4e Verisimilitude

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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Talisman »

virgileso at [unixtime wrote:1204849834[/unixtime]]
* Maneuverability other than perfect/good needs to be used more


* Flight needs to be a greater investment than the sum of jumping and climbing


* Ranged combat and flight is a heroic and appropriate combination, as viable as dueling swordsmen

Ranged combat is heroic. Flight is heroic. Ranged flight is not. If you attack from a position where the enemy cannot counterattack, you may be tactically savvy but you're not heroic.

* Decisions to leave oneself tactically limited without also including/using defenses against poor situations deserve whatever happens to them (archer in melee, for instance)


* Flying mounts (and equivalant situations) should be available by level 7

Disagree. Combat-flight and flying mounts should, IMDO, be available no earlier than level 10. Lower-level flight options should offer little or no combat utlility (see the levitate spell for an example - sometimes useful, but nowhere near as cheesy as fly).

This is how I, personally, like my D&D.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Orion »

there's Bellerophon. And there are tons of flying archer women in The Golden Compass. Actually, flying archer girls are almsot as common as regular archer girls in cartoons and anime.

Ranged attackers that are apparently unheroic:
http://www.luc.edu/faculty/pgraha1/myth ... y_1024.jpg
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by JonSetanta »

I believe that part of the 3.x problem with the Fly spell is that it renders walking pointless even when flight isn't required.
This is how Fly splits up:

  • Perfect maneuvering. The Best, really.
  • 60' base speed; faster than on foot.
  • Full range of motion options; you can fight, eat, cast spell, take a leak, whatever, all while flying.

1-2 of these options must be removed or nerfed hard from Fly capabilities at the ECL 5-6 range.
And that's just a start.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Leress »

Well in Slayers d20 there are two flight spell, Levitation and Raywing


  • Personal
  • Fly speed equals base speed, with perfect maneuverability
  • Concentration


  • Concentration
  • 90ft perfect maneuver
  • One creature within close range

Now, of course Levitation can be gotten at first level, and raywing as early as 5th. So to d20 fly in the range of 5-6th level range some of these option could be used.

The d20 Fly spell has good maneuvering not perfect.
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Just a heads up... Your post is pregnant... When you miss that many periods it's just a given.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Username17 »

If Flight used up a Press every round it would cover a lot of problems straight off. It would be inherently easy to knock you out of the sky (just deprive them of a Press for any reason); standing on the ground would make you inherently a better fighter.

And yeah, that seems to cover it, neh? The guy on the ground is better offensively, and the guy in the air is more vulnerable. Once the ground warrior can pull out any ranged weapon at all, the flying character will want to go to ground.

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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by RandomCasualty »

virgileso at [unixtime wrote:1204848322[/unixtime]]
Except that you don't have to just plain drop. You can just grab a hefty rock that you could throw, dive and release.

Still unless you've got something like a flying giant, it can't exactly throw giant boulders or anything. And you can just rule that ranged attacks from flight dont' work so well.

Imps and mephits very much do have ranged attacks, because of that thing called hands, much like harpies & sprites (of various types), another one you conveniently forgot about.

Only these races don't have much in the way of technology, so their melee weapons tend to be clubs and the like. And again, a rule preventing ranged attacks while in the air would fix all those problems. you need it for the pegasus archer, so might as well apply it across the baord to everything wtih hands.

Arrowhawk, gargoyle*, succubus, genies*, ghost* (those with TK and those with bows), certain half-fiends, ogre mage * (oni and miscellaneous eastern demons), ravid (stay out of reach while the environment attacks is equivalent to ranged attacks), vampires* (D&D vamps can still use dominate while in cloud form, and other types of vampires in myth can fly in human form, and spider climbing w/shifting works too), ythark

Gargoyles don't really use weapons, at least not the conventional gargoyle monster. Again, preventing concentration abilities while flying kind of handles the SLA based guys.

As far as the arrowhawk and the Ythark, they were just obscure monsters that I pretty much forgot about entirely. Don't think I've ever used them in a campaign before or ever fought one. But I suppose they technically count as core ranged + flight monsters even though they're very obscure.

Even in your appreciation for 4E, we have the spined devil. A level 6 flying monster with a ranged attack. So obviously they're still making monsters do things drastically before the PCs (which was the point of this thread I believe).

Well hopefully they don't allow flight + ranged. I mean, there may be some rule preventing that. In the new DDM, you actually can't fly inbetween rounds. flight all has to happen in your round then you land again.

And, like it or not, it is an established archetype for there to be archers on flying mounts. It's not a fact that they are stupid, it's your opinion, and one I disagree with. *I* would rather see the stupid swordsman be removed rather than the archer with flight, since those two cannot work together (though a smart swordsman can).

I'd prefer the heroic archetype kept and the guy who exists solely to cheese people out and kite them be removed. I always like flying mounts to be ultra rare and something you get for like one adventure or something, then they go away, at least until you're epic.

You speak of the vaulted ceilings as being more common than the 10' tall ones, and not dependent. Even then, we're going to have climbers & people standing in doorways partway up the wall on another level, all using ranged attacks; screwing the stupid swordsman as readily as a flier.

Well nothing stopping a swordsman from climbing.

This seems like a contradiction in your general attitude throughout this thread. When we have the archetype evolve to include new abilities & it's still the archetype, then that ability isn't something that breaks the archetype; thus having flight enter the scene at an earlier level wouldn't harm your 'archetype'.

Well yeah it would. Because I want a game about heroic fantasy and I want a place for classical fantasy as well as superheroic fantasy. I'd play Mutants and Masterminds or BESM if I wanted to play superman from low level on.

Flight comes WAY too early.

While there's a place for high powered fantasy where the PCs are fighting gods, flying about like dragons and the like, it isn't 5th level, that sounds high or epic level to me.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Jacob_Orlove »

FrankTrollman at [unixtime wrote:1204882718[/unixtime]]If Flight used up a Press every round it would cover a lot of problems straight off. It would be inherently easy to knock you out of the sky (just deprive them of a Press for any reason); standing on the ground would make you inherently a better fighter.

And yeah, that seems to cover it, neh? The guy on the ground is better offensively, and the guy in the air is more vulnerable. Once the ground warrior can pull out any ranged weapon at all, the flying character will want to go to ground.


Which action is Press again? If this is just the equivalent of removing Good and Perfect Maneuverability (i.e. no one can hover), then awesome.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by JonSetanta »

Could do the following:
~ Require all flying characters a Move Action to stay aloft. This would be like a mandatory Move action. Exception to this would be that anything with Perfect maneuvering requires a Swift (or Minor, w/e), due to 'hover'. Then again, I would do away with flight maneuvering categories entirely, maybe make it part of a universal movement skill for creatures called "Motion" that would cover any natural capabilities they possess; more ranks means more options and negates the following penalty:
~ Give all flying beings a penalty to AC and maybe other penalties. They expose more area by being in a #D environment because their "below direction" is exposed. Some circumstances negate this, such as training or natural ability, but only very powerful magic would grant 'true' flight like that of an Air Elemental.
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by Talisman »

Boolean at [unixtime wrote:1204870859[/unixtime]]there's Bellerophon.

He's a weenie.

And there are tons of flying archer women in The Golden Compass.

Yeah, and they're effectively an army. Refer to my earlier post: "tactically savvy" and "heroic" are two different things that may or may not align.

Ranged attackers that are apparently unheroic:

Bellerophon: Weenie.
Dragonriders of Pern: They fight a non-sentient, flying, alien fungus. Sometimes they fight each other. I will admit that ranged flight can be heroic when every one of your enemies has ranged flight capability as well.
Eros: I wasn't aware that he was ever considered a "hero" per se...more a god of love, lust and mischief.
DNAngel: Haven't watched the anime, so I can't comment.
Jesus: Apparenlty someone took my "Jesus Q. Superman" comment rather more literally than I had intended :wink: Seriously, huh?
Various Pokemons: You're claiming that tiny, cute, enslaved anime monsters are "heroic?" Mm-hmm. :bored:
Scoresby: I haven't read the books in a while and I missed the movie, so I can't really comment on him anyway.

Shall I respond with a list of heroic sword-wielders?
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by virgil »

Frank's Press is something close to the swift action, mentioned in the New Edition: Actions thread somehwere. I recall that the debate remained as to whether it was even a good idea.

Basically, requiring a Press each round as maintenance means that the creature falls if it's ever stunned (or a half-stun, something that shuts down your press action for a round). Potentially, some debuffs couldn't be removed because it would require a Press action to do so (depends on how you design offensive presses). It also means that a slew of offensive abilities that could be activated with a Press would be unavailable to the flyer; not enough to cripple the flyer, but an advantage of some kind is given nonetheless.

Of course, the stupid swordsman will still die, because he's not allowed to use anything at range; so a ranged Press is right out. For that reason, I approve :D
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Re: 4e Verisimilitude

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Talisman wrote:Shall I respond with a list of heroic sword-wielders?

Actually, I would like to see this list of heroes who use swords, never touch ranged weapons, and never fly.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Only thing I don't like about Press is the name.
It's an awful match for the purpose it fulfills.
"Sustain" or "Focus" would be better.
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Post by Username17 »

In 4e D&D the concept is called a "Minor Action." This would be different because we wouldn't be allowing people to trade Moves for them. The name comes from the Jyhad card game.

In any case, the different maneuverabilities of flight would probably revolve around different sustaining costs.

Flying could require your Stance. It could require a Press action each round. It could require you to Move each round. And worse versions of flight would require more than one of those.

So Levitation is kind of cool because it just uses up a stance slot. That means that if you get knocked out, you float there in the end like a Drow. Meanwhile regular flight uses up some tactical action each round. And worse flight not only uses a tactical action each round it also requires that you move a certain distance each round, which makes it suck in close terrain or when enemies have ranged superiority.

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Post by Draco_Argentum »

That sounds quite workable. Once flight isn't better than walking 100% of the time it'll hopefully go back to being an option most of the time. Right now the fly spell is required all the time.
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Post by Orion »

I don't know why Bellerophon is cheaper than Perseus or any of those other Greek bastards.

DNAngel features 2 angel guys who fly around and shoot energy beams at each other. But there are pletny fo other anime, and western cartoons, with flying magic-shooting heroes.

Pern? Yeah, the fungus are a major threat, but they fight their share of humans as well. Often this involves dismounting and knife-fighting, but they've also been known to teleport in on thier dragons to show the groundpounders who's boss. Very D&D. Regardless, there are plenty of toher dragonriders. Take Eragon.

Jesus has Water Walking, which is as good as flight for pwning sowrdsmen. We never see him make ranged attacks, but John has Fire Storm, so presumeably Jesus does as well.

Serafina is a lone, heroic witch, who has daring adventure involving flying around shooting people in the face.

On Eros and the pokemon -- I thought you also wanted to get rid of ranged flying *enemies*
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Post by Cynic »

How did Bellerephon become a weenie?

He's probably one of the few greek heroes who was both intellectually and physically proficient in every challenge he met (save storming olympus on Pegasus.)

I think it was probably only during the Renaissance that he faded out of view from being the penultimate Greek Hero. At that time, due to the poets, he was replaced by either Perseus or Jason (probably perseus) but I can't remember my lit-studies anymore.

Eros -- depends on which version of his myth, he is either equivalent ot the first-born angel (Bede once made the stipulation that Lucifer might have been referenced from the original Eros myth.) He sprang from chaos along with Gaia according to other versions's so he can be symbolized as bravura to Gaia's constancy.

The silly boy-angel hallmark figure is only because, again, of the European classicists and the Renaissance art.
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Post by Harlune »

A_Cynic wrote:How did Bellerephon become a weenie?
I blame MMOGs.... Everquest in particular. That was the first place I started seeing this 'Attacking something from a position where it can't attack back is an unfair exploit!' line of thinking.

Realizing that like, two thirds of the Art of War would be considered banable exploits in the minds of the EQ devs was about the point where I decided I had no interest in playing that game.
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Post by Murtak »

Harlune wrote:I blame MMOGs.... Everquest in particular. That was the first place I started seeing this 'Attacking something from a position where it can't attack back is an unfair exploit!' line of thinking.

Realizing that like, two thirds of the Art of War would be considered banable exploits in the minds of the EQ devs was about the point where I decided I had no interest in playing that game.
Sheesh, whats with the EQ hate on this board and more to the point whats with the stupid bullshit nonsense hate? Fine you don't like the game, and you feel the need to tell us all about it, but would you mind sticking to the facts?

Yes, exploiting flaws in the zone geometry is a bad thing. No, doing so is not strategy, it is cheating. You don't get banned for pincushioning something from horseback, you get banned for hopping around on cliff edges, trying to find the 5 by 5 pixel area that is not assigned any pathing information and which thus does not exist for NPCs at all. The real world equivalent to this is not Sun Tzu. It is however rather like using an obvious typo. Guess what - these get shot down by GMs as well.

For the record, I have seen people claim that sniping from safety is cheap before EQ came out, while playing DnD no less. Now I wouldn't call it cheap myself but it does seem so damn boring that I can't imagine why someone would do it in a game they supposedly play for fun.
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Post by virgil »

I can see a game where people snipe from safety as being fun, you just gloss over the actual act of shooting the fish in the barrel and move onto the scenes where you aren't/can't snipe from safety (one or both are unavailable options, as it were). It's like using the Take 10 rule, but for combat :P
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Post by Harlune »

Ehhh... Terrain/Pathing exploits, leading a giant monster into a canyon where it'll get stuck next to a bridge it's too gigantic to pass under, Potato, Pototo...

Seriously though, it's been like nearly a decade since then, so a lot of it is rather fuzzy but I do have vague recollections of people getting banned for things that seemed like perfectly logical strategies at the time.

But I suppose it didn't help that I came to EQ from Asheron's Call where things like having a Warrior jump down into a room full of nasties and lead them under a ledge filled with Archers, Mages and Healers or forming a wall of warriors in a narrow tunnel to physically block a mob from passing them (none of that damned 'aggro' bullshit) were considered perfectly valid tactics.

Anyway… TL;DR yeah, I got way too off-topic. To me, the idea of a single or small number of people saving the day by overcoming a much larger or powerful enemy is the definition of heroic. Whether the enemy could actually hit them during the battle isn’t even a factor.

Granted, in most of the old myth/stories, the Big Bad that the hero used range/travel abilities to beat would have actually one-shotted him if it could have reached them. Perhaps that's the reason for this unfair tactics line of thought. Once you're dealing with a situation where the hero can get hit with a dragon talon the size of his head and still have it just be a 'flesh wound' going the Bellerephon route is suddenly just unsportsmanlike.
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Post by Cynic »

Harlune wrote:Ehhh... Terrain/Pathing exploits, leading a giant monster into a canyon where it'll get stuck next to a bridge it's too gigantic to pass under, Potato, Pototo...


Anyway… TL;DR yeah, I got way too off-topic. To me, the idea of a single or small number of people saving the day by overcoming a much larger or powerful enemy is the definition of heroic. Whether the enemy could actually hit them during the battle isn’t even a factor.

Granted, in most of the old myth/stories, the Big Bad that the hero used range/travel abilities to beat would have actually one-shotted him if it could have reached them. Perhaps that's the reason for this unfair tactics line of thought. Once you're dealing with a situation where the hero can get hit with a dragon talon the size of his head and still have it just be a 'flesh wound' going the Bellerephon route is suddenly just unsportsmanlike.
1. Terrain/non-pathed exploits is not the same as leading someone into a cavern too small to escape out of.

2. It's not just a gigantic dragon talon the size of Bellerephon's head but also spells that can hit from the same range, gaze attacks, etc...
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Post by Jacob_Orlove »

A_Cynic wrote:I think it was probably only during the Renaissance that he faded out of view from being the penultimate Greek Hero.
As a brief aside and nitpick, but
ul·ti·mate /ˈʌltəmɪt/
1. last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series: the ultimate point in a journey; the ultimate style in hats.
2. maximum; decisive; conclusive: the ultimate authority; the ultimate weapon.
3. highest; not subsidiary: ultimate goal in life.
4. basic; fundamental; representing a limit beyond which further progress, as in investigation or analysis, is impossible: the ultimate particle; ultimate principles.
5. final; total: the ultimate consequences; the ultimate cost of a project.
6. not to be improved upon or surpassed; greatest; unsurpassed: the ultimate vacation spot; the ultimate stupidity.
pe·nul·ti·mate /pɪˈnʌltəmɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pi-nuhl-tuh-mit] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play.
2. of or pertaining to a penult.
Anyway, if flight + ranged attacks is so easy, then shouldn't it be equally easy to fly up to the ranged attackers and wreck them with lances or swords? If melee is balanced against ranged on the ground, it seems like it'd be simple to ensure similar in the air. And if we give ranged people benefits for being on the ground (like better cover, and freeing up their stance/press/whatever), then all you need is the threat of being able to take to the air yourself to keep both you and your opponents on the ground. Indeed, there's no reason why the game has to move to the air at any level.

And aren't most of these heroes we're talking about ones who can get in the air if they need to, but don't bother to as a general rule? That seems to be perfectly modeled by a system where low level flight is available, but weak and easily trumped.

Edit: I took the penultimate thing to PM to avoid further hijacking the thread.
Last edited by Jacob_Orlove on Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cynic »

Jacob_Orlove wrote:
A_Cynic wrote:I think it was probably only during the Renaissance that he faded out of view from being the penultimate Greek Hero.
As a brief aside and nitpick, but
ul·ti·mate /ˈʌltəmɪt/
1. last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series: the ultimate point in a journey; the ultimate style in hats.
2. maximum; decisive; conclusive: the ultimate authority; the ultimate weapon.
3. highest; not subsidiary: ultimate goal in life.
4. basic; fundamental; representing a limit beyond which further progress, as in investigation or analysis, is impossible: the ultimate particle; ultimate principles.
5. final; total: the ultimate consequences; the ultimate cost of a project.
6. not to be improved upon or surpassed; greatest; unsurpassed: the ultimate vacation spot; the ultimate stupidity.
pe·nul·ti·mate /pɪˈnʌltəmɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pi-nuhl-tuh-mit] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play.
2. of or pertaining to a penult.
I could get into a serious prescriptivist vs. descriptivist debate with you.

For example, decimate actual means to destroy one in 10 but that's obviously not the current definition.

Penultimate, while it isn't listed in most dictionaries as being anything but the last part of a play or pertaining to the last syllable in a word (yes, I know what penult means -- Linguistics for the win!), neither of those are the common definitions of penultimate.

Penultimate is often used as a hyper-synonym for ultimate by the layman.

A dictionary definition really doesn't mean anything because words in the dictionary are added because of common use.

A quick google search shows that aside from the top four-five dictionary/encyclopedia entries on penultimate, every other result shows the sort of use of the word that refers to the epitome/the best/the final rather than next to last or any other definition of the word that might refer to one more still to come.
1. PenUltimate Editorial Services | Freelance Editor & Proofreader ...
I doubt this freelancer wants to be next to last freelancer or even editor on the market. He wants to be known as the only editor worth considering.
2. Penultimate is designed to bring to you a selected limited offering of fine vintage fountain pens.
You see, they do not want to bring you the next to last batch of vintage fountain pens as that would take away from their marketing scheme. They want you to believe that it is the last rather than next to last.
3. Riddle's Penultimate Cafe & Wine Bar
Again, the final cafe & wine bar where you can get your italian espresso mixed with your german Riesling. (I doubt they actually would do something that vile...but still)
I can give you more, but I don't want to go away from the OP.
Sorry, I can't stand it when people nitpick something and aren't fully informed. It happens though. Hope, I could be of some help.
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Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Just for the record, attacking something that cannot attack you back is an exploit in the real world. There are numerous people that complain about how unfair it is. For instance, I'm sure that General Custer thought that the indians were not fighting fair when they peppered his army with arrows. However, in the real world, you don't get a vote after you are dead.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Custer is a great example of a cowardly little bitch.
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