[LP] LKG: Middle-Earth Quest 5? – A Spy in Isengard

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Post by SGamerz »

There's no way "attack" can be a good option. This guy isn't supposed to be dead yet in the novel, we sure as hell aren't going to kill him here.

Screw it, wear the ring. If we survive, we achieve a feat no other human (or elf, or dwarf) ever accomplished!....Well, at least we'd beat the Ringwraiths.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

228 (Time: 15, Exp Pt: 5)

Reluctantly, you put the ring on your finger. At first, it seemed much too large for you, but as you slip it on, it seems to actually shrink and so fits perfectly.

"Well? Do you feel anything?" The Wizard bends close, his piercing gaze intent.

At first you feel nothing, then your body begins to grow light, almost as if you could fly. You look down at the ring – and your hand disappears! Your whole body has vanished!

Saruman's eyes narrow. "Ah, yes, you are invisible!" He continues to look right at you.

"But, you can see me."

The old Wizard chuckles. "I can see many things invisible to most, youth."

While Saruman talks, you notice that he begins to look somehow different. He is becoming almost transparent himself, except that he has a soft, many-colored light about him. Then you begin to feel cold, as if you are in a dank cave. The sensation continues; a sort of numbness flows over your body.

"Speak!" Saruman commands. "What do you see?"

A mist has fallen across your eyes, and everything seems to be in shadow. Then, there is a red light far away. It comes nearer, darting here and there as if searching...it is searching for me! you realize with a jolt. It draws ever nearer, and you can now see that it is a great eye: a lidless red eye, ringed by fire, its pupil slitted like a snake's.

"Sauron! Sauron is looking for me!" The eye draws nearer... nearer...

"Give me that!"

At once all light returns. You are in a heap on the floor, drenched in sweat. Saruman is standing over you, a strange look on his face. Anger? Fear? It is hard to tell. He has pulled the ring from your finger. "What did you see?" he demands, apparently uncaring about your distress.

"I saw– I saw a red eye; it was looking for me!" you stammer.

The Wizard turns on his heel, his robes furling about him. "Curses! Will all the rings be so tied? Does He truly rule all such?"

Saruman stares off into space, apparently ignoring you. Frightened and confused by this episode, you decide to leave while you can. Check Clue I. Move on.
S17 (Time: 5)

You arrive at the Fifth level landing of this stairwell. Set in the wall next to you is a large metal door of unusual design. Instead of opening on hinges like most doors, it slides up and out of the way on a track. Saruman has explained that it makes a more secure seal, should some dangerous gas be released in the Laboratory beyond. From here you can either climb up (to S18), down (to S13) or enter the Laboratory (X17). Move on.
Next destination?
Name: Spedwine

Strength: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 34
XP: 37
Time: 320

Melee OB: +1
Missile OB: -3
DB: 0/+3
Running: 0
General: +1
Trickery: +3
Perception: +3
Magical: +3

Spells Known: Calm (5), Clairvoyance (5), Healing (0), Luck (5).

Gear: Mithril Shirt (+3 DB), Backpack, Pouch of Healing Herbs (3), Ring of Fire, 15 coins.

Clues: C, D, I
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Post by SGamerz »

Up to Palantir Chamber.
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Post by Shiritai »

Sure. We know Saruman's in the library and laboratory, so he's *probably* not in the Palantir room, right?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S18 (Time: 5)

Like a huge serpent, the stairs twist away into the gloom. At this dimly-lit small landing looms the narrow black stone door to the Palantir Chamber. You stand immobile in the shadowed portalway, blood pounding in your ears. Will you try to enter the secret room, wherein rests one of the oldest and most powerful artefacts in the world? Fear and anticipation war in you.

• If you try to enter the Palantir Chamber (Y18), turn to 123.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing up (to S19) or down (to S17).
123 (Time: 10)

Standing at the tall narrow door of polished black wood, your heart quails. Many times you have climbed past the Sixth level - and stood outside the room which holds the Palantir. Now you stand before the door, determined to enter. Pick a number:

• If 2-5, turn to 364.
• If 6-12, turn to 338.
With a roll of 11, it seems unlikely that Saruman is in a third place at the same time... provided this location follows the same pattern as the others.
338 (Time: 5)

You carefully examine the keyhole beneath the large knob of faceted black glass. Surely one of these will work, you think to yourself as you flip through the many intricate keys on your chain. Pick a number and add your Perception bonus:

• If 2-7, turn to 122.
• If 8-12, turn to 376.


376 (Time: 5, Exp Pt: 1)

One key seems different from the others, and might actually fit the lock. You deftly try it, turning the black metal key silently. It works! The door is unlocked. Move on.
Y18 (Time: 5)

Slowly you open the large door, hoping that the hinges are well-oiled and silent. Before you looms the Palantir Chamber, resting place of one of the Seeing-Stones. The domed ceiling is vaulted with twelve ribs of slender stone which create heavy shadows about the perimeter. In the centre of the room is a circular table of black stone perhaps six feet in diameter, and in the centre of the table, resting in a shallow depression, is the Palantir! Before the table is a massive throne-like chair with a high back and large deeply-carved arms.

• If you saw a light under the door before opening it, turn to 368.
• If there was no light under the door, turn to 429.
429 (Time: 10)

The tall chair is empty. The only light is from a small flickering flame deep within the orb of the Seeing-stone. Drawn to the table, you carefully close the door behind you and edge to the centre of the room.

The Palantir is about a foot in diameter, and of clear polished crystal. The black table looks to be of obsidian, and as you get nearer, you realize that etched into its surface is a map. Places of significance are designated with jeweled inlays, and geographic features are deeply engraved across the tabletop. A moment of study reveals that the centre of the table - where the orb sits - is Isengard.

From your studies, you are able to pick out the other locations of Seeing-Stones: Amon Sul, Annuminas, and the Tower Hills stones. You recall that Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, and Minas Ithil held stones for Gondor, the last two having been also lost or destroyed. So few left! you think as you run your fingers over the smooth stone and faceted jewels.

But the Palantir beckons you. Sitting in the chair, you place your fingertips on the sides of the great orb and look inside. The crystal is warm to the touch, and you can feel a certain power within it. The Palantir begins to glow more brightly. Pick a number and add your Magical bonus:

• If 2-3, turn to 133.
• If 4-9, turn to 129.
• If 10-12, turn to 248.

10+3=13, counts as 12!
248 (Time: 60, Exp Pt: 15)

The lights within grow brighter and begin to whirl about, like bright stars of every color spinning through the night sky. So sudden is the movement that you gasp aloud. The orb clears and a striking scene is revealed: you are hovering high above Orthanc! All Isengard is revealed beneath you: four roads stretch north, south, east, and west. Most of the trees have been uuprooted to allow for more paving and the delving of forges. It is clear that Saruman is preparing for war.

"We must be ready to defend ourselves, should things go ill with the fight against the Dark Lord," so the Wizard said to you a few months ago. You did not question him further, for of course the Wizard's wisdom exceeds your own.

Suddenly the great orb goes dark again, but only for a moment. A bright, deeply-cloven valley is revealed, green on a sunny morning. Nestled in the vale is a great house: a mansion of stone and wood. Suddenly, you are inside, in a corridor standing before a set of carved oak doors. They open, and beyond is a richly-furnished chamber where are gathered a very noble group of people indeed. Some you know, others you have not seen before, but your mind supplies names for them. Saruman is there, sitting stiffly in a high-backed chair and glaring from under his thick white brows. Also in the room is Gandalf the Grey, whom you recognize from a visit he made long ago. There is also a beautiful woman, very tall, with hair of luminous gold. She can be none other than Galadriel, the Elven-queen of Lothlorien. The old and wise Elrond is there, showing his immense age only by the depth of wisdom in his eyes, as is true of all Elves. You have no doubt that you are watching a meeting of the White Council, far removed in distance and time. The Palantiri are marvelous devices indeed!

As you watch, Galadriel rises gracefully and speaks, though you hear no sound. Then, Saruman stands abruptly and answers. From his actions, it would indicate that he disagrees strongly. All the while, Gandalf sits in he corner with one of his long pipes and blows rings of smoke, which seem to drift and hover about Saruman.

The stone goes dark again, then lights with a warm glow. You see, in miniature but very clearly, a cheery sitting room where an old man with a tall, pointed hat hunches before a fire. It is Gandalf again! He is conversing with a very stout little man, though as before you can hear nothing. Suddenly, Gandalf reaches right into the fire and draws forth a small golden ring!

The scene shifts again, this time it is outdoors and night on a long winding road. A dread creeps over you as you watch this scene; as if you are waiting for some unknown terror which you know will soon come. Then, over a hill in the distance appear nine riders, all in black on sable horses. They are in a great hurry, and they are searching for something. You have the awful feeling that they are searching for you! turn to 156.
156 (Time: 60)

Summoning all your strength, you clamp your eyes tight shut and shove yourself back. the chair topples over and you are thrown to the floor. Shaking and drenched in a cold sweat, you slip into unconsciousness.

Slowly you awaken some time later, your clothes still damp with perspiration. With a furtive glance you see that the Palantir is dark. Quickly resetting the chair, you then hurry to the door and relock it from the outside. Move on.
S18 (Time: 5)

Like a huge serpent, the stairs twist away into the gloom. At this dimly-lit small landing looms the narrow black stone door to the Palantir Chamber. You stand immobile in the shadowed portalway, blood pounding in your ears. Will you try to enter the secret room, wherein rests one of the oldest and most powerful artefacts in the world? Fear and anticipation war in you.

• If you try to enter the Palantir Chamber (Y18), turn to 123.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing up (to S19) or down (to S17).

Between that show and the nap, time is now 485. What's next?
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Post by Shiritai »

Well, we're surprisingly not in a rush after that. I think the next most promising locations are Saruman's study, the guest bedroom, and the storerooms.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, check out the study.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S17 (Time: 5)

You arrive at the Fifth level landing of this stairwell. Set in the wall next to you is a large metal door of unusual design. Instead of opening on hinges like most doors, it slides up and out of the way on a track. Saruman has explained that it makes a more secure seal, should some dangerous gas be released in the Laboratory beyond. From here you can either climb up (to S18), down (to S13) or enter the Laboratory (X17). Move on.
S13 (Time: 5)

The steps spiral away in both directions, and a tall door with a pointed arch stands before you. It leads to Saruman's Study.

• If you try to enter Saruman's Study (W13), turn to 488.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing up (to S17) or down (to S9).
488 (Time: 5)

You discover – to your surprise – that the door is unlocked! No sound comes from within the study. Move on.
W13 (Time: 5)

Although you have been in Saruman's Study before, it was always at the Wizard's invitation, and his piercing gaze had held you in such thrall that you hardly had the opportunity to give the room more than a cursory examination. Now, however, you are able to examine things carefully. The walls are all lined with shelves, which are in turn stuffed with not only volumes of Saruman's notebooks, but a vast array of strange artefacts as well. Turn to 467.
467 (Time: 5, Exp Pt: 10)

The myriad items which fill the room are all fascinating, vying for your attention, but something on the desk draws you: it is a scroll, the seal broken but still rolled up. Gingerly you unroll it, remembering the messenger who brought it just yesterday: a strange dark man, clad in black. You recall how he gave you chills just standing near him.

You have not been reporting your progress, as promised. This is rather disturbing. I suggest that you resume communication through the Stone immediately, as you would not wish to earn His wrath – or mine!
The Mouth of Sauron

Beneath the signature is a lidless eye in red ink. Dropping the scroll in revulsion, you stare unseeing at the wall. The Mouth of Sauron! Sauron of Mordor has been speaking with Saruman! Your worst fears are confirmed. Check Clue A. Move on to S13.
S13 (Time: 5)

The steps spiral away in both directions, and a tall door with a pointed arch stands before you. It leads to Saruman's Study.

• If you try to enter Saruman's Study (W13), turn to 488.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing up (to S17) or down (to S9).
Well, that jig is up. Although, as we didn't take the scroll for some reason, we still have no physical evidence. I wonder if that will matter. What next?
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Post by SGamerz »

That's pretty damning as far as evidence go.

Bedroom, next.

How much time are we away from the meeting at the farmhouse?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

SGamerz wrote:How much time are we away from the meeting at the farmhouse?
That's what I was wondering.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Unless I've bungled the count somewhere in there, time is currently 520 minutes (6:40 pm). The book suggests we leave before 720 minutes (10:00 pm) to be sure of making it to our destination by 840 minutes (12 midnight).
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Post by SGamerz »

We should definitely have enough time to check out 1 or 2 more places, then (unless we get imprisoned or knocked out for some reason).

Bedroom it is.
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Post by Shiritai »

Agreed. Hopefully that messenger stayed the night.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S9 (Time: 5)

The great hollow core of this pinnacle begins to narrow as you reach the third level, yet still the steps are many feet wide. Deeply-set into the black rock of the wall is a large door with a pointed arch. Finely made with carved panels of dark cherry wood, the heavy door leads into the Library of Orthanc – one of the finest collections of manuscripts in all Middle-Earth. From here you can either climb up (to S13), down (to S5) or enter the library (V12). Move on.
V12 (Time: 5)

The vastness of the library engulfs you. No matter how many times you come here, you are awed by the immense domed chamber one hundred feet across and nearly seventy-five feet at the apex. Five levels of iron walkways circle the perimeter, joined by spiral stairways. These seven narrow open-mesh helices are spaced evenly about the hall, rising sixty feet up to the base of the iron-trussed dome. The complexity and ornamentation of the twisting black ironwork in this room is a treasure to be appreciated, and that is merely the structure which surrounds the priceless volumes and documents held here.

Indeed, the entire circumference of the great chamber is covered with carved wooden shelves and racks, holding thousands upon thousands of scrolls, bound manuscripts, and books. Most of the documents are of course loose manuscripts bound together; a few are actually books, filled with Saruman's flowing script. Much of the upper wall area is consumed with myriad pigeon-holes, each holding a parchment scroll, numbered and labeled.

To the east, a small, narrow door of black stone breaks the pattern of racks and shelves. Past that door is a short hallway, and beyond stands a small iron-railed balcony, directly above the front door. The huge room is lighted primarily by seven tall windows, running from floor to dome, set next to each of the stairwells. At night, the domed ceiling gives off a warm yellow illumination. You once asked the Wizard how the magic of the ceiling was accomplished, but he just shook his head and said: "Some trickery of the Númenoreans, I suppose; they wasted their skills on foolish trifles like that." You secretly find the ceiling fascinating and often come to the library just as the natural light dims to watch the dome come to life.

Many curving desks occupy the floor of the chamber, reminders of a time when this was a citadel occupied by not only soldiers of Gondor, but by Mystics, Historians, and Astrologers. In the centre, on a raised pedestal, is the main librarian's desk and the catalogue, holding references to every manuscript, book, and scroll in the room. Since only you, the other apprentices, and Saruman use the library now, there is no need for a librarian; the desk has been untended for hundreds of years. Pick a number:
• If 2-5, turn to 475.
• If 6-12, turn to 322.
The roll is 8.
322 (Time: 5)

The Library is empty, the tall pillars stretching upwards to the dim roof. It is so quiet as to be almost oppressive.

• If you look for a book, turn to 187.
• If you search the Library for anything unusual, turn to 125.
• If you leave (by any door), move on.

S10 (Time: 5)

You arrive at the landing on the third level. A large door of dark glossy wood, with a pointed arch, is set far into a niche in the inner wall. This massive door leads into the extraordinary Library of Orthanc. From here you can climb up (to S14), down (to S6) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.
S6 (Time: 5)

On this Second Level landing, a tall polished oak door stands closed next to you. From here you can either climb up (to S10), down (to S2) or enter the Guest Bedroom (U9). As far as you know, no guests have stayed in Orthanc for several years. Move on.

That's not encouraging, but I guess it's still worth a look, at least.

U9 (Time: 5)

The Guest Bedroom is dominated by a huge canopied bed, surrounded by thick velvet curtains, which are pulled back and tied at the four posts. A couch and chairs rest near one of the two high windows, and behind a screen is the changing area. Walls paneled in dark wood or covered by tapestries make the room seem warm and inviting, though the large black fireplace is unlit.

• If you leave, move on.
• If you explore the Guest Bedroom further, pick a number:
- If 2-10, turn to 312.
- If 11-12, turn to 375.

That still doesn't seem promising. Look around anyway, or take the snooping elsewhere? (Specify.)
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Post by SGamerz »

I actually meant Saruman's bedroom......but since we're here we might as well explore. And then check out the master bedroom after this.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Ah, sorry. Since nobody specified, I assumed you were following up on Shiritai's list above. Not that it's much more convenient to get to Saruman's bedroom, since despite the connecting door the study auto-kicks us out to the stairs.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

312 (Time: 10)

After a brief fruitless search through drawers, under the bed, and behind the tapestries, you find nothing of interest here. Move on.
To the boss' lodgings!
S6 (Time: 5)

On this Second Level landing, a tall polished oak door stands closed next to you. From here you can either climb up (to S10), down (to S2) or enter the Guest Bedroom (U9). As far as you know, no guests have stayed in Orthanc for several years. Move on.
S10 (Time: 5)

You arrive at the landing on the third level. A large door of dark glossy wood, with a pointed arch, is set far into a niche in the inner wall. This massive door leads into the extraordinary Library of Orthanc. From here you can climb up (to S14), down (to S6) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.
V12 (Time: 5)

The vastness of the library engulfs you. No matter how many times you come here, you are awed by the immense domed chamber one hundred feet across and nearly seventy-five feet at the apex. Five levels of iron walkways circle the perimeter, joined by spiral stairways. These seven narrow open-mesh helices are spaced evenly about the hall, rising sixty feet up to the base of the iron-trussed dome. The complexity and ornamentation of the twisting black ironwork in this room is a treasure to be appreciated, and that is merely the structure which surrounds the priceless volumes and documents held here.

Indeed, the entire circumference of the great chamber is covered with carved wooden shelves and racks, holding thousands upon thousands of scrolls, bound manuscripts, and books. Most of the documents are of course loose manuscripts bound together; a few are actually books, filled with Saruman's flowing script. Much of the upper wall area is consumed with myriad pigeon-holes, each holding a parchment scroll, numbered and labeled.

To the east, a small, narrow door of black stone breaks the pattern of racks and shelves. Past that door is a short hallway, and beyond stands a small iron-railed balcony, directly above the front door. The huge room is lighted primarily by seven tall windows, running from floor to dome, set next to each of the stairwells. At night, the domed ceiling gives off a warm yellow illumination. You once asked the Wizard how the magic of the ceiling was accomplished, but he just shook his head and said: "Some trickery of the Númenoreans, I suppose; they wasted their skills on foolish trifles like that." You secretly find the ceiling fascinating and often come to the library just as the natural light dims to watch the dome come to life.

Many curving desks occupy the floor of the chamber, reminders of a time when this was a citadel occupied by not only soldiers of Gondor, but by Mystics, Historians, and Astrologers. In the centre, on a raised pedestal, is the main librarian's desk and the catalogue, holding references to every manuscript, book, and scroll in the room. Since only you, the other apprentices, and Saruman use the library now, there is no need for a librarian; the desk has been untended for hundreds of years. Pick a number:
• If 2-5, turn to 475.
• If 6-12, turn to 322.

The roll is 3, and so...
475 (Time: 5)

Saruman stands on the third level balcony, apparently looking for a book.

• If you greet Saruman, turn to 335.
• If you remain in the library but do not speak to Saruman, turn to 366.
• If you leave by another stairway, not wishing to be seen, pick a number and add your Trickery bonus:
- If 2-6, turn to 426.
- If 7-12, turn to 246.
• If you leave the way you came, move on.

I assume that since greeting worked well last time, wed do it again.

335 (Time: 5)

In response to your call, the Wizard spins about, his white robes swirling. The furled cloth catches reflections from the lamps and reflects shimmering rainbows. A trick of the light, no doubt. Saruman leans over the railing, nods, saying "Good day, my young friend," and returns to his search

• If you look for a book, turn to 187.
• If you search the Library for anything unusual, turn to 235.
• If you leave (by any door), move on.

And that brings us to somewhat new territory.

S12 (Time: 5)

Deeply-set into the black rock of the wall is a large pointed-arch door. Finely made of carved panels of dark cherry, the heavy door leads into the Library of Orthanc – one of the finest manuscript collections in all Middle-earth. From here you can either climb up (to S16), down (to S8) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.
S16 (Time: 5)

This is the end of one stairwell, and at this landing two windows appear, looking South and West across the plain of Isengard. The view is dim and grey, the valley seemingly locked in perpetual gloom. There is also one door, of polished grey wood bound with silver, leading to Saruman's Bedchamber. As you stand and consider your options, a sudden cold breeze wafts up the stairwell; your body shudders with a chill.
• If you try to enter Saruman's Bedchamber (W16), turn to 479.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing down (to S12).
479 (Time: 5)

Surprisingly, the door is ajar. Move on.

Suspiciously easy.

W16 (Time: 5)

The moment you step into Saruman's Bedchamber, you feel that this decision was a foolish one. Despite the fact that it is obviously empty, you are seized by a feeling of fear and dread. Pick a number and add your Magical bonus:
• If 2-9, turn to 236.
• If 10-12, turn to 283.

The roll is 10, so we'd get the good result even without the bonus.

283 (Time: 15, EXP Pt: 2)

After a moment, the compulsion to flee leaves you, and you have the distinct feeling that it was magical in nature. After all the effort, though, the room itself is something of a disappointment. A large bed stands in the corner of the room opposite the door, four massive posts of carved wood surrounding it and supporting a canopy and drapes of heavy blue velvet. There are wardrobes and dressers, but search as you might there seems to be nothing mysterious. There is, however, the door into the Wizard's Study!

• If you enter Saruman's Study, move on to W13.
• Otherwise, move on to S16.

Two bedrooms, no clues. Time is 620 minutes. Where to next?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The observatory is the last place I can think of that might have something interesting. Then I suppose we head to our meeting place.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Observatory was where we sent off that letter right at the beginning, isn't it?

I vote to leave now. We don't know how long it might take to walk to the meeting point, and it might be better to get there early.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Good idea. Changing my vote.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Let's stop by the storeroom on the way out.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S16 (Time: 5)

This is the end of one stairwell, and at this landing two windows appear, looking South and West across the plain of Isengard. The view is dim and grey, the valley seemingly locked in perpetual gloom. There is also one door, of polished grey wood bound with silver, leading to Saruman's Bedchamber. As you stand and consider your options, a sudden cold breeze wafts up the stairwell; your body shudders with a chill.
• If you try to enter Saruman's Bedchamber (W16), turn to 479.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing down (to S12).
S12 (Time: 5)

Deeply-set into the black rock of the wall is a large pointed-arch door. Finely made of carved panels of dark cherry, the heavy door leads into the Library of Orthanc – one of the finest manuscript collections in all Middle-earth. From here you can either climb up (to S16), down (to S8) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.
S8 (Time: 5)

You stand on the second level landing of this massive, echoing stairwell. A set of large wooden sliding doors face you; they lead into the Dining Room. From here you can either climb up (to S12), down (to S4) or enter the Dining Room (U11). Move on.
S4 (Time: 5)

One of four matching stone staircases twists upward within the slender pillars of Orthanc. The steps and walls alike are of the same glass-smooth stone, gleaming black and seemingly indestructible. Small lamps of silver and crystal are hung from the walls at regular intervals, casting a dim, glimmering light on the shining surfaces. The spiraling mass of the stair opens before you; either climb (to S8) or enter the entrance hall (T4). Move on.
T4 (Time: 5)

The beautiful Entrance Hall has a domed roof covered with a carved ceiling of fine oak panels. The floor is of polished black marble, and many artefacts and works of art stand in niches around the perimeter. Your footsteps echo hollowly across the expansive room. From here you may enter any of the stairwells at the First Level (S1, S2, S3, S4), or enter the Kitchen (T7), Sitting Room (T5), or Storeroom (T6), or proceed to leave Orthanc (T2). Move on.
T2 (Time: 5)

This corridor leads between the great black stone door which guards Orthanc and an inner door of fine polished oak leading into the Entrance Hall. The inner door normally stands open; the outer door is controlled from either side by inserting a key in the wall nearby and turning. The key activates a counterbalance which lifts the massive slab of indestructible stone up and into a slot in the wall above. Along one side of the foyer is a doorway – always open – where two men stand guard. You might get past by using one of the passwords you know (you are Saruman's apprentice, after all!) Note: you cannot 'run away,' as the slow-opening main door would take too long before the guards caught you. You might 'sneak away,' however.

• If you try to bluff your way past the guards, pick a number and add your Perception bonus:
- If 2-4, turn to 405.
- If 5-12, turn to 128.
• If you attack the guards or unsuccessfully sneak away, turn to 287.
• If you successfully sneak away, move on to T1, T2, or T4.

I assume that T2 reference is to T3, in case you wanted to invade the guardpost for some reason. So, bluff, sneak, or fight?
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Post by SGamerz »

We still don't have a weapon yet, don't fight.

We're equally good at sneaking as at bluffing....but failing to sneak leads to the same section as fight, so I vote bluff.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Bluff check.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Well, given the 2d6 RNG and our +3 Perception bonus, I do like our odds of making a TN 5. And it turns out the roll is a 5, so, done.
128 (Time: 5, Exp Pt: 5)

You brazenly walk up to the open door and turn to the guard on duty inside. He jumps to his feet and salutes you. Another stands nearby. Both wear the fine livery of Orthanc Sentinels, black garments trimmed with silver and emblazoned with the White Hand. "How may I serve you, Apprentice of Saruman?" he asks.

"I have an errand at one of the outlying forges for the Master," you say, staring back at the short swarthy Dunlending.


"Angrenost," you replay, voicing an alternative name of Isengard which Saruman chose as password for the week.

The guard nods and opens the door for you. The great black slab of stone which protects Orthanc's gate slowlyglides upward into its hidden recess. A few steps and you are outside! Move on to T1.
T1 (Time: 5)

Blacker than night, the mighty form of Orthanc stabs skyward directly above you. Despite the shelter of the recessed doorway, a chill Autumn wind pulls at your tunic and makes you shiver. The sky is overcast with low, threatening clouds. Down from the east-facing doorway stretches a wide staircase of twenty-seven steps. Circling the base of the tower on their patrol are Orcish guards; more are stationed in the small room just inside. Note: you are now in hex 11F.

• If you try to slip by the Orcs outside, pick a number and add your Trickery bonus:
- If 2-6, turn to 146.
- If 7-12, turn to 349.
• If you try to bluff your way past the guards, pick a number and add your Perception bonus:
- If 2-5, turn to 432.
- If 6-12, turn to 379.
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