Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by SGamerz »

So....is he staying put like I am?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

They have to move somewhere from the Rainbow Inn, but they haven't posted as to where just yet.
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Post by SGamerz »

Wanna PM a prod? I'm positive he logged on within the past day. Did he forget about this? Or possibly there was some misunderstanding in the posts like what happened between us? :tongue:

EDIT: Nevermind, just as I posted that, I saw his thread updated. Great!
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Waits 35 and 36

Your opponent has gone to the Citadel of the Skull, and then into his Sanctum. And then spent another wait there.

Future historians will probably not write too much about the part of the Duel where the two of you were both relaxing in your homes.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Just to confirm, what's my CP level now?

A little too close for comfort.....wait another turn.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

WAIT(37), bringing you up to 9CP, and you are at full LP (20)

And your opponent has just gone to the Rainbow Inn.
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Post by SGamerz »

Hah! Looks like I was right to wait.

Wait another turn to see if he leaves.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

WAIT(38) and he's just gone back to the Citadel of the Skull.
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Post by SGamerz »

Is he just gonna wander back and forth between those 2 zones until I get there? Surely he knows that an ambush doesn't work well when his enemy can spy on him by magical means?

Or maybe he knows I'd want to hire the thief again and is trying to prevent me from staying there.

Oh well, I guess it's time for a change of strategy.....

....go to the Garden, then straight to Desolation of Illexmanan the Aggrieved without stopping.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You opponent has climbed a passageway up into one of the eye sockets of the Citadel of the skull, and is in an office or command post of some kind.


A new panorama opens up before you as you step from the portal into the Garden of Contemplation, so called because the greatest of Sages, Veritegal, found that his finest thoughts and ideas came as he sojourned in these balmy glades. You sense that this is a place where the currents of green magic and blue magic mix and interweave. The rambling gardens have an unobtrusive order, the shrubs and flowers blend and complement each other even tough everything appears to have grown naturally from where the seed fell. The grass has been cropped short by goats and you are looking down a natural avenue of tress towards a cosy-looking bower where a seat festooned with honeysuckle nestles amidst a circle of beech trees. Behind a screen of trees to your left the merry tinkling of a fountain or stream from a background to the birdcalls. Beyond a line of trees to your right is a pretty thatched cottage.


If you are still wondering at the tranquil beauty of the gardens you may decide to sit in the bower to think, to stride out towards the white summerhouse, to go in search of the stream or fountain, or to enter the little thatched cottage on your right.

Or you may wish to Invoke the Portals and leave this place. Where will you follow your quest to become Duelmaster next: the Palace of Flames, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, or the Shrine of the Martyrs?


You step through the portal into bright sunlight. The air is crisp and cold. Everywhere around you stretches a vast expanse of barren, grey rock, the Desolation of Ilexmanan the Aggrieved. You sense this is an area of the Rainbow Land where the greater magics do not function.

Not a single living creature disturbs the silence, save you and the moaning wind. Two things stand out like blazing beacons in the bleak waste. Some way ahead lies a green copse and to the left crumbles an ancient ruin of some castle.

Will you investigate the ruins or the copse? Alternatively you may Invoke the Portals and travel either to the Garden of Contemplation or the Sacred Grove. WAIT(40) before you turn to the paragraph of your choice, unless you have a STEED in which case you need not WAIT(40).
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Post by SGamerz »

Burn Check the copse.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

After a short journey, you enter the cope, a green peaceful place yet it fills you with unease. At the centre of the copse is a small clearing. A mummified corpse lies on the briar at its centre. the body looks as if it has been dead for millennia. In its hands, clasped at its chest, is a crystal, pulsating with a soft blue light. You recognise the fabled Crystal of Power, one of the greatest magic items of the druid Ilexmanan the Aggrieved, who was corrupted and consumed by his lust for power. You may take the Crystal, or leave it and Invoke the Portals, in which case you can go to the Sacred Grove or the Garden of Contemplation. But you must WAIT(41) first before you do so.

There is a picture here
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Thaluikhain, to fix the thread, please remove the last [ /quote ] from the preceding post.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Oh, thanks.
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Post by SGamerz »

I know I'm going to take a curse and probably get into a fight with a mummy if i go for the crystal, so can I please get an orb-update on my enemy's position before I decide? I don't want him walking in while I'm fighting that thing.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your opponent has just gone to the Sacred Grove.
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Post by SGamerz »


Rush to the Sacred Grove.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The Sacred Grove is a large area of lightly-wooded meadows in the valley of the river Azurain. As you step from the portals the sun is about to set, throwing a warm blush of crimson and flame-orange over the trees and the grass. The great waterfall is turned pink in the evening light. Beyond the waterfall is a circle of oak trees and within them two concentric rings of standing stones. The Sacred Grove is a place of both white and green magic but it is here, within the standing stones, that the druids meet to perform the Rituals of Rebirth.

Suddenly, everything grows dark around you and you find yourself standing inside the circle of standing stones. Just yards away from you is your opponent. The druids of the Sacred Grove realize that an important battle in the quest to find a new Duelmaster is to be fought here and they will not hinder you in any way. Within moments they have disappeared into the trees.

You may describe your appearance to your opponent now, the colour of your robes and your class. You should also tell your opponent what artefacts you are carrying. You may exchange insults and epithets now such as 'Durst thou dare to stand against my puissant might, thou impotent gadfly.'

Your opponent is Boner, a Necromancer. They are accompanied by a zombie. They carry the Sceptre of Doom and two scrolls, a Rod of Summoning and a familiar looking shield

You carry the Eye of Flame ruby, the Diadem of Rulership, the Bones of the Earth, the gem of the fabled Ring of Summoning, a scroll with the spell Tanglevines, a suit of armour. The Orb of All-Seeing Wonder

You have 20LP and 9 CP

You will go first (chosen randomly)

You can cast Tanglevines from your scroll, or cast Juggernaught, or flee.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Oh sh*t, they have the completed Rod? Good thing I caught him on time. Can't let him choose the battleground.


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Post by Thaluikhain »

Summoning all your reserves of concentration, you cast the terrible spell known as Tanglevines. There is no counterspell known to even the most puissant mages that can bar the effects of this spell. read the following to your opponent:

My arms are spread wide as I cast the direst dweomer from which there is no protection. The vines that festoon the tree behind you come to life and grow until they are entwined about you. You struggle but there is nothing you can do and I shall now do with you whatever I please. You are pinned helplessly


At the sound of your incantation you see a look of unbridled panic in my face. I can do nothing to withstand the Juggernaught which soon reduces me to a bloody pulp. I am slain. You have defeated me and are the victorious Duelmaster.

You summon all your resources and, gripping the Bones of the Earth so tightly that your knuckles turn white, let loose the most earth-shattering of all spells, Juggernaught. Read the following to your opponent:

The Bones of the Earth are in my hands and your end is nigh. I do no more than cast a small pebble in your direction and utter the incantation, 'Come to my aid, O Juggernaught of the Earth.' The earth before you erupts into a small mountain of debris from which a colossal figure of rock and mud emerges forcefully. It strides towards you, raising its fists. My servant will pound you to jelly, you snivelling lunatic.'


At the sound of your incantation you see a look of unbridled panic in my face. I can do nothing to withstand the Juggernaught which soon reduces me to a bloody pulp. I am slain. You have defeated me and are the victorious Duelmaster.

Your opponent is slain. you are the surviving Duelmaster and the people of the Rainbow Land salute you. When you return to the Council of Wizards you will take your place on the Excellent Seat of All-Seeing Glory and be hailed as the greatest mage of your time. There is little you cannot do. People will travel to seek your advice from all the lands, both near and far, many bearing exotic and sumptuous gifts in exchange for the few crumbs of knowledge that you let fall from your table. You may travel wherever you wish in the Rainbow Land and no one dare gainsay you. Rather everybody seeks to befriend you. Your name will go down in the annals of history and the bards will echo your exploits through the centuries.

But beware, you cannot halt you quest for knowledge and power, for the time will come when another, younger mage will dare to challenge you for your position on the throne and undertake the ritual duel in the Rainbow Land.
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