[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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Post by Ikeren »

Grasping Grimm, hardest quest. But yeah, that was epic.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The actual events are pretty cool, it's a shame that they're seasoned with such irritating meta-circumstances. Even a couple of significant choices and some tone changes would have made a world of difference.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Quest: Battle of the bone fields

'Orders have come through,' announces a soldier as he races into the barracks. You recognize him as Tulcas, one of the more promising young warriors under Redguard's charge. 'Assemble outside the tower - five minutes!'

This is the news you have been waiting for. For the last two days, the mood in the camp has been tense. With no word from Ravenwing, there has been little to keep you and the rest of the garrison occupied. Instead, your thoughts have been increasingly turning to Jenlar and the warning he gave you about Avian Dale.

Avian is in grave danger. He thinks he can close the gate. But he can't...

Every night, you have stood at the edge of the camp and listened to the thunderous barrage of the legion's spells as they break against the magical barrier that keeps them imprisoned. If that barrier should fall... would Avian finally make his bid to enter the city and destroy the gate?

'Hey, wake up!'

You snap out of your reverie to see Nyms grinning at you - his rakish smile has been a rare sight these last few days. 'What're you waiting for, Ravenwing to come in person and deliver his orders with fireworks and a troupe of minstrels?'

You slip off the bed and begin strapping on your belt and weapons. 'What's the orders, do you know?'

Nyms shrugs. 'I suspect, my good friend, we're going to war.'
Outside, the air is chill and damp. A rumble in the distance suggests thunder. Redguard and Mathis approach quickly from the tower, both deep in conversation. You notice a man following behind, in a red cloak and feathered helm. You assume that he is the messenger, newly arrived from Ravenwing's camp to the south.

They halt in front of the lined ranks. It is a paltry gathering, you observe with some concern. The garrison now numbers less than thirty - having taken heavy losses in previous skirmishes with the undead forces. A glance to your side confirms that Nyms is coming to a similar conclusion as he looks around at the assembled guardsmen.

'Soldiers and friends,' announces Redguard. 'We now have word from the south. Ravenwing suspects that Zul's strike is imminent. His scouts have reported that a large army of undead are moving south. Ravenwing suspects that Zul's strike is imminent. His scouts have reported that a large army of undead is moving south, using the valley for cover. He has asked that we abandon this post and join his forces outside of Talanost. There we will link up with the eleventh brigade under Inquisitor Bovis.'

There are murmurs of approval amongst the soldiers. It appears that the man is a well-liked and respected warrior.

'We leave now. Saddle up and gather outside the south wall. Full armor and weapons ready, we don't know what we may encounter on our way there. Dismissed.'

As the soldiers break off, you follow Nyms and Caeleb towards the stable building. 'How big is out force to the south?' you ask.

'About four hundred, apparently,' replies Caeleb grimly. 'Guardsmen from Talanost, and a few mercenaries and refugees. Rest are mages, but most of them are being used to maintain the shield.' He shakes his head. 'We will need luck on our side if Zul's army is as big as we suspect.'
Having been issued with a steed, you follow the garrison south along the dusty road that winds through the bone fields. Redguard rides at the head of the force, resplendent in his plate mail armor and green tabard. On his right is Inquisitor Mathis, his blonde mane of hair flowing out from beneath a white conical helm, and riding on Redguard's left is Lansbury. The medic has swapped her trailing robes for a suit of intricate silver armor, its runed neck-guard rising up to form a high collar. In one hand she carries a white staff, in the other is the battle standard of Redguard's force - proudly displaying a golden dragon on a field of green.

To the south you can see the glittering dome of magic surrounding Talanost.
As it gets nearer, you can't help but marvel at the sheer scale of it and the mages who must be tirelessly working to keep it maintained. The shield stretches over the entire length of the city, sealing it in a magical prison from which there is no entry or escape. It is a sobering thought to think that the shield is all that stands between the legion and its destruction of Valeron - and perhaps, even the world.

'Flares! Look!' Tulcas is pointing eastward, across the grey barren plains. A number of red pulsing lights are arcing through the darkening skies.

'They're not flares, that's battle magic,' gasps Lansbury.

As if in answer to the medic's claim, there is a sudden barrage of light explosions, rippling across the horizon. They hang in the air like a sparkling strand of beads before slowly fading out, one by one.

'The war has started!' shouts Redguard, drawing his sword from his scabbard. 'Let's ride!' He urges his horse off the road, kicking up plumes of ash as he charges across the grey plain. Without a moment's hesitation, the rest of the force follow his lead, galloping towards the glittering frenzy that is lighting up the sky.
You ride east at a furious pace, the horses' hooves leaving billowing plumes of dust in your wake. At last, you find yourself reining in at the edge of a bone-littered ridge. The rest of the force are gathered along its length, their faces struck with fear and awe.

Below you, across a grey plain of ash, a mighty battle is raging. To the far south you can make out the banners and standards of Ravenwing's army - a tiny force already outflanked by the undead horde that is spilling out of the valley. There are thousands of skeletons making up its front lines. Amongst their ranks, you can see bone giants and immense abominations of flesh, created by the dark magics of Zul and his mages. Above them, buzzing like flies, are bone wyverns. They shriek and holler as they wheel through the sky, dodging the fireballs and other artillery that are flung their way from the beleaguered defenders.

Redguard raises his sword high into the air. 'Courage and honor. For the king! For Valeron!'

The chant is taken up by his soldiers. You join in, raising your weapons to the sky. There is an answering rumble from the gathering storm clouds, as if the heavens themselves are adding their own voice to your impassioned cry.

Then, you are riding forth, following the others as they gallop towards the nearest flank of the undead army. The odds stacked against you are vast, but you realize what is at stake. If Zul's army destroys the resistance and the shield over Talanost, then nothing will be able to stop the Legion of Shadow from obliterating everything in its path.
You charge into battle, your ears ringing with the thunder of hooves and the roar of the wind. Ahead of you, the undead army surges across the barren plain, unaware of Redguard's force now galloping into their exposed flank. Bones crack and splinter as you spearhead through the ranks of skeletons, your weapons flailing at your sides as you beat back their futile efforts to strike back.

Then the momentum of your charge is halted by the sheer weight of the enemy force, bearing down on you from all sides. For what seems like an eternity, you are battling to remain in the saddle as the skeletal warriors seek to knock or drag you to the ground. You hear the cries of several of your comrades, who have been unhorsed and overwhelmed by the undead masses.

Things are starting to look bleak, when suddenly a loud explosion sends bones and ash showering across the battlefield. A second blast rips into the skeletons ahead of you, throwing their burning bodies up into the air. You glance over your shoulder to see Inquisitor Mathis and Lansbury hurling balls of magical flame into the undead ranks. Already, sizable holes have started to appear where their magic has blown away the skeleton defenders. But there are still more, spilling into the gaps like an endless tide.

'Back! Back!' shouts Redguard, struggling to he heard over the tumultuos din. 'We're being flanked!' He turns his horse and makes for the edge of the battlefield. You follow suit, battering away the wall of skeletons that seek to hamper your retreat. Once free of the tight press of bodies, you see the reason for Redguard's concern. A cloud of smoke is drifting down from the bone fields, thrown up by a regiment of plate-armored knights aside nightmarish steeds.

Redguard is already charging towards them, to head off their attack. Nyms, Caeleb, and most of the other soldiers have followed. Turning in your saddle, you look back to see Lansbury, Tulcas, and the remaining guardsmen cut off by a dense mass of skeletons. With their attention focused solely on defending their position, the small force is oblivious to the huge lumbering beast that is fast approaching. It looks like a gigantic ghoul, its rotting flesh hanging off its thick bony limbs. The creature is trampling across everything in its path to reach Lansbury and the small knot of defenders. Moving to head it off is Inquisitor Mathis. The burly warrior is battling his way through the skeletons, his mighty warhammer crackling with magical energies.

• Charge the undead knights?
• Help Mathis to defeat the ghoul?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +16, Brawn: +4, Magic: +13, Armor: +6
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 1316 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

See I want to leave Mathis to die, but I also don't want that ogre to get to Lansbury...

Half a vote to attack the ghoul.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

Mathis being so unlikeable probably means that the right choice is to keep him alive.

Save him from the ghoul.
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Post by Ikeren »

Agreed with SGamerz. He's been along too long for a random betrayal at this point.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Try to save Mathis. This gamebook isn't written by UK Steve Jackson so at the absolute least we're not going to get a game over for trying to help a guy out.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You turn your horse and urge it back into the thronging mass of undead, aiming to reach Mathis. The inquisitor is using his mighty warhammer to pummel his way through the ranks of the skeletons. As the giant ghoul nears Lansbury's position, Mathis throws back his arm and then hirls his warhammer through the air. There is a blast of light as it slams into the side of the ghoul. The creature skids around, snarlingwith rage – then immediately starts towards the inquisitor, trampling over everything that stands in its way.

At last you reach Mathis, who is struggling to unsheathe his sword. Your horse whinnies and snorts with fear as the huge beast bears down upon you. The ghoul is huge, bigger than you first thought - its spiked carapace tapering back into a long ridged tail. Around each of its limbs are a set of golden bracelets, glowing with black magic. You assume these might be bonds of some kind, controlling the beast.

There is a grating ring of steel as Mathis tugs his sword free, itspoint flaring into a burst of white magical light. The ghoul opens its jaws, emitting a blood-curdling howl. Then, in a grey-white blur, the creature swings its tail in a savage swathe. You see skeletons smashed to pieces as its immense length whips out towards you... then your mount is hit and you are flung up into the air.

You throw your arms around your horse's neck, clinging on for dear life. Then the danger of your situation hits home. Quickly, you slip free of the stirrups and push away from the flailing animal. You land in a roll, as the panicked beast crashes down amongst a group of skeletons. Narrowly, you avoid being crushed beneath your own mount.

There is no sign of Mathis or the others. The ghoul is now charging towards you, crunching the bones of the fallen skeletons beneath its splayed hands and paws. You ready yourself to take on this immense undead creature alone.
The ground trembles as the enormous ghoul hurtles towards you, its powerful claws leaving deep trenches in the dirt. You suspect that the glowing bracelets around each of its limbs are what the necromancers are using to control the beast's movements:

Special Abilities
- Unleash the beast: If you win a combat round against Ghoulash, you can choose whether to direct your damage against the creature or one of its magical bracelets.
- Iron clad: The bracelets are immune to bleed, disease, impale, piercing, and venom.
So we get a different victory paragraph if we break all the bracelets before the Ghoulash is defeated.
• Focus on killing the monster?
• Focus on breaking the bracelets?
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Post by Ikeren »

Just kill him? Going for the bracelets first seems like a good way to die.
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Post by SGamerz »

Killing him directly is certainly the safer choice, but I'm curious about what the bracelets do.

Half a vote to target the bracelets.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Focus on the bracers; I want to see what happens.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Time to shatter the man-dazzle!
Round 1: Us 3+16, It 9+14 (deceiv'd, Us 8+16, It 4+14); 4+15-8 damage, Bracelet 1 is at 14. *Thorns* Ghoulash is at 99, B1 is at 13, B2-4 at 24.
Round 2: Us 7+16, It 7+14; 2+15-8 damage, Bracelet 1 is at 4. *Thorns* Ghoulash is at 98, B1 is at 3, B2-4 at 23.
Round 3: Us 2+16, It 11+14; 5+11-6 damage, we're at 40. *Thorns* Ghoulash at 97, B1 is at 2, B2-4 at 22.
Round 4: Us 9+16, It 6+14; 4+15-8 damage, Bracelet 2 is at 11. *Thorns* Ghoulash at 96. B1 is at 1, B2 is at 10, B3-4 at 21.
Round 5: Us 8+16, It 4+14; 6+15-8 damage, Bracelet 2 broken! *Thorns* Ghoulash at 95, B1 broken!, B3-4 at 20.
Round 6: Us 4+16 (charm'd, 8+16), It 8+14; 6+15-8 damage, Bracelet 3 at 7. *Thorns* Ghoulash at 94, B3 at 6, B4 at 19.
Round 7: Us 11+16, It 8+14; 6+15-8 damage, Bracelet 3 broken! *Thorns* Ghoulash at 93, B4 at 18.
Round 8: Us 8+16, It 7+14; 6+15-8 damage, Bracelet 4 at 5. *Thorns* Ghoulash at 92, B4 at 4.
Round 9: Us 5+16, It 8+14; parry'd. *Thorns* Ghoulash at 91, B4 at 3.
Round 10: Us 8+16, It 8+14; 6+15-8 damage, all bracelets smashed.
As you sever the last of the glowing bracelets, the creature suddenly pauses in its frantic attack, its bellows of rage petering out into a confused whine. Then, the ghoul's momentary confusion passes and it gives another thunderous roar as it charges into the nearest rank of skeletons. No longer under control, the ghoul is now running amok – stampeding through anything and everything that gets in its way. One of the necromancers' prize weapons has now been turned against its own army.

You may help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Bracelet of fury (gloves) +1 speed, +4 brawn, Ability: adrenaline (sp; 1/combat, +2 speed for 2 rounds)
Bracelet of fire (gloves) +1 speed, +3 magic, Ability: embers (Your burn ability deals 2 damage instead of 1), Requirement: pyromancer.
Bracelet of iron (gloves) +2 brawn, +3 armor, Ability: might of stone (1/combat, +3 armor for 1 round)
All aroudn you, the battle continues to rage.
Ugh, blocked by what I think is the first Profession requirement we've seen. I'm confident that nobody wants the other stuff.
It appears that Ravenwing's forces are making headway into the bone army. You can see their signal flags and pennants nearby, slowly pushing northwards through the masses of skeletons. Above you, a barrage of explosions light up the sky. A moment later and you are running for cover as a giant bone wyvern smashes into the ground, leaving a smoking crater on impact.

A red blur flashes by overhead. To your surprise you see that it is a red-robed mage, standing astride a magic carpet. He is rapidly followed by a whole squadron of mages, twisting and weaving through the air as they battle the wyverns.


The voice forces you to turn. A black-clothed warrior is striding towards you, his body flickering with shadow magic. He is tall and lean, his eyes hidden by a black band of cloth. In either hand he carries a large runed sword, already bloodied. 'I see you fight for them,' he spits – the last word said with loathing.

You realize that this is a a shadowstalker, one of the generals of the Legion of Shadow. Weapons raised, you fall into a battle stance, watching your opponent closely as you both circle each other. Despite the man's blindfold, it appears that he can see you perfectly.

'When I kill you,' hisses the stranger, 'I will enjoy absorbing every last shred of your pitiful existence.' His body blazes with dark energy as he speeds towards you, his swords moving impossibly fast:

Special Abilities
- Lightning Reflexes: You cannot use sidestep, evade, or vanish in this combat.
- Poison: Once you have taken health damage from Budak, at the end of each combat round, you must automatically lose 2 health.
Kinda tough, but ironically too slow.
Round 1: Us 11+16, Him 10+14; 2+15-12 damage (corrupt'd), he's at 105. *DOTs* He's at 103.
Round 2: Us 10+16, Him 7+14; 6+15-12 damage, he's at 94. *DOTs* He's at 91.
Round 3: Us 6+16, Him 7+14; 5+15-12 damage, he's at 83. *DOTs* He's at 79.
Round 4: Us 8+16, Him 6+14; 1+15-12 damage, he's at 75. *DOTs* He's at 70.
Round 5: Us 9+16, Him 10+14; 3+15-12 damage, he's at 64. *DOTs* He's at 58.
Round 6: Us 7+16, Him 3+14; 4+15-12 damage, he's at 51. *DOTs* He's at 44.
Round 7: Us 7+16, Him 7+14; 2+15-12 damage, he's at 39. *DOTs* He's at 31.
Round 8: Us 10+16, Him 8+14; 5+15-12 damage, he's at 23. *DOTs* He's at 14.
Round 9: Us 6+16, Him 6+14; 1+15-12 damage, he's at 10. *DOTs* He's defeated!
Flawless. Victory.
As you deliver the killing blow, the shadowstalker's body turns to wisps of shadow magic, leaving his clothes and weapons to fall useless to the floor. Instinctively, you draw back your sleeve to reveal your glowing mark. You can feel it pulsing and tingling beneath your skin, as if it can sense the nearby magic and craves its sustenance. The floating wisps spiral towards the branded skin, filling you with energy as they come into contact with the mark.

Enthused with Budak's dark magic, you throw back your head, laughing in ecstacy as the air crackles around you, charged with your newfound power. (You may increase your brawn or magic score by 2 for the next combat only.)

Around you lies a scattering of Budak's clothing and equipment.

• If you are a Rogue...
• Otherwise...
You find a purse containing 50 gold corwns. You may also choose one of the following rewards:
Pot of mending (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to restore 12 health.
Band of elements (ring) +2 magic, Ability: lightning (every time you take damage from an enemy winning a combat round, you deal 2 armor-ignoring damage to that enemy)
Budak's signet (ring) +1 brawn, +1 magic, Ability: steal (1/combat, raise one of your stats to match your opponent's for 1 round)
You step over the remains of the shadowy assassin and head back into the fray.
Pick a loot to proceed. If you want the pot, let me know what you want to drop for it.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +16, Brawn: +4, Magic: +13, Armor: +6
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 1366 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I could be convinced to take one of the rings (replacing the traveler's ring) but I'm in favor of taking the pot of mending and dropping the spider leg. The ghoul hair might come in handy given all the undead we've seen.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You cut, blast, and pummel your way through the skeletons that block your passage. They are slow and cumbersome fighters, their reactions no match for your abilities and prowess. Soon, you find yourself on a rocky series of crags. To your left you can see Nyms, expertly twisting and dodging the attacks of a band of necromancers as he slices them down with his twin blades. To your right you can see Lansbury and Tulcas. The latter is now holding the battle standard of Redguard's battalion, while the medic blasts the surrounding undead with her powerful magics.

Then the ground shakes as more powerful explosions rip into the earth. You turn your attention skyward, to see a flock of giant crows soaring over the battlefield. On their backs are archers, firing black glowing arrows towards the surviving defenders. You look around desperately for the flying mages, but they are still fending off the bone wyverns to the east of your position.

You scramble for cover as another blast hits the ground nearby, leaving a smouldering black crater where you had once been standing.

• If you are a mage, or have a bow or flint-lock pistol equipped...
• Otherwise...
As the giant crows soar overhead, you take aim and prepare to fire. You will need to take a speed or magic test (using whichever of your attributes is the highest.)

Headshot: Speed/Magic 24
Challenging, even with our max-cheesed speed. Still, with a roll of 8, we juuust make it.
Your aim is perfect. The nearest crow crashes to the ground in a flurry of feathers, crushing its rider beneath its immense black body. You take aim again, hitting another as its archer prepares to fire. Again the bird is brought to the ground in a whirling cloud of dust – however, this time the archer leaps clear of the body, landing in an agile roll. She springs back to her feet, throwing aside her bow and drawing her longsword from its scabbard.

'For the legion!' she cries, charging towards you.

Ugh, so much armor, even with our damage boosts this is gonna be a slog.
Round 1: Us 9+16, Her 11+14; draw. *Thorns* She's at 84.
Round 2: Us 8+16, Her 4+14; 3+17-14 damage (corrupt'd), she's at 78. *DOTs* She's at 76.
Round 3: Us 4+16, Her 9+14; parry'd. *DOTs* She's at 74.
Round 4: Us 10+16, Her 4+14; 6+17-14 damage, she's at 65. *DOTs* She's at 62.
Round 5: Us 5+16, Her 9+14 (deceiv'd, Us 9+16, her 5+14); rake'd 11 damage, she's at 51. *DOTs* She's at 47.
Round 6: Us 9+16, Her 7+14; 5+17-14 damage, she's at 39. *DOTs* She's at 34.
Round 7: Us 9+16, Her 11+14; draw. *DOTs* She's at 29.
Round 8: Us 12+16, Her 7+14; 4+17-14 damage, she's at 22. *DOTs* She's at 16.
Round 9: Us 8+16, Her 7+14; 5+17-14 damage, she's at 8. *DOTs* She's at 1.
Round 9: Us 2+16, Her 7+14; 5+15-6 armor, we're at 36. *DOTs* She's defeated.
The scout fights with a berserk frenzy, but your calm and precise attacks win the day. She slides to the ground at your feet, a scowl still etched deep into her face, even in death. You may now take one of the following rewards:
Archstrike (left hand: wand) +3 speed, +3 magic, Ability: dominate (1/combat, change a die rolled for damage to a 6), Requirement: mage.
Cloak of the wind (cloak) +3 speed, +1 armor, Ability: surge (1/combat gain +3 magic, next round you have -1 speed), Requirement: mage

Spit fire (left hand: pistol) +2 speed, +4 brawn, Ability: sear.
You continue to fire into the flock of crows, bringing down more of their number and scattering the remaining few. Thanks to your efforts you now have air superiority. Make a note of this on your hero sheet.
Pick a loot to proceed.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +16, Brawn: +4, Magic: +13, Armor: +6
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Spider's Leg
4Pot of Mending (+12 health)
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Air superiority

Money Pouch: 1366 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If the wand was a main hand item I'd suggest doing that for the magic boost (without losing any precious speed), but as is take the cloak for the extra speed.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Ikeren »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You press on, making for aline of bone giants who are slowly advancing at the rear of the army. As you bat away the skeletons that seek to frustrate your progress, you become aware of three others making for the same position. You recognize Redguard and Mathis – both are now fighting on foot, their faces grim-set as they battle against the endless horde. The third warrior is a grey-bearded man in thick plate armor. In one hand he holds a shield, riddled with dents and splintered arrows. In his main hand is a broadsword, glowing with magical runes. He catches your eye and for a moment the battle recedes into the background as you both try to place how you know each other.

'Ravenwing!' you gasp, recognition dawning.

The man offers you a tight smile. 'Still fighting for us, I see. Long may it last.' He swings his blade in a deadly arc, lopping the heads off the surrounding skeletons. 'Follow me, we're going for Zul.'

You cut your way through the skeletons to join Ravenwing. Together you fight side by side, heading steadily northwards. Mathis and Redguard are doing likewise. A few minutes later and the four of you are stumbling free of the surging tide, the area ahead of you clear. Marching towards you are four of the biggest bone giants you have ever seen.

• If you have air superiority...
• Otherwise...
You feel a rush of wind above you. Looking up, you see a regiment of red-robed mages streaking overhead. As their magic carpets sweep past the bone giants, they release their powerful spells. You are thrown to the ground as the horizon explodes ina fiery maelstrom of light and heat. A wave of ash washes over you, causing you to cough and choke. When at last you can see clearly again, you discover that the bone giants have been reduced to a few fragments of scorched bone, sticking up at irregular angles from the burnt earth.

Ravenwing is already on his feet and charging forwards again. Wiping the dust from your eyes, you follow his lead, sprinting across the cratered ground.
Beyond the smoking bodies of the giants, the steep-sided walls of the valley rise up to either side. Within its lengthening shadows you see a floating palanquin of bone, hovering several feet off the stony earth. Standing atop the grisly platform is a hooded man, his grey robes edged with gold.

Black lightning flares from his outstretched fingers, sizzling into the mages that dart and soar overhead. Expertly, he fends off their attacks, both shielding himself from their fireballs and picking them off one by one. Their blackened bodies and frayed carpets crash to the ground around his floating palanquin. A dark laughter echoes within the valley.

'It's Zul,' scowls Ravenwing, raising his shield. 'We must be cautious.'

'We have bigger problems,' adds Redguard.

Two flesh golems are lumbering towards you, previously hidden by an overhang of rock.

'We'll take these,' says Ravenwing, nodding towards Redguard. 'You two, take out the mage.'

You glance over at Mathis. The inquisitor gives you an answering glare, full of distrust and unanswered questions. 'So be it,' he says grimly. The two of you advance, while Ravenwing and Redguard block off the advancing golems.
'So we meet again,' hisses Zul. He raises the palm of his left hand, then clenches his long fingers. You feel a sudden flash of pain, starting in your arm and then rushing up across your whole body. It drives you to the ground, forcing you to claw at your mark as it burns like fire beneath your skin. Mathis slows, looking down at you uncertainly.

'What is it?' he growls.

'Oh, didn't you know Inquisitor?' asks Zul, speaking in soft dulcet tones. 'This is a shadow spawn. Just like myself. A Nevarin who helped me to find the last piece of the Nexus and open the gate.'

'What?' Mathis' eyes widen, his face seething with rage. 'It can'tbe true.'

'Oh, it is,' chuckles the mage. He makes a quick gesture with his fingers. Still wracked with pain, you watch through your tears as your sleeve is pulled back, rvealing your mark.

'NO!' Mathis bares his teeth, his whole body shaking with anger. 'This... this is the true betrayer!'

You feel yourself being pulled to your feet. In horror, you realize that your body is no longer your own, you are being controlled by Zul. The mage is making gestures with his hands, chuckling all the time as he plays you like a marionette.

'Stop this!' you shout, watching helpless as your hands raise your weapons. You begin to advance towards Mathis. 'No, wait! I am not you en-' Your mouth snaps shut, held now by some invisible force.

'Showing your true colors, eh?' sneers Mathis. 'May the One God have mercy on you, shadow spawn!'

Controlled by Zul, you find yourself meeting the inquisitor's charge, your weapons meeting in a blazing flash of magic and energy.
Oo, the issue set up at the end of Act 1 is showing up again. And if we have to be mind-controlled to whip our allies, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

-Snap out of it!: You cannot possibly hope to defeat this powerful opponent. At the end of every combat round, roll a die. If you roll a 6, then make a note of it. Once you have rolled three 6s, you have broken control of Zul's spell.
Unfortunately, Mathis' stats are pretendous. If you didn't hate him before, hate him now for being a dick-extension. Even if we hadn't tanked our damage output with our new cape, he'd be basically invulnerable. Worse, even if we DOTs'd him out over 200+ rounds, there's no victory reference – it's snap out or defeat.
Round 1: Us 5+17, Him 9+15; parry'd. 1 no snapout.
Round 2: Us 9+17, Him 8+15. 4, no snapout.
Round 3: Us 7+17, Him 10+15 (trickster'd). 3, no snapout.
Round 4: Us 9+17, Him 10+15. 6, snapout 1/3.
Round 5: Us 9+17, Him 4+15. 6, snapout 2/3.
Round 6: Us 6+17, Him 4+15. 5, no snapout.
Round 7: Us 5+17, Him 7+15. 6, snapout!
Well, that was some luck. Literally less than half as long as I was expecting.
'Stop!" You duck beneath one of the inquisitor's hasty swings and back away, raising your guard. 'It is not what you think, he was controlling me!'

'A likely story,' growls Mathis, advancing once again.

In desperation you spin away from the inquisitor and charge towards Zul. Your only chance to convince Mathis of your innocence is to defeat this shadowy sorcerer. As you leap onto the palanquin, Mathis skids to a halt, confused.

'So, it has come to this,' grins the mage,meeting your gaze calmly. 'You cannot hope to defeat me, you do know this, don't you?'

You give your answer in a flurry of magic and steel:
Zul Ator141512100

-Black lightning: At the end of each combat round, you automatically take 4 points of armor-ignoring damage from the mage's lightning attack.
- Heightened Magic: You cannot use sidestep, evade, or vanish in this combat.
Hm, his DOT is nasty, but his speed is inadequate.
Round 1: Us 7+17, Him 7+14; 5+12-12 damage (corrupt'd), he's at 95. *DOTs* We're at 46, he's at 93.
Round 2: Us 4+17, Him 6+14; 6+12-12 damage, he's at 87. *DOTs* We're at 42, he's at 84.
Round 3: Us 2+17, Him 3+14; 2+12-12 damage, he's at 82. *DOTs* We're at 38, he's at 78.
Round 4: Us 8+17, Him 9+14; 2+12-12 damage, he's at 76. *DOTs* We're at 34, he's at 71.
Round 5: Us 8+17, Him 3+14; 4+12-12 damage, he's at 67.*DOTs* We're at 30, he's at 61.
Round 6: Us 10+17, Him 12+14; 2+12-12 damage, he's at 59. *DOTs* We're at 26, he's at 52.
Round 7: Us 5+17, Him 8+14; draw. *DOTs* We're at 22 (heal'd, we're at 26), he's at 45.
Round 8: Us 9+17, Him 4+14; 1+12-12 damage, he's at 44. *DOTs* We're at 22, he's at 36.
Round 9: Us 9+17, Him 5+14; 3+12-12 damage, he's at 33. *DOTs* We're at 18, he's at 24.
Round 10: Us 6+17, Him 10+14; parry'd. *DOTs* We're at 14, he's at 15.
Round 11: Us 7+17, Him 9+14; 3+12-12 damage, he's at 12. *DOTs* We're at 10, he's at 2.
Round 12: Us 12+17, Him 7+14; 5+12-12 damage, necro-fucker defeated!
Oh, that's surprisingly satisfying. Now to top it off with his presumably-epic & mage-centric loot.
The mage gives a gasp of astonishment as your blow penetrates his defenses. Black energies spill out of his broken body, twisting and swirling into the air.

'No! I will not be defeated!' His grey robes crumple in a heap at your feet, the magic from his body spinning like a whirlwind up into the air.

You kneel beside the body, searching the mage's remains. You find 50 gold crowns and may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Pot of mending (backpack) 1 use, use any time in combat to restore 12 health.
Inner circle (ring) +5 health, Ability: curse (sp; 1/combat, your opponent rolls 1 fewer die for combat speed)
Zul's zapper (ring) +1 brawn, +1 magic, Ability: zapped! (sp; 1/combat, shrink your opponent for 1 round, reducing their speed, brawn, and magic by 3)

When you stand, the dark magic begins to pourinto your exposed shadow mark. You drink it in – all of it – feeling it healing your wounds, feeding your tired and aching muscles. And still it comes, surging into you, forcing your head to snap back as you open your mouth in a silent scream[. You want it to stop, but you are powerless as the mage's dark magic flows like a river through your senses, filling you with an unimaginable power.
Pick a loot to proceed.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +17, Brawn: +4, Magic: +10, Armor: +7
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakCloak of the Wind+3+1Surge
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Spider's Leg
4Pot of Mending (+12 health)
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Air superiority

Money Pouch: 1416 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Trash spider leg for pot of mending.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Agreed. An item that gives a health bonus is interesting but the bonus is too small to matter at this point, and certainly not worth giving up one of our existing rings.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Come to think of it I could see the argument for trading a DoT 1 for +1 damage and "a thing"... but I don't agree with that argument so sticking with "trash spider leg for pot of mending".
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

When you open your eyes, you look around as if seeing the world for the first time. Your entire body is crackling with energy, and you feel it growing inside you – becoming something you can no longer contain. You spring from the palanquin, gliding effortlessly over Mathis, Redguard, and the others, who are watching you both in amazement and horror. They seem so small to you now, so insignificant...

But a part of you remembers – remembers what it is you came here to do. When you land, you see shadow energy radiating out in a circle from your point of impact. It slams through the lines of skeletons and ghouls, turning them to grey ash. You are dimly aware of Ravenwing's soldiers, fleeing from you as you advance towards the remaining masses of Zul's army.

'Get out of my way,' you scream, with a voice that no longer sounds like your own. You raise your hands and from their palms black fire spirals out into the ranks of the undead, blasting them, crushing them, lifting them up into the air and driving them into the ground. This is power... this is true power.

Then you stagger and fall. The magic is too much to contain, it is spilling out of your body now, rippling in tentacle-like waves as it is released back into the air.

'GET AWAY!' you scream. You see regiments of men throwing down their standards and weapons, and running full pelt for safety – the undead now forgotten. Then you open up your arms and release the magic – all of it. You feel a rushing wave of power flowing out across the battlefield.

Then there is silence. You fall backwards, your head hitting the hard-packed earth. The last thing you remember is a single bolt of white light arrowing across the sky. A victory flare perhaps...
You open your eyes and give a start when you see a woman's face close to your own. She jerks backwards, covering her mouth in shock. 'This one's alive!' she shrieks, getting to her feet.

You push yourself up, your head still groggy and your limbs aching. All around you, there is scorched earth and and the charred remains of skeletons and ghouls. As more of your surroundings come into focus, you see the woman now talking with a group of soldiers.

'There's one still alive,' she says, pointing to you.

The soldiers belong to Ravenwing's militia. On seeing you they draw their swords and start to advance. You glance down at your exposed shadow mark, pulsing with a faint purple light.

'Don't worry, we'll finish 'im off,' mutters one of the guards.

You stumble to your feet, your hands raised in surrender. 'No wait, I am with Captain Redguard-'

'A likely story,' says their leader; a grizzled veteran with a face full of scars.

'Gentlemen, please.' You turn to see Nyms stepping over the smoking bodies of the undead, his swords now sheathed at his sides. 'This one is with us.'

The guards look to him and then back at you, their scowls remaining. 'Then he's your responsibility,' spits the leader. 'I'll have nothing to do with it.'

Nyms grabs your sleeve and tugs it down, covering the mark. He offers you a thin smile. 'I guess they're not quite ready to trust one of your kind yet.'

You turn, looking out across the scene of devastation. Broken skeletal bodies litter the plain as far as the eye can see. 'We won?' you ask weakly, rubbing your aching head.

Nyms gives a hesitant nod. 'There were losses, but yes – once Zul was defeated the army kind of fell apart. Quite literally.'

'And the others?' you ask, scanning the nearby pockets of soldiers.

'Lansbury and Caeleb are fine – Redguard too,' says Nyms. 'You may want to give Mathis a wide berth though.'

You glance over at Nyms, your expression urging him to say more.

The swordsman sighs. 'He knows what you are now. He saw your shadow mark... when you... you died you know.' He shifts his feet nervously. "There was all this glowing black stuff – magic. It was all Redguard could do to stop Mathis wading in and... Well, you're OK now. Quite a gift you have there. Coming back from the dead.'

'Or a curse perhaps,' you add darkly, rubbing your sleeve.

'Come on, friend.' Nyms pats you on the back, smiling to lighten the mood. 'I hear the celebrations are already in full swing – that was quite a victory we won. I wonder if the bards will sing of it one day? Always wanted to be in a song. The great Nyms and his dancing blades!'

You laugh, but there is little feeling behind it. Your eyes keep wandering to the soldiers. Their nervous glances speak volumes to you. Clearly they are not ready to trust a shadow born, despite everything that you have done to fight for their cause. In silence, you accompany Nyms to the defenders' camp. Return to the quest map.
• Legendary Monster (ice lake)
• Legendary Monster (tomb ravine)
• Legendary Monster (gazebo)
• Legendary Monster (standing stones)
• Legendary Monster (red tornado)
• End Boss
• Also, the base camp had something happen if you visited it after Battle of the Bone Fields.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +17, Brawn: +4, Magic: +10, Armor: +7
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakCloak of the Wind+3+1Surge
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Pot of Mending (+12 health)
4Pot of Mending (+12 health)
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Air superiority

Money Pouch: 1416 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

I genuinely had to check that the Dread Gazebo was a real option and not you having a laugh.

With that said - go do battle with the dread gazebo.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Face the gazebo alone.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Legendary monster: The blob

The foetid smell of evil permeates every stone of the old mausoleum. You pass warily along its dark corridors, towards the glow of lights and the sound of chanting. Arriving in a large circular chamber, you see a ring of black-robed necromancers surrounding a raised stone slab. Lying across it is a huge zombie-like creation, its bulbous body sewn together from various limbs and other body bits. At the head of the circle is a wild-haired man in a blood-splattered white coat. He is giggling insanely, rubbing his hands together as he watches the beast.

Your foot knocks into one of the bones littering the floor. It skitters across the stone tiles, alerting the necromancers. On seeing you, their chanting takes on a frenzied urgency. Suddenly, black lightning flares from each of their hands. It arcs through the air, striking the metal plates that have been sewn into the monster's flesh. The body spasms and jerks, the enormous legs and arms twitching as the lightning crackles back and forth across its corpulent form.

'It's alive!' gasps the mortician, hopping up and down with insane glee. 'It lives!'

The hulking monster pushes itself off the stone table, scattering the necromancers. As it steadies itself on its squat, trunk-like legs, you see the true horror of its foul existence. The creature is a chaotic mishmash of human and giant body parts. Thick purple stitching criss-crosses its puffy flesh, holding together the monster's bloated patchwork form.

'Go, my beauty! Destroy this intruder,' commands the white-coated mortician, spittle flying from his lips. 'Show me what you can do!'

The giant zombie takes hold of a spiked mace and then starts lumberin towards you. 'Me destroy!' he booms. 'Me make master happy.'
The blob141512120

Special Abilities
- Knockdown: If you take damage from the blob, you must lower your speed by 1 for the next combat round.
- Bloated body: The blob is immune to piercing, impale, barbs, and thorns.
Ugh, 120 health and we're basically relying on Bleed for all of it.
Round 1: Us 8+17, It 10+14; 4+12-12 damage, it's at 116. *Bleed* It's at 115.
Round 2: Us 7+17, It 10+14; draw. *Bleed* It's at 114.
Round 3: Us 10+17, It 9+14; 1+12-12 damage, it's at 113. *Bleed* It's at 111.
Round 4: Us 7+17, It 6+14; 1+12-12 damage, it's at 110. *Bleed* It's at 107.
Round 5: Us 6+17, It 5+14; 5+12-12 damage, it's at 102. *Bleed* It's at 98.
Round 6: Us 9+17, It 7+14; 2+12-12 damage, it's at 96. *Bleed* It's at 91.
Round 7: Us 8+17, It 6+17; 4+12-12 damage, it's at 87. *Bleed* It's at 81.
Round 8: Us 3+17 (charm'd 7+17), It 7+14; 4+12-12 damage, it's at 77. *Bleed* It's at 70.
Round 9: Us 4+17, It 4+14; 6+12-12 damage, it's at 64. *Bleed* It's at 56.
Round 10: Us 10+17, It 10+14; 3+12-12 damage, it's at 53. *Bleed* It's at 44.
Round 11: Us 7+17, It 9+14; 1+12-12 damage, it's at 43. *Bleed* It's at 33.
Round 12: Us 9+17, It 7+14; 4+12-12 damage, it's at 29. *Bleed* It's at 18.
Round 13: Us 6+17, It 11+14 (deceive'd Us 9+17, It 8+14); 6+12-12 damage, it's at 12. *Bleed* Hulking brute defeated!
The beast stares at you dumbly, it's slow-brain struggling to register that most of its vital organs are spilling out onto the cold stone floor. Then, with a baby-like whimper, the monstrous zombie topples backwards, smashing the stone slab to smithereens as it crashes to the ground.

You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Rumble thumpers (feet) +1 speed, +3 brawn, Ability: knockdown (1/combat, your opponent rolls 1 fewer die for attack speed.)
Pacemaker (chest) +1 speed, +4 armor, Ability: kick start, Requirement: warrior
Belching bludger (main hand: mace) +2 speed, +4 brawn, Ability: disease (Once you damage an enemy, they take 2 damage at the end of every round.)
Pick a Reject all loot before we proceed.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Necromancer
Speed: +17, Brawn: +4, Magic: +10, Armor: +7
Health: 50
HeadHood of Night+2+3Deceive
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakCloak of the Wind+3+1Surge
Main HandLasher+3+3Bleed
Left HandGrasping Grimm+3+3Rake
ChestDeathgrip Robes+2+3Corruption
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanBone Fetish+1Necromancer
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Elixir of Invisibility
3Pot of Mending (+12 health)
4Pot of Mending (+12 health)
5Oil Flask 2/2

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Air superiority

Money Pouch: 1416 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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