[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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Post by Omegonthesane »

I don't think we're in a position to convince an infatuated adolescent to go home instead of trying to roofie her first crush. Agree to help and don't inform her that we actually plan to escort her home when this all inevitably blows up in her face.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Sun Oct 16, 2016 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Help her make the potion....then steal the potion for ourselves.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Help the girl out.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Hmm, that's more like it,' she nods. 'Now, follow me. I assume you're capable of that, at least.' With a swish of her red shawl, the girl turns and heads back into the woods. You bite down on your tongue and follow, reminding yourself that you are here to protect her and return her home safely, no matter how rude and temperamental she is.

You have only gone a little way into the trees, when the ground starts to slope downwards, becoming moist and spongy underfoot. Soon you are squelching through thick mud, the air buzzing with black flies.

'just up here,' says the girl, pushing her way through the low-hanging branches. 'Findlewort grows in bogs. And this looks just about perfect!' She stops and points through the tangled undergrowth. Ahead you see a sludgy-looking mire and at its center a small island covered in root-like plants. 'There they are. Now, go get me some. I just need a little for my potion.'

Eager to get it over with, you push past her and wade into the thick mire – the dirty sludge reaching up to your waist. The girl watches you from the mire's edge, chewing nervously on a fingernail.

'Hurry up!' she shouts. 'And be careful!'

You reach the island and pull yourself up onto the bank. After taking a moment to catch your breath, you snatch up some of the findlewort and stuff it into your backpack. Just as you are about to slide back into the mire, you notice a series of ripples spreading out across the surface of the water. As you watch, the ripples start to move, forming an arrow-like pattern that is headed straight towards the island.

Suddenly there is a blindly spray of mud and pondweed as something huge lunges out of the swamp. For a second all you can see is giant teeth and black scales. Then you are frantically fighting for your life:
Giant crocodile01110

Round 1: Us 8, It 11; 4+1 damage, we're at 25.
Round 2: Us 6, It 10; 6+1 damage, we're at 18.
Round 3: Us 7, It 5; 4+1-1 damage, it's at 6.
Round 4: Us 11 It 7; 2+1-1 damage, it's at 4.
Round 5: Us 8, It 6; 4+1-1 damage, it's defeated!
By some small miracle, you are able to defeat the frenzied crocodile. You may now take any/all of the following rewards:
Crock's Tooth (left hand: dagger) +1 brawn
Crocodile Skin (backpack) Perhaps someone can put this to good use

(Snagging both.)
As you wipe the mud and pondweed from your clothes, you become aware of the girlish giggles coming from the far shore. The woodsman's daughter is hopping up and down, waving her arms above her head. 'Oh, that was so exciting!' she gasps. 'You were almost as brave as my handsome huntsman!'

You wade back across the mire, muttering several obscenities under your breath.

'Come on! Give it to me quick!' demands the girl, holding out her hands. 'It's all I need for my potion!' Angrily, you fling open your pack and hand her the findlewort. 'Perfect!' she smiles. 'You're a hero after all!'

Suddenly, something hits you in the chest, sending you flying back wards into the swamp. Coughing and spluttering, you surface to find yourself face to face with a goblin - the same one that ran from you earlier. He holds a knife to your throat. Over the creature's shoulder you see the woodsman's daughter sprinting into the forest, chased by another of the goblins.

Before you can hope to rescue her, you must defeat your foe:
Giant crocodile01010

Kind of a pointless die-rolling exercise, given our advantage, but I guess it's to help us appreciate what the +1 brawn from the tooth means.
Round 1: Us 6, Gob 9; 4+1 damage, we're at 25.
Round 2: Us 5, Gob 6; 6+1 damage, we're at 18.
Round 3: Us 8, Gob 9; 6+1 damage, we're at 11.
(Holy cow, this gob's pissed!)
Round 4: Us 11, Gob 6; 2+2 damage, Gob's at 6.
Round 5: Us 9, Gob 7; 5+2 damage, Gob's defeated.
You slay the goblin, its lifeless body sinking down into the mire. Exhausted, you pull yourself up onto the bank, your clothes sagging heavily from the mud and water. After taking a moment to recover, you clamber to your feet and begin your pursuit of the remaining goblin, following its trail through the undergrowth.
You haven't gone far before you find the corpse of a goblin - a kitchen knife protruding from its chest. Perhaps the woodsman's daughter knows how to defend herself after all. You search the body and find 5 gold crowns. You may also take any/all of the following items:
Goblin leathers (chest) +1 armor
Goblin grog (2 uses) (backpack) use any time in combat to restore 4 health

(Snagging both.)
You push your way through the tight undergrowth, to find yourself back on the main trail. There is no sign of the woodsman's daughter.

• Follow the trail to Grandma's house?
• Head East into the hills?
Name: ?
Speed: 0, Brawn: +2, Magic: +1, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Crock's Tooth (dagger; +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 armor)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Money Pouch: 20 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Grandmother's house, I have a sneaking suspicion that the alternative takes us out of the forest altogether.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The trail meanders south and, to your relief, you find that it takes you out of the tight press of trees into wide golden meadows and hills carpeted with hawthorn and blackberry. At last you come to the end of the trail, which leads up to the gate of a small thatched cottage. Everything about the place seems homely, from the neatly tended garden to the white picket fence. You walk up to the red front door and give several loud knocks.

'Who is it?' calls a high-pitched voice from inside. You state your name and explain that the woodsman sent you. 'Lovely. Just lift up the latch and walk right in!'

You lift the latch and open the door.
Well, I thought we didn't have to come up with a name until later, but apparently we need one to give here. Name submissions, please.
You enter a low-ceilinged room, dominated by a wooden table, some cupboards lined with neat rows of crockery, and a large four-poster bed. There, tucked up under a bright patchwork blanket, is Grandma. At least, you think it is Grandma. You notice that her fingers are long and green, with claws instead of nails, and protruding from underneath the nightcap is a big hairy snout.

'My, what big claws you have, Grandma.'

With a snarl, the imposter rips off the bonnet, revealing an ugly green-skinned hobgoblin! It leaps out from beneath the blanket, clutching a blood-stained sword in its hands. 'All the better to eat you with!' it growls. You must now fight:

TIL that a hobgoblins is very slightly tougher than a giant crocodile.
Round 1: Us 2, Him 11; 6+1-1 damage, we're at 24.
Round 2: Us 4, Him 11; 5+1-1 damage, we're at 19.
Round 3: Us 9, Him 11; 5+1-1 damage, we're at 14.
Round 4: Us 7, Him 5; 5+2-1 damage, he's at 6.
Round 5: Us 8, Him 8; Draw.
Round 6: Us 8, Him 11; 4+1-1 damage, we're at 10.
Round 7: Us 4, Him 3; 3+2-1 damage, he's at 2.
Round 8: Us 7, Him 8; 1+1-1 damage, we're at 9.
Round 9: Us 7, Him 6; 2+2-1 damage, hobgoblin defeated!
The hobgoblin falls backwards onto the bed, its dark blood soaking through the patchwork blanket. You may now take one of the following items:
Goblin Kickers (feet) +1 speed, +1 brawn
Granny's locket (necklace) +1 magic
Curved Blade (main hand: sword) +1 speed
You search the rest of the cottage, but find little of interest – except for some grey hairs, sizzling on the coals in the fireplace. You assume that is all that is left of poor Grandma. Leaving the cottage, you follow the trail back into the woods.

• Head east into the hills?
• Return to the woodsman?
So, please submit three choices: name, loot, and direction.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Head east into the hills this time, since it's distinct from going home to admit "mission failed".

Due to years of exposure to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, going to suggest Mrs Trellis for the name.

Let's go with the Goblin Stiletto Thigh-Highs Kickers.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Don't take the Goblin Kickers because there are boots in town with the exact same effect. Take the locket because we haven't seen any other neck slot items.

I think our character is supposed to be a dude since we're apparently able to take a teenage boy's identity. But I like the idea of having more lady adventurers (especially since I think we've done literally every dick joke ever in all the FF LPs).

Agreed on going east.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Locket looks like it night be a quest item other than a piece of equipment, so that.

Then hills to find the girl.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As you head east, the land rises sharply, becoming a series of rocky hills covered in gnarly vegetation. You quicken your pace, aware that the sun is already beginning to set, casting an auburn brilliance over your stark surroundings. You haven't ventured far into the hills before you spot a thin column of food smoke rising into the darkening skies. Could this be the huntsman's camp that the young girl mentioned? You hurry towards it, the succulent aroma of freshly-cooking meat providing all the encouragement you need.

You finally reach the campsite, set in the sheltered hollow of a bleak stony hill. A skinned rabbit slowly roasts over a roaring fire, the dripping fat causing the flames to spit and sizzle. Behind it, you can see a covered wagon and a straggly line of trees where a piebald pony is tethered. The beast looks agitated, tugging against its restraints.

There doesn't appear to be anyone around. Then you notice a straw basket lying on its side in the grass. Next to it is a broken bottle, from which a black bubbling liquid steams.
Alert for danger, you step warily around the camp fire and are amazed and horrified by what you see. A giant grey wolf watching you from the edge of the light, its amber eyes reflecting the dancing flames. You notice an oily black liquiddripping from its fangs - the same liquid you saw in the bottle.

With a bestial snarl, the wolf launches itself at you. You have no choice but to fight this ferocious creature:
Big bad Wolf01115

Round 1: Us 11, Wolf 10; 3+2-1 damage, Wolf at 11.
Round 2: Us 11, Wolf 7; 4+2-1 damage, Wolf at 6.
Round 3: Us 6, Wolf 4; 5+2-1 damage, Wolf defeated!
Some nice luck turned what was the hardest fight in this mission (by the stats) into a cakewalk.
The wolf lies dead at your feet. As you watch, the creature's body begins to shift and change – the bones cracking and reforming into human shape. Within moments, the body of a man lies before you, the black liquid still coating his lips.

It is then that you hear a quiet sobbing coming from behind the wagon. You hurry to investigate, and find the woodsman's daughter huddled next to one of the wheels, trembling with fear.

'It was all my fault,' she gasps. 'I let him drink the potion. I said it was a gift from my father. Then he changed... he changed!' She looks away, shivering. 'I did everything that the recipe said. Everything. And it turned him into that!' She points to the huntsman's corpse. 'I should have known not to trust the witch. Oh, what have I done?'

You help the girl to her feet. As it is now late evening, you decide it best that the two of you sleep in the wagon and head back to her father at first light.
The next morning, the girl is quiet and sullen. You eat a cheerless breakfast together then head back into the woods, following the trail back to her father's house. The girl walks in silence, huddled in her tattered red shawl.

Back at the cabin, the woodsman is overjoyed to see his daughter again. He asks what happened, and you take him aside to explain the sequence of events. The woodsman shakes his head.

'My daughter should have known better than to trust that witch. Been nothing but trouble since that old crone came to these lands.' Thanking you once again, the woodsman offers you his prized sword as a reward for returning his daughter safely:
Goblinhewer (main hand: sword) +1 speed, +1 armor
You may now return to the map and continue your journey.
Do we want to give up the Apprentice for the Goblinhewer? And what's our next destination?
Name: Trellis
Speed: 0, Brawn: +2, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Crock's Tooth (dagger; +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Money Pouch: 20 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

I feel like we'll get some kind of reward for keeping The Apprentice all the way through, and in any case the woodsman needs a sword so he can keep the one he's familiar with.

In the meantime, we haven't managed to get any speed boosts, so buy the Buckled Boots from the village then take on quest number 15.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

That all sounds good to me.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(One shoe shopping trip later...)
Quest: Curse of the Cornfields

As you descend into the patchwork valley of farmsteads, you notice a flock of crows circling over the nearby fields. Below them, a fine white mist hangs over a shroud over the wilting sun-beaten corn – its appearance looking slightly unnatural in the dazzling sunlight. An elderly man hurries towards you, a pitchfork held tightly in his hands. His expression looks panicked.

'Please! Will you help me?' he cries. 'My farm is cursed! It's the witch – the witch, I tell you!'

• Ask about the strange mist?
• Ask why the witch is to blame?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +1, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Crock's Tooth (dagger; +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Money Pouch: 8 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ask about the mist, and then about the witch (if possible).
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Witch again....apparently it's a common profession in these parts.

Mist first.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Mist then witch.

I'd have assumed it was the same witch both times and probably that she's the act boss.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'It's been there two days, two days!' says the elderly farmer, pointing a trembling finger at the mist. 'And I seen strange things in there. Shapes... and sounds... horrible sounds! I won't go in there. No, I won't! Please don't make me.' He jerks his head round to look at you, his expression slightly crazed. 'The wife won't let me back in the house – not until I sort it out. But I can't go in those fields. I can't! The mist... it's just not right. The witch did it, I know she did!'

• Agree to help the farmer?
• Ask why the witch is to blame? √
The elderly man is visibly shaking, almost on the verge of tears. 'I told her to keep her mouth shut, I told her! But she never listens to me, never listens to a word I say.' He grabs your arm, gripping it tightly.

'You've got to believe me. It's the witch that done it. I saw it all – two days ago, down in the village. The wife, she stood nose to nose withthe witch and gave her what for. She only went and accused her, didn't she – said the witch not doing her job, not doing a thing to help us poor farmers out.'

He looks up, shaking his pitchfork at the blazing hot sky. 'It's the heat,' he whimpers. 'It's the darn heat that's doing us all in. Loosened the wife's tongue it did, made her say bad things. And the witch – she was furious, she was. Never heard a woman go on so... said she would put a curse on us. A curse on us all. And she's gone and blooming done it. Look!'

He pulls on your arm, turning you to face the eerie mist-laden fields. 'Tell me, that ain't natural. That ain't natural, is it? Things have gone all strange. Things ain't what they meant to be!'

• Agree to help the farmer? √
• Ask the farmer about the strange mist?
I don't believe we're going to abandon this repetitive unfortunate to his troubles, so with the exposition exhausted, we proceed.
'Oh thank you! Thank you!' says the farmer. He all but pushes you into the swirling white mist. 'Good luck,' he says. 'And please... be careful!' You assure him that you will, drawing your weapon as if to underline the point.

As you cross into the swirling banks of mist, the first thing that hits you is the cold. The wispy tendrils of fog are like ice, almost burning your skin with their freezing touch. Within seconds you are shivering, your breath forming clouds in the chill damp air.

You press onwards, pushing your way through the blighted corn, no longer sure what direction you are headed in. Whichever way you turn, the mist is there – swirling around you like a cruel tormentor. Perhaps it is just your imagination, but you are convinced that you can see shapes moving through the insubstantial haze. Each time you try to focus on one, they are gone – drifting away like ghosts on the rolling currents.

As you head deeper into the mist, you stumble across a large, cross-shaped pole sticking out of the ground. It is frosted with ice, sparkling in the eerie white luminescence. For a moment, you ponder what the pole was used for. Then you realize...

Something is moving towards you through the field, making a bee-line for your position. As the sound of snapping corn gets louder, you ready yourself for battle. From out of the mist lurches a creature of nightmare... a man made entirely of straw, his ragged clothes coated in ice. With an inhuman howl, the creature raises its hands, revealing a deadly set of splintered claws. You must now fight the scarecrow:

Round 1:Us 7+1, It 6; 6+3 damage, scarecrow defeated!
Fortunately, the scarecrow is less formidable even than a goblin, and we one-shot the thing.
Your weapon cleaves through the creature's straw body with ease. As it falls to the ground, still jerking and shaking, you notice something around the creature's neck. It looks like a necklace fashioned from human finger bones. You cut the necklace loose. As you do so, the creature immediately stiffens and becomes lifeless.

You may now choose one of the following rewards:
Crow's Feet (feet) +1 speed +1 magic
Murder of Crows (left hand: fist weapon) +1 speed +1 brawn
With the scarecrow dead, you eye your surroundings, hoping that the strange mist will finally lift. However, the fog only seems to have thickened, reducing your vision still further. With little choice but to continue, you start across the field once again, your numb fingers almost frozen to your weapon.

After several minutes, you see a flickering green light ahead. You hurry towards it – the light shining like a beacon through the swirling banks of fog. As you near, you hear the cackle of ghostly voices from somewhere in the mist.

Entering an area of flattened corn, you soon discover the source of the light. A grim totem has been pushed deep into the frozen earth. Fashioned from dark wood and bone, its length crackles with a magical green light. This must be the source of the witch's curse.
Before we can proceed, I need to know if we're going to replace either our buckled boots or our crock's tooth.
Name: Trellis
Speed: +1, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Crock's Tooth (dagger; +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Money Pouch: 8 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Might've chosen differently if I'd known we were about to find some new boots with the same material effect.

However, the Murder of Crows is strictly better than the Crock's Tooth so swap out for that instead.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I definitely would've chosen differently. But I agree that we should take the Murder of Crows.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You start towards the totem, with the intention of smashing it with your blade. However, you have only taken a couple of steps when the mist in front of you suddenly twists and broils, forming itself into a phantom-like creature. Before you can react, a spectral fist slams into your chest, sending you sprawling backwards onto the flattened corn. With an ear-splitting howl, the phantom glides towards you, its green eyes glowing with a malevolent hunger. You scramble to your feet and prepare to fight:
Mist Stalker01010

Round 1: Us 7+2, It 9; Draw.
Round 2: Us 5+2, It 11; 1+1-1 damage, we're at 29.
Round 3: Us 8+2, It 8; 2+3 damage, it's at 5.
Round 4: Us 6+2, It 7; 5+3 damage, mist stalker defeated!
You drive your blade deep into the creature's body, watching as its pale form dissolves back into the mist. Before the grisly totem can summon any more guardians, you lunge forwards, slicing it in two. As the severed wood topples to the ground, the magical green light flashes, then is gone. A few seconds later, the mist begins to disperse. Soon, you can feel the warmth of the sunlight once again – it's heat evaporating the last of the chill fog.

'Yer did it! Yer did it!' The elderly farmer skips and jumps through the corn towards you. 'Me fields – they're back! Thank you stranger, thank you!"

• Demand a reward?
• Bid the farmer farewell? (Return to the map and choose a new destination.)
Not a lot of choices in this particular quest...
Name: Trellis
Speed: +2, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Money Pouch: 8 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

This guy probably will either give us something insanely useful or nothing if we demand a reward. I'm also curious to find out if this book rewards you for being a douchebag or not, so ask for a reward.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

We did sort his shit out, maybe he'll be grateful.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The farmer scratches his greying hair. 'A reward? Well yes, I suppose yer did do me a favor. Thing is, I don't have a penny to me name – not a thing. Hey, wait! Perhaps I can give yer something.'

He stuffs a hand in one of his pockets and pulls out a small grime-covered key. 'I found this just the other week, when I was tilling me southern fields. Don't suppose it has much use really, but yer more likely to find the lock it fits than I am.'

If you decide to take the grime-coated key, simply make a note of it on your character sheet (it does not take up a backpack space). You thank the farmer and then bid him farewell. Return to the map to choose a new quest.
Do we want this guy's rubbish? Where to next?
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Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Post by SGamerz »

Keys are always useful in RPG games, take it.

How on earth do we wear a bunch of birds on our fist, and how is that a weapon? Or is there some other meaning in "murder of crows" that I do not know of?
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