[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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Post by Omegonthesane »

Mage; higher risk of getting actual abilities.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You have chosen the path of the mage. You may permanently raise your health by 10 (to 40). Make a note of this change on your hero sheet.

After an hour of sparring with Avian, you are relieved when he finally lowers his head and backs away. 'Impressive,' he says, nodding his head. 'A practitioner of the magic arts, I see. You remind me of myself at your age. Come,' he starts towards a pair of double doors at the end of the room. 'You must be famished after your journey. I think a little banquet is in order, to welcome you to your new home.'
Rogues actually get a smaller health boost than mages, presumably because as Speed freaks, they need it less.

Anyway, time for a cinematic:
As Avian strides into the dining hall, the torches along the walls light up one by one, throwing their warm glow on the magnificent oak table that stretches the whole length of the room. Without slowing his pace, Avian clicks his fingers and there is a 'whoosh' as a wave of showering sparks washes across the table's surface. You blink in surprise as the once empty table is suddenly filled with an immense feast. There are platters of roasted meats, a greased suckling pig, bowls of grapes and berries, mountains of cake and sweetbreads. It is like something from a child's fairytale.

'Please, I hope you will forgive the magic food,' says Avian, gesturing for you to take a seat on one of the high-backed chairs. 'It doesn't taste as good as the real thing, but it does save on kitchen staff.'

Eagerly, you slip into the chair and begin helping yourself to a plate of honey-roasted beef. Avian watches you with a smile. 'I see you are hungry. good. Enjoy the feast.' He turns and heads back up the hall, towards a side door.

'You aren't joining me?' you ask in surprise - your mouth already full of food.

'I have some small matters to attend to,' says Avian. 'Please, eat your fill and then retire to your room. Just take those stairs up to the tower room.' He waves a hand towards an archway at the end of the hall. 'We will talk in the morning. Farewell.'

Once Avian has left, you tuck into the rest of the feast, amazed by the rich and succulent flavors of the food. Soon, you are leaning back in your chair, surrounded by piles of empty plates and platters. After pouring yourself another goblet of mead, you decide to head to your room - a large circular chamber at the top of one of the towers. Surprised by how tired you suddenly feel, you find yourself making a beeline for the comfy-looking four-poster bed. Within minutes you are fast asleep.
You toss and turn in your sleep, tormented by dreams of darkness and shadow. Each one is the same - you are running from a nameless terror that hunts you across a plain of featureless black sand. You never see what it is, but you feel it, constantly at your back.

You trip and fall, your arm throbbing painfully. With trembling fingers, you pull back your sleeve to reveal the mark. It is burning as if newly branded, giving off a sulphurous smoke that forces you to turn away, choking. Then you see it - your hunter - a hooded giant with demon-like wings. Its features are indistinct, but you can see its eyes... a pair of bright crimson orbs that smolder with an ancient evil.

'You will obey me,' booms a deep thunderous voice.

In a flash, you find yourself awake, sitting up in bed with yor eyes wide open. 'Obey me,' booms the voice once again. Your legs slide off the bed, your body twitching and jerking into a standing position. Like a macabre puppet, you begin to move across the room, your actions no longer your own. Furiously, you try and wake from this peculiar nightmare, but you can only watch, like a trapped prisoner inside your own body, as you are forced to descend the stairs into Avian's castle.
You travel along several stone passageways before coming to the top of another set of stairs. You follow them down to a stone door covered in sigils and runes. Through your clouded vision, you watch as your hands pass over the strange inscriptions, lighting them up one by one. Then the stone door grates open with an echoing boom, revealing a dark chamber.

You walk forward, past shelves stacked with boxes and chests. Everything is illuminated by a dull purple light. You realize it is coming from the brand on your arm; the three entwined snakes giving off a strange unearthly glow. At last, you come to a wooden box. Carved into its side are the words, 'Artefact 51.' You open the box and take out the stone fragment that is held inside.

You are walking down more corridors - the edges of your vision obscured by a blurry fog. Turning down another passageway, you enter a large domed chamber. In the middle of the chamber is a stepped dais that leads up to a curved stone arch. Again you pass your hand through the air, making a series of arcane gestures. Suddenly, the archway begins to glow with a golden light. As you step closer, you see a scene slowly starting to form within the archway. It looks like a courtyard, bathed in moonlight. And a man is standing there... beckoning to you.

You clutch the stone to your chest and step through the portal.
You find yourself standing at the edge of a walled courtyard, lined with trees and flowers. Beyond the walls you can see a skyline of towers and minarets, soaring up into the dark smoky skies. The man walks towards you, his grey robes rustling around his thin frame. You try to get a glimpse of his face, but it is hidden deep within the shadows of his gold-embroidered cowl.

'Give me the last piece,' he orders. It is the same deep voice that you heard in your dream.

You hols out the stone fragment without question. The man takes it and carefully slides it into a cloth bag hanging at his waist. Then he raises his hands, palms turned outwards. he makes a quick gesture - and suddenly you feel yourself being tugged backwards.

You find yourself back in the stone chamber. The archway continues to glow for several seconds, then the light flickers and is gone. You are left, standing alone, in a deep impenetrable gloom.
You are roughly shaken awake. Opening your eyes, you discover Avian leaning over you. 'What happened?' he asks tensely. 'How did you get here?'

Still groggy with sleep, you allow yourself to be helped into a sitting position. As your surroundings slowly come into focus, you discover that you are still inside the stone chamber. Only meters away is the stepped dais and the strange magical archway.

'I said, what happened?' insists Avian, shaking you once again.

'I'm... I'm not sure,' you reply, rubbing your aching head. 'I remember falling asleep and then I was...'

Suddenly, the archway begins to glow. Avian looks over his shoulder, surprised. 'What is this? Someone communicating...' He rises to his feet, as a scene slowly starts to form at its center - a scene of chaos and destruction.

A grey-bearded man, encased in thick plate armor, stands facing you. He looks panicked, as crowds of people race past screaming and calling for help. Behind them you can see towers and buildings on fire - the ground shaking as further explosions rip across the skyline.

'General Ravenwing,' gasps Avian. 'What is this? We're being attacked?'

'It's an invasion!' bellows the warrior, raising his shield as shards of rubble shower across the paved street. 'The shadow gate has been opened. The legion is coming through!'

Avian runs back and grabs you by the arm, yanking you to your feet. 'Come on. We need to see what has happened to the city. If Talanost falls, I dread to think what will become of us.' He pushes you roughly through the archway...

In the blink of an eye, you find yourself on the paved street. Behind you, an archway, identical to the one in the stone chamber, is glowing with a pale blue light. Avian steps out of it, a white staff now gripped in his hands.

You scan your surroundings, staring in wide-eyed horror at the extent of the devastation. The entire city is aflame - most of its once-proud buildings reduced to charred shells of rubble. Hovering above them framed against the hellish purple skies, is a swarm of creatures, like floating eyeballs with tentacles. From these bulbous orbs, bolts of black fire tear through the remaining buildings, sending stone and rubble flying in all directions.

'Someone opened the shadow gate,' says Ravenwing, shouting to be heard over the chaos. 'We think it was one of the magic students at the school. They broke into the reliquary last night.'

'But that's impossible,' replies Avian furiously. 'They would have needed the keystone... NO!' He spins to face you. 'It can't have been! I was sure!'

You back away, momentarily startled.

'But you passed the final test.' Avian shakes his head in confusion. 'The magic food... it would have poisoned you. How? How did you betray me?'

'Wait!' you implore hastily. 'I was made to do it. By this!' You tug down your sleeve, revealing the branded mark.

'Judah's light!' growls Ravenwing, drawing his sword. 'Avian. What are you doing bringing that here?'

Before Avian can reply, there are cries of alarm from further down the street. A dishevelled mob of soldiers are spilling out of an alleyway, their armor battered and smoking. Behind them, the buildings buckle and shake - and then topple to the ground, as a giant creature stomps through them, snarling with rage. It looks reptilian, with black scales thsat seem to shimmer in the purple half-light. In one hand it carries a mighty black mace, and in the other a whip - its length rippling with black fire.

'This is only the start of it,' cries Avian, raising his staff. 'Ravenwing, we need to gather the mages from the school. We need to form a perimeter.'

The general nods. 'Can they hold against the might of these forces?'

'We don't have any choice,' Avian replies. 'We need to buy time for the king's army to get here.' He turns to face you, scowling in disgust. 'I don't know who you are or what you have done, but if you have any shred of honor left inside of you, you will do what I ask.'

You nod frantically, the ground trembling and shaking as the giant behemoth advances towards you.

'Listen to me!' snaps Avian, gripping your shoulder. 'Go back to the castle. I need you to find a man. His name is Cornelius, Jenlar Cornelius. If anyone knows how to defeat this foe, it is him.'

Avian presses something into your hand. Looking down, you see that it is a white key. 'This unlocks the chest at the foot of your bed. Now, go! Cornelius is a hermit - he lives south of the castle, on the edge of the Black Marsh. Find him and bring me the information!'

He pushes you into the glowing portal. A heartbeat later you are back in the castle chamber. You turn and watch as the giant creature bears down on Avian and Ravenwing. The behemoth gives an eldritch screech, then belches black flame from its nostrils. Avian raises his staff - a white light bursting from the gem in its crook.

Then the portal flickers and vanishes. The scene is gone... and there is silence.
You hurry back to your room and quickly gather your belongings. Before you leave, you take the white key that Avian gave you, and use it to unlock the small chest at the foot of the bed. Inside you find a pouch containing 40 gold crowns and the following items.
Gourd of healing (backpack) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health
Avian's crest (talisman) +1 brawn, +1 magic, Ability: charm
Gourd of speed (backpack) Use any time in combat to raise your speed by 4 for one combat round.
With your final preparations complete, you leave the castle, taking a narrow pass through the mountains to emerge in the dark tangled forest known as Mistwood.

Turn to the Act 2 map to continue your adventure.
Let me know if you want anything from the chest, and what you want to ditch for either of the backpack items. Also, pick a destination from the Act 2 map.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Speed: +8, Brawn: +2, Magic: +5, Armor: +5
Health: 40
HeadMauler's Maw+1+1Fearless
NecklaceTrophy of Bones+1+1Charm
CloakBat Cape+1+1
Main HandAncient Sword+1+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetReed-woven Sandals+1+1
TalismanSpindle's Eye+1Charm
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1Pot of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
2Goblin Grog (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Ragged Boots

Fine Silver Key
Money Pouch: 161 Crowns
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Drop Goblin Grog for Gourd of Healing, then browse the town menus, particularly their craftable gear section.

Is there a ticking death clock this time? Conspicuous that half the quests are "legendary" monsters.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

So far, there's no sign of a countdown mechanic, so the time pressure is purely notional.

Which town did you want to start in, the little one or the big one?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

That there are two worries me considering that this book appears to assume fast travel between points of interest.

Big town first., see if we can go on a shopping spree or something.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Sure, go to big town. And seconded on replacing the grog with the gourd. We might also want to take the talisman in case magic bonuses end up becoming more important to us as a mage, but I'm not sure on that since I don't know what mage abilities look like (other than the +10 HP we have).
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You trudge through the brackish water of the fens, towards the homely lights of the nearby town. As the ground begins to rise, you pass a wooden sign staked into the boggy earth. It once read
New Hope,' but someone has painted a cross over the 'New' and written the word 'No' beside it instead.

'No Hope.' Somehow that name seems more appropriate to the ramshackle settlement that sprawls across the marsh.

Built around a series of walkways, the town's rickety buildings rise high into the cold grey mist. Most are little more than hovels, supported bya precarious webwork of stilts and planks. As you near, you can't help but marvel at the size and scale of the place. Its walkways and bridges extend as far as the eye can see, quickly becoming a confusing labyrinth of criss-corssing paths and tumbledown structures. Nearly all appear to be busy with people, hurrying through the chill fog as they go about their business.

(This is our first visit to No Hope.)
'Can I 'elp yer, matey?'

The voice at your side makes you jump. A young boy, around twelve years old, is looking up at you with a curious expression. 'I bet a pretty penny yer new 'ere, ain't yer?' He doffs his cap to you, then swings his arm out to take in the sprawling settlement. 'This 'ere is No Hope. Wanna guided tour of our splendid establishment?'

• Agree to take the tour?
• Politely decline and enter the town?
• Ask if he knows Jenlar Cornelius?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ask about Jenlar. The boy's obviously looking to get something from us but I doubt he really cares if it's from information rather than a tour.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Request exposition.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Whoa, mister! You don't waste any time, do yer?' The boy removes his cap and scratches his scruffy blonde hair. 'Well, information like that is gonna cost yer.' He holds out his cap and gives you a cheeky grin. 'Five gold ones and I'll tell yer all I know.'

• Pay the 5 gold crowns?
• Decline, but agree to take the tour instead?
• Leave the boy and enter the town?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pay up, we've got gold to spare. And if the boy says he knows nothing we can hopefully punch him in the face.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

A pittance. Pay.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You deposit the gold in the boy's cap. He scoops it into hi grubby hands, then stuffs it into the pocket of his breeches.

'Well, who was it again?' he asks, screwing up his face. 'Ah yeah - Cornelius. Well, I told yer I'd tell yer all I know, and it ain't much. The locals call 'im the marsh man cos he lives out in that 'orrible swamp, all on his own. They say he's a bit crazy - all that marsh gas gone to his 'ed - but he sees things.' The boy shivers, clutching his cap to his chest. 'He knows the future. All of it. Those that find 'im... they get their fortunes told. And it ain't always to their liking.'

You ask the boy if he knows the current whereabouts of the 'marsh man.' He shakes his head. 'Can't 'elp yer there, mister. I stick to the town, where I know I can make a decent living.' He gives you a wink as he slaps his cap back onto his head. 'Now, you want this tour or what?'

• Agree to take the tour?
• Politely decline and enter the town?
That accent is pretendous. It consistently drops the leading h-sound on 'him' and 'help' and 'horrible,' and 'head,' but not on 'his' or 'he' or 'who.' Also, 'you' becomes 'yer,' except when it doesn't.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Decline the boy with the bad accent's offer.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

We can tour ourselves.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

It's irrelevant because we aren't a Rogue, but taking the tour is the way to acquire the Pickpocket career. The Pickpocket career comes with two abilities. One lets you get money if you decline a loot opportunity, but its the other that's really money: when you replace a piece of gear, you can give the outgoing gear's Ability to the incoming piece (replacing any Ability it had), and so go for better stats without breaking up your build synergies.
You find yourself standing on a wide promenade, which cuts through the center of the town. To your left you see a lop-sided building, its lower-storys sloping backwards into the murky swamp water. A sign outside the crooked front door reads 'Pisa's Rest.'

To your right, street vendors are touting their wares to the steady stream of passers-by. One in particular catches your eye - an elderly woman selling mushrooms from a squeaky wheel-barrow.

Finally, ahead of you, rising high into the pale mist, looms a large wooden amphitheater, its lofty heights glowing with lantern-light. Outside, crowds of people are pushing and shoving to get through the open doors.

'Come on, move it!' shouts one of the mob. 'The first fight of the season is about to begin!'

• Visit the tavern?
• Talk to the mushroom seller?
• Enter the amphitheater?
I'm just going to run through a bunch of this space, to save time. First, the mushroom vendor.
The elderly woman looks up as you approach. 'Care to take a look at my wares, young one?' she asks, gesturing to the bundles of mushrooms and other fungi packed into the wheelbarrow. 'All of these are fresh - oh yes. Picked them myself only yesterday.'

You may purchase any of the following for 40 gold crowns each. (Note: you can only use one glittercap mushroom and one mottled marshstick per combat:
Glittercap mushroom (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to raise your magic score by 3 for two combat rounds. Afterwards, you must reduce your magic by 1 for the remainder of the combat.
Mottled marshstick (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to raise your speed score by 3 for two combat rounds. Afterwards, you must reduce your speed by 1 for the remainder of the combat.
When you have made your purchases, you return to the main square.
Next, the tavern.
The taproom of Pisa's Rest is almost full to bursting point. As you make your way through the smoky haze, you spot a woman weaving between the crowded tables. She is carrying an open leather case, which she passes under the noses of the curious patrons. One man lifts a pair of metal gauntlets from out of the case, inspecting them thoughtfully. Gold exchanges hands, and the woman moves on to another table. You suspect she is a tinker, selling odds and ends of armor and equipment.

Where the sloping floor has sunk into the marsh, a make-shift bridge of wooden planks has been erected, forming a pathway to the bar. Behind it, a skinny man in a greasy apron is serving drinks to the waiting clientele.

• Talk to the barman?
• View the tinker's wares?
• Leave the tavern?
Talk to barman...
The barman looks busy, scurrying from one end of the bar to the other. When you finally manage to grab his attention, he hurries over, rubbing his hands on his greasy apron. 'What yer want?' he asks gruffly.

• Ask about Jenlar Cornelius?
• Ask if there is any work going?
• Ask about local rumors?
• Turn your attention back to the taproom?
Shaking the exposition tree.
'Who?' snaps the barman, cupping a hand to his ear. 'Cornelus, yer say? The only Cornelius I ever heard of is the marsh man. A crazy old hermit who lives out in the swamp. Never set eyes on 'im myself, but he's something of a local legend. They reckons he can see the future.' He snorts dismissively. 'Like I said, crazy old man. Now, I got work to do, so hurry up!'
'If i could afford to pay yer, I'd have yer working behind here,' the barman grins, tapping the counter. 'Yeah, I know - you ain't looking for tap work, are yer? Well, I hear talk there's some mercenaries moved in down south. Think they're planning on exploring those sunken ruins at the foot of the mountains. You might want to join them. I understand they were asking around for some talented treasure-hunters.'
'Treasure hunter, eh?' nods the barman. 'Everyone around here's looking for treasure. This marsh used to be full of gold and precious jewels, but it's all been picked clean now. You've got about as much chance of finding anything out there as I have of becoming the next king of Valeron.' He gives a snort of amusement. 'Look, if you're really serious about finding some treasure, then there's an old local legend that might give yer some hope. When the original prospectors came here, they spoke of a cave, out in those mangroves - and inside it, a treasure hoard of gold and jewels; enough to make anyone a king or queen. Only thing is, the explorer who found it never managed to find it a second time.' The barman shrugs his shoulders. 'Never heard of anyone losing a cave before. Sounds like nonsense if you ask me, but doesn't stop the treasure hunters coming in their droves. If it's good for business, it's all good by me.'
Then the tinker lady.
The tinker turns the leather case to face you. To your surprise, you discover that the interior of the case is far bigger than its outward appearance suggests. Inside is a veritable treasure trove of armor and equipment.

Rummaging through the selection, the following three items catch your eye. Each is available for 150 gold crowns.
Ramrod helm (head) +1 speed, +2 armor, Ability: haste (once per combat, roll an extra die for your attack total)
Dark crystal (main hand: dagger) +1 speed, +2 brawn, Ability: venom (like bleed, but 2 instead of 1)
Rune-forged greaves (feet) +2 speed, +2 magic
Finally, the fight amphitheater:
Inside, you find people milling around a row of booths, where gold is being exchanged for colored tickets. Next to the booths, a large chalk board provides the odds on the upcoming fight:

Left Hand Luke 2-1 : Samson the Small 20-2

Taking a nearby set of stairs, you emerge onto a balcony overlooking a circular pit. The floor of the pit is wet and marshy, littered with skulls, bones, and other human (and half-human) remains. All around this makeshift arena, people are crowding into wooden stalls and booths - pushing and shoving to get the best vantage points.

Then, from out of the archway overlooking the pit, a wizard on a magic carpet swoops out over the assembled crowds. 'Ladies and gentlemen - it's that time you've all been waiting for. Yes, it's the five hundred and eleventh gladiatorial games!'

The crowds cheer and holler as the wizard-announcer soars above their heads. 'Now, please put your hands together for the first of our brave competitors. On the red side, from the exotic pirate islands of Barbica, we have the enigmatic...'

You miss the rest of the announcement, as you are roughly spun around - to face the leering visage of a fat bald-headed ogre. Standing next to him is a thin man, dressed in fine-embroidered clothes.

'Good day, my friend,' he says, lifting a monocle to his left eye to inspect you better. 'You look a fine specimen, yes, a fine specimen indeed.' He offers out his hand, covered in a plethora of sparkling rings. 'I am Bart Murkrock, and this is my business associate, Knuckles.' The ogre gives you an unsettling growl. 'I noticed you coming in and I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, but you really should be down there.' He points to the pit, where two fighters are now entering the circle. The cries and shouts from the crowds are almost deafening.

'Look, I'll keep this simple. My prize fighter is ill - she's got the marsh fever. A terrible sickness... doubt she'll make it through. So, if you're brave enough to step up to the mark, you could make yourself a household na,e. Not to mention,' the man licks his lips greedily, 'substantially richer. So, what do you say?'

• Agree to take part in the gladiatorial games?
• Decline the offer?
How do we feel about prize-fighting? And did we want to buy any gear or fungus?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Speed: +8, Brawn: +2, Magic: +5, Armor: +5
Health: 40
HeadMauler's Maw+1+1Fearless
NecklaceTrophy of Bones+1+1Charm
CloakBat Cape+1+1
Main HandAncient Sword+1+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetReed-woven Sandals+1+1
TalismanSpindle's Eye+1Charm
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1Pot of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Ragged Boots

Fine Silver Key
Money Pouch: 156 Crowns
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Post by Omegonthesane »

The shrooms are worthless. Grab the greaves because SPEEEED then become a gladiator.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

All of those items are strict upgrades but the extra speed and magic from the greaves is best. Depending on what loot looks like in later quests we might want to buy one of the other things.

And then yeah, test out our new gear in the arena.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

...And we're poor again! Time to earn some dough at blood-sport.
Bart slaps you on the back. 'Splendid! Splendid! Follow me, no time like the present, eh?' You are ushered down a set of stairs and through a door into a small stuffy backroom. Here, various fighters are kitting themselves out with weapons and armor.

Bart leads you through the room and into a tunnel. 'No need for those rusty old hand-me-downs,' he says, nodding back towards the equipment room. 'Now, put on a good show and give the audience what they want -blood, and lots of it! Preferably not your own, of course.'

After another slap on the back, Bart turns and hurries away. 'Oh, I'll make a killing on this one,' he chuckles, rubbing his hands together in glee.

You step up to the portcullis - the only thing standing between you and the blood-thirsty roar coming from the pit. Peering through the grill, you see one of the previous combatants being stretchered off to a side door, to the accompaniment of angry boos and jeers. Several tense minutes later and the announcer's voice booms into life once again:

'Ladies and gentlemen - we have a last minute addition to our ranks. A new combatant from the... from the... well, they are so mysterious we don't know where they are from. But please put your hands together as we welcome our new challenger!'

The portcullis clatters open and you step out into the pit, your ears ringing with the deafening applause from the eager spectators. It is time to face your first opponent.
'Ladies and gentlemen, show your appreciation for the one and only, 'Left Hook' Luke. Former captain of the Betsy Blue and the most feared pirate of all the seven seas! Yee-hah!'

Your opponent strides confidently towards you, his bucket-topped boots squelching through the mud. He is ragged and thin, his greasy hair hanging in loose strands from beneath his tri-horned hat. With his one good eye (the other concealed by an eye-patch), he gives you the once-over, his lips curling into a sneer.

'I asks for a champion and they sends me a deckhand.' He circles around you, tapping the hook of his left hand against the blade of his cutlass. 'I hopes yer understand,' he says, grinning, 'I needs the money for a new ship. So, there ain't nothing coming between me and my bounty.'

You must now fight this deadly pirate captain:
Left Hook Luke78450

Special Abilities
- By hook: For each 1 rolled for your hero (attack speed or damage), they immediately take 2 damage from Luke's left hook. This ability ignores armor.
-And by crook: Once Luke's health is reduced to 20 or less, his attacks become more desperate. Luke only rolls 1 die for his attack speed, but rolls 2 dice for damage.
Well, once we provoke him into power attacking, we're in good shape, but until then, this is the hardest opponent yet!
Round 1: *Fearless* 9+11, Him 11+7; 1+6-4 damage (hook'd, we're at 38), he's at 47. *DOTs* He's at 45.
Round 2: Us 6+9, Him 11+7 (trickster'd) Us 10+9, Him 7+7; 2+6-4 damage, he's at 41. *DOTs* He's at 38.
Round 3: Us 5+9, Him 12+7 (slam'd) *DOTs* He's at 35.
Round 4: Us 6+9 (hook'd, we're at 36) (charm) 11+9, Him 10+7; 3+6-4 damage, he's at 30. *DOTs* He's at 26.
Round 5: Us 7+9 (charm) 10+9, Him 10+7; 6+6-4 damage, he's at 18. *DOTs* He's at 13.
Round 6: Us 6+9, Him 1+7; 3+6-4 damage, he's at 8. *DOTs* He's at 2.
Round 7: Us 7+9 (hook'd, we're at 34), Him 1+7; 2+6-4 damage, Left Hook Luke defeated!
This isn't the most blatant example, but I'm just going to mention that basically all the opponents in Act 2 are very hardcore by the standards of Act 1, which is mechanically necessary, but handled poorly fluff-wise. In particular, the pickpocket path involves fighting an aging thief who would give the legendary monsters from the previous Act a run for their money. How awesome do our previous victories feel when they would apparently have been simple tasks for random citizens just over the pass? The author needed a better grip on his conceptual space, because he's written a serious Captain Hobo problem into this book. Again, I think it's an MMO influence.
There is thunderous applause from the stalls. You may now take one of the following as your victory spoils:
Left hook (left hand: fist weapon) +1 speed, +2 brawn, Ability: immobilize (sp; 1/combat, opponent rolls 1 fewer die for attack speed)
Tri-horned hat (head) +1 magic, +2 armor, Ability: charm
Buccaneer's rapier (main hand: sword) +1 speed, +1 brawn, Ability: riposte (1/combat, after taking damage, deal 1 die of armor-ignoring damage to an opponent)
'Whoop! What a fight!' booms the announcer, as he swoops over the arena floor. 'Let's hear it again for our new rookie!'

The crowd roar their approval once again as you head back into the side-tunnel. Bart and his ogre Knuckles are waiting for you. The thin man is hopping up and down in excitement, waving a pouch of money in the air.

'Oh, listen to that sweet jingle-jangle! Music to my ears!' He opens the pouch and spills some of the gold into your hands. 'A splendid performance, and there'll be plenty more where that came from. Of that, I am sure.' (You have gained 30 gold crowns.)
'Now, here's the real deal,' says Bart, his expression turning solemn. 'The good news is that you're through to the next round. The bad news is that, from here on in, it gets a lot tougher. Knuckles here has been checking out your opposition.' He gestures to the ogre, who gives a rumbling belch in response. 'There are some big names in this tournament - best fighters we've seen. I suggest you get some rest before the next round. You're going to need it.'

• Fight the next round?
• Leave town and 'rest?' (You can return to fight the next round at any time from the main map.)
Pick a loot, and then it's either next fight or pick another quest.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Speed: +9, Brawn: +2, Magic: +6, Armor: +5
Health: 40
HeadMauler's Maw+1+1Fearless
NecklaceTrophy of Bones+1+1Charm
CloakBat Cape+1+1
Main HandAncient Sword+1+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSpindle's Eye+1Charm
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1Pot of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Ragged Boots

Fine Silver Key
Money Pouch: 36 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I actually think I'd take the hat. The sword is the same as our current but with a worse ability. The hook is like the shield, but gives +2 to Brawn instead of Armor which is less useful, and again has a worse ability. I like Charm more than Fearless and the relative +1 to Magic and Armor over our bear hat might actually be worth the Speed hit. Also a pirate hat is classy as fuck.

Keep fighting.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Fight the next round.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

New pirate hat!
The portcullis rises and you step out into the arena. The announcer swoops overhead, his flying carpet leaving a trail of glittering stars hanging in the air. 'And in the red corner, from the blighted coast of Cretaria, we have a mighty gladiator. His savage race know no pain, no mercy, no forgiveness. Put your hands together, folks, for Zen the Minorian!'

The portcullis at the opposite end of the arena rattles open. For a moment there is a hushed silence. Then you hear the clatter of hooves as a giant armored creature charges out of the tunnel. It has the upper body of a man and the lower body of a bull. Wielding a barbed spear, the Minorian dashes towards you, sending muddy water showering in all directions.

You must now fight this deadly adversary:

Special Abilities
- Charge: Zen can roll 3 dice for speed in the first round of combat. He is immune to any abilities that reduce his speed dice for this first round.
- Trample: If Zen gets a 6 when rolling for his damage score, your hero is trampled under the beast's mighty hooves. This adds an extra 5 to Zen's damage score.
Bart said 'a lot tougher' and he was not kidding.
Round 1: Us 9+8, Him: 11+10 (slam'd) *Thorns* He's at 59.
Round 2: Us 5+8, Him 6+10 (trickster'd) Us 8+8, Him 3+10; 6+7-8 damage, he's at 54. *DOTs* He's at 52.
Round 3: Us 11+8, Him 8+10; 2+7-8 damage, he's at 51. *DOTs* He's at 48.
Round 4: Us 4+8, Him 9+10; 4+10-6 damage, we're at 32. *DOTs* He's at 45.
Round 5: Us 4+8 (charm'd) 8+8, Him 5+10; 2+7-8 damage, he's at 44. *DOTs* He's at 40.
Round 6: Us 7+8, Him 8+10; 2+10-6 damage, we're at 26. *DOTs* He's at 36.
Round 7: Us 8+8, Him 4+10; 1+7-8 damage. *DOTs* He's at 32.
Round 8: Us 12+8, Him 11+10; 4+10-6 damage, we're at 18. *DOTs* He's at 28.
Round 9: Us 7+8 (charm'd) 10+8, Him 7+10; 6+6-8 damage, he's at 24. *DOTs* He's at 19.
Round 10: Us 11+8, Him 9+10; draw. *DOTs* He's at 14.
Round 11: Us 10+8, Him 10+10; 2+10-6 damage, we're at 12. *DOTs* He's at 9.
Round 12: Us 10+8, Him 7+10; 4+6-8 damage, he's at 7. *DOTs* He's at 3.
Round 13: Us 8+8 (charm'd) 9+8, Him 7+10; draw. *DOTs* Zen the manotaur defeated!
The ground trembles as the mighty creature crashes to the ground, dead. You may take one of the following items as your victory spoils:
Breastplate of the bull (chest) +3 brawn, +2 armor, Ability: charge (sp; +2 speed in the first round only) (requirement: warrior)
Braids of the bull (talisman) +1 speed, Ability: charge
Horns of the bull (head) +1 speed, +2 armor, Ability: charge
When you are reuinited with Bart, he hands over a bulging bad of money. (You have gained 40 gold crowns.) 'That was some fight,' he grins. 'But I still think you're holding back. This is the arena - you can fight dirty, you know. Perhaps Knuckles here could show you some of his special moves. Might help you in the coming fights. What do you think?

(We have not taken the path of the warrior.)
Alas, we don't get to learn the gladiator career. Their two abilities are a damage buff if they inflict damage two rounds in a row, and an innate version of slam, which is pretty nice.

Once again, pick a loot, then it's either another quest or the next fight. As before, the next fight is available at any time from the main map.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Speed: +8, Brawn: +2, Magic: +7, Armor: +6
Health: 40
HeadTri-Horned Hat+1+2Charm
NecklaceTrophy of Bones+1+1Charm
CloakBat Cape+1+1
Main HandAncient Sword+1+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSpindle's Eye+1Charm
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1Pot of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Ragged Boots

Fine Silver Key
Money Pouch: 76 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Half a vote to take the bull by the horns; methinks +1 speed permanently and +2 speed once is worth losing a reroll of one die at our discretion, but not confident of that or willing to run the numbers to make myself so.

Then on to what passes for an easy quest in these parts.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If I remember my probability right (which it's entirely possible I'm not), rerolling a d6 and taking the higher of the two averages about +1 to a roll. So it's worth about half of the charge but more flexible than it. In the abstract I'd say they're about equivalent to each other, but we have more charms so we're not exactly losing flexibility by taking the charge.

Both pieces of headgear give +2 Armor, but the Horns of the Bull's +1 to Speed is probably better than the +1 to Magic offered by the Tricorn Hat. The only thing really in favor of the pirate hat over the bull hat is that pirates are cooler than bulls.

Agreed on trying out the green quest.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Mr Shine »

Horns, and try out the other town.
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