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Post by DrPraetor »

Early on, they didn't: ... of-command
but yeah, the lesbian-orgy caduceus did not show up in later editions.

In order to avoid scandalizing anyone, later Slaanesh types would render young girls into super-cocaine instead of sleeping with them, because Puritans are okay with that.
Chaosium rules are made of unicorn pubic hair and cancer. --AncientH
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Post by Koumei »

Some of those Legion rules look pretty awesome. I mean, I was expecting either rigid formations, or something "acceptable yet boring" like "Alpha Legion: Chaos Space Marines get Infiltrate". So for the most part, that's good.

Looking over the Thousand Sons stuff, I can see two possibilities for games in the 1500-2000 points range:
1. Do standard CAD stuff and for the most part make it like a normal Chaos Marines, just fit in some Tzaangors as cheap Troops, maybe a unit of Rubricae, and 1 unit of Scarab Occult Terminators as dedicated Anti-Marine (take your choice of AP 3 Ass Cannon or AP 3 Heavy Flamer, enjoy the extra 2 Mastery levels). Remember to transform your Terminators into Jump Infantry, consider not having any ground-based vehicles.
2. You can have a Battleforged army that has Formations without taking the Superformation, you just don't get the benefits of the Superformation. So have a CAD of a Sorc/Exalted Sorc of Tzeentch with 20-30 Tzaangors/Cultists and your choice of fast Melta delivery (either 3 bikes or 5 raptors, maybe take two of these options or throw in a Heldrake or Forgeworld flyer or something). Then maybe add a cheeky Daemon CAD as well (Herald of Tzeentch + Horrors). Then add the Conclave of 10 Sorcerers/Exalted Sorcerers. 10 regular Sorcerers at ML 2 each with Marks of Tzeentch costs 1000 points, which isn't cheap but gives you a huge amount of psychic saturation in a battleforged army. Tempting as it might be to go Telepathy and choose the special benefit where they harness warp charge on a 3+ for Telepathy, you're probably better off flooding the table with Pink Horrors if you're theorycrafting and can ignore the restrictions of "having models" and "table space".

Obviously at higher point values you can put more bodies on the table, and increase more Sorcerers to ML 3/give them Discs or Auras of Dark Glory/whatever.

Not saying these are going to be the new trends that dominate tournaments for the next X months until the newest big thing comes out, but I'd say you have a couple of options there to at least have a Tzeentch army with no "Plus also Plague Bikers and Bloodletters" and making use of some of the new stuff, generally with a niche available.
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Post by Voss »

DrPraetor wrote:Early on, they didn't: ... of-command
but yeah, the lesbian-orgy caduceus did not show up in later editions.
It's from a book (Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness) with a 'mature readers' tag, which hasn't happened since '89. And naked ladies aside, what the magic item actually did:

forced an enemy unit to be stationary for a turn (1/battle)
allowed a friendly unit to move twice (1/battle)
allows friendly units within 12" to use the bearer's leadership.

So it's a pretty far cry from a lesbian orgy anything. It's a tool for keeping troops disciplined and allowing tactical outflanking. Again, the god of sex makes for a better war god.
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Post by Koumei »

So there will be no new range of minis to go with the Imperial Agents book. Instead we get the return of a handful of old minis as Limited Edition While Stocks Last, and the new Canoness is not a plastic kit thing. It's a resin cast of a named character (not even with special wargear) from the cover of the ancient book with skulls on the tits. I'm not even going to get that.

So yes, Chaos fans can shut up about being hard done by until they have swallowed every single dick.
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Post by maglag »

After seeing the preview of that fugly mini, I offer my humble apology.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by OgreBattle »

So yes, Chaos fans can shut up about being hard done by until they have swallowed every single dick.
Emperor's Children are the strongest chaos legion rules wise right?

I love the idea of arcane animated armor lead by sorcerers, but it is really unfortunate that GW isn't actually power-creep-greedy and completely random so the new Rubric Marines and Scarab Terminators are stupidly overpriced. The Tzaangors do look really cool and do seem to be competitively priced though.

I've also been reading the Stargate wiki lately so I wish the Scarab Terminators looked more like the Horus guard.
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Post by Koumei »

Emperor's Children have some decent legion benefits for the army-wide stuff and formations, if the rumours are to be believed, and also benefit from having the smallest of the Favourite Numbers. Now it's utterly stupid that that is even a thing, but seriously, Slaanesh being brought to you by the number six (as opposed to 7, 8 and 9 for the other three) actually means something. For all these weird-ass formations, they decided to push people towards having the "correct" number of units in a formation. And 6 units is a lot cheaper than fucking nine of them.

The Daemonic Incursion stuff also has the same problem, where you have to choose six Slaaneshi units for their group, as opposed to seven Nurglite, eight Khornate, or nine Tzeentchian. And not being pushed towards spending bigger amounts is a plus.

That said, Death Guard have a lot to offer as a legion, and I foresee Alpha Legion and Night Lords getting a fair amount of use there as well. It's hard to tell which is just straight-up going to be "the best".


It'd be nice if any Character with a Mark of Tzeentch could purchase 1 level of Psykic Mastery (don't give a discount, it still costs 25 points each), and if the rules for Chaos powers were "After rolling on your table(s) for powers, you may swap any power(s) out for their equivalent on the table for your aligned Chaos God (using the same number, so rolling a 2 for Biomancy can be swapped for the Biomancy primaris or a 2 or primaris on your god's table). This doesn't change psychic focus - if you have two powers and roll on Telepathy for both then swap one for Slaanesh, you still get Telepathic Focus and the primaris power (which can be swapped for the Slaaneshi primaris)". Also if the powers were all good. But you know what happens when we talk about "what if", that rabbit hole leads to entire codices of fanstuff, complete with weird-ass new units that will never actually see the light of day.

Kind of like Mutilators in that respect. OOOOOOOOOH!
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Post by maglag »

It would be much more sensible if the chaos god numbers were represented by the number of dudes in the unit (while they number exactly X, gain cool Y effect), but yeah rabbit hole.

Also Alpha Legion appears to be drastically better than Night Lords from the current rumors:

-AL gets shrouded, Night Lords only gets Stealth (even if the AL shrouded only lasts 1st turn, but that's when the cover save matters most).
-NL gets fear which is completely useless 90% of the time in 40K, AL gets infiltrate.
-NL gets raptors as troops, which are still bad when you have no reliable deep strike helpers or reserve manipulation and already had Fear, while AL gets Chosen as troops that are drastically improved by Infiltrate.
-NL can choose to start fight in night, which many armies can outright ignore, while AL gets their point-scoring cultists to not die when killed, which other armies cannot simply ignore.
-Your respawning cultists also have infiltrate.
-You'll never gain Slay the Walord against AL short of tabling them.

Really, Night Lords are all about Fear, but unless they get some "works on Fearless/ATSKNF" special rule, that won't ever matter. Even if you run into IG or Tau, those armies would crumble in melee anyway, so Fear isn't doing anyting useful.

Night Lords are drastically better in 30K where most marines do know fear.
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Post by Koumei »

I was thinking that you could take Raptor Legions as Core options, chuck some melta guns in there so you can slingshot around and blow tanks up, and give one hero a bike, something good for killing fools, and the Key (you can still take regular Khay-Oos artefacts). You then zoom up and unlock the key's power ASAP, and if you can do that before your Raptors all DS in (you could even go crazy and have one unit of Warp Talons here), they arrive without scattering. Yes, they don't get charge bonuses for charging, but they do get "enemy has to get assaulted rather than properly shoot you first". If you took the Warp Talons, then congratulations, you were able to accurately place them so that Blindness gets spread around.

Obviously having even one Rhino with Scary Noises nearby can even take care of Overwatch.

Yes I know there's a lot of ifs in there, with plenty of chances for things to go wrong. But I can see uses for it, especially if allied with other stuff like Alpha Legion (who could even do the keybearer side of things on a potentially Infiltrating Warlord). And even generally just taking going "CAD: 1 Lord with Jump Pack and Claws, 2 Raptor squads with 2 Meltas apiece" is a useful thing that's pretty good as a force you can slot into a bigger army.

I can't really defend Fear, given it's used when others assault you, and people that go around assaulting others typically have some variant of Fearless.

The Cultist thing is... it really depends. If the Cultist respawning is part of the Legion rules regardless of Detachment type and not the Formation rules? Awesome, you can set them up in a CAD and go ham on it. 50 points for an Infiltrating Troops choice that potentially respawns. But if it's part of the Formation rules? Then going by the words in the leak, they lack Formations that let them actually put Cultists in, so um... great? Of course, if they can take Cultist Legions (let's face it, the leak was a big mess of gibberish and short-hand so we can hope that was an omission from the post but not from the book), then that's fantastic and indeed might even stack with the existing respawn rule that the Cultist Formation gets (leading to occasions where one unit is wiped out and spawns two replacement units. Feel free to paint their faces blue and pink like Horrors).
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Post by Koumei »

And I guess here we have the answer to various questions regarding the leak.

Word Bearers: if your Warlord is a Mastery 3 Sorcerer you have a chance of rolling up Mastery 4 (and don't even need to take a Chaos God). Suck it, Thousand Sons? Also if you spend 10 on an Artefact you can then know 6 out of the 7 Malefic powers, which is something I suppose.

Alpha Legion: straight-up can't take Marks, that's a shame. Can still take Daemon Princes, however. The Cultist Regeneration is a Decurion benefit, and Lost and the Damned are available, but as an Auxiliary choice not a Core choice (and yes, until a FAQ states otherwise, you have a chance of respawning two units from one slain unit). Still one of the big winners, though. I can't see anything from the wording of the "It was me all along!" that says you can't suddenly reveal that your Warlord is the Character from a Helforged Warpack. Nobody suspected the Defiler was really Alpharius all along.

Black Legion: WL traits are mostly crap, but there are some good Artefacts and Legion rules - generally in the "re-rolls and being better at stuff" sense.

Iron Warriors: being able to take 1-3 Fortifications (any, apparently) as a choice in a Decurion is really nice.

In general: I like how there are all of these AP 5 Artefacts that people are obviously going to give to Daemon Princes (and thus, they are actually AP 2).
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Post by OgreBattle »

So are alpha legion the best fit for tacticool reasonable-marines wearing camo and shooting things without charging in with chainsaws? Or is there a loyalist list still better for that (I guess they have more flyers to rappel off of)
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Post by maglag »

I've seen some players already saying World Eaters make better black templars than the current black templars.
Koumei wrote: Word Bearers: if your Warlord is a Mastery 3 Sorcerer you have a chance of rolling up Mastery 4 (and don't even need to take a Chaos God). Suck it, Thousand Sons?
Pretty much.
Koumei wrote: Alpha Legion: straight-up can't take Marks, that's a shame.
Heh, nothing of value really lost, marks are kinda overpriced anyway.
Koumei wrote: Can still take Daemon Princes, however. The Cultist Regeneration is a Decurion benefit, and Lost and the Damned are available, but as an Auxiliary choice not a Core choice (and yes, until a FAQ states otherwise, you have a chance of respawning two units from one slain unit).
Cut one head, and two more shall may rise!
Koumei wrote: Still one of the big winners, though. I can't see anything from the wording of the "It was me all along!" that says you can't suddenly reveal that your Warlord is the Character from a Helforged Warpack. Nobody suspected the Defiler was really Alpharius all along.
"We have the tech, we can rebuild him!"

Ghost in the shell: 40K edition.
Koumei wrote: In general: I like how there are all of these AP 5 Artefacts that people are obviously going to give to Daemon Princes (and thus, they are actually AP 2).
Well obviously any chaos lord who got one of those and didn't get owned was badass/lucky enough to be promoted pretty fast.

EDIT: Oh, and Raptors get to laugh at BA a bit, since space vampires no longer can take assault merines as troops.
Last edited by maglag on Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Voss »

OgreBattle wrote:So are alpha legion the best fit for tacticool reasonable-marines wearing camo and shooting things without charging in with chainsaws? Or is there a loyalist list still better for that (I guess they have more flyers to rappel off of)
Well, putting aside the fact that tactical marines shooting things is not-so-secretly one of the worst options in the game.... no. Alpha legion don't really get anything for sitting back and shooting. And in fact get things for not taking marines and taking cultists instead. (who likely math out to be better at shooting anyway)

Best for that is still Ultras (rerolls), or (even better) Imperial Fists, especially with the special Fisting rules in Angels of Death (which changes bolter shots from rerolling 1s to rerolling all misses for free).

If you want to have camo painted units you can just do that. Either a successor chapter (Hiding Fists), or use the often ignored fluff that the codex actually encourages chapters to change or alter their colour schemes for specific environments or to confuse the enemy.

Or just ignore the stupid color schemes altogether, because bright primary colors are dumb, and the overly complicated combinations of random helmet colors and edging for companies, veterans, sergeants and roles is really stupid and incurs serious eye pain on anyone who understands a color wheel.

But if you want to be spikey marines, Emperor's children make for much more better shooty units. They'll be expensive and small, but sonic weapons on stationary units (especially if all the bonuses they get in this are true) are just really stupid good. And ignore cover.
Last edited by Voss on Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

Voss wrote:
OgreBattle wrote:So are alpha legion the best fit for tacticool reasonable-marines wearing camo and shooting things without charging in with chainsaws? Or is there a loyalist list still better for that (I guess they have more flyers to rappel off of)
Well, putting aside the fact that tactical marines shooting things is not-so-secretly one of the worst options in the game.... no. Alpha legion don't really get anything for sitting back and shooting. And in fact get things for not taking marines and taking cultists instead. (who likely math out to be better at shooting anyway)
Infiltrating scoring Chosen with 4 special weapons each.
Voss wrote: If you want to have camo painted units you can just do that. Either a successor chapter (Hiding Fists), or use the often ignored fluff that the codex actually encourages chapters to change or alter their colour schemes for specific environments or to confuse the enemy.

Or just ignore the stupid color schemes altogether, because bright primary colors are dumb, and the overly complicated combinations of random helmet colors and edging for companies, veterans, sergeants and roles is really stupid and incurs serious eye pain on anyone who understands a color wheel.
Thing is, Alpha Legion gets Shrouded first turn for free. So their camouphlage actually does something!

Loyalist scum only do good napoleonic firing lines where they're all standing in the open.
Voss wrote: But if you want to be spikey marines, Emperor's children make for much more better shooty units. They'll be expensive and small, but sonic weapons on stationary units (especially if all the bonuses they get in this are true) are just really stupid good. And ignore cover.
Ignore cover is pretty pointless when you're AP 5. And they're still lacking reliable anti-tank, their only option for that costing a whooping 25 points.
Last edited by maglag on Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Voss »

maglag wrote: Infiltrating scoring Chosen with 4 special weapons each.
That gets pricey pretty quick, and rather vulnerable to counter attacks. It could be helpful, but the base cost of chosen is pretty unpleasant, coupled with cost of plasma (which is pretty much the only functional option, given the range limits on meltas and flamers, which are better popping out of a metal box... which is cheaper to do with havocs) makes this an even pricier suicide squad.
Thing is, Alpha Legion gets Shrouded first turn for free. So their camouphlage actually does something!

Loyalist scum only do good napoleonic firing lines where they're all standing in the open.
Meh. First turn only is pretty pants. I expect people to be set up so they can't be shot to pieces first turn anyway.

As for standing in the open.... standing in cover is still helpful.
Ignore cover is pretty pointless when you're AP 5. And they're still lacking reliable anti-tank, their only option for that costing a whooping 25 points.
No. They take anti-tank on other things. Nothing requires the army be 100% Noise Marines.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Codex Imperial Agents came out, I hope there's enough variety in there to make wacky Rogue Trader-esque armies ... ts-review/ ... rules.html

Sisters of Battle lost Saint Celestine but can take crusaders and cult assassins, Inquisitors lost servo skulls. In their place they gained... detachment stuff.
Last edited by OgreBattle on Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Voss »

Rogue trader armies? Not really. It's inquisition armies (though only pieces of death watch and grey Knights) plus some random shit copied from the guard codex (+new detachment bullshit) and the legion of the damned marine wraiths.

It reinforces that you should be cheesing allied shenanigans as much as possible and buying individual models like assassins and enginseers because at $30 each the profit margin for GW is really good.
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Post by OgreBattle » ... oritas_is/
Clarification that the Imperial Agents Codex is seperate from Deathwatch and Greyknights and such, so you can still field St. Celestine in a Sisters of Battle army. Imperial Agents is only segments of other minidex's that can be fielded together.

I guess this means regular Inquisitor forces can take servo skulls but Imperial Agents can't... which makes Imperial Agents kind of worthless feeling unless there is some mega amazing formation I don't know about.


Remembering that the Deathwatch got a codex this year with their special ammo for their special guns and spec ops special operation tactics they indeed are the tacticool marines I were looking for. If I ever get around to actually buying G$W$ products again I'd probably build a Deffwatch Killmob using ork plastics I scavenge from the hobby shop/ebay.
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Post by Koumei »

I think the rules are basically a case of "If a unit is not in here, refer back to the other Dex. If it IS in here, then you have to use this one". So Celestine is in (as long as you use an army formed from Codex: Adepta Sororitas and not Codex: Imperial Agents), but Servo Skulls have actually been deleted as you presumably can't say "Oh I'm using an Inquisition Inquisitor, not the almost-identical Imperial-Agent Inquisitor", just like you can't say "Actually, I'm using the 3rd Edition Codex for my army, yes I know they have more recent ones but I like that one more". Similarly, Inquisition Chimerae have Lasgun arrays and not "five fire points for your special weapons"

But you could argue for readings of "No you can't have Celestine" or "You can have an Inquisition Inquisitor with cheaper Power Weapons and Servo-Skulls". Given it apparently still refers back to the =][= codex for things like vehicle wargear (though only for actual Inquisitor vehicles, ie the Chimera, as they use Grey Knight Land Raiders and thus can't take Psybolt Crusaders now), who knows?

Needless to say they want to delete the Skulls as they are a 3 point piece of wargear that basically negates a major gameplay style and the main strength of several armies. I always recommend these in an Imperial army, but I do so with full knowledge that it's kind of bullshit.

It's worth noting that they are not aware of their own rule changes in the FAQs. Specifically, the bit about starting in allied vehicles (FAQ states you can't do it). Now, don't get me wrong, the community at large has agreed to ignore that dumb rule, and I'd go as far as saying it's not valid because FAQs exist to clarify things and maybe give an official ruling for weird things that happen, and not for making new rules or changing existing ones, and if you disagree your name is Skip Williams.

But you'd think they'd pay some kind of lip service to that or spell out some kind of exception. Each small department is its own faction and thus they ally together (as BFFs due to all being Armies of the Imperium) and they cannot, per the FAQ, begin the game in each others' vehicles. Yet the Imperial Navy option basically includes a bunch of Valkyries that are flying transports (and not very good at being fighters or bombers or whatever else you want an aircraft to do) that apparently zoom on with nobody inside, then stop and let people climb on, so that by the time all is said and done their passengers could have just walked to their destination? Furthermore, certain units that are not part of the Adepta Sororitas faction can straight up take Adepta Sororitas vehicles as their Dedicated Transports... and theoretically would not be able to start the game inside them. Well done, mongo!

So let's just all agree to ignore the FAQ in general. It's only a good thing that Dominions can use Drop Pods, that Repentia can start in Land Raiders, that Bloodletters and Daemonettes can make use of Chaos Land Raiders, that DE Wych Armies can sit in their open-topped transports with KraftverkCraftworld Autarchs (with Banshee Masks) sitting on their laps and so on. Without the rule, the answer is almost always to drop the less-powerful side from the list altogether to include more [Grav Centurions / Daemon Princes / Wraithknights].

Also the rules for the awful-looking Resin Canoness aren't that bad: she's a regular Canoness (no "Here we upped her Weapon Skill by 1, you'll pay 10 points for that, right?" going on), with a Power Sword and Bolt Pistol (that's a bit unfortunate) and then a 12" bubble of Sororitas gaining Precision Strikes and Precision Shots. For 5 points more than any other Canoness with the same wargear. Sure, I'd much rather she have a pair of Inferno Pistols or just a plain old Storm Bolter, maybe a Rosarius or 2+ Save, but nonetheless, this is relatively cheap and gives something useful to nearby units. And if she buddies up with a close combat unit, the P-Sword + Precision Strikes isn't nothing.

I'm still scraping for things to like, mind you. So far we have "the rules of the Canoness that has the bad mini" and... "the >implication that even GW don't care about the FAQ ruling" (meaning this dex has good news for Chaos and Dark Eldar players - Merry Christmas!). I think that's it.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Similarly, Inquisition Chimerae have Lasgun arrays and not "five fire points for your special weapons"
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Post by Koumei »

You can just put twenty of the assholes in an allied Stormlord and fire out of that.

Also I'm a bit disappointed about the overall factions there. That was the perfect opportunity for there to be a "permanent" published actual thing for the Legion of Custard and the Sisters of Silence. If you need to cut like 6 pages to fit them in, then remove something like the Mechanicus (which is just one Imperial Guard unit they're really trying to sell), Navy (one "gets added to an Imperial Guard HQ choice" and the Valkyrie, no coverage of other Imperial Flyers (which would necessitate acknowledging the existence of Forgeworld)) or the Psykana Division (oh wow a cheap handful of Warp Charge).

Obviously it'd be nice to have a return of Arbites and you'd think that book would be ideal, but there's talk about Necromunda returning (for better or worse) so I could see them tying a minidex in for that.
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Post by maglag »

Funny that the legion of the damned now count as Agents of the Imperium. Not even ghosts can escape the bureaucracy!

A thing about Saint Celestine is that GW appears to be stopping the production of her mini, so I believe they intend to phase her out. Just like you can't say "I'm using 3e rules for this unit that has more updated stats", you also can't say "I'm using 3e rules for this unit that disappeared from later books of the same faction". RIP pariahs and generic greater daemons and whatnot.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Koumei »

Also apparently the editing was top-fucking-notch, in that the Cult Mechanicus version of the Enginseer still gets the ability that affects friendly Astra Militarum vehicles.

So basically the ability is useless unless you're taking allied IG in which case you don't need to take this as a Mechanicus thing.
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Post by maglag »

Rushed copy-pasta job, yep.

Anyway time for 8th edition rumors. Long story short, it seems like we can expect Age of Emprah.

-"General's handbook" a la Age of Sigmar with basic rules plus a bunch of unit's point costs so you can build armies for any faction right away.
-Supplements would add extra units/formations for specific armies and campaign scenarios.
-Simplified mages psykers.
-Want to make game run faster, without sacrificing tactical depth.
-Add "monstrous creatures become weaker as they lose wounds", which I guess it's opposite to the above but it's also kinda of a cool rule and may fix Wraithknights and whatnot, so I agree. Kinda. Daemon princes probably gonna get hit hard.

Fluffwise it's after Abby's 13th black crusade, all primarchs return and aren't exactly happy about how the Imperium turned out after 10 000 years. Furtheremore they start bickering, probably because they can't even agree what is wrong and needs to be fixed(Lemon Russ: Not enuff furries!/Gilliman: What do you mean there's still marines not following my codex astartes?/Zombie Sanguinus: bbbbrrraaaiiinnsss filled with delicious blooooodddd...). Inter-loyalist battles, go! Hopefully the traitor primarchs come out of the warp to play as well like Magnus did.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Voss »

Meh. Coming from bell of lost souls, I'll wait to react. If reliable people who don't run click-bait websites starting carrying this 'rumor' I might pay attention
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