[Let's Play] Blood Sword V - The Walls of Spyte

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Post by Shiritai »

I'll make like Van Halen and jump.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I'm feeling froggy.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Starmaker »

I have a bad feeling about this, but since everyone else is jumping, it's not like I'm going to win the book solo. Jump.
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Post by SGamerz »

You sprint forward and jump as hard and as far as you can. Your feet leave the edge of the bridge just as it cracks and crumbles into the Stygian blackness below. You scream in fear as the other edge of the chasm rushes towards you. You strike it with bone-crushing force, and it is all you can do to cling on with your fingers. After a few moments, during which you try to the master the pain, you heave yourself out on the far lip of the chasm. You have made it! Ahead of you a corridor widens into a chamber. You head towards it.
One of the hints the homunculus would have given us about this room is that we should throw caution to the wind and leap without hesitation here.
The chamber's far wall is a huge archway, around which an ornate frieze has been carved. Beyond the arch is a bluish haze. The carvings are of many things: heads, geometric patterns and other seemingly meaningless symbols. The frieze directly above the arch is odd, for it seems to depict some kind of game akin to chess, save that there are only nine squares. It appears that some of the squares automatically destroy any piece that moves on them. There is nothing else of interest here, and no way out save to step into the blue haze. Shrugging your shoulders, you do so.
As soon as you enter the haze, you feel a surge of nausea and everything goes black. Suddenly you find yourself back in the room of many doors. Some kind of teleport, obviously.
This brings us back outside the 5 doors. Which is next? We're left with Red Death, Blue Moon or Plague Star.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Half a vote for Blue Moon.
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Post by Shiritai »

May as well.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Do you have a blue rod? If so, turn to 241. If not, you open the door - turn to 473.
No, but we will.....hopefully.
The door of Blue Moon opens onto a vast natural cavern lit by a bright red glow from a bubbling lava pit at its centre. Beside the pit is a large dais covered in rich cloth-of-gold. On it rests a magnificent jewelled battleaxe of gleaming steel, a quarterstaff shod in silver which glows with might, and a luminous scroll inscribed with runes of power that even a layman could tell are inextricably bound with sorcerous force. As you gawp, the dais begins to move up, inexorably causing the treasure that rests atop to slide ever faster towards the lava pit. Any moment now they will fall away to be consumed forever by the liquid rock. Will you wait to see what happens, quickly cast a Detection spell if you have an Enchanter in the party or dash forward to try to get some of the treasure before it is destroyed?
What to do here? Does the Enchanter want to use his spell?
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Post by Starmaker »

We came for a blue rod and this is not it. Ignore except in the unlikely case Reed detects no illusions.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

For a master of illusion, Blue Moon is being quite predictable. I'll cast Detection, because why not.
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Post by SGamerz »

Shiritai wrote:For a master of illusion, Blue Moon is being quite predictable.
You've only seen the first line of defense so far. Wait till you see what he has in store for the party after this.... :tongue:
You mumble a quick Detection spell. Magic pervades the area, especially around the dais. You do not sense any warlike magic, but there is sorcery dealing with the giving of wounds. Will you wait or run for the dais and try to grab what lies atop it?
The Trickster and the Sage have already expressed their inclination to stay away from it, so let's move on:
You watch the axe, staff and scroll slip into the lava with a loud, smoky hiss. They sink from view, as do your hopes. What a waste, you think to yourself. Suddenly the dais and pit of lava are gone, and in their place a pillar of crackling blue energy splits the cavern from floor to ceiling. Perhaps you made the right choice after all. In the blue light you notice an archway in the far wall of the cavern. There are no other exits, so you head towards it.
The archway leads to a small room, at the far end of which is a low altar covered in blue cloth that is lined with silver. Upon that rests a silver platter, and in the platter is a rod of purest blue, ending in a strange shape that you suspect would fit the hole in the steel circle of the chamber of doors. As you step carefully forward, something indefinable happens.

If there is only one character in the party, turn to 525. If there are more than one, turn to 124.
There're definitely more than one of us....
The forces of illusion and of delusion are seeking to unhinge your minds!

If you have the codeword BILE, turn to 98. If not, read on. Each character must make a Psychic Ability roll. Those who succeed, turn to 294. Those who fail, turn to 446.
We get the codeword if we asked the homunculus about this room. This is probably the room where its advice is most useful.
Reed passes the test automatically thanks to his overblown mental prowess. The rest of you will have to roll (incidentally, it's the weakest stat for both Warrior and Trickster):

Warrior: Roll = 9 (Fail)
Trickster: Roll = 8 (Fail)
Sage: Roll = 8 (Pass.....just barely)
You are seized by crazed delusions. If you are a Sage, turn to 426. If you are a Warrior, turn to 470. If you are a Trickster, turn to 11. If you are an Enchanter, turn to 511. Each player in the party should note the paragraph number appropriate to his or her character type, then read them in the order given here (that is, Sage first, and so on).
Kiki first:

These people are not worthy of your friendship! They are treacherous vipers who would as soon murder you as look at you! They are without honour and do not understand the way of nobility and chivalry. Know your enemy, and then crush him - utterly. That is the maxim of the Warrior. They are the enemy and must be destroyed.
Now Benedict:

At last the time has come. Your former companions have accumulated considerable wealth and power - but will they share it with you? Of course not, so, as you have always done, you must take what is rightfully yours, for none of these people will see justice done. If you act fast, you can catch them by surprise and kill them quickly.
I think the authors realize that the characters, if they've played through the last 4 books, must be pretty overpowered by this point. So instead of coming up with new monsters of crazy stats as obstacles for them, they realize that the easiest way to screw the overpowered characters is to make them fight each other, similar to what happened when Kiki got mind-controlled by those cursed axes.
You must fight each other. You may choose your targets at will if you are deluded. If you are sane, you may attack only those that attack you. Deluded characters always seek to attack to kill. Sane characters can attack to kill or try to subdue their friends. Subdual is done as a normal fight, save that damage is lessened by one Die, and all points inflicted in this way are only a temporary loss. Any character who reaches zero Endurance from subdual damage is knocked unconscious.

If the sane characters win, all unconscious characters can be revived and they will then be back to normal. The spell of Servile Enthralment will also cure a character (this can be used to cure someone during combat). When you are ready, turn to 401.

If the crazed characters win, there will be only one left, after the fight to the death. He or she should turn to 230.
At least there's the option to subdue.

Regarding "subdual damage", the text isn't very clear if spells apply, but I think this should only apply to physical damages, because it doesn't seem that realistic to me that Reed can "subdue" opponents without really damaging them by hitting them with lightning bolts and fire, so he needs to rely on Servile Enthralment for subdual. With melee attacks, at least that can be justified by the characters using the flat parts of their weapons. But what do you guys think? Do you think Reed should be allowed to "subdue" using Nemesis Bolts, or should he only be allowed to do that with Enthralment?

Anyway....Pepito and Reed, your strategies for this combat?

Kiki and Benedict....you need to pick a target each (you can target each other and leave the sane characters alone if you choose). Unfortunately, you will be striking to kill every round, so no option to defend until you get enthralled.

There's no map provided, so again, not clear whether everyone needs one round of moving to engage. I'm going to rule that you do.

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 30/50
Damage: 2 Dice +3

*Extra Notes: Takes no FP/damage penalty when fighting unarmed, +1 Armour Rating from Potentiation on top of normal armour bonus

1 Sword
2 Sword
3 Plate Armour (Armour Rating four)
4 Money pouch (empty)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7 Golden Rod ('100')
8 White Rod ('16')
9-10 Empty slot
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 10 (+3 from Blood Sword)
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 9
Endurance: 28/42
Damage: 4 Dice +1 (+2d6 Damage from Blood Sword)

1 Blood Sword (+3 FP, +2d6 Damage)
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Bow
5 Quiver (5 arrows)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Book (looted from crystalized corpse) - turn to 493 if read
9 Healing herbs (+2d6 END)
10 Empty Slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from magic gold ring)
Psychic Ability: 8
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 36/36
Damage: 2 Dice +1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Magic Bow (+1 FP when using Archery)
5 Enameled Quiver (5 magic arrows - does 1d6 +3 damage)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Magic Gold Ring (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty Slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 1
Psychic Ability: 15
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 27/36
Damage: 1 Die +3

1 Sword
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Quiver (6 arrows)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7-10 Empty Slot
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Post by Starmaker »

Regarding "subdual damage", the text isn't very clear if spells apply, but I think this should only apply to physical damages, because it doesn't seem that realistic to me that Reed can "subdue" opponents without really damaging them by hitting them with lightning bolts
(Not voting. I think rule abuse will make the fight survivable without Therapeutic Touch and Rain of Kittens, but I don't want to be responsible if someone else buys the farm.)

Do I have to use Quick Thinking? I'm petitioning for nope, because I'm not exactly thinking clearly right now.
You may choose your targets at will if you are deluded.
How often can the crazies change targets?
If you are sane, you may attack only those that attack you.
Does this apply to only lethal damage or both lethal and nonlethal?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Subdual Nemesis Bolts do seem rather strange. Either way my strategy is "defend until Reed can successfully cast Servile Enthrallment on both of them" because I will literally get murdered by them if I don't.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

On the one hand, the insaniacs beating on each other is clearly the way to go, as that softens us both up to be subdued by the norms. On the other hand, unless the norms are provoked, they can't smack us upside the head to clear our minds.

That in mind, I'd like to have Kiki swing once at Pepito and then concentrate on Benedict. If that's not possible, I guess I just concentrate on Benedict.

As far as spellcasting to subdue, my reading of the RAW is that you can only 'attack' to subdue, and that spellcasting is not attacking. Downside, I won't be mercifully Nem Bolted into unconsciousness. Upside, Reed can try to Servile Enthrall our insane asses without a provoking thump.
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Post by SGamerz »

Starmaker wrote:Do I have to use Quick Thinking? I'm petitioning for nope, because I'm not exactly thinking clearly right now.
I'd say no, too. Under normal circumstances, the player can choose whichever round they choose to use it, so there's the option of holding it off forever without using it. For this LP, I always use it in the first round simply to save the trouble of pausing every round to ask if the player wants to use it that round, but the use is never mandatory. So no, you don't have to.
How often can the crazies change targets?
I think as often as they want (as far as the crazies are concerned, everyone in the room is an enemy, so they're happy to hit anyone within range), but again, you should probably try to lay out all the different scenarios you can think of in the beginning if you wish to switch targets multiple times, since I won't be pausing mid-combat to ask for targets unless something drastic happens (like your target getting killed).

EDIT: However, I rule that the crazy must take at least one swing at whomever they engage in the previous round before they change target, as the image of the character running round and never trying to hit would be plain silly.
Does this apply to only lethal damage or both lethal and nonlethal?
I'm not sure what you meant here. Can you elaborate?
Last edited by SGamerz on Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

SGamerz wrote:EDIT: However, I rule that the crazy must take at least one swing at whomever they engage in the previous round before they change target, as the image of the character running round and never trying to hit would be plain silly.
Ok, got it, I'll write up a plan in a minute.
SGamerz wrote:
Does this apply to only lethal damage or both lethal and nonlethal?
I'm not sure what you meant here. Can you elaborate?
Do I have to stab someone so thay they could whack me for nonlethal? Because if I do, it's a strange rule -- it means that if e.g. me and Kiki are murdering each other in wharblegarblerage, Pepito can only stand around and bemoan the lack of mental discipline in the fighting classes.
Teh plan:
Turn 1: shoot at Kiki for probably zero damage. She's welcome to attack me.
Turn 2: retreat to stab Pepito (Awareness 9 against Kiki's 8).
Turn 3: stab Pepito, get stabbed by Kiki.
Turn 4: retreat to stab Reed.
Turn 5: stab Reed, get stabbed.
I suggest Reed tries to de-enthral me first, and when I'm back to normal I start kiting.
Last edited by Starmaker on Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

From the way I interpret the text, I think it's trying to say that the sane characters can only target the crazies, and not each other (I agree that it's rather ambiguously written). That seems like the more realistic interpretation. It doesn't make sense for Pepito not being able to interfere in the fight until someone tries to kill him.
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Post by Starmaker »

reposting Teh Plan to trigger the New Post listener

Teh plan:
Turn 1: shoot at Kiki for probably zero damage. She's welcome to attack me.
Turn 2: retreat to stab Pepito (Awareness 9 against Kiki's 8).
Turn 3: stab Pepito, get stabbed by Kiki.
Turn 4: retreat to stab Reed.
Turn 5: stab Reed, get stabbed.
I suggest Reed tries to de-enthral me first, and when I'm back to normal I start kiting.
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Post by Shiritai »

Well this is a big mess. I'll only prep Enthrall and Nighthowl for this fight; I'll cast Entrall on Benedict, then Nighthowl on Kiki, and then I'll just keep recasting Enthrall.
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Post by SGamerz »

Shiritai wrote:Well this is a big mess. I'll only prep Enthrall and Nighthowl for this fight; I'll cast Entrall on Benedict, then Nighthowl on Kiki, and then I'll just keep recasting Enthrall.
Since these 2 spells are not the 'default' list of spells you normally prepare in advance, you will need to spend a round calling each sell to mind.

Round 1 ... FIGHT!

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster shoots Warrior. Roll = 6 (Hits!). Damage = 5-5 = 0 (No Damage).

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior engages Trickster.

Enchanter calls Servile Enthralment to mind.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage defends.

Round 2:

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster disengages from Warrior and engages Sage.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior engages Trickster.

Enchanter casts Servile Enthralment on Trickster. Trickster rolls 10 and fails to resist. Success! Trickster is cured of his madness!
Since the Warrior can choose to continue targeting the Trickster, there's no need to roll further: the Trickster can keep kiting safely until Reed manages to subdue Kiki. The plan worked without a hitch partly thanks to a good (or bad) roll on Benedict's spell resistance.
You step forward and take the blue rod off the platter. It has the number 50 engraved into it. Note it on your Character Sheet, but make sure you note the number beside it. There are no other exits, so you head back to the chamber of doors.
We're back outside the 5 doors. Red Death next, or Plague Star?

(As before, unless someone else volunteers, the blue rod goes to the Warrior).)
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Post by Starmaker »

Red Death, wait for healz because there will be a fight.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Red Death.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Red Death.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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