlbertVignola rolls his way over to Sean to check on him.
[21:11] <echoVanguard> He's losing a lot of blood, and is starting to look dizzy.
[21:12] <echoVanguard> Travis
[21:12] * Travis_Hofsteder blasts him. 2 3d6+2
[21:12] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (13+2) = 15.
[21:12] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6+2 = (8+2) = 10.
[21:13] <echoVanguard> The gun explodes in your hand, misfiring spectacularly.
[21:13] <echoVanguard> Shards of smoking metal are sprayed everywhere, although you miraculously escape serious injury.
[21:14] <echoVanguard> Sean
[21:15] * SeanHarrison tries to put pressure on his wounds.
[21:15] <echoVanguard> You stanch your wounds, slowing your bleeding, but without proper medical care it's just a matter of time until you lose consciousness.
[21:16] <echoVanguard> The man in the trechcoat strides forward and makes a grab for you, Travis. 2 3d6+2 (grapple)
[21:16] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (4+2) = 6.
[21:16] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (5+2) = 7.
[21:17] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6
[21:17] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6 = (8) = 8.
[21:17] <echoVanguard> You manage to break his grip, but he's tremendously strong. You really don't want him getting ahold of you.
[21:18] <echoVanguard> Albert
[21:19] * AlbertVignola tries to apply what he thinks he knows of medicine to help Sean.
[21:19] <AlbertVignola> 3d6+2
[21:19] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6+2 = (9+2) = 11.
[21:19] <echoVanguard> You slap Sean across the face, helping to steady him. He'll lose consciousness from blood loss soon, but at least he'll be able to focus in the interim.
[21:20] <echoVanguard> Sean, you are no longer dizzy (for now), and your -1 to all rolls is temporarily gone as adrenaline floods your bloodstream.
[21:21] <echoVanguard> Travis
[21:21] * Travis_Hofsteder tries to kick him in the nuts. 3d6
[21:21] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[21:22] <echoVanguard> 3d6+1
[21:22] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[21:23] <echoVanguard> You drop a shot to his nerts. The blow strikes home, and seems to stagger him a bit, but it doesn't produce the crippling pain you'd expect. His eyes stare at you, dull and dead.
[21:23] <echoVanguard> Sean
[21:23] * SeanHarrison shouts and dives at him with whatever is at hand. 2 3d6+1
[21:23] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (5+1) = 6.
[21:23] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6+1 = (12+1) = 13.
[21:24] <Travis_Hofsteder> "He's not human, man! Get in there!"
[21:24] <echoVanguard> Sean, you grab the nearest object at hand (a large metal case for magnetic tapes) and bash him with it.
[21:24] <echoVanguard> 3d6+1
[21:24] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (7+1) = 8.
[21:25] <echoVanguard> The blow staggers him, seeming to stun him a little, but he doesn't seem to be going down very easily. He's already taken enough punishment to drop even the most strong-willed normal man, but doesn't even seem to be slowing down.
[21:25] <echoVanguard> Glancing about the room, you spy a large industrial paper-cutting machine of the type used to cut multiple sheets of paper at once. Its long, curving blade glints in the bright light of the server room flourescent bulbs.
[21:26] <echoVanguard> 1d100
[21:26] * Edubb echoVanguard 1d100 = (82) = 82.
[21:26] <echoVanguard> Regrettably, your renewed attack appears to have captured his attention, and he stabs at you again. 2 3d6+1
[21:26] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (7+1) = 8.
[21:26] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[21:27] <SeanHarrison> 3d6
[21:27] * Edubb SeanHarrison 3d6 = (10) = 10.
[21:28] <echoVanguard> You take another stab, this one a serious cut to the base of your neck. The color starts to bleed out of your vision, and you stagger back as unconsciousness starts to overtake you. You are Incapacitated.
[21:28] <echoVanguard> Albert
[21:29] <AlbertVignola> "Shit. Travis, take that guy down. Sean's not going to make it."
[21:30] * Travis_Hofsteder glares at Alby. "Yeah, sure!"
[21:32] <AlbertVignola> "Sorry Sean or whatever your name is."
[21:32] * AlbertVignola tries to club the psycho with his shotgun, 3d6
[21:32] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[21:32] <echoVanguard> 3d6+1
[21:32] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+1 = (9+1) = 10.
[21:33] <echoVanguard> You nail him effectively, right on the noggin. He staggers, seeming to reel a bit, but is still clearly quite capable of fighting. You and Travis might be able to wrestle him over to that paper-cutting machine, however, if you grappled him and combined your efforts.
[21:35] * Travis_Hofsteder attempts to grab him and drag him to the slicer. "Give me a hand here, Alby!"
[21:35] <Travis_Hofsteder> 1d6 assist?
[21:35] * Edubb Travis_ 1d6 = (6) = 6.
[21:38] <echoVanguard> the bald man attempts to throw you off of him. 3d6+2
[21:38] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (16+2) = 18.
[21:39] <Travis_Hofsteder> 3d6
[21:39] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6 = (12) = 12.
[21:40] <echoVanguard> Travis, you are slammed into a server rack, bruising you severely. Albert, you're up.
[21:41] * AlbertVignola tries to get the man in a headlock, 3d6
[21:41] * Edubb AlbertVignola 3d6 = (15) = 15.
[21:42] <echoVanguard> 3d6+2
[21:42] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[21:43] <echoVanguard> it doesn't, but you manage to wrassle the bald man into a headlock anyhow. He's as strong as a bull and doesn't seem to be at all slowed down by the massive punishments you've bestowed upon him.
[21:44] <echoVanguard> Travis
[21:44] * Travis_Hofsteder attempts to join in and wrestle him over towards the paper cutter. 3d6
[21:44] * Edubb Travis_ 3d6 = (11) = 11.
[21:46] <echoVanguard> 3d6
[21:46] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6 = (9) = 9.
[21:46] <echoVanguard> The two of you manage to wrestle the bald man over to the paper cutter. He fights like crazy, attempting to stab one of you. 2 3d6+2
[21:46] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (10+2) = 12.
[21:46] * Edubb echoVanguard 3d6+2 = (11+2) = 13.
[21:46] <echoVanguard> 1d100
[21:46] * Edubb echoVanguard 1d100 = (84) = 84.
[21:47] <SeanHarrison> (he should be at -2, no?)
[21:47] <echoVanguard> Travis, you catch a good stab in the arm, but you still have enough fight in you to wrestle his ass over to the paper cutter. Albert, you're up.
[21:48] * AlbertVignola whimpers quietly as he grabs the blade on the paper cutter.
[21:48] <AlbertVignola> "Please forgive me."
[21:48] * AlbertVignola brings the blade down on the man.
[21:50] <echoVanguard> The paper cutter comes down with a loud SSSSSHK sound. A spray of strangely cold blood erupts over both of you, and the bald man's head rolls away gruesomely.
[21:51] <echoVanguard> A peppy "BEE-BEE-BEEP" sounds from the main console.
[21:52] * Travis_Hofsteder goes and checks on the beeping 'puter.
[21:52] * AlbertVignola staggers his way over to Sean and checks if he is still alive.
[21:53] <echoVanguard> He's quite alive. You tear off a few strips from his clothing and bind his wounds, and with a little effort you're able to get him back on his feet.
[21:53] <echoVanguard> Travis, the computer reads "COMPILE COMPLETE: VIEW OUTPUT? Y/N
[21:53] * Travis_Hofsteder presses the Y key.
[21:55] <echoVanguard> The screen begins to fill with text, all in caps. it appears to show rows and rows of personnel data
[21:57] <SeanHarrison> "Glad you finally got that guy."
[21:57] * SeanHarrison checks the data for anything familiar-looking.
[21:57] <Travis_Hofsteder> "He wasn't human man."
[21:57] * AlbertVignola shivers and involuntarily glances over at the body.
[21:57] <echoVanguard> Each person listed appears to work here at the building, but each row also has a large block of text at the end depicting someone's notes, possibly Taylor Graveswell.
[21:58] <echoVanguard> for almost every person in the list, the notes list a large series of "ATTEMPTED TO CONTACT ON" entries, terminating with the statement "DOESN'T EXIST"
[21:58] <echoVanguard> hundreds of rows. possibly thousands. all with at least a 95% rate of annotation with "DOESN'T EXIST"
[22:00] <echoVanguard> It appears only a handful of actual people worked at this facility, and they were all low-level jobs. A network administrator here, a receptionist there, a mailroom coordinator or two.
[22:00] <SeanHarrison> "Anyone know whats going on here?"
[22:01] <AlbertVignola> "N-n-no."
[22:01] <echoVanguard> Scrolling to the end of the file, you come across Graveswell's own personnel record. In the notes column is a username/password pair and a filename: HELP.TXT
[22:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Too late to help him."
[22:02] * SeanHarrison tries to log on at one of the terminals
[22:02] <echoVanguard> the username/password pair log you in as tgraveswell successfully. your /usr directory contains one file, HELP.TXT
[22:03] * SeanHarrison opens it
[22:03] <echoVanguard> the file is a simple text document, which reads:
[22:04] <echoVanguard> "I don't know if anyone will find this, or if it will do any good. I don't know if you will think I'm crazy -- hell, I'm not entirely sure myself. All I know is that I was hired to work at this company, but very strange things have been happening. The company changes its name constantly, and the products we make don't seem to get bought or even manufactured."
[22:05] <echoVanguard> "Most of the people who work here don't seem to exist, but they have paper trails so complete they'd be impossible to fake. Birth certificates, social security numbers, work histories. E-mails get sent and reports get filed from empty desks."
[22:06] <echoVanguard> "At first I thought it was a VPN or a remote script, but it happens when the WAN is down and from dumb terminals. I have no explanation.
[22:07] <echoVanguard> "Shortly before I decided to quit, I found a website on the internet. Full of crazy stuff, but something about it caught my eye. It describes an organization called the Registry...some kind of secret organization made up of people that don't exist. Except on paper."
[22:08] <echoVanguard> "And that's not all I've found. I started watching the news, paying attention...looking for patterns. Numbers, multiplied by other numbers. I started noticing things where I hadn't seen them before."
[22:08] <echoVanguard> "Disappearances. Unexplained deaths. Thefts that made no sense."
[22:09] <echoVanguard> "I think they're on to me now. I've glimped strange men walking around that nobody else seems to see or remember. Heard things at night that other people can't hear. I find crazy websites that are gone when somebody else visits the URL."
[22:11] <echoVanguard> "Maybe it's too late for me. But I found a website of people that said they can help. Specialists of some kind. I don't know if they'll get my message, or send anyone, but at least I can be sure I've tried. If you find this, maybe they can help you too. There's no URL, just an IP, that changes. Try May God have mercy on all of us."
[22:11] <echoVanguard> end of file.
[22:11] * AlbertVignola moves over to the body and carefully checks the pockets.
[22:12] * SeanHarrison tries another login from the notebook.
[22:13] * Travis_Hofsteder shakes his head. "This is all insane."
[22:13] <echoVanguard> You turn around and are utterly astonished to discover that the corpse of the bald man has vanished utterly. The walls and floor are clean.
[22:13] <echoVanguard> You can't get a wi-fi signal in here, Sean. It's likely the room is TEMPEST shielded.
[22:13] * AlbertVignola begins whimpering and pointing at the empty floor.
[22:13] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Hey Alby, get that guy's knife."
[22:13] * Travis_Hofsteder turns around to see what his fussing is about. "JESUS CHRIST!"
[22:14] <echoVanguard> there are a large number of logins. you try a few, but none seem to work.
[22:16] <SeanHarrison> "No idea whats going on here. Lets go back to the motel and try the internet."
[22:16] * Travis_Hofsteder points. "Look damnit! He's GONE!"
[22:16] <Travis_Hofsteder> "The blood, everything."
[22:16] <SeanHarrison> "It was probably a hallucination. There might be something funny in the air here."
[22:17] <Travis_Hofsteder> "You've been stabbed. My gun exploded!"
[22:17] <SeanHarrison> "You jerks probably got me with that paper cutter."
[22:17] * Travis_Hofsteder retrieves his other useless pistol and chambers a new round in case he runs into something that isn't immune to bullets.
[22:18] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Those are clearly knife wounds. If anyone did it other than the 'hallucination' that happened to be identical for all of us, it was you."
[22:18] * AlbertVignola looks at Sean and contemplates punching him in the nuts.
[22:18] * Travis_Hofsteder gives Ably the 'make-good-on-his-theory' nod.
[22:19] <SeanHarrison> "Well, I did have a knife. Who knows what could have happened."
[22:19] * SeanHarrison collects his pocket knife and starts back to the elevator.
[22:20] <echoVanguard> Sean, as you're heading back to the elevator, you notice a large HALON CUTOFF button near the glass door. Not too far from it is a HALON OVERRIDE button.
[22:20] <AlbertVignola> "Well, if you want to think that you fell on your knife multiple times, go right ahead."
[22:20] <echoVanguard> You realize that if you were to hit both of those at once, the Halon system would back up and cause a sizable explosion in this room. Possibly even destroy the building.
[22:22] <SeanHarrison> "I have an idea. Why dont you two head back to the elevator. Hold it open for me."
[22:23] * Travis_Hofsteder shrugs.
[22:23] * AlbertVignola reloads a beanbag round into his shotgun and starts walking toward the elevator.
[22:23] * Travis_Hofsteder goes back to the elevator.
[22:23] * SeanHarrison waits for a moment, then jams both the buttons and runs for the elevator.
[22:29] <echoVanguard> Sean, you smash both buttons and dash for the elevator, grabbing your shovel as you go. An ominous groaning sound begins to emerge from the ceiling.
[22:30] <SeanHarrison> "Time to go guys."
[22:30] * Travis_Hofsteder punches the go button.
[22:30] <Travis_Hofsteder> "What'd you do?"
[22:31] <SeanHarrison> "Lets find out. Just make sure you leave quickly. You probably shouldnt stay inside the building."
[22:33] <echoVanguard> You hammer the L button. The elevator rises swiftly up to the lobby, where the floor is beginning to shake a bit.
[22:33] * SeanHarrison runs out to the jeep.
[22:33] * Travis_Hofsteder runs outside also.
[22:34] <SeanHarrison> "Start this thing up and lets get out of here."
[22:34] * Travis_Hofsteder puts the keys into the ignition and fires it up while waiting for Alby to hop in.
[22:35] * AlbertVignola climbs into the jeep with an apologetic look.
[22:35] * Travis_Hofsteder takes off and heads for the convenience store, glancing back in the mirror.
[22:35] <echoVanguard> The three of you leg it to the jeep, start it, and drive away. You're about three blocks out when the building goes up in a spectacular explosion.
[22:36] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Wow well I hope there wasn't any evidence we missed."
[22:36] <echoVanguard> You arrive at the convenience store, which is now closed. A sign in the window reads 'HELP WANTED - SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE'
[22:37] <AlbertVignola> "Kind of defeats the purpose of the store."
[22:38] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Shit I was hoping to get some late night emergency supplies. Bandages and the like. What now? Take Shawn to a doctor? Or to the hotel?"
[22:38] <SeanHarrison> "I just need some sleep. I'll let you know how I feel in the morning."
[22:39] <echoVanguard> You remember that the overnight guy quit after all the bullshit last night, and the manager probably hasn't found a replacement for him yet. Rather than stay up all night himself, it looks like the manager just opted to close the store at night.
[22:39] * Travis_Hofsteder takes everyone to the hotel where it's probably halfway free of red eyed freaks.
[22:41] <echoVanguard> You arrive at the hotel. There's a different overnight guy this time, but he doesn't seem to be paying too much attention to you. He rents you a room without even asking any questions.
[22:42] * SeanHarrison sets up the laptop, pays for internet access, and checks the ip address.
[22:42] * AlbertVignola lays down on the floor and checks under the bed for any monsters.
[22:43] <echoVanguard> the IP address reveals a large webform, which displays eight textboxes, each capable of accepting one character. The left-hand group of textboxes is labeled 'LEFT' and the right-hand textbox is labeled 'RIGHT'
[22:43] <echoVanguard> The floor appears to be monster-free, Albert.
[22:43] * Travis_Hofsteder observes what Shawn is working on.
[22:44] <SeanHarrison> "Were there any logon-password sets in the notebook made of 4 characters each?"
[22:45] <echoVanguard> You know that there were not
[22:46] * SeanHarrison tries to check the webpage source for additional information.
[22:46] <echoVanguard> it's a totally bare webform.
[22:47] <echoVanguard> however, as you hit the hotkeys for view source, you glance down at your own hands.
[22:47] * Travis_Hofsteder sits down with the notebook and looks over the numbers, trying correlate what we know with the numbers listed.'
[22:48] <SeanHarrison> (oh the tattoo)
[22:49] * SeanHarrison enters l o v e c a s h
[22:51] <echoVanguard> submitting takes you to a large-print screen which reads 'MISSION SUCCESSFUL?' two buttons immediately below are labeled with a smiley face and a sad face, respectively.
[22:51] * SeanHarrison shrugs and clicks the smiley
[22:51] * Travis_Hofsteder raises an eyebrow.
[22:51] * AlbertVignola rubs his eyes and wonders if this can get any odder.
[22:51] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Did we have a mission? Was finding the guy the mission?"
[22:52] <SeanHarrison> "Hell if I know."
[22:52] <echoVanguard> the screen navigates to a new page, displays pictures of Albert and Travis, along with the words 'NEW RECRUITS PERFORMANCE REVIEW'. A slider next to each of the two photos goes from 0 to 10.
[22:53] * SeanHarrison gives them each 5's for drugged stabbings, but being otherwise reliable.
[22:53] * Travis_Hofsteder frowns. "That was your fault."
[22:53] <Travis_Hofsteder> "You agitated the super freak and he stabbed you."
[22:54] <SeanHarrison> "You need to lay off the halon."
[22:54] <Travis_Hofsteder> "It's clearly more believable that someone came and mopped up the evidence while you weren't looking."
[22:54] <SeanHarrison> "The shovel was blocking the elevator. It was still there when we left."
[22:54] <echoVanguard> The screen flickers again, then displays a hyperlink to
[22:55] <Travis_Hofsteder> "They had another way in. Duh."
[22:55] * SeanHarrison clicks the link.
[22:56] <echoVanguard> You are taken to a conspiracy theory site, heavily populated with large fonts and seizure-inducing flashing-gifs. A scanned image of a news clipping reads, 'Twelve Pines woman still missing'.
[22:57] <echoVanguard> Accompanying text seems to blame aliens, or possibly a secret government agency, or both at once. The author seems slightly less than clear on the subject.
[22:58] <Travis_Hofsteder> "So we're working for an outfit that erases memories, and working against an outfit that kidnaps peopleand such?"
[22:58] <echoVanguard> Googling "twelve pines" points you to a suburb in new hampshire.
[22:58] * AlbertVignola shrugs his shoulders, "Or someone just slipped us some really good drug cocktails and we're still high."
[22:59] * Travis_Hofsteder groans. "Off to New Hampshire now??"
[22:59] <SeanHarrison> "Why would they erase our memories? That seems counterproductive."
[22:59] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Because if we're captured they can remain safe."
[23:00] <SeanHarrison> "We would be much more likely to be captured, though."
[23:00] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Maybe. They evidently don't like to gamble when it's only pawns at stake."
[23:01] <SeanHarrison> "Lets sleep on it. Nothing else we can do tonight anyway."
[23:01] <AlbertVignola> "Well, if we had been real idiots, we potentially never would have left that crate."
[23:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Guess that's one way to weed out the rejects. Boom."
[23:02] <SeanHarrison> "It was just a timer. You shouldn't jump to conclusions."
[23:02] <Travis_Hofsteder> "You're right it was probably just a timer for an easy bake oven. They were making us brownies."
[23:04] <SeanHarrison> "I'm going to get some sleep while I have the chance. You two can stay up and debate it if you want."
[23:04] * SeanHarrison claims a bed and goes to sleep.
[23:06] * AlbertVignola stretches out on the cot and tries to figure out what is real and what is going on.
[23:07] <echoVanguard> The next morning, the local newspaper runs a story about the explosion at the office building. Two hundred and fifty-eight people are listed as having been killed, office workers pulling late evenings and technical support phone representatives working the second shift.
[23:10] <SeanHarrison> "Raise your hand if you want to go to New Hampshire."
[23:10] <AlbertVignola> "Well, considering that we're in a town that should be empty, reading a news story about people killed in an empty building and with no clue as to who we really are, do we have any option except to climb deeper into the rabbit hole?"
[23:11] * AlbertVignola raises his hand.
[23:11] <SeanHarrison> "We could lock ourselves back into the cargo container."
[23:11] * Travis_Hofsteder shakes his head. "Choice? Not really. Especially after last night."
[23:11] <Travis_Hofsteder> "Yeah let's flip a coin."
[23:13] * SeanHarrison sighs, "I guess I dont really have any other good options. How are we getting there?"
[23:14] <Travis_Hofsteder> "We could drive."
[23:14] <echoVanguard> Without any hard evidence after the fact, it's tough to know what's real. Are you operatives of some shadowy organization facing strange, possibly supernatural threats? Or are you destined for a mental ward? Both? Neither? One way or another, the situation in New Hampshire might provide another link in the chain. Looks like you'll be spending a lot of time together.
[23:15] <echoVanguard> *** SCENE END ***

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