Raid on Chateau Fekenstein

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Checking out the interesting thing would be a terrible idea, so lets try that.

(Oh no, not Trooper Redshirt!)
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Sidequest is on !

You move away from the troops although you do notice Trooper Valis is shadowing you, obviously at the instruction of First Trooper Charl. The foreign magic is elusive and you go a surprising distance from the troops in an attempt to pin it down.
Roll 2 dice and add your current Education score to the roll. Add a further +2 if you have fought against corpses in your notes section on your character sheet and +1 if you are skilled with Divinatory Means and Methods.
If the total rolled is less than 14, you are unable to pick up the scent and return to your troops. Turn to 42.
If the total rolled is 14 or higher, turn to 51.

We couldn't miss that one if we tried :cool:

It suddenly clicks in your mind that this magic you are detecting traces of is necromantic magic. Narrowing your senses to the appropriate form enables you to quickly trace the taint to a small but fast flowing stream. Investigating the stream further, upstream it disappears into the hill upon which the chateau sits. The taint of necromancy is stronger here, coming from the water-carved hole and you find bits and pieces of what can only be flesh and bone scattered around the entrance.

Thinking back to your initial briefing, you conclude that this river must be where the chateau collects its well-water from, although it is difficult to believe them foolish enough to be dropping dead bodies infused with necromantic materials down their well. This is however, potentially an alternate way into the chateau. A way that would let you avoid the dangers of your current plan. You could work your way back along the stream then use the climbing devices your troops possess to scale the chateau’s well. What could be easier ?

If you want to get the troops together and implement this new (and possibly crazy) plan, turn to 83.
Otherwise, you rejoin your troop and continue with the original plan of infiltration, turn to 42.
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Post by SGamerz »

Take the new option that our successful ability test roll opened for us.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I agree with SGamerz
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Post by ashimbabbar »

When you explain the new plan there are some mutters and dark looks, but troops seem prepared to follow your lead. With you in the front and First Trooper Charl next in line, you make your way into the stream.
It is cold! It is also difficult work pushing against the flow of water and you hate to think what harm the lingering necromantic taint is doing to you. You get to a point where there is no breathing space, the passage is completely water filled. You know that holding your breath and pushing your way through the water will not get you far. You estimate you have covered only a fraction of the distance required. Your only chance of further progress is to use your magic abilities.

The problem is, we don't have either of the magic abilities that would have made us navigate this one :mrgreen:

If you don’t possess either of these two skills, you have to admit defeat and go back to the original plan, turn to 61.

You leave the stream, cold and dejected (not that you weren’t already wet, muddy and cold). You make your way back to the initial staging point for the next phase of your plans. You have lost some time, but even worse, you know you have lost some of the respect of the troops. Reduce your current Luck by 1 point.
Turn to 42.

You make your way up the mud-slicked hill, the chateau growing larger before you. You can see the shield ahead of you, shimmering with the dissipation of wild energies absorbed from the bombardment. Your arcane senses reassure you that the energy is at a low level and is unlikely to be harmful (at least in the short term, who knows what the long-term consequences of absorption of wild magic has on the body are), so you step through. There is a tingling shudder of energy pass through you but otherwise no ill effects, so you motion the troop through. On your character sheet under notes, write that you have studied shielding effects.
Slowly and very carefully, you make your way to the far side of the chateau where the constant bombardment, some of which you note is getting through the shields (albeit at a reduced energy level), is likely to be least. You sight the top of the imposing walls and your troops get out rope and various climbing devices (such as a stonemeld device which attaches itself to the wall, giving you a hook to anchor the ropes to) from their packs to aid your climb. Then you begin.
If you have Combat Precognition active, turn to 53.

You narrow down the focus of your precognition spells to only include dangers from scaling the wall, this gives you a clearer reading in a narrower band. Then you climb the wall, making steady progress and keeping just behind First Trooper Charl. The wall is rain-slicked but the devices your band possesses make it easy but strenuous work. You pass several windows too small to enter and are tempted to approach one to look inside but resist with the thought you yourself might be seen.
A sudden spell fuelled intuition leads you to suddenly scuttle across the wall several feet to your left and only just in time. A particularly viscous series of bombardments partially overloads the shields. Energy flares and strikes the wall where you were moments ago, sending small fragments of shattered rock into the air. Restore 1 point of current Luck for this fortunate escape.
The rest of the climb is uneventful and one after another, you and your troops carefully slide between the crenulations at the top of the wall and onto the chateau proper.
Turn to 20.
Last edited by ashimbabbar on Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

again, not sure of how much space one post accommodates. Totally not a way to increase my posting score :mrgreen:

The flat area at the top of the chateau tower has been heavily reinforced with four well shielded turrets at the corners allowing a good field of fire for the bombardment pieces housed within. Miserable enemy troops huddle down in the turrets, occasionally loading and activating the stubby bombardment devices, sending a trickle off fire back at the trenches.
Camouflaged by your cloaks and the continuing rain, none of the enemy troops react as you make your way down the stairwell and into the top story of the chateau itself. You send Valis out to have a scout around and he soon comes back with his report. If you had Combat Precognition active, lose 1 point from your current Mental Fortitude at this point from the strain then decide if you want to keep using it (knowing the cost) or let the spells drop.
According to the information gained by Valis, the top story is almost completely deserted due to the occasional penetration of bombardment through the shields which makes this story unsafe for the enemy troops. The level below contain as well equipped infirmary which has about fifty patients in it at current from all accounts, most with fairly minor wounds. There are also a number of rooms which have been converted into barracks, which you intend to stay well away from, as well as what can only be the armoury, which is guarded by a small contingent of troops. Valis has also located a little used servants’ stairwell leading to the second floor of the chateau – this is the obvious way on.
If you want to head towards the armoury with view towards sabotage, turn to 37.
If you want to concentrate on the mission and head down the servant’s stairwell, turn to 75.

So it's as good a moment as any to recap

• Endurance: 5/6
• Mental Fortitude: 6/7
• Luck: 5/5
• Education: 9

• BMA: Arcane Theory
• Arcane Manipulation
• Divinatory Means and Methods
--> • Combat Precognition

• Has Seen The Worst

. Standard Equipment: Chameleon Cloak, Dagger, Wand
. Portable Hole Maker
. Sphere of Devastation

fought against corpses
studied shielding effects
Last edited by ashimbabbar on Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Since the last diversion didn't go down well, I vote to stick with our plan now. Servant's stairwell.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Combat Precog on or off ?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Focus on the mission, keep precog on.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Yeah., keep recog on.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Down we go…

At the end of the stairwell is the chateau’s second story. Once plush palatial-like bedrooms and halls, this level has now obviously been taken over as officer territory. A quick scout by Trooper Valis reveals you are in the right place. In the centre of the level, in what must once have been the ballroom, you can feel the thrumming power of the shielding device. Valis confirms the worst. It is well guarded by a dozen troops outside the room with no idea how many more are inside. Over the constant beat of the shielding device, you catch a faint wiff of another altogether more unpleasant kind of magic.
If you want to investigate this other magic, turn to 93.
If you want to find some way of getting to the shielding device, turn to 15.
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Post by SGamerz »

Investigate the new thing again.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I second looking at new thing.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Here you are, in the middle of an enemy stronghold, trying to track down an elusive scent of magic that seems ‘wrong’. No wonder the rest of the team give you odd looks. The taint of magic is faint.
Roll 2 dice and add your Education score to the total. Add an extra +1 if you possess Divinatory Means & Methods, an extra +2 if you have fought against corpses in your notes section on your character sheet and another +2 if you have seen the experimental chamber in the notes section on your character sheet.
If the total rolled is less than 16, you cannot track the scent down and try to work out a plan to get at the shielding device, turn to 15.
If the total rolled is 16 or higher, turn to 52.

The author is being snotty.
With a total bonus of +12, it would be uncommonly difficult to fail, so let's roll… 6 for a total of 18.

Twice you have to avoid small groups of enemy soldiers as you attempt to track the magic down. Finally you find the right place; your finely-tuned senses smell the scent of necromantic magic through this door. Waiting till the hall is clear First Trooper Charl applies a lockbuster to the door and it rapidly does its job, accelerating the rusting process to a point where the lock almost dissolves away as you watch. Luckily the chateau is an older building - many structures today use more modern alloys which would be proof against this particular device.

You cautiously enter the room, wary for magical traps. This is one of the chateau’s more richly appointed room, now taken over by the resident necromancer if the tomes of magic on the shelves and the displays in their small glass jars littered at points across the room are any indication. There is a strong taint of necromancy coming from behind a picture above the ornate bed. Behind the picture is a safe. You think another lockbuster (Charl has at least several more left) will do the job of opening it but the strong aura of necromancy on the safe suggests a trap to you.

If you have Combat Precognition currently active, turn to 32.

If you possess Arcane Manipulation and wish to use it, turn to 40.

If you possess Dissipation and wish to use it, turn to 63.

If you want to risk applying the lockbuster to the safe, turn to 80.

To head back and work out a plan to get at the shielding device (as that is your mission), turn to 15.

Yes we have.

You test the trap by moving your hand closer while your precognition spells are active. As your hand gets close, there is a scream of intense danger from your magical senses. Touching the safe is not an option!
If you possess Arcane Manipulation and wish to use it, turn to 40.
To head out of this room and work out a plan to get at the shielding device, turn to 15.

Looks like there is no alternative. At least we didn't get hideously slaughtered by whatever magic trap lays there.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

You head into a room adjoining to the ballroom which contains the shielding device. This room has been used a planning/war-room. In the centre of the room, surrounded by comfortable chairs, is a table which contains maps showing the allied trenches and the chateau and has numerous little metal figures representing troops. There is a smell of stale cigar smoke in the room and several of the chairs still have small tumblers on them, either empty or in cases still half filled with strong spirits.

“Right,” you state, “we need to get through this wall”, pointing to the solidly worked stone wall covered in tapestries. “Charl, get out one of your portable hole making devices,” you command.

Charl hang-facedly admits that this is one of the few devices he didn’t bring, not having enough arcane ability to activate one himself.

If you possess a portable hole and wish to use it, turn to 46.

Otherwise, a frontal assault on the troops guarding the ballroom doors is your only option, turn to 68

Well, we possess one. Do we wish to use it ?
Last edited by ashimbabbar on Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

I thought we did pick Arcane Manipulation as our minor?
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Post by ashimbabbar »

You're entirely right, I rushed here when I remembered that to change the posts, but you beat me :bash: :bash: :bash: to it

So, do we want to use Arcane Manipulation ?
Last edited by ashimbabbar on Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Use our blue ability.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Use Arcane Manipulation.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by ashimbabbar »

We manipulate.

Not wishing to touch the safe, you draw upon some of the easier arcane manipulation spells, using magic to move and activate the lockbuster. Not having a valid target, the necromantic trap around the safe does not activate, even as you use a second and then finally a third lockbuster to destroy the lock on the safe. Still using your manipulation magic, you pull open the safe. Within is an item wrapped in waxed hide, about the size of a small chest or large book. Applying more arcane force, you pull the item towards you until it is in your hand, then you open the hide to see what is within.
Turn to 35.

Inside the wrapping is an old and well worn tome. Powerful magic radiates not only from the tome but also away from the tome and you realise what this is. Back before modern magic, when devices were not so common, one rare device was a tome of power, which focuses and enhances the magic of a person attuned to it – much like a wand except a bit broader in application. Terribly hard to make and requiring a mammoth expenditure of arcane resources, tomes of power are never made these days. The process is just too uncertain.

The enemy’s arcanist in the chateau has somehow acquired this tome and successfully attuned it. This makes them especially dangerous. You would dearly love to try and break their attunement and form your own with the device, but not only would it take to much time it would be immediately obvious to the other arcanist. You take the device – note tome of power under equipment on your character sheet.
Now you must try and get to the shielding device, turn to 15.

Yes, having fun with books and traps should not distract us from our suicide mission…

You head into a room adjoining to the ballroom which contains the shielding device. This room has been used a planning/war-room. In the centre of the room, surrounded by comfortable chairs, is a table which contains maps showing the allied trenches and the chateau and has numerous little metal figures representing troops. There is a smell of stale cigar smoke in the room and several of the chairs still have small tumblers on them, either empty or in cases still half filled with strong spirits.
“Right,” you state, “we need to get through this wall”, pointing to the solidly worked stone wall covered in tapestries. “Charl, get out one of your portable hole making devices,” you command.
Charl hang-facedly admits that this is one of the few devices he didn’t bring, not having enough arcane ability to activate one himself.
If you possess a portable hole and wish to use it, turn to 46.
Otherwise, a frontal assault on the troops guarding the ballroom doors is your only option, turn to 68

We have one; do we wish to use it, or do we prefer frontal assault ?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Is the portable hole resuable? Is so, use it here, otherwise I'd recommend keeping it and frontal assaulting.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

although it's not explicitly stated ( or did I miss it ? ) it's my understanding all low-level magical devices are one-shot only: here we've had to use several lockbusters* in a row, and Charl is described as carrying several of different types.

So, 1 vote for frontal assault ?

* it attempted to write blockbusters but I was vigilant
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, the name "portable hole maker" implies that it's reusable, but the description implies that it's a one-use thing (it's "a substance applied to a stone surface") as does the fact that Charl normally carries multiple of the devices.

I still think I might play it safe and use the hole maker here anyways.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Use the holemaker We will penetrate where we want!
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