Lets Play - Falcon 3: The Rack of Baal

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Post by SlyJohnny »

Forward then diagonal right, if that diagram at the top is to be believed.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Since black seems to be safe, stick with it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »


With great care, you cross the centre slab, ready for anything. It seems safe, however. Will you step:

To the slab directly to your left?
Diagonally to your left, a slab on the last row?
Directly ahead to the middle slab on the last row?
Diagonally forward to your right, onto the right hand slab in the last row?
Directly to your right?

Ok, and diagonally to the right takes Falcon to:

[Score a J]
Moving onto the slab you are relieved to find that you have not set off any trap. You step off the stone grid in front of the altar.

Just as you are about to pick up the translucent triangle, you feel an unpleasant pattern of mental thought; some powerful psychic is probing your mind! There is a sudden cry of 'No!', like thunder, coming from above the roof. Then the ceiling begins to shudder and shake, dust and masonry falling from it. Something awesomely powerful is smashing its way in here. Quickly you grab the segment of the Rack. Have you seen what the Aztecs believed to have been the god Huitzilopochtli, materialise on the Great Pyramid?

No, so:

There is a howl of ferocious rage and bricks and mortar tumble into the room. You dash back to the portal but turn to stare at the sight that greets you. A huge twenty-foot figure has smashed its way through the roof. It is a powerfully muscled man, deep red in colour with slitted reptilian eyes and taloned fingers. A nimbus of yellow energy plays about its form. His weight sets off a trap and a volley of javelins fly from the wall, but they shatter against his skin as if they were made of sand. He hardly notices them. You recognise Baal. You guess he comes here to feed off the life forces of the sacrificial victims of the Aztecs, perhaps even masquerading as one of their gods. He glares at you balefully, his lips drawn back in a snarl of anger. You cannot help but tremble in fright, faced as you are with the primordial evil you can see in his eyes. He raises his arms, sweeping them across the ceiling, destroying more of the roof, yellow energy crackling and spitting all about him. Do you have a piece of the Rack with small triangles at each corner with you, as well as the one you have just picked up?

There is a picture here. Also, no, so:

You can feel that the section of the Rack is growing hot in your hand and, examining it, you see it is pulsing with white light, reacting to the presence of Baal. Then you can feel an incredibly powerful malevolent will, the mind of Baal, invading your mind.

You cannot stand against such force, you realise, and Baal smiles evilly. But then the Rack segment begins to pulse faster and the power of Baal's will lessens. His smile fades and he struggles to seize your mind. You realise that the rack segment is dampening Baal's psychic power. You fight back, his will is strong but so is yours. Make a Power of Will Roll.

If you score 6-12...5 and 3, so:

Calling on your reserves of determination and energy, you throw off Baal's mental attack and contact is broken. He howls in rage and you have a moment in which to act. Will you:

Fire your blaster at him, maintaining a five second burst and then run out, towards Falcon's Wing?
Make a run for it immediately?
Thinkstrike Baal?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Run away. Doesn't look like either our blaster or our Thinkstrike is likely to damage Baal.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, I don't think we can survive a direct confrontation with it until we gain all the segments. Run.

Although you have to wonder why Baal doesn't just time-travel back to 5 minutes ago and stop you from gaining the segment, considering he doesn't need time-holes.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Realising you cannot stand against him (yet), you dash away, running as fast as you can for the Plaza outside. Baal gives a deep throated rumbling growl, rising to a crescendo of roaring thunder, raising the hackles on the back of your neck as you flee, almost in abject terror. He smashes through the portal of the room behind you, and begins to crash through the building towards you. You are sprinting for the curtained entrance when he crashes through a nearby wall and, picking up a large chunk of rock, hurls it at you as if it were a pebble. Make an Evasion

If you score 6-12, got 3 and 3, so:

You throw yourself into the air and somersault through the doorway, as the slab of masonry shatters into a thousand shards close behind you.


You burst out into the plaza, it is completely deserted. It appears the crowds have fled in the face of what has happened. All that remain are a few black-robed priests of Huitzilopochtli, whom they believe Baal to be. You sprint across the plaza. Glancing behind, you can see Baal erupting from the building, leaving it a mass of broken masonry. He soars into the air and speeds after you. You are shocked to see that he has some means of natural flight without wings, at his disposal, perhaps some form of telekenisis, or mind over matter. He is gaining on you. Will you:

Turn, kneel and fire your blaster at him?
Run on, hoping to reach Falcon's Wing before he does?

There is a picture here

(Not sure if "telekenisis, or mind over matter" should be read as "telekenisis AKA mind over matter" or telekenisis, or the totally different somehow thing, mind over matter")
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Post by Omegonthesane »

If we thought our blaster was going to work we'd have shot him the first time. Cheese it.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Make like Sir Robin and bravely run away.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

The adobe hut disguising Falcon's Wing is only yards ahead of you when a black shadow falls over you. Looking up you can see Baal swooping down, his arms outstretched towards you. A thin stream of yellow energy streaks form his hands, and you hurl yourself the last few feet at the hologram around Falcon's Wing. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 6-12, 3 and 3 2, so:

As you gather yourself to leap, the energy bolt explodes at your feet, blasting you into the air and hurling you into a nearby building with bone-crunching impact, and you sink into unconsciousness. You never wake up. You have failed

Re-roll, or got back and try something else?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Uh, is it precedented for rolling high to be a failure? 'Cause 3+3 is in the 6-12 zone.

Reroll snake eyes. If it turns out this is a Morton's fork then rewind and shoot Baal at the temple.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Shoot Baal, maybe it'll stun him enough for us to escape. I can't believe we have a less than 50% chance of succeeding on the correct path.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

SlyJohnny wrote:Shoot Baal, maybe it'll stun him enough for us to escape. I can't believe we have a less than 50% chance of succeeding on the correct path.
...Yeah when it's put that way, even if it is pure metagame logic. Changing vote.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Ooops, that was a typo, should have been 2 and 3.


Some Aztecs lining the roadway gape in astonishment as you turn and unleash a bolt of superheated plasma at the flying figure of Baal. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 6-12, got 6 and 5, so:

The stream of superheated plasma takes Baal full in the chest. At this, the people around you flee in terror, some screaming that the gods are doing battle in the streets of Tenochtitlan. You maintain the stream of plasma, and it showers over Baal, who roars in rage and pain. Then incredibly, Baal begins to move through the air towards you, slowly but surely moving against the white-hot plasma that splashes like lightning across his chest. Amazed that anything can withstand such energy you are about to run in fear when Baal begins to show signs of strain. The plasma is getting through. The nimbus of yellow energy begins to flicker on and off. Then he drops out of the sky and slams into the floor of the plaza, his impact cracking the stonework. He lies there bellowing in rage as he struggles up, the yellow nimbus slowly re-forming around him. Awed, you realise he is only stunned and you run for Falcon's Wing, noting that your blaster energy pack is completely depleted. You will be unable to use it until you can fit another energy pack in Falcon's Wing.

You have almost reached Falcon's Wing when some black-robed priests charge at you from a nearby alleyway, a fanatical gleam in their eyes, screaming, 'Death to the enemies of Huitzil-opochtli!' However, they stop in disbelief when you disappear into the hologram; it looks to them as if you have passed through the wall of a house. Hurriedly, you set course for the Eiger Vault. Then the cameras reveal Baal, recovered, hurtling directly at you and your screens are filled with yellow flame as he unleashes a fireball engulfing Falcon's Wing. You scream at CAIN to engage the Variac Drive and, moments later, you disappear from the city of Tenochtitlan. Safe in the grey nothingness of null-space, you heave a sigh of relief, calming your shattered nerves. Soon you are floating on the Winds of Time headed for the Eiger Vault. You ask CAIN what has happened in the timelines, knowing that the first law of TIME has been broken on Tenochtitlan to an unprecedented degree. It replies that the society was almost completely wiped out by the Spaniards in a few more decades, thus cancelling any serious time change. You may lie in your Autodoc and regain up to 12 points of lost Endurance on this journey. Have you been given any information about the Planet Cave?

No, so:

Soon you are safe in your bay at the Eiger Vault. You call in a maintenance team to make the necessary repairs to Falcon's Wing whilst you reflect on what could have happened had you been wearing your battlesuit in the fight against Baal. Have you spoken with Agent Bloodhound during this mission? If you have, turn to 20. If you have one piece of the Rack, turn to 9

(Huh, so it look like either you talk to Bloodhound, or have one part of the Rack.)


You instruct CAIN to link up with the Eiger Service computer to check for any news. CAIN chimes: 'Incoming holo-message Falcon.'

Agent Bloodhound's face seems to come alive inside Falcon's Wing. He nods a greeting at you: 'On line, Falcon. How's the mission going? A tough one this, eh? Anyway, I have an important message for you. We've picked up some strange disturbances only a quarter of an hour ago in the timelines of the timehole on Dustbowl. I've just returned from a routine check there. Something appeared and then left the Dustbowl timehole within a space of about one hour. It caused a disturbance in the Winds of Time that is completely unlike anything previously recorded and was of great power. Monitoring is sure it was not a Variac Drive emission. It could be Baal. Something else has come up too, Falcon. A new timehole has appeared in the Planet Cave, in 432 AD. As routine, an agent was sent to establish a monitoring device. They sent the new agent, Kingfisher, on this mission, thinking it was a good training run. Unfortunately, he never came back. The young novice has been killed. Also, the present-day Queen of Cave, has asked the TIME executive for help. It seems there have been some disturbances in their past. Someone or something is up to no good there Falcon. Anyway, that's all. I'll hope to see you soon in the Rec Centre. Good luck.'

'Thanks Blood,' you reply. You must continue your quest. Where will you go to next:

The colony planet, Dustbowl, in the year 2764 AD (even if you have been there once already)?
The new timehole on Cave, in 432 AD?
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Post by SGamerz »

The fact that the text says a place can be revisited makes me inclined to think that there's something to be found there, so Dustbowl.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You set co-ordinates for Dustbowl, 2764 AD, and soon you are questing through null-space with your thoughts. You may lie in the Autodoc during the journey and regain up to 12 points of lost Endurance. It is not long before Falcon's Wing has materialised. Have you visited Dustbowl before?

No, so:

Looking at the camera screen you can see that you are on the wharf of some kind of port. Crates and miscellaneous equipment are piled everywhere and the air is almost opaque. It seems to be filled with clouds of very fine dust. The 'sea', you notice with surprise, is in fact a vast expanse of a heaving reddish substance, apparently also of very fine dust. The sun is high in the sky, and is very white. The sky is a misty maroon, tinged with blue at its edges. Behind you and stretching away to either side, fading into the distance, vast rocky cliffs tower high up into the sky, further than you can see. Some way to the left you can make out a cluster of buildings. CAIN tells you that Falcon's Wing is disguised as a set of crates marked 'Eiger Corporation' and proceeds to give you an historical up-date: 'Dustbowl is a completely barren planet, devoid of life except for one spot in the planet's surface, an enormous crater, presumably caused by a huge asteroid. The crater, some 2000 miles in diameter, is able to retain an atmosphere and is filled with extremely fine dust, forming the Sea of Dust. Within the sea, various organic life forms are found. Initially Dustbowl was, not unnaturally, passed over for colonisation. However, in 2631 AD, there was a short internecine struggle within the colony of Ascension. A group of religious fanatics had attempted to overthrow the government. This group was exiled from Ascension, along with many others Ascension saw as undesirable. The exiles came to Dustbowl, the only place they could find, and have been here ever since. The original religion has all but died out by this time, apparently it involved some form of sacrifice. Dustbowl is now a thriving colony. Luckily the exiles found a native organism, the Dustwhale, a great source of income. Not only is its flesh consumed as a great delicacy on other worlds (especially Kelados), it was found that its oil was of vital importance in the manufacture of Anagathics, the life prolonging drugs so common in the Federation of 3033 AD, Falcon. The colony itself is noted for its repressive social laws and is thought by many to be "boring". The only city on Dustbowl, called Refuge, is high up on the cliffs that surround the crater and is covered in an Environment Dome. People leave the Dome only to sail the Sea of Dust and hunt the whales.'You will have to go outside to set up and use the detector so you ask CAIN to activate the Molecular Convertor. CAIN instructs the Convertor to manufacture the clothes of a typical Dustbowl sailor, a dustwhaler. You step out clothed in thick, bulky, brown and white cloth, designed to keep out as much dust as possible. You also have a filter mask, enabling you to breathe in the dust-filled atmosphere here. Soon you have the tripod in place. The strange luminescent gem begins to glow and you use your Psychic Awareness to explore its psionic emanations. You sense that it is registering the presence of a piece of the Rack! Your excitement fades though as you realise that it is lying out at sea, deep in the depths of the crater, buried under tons and tons of dust. It will prove difficult to get hold of. You decide to consult CAIN, and re-enter Falcon's Wing.

You tell CAIN where the section of the Rack lies, and ask it how it could be reached. 'The Sea of Dust is very deep, Falcon, even in our own time its depths haven't been fully plumbed. However, Falcon's Wing could withstand the pressure and you would need a modified battlesuit to move about on the seabed. For that you will have to return to the Eiger Vault and ask Section Chief Jobanque to issue you with one,' You set co-ordinates for the Eiger Vault, 3034 AD and instruct CAIN to engage the Variac Drive.

Soon you are back in your bay at the Eiger Vault. You put a call through to Jobanque on the holophone, Priority One. He answers immediately: 'Falcon, what news?' You tell him what has happened and what the situation is on Dustbowl. 'Right, I'll authorise the battlesuit,' he says, 'and I'll talk to you soon.' With that he breaks contact. You wait while your polybdenum supply is replenished. Soon Jobanque holophones through. 'Okay, Falcon, Skirrow and I have come up with something. Falcon's Wing will be painted in company colours and made to look like a scientific research diving bell. You can pretend to be a scientist from Earth, sponsored by a fictitious Earth company, say the Eiger Coporation, sent to Dustbowl to research the breeding habits of the Dustwhale. We'll give you forged credentials and money, of course - in this case Dustbowl placs. The battlesuit has been modified for high pressure. You won't be able to see anything down there, but you'll have your microbeam radar, and we've fitted a high resolution graphic delineator. This will analyse the radar reading and render it as a visual graphic on your battlesuit face plate. It'll be just like seeing normally - almost. Anything you see won't actually be there, the graphic delineator will just show you what something the radar has picked up looks like. You'll have to use the radar to determine the position of anything. We'll give you some high-tensile wire to lower Falcon's Wing and the like, to make your scientific expedition look convincing. You'll have to go back to Dustbowl and hire a whaling ship and get it to take you out to where the Rack section lies - this kind of expedition was reasonably common in those times. I know this is breaking the First Law of TIME, but under the circumstances, we have no choice. One final thing - Dustbowl in 2764 had a high level of legislation. They were particularly strict on citizens carrying fire arms, especially energy weapons, so be careful with your blaster. That's all. Good luck, Falcon!' Moments later, the battlesuit is delivered to you, along with a selection of equipment, steel lances, rotary drums, a mini-lab and the battlesuit. Maintenance technicians are working frantically on the hull of Falcon's Wing. Painting it in green and gold and adding bits of impressive, but useless, equipment to its hulk. An hour or so later, everything is ready and you fade into null-space, bound for Dustbowl once more.

488 (this is a typo, should be section 48)

You spend the time journeying through null-space by taking a much needed rest. When you arrive, you instruct CAIN to create a hologram - this time Falcon's Wing is simply a diving bell amidst the rest of the harbourside equipment. You leave your Time Machine in search of a ship for hire dressed in Earth clothes of the period - tight high-waisted trousers and loose sleeveless jacket, with many pockets and a communications/ recording helmet, in the fictitious green and gold colours of the 'Eiger Corporation', a Dustbowl filter mask at your mouth and nose. You head for the cluster of buildings to your left. As you approach, you can see a harbour registry office and a Recreation Centre. Moored at the quayside is a whaling ship, all silvered steel from bow to stern. Dustwhalers never paint their ships as the paint is eaten away by the abrasive dust. The ship is long and sleek with three masts, its super resistant sails furled, looking like a 19th Century Earth schooner. A name is etched into its side, 'The Winged Demon', and it flies a black flag, fluttering in the dust-laden wind. Will you:

Board the ship to talk to its captain?
Enter the Recreation Centre in search of information there?

There is a picture here
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Half a vote to go straight to the point captain.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

I vote the Rec Centre. More information is good.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Seriously? We have to abort the mission and go back to base, because we forgot to pack a vacuum suit aboard our time travelling space ship?

Rec centre.
Last edited by SlyJohnny on Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You walk to the door of the Recreation building and it slides open. Stepping in you find yourself in a small airlock, presumably to minimise the amount of dust getting into the main building. You enter a large room with a bar at one end. The air is free of dust and you remove your filter mask. There are a few people, sailors mostly, eating and drinking in groups at various tables. They look up as you enter and you can hear one or two muttering 'Offworlders'. You walk to the bar intent on asking the barman's advice on finding a whaling ship, when your attention is drawn to a small man, obviously drunk, telling a story to a group of attentive listeners. 'Yup, I served on the Winged Demon on its last voyage and ...'
'What did you want to take up with the likes of them for?' interrupts one of the men at his table.

'I needed a few placs, right. Be quiet and listen up. They needed a few extra whalers for this trip, so me and a few others signed up We sailed out for a day or two but, get this, although several whales were sighted, we didn't do no whaling at all! Then one night, I was woke by a noise on deck. I went up and guess what I saw... ? Well, most of the regular crew was dressed in black robes and they were chanting some weird song. And then, strike me dead if I'm lying, a huge figure, more'n twenty foot tall, bursts up outta the sea. In the ship's lights 1 could see he was as red as dust and his eyes were yellow and unnatural looking.' Some of the men scoff at this, but the small man goes on: 'It's true, honest. He flies, yes flies, up above the ship and there was this awful smile on his face, dust etch my bones, I'll never forget that smile as long as I live, pure evil it was. Well, at this I get off that deck as quick as I can and into my bunk. And that's not the end of it. The next day I could swear there were less of them onboard as when we started out. Anyway, we did do some whaling on the way back, but I can tell you, I'm never working on the Winged Demon no more!'

There is silence around the table for a moment but one of the men says, 'You've been drinking too much as usual,' and they break into uproarious laughter. Turning away, you ask the barman about whaling ships for hire.

'Well, most any whaler is up for hire,' he replies, 'but you gotta be careful. I mean, I wouldn't hire out the Winged Demon, even if it was for nothing. Tell you what though, the Dustskate should be here in a day or two and Captain Cresap Ord's a good man. That's your best bet if you're not in a hurry.' Thanking him, you leave the Recreation Centre. Will you:

Go back to Falcon's Wing and wait for the Dustskate to arrive if you think you can afford the time?
Board the Winged Demon and try to arrange an expedition as soon as possible?
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Post by SGamerz »

Neither choices sound good.

I suspect this is the reason why we can visit Dustbowl twice, which means going back at least doesn't result in immediate failure, so I vote to go back to Falcon's Wing for metagaming reason.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Winged Demon. Waiting sounds like death, and we know the Winged Demon is involved in all this, so let's go directly to the bad guy.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Winged Demon.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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