Blood Valley, Round 2: The Hunter

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Blood Valley, Round 2: The Hunter

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Anyone on the Quarry team (or contemplating being on the Quarry team) should not read this thread until the game is over. All information from the previous run's threads is fair game.
The Valley of Gad

You have chosen to be the Archveult, lord of the Valley of Gad. As you sit in the topmost turret of your castle which has been your home for three hundred years, you survey your kingdom secure in the knowledge that your sovereignty is unchallenged. You chose this valley carefully as a great ring of mountains separates it from the rest of Orb where other powerful men might have confronted you.

When you began your reign of terror after slaying the old king, your people renamed your home Castle Remorse. They fear and hate your evil ways. Your appearance alone is enough to terrify even the stoutest of heart. You are a Firedrake, one of the elder races of Orb that live north and east of the Mountains of Undying Solitude. But you are no ordinary Firedrake. You stand eight feet tall and your fierce head is topped by a bony spiked carapace like that of an ancient giant reptile. Your eyes are smoldering pits of fire. When you are angered they ignite, burning with a deep red flame that also bursts out over the blue scales of your body. You have large blue wings, but unlike your son the Demiveult, you cannot fly. You are more powerful than he, however, for you are an Archveult, a rare thing even amongst the powerful race of Firedrakes. The Firedrakes are a naturally cruel race but you have taken their lust for cruelty to the greatest lengths and are never happier than when demonstrating your superiority over your pathetic human subjects.

The Hunt

It is spring and the month of Weir has just begun. At this time of year you indulge yourself in your favorite pastime, the annual hunt. Each year a slave is set free from the standing stones near the castle and hunted down like an animal. If found, the slave is torn to pieces by your Hounds of Hell, giant dogs with flaming breath which are from the nether planes and were a gift from a Demonlord. If the slave can escape the valley, you will have been cheated of your prey. But the slaves seldom escape.

This year you have bidden Kritos Bloodheart, your ally and only human friend to spare no effort in acquiring strong slaves who will run fast and far, giving good sport. He has scoured the slave pits of Upanishad for your prey and has brought three slaves back to the valley. You will mercilessly hunt down one of these slaves until at last, exhausted and broken, he (or she) will beg you to put an end to his wretched life. Turning from the window you see Kritos giving the order to present the slaves.
The Slaves

Your quarry will be one of three possible types of slaves. Your opponent will choose which one and will inform you of his choice.

The Priest

The castle guards drag before you a slim young man, dressed only in a torn white robe and manacled. You allow flame to play over your body for effect as you sneer at this puny human.
'He looks weak,' you growl.
The young man, who has been gagged, makes a gurgling noise and Kritos cuffs him into silence.
'He is a priest, magnificence, he knows spells, he nearly escaped on the road from Upanishad. He speaks the Word of Helpless Palsy and has the Touch of Harm, and,' he chuckles, 'he has Avatar the One on his side.' There is a gale of laughter as he says this.
'Oh Avatar, where are you now, free thy servant from this evil place of torment,' you mock. There is silence in the chamber. 'Your god has deserted you,' you cry, and with that you clap your hands and he is dragged away. It pleases you that he holds his head high and there is a look of contempt in his eyes.

The Barbarian

The second slave is led before you. This one has his arms tied to a yoke, as if prepared for crucifixion, and is stripped to his loincloth. He is an enormous man, not much more than a foot shorter than you, heavily muscled but showing the bruises gained in an earlier attempt to escape. His blonde hair is wild like a horse's mane.
'I had to pay a small fortune for this one, magnificence. He was to be sent back north to become a gladiator in the Arena of Death at Mortavalon. He is the strongest man I have ever met and still barely more than a boy,' Kritos tells you proudly.
The young barbarian growls at you, he has overcome his fear. At a sign from Kritos, however, pressure is applied to the yoke and he is slowly forced to his knees, grunting all the while with the effort of trying to avoid abasing himself before you. You clap your hands once more and the barbarian is taken away.

The Thief

'I have saved the fairest till last, magnificence,' says Kritos.
Two guards enter the chamber and between them, chained to them both, is a young woman dressed like a man in leather breeches and shirt. There is a murmur of appreciation from the guards.
'It's a woman!' you exclaim. 'They are weaker than the men.'
Kritos does not look unduly troubled by your displeasure. 'Not this one, magnificence, she is a skilled swordswoman and, until she was delivered into our hands, was a master in the Thieves' Guild of Upanishad.'
You can tell from the reaction of the guards that she would be considered beautiful amongst humans, but you are more concerned with her powers of endurance. Unlike the two men, she is taking in every detail of her surroundings, watchful for a chance to escape, but Kritos has ensured there is none. The guards force her to her knees and invite her to beg for mercy, but she replies: 'It is you who will beg for mercy out in the wilderness, Firedrake.'
You smile and order her to be taken back to the dungeons, confident she will soon change her tune.

Your victims will find little help out in the valley for all know of the annual manhunt and few would dare to oppose you in any way. It took you forty years to subdue the whole of the valley to your rule and you have used fear to discourage revolt ever since. Almost everyone pays heavy taxes to your tax-house in the valley's city, Askelon, and your troops man the wall at the town of Gap which seals the western entrance to the valley. The monks and the wizard Callisto in his tower might dare to oppose you and there are strange beings in some of the forests, but you walk abroad in the valley without fear. Now that the slaves have been led away you are free to peruse the map that hangs in the topmost turret and to guess which way the hunt will twist and turn across the valley.


Your opponent will be trying to find a way out of the valley. Obviously you know much of the valley, but it is a large place and even you do not know it all.

Important points to remember:
1. Castle Remorse seals the eastern end and there is no escape for the quarry there.
2. The only exit known to your quarry is a large gate at the west entrance to the valley. This is close to Gap Town.
3. Gap Town is heavily guarded by your own troops which should make it difficult for the quarry to escape there.
4. There are three other exits, determined at the start of each game.
There seems to be a mistake in the text, because the random table that determines possible exits always includes the gate near Gap Town as one of the three, so it should really be two other exits.
In this game, the exits are A (Gap Town gate), K (near the ice waste), and L (in the lake).
The Archveult's Allies

You have three allies or henchmen: Kritos Bloodheart, the Captain of your guard, a pleasantly evil and bloodthirsty warrior; Ka-riim, the Hashishin, your chief assassin; the Demiveult, a large winged reptile which some say is a Firedrake in its larval form, while others believe it is a product of your genetic experiments. He is actually your son, but can never become a full-fledged Archveult due to a druid's curse.

As soon as you start this game you will be given the opportunity to place these three allies in certain areas of the valley to wait in ambush, should the quarry pass that way. You can communicate with your allies through a crystal ball, which enables them to tell you when they have found the quarry. you will have the chance to move your allies as time passes. Remember to keep a record of how many wound levels each ally has lost - you will have the opportunity to heal only one of them.
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)
If you like, you can wait to hear which slave you'll be hunting before making any decisions, otherwise you can just start making your set-up choices.
The Beginning

You have ordered the slave to be tied to one of the standing stones to the west of the castle. The bodies of previous victims adorn the stones. At dawn your quarry will be set free.

It is dawn, the magical chains which have held your captive against cold stone all night long will be fracturing now. Your court magician casts a spell and you speak words which your quarry will hear as if the stone itself was talking. 'Run, run for all you are worth, you cannot escape me and my Hounds of Hell. You have a few hours' grace before I take up the chase.'

You will not be idle during these next few hours, however, there is much to be done. You have to decide where to station your allies, Kritos Bloodheart, Ka-riim your assassin, and the Demiveult. A man-servant coughs discreetly, reminding you that you must decide where to set your mantraps and send messages via crystal ball to your servants in the valley.

You turn to your map of the valley. In past years you have used trap in nine different places. This year you have decided to order five mantraps of various types placed at strategic points in the valley. These traps are designed to wound and delay rather than kill. The nine possible locations are as follows

• The bridge at the cataract.
• The road from the Barrow Weald to the mountain pass.
• The route into the jungle.
• The Misty Wood, southwest corner.
• The Moorland near the misty wood.
• The entrance to the Mines of Smelt.
• The track in the icy wastes.
• The Volcano.
• The town of Gap, at the wall.

When you have chosen five locations you can relax, secure in the knowledge that your minions will set the traps.

You decide also to equip one of your allies with a healing balm. Will you give it to your trusted henchman, Kritos Bloodheart who is resplendent in black armor with a scarlet plume atop his helm and impatient to begin; to Ka-riim the Hashishin, your accomplished assassin; or toyour own son the Demiveult who is far larger than you, like a great flying reptile with his fierce beak, yet no more powerful than you. You may use the balm to restore all the wound levels of the chosen ally, once only.

So, mantrap locations and who gets the healpot. Then, your agents.
Kritos Bloodheart is the first ally you send to take up his position. He is used to patrolling the following areas during a hunt, but you can only send him to one of these.

• The Barrow Weald
• The Jungle
• The cataract at the gorge
• The Moorland
• The Wizard Callisto's tower
• The wall at the town of Gap

Make your decision, then WAIT.
Ka-riim the Hashishin is the next ally you will deploy. He is familiar with the following areas and may only be used in one of these at a time.

• The city of Askelon
• Braggart's Hold
• The monastery
• The Misty Wood
• The Forest of the Living Dead
• The Mines of Smelt

Make your decision, then WAIT
The last ally you deploy is your son the Demiveult who can soar above the valley and then stoop on your quarry on sight. He will patrol one of the following areas at a time:

• The mountain pass
• The icy wastes
• The plains
• The volcano

Make your choice, then WAIT.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Your quarry is the Priest.
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Post by SGamerz »

Wow, all the exits are to the extreme west. That's nice (for me, I guess). I can narrow down the spots to spread my resources.

Rather annoying that I plant place any allies or traps in the lake or and fens, although I guess I can send my PC there himself to stand guard.

Presumably the priest can heal, so probably I should keep my allies close and try to end things quick as soon as he's found.

Let's see....

1) The town of Gap, at the wall. (Exit A)
2) The track in the icy wastes. (Exit K)
3) The bridge at the cataract. (guard against quarry finding possible allies at monastery)
4) The Misty Wood, southwest corner
5) The entrance to the Mines of Smelt (token defense in the south, hopefully he'll believe there's an exit there and waste time searching if the trap hits him)

Kritos Bloodheart - The cataract at the gorge (double-insurance against the monks
Ka-riim the Hashishin - The Misty Wood
Demiveult - The mountain pass (blocks off south route)

Demiveult gets the healing balm.

That should box him in pretty well....
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The allotted time is up and you ride to the standing stones, the Hounds of Hell yapping at the horse's heels. A grisly exhibition of trophies adorns the monoliths, the heads of your previous victims. The more recent have been crudely embalmed. One of last year's victims was the young sorceress, Noquila, you growl in annoyance at the sight of her, her spells had been love spells, she was powerless against you and poor sport. Next to her is the body of the big barbarian Torvald Bloodaxe, his plaits still swinging in the wind, his face a mask of agony. He had been good sport.


The stones are on a conical hill-top. Behind you the dark towers of Castle Remorse deter all attempts at escape to the east. A track leads north towards high ground and a road of beaten earth winds south towards the hills of the Barrow Weald. To the west lies the rising swell of the rough moor. The hounds are confused, for some reason they find it difficult to tell in which direction your quarry set off. Sorcery is at work. Someone has tried to thwart you by aiding the quarry.

• Head due west across the moor?
• Take the road south?
• Take the track north?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxx8910111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

Ok, so it turns out that all the quarry characters get this unknown magical aid, not just the thief.

West to the moor, the direction where none of my allies are covering.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You know every inch of this rough inhospitable moorland and your horse and the hounds can cross it more quickly than can your quarry. The bracken and moss underfoot are spongy and wet.

(Your opponent does not have the relevant tracks keyword.)

There is no sign of the quarry having come this way as the hounds find no scent, and there is little chance of hiding in the rocky moorland. Your horse occasionally sinks into the mire, but you are not much delayed.

• Search the moorland?
• Ride down into a gully to the west which you know to be a dead end?
• Climb the spur to the west?
• Go north to the track which leads past the standing stone to the cataract and on to the accursed monastery?
• Go south to the road of beaten earth that crosses the Barrow Weald?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxx910111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

West towards the fens.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You are soon at the highest point of the moor, but there is no sign of your quarry. Even here the ground is wet and spongy underfoot.

• Continue along the spur to the west where you know the moorland is riven by an impassable cliff?
• Turn southwest and descend again?
• Turn back to the standing stones where your quarry was set loose?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxx10111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

Impassable? Well, at least the priest would probably have problems scaling that.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The moorland is wet and spongy underfoot and the going is rough. The moorland rises in a series of swelling folds of land to the north and east. The woods are shrouded in mist in the basin to the southwest. Due west is an area of land that looks lush and green and very flat but you know it to be marshland. Nearby is a healing-myrtle bush, one of the few left on Orb.

(The bush has not previously been harvested).

You strip the bush of its berries. You may eat them all at any time you are not in combat and they will restore a wound.

• Head west?
• Head north?
• Head due east to the highest part of the moor?
• Head southwest toward the misty wood?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxx111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »


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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The lush green and flat meadow is indeed marshland. The great fen stretches away towards the horizon. In the distance to the northwest you can see the mountains wrapped in a blue haze. You are about to go on, up to your knees in water, when an alligator attacks with a sudden rush and churning of water. You must defend yourself.


Round 1: You 10, Gator 12; Damage 1 (1 HL), armor saves.
Round 2: You 10, Gator 9; Damage 8 (3 HL), Gator is Discouraged.

Your horse has become bogged down in the green mire of the fen. The hounds, however, are treading the ethereal plane, just clear of the mucky surface. If you want to go on with your horse, you must WAIT. If you decide instead to abandon your horse to the alligators and a watery grave, you may walk on water and leave the fen as quickly as you entered it. When you have decided you may:
• Go north?
• Go east?
• Go south towards the wood?
So, decide your horse's fate, and also direction of travel.
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxx1213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

So I can't continue west even if I abandon the horse? I guess this means my quarry can't go this way either?

Is the Hunter told of any bonuses he gets/loses for the horse?

Spend a WAIT to save the horse and go south, I guess. If the quarry can't go by this route then it's either north or south, and I got double-insurance placed in the north.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The quarry sometimes has options that aren't available to the Archveult, but those mostly involve other people being nice to them. IIRC the center of the marsh is impassable to everyone. The horse has no explicit benefits, it's a tag that gets checked by text.

Also, you're getting a message through your mental link with your son. He's found the quarry in the mountain pass and is attacking!

His stats look like this:

A Trifling Scratch0+1No
Wounded-2-11 in 6
Badly Wounded-4-21 in 3
Shrieking in Pain-5-31 in 2

If the Demiveult flees, it will not return until the Archveult rearranges his allies.

The quarry is still unarmed. At what level of injury would you like the Demiveult to use the healing balm?
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Post by SGamerz »

I can't order it to flee if it gets too hurt and save the heal for later, can I?

In that case, use the heal when it falls below Uncomfortable (but only if it doesn't roll a flee result).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Alas, while you can experience the combat through your mental link, once the blood-lust is upon your son, he can't be called off.
Round 1: The Quarry (Cause Wounds) 10, The Demiveult 7; Damage 5 (1 WL), the Demiveult is Unconcerned.
Round 2: The Quarry (Cause Wounds) 13, The Demiveult 11; Damage 3 (1 WL), the Demiveult has A Trifling Scratch.
Round 3: The Quarry (Cause Wounds) 10, The Demiveult 4; Damage 2 (1 WL), the Demiveult is Uncomfortable.
Round 4: The Quarry (Cause Wounds) 11, The Demiveult 6; Damage 2 (1 WL), the Demiveult is Wounded. The Demiveult flees!
Alas, foul spells drove away the Demiveult. I'm pretty sure you can have him use the salve between fights so he'll show up at full strength next time, if you want. Or I guess you could save it, for max heal effect.
(There are no tracks of the quarry here.)

You come to a muddy meadow at the fringes of a thick line of trees marching away to the north and south. Strangely, the trees seem shrouded in mist, and clouds of grey moist fog billow out from the wood across the meadow. You know this to be the Misty Wood, a perilous place which is difficult to get through. The thick fog would disorient the senses of even your hounds. Further north you can make out the beginnings of a great swamp – impassable even for you.

• Enter the misty wood?
• Head northeast towards the rough heathland there?
• Follow the edge of the woods to the south?
• Conduct a thorough search of this area?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxx141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

He rolled a 13 while unarmed? Damn, that means he's got combat magic too, I guess. I sure hope those are 1-shot spells.

No point searching here since I know he's not here. And I've got a henchman waiting in the woods if he decides to leave the road. So go southwest and try to cut him off on the road to prevent him from reaching Braggarts' Hold.

EDIT: Actually, scratch that, just cut through the woods to get to him faster. I don't have to avoid my own henchman.
Last edited by SGamerz on Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The wood is strangely silent, there is a thick mist, and visibility is no more than three feet or so in front of you. The cloying fog seems to cling to you, like a slave begging for mercy, and soon you and your hounds are soaked through. The ground is wet and muddy, thick with rotting leaves. You blunder about, but soon your hounds and yourself have lost any scent or sense of direction. You are completely and hopelessly lost. You are pessimistic about finding your quarry in this mist.

Suddenly the silence is rent by a spine-chilling eerie howling that seems to echo around the billowing mist. You stand stock-still – even you have been frozen with terror as the uncanny shriek wails on. It is not like the baying of the Hounds of Hell, it does not have that evil malice, it just sounds unnatural. Your hounds begin a whining chorus as they answer the primordial call.

(Your next destination is chosen randomly! The die roll is 4.)
(Another shriek joins the choir, but from far away. It is the stone sentry signal that an unauthorized person is traveling through the mountain pass. The quarry has tripped it.)
(Neither you nor the quarry has a particular keyword.)
You press on through the mist, the hounds padding alongside. Suddenly, the mist lifts a little, and you find yourself in a small clearing. A fetid stench fills your nostrils and sets your hounds baying. You see a headless corpse, half-decayed, propped up against a tree. It looks familiar – you remember it to be one of your previous victims who fought you here in the wood. The memory fills you with pleasure. His head now adorns your Hall of Trophies, the Standing Stones. Nearby is the spear he used in vain to defend himself. You may bother to take it this time. In any case you have not found your way out of the wood.

This sends you back to the mist for another random destination...
The wood is strangely silent, there is a thick mist, and visibility is no more than three feet or so in front of you...

(Your next destination is chosen randomly! The die roll is 5.)
No destination choice, but do let me know if you want that spear.
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 11718192021222324

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sun Mar 04, 2018 1:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Damn, I missed the text's warning that even I can get lost in this.

There's no penalty for picking up any stuff that I don't use, right? Pick up the spear just so that my quarry won't be able to.

And the mountain pass actually has its own alarm system? Why wasn't the Hunter told about this in the beginning? I could have deployed the henchman elsewhere if I'd known!
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(Neither you nor the quarry has a particular keyword.)

As you thread your way through the mist, it parts to reveal a grisly sight. Amidst the trees lie scattered the skeletal remains of several bodies. A close inspection tells you that these are guardsmen from your city of Askelon, although what they would be doing out here is anybody's guess. They have long since been looted, but a thorough search reveals a small key in the pouch of one, conveniently labeled 'postern gate.' You have found the key to the postern gate of Askelon, although it is of little use to you as the city fell under your sway long ago. (You record a code indicating that the key is no longer here.)

Just then an eerie howl fills the air – the Hounds of Hell cock their ears in puzzlement. A low feral growl sounds behind you – turning, you find yourself face-to-face with a half-human half-wolf thing, its great slavering jaws snapping with uncontrolled bloodlust as it bursts out of the mist. Your hound bare their teeth, their eyes glow with hellish fire, and they begin baying loudly. However, the wolf-man pauses, uncertain, as it realizes what it has has hoped to make a meal of. With a quiet whimper, the beast turns tail and flees. Calming your frenzied hounds, you press on through the woods.

That's one of my favorite scenes for the Archveult, where the monster of the misty woods just nopes out upon seeing you. Really builds up your 'king badass monster' cred. Also, night has fallen.
The wood is strangely silent, there is a thick mist, and visibility is no more than three feet or so in front of you...

(Your next destination is chosen randomly! The die roll is 2.)
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)
Postern gate key of Askelon

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xx192021222324

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(The quarry has not set off a trap here.)
(The quarry has not left tracks here.)

To the south, running to the west, is a fast-flowing river, on the north bank of which you stand. A cultivated meadow lies between you and a dark and dismal-looking wood to the north. Its trees are shrouded in mist and great billows of fog spill onto the ploughed field in front of you. You know the wood to be the Misty Wood, a wood almost impossible to travel through because of its thick fog.

To the west, the river flows into a wide expanse of open plains; beyond the river to the south you can make out some fortified building among the fields. You assume this to be Braggart's Hold, the owners of which are your vassals.

• Search the wood and its environs?
• Follow the river and go west?
• Explore the Misty Wood?
• Lead your hounds across the river towards Braggart's Hold?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)
Postern gate key of Askelon

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxx2021222324

Posts: 6331
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Post by SGamerz »

Well, at least getting lost in the woods wasn't a completely wasted trip, since I picked up stuff that he won't be able to do later. No way I'm gong near that place again unless I get an alarm from my henchman, though (come to think about it, why didn't he help me out there? He knows this place well, doesn't he?).

Cross the river south.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(The quarry has not left tracks here.)

You are forcing your way through wild brambles and shrubs. There is a river to the north, running east-west, beyond which you can make out the beginnings of Misty Wood.

• Search this area?
• Travel west through the brambles?
• Travel south through the brambles?
• Lead your hounds over the river to the Misty Wood?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)
Postern gate key of Askelon

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxx21222324

Posts: 6331
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Post by SGamerz »

Can't cut east straight for the road? Boo!

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(The quarry has not left tracks here.)

You are standing on a dusty paved road running east-west. To the west the road leads past an old ramshackle castle of wood and stone, Braggart's Hold. It's inhabitants are a group of bandits led by Razzim the Mad. They are your vassals. To the east, the road travels up through a steep pass between the mountains there. South, more mountains rise to the heavens. To the north lies open countryside.

• Search this area?
• Head north into the countryside?
• Take the road east to the Mountain Pass?
• Follow the road west toward the castle?
• Follow the road west, but skirt the castle?
The Archveult

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+2 Damage
+2 Strike with mace

Spiked mace
Armor (Absorbs one level of damage on a roll of 5+)
Healing-myrtle berries (Eat out-of-combat to heal one wound level)
Postern gate key of Askelon

Special Abilities
Night Vision
Breathe Water
Warrior Skill
Awe others
Suit of Armor

Hounds of Hell
(+2 strike, +1 damage)
Vicious (+1 strike)
Wounded (-1 damage)
Whimpering (-1 strike, -2 damage)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxx222324

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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