ToFIE: the crappy RPGMaker game

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Post by Koumei »

To be honest, I can't do anything about the clicking - it probably isn't implemented that well in RPGMaker, so my best suggestion is to use a controller like god intended, and I don't even believe in gods.

The starter dungeon is really supposed to be just a basic intro thing. Fair enough on encounters being too common, but I'm kind of lazy when it comes to creating monsters especially when you then have to create individual "troops" (encounters). You can't simply say "Enemies in this area: A, B, X, Y" and have it decide how many of what, if you want 1 bat, 2 bats, 1 slime, 1 slime + 2 bats, you're looking at creating 4 entries (plus the actual data for the monsters).

So yeah, I'm going to have to make actual downloadable updates few and far between, but with all files distributed to make sure audio load errors don't happen. And basically just suggest "don't use the mouse, I know you wish you were playing NWN or BG but try to keep them from your mind, just thinking about how much you loved (FF game of choice) and how glad you are this isn't Diablo 2".

The next update is going to be a while, because aside from fixing whatever errors I've found here, it's going to cover at least one extra hub land, and a few fully fleshed out areas in both that and Zundun, and maybe even the farmland and noble estate in elfland as well. And that means a bunch of work.
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Post by Ikeren »

Is RPGMaker free? Can I download it and add a couple enemy entries based on the stats of the previous enemies, find some open domain art to slam on it, and then upload the files here for you to quickly review and integrate?

Or even just 1 slime + 1 bat using your existing materials?
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Post by maglag »

Koumei wrote: The starter dungeon is really supposed to be just a basic intro thing. Fair enough on encounters being too common, but I'm kind of lazy when it comes to creating monsters especially when you then have to create individual "troops" (encounters). You can't simply say "Enemies in this area: A, B, X, Y" and have it decide how many of what, if you want 1 bat, 2 bats, 1 slime, 1 slime + 2 bats, you're looking at creating 4 entries (plus the actual data for the monsters).
That's one of the things you can outsource to den volunteers. "Here are individual monster stats, now code me this specific combination of encounters."
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Koumei »

RPGMaker is not free, no.

Also, you can't just add stuff to a distributed file, you'd need access to the actual project file, and hahaha fuck you.

I might add a rat though, for the first area, just to get people used to stat-debuffing attacks and also to mix into the basic encounters in Zundun.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

There ARE free trial editions of some versions of RPG Maker. They have limited capabilities, though. ... g-maker-mv

I tried 20 minutes of ToFIE before work, and it seems decent so far. Picked a kensei because I didn't want to bring in a physically weak char, here's my thoughts midway through the first dungeon.

1. Your encounter rate seems a bit high. I'd recommend dropping it dramatically, some players can get tired of fighting the same thing every 10 squares or so pretty fast. (Or switching to event-based roaming encounters, but I know that's more work.)
2. I like that you're putting in PC commentary on examining objects, it's one of the strengths of presenting content in this medium.
3. Thousand Cuts seems really effective on slimes. Does it knock down their maxHP by like 90% or something? At level 1, I was smacking them round after round, but now they die in one hit after I debuff them.
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Post by Ikeren »

Huh, I figured it'd be easier to send in scraps of files to add to the database. Too bad.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Ikeren wrote:Huh, I figured it'd be easier to send in scraps of files to add to the database. Too bad. ... 397174789/

These threads go into some of the issues of group development. Short story, Koumei's right, and she'd have to share the project file. It'd also be really easy to mess things up. Art and audio assets can still be worked on separately, though. Dialogue requires you know what plugins the project is using, and you might need to watch a tutorial or 2.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Some quick notes on bugs.
Some terrain is walkable when it shouldn't. The moss layer, for instance, lets you go through walls when placed on them.
Most bandit attacks trigger audio call crashes. I did manage to fight some gnomes, though.
Facing for these magic crystals isn't fixed. If you check "Direction Fix" for the event, that should keep them from displaying different sprites based on where you interact with them from.
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Post by Koumei »

I have added a rat with a debuff attack.
I will make a note to reduce encounter rates by quite a bit.
...and to fix the directions of the crystals. Thanks for that.
...and to do something about the moss, either removing it or turning it into an event object overlaid onto the wall, or making it a secret passage to bonus stuff. That'd be kind of funny, albeit stupid.

Yeah, I want to have a bit of commentary and stuff on items, though I'll say I am following a grand tradition with "Barrel~". I need to add a musical note icon to add there. And a sound file of "Baaaaru~"

I'll tell you what 1KCuts does as soon as I open it up, but doing that crashes my browser so you'll have to wait until after I post this, finish watching a long youtube video etc. So it'll be a few hours away.
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Post by Koumei »

Here is the full data for every Kensei ability:

And for comparison, Attack: physical attack against 1 selected enemy, HP damage (type = weapon), 4*Attack - 2*Defence, 20% variance, can crit. Grants 10 TP.

Kiai! (L1): Special, spend 3 MP to gain 25 TP, and Kiai! status for 3 turns (+50% to Crit rate. As in if your weapon has 5% Crit, it's now 55%, not 7.5%)

All or Nothing! (L1): Special, costs 75% of your maximum HP (as in, reduces you from 100/100 to 25/100, it doesn't permanently reduce your maximum HP) and has 10 rounds of cooldown. Always hits, deals normal weapon damage to HP, deals straight 4*Attack regardless of enemy stats. 20% variance and can crit. 50% chance of a OHKO.

Iaijutsu Strike (L2): Special, costs 1 MP and 25 TP, deals Sharp damage regardless of weapon. 100 + 4*Attack - 1*Defence, 25% variance, can crit. Removes the Unstoppable state from enemies (Immortality that is overcome by Fire damage - so like Troll Regeneration without the Regeneration).

Thousand Cuts (L2): Special attack, grants 2 TP, deals weapon damage of 2*Attack - 1*Defence (20% variance, can crit). Debuffs enemy defence for 20 turns (ie the rest of their life), and that can stack a whole bunch of times. IIRC each buff multiplies a stat by 125% and each debuff multiplies it by 75%.

(The oozes are specifically made there as a thing to kind of annoy non-Wizards (without locking you in eternal conflict: the basic fight will end after a bunch of turns if you can't hurt it, with the enemy fleeing), so they have relatively low HP (45) but high physical defence (35). So anything that ignores their defence will wreck them, and anything that reduces it will set them up to be ruined by future attacks.)

Counter Stance (L3): Special, spend 20 TP to gain Counter status for 2-3 turns. Counter status will, upon an enemy physical attack hitting, have a 90% chance to negate their hit and unleash an attack as a counter-attack. Also it increases your Guard effectiveness to 150%.

Spirit Blade (L3): Special attack, costs 20 MP and 10 TP. Always hits, deals Light damage: 100 + 2*Attack + 1*Magic Attack - 1*(Defence + Magic Defence). 20% variance, can crit.

Offensive Stance (L4): Special, gain 10 TP, Cooldown 10 rounds. Removes any Defence buffs and then debuffs it twice, but removes any Attack debuffs then buffs it three times.

Defensive Stance (L4): imagine the text from Offensive Stance, but swap the words Attack and Defence.

Cut Magic (L5): Special, costs 5 MP and 10 TP. Deals normal damage but can't crit, and removes all buffs as well as Immortality, Rage, Kiai!, Hiding, Counter, Spell Resistance, Stoneskin, Regeneration, Mage Armour, Fire Shield, Nightshield and Healing Link. Possibly I should remove some of those that aren't really magic effects but are just benefits?

Double Attack (L5): Attack, except against two random enemies.

Test the Waters (L6): Special, grants 10 TP, physical attack that deals non-elemental damage (and thus is not resisted by anything). "Physical Damage Rate" still reduces it though. Deals damage equal to your Attack stat (no reductions, only 10% variance), with critical hits allowed, and removes any Defence buffs and Mage Armour.

Whirlwind Attack (L6): Special, costs 15 TP, makes an attack against every single enemy. Normal attack damage + 50. Doesn't actually do wind damage.

Sword Dance (L7): Special, gives you the SWORD DANCE state for the rest of the fight - all you can do is attack the enemy (like a Rage), but you get +25% Attack, +10% Hit and Crit and Evasion rate, and +15% Counter rate.

The Shadow (L7): Special, costs 10 MP and 10 TP. Deals Darkness damage, 4*Attack - 1*Defence (so, above-average damage without a flat bonus number added), 20% variance, can crit. Debuffs Agility and Luck for 5 turns and removes Nightshield (which is a state that adds damage-absorbing barrier every turn and thus is something you want to remove sooner rather than later).

Dual Attack (L8): Attack, except twice against the same target.

Parry Magic (L8): Special, costs 10 TP, gives Spell Resistance (+55% Magic Evasion, +25% Magic Defence stat) until the end of battle.

Thunder Blade (L9): Special, costs 10 MP, deals Thunder damage, normal damage, 20% variance, can crit, 25% chance of causing Paralysis.

Iaijutsu Master (L9): Special, costs 20 TP, has a 6-round cooldown, but makes an Iaijutsu Strike without costing an action. Yes, it's actually cheaper than regular Iaijutsu. Yes, if you have 45 TP and 1 MP you can use both in the same turn (remember to use Master first).

Triple Attack (L10): Attack, except against three random enemies.

Deflect Magic (L10): Special, spend 10 MP and 20 TP, gain Spell Reflection for 3-5 turns (Magic Reflection +75%)
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Post by Koumei »

And while I'm at it...

(Note: many status effect spells. Keep in mind that a lot of things have innate modifiers to their rate of suffering a status effect, so just because it says 80% chance of Sleep, something that only suffers sleep 50% of the time will in fact have a 40% chance, but something with a 150% chance would be guaranteed. Relative Luck stats also factor into it in some way.)
Magic Missile (L1): Arcane, 10 MP, gives 5 TP, auto-hits for Magic Attack + 50 Light damage. 20% variance, no critical hits.

Refocus (L1): Special, spend 50 TP, regain all MP.

Mage Armour (L1): Arcane, costs 10 MP, grants 5 TP, can be used out of battle. Grants the Mage Armour status until you rest (Defence *150%)

Arcane Spark (L1): Arcane, free to cast, gives 20 MP, 10 + Magic Attack - Magic Defence in Thunder damage. 20% variance, no critical. AKA "Shit I ran out of MP, time to build up TP with cantrips!"

Chill Touch (L2): Arcane, costs 10 MP, gives 10 TP, deals 50 + 2*Magic Attack - 1*Magic Defence Ice damage. Debuffs Agility and Defence for 6 turns.

Colour Spray (L2): Arcane, 15 MP, gives 5 TP, makes a magic attack against all enemies. Those hit have a 20% chance on each of the following: Blindness (3-5 rounds, -50% hit rate, take x5 Sneak Attack), Silence (3-5 rounds, can't cast Arcane), Confusion (4-8 rounds with 50% chance to end when hit, randomly attack someone each turn, take x4 Sneak Attack), Sleep (3-5 turns or damaged, can't act, -100% Evasion, take x9 Sneak Attack).

Scorching Ray (L3): Arcane, costs 30 MP and gives 5 TP, 3 random enemies are targeted (magical attack) for 50 + 2*Magic Attack - 1*Magic Defence in Fire damage. 20% variance, CAN crit.

Invisibility (L3): in and out of battle, Arcane, costs 30 MP. Grants you the Hiding status (lasts for 15 steps out of battle but as long as you want IN battle. No random encounters, higher chance to get pre-emptive strike on enemies (events), chance to be targeted is reduced to 5% of what it was, evasion and magic evasion are +90%. Probably need to find a way to make it end if you attack someone.)

Web (L4): Arcane, 30 MP, gives 5 TP. Targets all enemies, each enemy hit has a 60% chance of Paralysis (4-8 turns, can't act, Agility is 10%, Evasion -100%, take x9 Sneak Attack).

Rage (L4): Arcane, 30 MP, gives 5 TP, auto-hits 1 enemy with a 90% chance to inflict Rage (2-4 turns, attacks an enemy each turn, hit rate -10%, Attack +10%, take x2 Sneak Attack).

Lightning Bolt (L5): Arcane, 50 MP, gives 5 TP, targets all enemies. Those hit suffer 150 + 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Thunder damage, 50% variance, no critical hits.

Suggestion (L5): Arcane, 50 MP, gives 5 TP, auto-hits 1 enemy with a 75% chance to cause Fascination (2-4 turns, 25% chance to end if hit, attack an ally each turn, take x5 Sneak Attack).

Fireball (L6): Arcane, 50 MP, gives 5 TP, magic attack against all enemies. Those hit suffer 50 + 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Fire damage (33% variance, no crits) with a 15% chance of catching fire (3-10 turns or end of battle, suffer Magic Attack (of original source) * 2 Fire damage per turn with -10% to both defences and -25% to both attack stats, and 50% vulnerability to Fire but 50% resistance to Ice and Water).

Confusion (L6): Arcane, 50 MP, grants 10 TP, auto-hits one enemy with an 80% chance to cause Confusion.

Black Tentacles (L7): Arcane, 70 MP, grants 5 TP, targets 1 enemy. 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Darkness damage (20% variance, can crit), 50% chance of paralysis, and debuffs Agility twice.

Drown (L7): Arcane, 70 MP, gives 5 TP, targets one enemy. 6*Magic Attack - 3*Magic Defence in Water damage (33% variance, no critical hits), debuffs both Max HP and Defence for 5 turns, with a 10% chance of OHKO.

Wall of Fire (L8): Arcane, 70 MP, grants 10 TP. The whole party gains Fire Shield (lasts for the fight, can't be set on fire, physical attackers take non-elemental recoil damage equal to 15% of what they deliver + 25% of the defender's Defence), and 3 layers of damage-absorbing barrier: the first lasts for only 3 turns, the next for 5 turns, and the final one for 10 turns. Each has barrier points equal to the Magic Defence of the target.

Phantasmal Killer (L8): Arcane, 70 MP, gives 5 TP, targets 1 enemy. Darkness damage equal to Magic Attack - Magic Defence (20% variance, no crits). 33% chance of OHKO, 50% chance of Fear (entire battle, Immunity to Rage and Sleep, -20% hit rate, Attack, Magic Attack and Luck, take x2 Sneak Attack, and lose 20 TP per round).

Swift Shield (L9): Arcane, 90 MP, gives 10 TP, removes any Defence debuffs and buffs Defence for 10 turns. Also gives 100 points of damage-absorbing barrier for 10 turns. Instant use. I should probably add a cooldown to it, seeing as those stack and MaxMP can get high enough for turn 1 to be "cast that 5 times then Focus, lol". (Now added to my version: 3 rounds cooldown)

Stoneskin (L9): Arcane, 90 MP, gain 10 TP, can be used in or out of battle, can target any ally. Gives Stoneskin status (lasts 500 steps, take 10% Sharp damage, 25% Thunder and Wind, 50% Fire, Ice and Blunt. Defence is 150%, Guard effectiveness is doubled, MP cost is +25%, Evasion is -20%, Agility is halved, and Critical Evasion is 25%).

Mass Suggestion (L10): Arcane, 90 MP, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit all enemies, each has a 75% chance of Fascination.

Ice Storm (L10): Arcane, 90 MP, gives 5 TP, magic attack against all enemies. 5*Magic Attack - 3*Magic Defence in Ice damage (20% variance and no crits), debuffs Defence and Agility for 3 turns with a 10% chance of Blindness too.

*Entangle (book): Arcane, 5 MP, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against all enemies, those hit have an Agility debuff for 5 turns.

*Shadow Evocation (book): Arcane, 70 MP, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against all enemies for 4*Magic Attack - (Defence + Magic Defence), 50% variance, no crits. Removes all stat buffs and then debuffs Magic Defence twice.

*Nightshield (book): Arcane, 70 MP, grants 5 TP. Can be used in or out of battle. Grants Nightshield status (500 footsteps, immune to Darkness damage and Blindness, 50% resistance to Curse and Fear, double damage from Light, gain +50 Barrier each turn)
Escape (L1): attempt to flee from battle

Smoke Bomb (L1): Alchemy, costs 1 MP + 1 Oil. Auto-hits all enemies for a 75% chance of Blindness.

Sneak Attack (L1): Special, costs 5 TP, physical attack for just Attack stat in damage (no defence), and the damage is Sneak Attack type. Can crit, 20% variance.

Refreshment (L2): Alchemy, costs 1 MP + one herb, grants 10 MP. Can be used in or out of battle. Heals the user for 20 + Magic Attack + Magic Defence in HP (20% variance, no crits).

Poison Mist (L2): Alchemy, costs 1 MP and 1 oil and 1 herb. Grants 5 TP. Auto-hits all enemies with a 90% chance to inflict Poison (lasts all battle, each turn causes 20% of the target's MaxHP in Toxic Damage, with 5% variance, subject to their resistance/vulnerability to Toxic damage.)

Lurk (L3): Special, no cost, can only be used out of battle. Adds Hiding state and activates Stealth Mode on the field (can't be seen by encounters) for 3 seconds.

Morning Mist (L3): Special, 10 MP, hits all enemies for 2*Magic Attack - 1*Magic Defence in Ice damage (20% variance, no crits). Debuffs Agility and Defence 5 turns.

Caltrops (L4): Special, no cost, grants 5 TP. Auto-hits all enemies for 10 + Luck - enemy Luck in Sharp damage (20% variance, no crits), debuffing Agility for 5 turns.

Ninja Choke (L4): Special, costs 10 TP, physical attack against one enemy for Attack + Luck - Defence in Toxic damage (20% variance, can crit), and has a 90% chance to cause Sleep and a 5% chance of OHKO.

Throw the Swarm (L5): Special, costs 10 TP, requires a thrown weapon equipped. Physical attack against all enemies for 2*Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Defence in regular attack damage, 50% chance of Poison.

Projection (L5): Special, costs 10 TP. Auto-hits an enemy, transferring any of the following that are afflicting you: Poison, Blindness, Silence, Fear, On Fire, Curse, Deadly Poison, Curse of Wasting. Note: you can't transfer Sleep, Paralysis, Rage, Confusion or Fascination because you can't choose actions in those states.

Distraction! (L6): Special, costs 10 TP, auto-hit one enemy to lower their Defence, Magic Defence and Agility for 5 turns and a 25% chance of Confusion.

Firecracker (L6): Alchemy, costs 1 MP and 10 TP and 1 Oil and 1 Seed Pod, auto-hitting all enemies for Luck - Agility in Fire damage (20% variance, no crits). Also debuffs their Agility and Luck, with a 20% chance of Confusion.

Chakra Awakening (L7): Special, 10 MP, gives 25 TP, boosts your Attack, Defence, Magic Attack, Magic Defence and Luck for 5 turns and has a 5% chance of granting Unstoppable status. Yes, if your enemy can't remove that state or deal Fire damage, you just win.

Pilfer (L7): Special, costs 5 TP, attempts to Steal from an enemy (randomly selects from the Steal options, you don't get to choose). Gold has a 10% bonus to be stolen, armour has a 10% penalty.

Seduction (L8): Special, 25 MP, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy. If it hits, 50% chance of Fascination. Instant-use ability with 2 rounds of cooldown.

Double Attack (L8)

Secret Remedy (L9): Alchemy, costs 1 MP and 1 herb and 1 seed pod. Gives 10 TP, can be used in or out of battle. Remove all bad statuses from an ally except for KO and Curse of Wasting.

Shadow Terror (L9): Special, 25 MP and 10 TP. Magic attack against all enemies for Luck + Magic Attack - Magic Defence in Darkness damage (20% variance, no crits). 25% chance of Blind, 33% chance of Fear.

Sakura Storm (L10): Special, 50 MP. Magical attack against all enemies for 2*Luck + 2*Magic Attack - 4*Magic Defence in Wind damage (33% variance, no crits) and a 40% chance to fall Asleep.

Double Sneak Attack (L10): Special, 10 TP, deals Sneak Attack twice.

Fast Fingers (L11): Special, 10 TP, works like Pilfer except with no action cost. 2 round Cooldown.

Sudden Assault (L12): Special, 25 TP, perform Sneak Attack as an Instant action. 2 turn Cooldown.

*Fortify Medicine (Recipe): Alchemy, can be used whenever. Costs 1 MP and 2 Medical Potions, granting an Alchemical Potion.

*Mix Medicinal Elixir (Recipe): Alchemy, out of battle only, costs 1 Medicinal Potion and 1 Medicinal Ether. Creates a Medicinal Elixir (item that removes some status effects).

*Mix Alchemical Elixir (Recipe): Alchemy, out of battle only, costs 1 Alchemical Potion and 1 Alchemical Ether. Creates an Alchemical Elixir (item that removes more status effects).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I'm struggling to see why Mage Armor is a spell and not some sort of passive effect. Making people cast it 1/rest is just a busy-work/newb-trap combo. A small one, but still.
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Post by Koumei »

Actually, now that I know how to make things passive effects, I could just do that. Originally, it wasn't as long-lasting, and was going to be a basic "cast spell, get boost". And then I realised "The bats go first and kill you before you cast it". No idea if it can then get dispelled - it might reapply instantly.

And probably tomorrow I'll put up the detailed skill info for other classes.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

There's plugins for instant-cast skills, if you'd prefer to do it that way. Also cool down mechanics, if the instant is something that'd get spammed otherwise.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, the game has instant-cast and cooldowns already. But that does rely on waiting until it's your turn. So for Mage Armour I'll just go with it being a passive and see how that turns out.

Light of Life (L1): Divine, 1 MP, Cooldown 5, can be used out of battle. Gives 5 TP. Heals all allies for 100 + 2*Magic Attack + 2*Magic Defence (20% variance, no crits). An absolute bargain out of battle, but in battle the high healing is balanced out by the cooldown.

Baleful Glare (L1): Divine, 1 MP, magic attack against 1 enemy. Gives 5 TP. 50 + 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Light damage (20% and no crits).

Foresight (L2): Divine, 2 MP, Cooldown 5, activates guard (like Defending for a turn) and also buffs Defence, Agility and Magic Defence for 5 turns.

End of Sight (L2): Divine, 2 MP, Cooldown 10, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against all enemies. Anyone hit has a 75% chance of Blindness.

Glimpse (L3): Divine, 20 MP, out of battle only. Your next fight starts with you having the advantage, guaranteed.

Healing Prophecy (L3): Divine, 3 MP, Cooldown 10, gives an ally Regeneration (10-15 turns or walking 100 steps, each turn gives HP = double the caster's Magic Defence.) Can be used out of battle.

Predict Boon (L3): Divine, 3 MP, Cooldown 3, gives 5 TP. Double-buff the Luck of an ally, and has a 10% chance for each of Counter, Stoneskin, and Spell Resistance status.

Draining Light (L4): Divine, 2 MP, Cooldown 3, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit an enemy for 50 + 2*Magic Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Magic Defence in Light (20% and no crits). Debuffs their Attack for 6 turns.

Predict Bane (L4): Divine, 4 MP, Cooldown 3, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against an enemy. If it hits, it double-debuffs their Luck, and has a 10% chance for each of Fear, Silence, Paralysis and Curse.

(Curse: only removed by things that restore all or specifically remove curses. Gives +100% vulnerability to being Poisoned, Deadly-Poisoned, or On Fire, +50% vulnerability to Fear, and +50% damage from Darkness attacks. -10% to hit rate, critical rate, guard effect, recovery from all sources, and item effectiveness. +10% physical damage and +20% magic damage (receiving).)

Lightning Storm (L5): Divine, 5 MP, 25 TP, Cooldown 10. Magic attack against all enemies deals 250 + 4*Magic Attack + 2*Luck - (2*Magic Defence + 1*Luck) in Thunder damage (50% with no crits).

End of Magic (L5): Divine, 5 MP, Cooldown 5, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit to strip all Buffs and good statuses from an enemy and remove 100 barrier points.

Wrath of Heavens (L6): Divine, 5 MP, gives 5 TP. It's Baleful Glare except on all enemies.

Cryptic Forecast (L6): Divine, 5 MP, Cooldown 5, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit all enemies for a 66% chance of Confusion on each.

Delaying Light (L7): Divine, 5 MP, Cooldown 3, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit all enemies for 50 + 2*Magic Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Magic Defence in Light damage (20% no crit), and debuffs Agility for 6 turns.

Gift of Magic (L7): Divine, 100 MP, can be used whenever. Everyone in the party (including the user) gets 25 MP. So basically, you gift 25 MP to each of your allies. Subject to restoration rates, so you can get a net gain from this.

Searing Light (L8): Divine, 50 MP, 25 TP, Cooldown 10. Auto-hit all enemies for 500 + 4*Magic Attack + 2*Luck - (2*Magic Defence + 1*Luck) in Fire damage (33% no crit). Debuffs Defence 3 turns and 33% chance of them being On Fire.

End of Hope (L8): Divine, 1 MP, Cooldown 5, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against one enemy reduces their MP by Magic Attack + Luck - Magic Defence, and then debuffs their Magic Attack and Magic Defence for 5 turns.

Gift of Protection (L9): Divine, 1 MP, Cooldown 5. All allies gain 100 barrier points for 5 turns.

Healing Link (L9): Divine, 25 MP, Instant use, Cooldown 1, gives 10 TP. Adds "Healing Link" status to the targeted ally (any time they are healed, you get healed for an equal amount).

End of Life (L10): Divine, 1 MP, 25 TP, Cooldown 10. Magic attack against an enemy. If it hits, it removes the Unstoppable status and has a 44% chance of OHKO.

Gift of Malice (L10): Divine, 1 MP, Cooldown 5, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against one enemy, if it hits it transfers your bad statuses to them.
Rapier Wit (L1): Special, MP 1, Warmup 2, gives 20 TP. Physical attack that deals 4*Luck - 2*Luck (20% can crit).

Weakening Cut (L1): Special, Warmup 2, Cooldown 2, gives 5 TP. Physical attack, deals 2*Attack + 1*Agility + 1*Luck - 2*Defence (20% can crit) and debuffs Attack for 10 turns.

Deadly Flourish (L2): Special, Warmup 3, Cooldown 3. Physical attack for 2*Attack + 2*Agility + 2*Luck - (2*Defence + 1*Luck). 20% variance, can crit. Debuffs Defence for 10 turns.

Face Stab (L2): Special, 20 TP, Warmup 3, Cooldown 2. Physical attack deals 2*Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Defence (50% can crit) and has a 60% chance each on Blind and Silence.

Provoke (L3): Special, Intant, Cooldown 2. Grants 10 TP and auto-hits an enemy for a 95% chance of Rage.

Counter Stance (L3): see Kensei

Hamstring (L4): Special, 4 TP, Warmup 2. Physical attack deals 2*Attack + 2*Luck - (Agility + Defence) with 20% and can crit. Debuffs Agility 5 turns. 10% chance of Paralysis.

Witty Reparte (L4): Special, Warmup 2, Cooldown 3, gives 5 TP. Auto-hit an enemy for an 80% chance of Confusion.

One More Thing (L5): Special, 3 TP, Warmup 2, Cooldown 1, Instant. It's an attack that doesn't use an action.

Double Attack (L5): see Kensei
Whirlwind Attack (L6): see Kensei

Dread (L6): Special, 5 MP, Warmup 3, gives 5 TP. Auto-hits all enemies with a 50% chance each of Fear.

Pilfer (L7): see Ninja

Sudden Disarm (L7): Special, 10 TP, Warmup 3, Cooldown 1. Instant. Physical attack deals Agility - Agility (20%, no crits) and debuffs Attack for 6 turns.

Dual Attack (L8): see Kensei

Aura of Command (L8): Passive. As long as you're not dead, allies gain Inspiration (+5% MP Regeneration and TP Regeneration, +1% HP Regeneration, +50% item effectiveness).

In the Fray! (L9): Special, 15 TP, Warmup 5. Physical attack against all enemies for Attack + Agility - Defence (20% and can crit). 40% chance of Confusion on each enemy hit.

Pirate's Curse (L9): Special, 25 MP, Warmup 2, gain 10 TP. Magic attack against one enemy. If it hits, has a 75% chance of Curse, 50% chance of Fear, and 15% chance of Curse of Wasting.

(Curse of Wasting: sticks around until cured. Every turn, has a 25% chance of randomly debuffing one of the stats for 5 turns. The other 75% of the time it randomly applies either Poison, Blind, Silence, Rage, Confusion, Fascination, Sleep, Paralysis, Fear, On Fire, Curse, Deadly Poison (which functions exactly as Toxic from Pokemon)).

Triple Attack (L10): see Kensei

Kneel Before Me! (L10): Special, 10 TP, Warmup 3, Cooldown 2, Instant. 50% chance of Fascinating an enemy.
Sneak Attack (L1): see the Ninja
Pilfer (L1): see the Ninja

Rapid Shot (L2): Special, 3 TP, Cooldown 1, Instant. Free-action attack with a Bow or Thrown weapon only.

Steal Vision (L2): Special, 3 MP, 5 TP. Auto-hits, transferring your Blindness to an enemy.

Escape (L3): see the Ninja
Lurk (L3): see the Ninja

Poison Blade (L4): Special, 5 TP, Dagger only. Physical attack for Attack*5 - Defence*3 in Toxic damage (20% with crits). 90% chance of Poison and 10% chance of Deadly Poison.

Go To Sleep (L4): Bludgeon weapon only. Special, 10 TP. Physical attack for Attack*5 - Defence*3 (20% and can crit). 80% chance of them falling Asleep.

Mind Blade (L5): Special, 5 MP, grants 5 TP. Physical attack that reduces MP by level*3 + Attack*2 - Magic Defence (20%, can crit) and reduces Barrier points by 50.

Evade Magic (L5): Special, 10 MP, can be used whenever. Grants Spell Resistance.

Steal Strength (L6): Special, 5 MP, 5 TP. Auto-hit an enemy, debuffing their Attack for 5 turns and buffing your attack for 5 turns.

Sudden Assault (L6): see the Ninja

Steal Magic (L7): Special, 25 MP, grants 5 TP. Physical attack drains 3*Attack + Agility - (Defence + Magic Defence) in MP (20%, can crit). Also steals Mage Armour, Fire Shield and Regeneration if the enemy has any of those.

Steal Resilience (L7): like Steal Strength, except Defence.

Double Attack (L8): see the Kensei

Steal Fortune (L8): like Steal Strength, except Lukc. Also, transfers any Curse or Curse or Wasting you have to the enemy.

Master Thief (L9): Special, costs 15 TP. Steals an item, but lets you specifically choose what to attempt to steal. +10% chance of success above Pilfer.

Steal Resistance (L9): Special, 25 MP, grants 5 TP. Steal any Spell Resistance or Spell Reflection from the enemy.

Steal Barrier (L9): Special, 10 MP. Steals Nightshield status from the enemy, and deals 250 damage to their Barrier.

Double Sneak Attack (L10): see the Ninja
Fast Fingers (L10): see the Ninja
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Post by Koumei »

Eldritch Blast (L1): Arcane, 2 MP, gives 4 TP. Magical attack against 1 enemy deals 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Darkness damage (5% variance, can crit). Also removes any buffs to Attack and Magic Attack.

Warlock's Curse (L1): Arcane, 5 MP and 10% HP, gives 4 TP. Auto-hits an enemy for a 100% chance of Cursing them.

Sacrifice (L1): Arcane, can do this whenever. Spend 50% of your HP to recover 50% MP. Also grants 20 TP.

Baleful Utterance (L2): Arcane, 10 HP, gain 5 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy to debuff their Defence and Magic Defence for 5 turns and reduce their Barrier by 250 points.

Burning Eruption (L2): Arcane, 25 MP, gain 5 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy deals 3*Magic Attack + Luck - (Magic Defence - Luck) Fire damage with 33% variance and no crits. 80% chance to set them on fire.

Hateful Frost (L3): Arcane, 25 MP, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy that deals 2*Magic Attack - Magic Defence in Ice damage (33% and no crits). Also debuffs Agility twice and has a 20% chance of Paralysis.

Power From Pain (L3): Arcane, 5 MP and 10% HP, gives 15 TP. Buffs Magic Attack and Luck for 10 turns.

Blood Shield (L4): Arcane, 10 MP and 50 HP, gain 250 barrier points for 5 turns.

Maddening Whispers (L4): Arcane, 20 TP, auto-hit all enemies with 75% chance of Confusion to all.

Eldritch Chain (L5): Arcane, 20 MP, Eldritch Blast against 3 random enemies.

Deadly Drain (L5): Arcane, 25 TP, magic attack drains HP (2*Magic Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Magic Defence) as Darkness damage, 20% variance, can crit. Also steals Regeneration status if the enemy has that.

Seething Eye Bane (L6): Arcane, 5 MP and 15% HP and you are Blinded, grants 10 TP. Magic attack against all enemies deals Magic Attack + Luck - Magic Defence as Toxic damage (20% variance and no crits). 75% chance of Fear.

Nauseating Blast (L6): Arcane, 12 MP. Eldritch Blast except Toxic damage and 75% chance of Poison status.

Hellfire Wall (L7): Arcane, 25 MP and 33% HP, all allies gain Fire Shield and Nightshield.

Seductive Blast (L7): Arcane, 22 MP. Eldritch Blast with a 50% chance of Fascination.

Black Tentacles (L8): see the Wizard

Consume Power (L8): Arcane, 20 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy, MP Drain of 4*Magic Attack - Magic Defence (as Darkness element, 20% variance, can crit). Debuffs enemy Magic Attack, buffs your own. Both for 5 turns.

Horrifying Blast (L9): Arcane, 22 MP. Eldritch Blast with 66% chance of Fear.

Deadly Offer (L9): Arcane, 15 MP, gain 10 MP. 100% chance of gaining Poison, Blindness, Curse, Nightshield, and Silence. Gain 300 Barrier points. 10% chance to become Unstoppable, 20% chance of Deadly Poison.

Blood of Granite (L10): Arcane, 5 MP and 25% HP, gain 10 TP. Can use whenever. Grants Stoneskin status.

Damnation (L10): Arcane, 100 MP and 25 TP. Magic attack against all enemies for 4*Magic Attack + 250 - Magic Defence in Fire damage (50% variance and no crits). 90% chance of Curse, 10% chance of Curse of Wasting.

A Willing Sacrifice (L11): Arcane, costs the life of one random ally. Magic attack against 1 enemy deals Darkness damage equal to the sacrifice's HP (before you killed them) + 6x their Magic Attack stat. 20% variance and no crits.
Monk and Assassin later.
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Post by Koumei »

Mage Armour (the status) now ends at the end of battle, but if you have the Mage Armour skill then you always have it as a passive effect. This probably means it instantly reactivates whenever dispelled, but oh well. The duration change is mostly there so if you steal Mage Armour from an enemy it won't last beyond the fight.

Stunning Fist (L1): Special, 2 MP and 5 TP. Glove-only. Physical attack against 1 deals 2*Agility + 2*Attack - 2*Defence (20% and yes), with 75% Confusion.

Flurry of Blows (L1): Special, Cooldown 2, Instant. Gives 3 TP. Makes an attack with a glove or exotic weapon as a free action.

Shifting Fist Style (L2): Special, Cooldown 6, Instant. Ends all other Stances and activates Shifting Fist. Attack can't be debuffed, half Paralysis rate, -10% to Physical Damage taken, enables Spider Fang Jab and Boulder Breaking Strike.
-SFJ: Special, Cooldown 2, grants 3 TP. Physical attack against 1 foe for 4*Agility - 2*Defence (20% and yes). Debuffs Max HP for 10 turns and removes the Unstoppable status.
-BBS: Special, Cooldown 2, grants 3 TP. Physical attack against 1 foe for 4*Attack - 2*Defence (20% yes). Debuffs Defence for 10 turns and removes Nightshield status.

Silent Mantis Style (L3): Special, 10 TP, Cooldown 6, Instant. Ends all other Stances and activates Silent Mantis. Agility can't be Debuffed, immune to Rage, half the rate at which you're targeted, enables Hiding Mantis Strike and Throat Punch.
-HMS: Special, grants 5 TP. Physical attack against 1 for 2*Attack - Defence in Sneak Attack damage (20% and yes). Debuffs Agility 5 turns.
-TP: Special, grants 5 TP, Glove Only. Physical attack against 1 deals 2*Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Agility (20% and yes). 100% chance of Silence.

Dancing Terror Style (L4): Special, 20 TP, Cooldown 6, Instant. Ends other styles and activates Dancing Terror. +10% chance of Blinding enemies whenever you hit them, Immune to Fear, Luck can't be Debuffed. Enables Mind Killer Technique and Rampaging Boar Kick.
-MKT: Special, 3 MP, gives 5 TP. Physical attack against 1 deals 2*Attack + 2*Luck - 2*Defence as MP damage (20% yes). Debuffs Magic Attack for 5 turns.
-RBK: Special, gain 5 TP. Physical attack against 1 deals 6*Attack - 4*Defence (20% no) and has a 75% chance of Fear.

Double Attack (L5): see Kensei

Lurk (L5): see Ninja

Spiteful Tiger Style (L6): Special, 20 TP, Cooldown 6, Instant. Removes all other styles and activates Spiteful Tiger. Grants +1 attack when you choose "Attack", Attack stat can't be debuffed, enables Rending Dire Tiger and Tiger Fang Kick. Note to self: make sure there's an amulet that auto-grants this status.
-RDT: Special, 25 MP and 25 TP, physical attack against 1 enemy: deals 50 + 4*Attack - Defence in Sharp damage (20% yes), removes any Defence buffs, double-debuffs Defence for 6 turns, and reduces Barrier by 200. Then has a 100% chance of adding a regular attack, and 50% each for two other attacks (so it adds between 1 and 3 bonus attacks after reducing your defences).
-TFK: Special, 5 TP, attempts 2 physical attacks against 1 enemy. Each deals 50 + 4*Attack - 2*Defence (20% and yes) with a 10% chance of OHKO.

Parry Magic (L7): see Kensei

Liver Kick (L7): Special, 10 TP, physical attack against 1 enemy. Deals 5*Attack - 3*Defence Blunt damage (50% yes), and double-debuffs Max HP for 10 turns. Also has 80% chance of Poison and 10% chance of Deadly Poison. Much respect to Mister Rutten and his achievements in liver surgery with his foot.

Vengeful Demon Style (8): Special, costs 10% HP, Cooldown 6, Instant. Ends other styles, activates Vengeful Demon. Immune to Thunder and Toxic damage and the Poison and Deadly Poison states, gain 10% resistance to Fire, Ice and Water (so basically Tanar'ri traits), +10% chance of Counter Attack. Enables Darkness Driver and Planar Torment.
-DD: Special, Cooldown 6, gain 5 TP. Physical attack against 1 enemy deals 6*Attack - 3*Defence in Earth damage (20% yes) because it's a Tombstone Piledriver taught by demons. 20% chance of OHKO, 33% chance each of Confusion and Paralysis, 50% chance of Blindness.
-PT: Special, 15 MP, grants 5 TP. Auto-hits all enemies to remove buffs to Luck and Magic Defence, then debuff those stats for 5 turns. Also has a 5% chance on each of them for Curse of Wasting.

Purification (L9): Special, 30 MP. Cures you for 50 + 2*Magic Defence + Luck (5% and no). Removes all stat debuffs.

Wisdom (L9): Special, 30 MP and 10 TP. Buffs Attack, Defence, Agility and Luck for 5 turns, sets your Global cooldown to 0.

Triple Attack (L10): see Kensei

Immortal Scorpion Style (L10): Special, 25 TP, removes all other stances and activates Immortal Scorpion. -25% damage from Sharp, immune to Toxic damage and the Poison and Deadly Poison statuses. 50% resistance to Rage, Confusion and Fascination. +25% Counter attack and +50% chance of Poisoning enemies when you hit them (regular attacks). Enables Flowing Acid Jab and Iron Shell Stance.
-FAJ: Special, gain 5 TP, physical attack against 1 enemy. Deals 50 + 4*Attack - 2*Defence in Water damage (20% yes), removes Stoneskin and Mage Armour from them, and 80% chance of Poison, 10% of Deadly Poison.
-ISS: Special, 5 MP and 15 TP, grants you Stoneskin.
Lurk (L1): see Ninja

Study Foes (L1): Special, gain 10 TP, become Focused. (Lasts 2 turns or until you take any damage. +25% to your Hit Rate, +10% to your Critical Rate. Adds the Death Attack skill.)
-Death Attack: Special, 25 TP, physical attack. deals 2*Level + 4*Attack - Defence*2 in Sneak Attack damage (20% and yes). 30% chance of OHKO.

Veil of Darkness (L2): Arcane, 10 MP, magic attack against 1 enemy. On a hit, it has a 75% chance of Blindness.

Escape (L3): see Ninja
Projection (L3): see Ninja

Deadly Neurotoxin (L4): Special, cost 15 TP. Physical attack against one foe causes damage == Level in Sneak Attack (20% and yes). Causes Poison 90%, Paralysis 40%, Deadly Poison 25%, OHKO 10%.

Cause Fear (L4): Arcane, 30 MP, grants 10 TP. Magic Attack against one enemy for 80% chance to cause Fear.

Shadow Strike (L5): Special, 10 MP, grant 5 TP. Physical attack against 1 enemy causes 6*Attack - 3*Magic Defence in Darkness damage (20% and yes). Removes any buffs to Defence and Magic Defence.

Hamstring (L5): see Swashbuckler

Dual Attack (L6): see Kensei

Injury (L6): Special, 10 TP, physical attack against 1 enemy. Deals 2*Attack - Defence in Sneak Attack damage (20% yes), and removes any stat buffs as well as the Regeneration status.

Nightshield (L6): see Wizard
Pilfer (L7): see Ninja

Envenom (L7): Special, 15 TP, physical attack vs 1 enemy for 4*Attack - 2*Defence in Toxic damage (20% yes). 95% chance of Poison, 33% chance each of Blind, Confusion, Sleep, Paralysis, 10% each of Deadly Poison, OHKO.

Double Attack (L8): see Kensei
Phantasmal Killer (L8): see Wizard

Frostbite (L9): Arcane, 25 MP, gives 5 TP. Magic attack against 1 enemy causes 25 + 4*Magic Attack - 2*Magic Defence in Ice damage (20% no) and triple-debuffs Agility for 3 turns.

Shadow Evocation (L9): see Wizard

Death Mien (L10): Special, 5 MP and 10 TP, auto-hit all enemies for a 66% chance of Fear.

Sudden Study (L10): Special, Instant, Cooldown 10. Become Focused without spending a turn.
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Post by Koumei »

So I went to test something, and now "something" has fucked up from the last few days of stuff, causing it to throw a syntax error before even bringing the title screen up.

I'll look into it over the next couple of days, and if I can find out what is causing the trouble, I'll just excise that thing from the game or fix the syntax or specific number it expects or whatever. Otherwise I will of course be deleting the entire project and dedicating my spare time to drinking rather than making shit and you can all get fucked.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

What, srsly? I'm guessing you haven't saved backups of earlier versions given you've ruled out "rolling it back a week".
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Koumei »

The last back-up is from ages ago, and a lot more effort than I'd be willing to re-build. Going forward, I'm going to playtest after every small addition so I can be sure it's all working.

Nockermensch happens to be a hero, however, and found the problem. I had set an auto-state to 0037 rather than 37 despite 0037 being technically the correct "as it shows in the database" form and Yanfly simply making them interchangeable. Now I'm going to go through and test every single skill, enemy, state etc. in the game just to make sure it's all solid. And then back it up.

After that, being in a good mood, I might export and upload the game as it stands, now with the various changes suggested, the rat enemy, and two new custom (kind of shitty) skill animations.
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Post by Ikeren »

Good job Nockermensch then!
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Post by Aryxbez »

Whew! Hooray for Nockermensch!

Looking forward to playing this at some point, will totally "donate" money for when its done (If possible anyway).
Last edited by Aryxbez on Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Koumei wrote:
-Seheshen is highly resistant to Toxic damage and the Poison status, and despite her current sprite, she has a tail but no legs, so can equip bangles but not shoes. There is a tail bangle somewhere in the first dungeon.
Purely a descriptive error, but that bangle currently equips to the "legs" slot, despite the item description saying it would be a nice tail adornment.

And the audio call crashes are problematic. They won't let me recruit additional party members. EDIT: But it's pretty easy to fix -- the "attack1.ogg" file isn't in the SE ( ToFIE/WWW/Audio/SE ) directory. I copied "attack2" and renamed it to "attack1" and it seems to have solved the issue.

Camping on the elf map can be interrupted by a non-existant encounter. You'll heal to half and get the "interrupted" messgae, but no encounter follows.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Koumei »

So, the updated upload will be up mid next week, when bandwidth refreshes.

The Legs slot is feet for most but tail for Seheshen - she can't equip boots to that slot, but can equip bangles and things (vice versa for everyone else). I'll see if I can have two completely different slots though, if that helps.

As mentioned, the audio crashes should be fixed with the next upload, the drawback likely being file size.

I'm not particularly pleased with Camping. Basically, the skill calls up a Common Event which does the following:
1. Check to see if you're in a map that allows it (not zone-by-zone).
2. Assuming the above is fine, it goes through a list of food items, until it finds one that you have.
3. Assuming it does find a food item in your inventory, it subtracts 1 and provides partial healing.
4. It then makes a random check, with a small chance of being interrupted - in which case it tells you, then processes a random encounter "as normal for the zone". If the zone has no random encounters because you don't want people getting into random battles there, they are just interrupted and that's all.
5. If they're not interrupted, everything is fully restored.

I was thinking about ways to scale food consumption with party size, both of which involve simply changing food to generic "food" (one makes a Food item and has an item component for the skill - but would consume it even if you try to camp in an invalid location - the other makes Food a variable, and you'd then need a separate skill or function to turn food items into the food variable, because enemies can't just "drop" variables). That bit doesn't affect the problem with "You were interrupted by a very loud nothing" however.

It might even be better just to ditch the Camp skill - and then simply have a few places where if you go there it triggers "This would be an ideal place to set up camp. Yes/No" and handle it that way.
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Post by Shrapnel »

So I have a question about RPGmaker. Having recently come into possession of it, I was wondering... is there any way to have more than four party members active at a time, or is that a hard-wired legacy thing due to Dragon Quest III?
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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