[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 64(?)-Night of the Necromancer

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Who do we want to play as?

Anvus Ravalan, Nightsbane & Remorseless Hunter
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Evrain Peredur, the Zombie Killer
Isolde Laodegan, Shield Maiden of Libra
Create our own character
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Total votes: 6

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I also don't know what we'd expect to lose from visiting the stables. Half a vote for checking them out.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Lets have a look at the stables.
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Post by SGamerz »

Upon entering the stables you are met by the earthly smell of the horses tethered inside. The animals whinny and stomp their hooves in agitation as you pass by them. You notice that one animal is saddled and then, as you look closer, you are amazed to see that it is the horse you were riding back to the castle. You had forgotten about it until now but it makes tou wonder......if your horse has made it back here, then what has happened to your corpse?

As you ponder the fate of your own dead body, the stables become bathed in an eerie green light opposite you, As you watch, a phantom horse materializes there. Its eyes are blazing witch-lights while ectoplasm drips from its foaming lips. The horse appears to be wild and it has you completely trapped. If you want to get out of the stables you are going to have to get past this phantom creature first.

As the horse rears up on its hind-legs, ready to bring its hooves crashing down on your head you hastily decide how to react. If you want to draw your sword to defend yourself, turn to 96. If you would rather try to calm to horse-ghost, turn to 143.
Do we want to attack or try to tame the horse?
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Calm it


Rather be ghost rider than ghost walker.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Yeah, stabbing horses ain't heroly.
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Post by SGamerz »

Surely a will as strong as yours can bring a horse under control. Roll two dice and subtract 1 from the total rolled. If the new total is less than or equal to your WILL score, turn to 116; if it is greater, turn to 96.
Our WILL is 11, so that means we automatically pass this roll!
Staring into the phantom steed's baleful eyes, exerting your will against it, you manage to calm it down and bring it under your control. The horse ceases its unearthly whinnying and stands patiently within its stall instead. It does not look like it's going anywhere and knowing where there is a horse that is a ghost like yourself, could prove useful - you never know! (Add the codword Steed to your Adventure Sheet.) Searching the stables further doesn't uncover anything else that might be of use to you so you leave to look elsewhere.
What's more awesome than an animal companion?

Answer: a ghost animal companion!

Too bad this one doesn't follow us into the castle, but it should be cool if we get the chance to use it later.

Where to next? (Barracks, battlement, Inner Ward)
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Now we go to the inner ward.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

That detour was profitable, but hoping for better than 3 out of 5 is pushing our luck. Inner ward, we have animated armor to liberate.
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Post by SGamerz »

And a Happy New Year to all!

Sadly, Isolde may not be having a Happy New Year, what with her being dead and all...
.....and also because we just missed what might have been her greatest potential ally in the book by skipping the Barracks.
Do you have any of the codewords Bell, Barking, Barracks, Battlements or Blacksmith recorded on your Adventure Sheet? If so, make a careful note of how many and turn to 347. If you have none of these words written down, turn to 366.
We have 'Barking'.
An unnerving hissing sound, coming from behind you, stops you in your tracks. You turn to see a hideous apparition rising from the very ground behind you. It looks like a human brain trailing tentacles, not unlike those of a jellyfish. It is this creature that is making the horrible hissing noise as it floats towards you, writhing tentacles reaching for you. And it is not alone.

You have perhaps been rash in how you have conducted yourself since entering the castle, perhaps not, but whatever the case, the Spirit Hunters are on to you now. Take the number you wrote down regarding the 'B' codewords before turning to this paragraph and add one. This is the number of Spirit Hunters you must fight. Each one has the following stats:


You must fight these phantasms two at a time as they try to ensnare you with their stinging tendrils. If the Spirit Hunters finish you off, write the number 366 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. If you defeat your spectral stalkers, turn to 366.
"Spectral Stalkers"? These puny things have noting on the real Stalkers in FF45.

We only have one of those codewords, so that's 2 wimpy opponents for us.

Spirit Hunter #1 16, Isolde 23. SH#1 is at 4.
Spirit Hunter #2 13, Isolde 20. Isolde avoids SH#2's attack.
SH #1 14, Isolde 23. SH#1 is at 2.
SH #2 9, Isolde 18. Isolde avoids SH#2's attack.
SH #1 16, Isolde 24. SH#1 is destroyed.
SH #2 11, Isolde 23. Isolde avoids SH#2's attack.
SH #2 13, Isolde 17. SH#2 is at 4.
SH #2 14, Isolde 20. SH#2 is at 2.
SH #2 11, Isolde 16. SH#2 is destroyed.
If you are going to gain access to the Inner Ward of Valsinore Castle, you are going to have to go past the Barbican. As you approach the tower two dark figures melt from out of the moon-cast shadows and materialize before its imposing gates, blocking your way. They wear long black cloaks over plate mail armour of archaic, and slightly sinister, design and are an intimidating presence.

However, having grown up in the castle and having explored practically every one of its hidey-holes and secret passageways, you also know of a tunnel that passes under the wall and into the Inner Wall beyond. Unfortunately it starts in a guard privy under the battlements in the east wall. If you want to approach the gatehouse and its sinister guardians directly, turn to 443. If you would rather make use of the secret tunnel, turn to 393. Alternatively, if you have the Spirit special ability and would prefer to fly over the gatehouse and into the Inner Ward beyond, turn to 5.
We haven't learnt to fly, so our options are going in through the Barbican.....or through the toilet!
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

She who dares, wins.

Half a vote for taking these guys on directly, Assuming it's a fight Isolde's sky high SKILL should win the day, versus unknown dangers through our supposedly safe route.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Whose house is this? Head-on.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Agreed. The secret passage seems too obvious.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

There's a limit to how much crap Isolde is willing to go through to get her revenge, and the ones in the toilet are waay over her limits!
As you approach the gatehouse and its guardians, your ghostly blue-white glow giving your location away, you hear the clatter of swords being unsheathed as the silent warriors prepare to repel your advance. Will you:

Prepare to meet the knights in battle?
Use the Spectre special ability (if you have it)?
Use the Shade special ability (if you have it)?
Give up on this approach and look for the secret tunnel instead?
How do we do this?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Isolde Laodegan
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 12/19
LUCK: 7/7
WILL: 11
Equipment: Nightslayer
Abilities: Apparition, Poltergeist, Shade
Codewords: Ironheart, Barking, Best Friend, Steed
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Post by MisterDee »

Well, we didn't go to the trouble of learning Invisibility for no reason. Shade.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Blue option.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

In the blink of an eye you are gone......Invisible as a shadow you creep past the gate's guardians towards the portcullis-barred entrance to the Inner Ward. Only, it would appear that the knights can see you, somehow, as they move to engage you, their heavy two-handed swords raised, ready to strike. The truth of the matter is that even in your Shade form, you are still visible to those with the Second Sight and other undead, and these Dread Knights are already like you! You have no choice but to fight them.
Yeah, using abilities don't always lead to the better result. That Apparition vs Poltergeist choice when we entered the Outer Ward earlier was also an example of that. maglag was correct when he judged that using Poltergeist would have raised the alarm (in addition, the gates were too heavy to be moved by force of will alone). That would have been a worst outcome than not using any abilities at all.

And so you clash swords with the Dread Knights of the Order of the Black Shroud, a company that calls its number from amongst the ranks of the Undead. They will not be easy to defeat and you will have to fight the broadsword-wielding warriors at the same time.


The undead knights' blades smoulder with dark energy, runes cast into them glowing like red-hot coals. If a knight wounds you, roll one die; on a roll of 5-6 the knight's cursed blade will cause you 3 STAMINA points of damage, rather than the usual 2. If the Dread Knights dispatch you, sending you over to the Other Side, write the number 20 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. However, if you manage to defeat them, turn to 323.
They're certainly not as tough as Isolde, but that extra damage may be trouble in the long run if they get lucky, especially since Isolde didn't get to heal from her last fight...

Dread Knight #1 16, Isolde 20. DK#1 is at 7.
Dread Knight #2 16, Isolde 17. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 21, Isolde 20. Isolde rolls 3 and takes 2 damage. Isolde is at 10.
DK #2 17, Isolde 21. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 13, Isolde 19. DK#1 is at 5.
DK #2 13, Isolde 22. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 17, Isolde 14. Isolde rolls 5 and takes 3 damage! Isolde is at 7.
DK #2 14, Isolde 16. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 17, Isolde 18. DK#1 is at 3.
DK #2 14, Isolde 18. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 15, Isolde 15. Tie.
DK #2 11, Isolde 19. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 17, Isolde 17. Tie.
DK #2 11, Isolde 16. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 15, Isolde 20. DK#1 is at 1.
DK #2 14, Isolde 22. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #1 14, Isolde 22. DK#1 is defeated.
DK #2 18, Isolde 19. Isolde avoids DK#2's attack.
DK #2 18, Isolde 20. DK#2 is at 7.
DK #2 16, Isolde 19. DK#2 is at 5.
DK #2 20, Isolde 19. Isolde rolls 3 and takes 2 damage. Isolde is at 5.
DK #2 19, Isolde 22. DK#2 is at 3.
DK #2 13, Isolde 20. DK#2 is at 1.
DK #2 13, Isolde 15. DK#2 is defeated!
Whew! Long, ugly fight and they took quite a bit out of Isolde due to horrendous luck on the dice!
With the dread knights disposed of, you approach the heavy portcullis that separates the Outer Ward of the castle from the Inner. Either side of the portcullis - which is down - an arched entrance leads to a spiral staircase that in turn leads up into the Barbican itself. If you think you have the means to get past the portcullis you could do so now. If not, you will have to enter the Barbican to find a way to get through. Alternatively you may simply be curious to discover what secrets the gatehouse might hold. Will you:

Use the Poltergeist special ability (if you have it)?
Use the Apparition special ability (if you have it)?
Climb the staircase beyond the left archway?
Climb the staircase through the right archway?
Find another way into the Inner Ward?
This would be another of those instances where, as angel stated above, the writing makes it hard for character immersion, since Isolde should logically at least have an idea of where each stairway should lead to, but the reader isn't given any clues.

Do we want to explore the Barbican, or go for one of the blue options again?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Isolde Laodegan
SKILL: 12/12
LUCK: 7/7
WILL: 11
Equipment: Nightslayer
Abilities: Apparition, Poltergeist, Shade
Codewords: Ironheart, Barking, Best Friend, Steed
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

We've got animated armour to find. Climb the staircase. I have no preference for which one, so left but I'd be happy to change if anyone has a preference.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Left staircase is good.
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Post by SGamerz »

Climbing the twisting stone staircase, you soon find yourself at the entrance to the chamber that contains the winding gear used to raise or lower the portcullis. Slumped against one wall, an earthenware bottle held loosely in one hand, is Falstaff the castle Porter. You remember that he always liked a drink - cider mainly - but now he just looks like an utter wreck. A scraggly grey beard covers half his face, his skin is blotched with the spider-web patterns of purple veins and he is having trouble focusing on you. 'Halt!' he slurs. 'Who goes there?'

As he struggles to his feet, you consider the scene before you again. Looking at the captain and considering the considerable weight of the portcullis you doubt that even with your strong will you would be able to raise it. And yet standing right before you is a man who, although drunk, has the physical strength needed to operate the mechanism successfully.

If you have the Spectre special ability and want to terrify the porter into helping you, turn to 247. If you want to try to dominate his drink-addled will to make him do as you command, turn to 225. If you would prefer to cross this chamber and continue up into the tower using the new staircase that starts at an archway to the other side of the chamber, turn to 160. But if you would rather re-trace your steps, going back downstairs and looking elsewhere, turn to 20.
We don't have the scary powers.....do we want to try mind-control instead? If not, where do we go?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Ghosts mind-controlling drunks is definitely someone's niche fetish, and maybe it's the author's? Let's give it a shot, Will is pretty high and searching towers is tedious.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Jedi mind trick.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

As you draw closer to the man he burps loudly in surprise and the stench of stale cider wafts over you, making even your ethereal form recoil. But press on you must, if you are to ever manage to open the portcullis. "Ere, wot are yoo doin'?' he challenges as you loom over him, your spectral brow knotted in concentration as you pit your will against his. Roll two dice. If the total is less than or equal to your WILL score, turn to 206; if it is greater, turn to 247.
Dice roll = 4 (Success)
As you exert your will against the old man, a curious thing happens. You steadily find yourself probing further and further into the porter's mind until suddenly you are looking out at the world through his eyes. You have actually managed to possess the body of the porter. He's still inside there with you too, scared and confused, but his body is your to command - at least for the time being. Add 1 to your WILL and, having made a note of this paragraph first, turn to 343.
This is more than just mind-control!

WILL is now at 12, fail-proof against normal tests!
This is possibly the most important power to unlock (and also the most difficult, due to less opportunities to do so. Good thing we didn't miss this one.)
Sinister as it may sound, thanks to your incredible strength of will your are able to dominate the mind of another and possess them, using their body as if it were your own for a limited time. Record the Spook special ability on your Adventure Sheet and turn to the paragraph with the same number as the one that you were just instructed to write down.
Turning back to the previous section....
Looking down at the porter's callused hands and lice-ridden rags you are possessed of an unbelievable thirst and almost overwhelmed by the need to empty your bladder. It is a weird sensation, controlling another's body. While you are still in control of the porter's body, you stumble over to the capstan and, putting all of Falstaff's strength into it, set to turning it.

Slowly, via a series of trundling gears, the portcullis rises through a slot and into the roof. Once you think it is high enough you lock off the capstan so that it can't be lowered again. You are only just in time. You feel your mental grip slipping and with a shudder your spirit-form is expelled from the porter's body. You can't say you're sorry to say goodbye to his body; and to think that you thought being dead was bad! (Add the codeword Gateway to your Adventure Sheet and regain 1 LUCK point.)

As the porter stumbles down the stairs yelling in nerve-shredding terror, you decide what you want to do next. Will you continue up into the gatehouse through the archway opposite, or will you return to the ground floor again and re-assess your options there?
We've been getting lots of LUCK bonuses and no place to really spend them so far.

Continue up?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Isolde Laodegan
SKILL: 12/12
LUCK: 7/7
WILL: 12
Equipment: Nightslayer
Abilities: Apparition, Poltergeist, Shade, Spook
Codewords: Ironheart, Barking, Best Friend, Steed, Gateway
Last edited by SGamerz on Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Huh, normally I'd be all about progress, but that option to go back makes me strangely wary. Half a vote to go back down.
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

If we go down, we'll probabably just get the chance to go through the now open gateway.

I may be misinterpreting, but I think we need to go up to claim the armour our childhood fling blacksmith friend told us about, and I wants it.

Vote to go up.
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