Let's Play Fighting Fantasy: The Port of Peril

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Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Too bad we're not one of those people who can eat and read at the same time. Damn multitaskers.

Read the books.
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Post by SGamerz »

Queen of Swords wrote:Too bad we're not one of those people who can eat and read at the same time.
Yeah, that's a major obstacle to character immersion for me. I'm ALWAYS reading something while I'm eating. Not doing so just feels like a waste of precious time. To hell with those researchers who claim it's unhealthy.

Yaztromo's place has to be one of those few places in Titan where both eating and reading are likely to be safe.

Read first.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

SGamerz wrote:Yeah, that's a major obstacle to character immersion for me. I'm ALWAYS reading something while I'm eating. Not doing so just feels like a waste of precious time. To hell with those researchers who claim it's unhealthy.
(To be fair most FF characters can apparently cram their face with Provisions at will as long as they're not fighting so in this specific series it's questionable.)

You scan the many rows of bookshelves and pull out a large leather tome entitled Demon Princes. You flick through the pages and open the book at the chapter headed 'Skeleton Demons,' where you find a page dedicated to Zanbar Bone. You read that he was born in Fang, the son of two merchant who were secret cultists devoted to the Demon Princes of Titan. Bone went on to study magic in the Forest of Your and later developed a bitter rivalry with Yaztromo and Nicodemus. He hated them both, and turned evil to learn dark magic to defeat them. However, Bone lost a firestorm battle of magic with his former mentor and teacher, the archmage Vermithrax, and was severely wounded and reduced to nothing more than a barely living skeleton. He disappeared into the night and was not seen again for decades. He reappeared as a Skeleton Demon, known as the Night Prince, and ruled parts of northern Allansia from his Black Tower with the help of his undead and demonic followers. His powers are many, including his ability to paralyse and hypnotize victims, or to destroy them with demon fire and magical energy. The most alarming fact about Zanbar Bone is that defeating him is never permanent. He always returns from the Demon Plain more powerful than ever before, and new ways must be found to defeat him. 'So now you know who we are dealing with,' Yaztromo says solemnly, looking over your shoulder. 'We need Nicodemus' help. You must go to Port Blacksand tomorrow. You'll find him in his wooden hut beneath Singing Bridge. He won't want to come, but you have to bring him here. We need all the help we can get to defeat Zanbar Bone when he reappears. Anyway, that's tomorrow's task. For now, let's eat and enjoy other's company.'

You follow Yaztromo down two flights of stairs to his cluttered kitchen area, where pots and pans are bubbling away on top of a large iron stove. 'I hope you like mushroom soup and vegetable stew,' he says brightly, lifting the lids off the saucepans to sniff the rich aromas wafting up. 'Delicious. Simply delicious,' he continues. 'I might have some cheese and biscuits to follow if you are still hungry. Please, sit down, and I will serve the soup.' You sit down at his oval dining table with Hakasan to enjoy Yaztromo's food, and both agree it is the most delicious meal either of you have had in as long as you can remember. You talk about Zanbar Bone long into the night with Yaztromo, who later has a nightcap of his favorite sherry to accompany the last of his cream cakes, which he enthuses about down to the last crumb. He shows you to your bedrooms and, being slightly tipsy, wishes you goodnight, laughing out loud in an uncharacteristically jovial fashion. You have vivid dreams of skeletons and demons, and wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. You look out of your bedroom window at the starlit night sky and the endless treetops of Darkwood Forest. All is quiet and peaceful. You eventually fall asleep again and wake up late. You are the last one down for breakfast, and find Hakasan and Yaztromo deep in conversation at the table. 'Morning!' Yaztromo says, smiling. 'I trust you slept well? After breakfast I think it best that you go to Port Blacksand by yourself. Firstly, Hakasan needs some rest. Her ankle is swollen again. Secondly, I only have one horse! The sooner you get to Port Blacksand and find Nicodemus, the sooner you will be back. But before you go, I think a little magic is in order to help you out! I can offer you improved fighting ability, increased strength or good fortune. Eat your breakfast whilst you decide what you need.' Will you:

Improve your SKILL?
Improve your STAMINA?
Improve your LUCK?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 10/10
STAMINA: 17/20
LUCK: 10/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows)
Armor: Bronze Shield, Finely Crafted Chain-Mail Coat, Winged Helmet
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck)
Provisions: 6 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 17 Gold Pieces, 12 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, Knife, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Long Knife, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, 2 Lead Balls, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

I'm going to say Luck, just in case this manages to not increase our Initial stat; otherwise Skill would obviously be the thing we expect to roll against the most.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

My reading looks like it improves initial ability, so skill.

(Also, way too many bonuses and upgrades and good stuff here, you're more likely to injure yourself tripping over one of the piles of good items lying around than by picking up a cursed one)
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, if it raises our initial skill, let's go with that.
Last edited by Queen of Swords on Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

If it increases initial values, then skill is obviously the best. If it doesn't, we miss out on 1 point of luck, no bigs. So bet on skill, the cost for losing is low.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

As soon as you have finished your breakfast, Yaztromo hands you 15 Gold Pieces and tells you to get ready to depart. You meet him on the ground floor, where he asks you to touch the tips of the fingers of your fighting arm with the fingertips of his opposite hand. A bolt of energy suddenly shoots up your arm and you immediately feel incredibly dexterous and powerful. Increase your SKILL score to 12.

You walk outside with Hakasan and Yaztromo, and are astonished to see that the limestone blocks are now stained black to a height of five metres. Yaztromo sighs, and says, 'It's speeding up. You've probably got two days at the most to get back here with Nicodemus before Bone rematerializes.' He walks around to the back of his tower and reappears a few minutes later holding the reins of a magnificent bright-eyed chestnut-brown stallion. 'This is Stormheart. He is my pride and joy. He will carry you to Port Blacksand. Ride like the wind and do not stop for anything or anyone. After leaving Darkwood Forest, head west towards Catfish River, and keep riding all the way to Black's Bridge. It will be the first bridge you come to. Make sure you pay 1 Gold Piece or Bartholomew Black will be none too happy. Keep heading west along the north bank of the river until you reach Port Blacksand. The guards might give you some trouble, but that's normal.' You thank Yaztromo for his advice and climb into the saddle. Hakasan and Yaztromo wish you luck and wave goodbye, and with a kick of the heel you are off, galloping at full speed through the forest, ducking under branches and jumping over fallen trees. You soon reach the southern edge of the forest, and head west towards Catfish River. You ride past a small village on the south bank, but with Yaztromo's words ringing in your ears, you do not stop. An hour later you see a large wooden plinth ahead on which there is a woman bound with ropes to a wooden post. She is dressed in black leggings and boots with a black hooded cloak concealing her face. All you can see is her long black hair. She has the appearance of Hakasan, but you wonder how she could possibly have got here before you. You hear her anguished cry to help as you get closer, begging you to stop and release her.

Stop to rescue the woman?
Ride on past her?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 17/20
LUCK: 10/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows)
Armor: Bronze Shield, Finely Crafted Chain-Mail Coat, Winged Helmet
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck)
Provisions: 6 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 32 Gold Pieces, 12 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, Knife, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Long Knife, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, 2 Lead Balls, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Just lost Hakasan, so rescue not-Hakasan
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

The stallion seems to be the only thing in that paragraph which isn't black.

Yaztromo did say not to stop for anything or anyone, but I'm curious as to what the latest random encounter could be. So, rescue her.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

All the distractions! ALL OF THEM.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Rescue the next companion
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You pull hard on your reins, bringing Stormheart to a halt, whinnying loudly in protest. You dismount quickly and climb on to the plinth, knife in hand, to free the captive woman. But it's a trap! The woman throws back her hood, and you see her midnight-black face, pointed ears and an evil glint in her bright green eyes. You have been ambushed by a DARK ELF who is armed with two long serrated knives! Two female Dark Elf accomplices jump out from behind the plinth to join her in the attack. You must fight the Dark Elves one at a time.


Combat Log:
(There's an option to Escape, but I doubt we'll need to with our new SKILL score.)
Dark Elf A 14, Harry 23. Dark Elf A is at 4.
Dark Elf A 15, Harry 24. Dark Elf A is at 2.
Dark Elf A 18, Harry 21. Dark Elf A is dead.
Dark Elf B 13, Harry 18. Dark Elf B is at 5.
Dark Elf B 12, Harry 17. Dark Elf B is at 3.
Dark Elf B 19, Harry 19. Tie.
Dark Elf B 14, Harry 19. Dark Elf B is at 1.
Dark Elf B 17, Harry 15. Harry is at 15.
Dark Elf B 18, Harry 15. Harry is at 13.
Dark Elf B 12, Harry 21. Dark Elf B is dead.
Dark Elf C 15, Harry 21. Dark Elf C is at 5.
Dark Elf C 14, Harry 17. Dark Elf C is at 3.
Dark Elf C 15, Harry 22. Dark Elf C is at 1.
Dark Elf C 17, Harry 19. Dark Elf C is dead.
A quick search of the Dark Elves' pockets yields 1 Gold Piece, 2 Copper Pieces, and a small sliver box containing a silver key. You put the items in your backpack and take one of the serrated knives for good luck. You climb back on to Stormheart and ride off again, determined not to stop again for any reason.

Stormheart gallops on, his dark mane swishing across his neck and tail streaming behind in the wind. Onwards you ride with the noise of his thundering hooves loud in your ear. Silver River comes into view on your left, and ahead you see where it joins Catfish River. To your right you see a narrow wooden bridge which spans the river. You slow down to a trot and steer Stormheart over to the bridge. There is nobody about. There is a wooden box fixed to the handrail which is carved with runes. There is a rhyme written on a wooden sign which reads, Pay 1 Gold Piece, and cross in peace. Pay nothing at all, and be sure to fall. It is signed Bartholomew Black.

Put 1 Gold Piece into the box to cross Black's Bridge?
Cross the river without paying?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 13/20
LUCK: 10/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows)
Armor: Bronze Shield, Finely Crafted Chain-Mail Coat, Winged Helmet
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck)
Provisions: 6 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 33 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box)
Knives: Knife, Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, 2 Lead Balls, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I guess this time we'll do as Yaz says, and pay to cross.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Pay the toll.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, pay.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Dropping the coin in the box triggers cogs and winches to pull ropes through creaking pulleys to tighten a section of the flooring in the middle of the bridge. Wary of hidden traps, you dismount and lead Stormheart slowly on foot across the narrow bridge to the north side of the river, happily without incident. After feeding and watering your steed, you set off west again at a gallop, with the high city wall surrounding Port Blacksand just visible in the distance. The closer you get, the more you see of the dark rooftops and stark buildings jutting above the wall. You arrive an hour later at a small village of no more than a dozen thatch-roofed cottages just east of Port Blacksand. You are greeted by a smiling lady standing on her porch in front of a stack of wicker baskets. She is wearing a brightly coloured headscarf and a white apron over her long dress. 'Welcome to Flax,' she says in a jolly voice. 'My name's Cris. How can I help you?' You reply by saying you are on your way to Port Blacksand, whereupon her eyebrows rise in mild surprise. 'The thieves there will be pleased to see you. They love taking money from people of your ilk, all la-di-da on your big horse! If I were you, I'd hire a boat from my husband and row downriver and slip into Port Blacksand unnoticed. We can look after your horse while you're gone.'

Hire a boat to row to Port Blacksand?
Turn down her offer and ride to the main city gates on Stormheart?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 13/20
LUCK: 10/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows)
Armor: Bronze Shield, Finely Crafted Chain-Mail Coat, Winged Helmet
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck)
Provisions: 6 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 32 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box)
Knives: Knife, Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, 2 Lead Balls, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Keep riding.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

When instructions are present, follow instructions.
When instructions are not present, do the least sensible thing.
Our instructions are to ride, so we ride.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You ride along a dusty track towards the main city gates, where there are gruesome reminders on display to serve as a warning to all who enter Port Blacksand - skulls on wooden spikes and starving criminals locked inside iron cages suspended from the city wall. As you approach the main gate, you need no reminding of the danger that awaits you inside the city, which is run with an iron fist by Lord Azzur and his Imperial Guards, who bleed payment from all who live there. It is known as the City of Thieves for good reason, being the preferred port of call for every pirate and freebooter of the Western Ocean, and home to Allansia's most notorious thugs and robbers. You draw your steed to a halt at the main gate, where you are met by a guard wearing a black chain-mail vest under his black cloak, and an iron helmet which virtually covers his face. 'What brings you to Port Blacksand?' he asks aggressively. Before you have time to answer, he says, 'Your horse is a fine steed. You must be very wealthy. Lord Azzur commands an entry fee of 10 Gold Pieces from people of your stature.'

Pay 10 Gold Pieces to enter Port Blacksand?
Ride back to Flax to find Cris and hire a rowing boat?
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Pay other toll
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

It's in the expenses budget, so no problem.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Continue following instructions (ie pay up)
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

After paying your entry fee, the guard calls for the main gates to open. As you pass through the gates, you are suddenly grabbed by four other guards and pulled off your horse. Before you have time to react, iron shackles are clamped on your wrists and you are led off to the guardhouse nearby and thrown in the cells downstairs. You rattle the cell bars in anger, demanding to know why you have been put in jail. One of the guards looks coldly at you, and says, 'You shouldn't steal other people's horses. You probably thought you were going to get a good price for it here, didn't you? Tell it to Lord Azzur. If you escape with your head, you'll be lucky. You'll more likely end up on Gallows Hill.' With that he turns and walks upstairs. You call out to him, protesting your innocence, but your words fall on deaf ears. Your adventure is over.
(That was absolute fucking bullshit on every goddamn level. Since when do the corrupt guards of the City of Thieves care so much about people stealing from other cities? Why would they bother to shake you down if they were just going to kill you in the first place? And this is the game's one instance of punishing you for following instructions given earlier. I'm not even going to update the totals of Game Overs because that does not warrant being a game over.)
Let's see what the other choice gives us:

You jump down from Stormheart and ask Cris to take you to meet her husband. You find him gathering reeds on the riverbank. He smiles and introduces himself as Dod. You tell him that you want to hire a boat, and he looks at you, rubbing his chin, relishing the opportunity to earn some money. 'You'll need a cover story as well as a boat, and I'd suggest you buy a merchant's pass and six of my wife's baskets. You can hire my rowing boat for 5 Gold Pieces, and I'll include the pass and the baskets for 10 Gold Pieces if you're interested?

Hire Dod's rowing boat for 5 Gold Pieces?
Hire his rowing boat, merchant's pass and six wicker baskets for 10 Gold Pieces?
Turn down his offer and ride to the main city gates on Stormheart? (leads to the same bullshit section as before)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Wow, I thought the worst was that the guards would attack us, and there'd be a fight, like in City of Thieves. Getting cold punked by the local constabulary makes poor Harry look like a chump.

Anyway, go all out on the disguise. It's the amount we were willing to spend bribing guards, and Dod seems more deserving than they were.
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