Lets Play - Falcon 1: Renegade Lord

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, agreed. Tell him.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

If he's under mind control, then we're probably speaking directly to the enemy. I think it'll just give them opportunity to take first shot at us. Grab the initiative and shoot them.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

SGamerz wrote:If he's under mind control, then we're probably speaking directly to the enemy. I think it'll just give them opportunity to take first shot at us. Grab the initiative and shoot them.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

So, still tied at two votes for talking and two for shooting.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

You send a Lascom message to the Phocian, telling him that his mind is being controlled by another. Suddenly his ship begins to weave in space as if about to attack. You decide to take evasive action. Make an Evasion Roll, treating your Evasion Modifier as 0 for this roll only.
If you score 6-12, turn to 19
If you score 2-5, turn to 190

6, so:

You bank and dive as twin laser pulses from the Phocian flash past your ship into the blackness of space. Then the Phocian increases speed. A third, larger ship appears on the Scanner, beyond an Asteroid Belt, and the Corsair changes course to intercept. You match course and increase speed as a second message reaches you, this time from the larger ship. 'This is the Clanship Keladan HI; we are on a priority diplomatic mission. Do not attack, repeat, do not attack. Change course. We are Keladi; do not attack.' You realise that this is the convoy ship carrying Korakiik, and that they will soon be within the attack range of the Phocian Corsair. Do you:
Open fire on the Phocian Corsair with your ship's pulse lasers?
Wait to see what happens?
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Ah, hell. Open fire.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Realising that whoever is controlling the Phocian pilot, almost certainly the Renegade Lord, is trying to kill the Keladi envoy, so that Kelados and Earth will be plunged into war, you target and fire the ship's bow lasers. The Phocian has started an attack pattern, weaving in space and you must pilot the craft manually trying to outguess his every move. Make an Attack Roll to lock on successfully with your lasers.
If you score 7-12...
Rolled 6 and 4, so:

Twin pulses from your lasers light up the back of the Phocian's ship. You have hit part of the main drive reactor and the Corsair hangs in space, drifting. Small puffs of flame at one side of its hull show you that the pilot is using the weak retro rockets in an attempt to angle his ship towards that of the Keladi envoy. It will be a few minutes, you estimate, before he is able to target his lasers. Do you:
Match velocity with the stricken hulk and board her?
Finish her off with your ship's pulse lasers?
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Post by SlyJohnny »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Boarding seems super foolhardy, but is also the heroic thing to do. Also I'm a sucker for matching velocities. Let's wrangle the sap man to Lord of Space.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Board. We'll probably find a useful lead.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You manage to dock with the stricken hulk and, unstrapping yourself from the free-fall harness, propel your weightless body through the airlock. Using your blaster, you break through the airlock of the other ship. The metal melts and cracks as the plasma hits it and you thrust yourself quickly up the stairwell into the bridge. As your head clears the stairwell rim, the Phocian is about to fire his ship's lasers at the Keladi envoy vessel. You have only moments before the envoy is destroyed.
Do you:
Thinkstrike the Phocian?
Use your Power of Will to control the Phocian?
Use your blaster?

There is a picture here, which I think is Falcon boarding the other ship.
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Post by SGamerz »

I'm sure he's already under Power of Will from the Renegade lord, and we're NOT winning a Battle of Will against a Timelord.

Not sure about Thinkstrike though. It can be interpreted both ways: either the fact that his will has already mean subdued makes his mind (not the Renegade's) extra vulnerable and we'll one-shot him, OR our attack is effectively aimed at the Renegade lord himself, which probably won't go down well for us.

Blast him, to be safe.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

We boarded him specifically to look for evidence or further leads. If we're just going to shoot him, we might as well have shot the ship down.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

[score a C]
Since the Phocian is not in control of his own mind he is defenceless against your Thinkstrike and he starts to float unconscious, in his free-fall harness. You free him from the couch and tie him up with the harness before pushing his weightless body back into your ship. By the time he comes round you are on your way back to the starport. As you head back you notice, on the rear scanner, an asteroid mining ship appear from behind the Asteroid Belt, and your Psychic Awareness registers the presence of a being with great powers of the mind, probably the Renegade Lord. You catch a thought:Golden Horde and then, self destruct. To your surprise the mining ship blossoms into a flowering white light, like a star gone nova, as it explodes. Is the Renegade Lord dead, you wonder? Then you notice the Phocian coming round and you interrogate him. Your voice is mechanical, using the Universal Translator, and he readily informs you that his mind was taken over by a very alien and powerful mind, obviously neither Keladi, Phocian nor Earther. He had been instructed to destroy the envoy's vessel. He asks what is happening, but following the First Law of TIME, you ignore him. You land safely and leave the pirate Phocian tied up in the ship. Wasting no time, you run to Falcon's Wing before Starport Security come to question you. CAIN tells you that he registered a Variac Drive emission from the centre of the asteroid mining ship just before it blew up. Whoever it was used their Time Machine to wink out to safety. CAIN informs you that you have made history here, but that his memory banks remain essentially unchanged. Do you have a nuclear bomb?

(It didn't specify it Falcon took the bomb, but it seems this is just checking if Falcon had done all that yet)

You ask CAIN for information on the Golden Horde. The computer responds: The Golden Horde was a name given to mongol tribesmen of the 12th and 13th century on Earth.' You realise this is a reference to those you saw in 1241 AD. What will you do:
Go back to the time of the mongols once again?
Try to track down Lord Speke?
Return to the Eiger Vault?
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Speke's clear. No reason to go home yet. Racist Mongol Land was a bust before, so probably contains something brilliant now.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

SlyJohnny wrote:Speke's clear. No reason to go home yet. Racist Mongol Land was a bust before, so probably contains something brilliant now.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You instruct CAIN to engage the Variac Drive and using your Psychic Awareness, set coordinates for Earth, 1241 AD. During the journey, you may lie in your Autodoc and restore your Endurance points to 20. As you wait to rematerialise, you become aware of a flux in the psychic forces of the universe. You are forced out of null-space, but not at your destination. You look at the digital-time read-out which tells you that you are in the year 1258 AD, seventeen years after the death of Ogedai Khan, Ghengis' son.

You are half in and half out of null-space. You are able to see through the walls of your Time Machine and even through your own flesh as if they did not exist. You try to switch the Variac Drive on again, but nothing happens. You are caught in a time flux. Unable to do anything else, you look around. You arc hanging in the air above verdant pastures and a wide blue river Before you is a magnificent city, its houses, mosques and minarets surrounded by a high and well-defended wall. Gold and turquoise gleam below in the sun. The pastures and groves are deserted but around the walls is a horde of mongols, beyond count. There are more horses than men - each warrior has a remount. You ask CAIN for an update on the history of this time and place. CAIN chimes, The city before you is Baghdad, on the banks of the river Tigris, in Mesopotamia. The year is 1258 AD and the people of Baghdad have been under siege for some months by the mongols, led by their general, Hulagu.'

The mongols, dressed in furs and leather, look strangely out of place by the warm banks of the Tigris. They wear conical helmets topped with spikes and plumes of horsehair, and strips of boiled ox-hide laced together and painted brightly, affording them the protection of armour without weighing down their horses. They carry curved swords, hooked lances and short bows made of layers of horn and wood. As you watch, some of them show off their skill, standing in their stirrups, drawing arrows from their quivers and firing them at the city walls, all in one swift, lithe movement. They cannot see you, hanging frozen in the air. As you watch, they gather together and the Caliph of Baghdad, Mustasin, walks forward from the gates of his starving city, flanked by faithful retainers. He kneels before Hulagu in a gesture of surrender. Using the external microphone, you can hear what passes between them. Mustasin is clearly petrified and he begs for his life and the lives of his people. The cold, impassive Hulagu demands to know where his treasures are hidden. Mustasin, seeing a ray of hope, tells Hulagu of his hiding place. When satisfied, Hulagu signals to his men, who massacre the Caliph and his attendants. The horrified people of Baghdad make no attempt to close the gates and the mongols sweep into the city like a tide of soldier ants. You are held in the air above Baghdad for over a month, and in all that time the slaying continues, the bestial ferocity of the Mongols remains unslaked. Only after forty days and the death of 800,000 people does the stench of rotting flesh force Hulagu to abandon the smouldering palaces, mosques and libraries of the dead city. After they have gone you cannot see even a dog or cat moving in the streets - all life has been wiped out. Shaken by the awful spectacle you have had to witness you are thankful when your Psychic Awareness registers a change in the flux of time You engage the Variac Drive once more and this time re-materialise as planned. Because you were trapped in a time flux, when you materialise no time has passed between the moment you were caught and the moment you were released. Your digital clock shows that in 3033 AD it is still the same day on which you began your mission.

[score a G]
Once again you are at the forest's edge, overlooking the Danube and Vienna. The nearby village of Ramallo lies under a pall of smoke. The mongols have finished their grisly work and a pile of corpses which lack ears lies near the edge of the village. You can see your own footsteps, muddled with hoof prints on the ground outside. As you reach for your Holo-detector, a black disc-like shape crosses your path of vision, streaking skyward with a sound like a thunderclap. CAIN chimes, 'A small Ion Drive craft, probably a flyer, has taken off nearby.' You ask for an estimate of its destination and CAIN responds, 'I estimate China. The mongol capital, Karakorum, is in China, Falcon. Let me remind you that Ogedai Khan should be dying there even now. If he lives all Europe will be ravaged by the Golden Horde and civilisation will be set back a thousand years.' Do you:
Leave Falcon's Wing and try to find the Time Machine which launched the flyer?
Get into your own flyer and race to Karakorum?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Look for the Time Machine, so they can't keep on forcing us on the defensive.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

I don't think we can confront the bad guy until the book wants us to, and delaying might result in Game Over. I think we should rush to the capital.
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Still stuck on a tie.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll change my vote to rush to the capital.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You strap yourself into the crash couch, which at a command from CAIN, moves backwards and swivels upwards into your flyer and the flyer's cockpit canopy clicks into place. The Launch Doors at the top of Falcon's Wing slide apart and the flyer is catapulted into the outside air.

Once safely away from the Time Machine you cut in the Ion Drive and accelerate gradually to Mach 6 with a loud bang as you break the sound barrier. The journey takes just over half an hour and you hurtle towards the night sky ahead of you and catch it up. The night is cloudy and dark by the time you have located the city. It is lit by torches and appears to be a strange mixture of golden-roofed palaces, wooden dwellings and magnificent tents, called yurts. You land the flyer at the mouth of a cave near the city, don the disguise of a Mongol warrior (prepared in the Molecular Converter), and take the flyer's Homing Beacon with you. As you slip into the city there are sounds of revelry everywhere. You overhear the whispered conversation between the city gate guards. Through your Translator you make out that the celebrations are due to the miraculous recovery of Ogedai Khan, who had been given up for dead. Suddenly your Psychic Awareness alerts you. The black disc-like flyer, which you saw earlier, hisses overhead, invisible in the dark night. The Time Lord is returning to Vienna and the Time Machine. In the city, there is a sudden clashing of cymbals and a row of torches is brought out onto a balcony high up on the largest palace. A figure appears, flanked by guards, and you hear the cry, 'Ogedai, Ogedai Khan!', go up from the huge crowd gathered before the palace. If you do not kill Ogedai, Europe will be ravaged by the mongols and civilisation as you know it will never have been. As you draw nearer to the palace you see two guards outside its gate. At close quarters you see that they are short and well-built. Dark, slanted eyes stare out from flat, yellow faces, marked by high cheekbones and small noses with flaring nostrils. The greasy black plaits of one of them are crawling with lice. From their smell you guess they do not wash.
Do you:
Return to your flyer and set it to hover over the city?
Walk up to the two guards and use Power of Will on them?
Attempt to Thinkstrike both guards in quick succession?
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