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Post by OgreBattle »

There's also new FAQ's that power down those dirty Dark Eldar, Orks, and Chaos Marines.

Every time there's a 40k release I get the urge to work on my Eldar corsair fandex and when I look at that I start thinking "this base system is kind of poo, I should go make my own betterthan40k game..."
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Post by Koumei »

The FAQs are all over the place in regards to actual balance.

As for Eldar Corsairs, they have their own Army List in one of the Imperial Armour books, including the option to take Combat Drugs that are better than the Dark Eldar Combat Drugs (and possibly army-wide).

Also, it looks like for the next 2 years or so, the whole game is going to be a focus on X vs Y boxed sets and mini-campaigns that advance the storyline, in an effort to actually move the story to "one minute to midnight", with the next edition taking place in this "Closer to the End of Everything". So they won't be rushing a new edition out. Plenty of people wish they had made that decision back in 5th edition. Or 4th. The current releases seem in line with the rumours so far, but there's plenty unconfirmed. Still, if it's true, the next focus will be:

Chaos sort of teaming up, sort of racing and fighting itself because Chaos, fighting against combined Eldar forces as it attempts to breach the Black Library and gain access to the secrets within. Here is what they allege will be getting released as part of this campaign (which will be staggered over time with multiple parts to it, kind of like some of the other smaller things have bee): new Kharn, new Khorne Berserkers (I thought they already had new plastics but w/e), new Guardians (presumably it's the current new plastic one, with the Storm Guardians optional sprue added in... and costing more than the current two combined), new Warlocks, Daemon Prince Magnus, new Chaos Terminators and dual-kit Thousand Sons Marines, special Eldar hero to go alongside Eldrad, new Farseer kit, new Ahriman, new Keeper of Secrets kit (with optional special character version), new Chaos Sorcerer, new Kabalite Trueborn, new Dark Eldar special character, new Dark Eldar Incubi, new Prince Yriel, new Harlequin hero, new Sentinel.

And the following campaigns will allegedly be:
1. Eye of Terror: all of Chaos vs the Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Astra Militarum, Eldar Again, and Necrons
2. Orks vs Nids vs The Imperium (big AdMech focus) vs Necrons in the Octarius Sector. Apparently they're looking for it to mostly end as Orks vs Nids, with Gazza facing the Swarmlord.
3. Tau vs Imperium... to start with. Then Chaos and Dark Eldar and Necrons show up, and it will apparently end as Tau vs Necrons.
4. Free for All: HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S ROCK!

Note, I cannot stress the lack of evidence for these, and how at most it's "sort of in keeping with what's been released so far".

Also, others have speculated that seeing as new codex + plastic models for Sisters have apparently been "ready to go as soon as we decide to" for the longest time now (with their sekrit sources of info), and Sisters are not mentioned in the above other than "The Imperium", some are once again emerging to suggest that either right before or right after the campaign, GW will be releasing Half-Life 3 Sisters of Battle (sorry, got by fan conspiracy "it's coming!" rumours mixed up). Or GW forgot they even exist and they will never be seen again in official 40k stuff. I'll bank on that one personally.

Seriously, there is a lot of rumoury talk there, but at the very least, I imagine they are delaying a new edition by a year or more to focus on mini-campaigns with X vs Y stuff. That has been working out well for them so far.
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Post by Berkserker »

So, all that Ynnead speculation. What're your thoughts?
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Post by OgreBattle »

Yeah the IA Corsairs list is quite popular with fun options, but still has some wonky decisions like the 'strictly worse than a jetbike' jetpackers costing the same or more than jetbikers with the same weapons. My fandex was made up of notes from before the IA Corsair army, so now it's morphed into more "what if Rogue Trader Eldar developed down a different path than what we have today". Like if Eldar tech focused more on material science and antigrav so kunai anti-tank railguns are a thing alongside shuriken anti-infantry catapults.

On Ynnead... so many words I just skipped over it when looking through 40k rumor sites.

Eldrad already died in a previous campaign (before that he kicked the poo out of Abaddon and maybe Ahriman too so it was a high note) so this skirmish he's having with a squad of death watch marines is a past event that didn't have any immediately noticeable impact on the rest of the galaxy.

Either this is a retcon of Eldrad's death, or it's going to be something that Eldrad did that has long term consequences. Maybe getting swallowed by a daemon that hermit crabbed into a Talisman of Vaul/Blackstone Fortress will actually be revealed as part of Eldrad's cunnin' plan all along.
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Post by Smirnoffico »

I think the whole Eye of Terror campaign pretty much didn't happen by now. The outcome was ignored and swept under the rug. Guess that's what you get when SM don't have their day
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Post by Koumei »

And here's what we have for the new Deathwatch codex aka Codex: Re-Rolls


Here is their Chapter Tic-Tac: Mission Tactics
At the start of the game, choose HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack or Heavy Support. They specify that Dedicated Transports use the same slot as the unit they carry, and that mixed units (HQ joined to Troops) count as both. Your whole army (or rather, those with Chapter Tactics, ie "Dreadnoughts and all non-Vehicles" or "everyone with a Weapon Skill" if you like) re-rolls To Hit rolls of 1 against units of that type.

Once per game, at the start of the turn, you can swap it for another. There are three ways to increase this number and they all stack: if a specific unit type is the Warlord you get another swap, if you take the formation you get another, and if you happen to roll the right Warlord Trait for it you get one more. That means you could potentially have 1 Initial choice then 4 swaps, ie "Decide every single game turn" for a lot of games. Bear in mind that when shooting, you're typically hitting on a 3+ so you're re-rolling 50% of your misses. In close combat it gets a bit dicier as against most things you hit on a 4+, a bunch of things a 3+, and extremely rare super things a 5+ (with the exception of units who have WS 5, they never need the 5+). So you could be re-rolling half of your misses or a third of your misses or a quarter of your misses there. Sure it's limited by unit type, but overall that's a good tactic to have.

Speaking of Warlord Traits:
-Warlord re-rolls failed Wound/Penetrate against Tanks (not just Vehicles), Monstrous Creatures, and Super-Heavy Vehicles
-Roll another d6 now: your Warlord/his unit get to make that many (total) re-rolls throughout the game for failed Hit/Wound/Penetrate rolls.
-All the Warlord's non-Relic weapons are now Master Crafted
-Warlord has Nightvision and can just declare Turn 1 to be Night-Fighting
-Extra Mission Tic-Tac change
-Warlord gets a Lance Strike he can call down every turn. Not as good as the Force Commander or Inquisition ones, but there are times you would want to use it.

Yes, a couple of these would be much better if you could choose wargear after rolling.


Let's look at wargear:

Do you like Heavy Weapons? Do you like Combi-Weapons? Do you wish you could have a Combi-Weapon that was two Heavy Weapons? Do you wish your Heavy Weapons could be Assault Weapons? Do you wish Combi-Weapons didn't have that 1/game restriction? THEN DO I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! There is a special weapon that is both a Heavy Flamer and a Heavy Bolter. You choose which one each time you fire, but neither one is limited to 1/game. And the Heavy Bolter is fired as Assault 3 instead of Heavy 3.

So, Chaos Marines, how has that "leaving the Imperium with its stale unchanging dogma and lack of innovation in favour of new ideas" worked out for you? trollface.psd

Their Shotgun is what I think Arbites Shotguns should be if they had their own mini-dex. It's the thing that would be special for Arbites. It has three ammo types and again, you just choose when you fire, there's no selecting beforehand or anything. There's 16" S 4 AP - Assault 2 Shred, 16" S 4 AP 4 Assault 2, and Template S 3 AP 6 Assault 1. Noice.

Basically everyone gets special ammo, which works for Bolters and Bolt Pistols and Stalker Pattern Boltguns (the 30" Heavy 2 Sniper weapon). It's the special ammo that Sternguard Vets get. Anyone with a Heavy Bolter (or the 2-in-1 above) can take Infernus Shells (24" S 1 AP - Heavy 1, Blast, Poison 2+). There is a Relic special ammo that also affects Bolt Pistols (S 5 AP 4 Pistol), Boltguns (24" S 5 AP 4 Assault 1) and Stalkers (30" S X AP 4 Heavy 2), granting the Kill-Shot rule: Instant Death on a 6 to Wound.

Some models just have a Clavis: enemy vehicles within 6" are -1 WS, BS and I. Pretty close range, so you can't rely on it, but there are cases where it's handy (such as punching Dreadnoughts in the face). There's a Relic one that adds a bonus to every attack you make against a Vehicle or Building - it's basically a better version of Haywire (1 = Nothing 2-3 = Glancing 4+ = Penetrating).

Anyone remember the halberds of the Legion Custodes who guard the Emperor? It sort of makes a return, as the Guardian Spear. S +1 AP 2 (without being Unwieldy), 2-handed, and 1/Assault Phase, if an enemy hits you can roll one die and, if you roll higher, you parry the attack away. Also it's a Boltgun with Special Ammo, and you can use both in the same turn.

There's a Power Fist with a Melta Gun for the pinkie finger. It's hilarious. Someone model it holding a dainty teacup in a ladylike fashion. Anyway, it's both a Power Fist and a Melta Gun, no 1/game restrictions, and you can Melt in the Shooting Phase and Fist in the Assault Phase of the Same Turn. Can we just call that the "Fuck Burna Boyz" rule?

The Heavy Thunder Hammer looks so big you might think it's a WoW thing. To be fair, the pauldrons are already there so fair enough. It's a Thunder Hammer. Except it's two-handed, automatically S 10 (I still await a weird supplement that lets people poach each others' wargear so I can put one on a Gretchin and say "S 10 man, it says right there"), and on a 6 to Wound it causes Instant Death.

The Xenophase Blade is a Power Sword, except you have to re-roll successful Invulnerable Saves against it.

Also everyone got together and agreed that the Frag Launcher needed changing after its one previous appearance. Now you choose between Template S 6 AP - Assault 2 Rending, and 24" S 7 AP 3 Assault 2 Impact (if they're within 12" it's S 9 AP 2)

The Relics I haven't mentioned yet aren't too shabby either:
-One gives your whole unit a 4++ if you remain stationary in your turn
-One is a Teleport Beacon that also lets you redeploy one of your units off the field and Deep Strike them to within range of the teleporter
-A Power Sword that, on a successful unsaved Wound, tells you all the secrets of that specific unit type (ie Wound any kind of Carnifex, and it applies to all Carnifexes for the rest of the game), letting you Wound them on a 2+ with that weapon. Lasts for the entire game, isn't limited to the number of units affected, but does only apply to that weapon - you don't get to then apply it to your ranged weapon or Lightning Claw or whatever.
-A tome that makes you a smart-arse: each turn, choose a different Mission Tic-Tac. The bearer and his unit get that one in addition to the normal one.


They can take the Black Spear Strike Force:
* Re-roll Deathwatch Warlord Trait
* Extra Tactic change
* All non-Vehicles can Derp Strike
-Core 1+
-Auxiliary 1+
-Command 1-3

Incidentally, remember when I said re-rolls on Wound/Penetrate might come up later? It's coming up now. A lot.

Command: Watch Commander (1 Watch Master or Watch Captain or Chaplain or Librarian or Dreadnought or Venerable Dread)

Core: Kill Team (1 unit of Veterans)

Core: Furor Kill Team (1x Veterans 1x Terminators, any of Librarian, Vanguard, Biker)
-Must be 10 models or fewer (aside from any transport). They all fuse together as one unit that can't split up. This phrase will come up so often I'm shortening it to Cocksnort. Re-roll failed Wounds/Penetrate against Troops.

Core: Aquila Kill Team (1 unit of Veterans + at least one Librarian/Terminator/Vanguard/Biker)
-Cocksnort. Re-roll 1s to Wound/Penetrate anything.

Core: Venator Kill Team (1x Veterans, 1x Biker, any of Librarian, Terminator, Vanguard)
-Cocksnort. Re-roll failed Wounds/Penetration against Fast Attack.

Core: Malleus Kill Team (1x Veterans, 1x Terminators, any of Librarian, Vanguard, Biker)
-Cocksnort. Re-roll failed Wounds/Penetration against Heavy Support.

Core: Dominatus Kill Team (1x Veterans, 1x Vanguard, any of Librarian, Terminator, Biker)
-Cocksnort. Re-roll failed Wounds/Penetration against Elites.

Core: Purgatus Kill Team (1x Veterans, 1+ Librarian, 1x Terminator, any of Vanguard, Biker)
-Cocksnort. Re-roll failed Wound/Penetration against HQ.

Core: Strategum Command Team (1 Watch Captain or Chaplain or Librarian, and 1 unit of Veterans or one of the named Kill Teams above)
-Chaplain grants them all Furious Charge until slain, Captain grants them all FnP 6+ until slain, Librarian grants Stubborn and Adamantium Will until slain

Core: Watch Company (1 Watch Captain, 4 choices from Veteran units or named Kill Teams above)
-All of them (except transports) re-roll failed Wound/Penetration against units that contain Warlords, Independent Characters or Psykers.

Auxiliary: Armour (1 Land Raider of any kind)

Auxiliary: Dropship (1 Corvus Blackstar)

Auxiliary: Dropship Wing (3x Corvus)
-Re-roll failed Wound/Penetration against Flyers/Flying Monstrous Creatures.

Auxiliary: Ancient (1 Dread or Venerable)

The Corvus is a cool looking Flyer with 12/12/11 and Meltaproof. It's pretty expensive, but holds 12 models and explicitly can hold Bikes and Jump Infantry. It has two assault hatches at the front (at slight left/right angles) and one at the back, and comes with four missiles (high strength single-use Concussive), a cluster bomb launcher (can't drop five at once, but also doesn't run out and has a choice of two profiles - higher strength no cover, or large blast). Also has a Twin Ass Cannon that can be swapped for a Twin Lascannon, and the special misiles can be upgraded to a twin rocket launcher. Can take an auspex array, flare launchers, locator beacon, hurricane bolter etc. It sort of looks like a Valkyrie started hitting the roids.

Veterans are squads of 5-10 expensive dudes with Bolters, Special Ammo, Grenades, Power Armour and a CCW each. Any model can take Melee, Ranged and Special Weapons, anyone can swap one weapon for a Storm Shield, and up to four can take Heavy Weapons. So much customisation there, it's kind of what you want every Elite Veteran Unit to be (Chaos Chosen, Celestians, Sternguard, Storm Troopers, Kabalite Trueborn, Crisis Suits). Also anyone can swap all weapons for a Heavy Hammer. One model can be upgraded to a Watch Sergeant (no stat change, but becomes a Character) for free, gaining access to Special Issue Wargear and the Xenophase Blade, and one model can be upgraded to the WS 5 Black Shield. He has a special rule where against certain units (or anyone if their unit outnumbers his), he doubles his attacks profile (from 2 to 4, then apply bonuses).

They can take a Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod or Corvus. Note: they start expensive and can get crazy fast if you decide to go all-out.

Bikers are units of 1-5 (remember that most formation things are 5 Veterans + X from other units, so this is how you can add a single biker). Twin Bolter with Special Ammo. Grenades, CCW. Skilled Rider and Split Fire (not as useful on them to be honest, they can't take fancy guns). Can swap CCW for a Power Weapon, take Melta Bombs and a Teleport Homer. By the way, here's something that chafes my tits: these guys are good in close combat, so swapping a CCW for a Power Weapon costs only 5 points. Most people aren't as good and pay 10 points for it. Assholes.

Chaplains are basically Chaplains with Special Ammo and access to the wargear of the Deathwatch.

Watch Master gets the extra Tactic Shift, and is basically your Chapter Master. 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+/4++ for his profile, has a Clavis and a Guardian Spear, can take Relics and Special Issue Wargear but not other weapons.

Librarians... you know the deal. Except here's the list of fucking disciplines they can use: all of the core ones, plus Daemonology (either form, but both are unsafe), Librarius, Fulmination, Geokinesis, and Technomancy. I don't even know which books those last four are from.

Terminators are 1-5, with Storm Bolter (no special ammo) and Power Fist. Fearless. Pretty sure that means slapping one of these onto a Veteran squad upgrades all of them to Fearless until he dies. Anyone can swap the Fist for a P-Weapon, Chainfist or Melta Fist. Anyone can swap Storm Bolter for a Heavy Flamer or Ass Cannon, or take a Cyclone Launcher. Anyone can swap both for a pair of Claws or a Hammer+Shield.

Watch Captain is a Captain with Special Ammo and an Iron Halo, and has all the options you might expect.

Dreads are Dreads. The Bonus Attacks all Dreadnoughts were given by FAQs are just built-in. Can swap MM for Plasma Cannon or Ass Cannon or Twin Lascannon. Can swap Fist for Missile Launcher, or swap its Storm Bolter for a Heavy Flamer. Can take Extra Armour, can take a Drop Pod. Venerable Dreads are Venerable.

Vanguard are 1-5 with Jump Pack, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Special Ammo and Grenades. Heroic Intervention, and anyone can swap either weapon for a Lightning Claw, P-Weapon, Hand Flamer, Grav Pistol, Inferno Pistol, Plasma Pistol, P-Fist, Hammer or Shield. Any can swap both for a Heavy Hammer. Anyone can take Melta Bombs.

Razorbacks have fewer weapon options: Twin Heavy Bolter or Twin Lascannon or Twin Ass Cannon. Not even the traditional las-plas.

There, I think that's basically done, and now I can go back to the Street Fighter review. But it's good to keep on top of all the stuff. So yes, units are all elite and pricey to begin with, with plenty of upgrade options for even higher prices and either hyper-specialised squads or haphazardly generalist squads that have two close combat dudes, one shotgun, one heavy bolter/flamer and a lascannon and also a bike and terminator. And if you don't do that and stay on the cheaper side with just a few nice upgrades here and there, you're still getting boatloads of re-rolls. And yes, if you have "a bunch of sprues with enough parts left to make some minis but not really a full cohesive unit", then basically one upgrade sprue from this and now you DO have something.

Edit: oh right, they also
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

Koumei wrote: So, Chaos Marines, how has that "leaving the Imperium with its stale unchanging dogma and lack of innovation in favour of new ideas" worked out for you? trollface.psd
Angron: War without end! The emprah tried to leash me, but thanks to Khorne I can butcher what I want when I want! KILL!MAIM!BURN!KILL!MAIM!BURN!KILL!MAIM!BURN!

Fulgrim: You get a sexy daemon! Everybody gets a sexy daemon! Also free sex changes to whatever sex you can dream of!

Konrad: I'm batman.

Pertubaro: Dinobots! Flying metal dragons! Fuck yeah!

Lorgar: Religion is great again!

Mortarion: Best healthcare system in 40K bitches!

Magnus: Still better than being Lemon Russ's punching bag.

Horus: Well I guess we can't be all winners.

So supes loyalists, how's the whole "growing old and only 1% of you getting any new cool toys every 10 000 years" working for you? :biggrin:
Last edited by maglag on Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Stahlseele »

Well, Konrad basically commited Suicide by Assassin . .
Mortarions Crew had to suffer untill they accepted Unca Nurgles Family Love
Magnus basically got punished for being right about everything and lost his sons to the flesh change and then to the rubric of Ahriman.

But yeah, otherwise, for them the rebellion has turned out not too unfavourably.
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Shrapnel wrote:
TFwiki wrote:Soon is the name of the region in the time-domain (familiar to all marketing departments, and to the moderators and staff of Fun Publications) which sees release of all BotCon news, club exclusives, and other fan desirables. Soon is when then will become now.

Peculiar properties of spacetime ensure that the perception of the magnitude of Soon is fluid and dependent, not on an individual's time-reference, but on spatial and cultural location. A marketer generally perceives Soon as a finite, known, yet unspeakable time-interval; to a fan, the interval appears greater, and may in fact approach the infinite, becoming Never. Once the interval has passed, however, a certain time-lensing effect seems to occur, and the time-interval becomes vanishingly small. We therefore see the strange result that the same fragment of spacetime may be observed, in quick succession, as Soon, Never, and All Too Quickly.
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Post by Koumei »

maglag wrote: So supes loyalists, how's the whole "growing old and only 1% of you getting any new cool toys every 10 000 years" working for you? :biggrin:
Yeah, because Chaos players are totally winning all the time and bragging about all the great tech they have and - oh wait, no, they're just reliant on the Flying Dinozord (which was given a stealth nerf in the Flyers Special Book in that their most popular weapon option leaves them 100% unable to dogfight, so they're just sitting there getting shot at). As in, they rely on that to help carry them to "not always losing".

Presumably because the writers and designers love slobbering over UItramarine cock, loyalist marines constantly get nice new things (and very average new things that get ignored), which are not then retconned as "always having existed" and being given to Chaos as well. They're just new developments of technology in the global faction that hates innovation and new developments of technology.

In more important news, I'm getting closer to finishing painting all my pink tyranids. And the first batch of my Toughest Girls in the Galaxy have arrived, which is awesome.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Angron's World Eaters: Space Sharks for berserkers, Blood Angels (very bloody) or Space Wolves (wolves riding wolves wielding wolves wolfing) depending on what kind of berserker+ you prefer, wulfen work well as blood letters.

Fulgrim's Emperors Children: Sonic weaponry is nicely represented by special ammo available to loyalists, shooty Grey Knights and Deathwatch also work nicely, or go Dark Angels for psychological warfare and exclusive plasma weapons that also work nicely as your sonic weaponry.

Konrad's Night Lords: Space Wolves for sneakiness, Raven Guard for jump pack sneakiness, Blood Angels for Jump Pack killiness

Pertubaro's Iron Warriors: Centurions work great in place of obliterators and standard marines have access to nice artillery, go Iron Hands for widespread bionics or Imperial Fists for bonuses to blowing big things up.

Lorgar's Word Bearers: I guess they could work as regular chaos, but Space Wolves have plenty of runepriests and wulfen are good daemon stand in. Imperial Guard and Inquisitorial foot troops are good cultists.

Mortarion's Death Guard: Widespread Feel No Pain for infantry and It Will Not Die for vehicles? Iron Hands all the way, a chapter master on a bike with a storm shield is near unkillable. Do Daemonhunters still get radiation grenades? If so you can ally them in to spread illness.

Magnus's Thousand Sons: Inv sv's, special ammo, and psychic powers for everyone? Sounds like Grey Knights. This is the one I'd personally do as the model count is low and leaves a lot of room for cool customized sorceror lords.

Horus's Luna Wolves/Failbaddon's Fail Legion: Being the largest legion you could use any codex and justify it. Have fun.

How do I Chaos would be awesome if Orks were this spoiled for choice. I would also say "Eldar", but Craftworlders, Harlequins, Darkies, Corsairs, and the supplementary Dead Peoples codices give Eldar the 2nd highest amount of variety already
pink tyranids
Gotta call it hive fleet Kirby, devourer of stars.

Last edited by OgreBattle on Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

OgreBattle wrote:Do Daemonhunters still get radiation grenades? If so you can ally them in to spread illness.
Only Ordo Xenos Inquisitors. An allied detachment can seriously be a single OX Inquisitor, with Carapace, BP, CCW, Frags, Kraks, Psyk-Outs, then purchase Rads and it costs all of 40 points. Up to you if you want a Power Sword or Plasma Pistol (10 points), Needle Pistol or Venom Talon (15 points), Power Armour (8 points), Servo Skulls (3 each, up to 3), Digi Weapons (5), Level 1 Psyker (30 points, can swap a weapon to a Force Sword for free) etc. If you're pretending to be a Deathguard Marine wracked by disease such that he's T 3, you'd probably take the Power Armour and call it a day, but Servo Skulls are always nice to take. So go all the way up to the massive expenditure of 57 whole points and you have a model you attach to your close combat units who isn't very good himself but goes "You have -1 T motherfuckers!" and basically prevents Infiltration.
Magnus's Thousand Sons: Inv sv's, special ammo, and psychic powers for everyone? Sounds like Grey Knights. This is the one I'd personally do as the model count is low and leaves a lot of room for cool customized sorceror lords.
Alternatively, if you want a legion of metal-clad undead warriors, devoid of bodies who slowly march across the field and unleash arcane firepower that can snuff out the lifeforce of even the mightiest creature and change the strongest of armoured vehicles to rust, complete with a sort of Egyptian Pharaoh theme, you have Necrons.

I kind of like the Grey Knights option as well for the customisation and mass sorcery, but you can do it with Crons.
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Post by maglag »

Koumei wrote:
maglag wrote: So supes loyalists, how's the whole "growing old and only 1% of you getting any new cool toys every 10 000 years" working for you? :biggrin:
Yeah, because Chaos players are totally winning all the time and bragging about all the great tech they have and - oh wait, no, they're just reliant on the Flying Dinozord (which was given a stealth nerf in the Flyers Special Book in that their most popular weapon option leaves them 100% unable to dogfight, so they're just sitting there getting shot at). As in, they rely on that to help carry them to "not always losing".

Presumably because the writers and designers love slobbering over UItramarine cock, loyalist marines constantly get nice new things (and very average new things that get ignored), which are not then retconned as "always having existed" and being given to Chaos as well. They're just new developments of technology in the global faction that hates innovation and new developments of technology.
In case you didn't notice, I was mostly pointing out at quality of life options.

Loyalist scum "developments" are mostly "let's glue this wargear to another wargear so you can wargear while you wargear". They indeed get better numbers in combat because GW sucks all the spech merine cock (to the point even WH fantasy was invaded by them).

And then do notice that the loyalist scum chapters really suck at sharing their special snowflake toys between them.

But after combat fluff-wise then what? Kayos is still the one with sexy daemons and true immortality and freedom of expression where you're allowed to use your talents for anything else besides purging and killing (while still being able to purging and killing if that's your alley).

Sure if all you care are bigger raw numbers then feel free to join the false emprah's slaves. But Horus and his buddies rebelled precisely because they were tired of being cogs on the machine turning only to output larger digits.

EDIT: Also
Koumei wrote: which are not then retconned as "always having existed" and being given to Chaos as well
30K armies have a lot of cool toys that the 40K armies somehow no longer have, both loyalist scum and kayos.
Last edited by maglag on Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Maxus »

OgreBattle wrote:
pink tyranids
Gotta call it hive fleet Kirby, devourer of stars.
One of the Ciaphas Cain novels has pink tyranids, along with a footnote saying the bodyplans are consistent, but tyranids show up in all kinds of colors and patterns of colors, and the Ordo Xenos reckons it some sort of identification thing with the 'nids, though they can't imagine WHY.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Here we go, Hive Fleet Kirby!

(Links go to bigger versions)






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Post by OgreBattle »

The tervigon's sack has a particularly nice sticky feeling to it
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Post by maglag »

A new wave of chaos is coming. 30K flavored it seems.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Stahlseele »

30k flavoured Kayoz?
Isn't that basically ImpOyalist with some different psychic powers, some daemons, mostly in Lorgars boys and some cursed items/weapons/drugs in Fulgrims Circus Troupe?
Welcome, to IronHell.
Shrapnel wrote:
TFwiki wrote:Soon is the name of the region in the time-domain (familiar to all marketing departments, and to the moderators and staff of Fun Publications) which sees release of all BotCon news, club exclusives, and other fan desirables. Soon is when then will become now.

Peculiar properties of spacetime ensure that the perception of the magnitude of Soon is fluid and dependent, not on an individual's time-reference, but on spatial and cultural location. A marketer generally perceives Soon as a finite, known, yet unspeakable time-interval; to a fan, the interval appears greater, and may in fact approach the infinite, becoming Never. Once the interval has passed, however, a certain time-lensing effect seems to occur, and the time-interval becomes vanishingly small. We therefore see the strange result that the same fragment of spacetime may be observed, in quick succession, as Soon, Never, and All Too Quickly.
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Post by Koumei »

30K is basically "Select a Legion of Space Marines", and that determines:
A) Your Warlord/Spiritual Liege
B) One or two unit options (like Terminators with Power Scythes for Death Guard)
C) Your Chapter Tactic thing
D) Where you stand in the Allies Matrix
E) Maybe some wargear options

Now they have added AdMech/Cybernetica so you can field Titans and Super-Heavy Tanks and Robots. And also the "Basically Imperial Guard But Not As Good". But it's mostly Marines vs Marines with a side of Marines.

Apparently there are new Tzeench marines coming, with Power Glaives that look a lot like the Silence Glaive that Sailor Saturn uses, so that's kind of cool. Pictures have been seen, but not boxes and such so it could actually be one of the various "These are Space Warriors, not Space Marines, we're not touching your IP, honest!" things. But let's say "fairly legit" for the time being. Rumours of Sisters of Silence being released for 30K to fight against these Tzeenchians (new Tzeench stuff will probably be given rules for 30K and also 40K).

So despite that previous paragraph and the rumours that were previously floating...

The new campaign book about to hit is for FUCKING BLACK LEGION AND CRIMSON SKULLS. I wish to remind everyone that they each have their own book and Khorne has ANOTHER book all to himself. Yes it promises to have an array of Chaos Psykic Powers so that "we're not JUST for Khorne, honest!" although the one sample power shown has been shit. So they're just doubling down on the John Cena of Chaos.

And they're re-releasing Kill Teams, complete with a boxed set of "Space Marine Tactical Squad (no, not a Deathwatch Kill Team, why should they appear in Kill Teams?), Tau Fire Warrior Squad (with turret and drones), Death Watch Rule Book and mini 40K Rule Book". Works out at ~60 poundingtons or 110 dollarydoos, which admitedly IS cheaper than buying just the two squads but still, fuck you GW. Also if you bought the 6Ed Kill Teams e-book you get the 7Ed one for free, so that's something. There has been a leak that is apparently a solid source that shows exactly which units you can use for all armies.
Except Adepta Sororitas and Inquisition. Fuck you.
Although that sheet appears to be breaking the time-honoured rules of Kill Teams (vehicles cannot have F+S+R armour totalling 34 or more, models cannot have a 2+ save or 3 or more Wounds... and Mutilators (2+/5++) are apparently allowed) and a few other wonky things, so that might be a fake designed to rustle some jimmies before the release. And natfka then loses reliability points for saying it was a reliable source.

Teams might now actually be made model by model - you don't buy a unit of 5 Onion Knights for 110 points, you seriously go "I'll buy one Onion Knight for 22 points" and add it up that way. Which means it basically becomes ideal for grabbing a handful of minis that look good and then fielding those for a quick game. That's actually a useful thing.

In other news, Forgeworld have released their giant fuck-off Space Marine transport. It's pretty crazy - holds 40 models (including up to 2 Dreadnoughts at 10 models each), has an array of Lascannons and Heavy Flamers, an anti-air missile battery, and a forward-facing Melta Cannon that unleashes 4 Blasts and, against vehicles, each Penetrating hit actually hits 1d3 times. It's 700 points and about as many dollars, mind you. It looks like a giant beast of a vehicle, so it gets points for style.
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Post by OgreBattle »

"Hey you know the faction with shit melee ability the least amount of infantry variety and squad leader customization and only played for their heavy armor? Lets put them in the small infantry squad close assault focused starter set."

I'm pretty sure Koumei can just stream of consciousness bash out some "small squad sci fi miniatures skirmish rules", like Athena rising from Zeus's headache, and end up with something more balanced and playable than whatever Kill Team ends up as.
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Post by maglag »

Koumei wrote:30K is basically "Select a Legion of Space Marines", and that determines:
A) Your Warlord/Spiritual Liege
B) One or two unit options (like Terminators with Power Scythes for Death Guard)
C) Your Chapter Tactic thing
D) Where you stand in the Allies Matrix
E) Maybe some wargear options

Now they have added AdMech/Cybernetica so you can field Titans and Super-Heavy Tanks and Robots. And also the "Basically Imperial Guard But Not As Good". But it's mostly Marines vs Marines with a side of Marines.
A key difference is that 30K marines shall know Fear. And Pinning. And can die from sweeping advances. Making for a lot more interesting matches than just putting loyalist scum codex A against loyalist scum codex B.

Plus by now each legion has at least half a dozen special units and then special wargear and options like world eaters can turn basic troops into melee mode for free.
Last edited by maglag on Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Koumei »

Nobody cares but you, maglag, it's still the basic crummy 40k ruleset and when you look at the table it's going to just be a bunch of Space Marines and Super-Heavy Tanks and/or Walkers.
OgreBattle wrote:I'm pretty sure Koumei can just stream of consciousness bash out some "small squad sci fi miniatures skirmish rules", like Athena rising from Zeus's headache, and end up with something more balanced and playable than whatever Kill Team ends up as.
Quite possibly, but not one that's also plug-and-play compatible with 40k rules. Admittedly I wouldn't much care about doing that, but without my own company, casts, plastic supply, fancy machines and so on, I'd want it to be a "You can use your 40k minis in this and straight away know what they do".

I am actually (slowly) working on turning Bughunt! into a tabletop skirmish/board game thing, with (various other game)-style "okay you enter a new area for the first time? Now flip the tile to see what it is, and place shit" and "draw a card to see what monsters spawn" and all that stuff. With Gamecrafter to print it out nicely, just for private use, while I use 40k minis. I'm hoping it'll end up simple and fast to play and also very unfair.

So the Kill Team rules have been released, and naturally people have made them available for free to everyone. This is the good part of 4chon, to balance out the horrendous racism and "The leftist SJW government of Australia banned GTA, the world is getting worse every year and we need to let Trump and Brexit destroy everything so we can start again, because if things get bad enough it will underflow to perfect."

So what do we have? Basically the same as 6Ed.
Good news: the table of what units are playable was total bullshit. It was pretty successful, as trolling attempts go. I'll call it 8/10. The restrictions are:
-Nothing with more than 3 Wounds or Hull Points
-Nothing with a 2+ Armour Save
-No Flyers
-Nothing with combined Front+Side+Rear Armour of 14 or more (does Quantum Armour count? NO IDEA)
-Choose your units from 0-2 Troops choices, 0-1 Elite choices and 0-1 Fast Attack choices. I think they can still take Dedicated Transports as long as the above rules aren't broken.
-200 points limit
-You still purchase entire units and break them up, which is sad, but as before, everyone becomes their own unit of 1. They specify this includes any models that have their own statlines even if purchased as wargear such as drones. That is correct, your Shield Drone provides an Invulnerable Save to itself and nothing else.
-You need at least 4 models that aren't Vehicles, Beasts or Swarms. Because you need a Leader and 3 Specialists, and the above things can't fill those roles.

They specify some rules that no longer apply: Daemonic Instability (replaced with simple Fearless. This is good for Daemons and good for general lack of randomness), Warp Storm (thank fuck for that), Champions of Chaos (the random table for killing shit in close combat. Good riddance.), Ork Mob Rule (morale still applies), Blood Tithe for Khorne, and the Doctrina Imperatives/Canticles of the Omnissiah for Mechanicus.

Here is a list of literally everything that can be taken:
Tau: Fire Warrior Strike Team (if you purchase a Turret, which does not have its own profile so it's deployed as a separate unit, can every model use it? Any model, only one at a time? Only one specific one? NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS), Fire Warrior Breacher Team (see above), Kroot Carnivores, Stealth Suits, Crisis Suits, Crisis Bodyguards, Drone Teams, Piranhas, Pathfinders, Devilfish, Stingwings.

Spess Mehrins: Tactical Squad, Scoot Squad, Crusader Squad, Command Squad, Legion of the Damned, Sternguard, Vanguard, Assault Squad, Land Speeder Storm, Land Speeders, Rhino, Razorback, Bikes, Scoot Bikes, Attack Bikes.

Deathwatch: Veterans, Rhino, Razorback, Vanguard, Bikers.

Bjorks: Boyz, Gretchin, Burna Boyz, Tankbustas, Nobz, Kommandos, Trukk, Stormboyz, Deffkoptas, Warbikers, Warbuggies.

Inquisition: Inquisition Warband.

Harlequins: anything except Void Weaver.

Eldar: Guardian Defenders, Storm Guardians, Windriders, Rangas, Dire Avengers, Howling Banshees, Striking Scorpions, Fire Dragons, Wraithguard (yes Strength D weapons in KT), Wraithblades, Swooping Hawks, Warp Spiders, Shining Spears, Vypers.
FW: Shadow Spectres

Ad Mech: Kataphron Breachers, Kataphron Destroyers (squad starts at 3 models 165 points), Fulgurite Electro-Priests, Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Skitarii Vanguard, Skitarii Rangers, Sicarian Ruststalkers, Sicarian Infiltrators, Sydonian Dragoons.
FW: Secutarii Hoplites, Secutarii Peltasts

Adepta Sororitas: Battle Sisters Squad, Celestians, Repentia, Dominion Squad, Seraphim Squad, Rhino, Immolator.

Tyranids: Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers, Termagants, Hormagants, Ripper Swarms, Hive Guard, Zoanthropes, Venomthropes, Lictors, Pyrovores, Shrikes, Raveners, The Red Terror, Sky Slasher Swarms, Gargoyles, Spore Mines, Mucolid Spores.

Necrons: Warriors, Immortals, Lychguard, Deathmarks, Flayed Ones, Triarch Praetorians, Triarch Stalker (pending decision on Quantum Shielding), Ghost Ark, Canoptek Wraiths, Canoptek Scarabs, Tomb Blades, Destroyers.

Deldar: Wyches/Blood Brides, Kabalites/Trueborn, Incubi, Mandrakes, Wracks, Grotesques, Beast Packs, Raider, Venom, Reavers, Hellions, Scourges.

Daemons: Bloodletters, Pink Herrors, Plaguebearers, Daemonettes, Bloodcrushers, Flamers, Fiends, Flesh Hounds, Screamers, Plague Drones, Furies, Seekers, Hellflayer.

Chaos Meringues: Cultists, Chaos Marines, Berserkers, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Thousand Sons, Chosen, Possessed, Rhino, Chaos Bikers, Spawn, Raptors, Warp Talons.

Astra Milawhatsit: Infantry Platoon (can't just take individual segments, so minimum 25 models for the Command and 2 Infantry Squads), Veterans, Chimera, Taurox, Taurox Prime, Ogryns, Bullgryns, Ratlings, Wyrdvane Psykers, Militarum Tempestus, Scout Sentinels, Armoured Sentinels, Rough Riders.
If one eligible model has the highest Leadership, they're automatically the Leader. In most missions, the Leader awards 1 VP when killed. Also they have a 6" command radius and become a Character if they aren't already one. They also have a fucking Random Leader Trait Table to roll on. It does say that for campaigns you should either roll once at the start or just select one. It ranges from "let some models Outflank" to "If your Leader slays their Leader in a Challenge, you get +1 VP" to "12 inches of Command Range" to "Your leader gets a Specialist Trait".

Every Specialist (including the Leader if they have that Trait) has to select a skill from a different category.
-Combat: Counter Attack, Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath, Hatred, Rage, +1 WS, Rampage, Instant Death in close combat, Fleshbane in close combat.
-Weapon Specialist: Sniper (yes you can put it on Mortars and Flamers and shit), Tank Hunter, +50% Range (no effect on Templates, but also affects Melta range and Rapid Fire range), +1 BS, Ignore Cover, close combat attacks gain Haywire, 1 ranged weapon is Master Crafted, "When firing multi-shot weapons, split your shots up amongst multiple targets. Assign them before rolling.", Pinning.
-Dirty Fighter Specialist: Fear, Soul Blaze, Blind in close combat, Rending in close combat, Shred against models with 2+ Wounds, Concussive in close combat, Shred in close combat, Poison 4+ in close combat.
-Indomitable Specialist: Adamantium Will, Crusader, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Relentless, Stubborn, Smackdown in close combat.
-Guerilla Specialist: Fleet, Hit & Run, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Preferred Enemy, Scout, Stealth, "gain Frag Grenades that Ignore Cover when used as thrown weapons".

So most missions use objectives of some kind, but most of them still have the basic 1 VP for Slay the Leader, 1 for First Blood (ie First Turn Bonus, practically), 1 for having a unit in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game, and 1 for dealing 50% casualties.

There's no Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers rule, presumably each model in such a unit is just a Psyker on their own. Also, Conjuration powers can't be used, and the only way Reserves can be used is via Outflank - if you have to Deep Strike normally (imagine Drop Pods were 11 11 11 and not 12 12 12, you could take an empty Pod) then you ignore that and just deploy normally. Transports can just carry however many models at a time regardless of the original units (so you can mix and match), but you can't start on one if you didn't take it as your Dedicated Transport.

Once you're at 50% casualties, then at the start of each turn, every non-Fearless model with a Ld score (starting with the Leader) makes a Ld test. Those that fail run away in fear and are removed as casualties. If the leader passes, all models in their command range also pass automatically.

Some missions reward you for having heaps of models, some reward you for having bulky powerhouses, some favour rapid assault stuff (and of course long range snipers can really easily snap up Kill the Leader and First Blood).

Ideas that might be good for forming your team, eyeballing it:
-Deathwatch Kill Team: you could take 5 models loaded for bear with crazy weapons, or go for as many as 7 or 8 models and just enjoy the ammo types and all. Probably works well until you suffer 3-4 casualties and suddenly give 1 VP and potentially Break and Flee.

-Crisis Teams: GLOOOOOORIOUS. Actually it's like the Deathwatch but more so. Probably needs a side order of little guys to pad them out.

-50 Gretchin and 5 Runtherds. You won't give up the "50% casualties" VP until they seriously kill 28 models. This can make the game very slow and annoying, as a downside. Unless the enemy uses flamers. Another downside is if the enemy uses flamers you get rekt. Remember it's a 4x4' playspace and you sometimes only have a 1x4' band for deployment.

-Burnaz and Skorcha Buggies. Or even just Burnaz and Buggies in general. It's like the perfect solution to the above one.

-Minimum Gretchin squad to take the Leader and Specialists, then Skorcha Buggies for everything else.

-Eldar Windriders are still crazy good. But it takes minimal casualties to hit 50%.

-Wraiths (can't be Leader/Specialists, but hey, multi-wound fast Rending creatures with a 3++) with Flayed Ones
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Post by OgreBattle »

Corsair Eldar Jetbikers can take...
Scat Laser 30pts
Darklance 40pts
Venomblade Felarch 40pts

Some combination of the above seems enough to kill everything and fast enough to not get caught by anything in the 200pt Killteam format.
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Post by Koumei »

That could work, yes.
Other questions raised so far:
1. Adepta Sororitas units and Faith Points. How does this work?
2. What's the deal with squads of Psykers? Apparently a brood of Zoanthropes means each is a Mastery 1 Psyker with the automatic powers they have, but that could be because every model in a psyker unit becomes a psyker with the known powers, or because that is specifically a unit that just has powers and doesn't generate them. Pink Horrors could either be amazing (a unit of ten gives you 1d6+10 Warp Charge dice per turn) or useless (zero psykers).

We now have the info on the Formations for the new Chaos Campaign Book.
  • Core: 1 Lord, 0-1 Sorcerers, 1-3 from Chosen/Terminators/Possessed (ie 3 Chosen squads), 2-6 Chaos Marines (ie 2 Chaos Marines), 1-3 from Raptors/Warp Talons/Chaos Bikers, 1-3 from Havocs/Helbrute. Objective Secured and when any model has to role on the Boon table, you roll twice and pick one or both. You can take special characters in place of the Lord/Sorc. Strictly better than a CAD, so far.
  • Core: Dark Apostle + 4-9 squads of Chaos Cultists. Wiped out squads have a 50% chance to respawn and Outflank, and the Apostle's Zealot rule is now a 6" bubble.
  • Core: Kharn or Chaos Lord (with free Mark of Khorne) + 4-8 units of Berzerkers. They become Fleet and get +3" Charge distance and 1/game can, in the Movement Phase, perform a Pile In and attack as though it were the Fight Sub-Phase, but the enemy can't make attacks in that phase. They can still fight normally in the Assault Phase. This only affects models locked in combat.
  • Command (0-5 per army): A Chaos Lord (including named ones), Sorcerer (including Ahriman) or Daemon Prince. So you have the option to take 5 Daemon Princes as an easy part of your Decurion, basically.
  • Auxiliary: Warpsmith and 3-5 from Helbrute/Maulerfiend/Forgefiend/Defiler. The machines can keep using their Demonforge rule over and over as long as the Warpsmith is alive and on the table. One vehicle is the Alpha, becoming a Character and getting a 4++. If the Alpha is destroyed, the rest get Rage.
  • Auxiliary: 2-4 Heldrakes (so LOTS OF HELDRAKES). Enemy units within 12" of X units from this take a penalty of X-1 to their Ld (so 0-3). Also, their Vector Strike is 1d6 hits (at S 7 AP 2 remember) when against foes that are Pinned, Gone to Ground or Falling Back.
  • Auxiliary: 1-3 Warpsmiths, 3-5 from Obliterators/Mutilators (pick Obliterators). Each Warpsmith can bless a single unit of these within 8" in the Movement Phase. Blessed Obliterators fire twice (forced to pick a different weapon for each set, can't be a weapon used last turn, and it's against the same target), and Blessed Mutilators (which you didn't pick) gets to attack twice after Piling in, choosing different weapons from the first attacks and can't choose any weapons used in the previous turn.
  • Auxiliary: 1 Warpsmith (do they have an excess of these models they want to offload?), 3-5 from Predator squadrons, Vindicator squadrons, Land Raiders. Vehicles get a 6++ while within 12" of the Warpsmith and he gets +1 to repair them.
  • Auxiliary: 1 Chaos Lord (free Jump Pack), 3-5 from Warp Talons/Raptors. Can Deep Strike and Charge in the same turn (disordered charge), and enemies that are charged by 2+ units from it get -2 Ld for that turn.
  • Auxiliary: 3 Khorne Lords of Skulls. Yes the Super-Heavy Rollers. They get Rampage, they deal damage to enemies locked into combat with them in their Move Phase, and if one of them shoots someone, the others are Twin-Linked against that target for that turn.
  • Auxiliary: Daemon Prince and 3-5 units of Possessed. The Possessed get all three of their mutations at once while within 12" of the DP, and they're still not worth taking.
  • Auxiliary: 1 Chaos Lord or Sorcerer (or Abaddon or Typhus), presumably in Terminator Armour which might be free, and 3-5 units of Terminators. Presumably has special rules, we don't know what they are.
  • Auxiliary: 1-3 units of Chaos Spawn, no special rules.
  • Auxiliary: 1-4 units of Berzerkers/Noise Marines/Plague Marines/Thousand Sons, no special rules.
Superformation benefits: re-roll on the Chaos Space Marine Warlord Trait table, everyone gets free Veterans of the Long War and Hatred: Armies of the Imperium, and at the start of each turn you can select a model who has Champion of Chaos and have them roll on the Chaos Boon table. Note that the big warband Core choice does get to roll twice in these cases.

So good? Well... ish. I mean, it has a way to reduce randomness and generally make Chaos Boons better. If you weren't going "2x10 cultists lol" for Troops (I can't blame you if you were) and were taking any non-Heldrake Fast Attack (reasonable) and any Chosen (you were definitely doing that) and any Havocs or Helbrutes (reasonable) then you get "the CAD except better", and you have things that just let you take a bunch of Heldrakes. Or other things you might have wanted. They shore up some of the weaknesses, but the fact is you're still looking at an army that for the most part is too expensive for what it does (or alternatively not good enough for its price).

Shame that it's almost entirely Chaos Undivided With a Side of Khorne, mind you.

And there probably should be a discussion of the problem with Troops choices in general, and how they need to move away from making them "the mandatory points tax that you don't want so people try to find a way to do it as cheap as possible" and either make them "the way you actually score victory points and win the game" or make them customisable good options that people want to take or just ditch them and turn it into war of the better unit choices.
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Post by maglag »

Koumei wrote: So good? Well... ish. I mean, it has a way to reduce randomness and generally make Chaos Boons better. If you weren't going "2x10 cultists lol" for Troops (I can't blame you if you were) and were taking any non-Heldrake Fast Attack (reasonable) and any Chosen (you were definitely doing that) and any Havocs or Helbrutes (reasonable) then you get "the CAD except better", and you have things that just let you take a bunch of Heldrakes. Or other things you might have wanted. They shore up some of the weaknesses, but the fact is you're still looking at an army that for the most part is too expensive for what it does (or alternatively not good enough for its price).
At least it's a bit less insulting now that they pretend to give Veterans of the Long Wang and Hatred (loyalist scum) for free.

Thanks for the rumors roundup!
Koumei wrote: And there probably should be a discussion of the problem with Troops choices in general, and how they need to move away from making them "the mandatory points tax that you don't want so people try to find a way to do it as cheap as possible" and either make them "the way you actually score victory points and win the game" or make them customisable good options that people want to take or just ditch them and turn it into war of the better unit choices.
It's probably simply a sacred cow of old since GW games always have a "you need at least this many basic grunts in your army".

I'm personally vote for "only basic troops can take care of objectives" because I'm a big Advance Wars fan.
Last edited by maglag on Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Koumei »

maglag wrote: At least it's a bit less insulting now that they pretend to give Veterans of the Long Wang and Hatred (loyalist scum) for free.
Yeah, it's definitely not escalating them to the ranks of Loyalist Space Marines or Eldar or Tau or Necrons (allow space for argument about which of these are super top tier S++ and which are just great tier, second only to super top tier S++), and a lot of the formation benefits are "this takes the edge off something bad for gameplay" (random Boons) or "this is something the units should have had to start with", but it's not bad.

They seemed to have made a rule that you can't change the rules for a unit without making it a new codex (so no fixing of core problems), and to be fair not following that rule is a huge pain for the reader. ISN'T IT, FORGEWORLD? But within their self-imposed restrictions, they sort of did what they could.
I'm personally vote for "only basic troops can take care of objectives" because I'm a big Advance Wars fan.
It seems like the easiest - remove VP Bonus for First TurnFirst Blood, either remove Slay the Warlord or state you can only get it if their Warlord is slain by your Warlord or a Troops choice (insert FORGING THE NARRATIVE box to bullshit a reason, talking about heroic battles between generals but also the inspirational power of a Pawn capturing a King), and let only Troops hold objectives and score Line Breaker. That'd be a good start, a good bandaid fix.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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