Lets Play - Falcon 4: Lost in Time

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Have you travelled to a planet called Sandsea? If you have, all goes to plan up to the moment when CAIN makes a sheer plastic body covering that will make your body seem less lifelike as a statue in the molecular convertor. You reach out to touch the generator and flip the switch trying to lie, head in one hand, in as statuesque a pose as you can manage. Nothing happens.. Then you realise that you are lying on a bed in the Research Section of TIME in the Eiger Vault. Agent Chameleon has sowed the legend of Falcon the Saviour of Sandsea as your message requested.

The relief you feel as you see Section Leader Skirrow's face is indescribable. Two firsts for you, Falcon: first Farther future traveller and first Earther to enter a time stasis-field. Of course we knew you would pull through as soon as we got the message in 3030 AD. We've known you would survive whatever mission you were entrusted with ever since you left the Academy, but you're on your own now.' Jobanque, too, is in the room, smiling as ever. He says, 'Clever of you to time the field so that it would wear off in time for you to watch Lord Pilota in the next solar racer Grand Prix, and a good move to make sure neither you nor Agidy Yelov were given access to it. Speaking of Yelov, I'm making him your next mission,' He sees the blank look on your face and says hurriedly, 'Well there's time to speak of that tomorrow, the other agents are policing the timelines. You look as if you need a rest.' You nod determinedly and Skirrow calls you a hovrail car. The knowledge that they have known that you would survive each of your previous missions is almost too much for you to take in. Wasn't it Skirrow's fault that you got lost in time anyway you think to yourself? He must have known what was in store for you when he allowed you to go on the mission. You think back to a few days ago when you met Skirrow outside Falcon's Wing. AH the time he knew, but didn't tell you. Skirrow sees the accusing look in your eye as you hand him the capsule containing CAIN's memory. 'We repro- grammed CAIN to make it a better companion for you on your travels.'

Thanks, thanks a trip to Jupiter,' you say. 'That was a real help,' You are already stalking away to the hovrail as Skirrow says, 'Well, we assumed you wanted to go, since you expressly forbade us to let you see the message when it arrived five years ago. I don't know what you've been through,' But you are already leaving the Vault. You feel as if you have aged fifty years and the lines on your face are not just the lines of stress.

There is a picture here

The score: qqqqqqqqqhkl. 9 deaths (though last time I played I apparently died 17 times (!), but I started over from the beginning each time so had to re-roll stuff, rather than continuing)

-6 or below
You are offered a job you can't refuse - tying Silvermane's bootlaces.

(Last book that was -5 or below, though)

Anyhoo, bit of aimlessly wandering round generic sci-fi settings there, evil universe, robot apocalypse (though alien one, not man made), Star Trek benevolent aliens/computer run civilisation, Atlantis. The next one if my personal favourite, though possibly in part from it being the first one I picked up in a second hand bookshop some decades back.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Location: In "In The Trenches," mostly.

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Thaluikhain wrote:Speaking of Yelov, I'm making him your next mission,'
Somehow I doubt that we'll actually catch Yelov in the next book. At this point he's basically the Road Runner.

Speaking of Yelov, what happens if we try to fight him in this book? Is there any other way to get back to the present? And what happens if we made different choices with the Bequali or Ormond?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Trying to shoot Yelov gets you zapped (presumably by the woman) for 8 endurance points, which is about s much as you'd expect to lose from being shot, so not doing a good job stopping violence there.

If you try:
"Forget about the inhabitants of Sandsea and tell Ormon that it can have new 'better' people to care for if it orders Jahkela to return you safely to Falcon's Wing? "

"The helmet is pulled from your head by the grab. The brain floats motionless in the incubator as the grab disappears into the alcove. Apparently the interview is over. Bewildered, you trace your steps down the crystal corridor, but the walls have moved and you are forced to turn a corner into a dead end, almost Dumping into Jahkela. 'You are not the Saviour,' she says, and thrusts her sword at your face plate before you can collect your thoughts. It glows blue-green and a massive shock overloads your brain. You are left wandering like a mindless idiot to die in the sand when your air supply runs out."

If you try:
"Plead on behalf of the people of Sandsea that they will die horribly without Ormon's help?"

Ormon doesn't like that, and you have to run away as the locals get angry.

If you try to make a deal with the Bequali to grant them Federation membership, they are alternative Bequali that don't want it and they leave you.

And that would be the only way back
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

What about trying to help the humans in the Terminator alternate reality?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

If you try that:

"You are discussing tactics with the people of 'the cell'. Apparently the Death machines cruise through the air and rumble along the twisted streets at all times. Two young boys of about fourteen, carrying laser rifles, enter the gym. They are also carrying a twisted piece of metal which looks horribly familiar: it is the Access Disc from Falcon's Wing, which is now a smoking ruin. The Hiver Death machines have destroyed your Time Ship and you are trapped in a timeline which isn't your own. Tomorrow will find you in a bunker hurling fusion grenades at a Death machine, but another, high in the air, will zero in and atomise you just after you have thrown your last one."
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